Ejemplo n.º 1
void EasySelectorWidget::redrawBackground(void)
  if (width() == 0 || height() == 0) {
    d->background = QPixmap();
  const int nX = d->maxLength - d->minLength + 1;
  const int nY = Password::MaxComplexity + 1;
  const int xs = width() / nX;
  const int ys = height() / nY;
  d->background = QPixmap(QSize(xs * nX + 1, ys * nY + 1));
  QPainter p(&d->background);
  for (int y = 0; y < nY; ++y)
    for (int x = 0; x < nX; ++x)
      p.fillRect(QRect(x * xs, d->background.height() - y * ys - ys, xs, ys),
                 red2yellow2green(qLn(passwordStrength(x + d->minLength, y)) / 40).darker(168));
  p.setPen(QPen(QBrush(QColor(0, 0, 0, 128)), 1));
  for (int x = 0; x <= nX; ++x)
    p.drawLine(xs * x, 0, xs * x, d->background.height());
  for (int y = 0; y <= nY; ++y)
    p.drawLine(0, ys * y, d->background.width(), ys * y);
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Process Key Chain
void processKeyChain(char *line, struct nipperConfig *nipper)
	// Variables
	struct keyChain *keyChainPointer = 0;
	struct keyConfig *keyPointer = 0;
	struct ciscoCommand command;

	// Debug
	if (nipper->debugMode == true)
		printf("Key Chain Line: %s\n", line);

	// Init
	command = splitLine(line);

	// Is this the first key chain?
	if (nipper->ios->chain == 0)
		keyChainPointer = malloc(sizeof(struct keyChain));
		memset(keyChainPointer, 0, sizeof(struct keyChain));

		// Pointers
		nipper->ios->chain = keyChainPointer;
		keyChainPointer->next = 0;

		// Init
		strncpy(keyChainPointer->name, command.part[2], sizeof(keyChainPointer->name));
		keyChainPointer->key = 0;

	// other key chains already exist
		// Find last key chain
		keyChainPointer = nipper->ios->chain;
		while (keyChainPointer->next != 0)
			keyChainPointer = keyChainPointer->next;

		// create new
		keyChainPointer->next = malloc(sizeof(struct keyChain));
		memset(keyChainPointer->next, 0, sizeof(struct keyChain));

		// Pointers
		keyChainPointer = keyChainPointer->next;
		keyChainPointer->next = 0;

		// Init
		strncpy(keyChainPointer->name, command.part[2], sizeof(keyChainPointer->name));
		keyChainPointer->key = 0;

	// Get keys
	readLine(nipper->input, line, nipper->maxSize);
	while ((feof(nipper->input) == 0) && (line[0] == ' '))
		// Debug
		if (nipper->debugMode == true)
			printf("Key Chain Line: %s\n", line);

		// Init
		command = splitLine(line);

		// Key
		if (strcmp(command.part[0], "key") == 0)
			// Is it the first key?
			if (keyChainPointer->key == 0)
				keyPointer = malloc(sizeof(struct keyConfig));

				// Pointers
				keyChainPointer->key = keyPointer;

			// Other keys exist
				keyPointer = keyChainPointer->key;
				while (keyPointer->next != 0)
					keyPointer = keyPointer->next;
				keyPointer->next = malloc(sizeof(struct keyConfig));

				// Pointers
				keyPointer = keyPointer->next;

			// Init
			memset(keyPointer, 0, sizeof(struct keyConfig));
			keyPointer->keyNumber = atoi(command.part[1]);
			strcpy(keyPointer->key, "");
			keyPointer->weak = false;
			keyPointer->dictionary = false;

		// Key String
		else if (strcmp(command.part[0], "key-string") == 0)
			strncpy(keyPointer->key, command.part[1], sizeof(keyPointer->key));
			if (simplePassword(keyPointer->key, nipper) == true)
				keyPointer->dictionary = true;
			if (passwordStrength(keyPointer->key, nipper) == false)
				keyPointer->weak = true;

		// Get next line
		readLine(nipper->input, line, nipper->maxSize);
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Process FTP
void processFtp(char *line, struct nipperConfig *nipper)
	// Variables
	struct netInterface *interfacePointer = 0;

	// Debug
	if (nipper->debugMode == true)
		printf("FTP Line: %s\n", line);

	// Check to see if FTP already exists
	if (nipper->ios->ftp == 0)
		// Create struct
		nipper->ios->ftp = malloc(sizeof(struct ftpConfig));
		memset(nipper->ios->ftp, 0, sizeof(struct ftpConfig));

		// Init
		nipper->ios->ftp->encryption = -1;
		nipper->ios->ftp->weak = false;
		nipper->ios->ftp->dictionary = false;

