Ejemplo n.º 1
static int cfs_getattr(const char *path, struct stat *stbuf)
  stbuf->st_uid = geteuid();
  stbuf->st_gid = getegid();
  if (!strcmp(path, "/"))
    stbuf->st_mode = S_IFDIR | 0755;
    stbuf->st_nlink = 2;
    return 0;
  dir_entry *de = path_info(path);
  if (!de)
    return -ENOENT;
  stbuf->st_ctime = stbuf->st_mtime = de->last_modified;
  if (de->isdir)
    stbuf->st_size = 0;
    stbuf->st_mode = S_IFDIR | 0755;
    stbuf->st_nlink = 2;
    stbuf->st_size = de->size;
    /* calc. blocks as if 4K blocksize filesystem; stat uses units of 512B */
    stbuf->st_blocks = ((4095 + de->size) / 4096) * 8;
    fprintf(stderr, "size %ld blocks %ld\n", de->size, stbuf->st_blocks);
    stbuf->st_mode = S_IFREG | 0666;
    stbuf->st_nlink = 1;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static int cfs_fgetattr(const char* path, struct stat* stbuf,
                        struct fuse_file_info* info)
  debugf(DBG_LEVEL_NORM, KBLU "cfs_fgetattr(%s)", path);
  openfile* of = (openfile*)(uintptr_t)info->fh;
  if (of)
    //get file. if not in cache will be downloaded.
    dir_entry* de = path_info(path);
    if (!de)
      debugf(DBG_LEVEL_NORM, KBLU"exit 1: cfs_fgetattr(%s) "KYEL"not-in-cache/cloud",
      return -ENOENT;
    int default_mode_file;
    if (option_enable_chmod)
      default_mode_file = de->chmod;
      default_mode_file = 0666;

    stbuf->st_size = cloudfs_file_size(of->fd);
    stbuf->st_mode = S_IFREG | default_mode_file;
    stbuf->st_nlink = 1;
    debugf(DBG_LEVEL_NORM, KBLU "exit 0: cfs_fgetattr(%s)", path);
    return 0;
  debugf(DBG_LEVEL_NORM, KRED "exit 1: cfs_fgetattr(%s)", path);
  return -ENOENT;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static int cfs_rename(const char* src, const char* dst)
  debugf(DBG_LEVEL_NORM, KBLU"cfs_rename(%s, %s)", src, dst);
  dir_entry* src_de = path_info(src);
  if (!src_de)
    debugf(DBG_LEVEL_NORM, KRED"exit 0: cfs_rename(%s,%s) not-found", src, dst);
    return -ENOENT;
  if (src_de->isdir)
    debugf(DBG_LEVEL_NORM, KRED"exit 1: cfs_rename(%s,%s) cannot rename dirs!",
           src, dst);
    return -EISDIR;
  if (cloudfs_copy_object(src, dst))
    /* FIXME this isn't quite right as doesn't preserve last modified */
    //fix done in cloudfs_copy_object()
    update_dir_cache(dst, src_de->size, 0, 0);
    int result = cfs_unlink(src);

    dir_entry* dst_de = path_info(dst);
    if (!dst_de)
      debugf(DBG_LEVEL_NORM, KRED"cfs_rename(%s,%s) dest-not-found-in-cache", src,
      debugf(DBG_LEVEL_NORM, KBLU"cfs_rename(%s,%s) upload ok", src, dst);
      //copy attributes, shortcut, rather than forcing a download from cloud
      copy_dir_entry(src_de, dst_de);

    debugf(DBG_LEVEL_NORM, KBLU"exit 3: cfs_rename(%s,%s)", src, dst);
    return result;
  debugf(DBG_LEVEL_NORM, KRED"exit 4: cfs_rename(%s,%s) io error", src, dst);
  return -EIO;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static int cfs_rename(const char *src, const char *dst)
    dir_entry *src_de = path_info(src);
    if (!src_de)
        return -ENOENT;
    if (src_de->isdir)
        return -EISDIR;
    if (cloudfs_copy_object(src, dst))
        /* FIXME this isn't quite right as doesn't preserve last modified */
        update_dir_cache(dst, src_de->size, 0, 0);
        return cfs_unlink(src);
    return -EIO;
Ejemplo n.º 5
static int cfs_utimens(const char* path, const struct timespec times[2])
  debugf(DBG_LEVEL_NORM, KBLU "cfs_utimens(%s)", path);
  dir_entry* path_de = path_info(path);
  if (!path_de)
    debugf(DBG_LEVEL_NORM, KRED"exit 0: cfs_utimens(%s) file not in cache", path);
    return -ENOENT;
  struct timespec now;
  clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now);

