Ejemplo n.º 1
pathfind(const char* name, const char* lib, const char* type, char* buf, size_t size)
	register Dir_t*		dp;
	register char*		s;
	char			tmp[PATH_MAX];

	if (access(name, R_OK) >= 0)
		return strncpy(buf, name, size);
	if (type)
		sfsprintf(buf, size, "%s.%s", name, type);
		if (access(buf, R_OK) >= 0)
			return buf;
	if (*name != '/')
		if (strchr(name, '.'))
			type = 0;
		for (dp = state.head; dp; dp = dp->next)
			sfsprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s/%s", dp->dir, name);
			if (pathpath(buf, tmp, "", PATH_REGULAR))
				return buf;
			if (type)
				sfsprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s/%s.%s", dp->dir, name, type);
				if (pathpath(buf, tmp, "", PATH_REGULAR))
					return buf;
		if (lib)
			if ((s = strrchr((char*)lib, ':')))
				lib = (const char*)s + 1;
			sfsprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "lib/%s/%s", lib, name);
			if (pathpath(buf, tmp, "", PATH_REGULAR))
				return buf;
			if (type)
				sfsprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "lib/%s/%s.%s", lib, name, type);
				if (pathpath(buf, tmp, "", PATH_REGULAR))
					return buf;
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
procrun(const char* path, char** argv, int flags)
#if __OBSOLETE__ < 20090101
	flags &= argv ? PROC_ARGMOD : PROC_CHECK;
	if (flags & PROC_CHECK)
		char	buf[PATH_MAX];

		return pathpath(path, NiL, PATH_REGULAR|PATH_EXECUTE, buf, sizeof(buf)) ? 0 : -1;
	return procclose(procopen(path, argv, NiL, NiL, flags|PROC_FOREGROUND|PROC_GID|PROC_UID));
Ejemplo n.º 3
b_dirname(int argc, char** argv, Shbltin_t* context)
	int	mode = 0;
	char	buf[PATH_MAX];

	cmdinit(argc, argv, context, ERROR_CATALOG, 0);
	for (;;)
		switch (optget(argv, usage))
		case 'f':
			mode |= PATH_REGULAR;
		case 'r':
			mode &= ~PATH_REGULAR;
			mode |= PATH_READ;
		case 'x':
			mode |= PATH_EXECUTE;
		case ':':
			error(2, "%s", opt_info.arg);
		case '?':
			error(ERROR_usage(2), "%s", opt_info.arg);
	argv += opt_info.index;
	argc -= opt_info.index;
	if(error_info.errors || argc != 1)
		error(ERROR_usage(2),"%s", optusage(NiL));
	else if(pathpath(argv[0], "", mode, buf, sizeof(buf)))
		sfputr(sfstdout, buf, '\n');
		error(1|ERROR_WARNING, "%s: relative path not found", argv[0]);
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
main(int argc, char** argv)
	register int	n;
	register int	i;
	register long	v;
	char*		s;
	char*		e;
	char*		data;
	int		uf;
	int		wf;
	int		idlecmd;
	int		usercount;
	unsigned long	t;
	unsigned long	toss;
	unsigned long	usertime;
	unsigned long	now;
	unsigned long	then;
	Proc_t*		proc;
	CSSTAT		ss;
	struct stat	st;
	char		cmd[PATH_MAX];
	char		buf[PATH_MAX];
	char		tmp[PATH_MAX / 4];
	char*		av[4];
	char*		iv[3];
	DIR*		root;
	struct dirent*	entry;
	int		kf;

	error_info.id = CS_STAT_DAEMON;
	if (!pathpath(error_info.id, argv[0], PATH_ABSOLUTE|PATH_REGULAR|PATH_EXECUTE, cmd, sizeof(cmd)))
		error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "cannot locate daemon executable");
	if (!pathpath(CS_STAT_DIR, argv[0], PATH_EXECUTE, buf, sizeof(buf)))
		error(3, "%s: cannot locate data directory", CS_STAT_DIR);
	if (stat(buf, &st))
		error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: stat error", buf);
	if (st.st_uid != geteuid())
		error(3, "%s: effective uid mismatch", buf);
	if (chdir(buf))
		error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: chdir error", buf);
	data = csname(0);
	if (argv[1] && strcmp(argv[1], data))
		 * start remote status daemon

		data = argv[1];
		if (!csaddr(data))
			error(3, "%s: unknown host", data);
		if (!stat(data, &st) && (long)(CSTIME() - (unsigned long)st.st_ctime) < CS_STAT_DOWN)
		sfsprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "./%s", data);
		csstat(buf, &ss);
		if (s = csattr(CS_HOST_LOCAL, "type"))
			strcpy(tmp, s);
			if (s = csattr(data, "type"))
				pathrepl(cmd, sizeof(cmd), tmp, s);