	// Check for username
	if (strncmp(line, "ip ftp username ", 16) == 0)
		strncpy(nipper->ios->ftp->username, line + 16, sizeof(nipper->ios->ftp->username));

	// Check for interface
	if (strncmp(line, "ip ftp source-interface ", 24) == 0)
		// Allocate struct
		interfacePointer = malloc(sizeof(struct netInterface));
		memset(interfacePointer, 0, sizeof(struct netInterface));

		// Pointers
		interfacePointer->next = nipper->ios->ftp->interface;
		nipper->ios->ftp->interface = interfacePointer;

		// Copy interface
		strncpy(interfacePointer->interface, line + 24, sizeof(interfacePointer->interface));

	// Check for password
	else if (strncmp("ip ftp password ", line, 16) == 0)
		switch (line[16])
			case '7':
				nipper->ios->ftp->encryption = encrypt_type7;
				if (password7(line+18, nipper->ios->ftp->password, sizeof(nipper->ios->ftp->password), nipper->debugMode) != 0)
					strcpy(nipper->ios->ftp->password, "<unknown>");
				strncpy(nipper->ios->ftp->passwordEncrypted, line+18, sizeof(nipper->ios->ftp->passwordEncrypted));

			case '5':
				nipper->ios->ftp->encryption = encrypt_md5;
				strcpy(nipper->ios->ftp->password, "<unknown>");
				strncpy(nipper->ios->ftp->passwordEncrypted, line+18, sizeof(nipper->ios->ftp->passwordEncrypted));
				addJohnPassword(nipper, nipper->ios->ftp->username, nipper->ios->ftp->passwordEncrypted);

			case '0':
				nipper->ios->ftp->encryption = encrypt_none;
				strncpy(nipper->ios->ftp->password, line+18, sizeof(nipper->ios->ftp->password));
				strcpy(nipper->ios->enable->passwordEncrypted, "");

				nipper->ios->ftp->encryption = encrypt_unknown;
				strcpy(nipper->ios->ftp->password, "<unknown>");
				strncpy(nipper->ios->ftp->passwordEncrypted, line+18, sizeof(nipper->ios->ftp->passwordEncrypted));
		if ((strcmp(nipper->ios->ftp->password, "<unknown>") != 0) && (strlen(nipper->ios->ftp->password) != 0))
			if (simplePassword(nipper->ios->ftp->password, nipper) == true)
				nipper->ios->ftp->dictionary = true;
			if (passwordStrength(nipper->ios->ftp->password, nipper) == false)
				nipper->ios->ftp->weak = true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Process admin lines
void processSOSSNMP(char *line, struct nipperConfig *nipper)
	// Variables
	struct ciscoCommand command;
	struct snmpCommunitySOS *communityPointer = 0;
	struct snmpHostSOS *snmpHostPointer = 0;
	int tempInt;

	if (nipper->debugMode == true)
		printf("SNMP Line: %s\n", line);

	// Init
	command = splitLine(line);

	// Create SNMP Struct if required.
	if (nipper->sos->snmp == 0)
		nipper->sos->snmp = malloc(sizeof(struct snmpSOS));
		memset(nipper->sos->snmp, 0 , sizeof(struct snmpSOS));
		nipper->sos->snmp->listenPort = 161;
		nipper->sos->snmp->trapPort = 162;
		nipper->sos->snmp->authTrap = false;

	// SNMP Contact...
	if (strcasecmp(command.part[2], "contact") == 0)
		stripQuotes(command.part[3], nipper->sos->snmp->contact, sizeof(nipper->sos->snmp->contact));

	// SNMP location...
	else if (strcasecmp(command.part[2], "location") == 0)
		stripQuotes(command.part[3], nipper->sos->snmp->location, sizeof(nipper->sos->snmp->location));

	// SNMP System Name...
	else if (strcasecmp(command.part[2], "name") == 0)
		stripQuotes(command.part[3], nipper->sos->snmp->systemName, sizeof(nipper->sos->snmp->systemName));

	// SNMP Listen Port...
	else if ((strcasecmp(command.part[2], "port") == 0) && (strcmp(command.part[3], "listen") == 0))
		nipper->sos->snmp->listenPort = atoi(command.part[4]);

	// SNMP Trap Port...
	else if ((strcasecmp(command.part[2], "port") == 0) && (strcmp(command.part[3], "trap") == 0))
		nipper->sos->snmp->trapPort = atoi(command.part[4]);

	// Authentication Traps...
	else if ((strcasecmp(command.part[2], "auth-trap") == 0) && (strcmp(command.part[3], "enable") == 0))
		nipper->sos->snmp->authTrap = true;