  if (path_de->atime.tv_sec != times[0].tv_sec
      || path_de->atime.tv_nsec != times[0].tv_nsec ||
      path_de->mtime.tv_sec != times[1].tv_sec
      || path_de->mtime.tv_nsec != times[1].tv_nsec)
    debugf(DBG_LEVEL_EXT, KCYN
           "cfs_utimens: change for %s, prev: atime=%li.%li mtime=%li.%li, new: atime=%li.%li mtime=%li.%li",
           path_de->atime.tv_sec, path_de->atime.tv_nsec, path_de->mtime.tv_sec,
           times[0].tv_sec, times[0].tv_nsec, times[1].tv_sec, times[1].tv_nsec);
    char time_str[TIME_CHARS] = "";
    get_timespec_as_str(&times[1], time_str, sizeof(time_str));
    debugf(DBG_LEVEL_EXT, KCYN"cfs_utimens: set mtime=[%s]", time_str);
    get_timespec_as_str(&times[0], time_str, sizeof(time_str));
    debugf(DBG_LEVEL_EXT, KCYN"cfs_utimens: set atime=[%s]", time_str);
    path_de->atime = times[0];
    path_de->mtime = times[1];
    // not sure how to best obtain ctime from fuse source file. just record current date.
    path_de->ctime = now;
    //calling a meta cloud update here is not always needed.
    //touch for example opens and closes/flush the file.
    //worth implementing a meta cache functionality to avoid multiple uploads on meta changes
    //when changing timestamps on very large files, touch command will trigger 2 x long and useless file uploads on cfs_flush()
    debugf(DBG_LEVEL_EXT, KCYN"cfs_utimens: a/m/time not changed");
  debugf(DBG_LEVEL_NORM, KBLU "exit 1: cfs_utimens(%s)", path);
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
static int cfs_open(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *info)
  FILE *temp_file = tmpfile();
  dir_entry *de = path_info(path);
  if (!(info->flags & O_WRONLY))
    if (!cloudfs_object_write_fp(path, temp_file))
      return -ENOENT;
    update_dir_cache(path, (de ? de->size : 0), 0);
  openfile *of = (openfile *)malloc(sizeof(openfile));
  of->fd = dup(fileno(temp_file));
  of->flags = info->flags;
  info->fh = (uintptr_t)of;
  info->direct_io = 1;
  return 0;
const std::string download_istream::do_type() const {

   if( !m_type.empty() ) 
      return m_type;


   QUrl url;

   QFileInfo path_info(url.path());
   QString suffix = path_info.suffix();


   if( suffix.compare("wrl", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 ||
       suffix.compare("vrml", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 ) {
      return std::string(openvrml::vrml_media_type);

   if( suffix.compare("x3d", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 ||
       suffix.compare("x3dv", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 ) {
      return std::string(openvrml::x3d_vrml_media_type);

   if( suffix.compare("png", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 ) {
      return std::string("image/png");

   if( suffix.compare("jpg", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 ||
       suffix.compare("jpeg", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 ) {
      return std::string("image/jpeg");

   return std::string();
Ejemplo n.º 8
void PrettyImage::SaveAs() {
  QString filename = QFileInfo(url_.path()).fileName();

  if (filename.isEmpty()) filename = "artwork.jpg";

  QSettings s;
  QString last_save_dir = s.value("last_save_dir", QDir::homePath()).toString();

  QString path = last_save_dir.isEmpty() ? QDir::homePath() : last_save_dir;
  QFileInfo path_info(path);
  if (path_info.isDir()) {
    path += "/" + filename;
  } else {
    path = path_info.path() + "/" + filename;

  filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save image"), path);
  if (filename.isEmpty()) return;


  s.setValue("last_save_dir", last_save_dir);
Ejemplo n.º 9
server_fcgi(struct httpd *env, struct client *clt)
	struct server_fcgi_param	 param;
	struct server_config		*srv_conf = clt->clt_srv_conf;
	struct http_descriptor		*desc = clt->clt_descreq;
	struct fcgi_record_header	*h;
	struct fcgi_begin_request_body	*begin;
	char				 hbuf[HOST_NAME_MAX+1];
	size_t				 scriptlen;
	int				 pathlen;
	int				 fd = -1, ret;
	const char			*stripped, *p, *alias, *errstr = NULL;
	char				*str, *script = NULL;

	if (srv_conf->socket[0] == ':') {
		struct sockaddr_storage	 ss;
		in_port_t		 port;

		p = srv_conf->socket + 1;

		port = strtonum(p, 0, 0xffff, &errstr);
		if (errstr != NULL) {
			log_warn("%s: strtonum %s, %s", __func__, p, errstr);
			goto fail;
		memset(&ss, 0, sizeof(ss));
		ss.ss_family = AF_INET;
		((struct sockaddr_in *)
		    &ss)->sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
		port = htons(port);

		if ((fd = server_socket_connect(&ss, port, srv_conf)) == -1)
			goto fail;
	} else {
		struct sockaddr_un	 sun;
		size_t			 len;

		if ((fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1)
			goto fail;

		memset(&sun, 0, sizeof(sun));
		sun.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
		len = strlcpy(sun.sun_path,
		    srv_conf->socket, sizeof(sun.sun_path));
		if (len >= sizeof(sun.sun_path)) {
			errstr = "socket path to long";
			goto fail;
		sun.sun_len = len;

		if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&sun, sizeof(sun)) == -1)
			goto fail;

	socket_set_blockmode(fd, BM_NONBLOCK);

	memset(hbuf, 0, sizeof(hbuf));
	clt->clt_fcgi_state = FCGI_READ_HEADER;
	clt->clt_fcgi_toread = sizeof(struct fcgi_record_header);

	if (clt->clt_srvevb != NULL)

	clt->clt_srvevb = evbuffer_new();
	if (clt->clt_srvevb == NULL) {
		errstr = "failed to allocate evbuffer";
		goto fail;

	clt->clt_fd = fd;

	if (clt->clt_srvbev != NULL)

	clt->clt_srvbev_throttled = 0;
	clt->clt_srvbev = bufferevent_new(fd, server_fcgi_read,
	    NULL, server_file_error, clt);
	if (clt->clt_srvbev == NULL) {
		errstr = "failed to allocate fcgi buffer event";
		goto fail;

	memset(&param, 0, sizeof(param));

	h = (struct fcgi_record_header *)&param.buf;
	h->version = 1;
	h->id = htons(1);
	h->content_len = htons(sizeof(struct fcgi_begin_request_body));
	h->padding_len = 0;

	begin = (struct fcgi_begin_request_body *)&param.buf[sizeof(struct
	begin->role = htons(FCGI_RESPONDER);

	if (bufferevent_write(clt->clt_srvbev, &param.buf,
	    sizeof(struct fcgi_record_header) +
	    sizeof(struct fcgi_begin_request_body)) == -1) {
		errstr = "failed to write to evbuffer";
		goto fail;

	h->type = FCGI_PARAMS;
	h->content_len = param.total_len = 0;

	alias = desc->http_path_alias != NULL
	    ? desc->http_path_alias
	    : desc->http_path;

	stripped = server_root_strip(alias, srv_conf->strip);
	if ((pathlen = asprintf(&script, "%s%s", srv_conf->root, stripped))
	    == -1) {
		errstr = "failed to get script name";
		goto fail;

	scriptlen = path_info(script);
	 * no part of root should show up in PATH_INFO.
	 * therefore scriptlen should be >= strlen(root)
	if (scriptlen < strlen(srv_conf->root))
		scriptlen = strlen(srv_conf->root);
	if ((int)scriptlen < pathlen) {
		if (fcgi_add_param(&param, "PATH_INFO",
		    script + scriptlen, clt) == -1) {
			errstr = "failed to encode param";
			goto fail;
		script[scriptlen] = '\0';
	} else {
		/* RFC 3875 mandates that PATH_INFO is empty if not set */
		if (fcgi_add_param(&param, "PATH_INFO", "", clt) == -1) {
			errstr = "failed to encode param";
			goto fail;