	// Community
	else if ((strcasecmp(command.part[2], "community") == 0) && (strcmp(command.part[0], "set") == 0))
		// If first community...
		if (nipper->sos->snmp->community == 0)
			nipper->sos->snmp->community = malloc(sizeof(struct snmpCommunitySOS));
			memset(nipper->sos->snmp->community, 0 , sizeof(struct snmpCommunitySOS));
			communityPointer = nipper->sos->snmp->community;
			communityPointer = nipper->sos->snmp->community;
			while (communityPointer->next != 0)
				communityPointer = communityPointer->next;
			communityPointer->next = malloc(sizeof(struct snmpCommunitySOS));
			memset(communityPointer->next, 0 , sizeof(struct snmpCommunitySOS));
			communityPointer = communityPointer->next;

		// Init...
		communityPointer->enableTraps = false;
		communityPointer->trafficTraps = false;
		communityPointer->version = snmp1_2;
		communityPointer->weak = false;
		communityPointer->dictionary = false;

		// Community
		stripQuotes(command.part[3], communityPointer->community, sizeof(communityPointer->community));

		// Check strength / dictionary...
		if (simplePassword(communityPointer->community, nipper) == true)
			communityPointer->dictionary = true;
		if (passwordStrength(communityPointer->community, nipper) == false)
			communityPointer->weak = true;

		// Get other parameters...
		tempInt = 4;
		while (tempInt < command.parts)
			// version
			if (strcasecmp(command.part[tempInt], "version") == 0)
				if (strcasecmp(command.part[tempInt], "any") == 0)
					communityPointer->version = snmp1_2;
				else if (strcasecmp(command.part[tempInt], "v1") == 0)
					communityPointer->version = snmp1;
				else if ((strcasecmp(command.part[tempInt], "v2") == 0) || (strcmp(command.part[tempInt], "v2c") == 0))
					communityPointer->version = snmp2c;

			// Trap On
			else if (strcasecmp(command.part[tempInt], "trap-on") == 0)
				communityPointer->enableTraps = true;

			// Trap Off
			else if (strcasecmp(command.part[tempInt], "trap-off") == 0)
				communityPointer->enableTraps = false;

			// Trap On
			else if (strcasecmp(command.part[tempInt], "traffic") == 0)
				communityPointer->trafficTraps = true;


	// Host
	else if (strcasecmp(command.part[2], "host") == 0)
		// If first community...
		if (nipper->sos->snmp->host == 0)
			nipper->sos->snmp->host = malloc(sizeof(struct snmpHostSOS));
			memset(nipper->sos->snmp->host, 0 , sizeof(struct snmpHostSOS));
			snmpHostPointer = nipper->sos->snmp->host;
			snmpHostPointer = nipper->sos->snmp->host;
			while (snmpHostPointer->next != 0)
				snmpHostPointer = snmpHostPointer->next;
			snmpHostPointer->next = malloc(sizeof(struct snmpHostSOS));
			memset(snmpHostPointer->next, 0 , sizeof(struct snmpHostSOS));
			snmpHostPointer = snmpHostPointer->next;

		// Init
		strcpy(snmpHostPointer->sourceInterface, "Any");
		snmpHostPointer->weak = false;
		snmpHostPointer->dictionary = false;

		// Community
		stripQuotes(command.part[3], snmpHostPointer->community, sizeof(snmpHostPointer->community));

		// Check strength / dictionary...
		if (simplePassword(snmpHostPointer->community, nipper) == true)
			snmpHostPointer->dictionary = true;
		if (passwordStrength(snmpHostPointer->community, nipper) == false)
			snmpHostPointer->weak = true;

		// Host
		stripQuotes(command.part[4], snmpHostPointer->host, sizeof(snmpHostPointer->host));

		// Options and Trap version
		tempInt = 5;
		while (tempInt < command.parts)
			// Source Interface...
			if (strcasecmp(command.part[tempInt], "src-interface") == 0)
				stripQuotes(command.part[tempInt], snmpHostPointer->sourceInterface, sizeof(snmpHostPointer->sourceInterface));

			// trap...
			else if (strcasecmp(command.part[tempInt], "trap") == 0)
				if (strcasecmp(command.part[tempInt], "v1") == 0)
					snmpHostPointer->version = snmp1;
				else if ((strcasecmp(command.part[tempInt], "v2") == 0) || (strcasecmp(command.part[tempInt], "v2c") == 0))
					snmpHostPointer->version = snmp2c;

Ejemplo n.º 5
// Process NTP
void processNtp(char *line, struct nipperConfig *nipper)
	// Variables
	struct ntpKey *ntpKeyPointer = 0;
	struct ntpHost *ntpHostPointer = 0;
	struct ntpAccessGroup *ntpAccessPointer = 0;
	int tempInt = 0;

	// Debug
	if (nipper->debugMode == true)
		printf("NTP Line: %s\n", line);