	 * calculate length of http SCRIPT_NAME:
	 * add length of stripped prefix,
	 * subtract length of prepended local root
	scriptlen += (stripped - alias) - strlen(srv_conf->root);
	if ((str = strndup(alias, scriptlen)) == NULL)
		goto fail;
	ret = fcgi_add_param(&param, "SCRIPT_NAME", str, clt);
	if (ret == -1) {
		errstr = "failed to encode param";
		goto fail;
	if (fcgi_add_param(&param, "SCRIPT_FILENAME", script, clt) == -1) {
		errstr = "failed to encode param";
		goto fail;

	if (desc->http_query)
		if (fcgi_add_param(&param, "QUERY_STRING", desc->http_query,
		    clt) == -1) {
			errstr = "failed to encode param";
			goto fail;

	if (fcgi_add_param(&param, "DOCUMENT_ROOT", srv_conf->root,
	    clt) == -1) {
		errstr = "failed to encode param";
		goto fail;
	if (fcgi_add_param(&param, "DOCUMENT_URI", alias,
	    clt) == -1) {
		errstr = "failed to encode param";
		goto fail;
	if (fcgi_add_param(&param, "GATEWAY_INTERFACE", "CGI/1.1",
	    clt) == -1) {
		errstr = "failed to encode param";
		goto fail;

	if (srv_conf->flags & SRVFLAG_AUTH) {
		if (fcgi_add_param(&param, "REMOTE_USER",
		    clt->clt_remote_user, clt) == -1) {
			errstr = "failed to encode param";
			goto fail;

	/* Add HTTP_* headers */
	if (server_headers(clt, desc, server_fcgi_writeheader, &param) == -1) {
		errstr = "failed to encode param";
		goto fail;

	if (srv_conf->flags & SRVFLAG_TLS)
		if (fcgi_add_param(&param, "HTTPS", "on", clt) == -1) {
			errstr = "failed to encode param";
			goto fail;

	(void)print_host(&clt->clt_ss, hbuf, sizeof(hbuf));
	if (fcgi_add_param(&param, "REMOTE_ADDR", hbuf, clt) == -1) {
		errstr = "failed to encode param";
		goto fail;

	(void)snprintf(hbuf, sizeof(hbuf), "%d", ntohs(clt->clt_port));
	if (fcgi_add_param(&param, "REMOTE_PORT", hbuf, clt) == -1) {
		errstr = "failed to encode param";
		goto fail;

	if (fcgi_add_param(&param, "REQUEST_METHOD",
	    server_httpmethod_byid(desc->http_method), clt) == -1) {
		errstr = "failed to encode param";
		goto fail;

	if (!desc->http_query) {
		if (fcgi_add_param(&param, "REQUEST_URI", desc->http_path,
		    clt) == -1) {
			errstr = "failed to encode param";
			goto fail;
	} else {
		if (asprintf(&str, "%s?%s", desc->http_path,
		    desc->http_query) == -1) {
			errstr = "failed to encode param";
			goto fail;
		ret = fcgi_add_param(&param, "REQUEST_URI", str, clt);
		if (ret == -1) {
			errstr = "failed to encode param";
			goto fail;

	(void)print_host(&clt->clt_srv_ss, hbuf, sizeof(hbuf));
	if (fcgi_add_param(&param, "SERVER_ADDR", hbuf, clt) == -1) {
		errstr = "failed to encode param";
		goto fail;

	(void)snprintf(hbuf, sizeof(hbuf), "%d",
	if (fcgi_add_param(&param, "SERVER_PORT", hbuf, clt) == -1) {
		errstr = "failed to encode param";
		goto fail;

	if (fcgi_add_param(&param, "SERVER_NAME", srv_conf->name,
	    clt) == -1) {
		errstr = "failed to encode param";
		goto fail;

	if (fcgi_add_param(&param, "SERVER_PROTOCOL", desc->http_version,
	    clt) == -1) {
		errstr = "failed to encode param";
		goto fail;

	if (fcgi_add_param(&param, "SERVER_SOFTWARE", HTTPD_SERVERNAME,
	    clt) == -1) {
		errstr = "failed to encode param";
		goto fail;

	if (param.total_len != 0) {	/* send last params record */
		if (bufferevent_write(clt->clt_srvbev, &param.buf,
		    sizeof(struct fcgi_record_header) +
		    ntohs(h->content_len)) == -1) {
			errstr = "failed to write to client evbuffer";
			goto fail;

	/* send "no more params" message */
	h->content_len = 0;
	if (bufferevent_write(clt->clt_srvbev, &param.buf,
	    sizeof(struct fcgi_record_header)) == -1) {
		errstr = "failed to write to client evbuffer";
		goto fail;

	    srv_conf->timeout.tv_sec, srv_conf->timeout.tv_sec);
	bufferevent_enable(clt->clt_srvbev, EV_READ|EV_WRITE);
	if (clt->clt_toread != 0) {
		server_read_httpcontent(clt->clt_bev, clt);
		bufferevent_enable(clt->clt_bev, EV_READ);
	} else {
		bufferevent_disable(clt->clt_bev, EV_READ);
		fcgi_add_stdin(clt, NULL);

	if (strcmp(desc->http_version, "HTTP/1.1") == 0) {
		clt->clt_fcgi_chunked = 1;
	} else {
		/* HTTP/1.0 does not support chunked encoding */
		clt->clt_fcgi_chunked = 0;
		clt->clt_persist = 0;
	clt->clt_fcgi_end = 0;
	clt->clt_done = 0;

	return (0);
	if (errstr == NULL)
		errstr = strerror(errno);
	server_abort_http(clt, 500, errstr);
	return (-1);
Ejemplo n.º 10
void LibraryWatcher::ScanSubdirectory(const QString& path,
                                      const Subdirectory& subdir,
                                      ScanTransaction* t,
                                      bool force_noincremental) {
  QFileInfo path_info(path);
  QDir      path_dir(path);

  // Do not scan symlinked dirs that are already in collection
  if (path_info.isSymLink()) {
    QString real_path = path_info.symLinkTarget();
    for (const Directory& dir : watched_dirs_) {
      if (real_path.startsWith(dir.path)) {

  // Do not scan directories containing a .nomedia or .nomusic file
  if (path_dir.exists(kNoMediaFile) ||
      path_dir.exists(kNoMusicFile)) {

  if (!t->ignores_mtime() && !force_noincremental && t->is_incremental() &&
      subdir.mtime == path_info.lastModified().toTime_t()) {
    // The directory hasn't changed since last time

  QMap<QString, QStringList> album_art;
  QStringList files_on_disk;
  SubdirectoryList my_new_subdirs;

  // If a directory is moved then only its parent gets a changed notification,
  // so we need to look and see if any of our children don't exist any more.
  // If one has been removed, "rescan" it to get the deleted songs
  SubdirectoryList previous_subdirs = t->GetImmediateSubdirs(path);
  for (const Subdirectory& subdir : previous_subdirs) {
    if (!QFile::exists(subdir.path) && subdir.path != path) {
      ScanSubdirectory(subdir.path, subdir, t, true);

  // First we "quickly" get a list of the files in the directory that we
  // think might be music.  While we're here, we also look for new
  // subdirectories
  // and possible album artwork.
  QDirIterator it(
      path, QDir::Dirs | QDir::Files | QDir::Hidden | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
  while (it.hasNext()) {
    if (stop_requested_) return;

    QString child(it.next());
    QFileInfo child_info(child);

    if (child_info.isDir()) {
      if (!child_info.isHidden() && !t->HasSeenSubdir(child)) {
        // We haven't seen this subdirectory before - add it to a list and
        // later we'll tell the backend about it and scan it.
        Subdirectory new_subdir;
        new_subdir.directory_id = -1;
        new_subdir.path = child;
        new_subdir.mtime = child_info.lastModified().toTime_t();
        my_new_subdirs << new_subdir;
    } else {
      QString ext_part(ExtensionPart(child));
      QString dir_part(DirectoryPart(child));

      if (sValidImages.contains(ext_part))
        album_art[dir_part] << child;
      else if (!child_info.isHidden())
        files_on_disk << child;

  if (stop_requested_) return;

  // Ask the database for a list of files in this directory
  SongList songs_in_db = t->FindSongsInSubdirectory(path);

  QSet<QString> cues_processed;

  // Now compare the list from the database with the list of files on disk
  for (const QString& file : files_on_disk) {
    if (stop_requested_) return;

    // associated cue
    QString matching_cue = NoExtensionPart(file) + ".cue";

    Song matching_song;
    if (FindSongByPath(songs_in_db, file, &matching_song)) {
      uint matching_cue_mtime = GetMtimeForCue(matching_cue);

      // The song is in the database and still on disk.
      // Check the mtime to see if it's been changed since it was added.
      QFileInfo file_info(file);

      if (!file_info.exists()) {
        // Partially fixes race condition - if file was removed between being
        // added to the list and now.