	// Check to see if NTP already exists
	if (nipper->ios->ntp == 0)
		nipper->ios->ntp = malloc(sizeof(struct ntpConfig));
		memset(nipper->ios->ntp, 0, sizeof(struct ntpConfig));

		// Init
		nipper->ios->ntp->enabled = true;
		nipper->ios->ntp->master = false;
		nipper->ios->ntp->authentication = false;

	// ntp disable?
	if (strncmp(line, "ntp disable", 11) == 0)
		nipper->ios->ntp->enabled = false;

	// ntp master?
	else if (strncmp(line, "ntp master", 10) == 0)
		nipper->ios->ntp->master = true;

	// ntp server / peer?
	else if ((strncmp(line, "ntp server ", 11) == 0) || (strncmp(line, "ntp peer ", 9) == 0))
		// create ntp host struct
		ntpHostPointer = malloc(sizeof(struct ntpHost));
		memset(ntpHostPointer, 0, sizeof(struct ntpHost));

		// Sort out Pointers
		if (strncmp(line, "ntp server ", 11) == 0)
			ntpHostPointer->next = nipper->ios->ntp->server;
			nipper->ios->ntp->server = ntpHostPointer;
			ntpHostPointer->next = nipper->ios->ntp->peer;
			nipper->ios->ntp->peer = ntpHostPointer;

		// Init
		ntpHostPointer->keyNum = -1;

		// Get info
		tempInt = nextSpace(line + 11);
		if (line[11 + tempInt] == 0)
			strncpy(ntpHostPointer->ntpHost, line + 11, sizeof(ntpHostPointer->ntpHost));
			line[11 + tempInt] = 0;
			strncpy(ntpHostPointer->ntpHost, line + 11, sizeof(ntpHostPointer->ntpHost));

			// If key exists
			if (strncmp(line + 11 + tempInt, "key ", 4) == 0)
				ntpHostPointer->keyNum = atoi(line + 15 + tempInt);

	// ntp authentication?
	else if (strncmp(line, "ntp authenticate", 16) == 0)
		nipper->ios->ntp->authentication = true;

	// ntp authentication key?
	else if (strncmp(line, "ntp authentication-key ", 23) == 0)
		// create ntp key struct
		ntpKeyPointer = malloc(sizeof(struct ntpKey));
		memset(ntpKeyPointer, 0, sizeof(struct ntpKey));

		// Sort out Pointers
		ntpKeyPointer->next = nipper->ios->ntp->key;
		nipper->ios->ntp->key = ntpKeyPointer;

		// Init
		ntpKeyPointer->trusted = false;
		ntpKeyPointer->weak = false;
		ntpKeyPointer->dictionary = false;

		tempInt = nextSpace(line + 23);
		line[23 + tempInt] = 0;
		ntpKeyPointer->keyNum = atoi(line + 23);
		strncpy(ntpKeyPointer->key, line + 27 + tempInt, sizeof(ntpKeyPointer->key));
		if (simplePassword(ntpKeyPointer->key, nipper) == true)
			ntpKeyPointer->dictionary = true;
		if (passwordStrength(ntpKeyPointer->key, nipper) == false)
			ntpKeyPointer->weak = true;

	// ntp authentication key trusted?
	else if (strncmp(line, "ntp trusted-key ", 16) == 0)
		// Init
		ntpKeyPointer = nipper->ios->ntp->key;
		tempInt = atoi(line + 16);

		// Find key
		while ((ntpKeyPointer != 0) && (ntpKeyPointer->keyNum != tempInt))
			ntpKeyPointer = ntpKeyPointer->next;

		// Set trusted if found
		if (ntpKeyPointer->keyNum == tempInt)
			ntpKeyPointer->trusted = true;

	// ntp access-group?
	else if (strncmp(line, "ntp access-group ", 17) == 0)
		// create ntp access-group struct
		ntpAccessPointer = malloc(sizeof(struct ntpAccessGroup));
		memset(ntpAccessPointer, 0, sizeof(struct ntpAccessGroup));

		// Sort out Pointers
		ntpAccessPointer->next = nipper->ios->ntp->access;
		nipper->ios->ntp->access = ntpAccessPointer;

		// Get access type
		if (strncmp(line + 17, "peer ", 5) == 0)
			ntpAccessPointer->accessType = ntp_peer;
		else if (strncmp(line + 17, "serve ", 6) == 0)
			ntpAccessPointer->accessType = ntp_serve;
		else if (strncmp(line + 17, "serve-only ", 11) == 0)
			ntpAccessPointer->accessType = ntp_serve_only;
			ntpAccessPointer->accessType = ntp_query_only;

		// Get access-list num
		tempInt = nextSpace(line + 17);
		strncpy(ntpAccessPointer->accessList, line + 18 + tempInt, sizeof(ntpAccessPointer->accessList) - 1);