      // cue sheet's path from library (if any)
      QString song_cue = matching_song.cue_path();
      uint song_cue_mtime = GetMtimeForCue(song_cue);

      bool cue_deleted = song_cue_mtime == 0 && matching_song.has_cue();
      bool cue_added = matching_cue_mtime != 0 && !matching_song.has_cue();

      // watch out for cue songs which have their mtime equal to
      // qMax(media_file_mtime, cue_sheet_mtime)
      bool changed =
          (matching_song.mtime() !=
           qMax(file_info.lastModified().toTime_t(), song_cue_mtime)) ||
          cue_deleted || cue_added;

      // Also want to look to see whether the album art has changed
      QString image = ImageForSong(file, album_art);
      if ((matching_song.art_automatic().isEmpty() && !image.isEmpty()) ||
          (!matching_song.art_automatic().isEmpty() &&
           !matching_song.has_embedded_cover() &&
           !QFile::exists(matching_song.art_automatic()))) {
        changed = true;

      // the song's changed - reread the metadata from file
      if (t->ignores_mtime() || changed) {
        qLog(Debug) << file << "changed";

        // if cue associated...
        if (!cue_deleted && (matching_song.has_cue() || cue_added)) {
          UpdateCueAssociatedSongs(file, path, matching_cue, image, t);
          // if no cue or it's about to lose it...
        } else {
          UpdateNonCueAssociatedSong(file, matching_song, image, cue_deleted,

      // nothing has changed - mark the song available without re-scanning
      if (matching_song.is_unavailable()) t->readded_songs << matching_song;

    } else {
      // The song is on disk but not in the DB
      SongList song_list =
          ScanNewFile(file, path, matching_cue, &cues_processed);

      if (song_list.isEmpty()) {

      qLog(Debug) << file << "created";
      // choose an image for the song(s)
      QString image = ImageForSong(file, album_art);

      for (Song song : song_list) {
        if (song.art_automatic().isEmpty()) song.set_art_automatic(image);

        t->new_songs << song;

  // Look for deleted songs
  for (const Song& song : songs_in_db) {
    if (!song.is_unavailable() &&
        !files_on_disk.contains(song.url().toLocalFile())) {
      qLog(Debug) << "Song deleted from disk:" << song.url().toLocalFile();
      t->deleted_songs << song;

  // Add this subdir to the new or touched list
  Subdirectory updated_subdir;
  updated_subdir.directory_id = t->dir();
  updated_subdir.mtime =
      path_info.exists() ? path_info.lastModified().toTime_t() : 0;
  updated_subdir.path = path;

  if (subdir.directory_id == -1)
    t->new_subdirs << updated_subdir;
    t->touched_subdirs << updated_subdir;


  // Recurse into the new subdirs that we found
  for (const Subdirectory& my_new_subdir : my_new_subdirs) {
    if (stop_requested_) return;
    ScanSubdirectory(my_new_subdir.path, my_new_subdir, t, true);
Ejemplo n.º 11
static int cfs_open(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *info)
    FILE *temp_file;
    dir_entry *de = path_info(path);

    if (*temp_dir)
        char tmp_path[PATH_MAX];
        strncpy(tmp_path, path, PATH_MAX);

        char *pch;
        while((pch = strchr(tmp_path, '/'))) {
            *pch = '.';

        char file_path[PATH_MAX];
        snprintf(file_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/.cloudfuse%ld-%s", temp_dir,
                 (long)getpid(), tmp_path);

        if(access(file_path, F_OK) != -1)
            // file exists
            temp_file = fopen(file_path, "r");
        else if (!(info->flags & O_WRONLY))
            // we need to lock on the filename another process could open the file
            // while we are writing to it and then only read part of the file

            // duplicate the directory caching datastructure to make the code easier
            // to understand.

            // each file in the cache needs:
            //  filename, is_writing, last_closed, is_removing
            // the first time a file is opened a new entry is created in the cache
            // setting the filename and is_writing to true.  This check needs to be
            // wrapped with a lock.
            // each time a file is closed we set the last_closed for the file to now
            // and we check the cache for files whose last
            // closed is greater than cache_timeout, then start a new thread rming
            // that file.

            // TODO: just to prevent this craziness for now
            temp_file = fopen(file_path, "w+b");

            if (!cloudfs_object_write_fp(path, temp_file))
                return -ENOENT;
        temp_file = tmpfile();
        if (!(info->flags & O_WRONLY))
            if (!cloudfs_object_write_fp(path, temp_file))
                return -ENOENT;

    update_dir_cache(path, (de ? de->size : 0), 0, 0);

    openfile *of = (openfile *)malloc(sizeof(openfile));
    of->fd = dup(fileno(temp_file));
    if (of->fd == -1)
        return -ENOENT;
    of->flags = info->flags;
    info->fh = (uintptr_t)of;
    info->direct_io = 1;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 12
static bool newer_than(const QString& path, const QDateTime& time)
    QFileInfo path_info(path);
    if (!path_info.exists())
        return false;
    else if (!path_info.isDir())
        return path_info.lastModified() > time;

    IgnoreList ignore_list;
    stack<QString> relatives;
    while (!relatives.empty())
        const QString r = relatives.top();

        // 处理特殊操作
        if (r == SPECIAL_ID)

        // 被忽略列表中标记为忽略
        if (ignore_list.is_ignored(r))

        const QString p = path_join(path, r);
        if (!QFileInfo(p).isDir())
            if (QFileInfo(p).lastModified() > time)
                return true;
            // else continue
            // 处理忽略列表
            if (QFileInfo(path_join(p, IGNORE_FILE1)).exists())
                ignore_list.push_config(r, path_join(p, IGNORE_FILE1));
            else if (QFileInfo(path_join(p, IGNORE_FILE2)).exists())
                ignore_list.push_config(r, path_join(p, IGNORE_FILE2));
            else if (QFileInfo(path_join(p, IGNORE_FILE3)).exists())
                ignore_list.push_config(r, path_join(p, IGNORE_FILE3));

            // 遍历文件夹
            QStringList children = QDir(p).entryList(QDir::Files | QDir::Dirs |
                QDir::AccessMask | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
            for (size_t i = 0, size = children.size(); i < size; ++i)
                const QString& e = children.at(i);
                relatives.push(path_join(r, e));
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 13
static int cfs_getattr(const char* path, struct stat* stbuf)
  debugf(DBG_LEVEL_NORM, KBLU "cfs_getattr(%s)", path);

  //return standard values for root folder
  if (!strcmp(path, "/"))
    stbuf->st_uid = geteuid();
    stbuf->st_gid = getegid();
    stbuf->st_mode = S_IFDIR | 0755;
    stbuf->st_nlink = 2;
    debugf(DBG_LEVEL_NORM, KBLU "exit 0: cfs_getattr(%s)", path);
    return 0;
  //get file. if not in cache will be downloaded.
  dir_entry* de = path_info(path);
  if (!de)
    debugf(DBG_LEVEL_NORM, KBLU"exit 1: cfs_getattr(%s) "KYEL"not-in-cache/cloud",
    return -ENOENT;

  //lazzy download of file metadata, only when really needed
  if (option_get_extended_metadata && !de->metadata_downloaded)
  if (option_enable_chown)
    stbuf->st_uid = de->uid;
    stbuf->st_gid = de->gid;
    stbuf->st_uid = geteuid();
    stbuf->st_gid = getegid();
  // change needed due to utimens
  stbuf->st_atime = de->atime.tv_sec;
  stbuf->st_atim.tv_nsec = de->atime.tv_nsec;
  stbuf->st_mtime = de->mtime.tv_sec;
  stbuf->st_mtim.tv_nsec = de->mtime.tv_nsec;
  stbuf->st_ctime = de->ctime.tv_sec;
  stbuf->st_ctim.tv_nsec = de->ctime.tv_nsec;
  char time_str[TIME_CHARS] = "";
  get_timespec_as_str(&(de->atime), time_str, sizeof(time_str));
  debugf(DBG_LEVEL_EXT, KCYN"cfs_getattr: atime=[%s]", time_str);
  get_timespec_as_str(&(de->mtime), time_str, sizeof(time_str));
  debugf(DBG_LEVEL_EXT, KCYN"cfs_getattr: mtime=[%s]", time_str);
  get_timespec_as_str(&(de->ctime), time_str, sizeof(time_str));
  debugf(DBG_LEVEL_EXT, KCYN"cfs_getattr: ctime=[%s]", time_str);

  int default_mode_dir, default_mode_file;

  if (option_enable_chmod)
    default_mode_dir = de->chmod;
    default_mode_file = de->chmod;
    default_mode_dir = 0755;
    default_mode_file = 0666;

  if (de->isdir)
    stbuf->st_size = 0;
    stbuf->st_mode = S_IFDIR | default_mode_dir;
    stbuf->st_nlink = 2;
  else if (de->islink)
    stbuf->st_size = 1;
    stbuf->st_mode = S_IFLNK | default_mode_dir;
    stbuf->st_nlink = 1;
    stbuf->st_size = de->size;
    /* calc. blocks as if 4K blocksize filesystem; stat uses units of 512B */
    stbuf->st_blocks = ((4095 + de->size) / 4096) * 8;
    stbuf->st_size = de->size;
    /* calc. blocks as if 4K blocksize filesystem; stat uses units of 512B */
    stbuf->st_blocks = ((4095 + de->size) / 4096) * 8;
    stbuf->st_mode = S_IFREG | default_mode_file;
    stbuf->st_nlink = 1;
  debugf(DBG_LEVEL_NORM, KBLU "exit 2: cfs_getattr(%s)", path);
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 14
// open (download) file from cloud
// todo: implement etag optimisation, download only if content changed, http://www.17od.com/2012/12/19/ten-useful-openstack-swift-features/
static int cfs_open(const char* path, struct fuse_file_info* info)
  debugf(DBG_LEVEL_NORM, KBLU "cfs_open(%s)", path);
  FILE* temp_file = NULL;
  int errsv;
  dir_entry* de = path_info(path);

  if (*temp_dir)
    char file_path_safe[NAME_MAX];
    get_safe_cache_file_path(path, file_path_safe, temp_dir);

    debugf(DBG_LEVEL_EXT, "cfs_open: try open (%s)", file_path_safe);
    if (access(file_path_safe, F_OK) != -1)
      // file exists
      temp_file = fopen(file_path_safe, "r");
      errsv = errno;
      if (temp_file == NULL)
               KRED"exit 0: cfs_open can't open temp_file=[%s] err=%d:%s", file_path_safe,
               errsv, strerror(errsv));
        return -ENOENT;
        debugf(DBG_LEVEL_EXT, "cfs_open: file exists");
      errsv = errno;
      debugf(DBG_LEVEL_EXT, "cfs_open: file not in cache, err=%s", strerror(errsv));
      //FIXME: commented out as this condition will not be meet in some odd cases and program will crash
      //if (!(info->flags & O_WRONLY)) {
      debugf(DBG_LEVEL_EXT, "cfs_open: opening for write");

      // we need to lock on the filename another process could open the file
      // while we are writing to it and then only read part of the file

      // duplicate the directory caching datastructure to make the code easier
      // to understand.

      // each file in the cache needs:
      //  filename, is_writing, last_closed, is_removing
      // the first time a file is opened a new entry is created in the cache
      // setting the filename and is_writing to true.  This check needs to be
      // wrapped with a lock.
      // each time a file is closed we set the last_closed for the file to now
      // and we check the cache for files whose last
      // closed is greater than cache_timeout, then start a new thread rming
      // that file.

      // TODO: just to prevent this craziness for now
      temp_file = fopen(file_path_safe, "w+b");
      errsv = errno;
      if (temp_file == NULL)
               KRED"exit 1: cfs_open cannot open temp_file=[%s] err=%d:%s", file_path_safe,
               errsv, strerror(errsv));
        return -ENOENT;

      if (!cloudfs_object_write_fp(path, temp_file))
        debugf(DBG_LEVEL_NORM, KRED "exit 2: cfs_open(%s) cannot download/write",
        return -ENOENT;
    temp_file = tmpfile();
    if (temp_file == NULL)
      debugf(DBG_LEVEL_NORM, KRED"exit 3: cfs_open cannot create temp_file err=%s",
      return -ENOENT;

    if (!(info->flags & O_TRUNC))
      if (!cloudfs_object_write_fp(path, temp_file) && !(info->flags & O_CREAT))
        debugf(DBG_LEVEL_NORM, KRED"exit 4: cfs_open(%s) cannot download/write", path);
        return -ENOENT;

  update_dir_cache(path, (de ? de->size : 0), 0, 0);
  openfile* of = (openfile*)malloc(sizeof(openfile));
  of->fd = dup(fileno(temp_file));
  if (of->fd == -1)
    //FIXME: potential leak if free not used?
    debugf(DBG_LEVEL_NORM, KRED "exit 5: cfs_open(%s) of->fd", path);
    return -ENOENT;
  //TODO: why this allocation to of?
  of->flags = info->flags;
  info->fh = (uintptr_t)of;
  info->direct_io = 1;
  info->nonseekable = 0;
  //FIXME: potential leak if free(of) not used? although if free(of) is used will generate bad descriptor errors
  debugf(DBG_LEVEL_NORM, KBLU "exit 6: cfs_open(%s)", path);
  return 0;