		 * loop until remote status daemon starts
		 * check for competing startup daemon

		if (csdaemon(0))
		av[0] = CS_REMOTE_SHELL;
		av[1] = data;
		av[2] = cmd;
		av[3] = 0;
		for (;;)
			update(data, 0, 0, &ss);
			if (!(remote = procopen(av[0], av, NiL, NiL, PROC_UID|PROC_GID)))
			while (!kill(remote->pid, 0))
				update(data, 0, CS_STAT_FREQ + (CS_STAT_DOWN - CS_STAT_FREQ) / 2, &ss);
			remote = 0;
			if (ss.up > 0)
				ss.up = -ss.up;
		for (;;) update(data, 0, CS_STAT_FREQ + (CS_STAT_DOWN - CS_STAT_FREQ) / 2, &ss);
	if ((n = open(data, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_BINARY, 0)) < 0)
		error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: cannot update", data);
	for (i = 0; i < elementsof(usrfiles); i++)
		if ((uf = open(usrfile = usrfiles[i], O_RDONLY)) >= 0) break;
	if (uf < 0)
		error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: cannot read", usrfiles[0]);

	 * final initialization

	if (csdaemon((1<<2)|(1<<n)|(1<<uf)))
		error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "cannot dive into background");
	error_info.id = data;
	av[0] = "uptime";
	av[1] = 0;
	toss = getpid();
	for (s = data; *s; s++)
		CSTOSS(toss, *s);
	usertime = 0;
	for (n = 0; n < elementsof(symbols); n++)
		names[n].n_name = symbols[n].name;
	if ((kf = open(memfile, O_RDONLY)) >= 0)
		if (chdir("/"))
			error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "/: chdir error");
		s = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < elementsof(sysfiles); i++)
			if (!access(sysfiles[i], F_OK))
				s = sysfiles[i];
		if (!s)
			if (!(root = opendir(".")))
				error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "/: cannot read");
			while (entry = readdir(root))
				if ((i = strlen(entry->d_name) - 2) > 0 && entry->d_name[i] == 'i' && entry->d_name[i + 1] == 'x' && !stat(entry->d_name, &st) && (st.st_mode & (S_IXUSR|S_IXGRP|S_IXOTH)))
					s = entry->d_name;
		nlist(s, names);
		for (n = 0; n < elementsof(symbols); n++)
			if (!names[n].n_type)
				error(1, "%s: %s not in nlist", s, names[n].n_name);
				kf = -1;
		if (chdir(buf))
			error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: chdir error", buf);
	if (kf < 0)
		sfsprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s%s%s", WHODIR, WHOPRE, data, WHOSUF);
		if ((wf = open(buf, O_RDONLY)) >= 0)
			if (read(wf, &who, sizeof(who)) != sizeof(who) || who.wd_vers != WHOVERS || who.wd_type != WHOTYPE)
				error(1, "%s: rwhod protocol mismatch", buf);
				wf = -1;
			else whofile = strdup(buf);
	strcpy(cmd + strlen(cmd), ".idle");
	if (eaccess(cmd, X_OK)) idlecmd = 0;
		idlecmd = 1;
		iv[0] = cmd;
		iv[1] = data;
		iv[2] = 0;

	 * the daemon loop

	ss.idle = 4 * 60 * 60;
	now = CSTIME();
	for (;;)
		then = now;
		now = CSTIME();

		 * update logged in user stats

		if (fstat(uf, &st))
			error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: stat error", usrfile);
		if (usertime != (unsigned long)st.st_mtime)
			usertime = st.st_mtime;
			if (lseek(uf, 0L, 0))
				error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: seek error", usrfile);
			if ((n = read(uf, usrs, sizeof(usrs))) < 0)
				error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: read error", usrfile);
			usercount = n / sizeof(struct utmp);

		 * count the interesting users
		 * find the min user idle time

		if (idlecmd)
			 * check idle command

			if (!(proc = procopen(iv[0], iv, NiL, NiL, PROC_READ|PROC_UID|PROC_GID)))
				idlecmd = 0;
				idlecmd = 1;
				n = read(proc->rfd, buf, sizeof(buf));
				if (procclose(proc) || n < 0)
					idlecmd = 0;
					if (n > 0)
					buf[n] = 0;
					if (isdigit(buf[0]))
						ss.idle = strtol(buf, NiL, 10);
					else if (streq(buf, "busy"))
						ss.idle = 0;
					else if (streq(buf, "free"))
						ss.idle = ~0;
					else if (streq(buf, "idle"))
						n = since(then);
						if ((ss.idle + n) < ss.idle) ss.idle = ~0;
						else ss.idle += n;
					else idlecmd = -1;
		if (idlecmd <= 0)
			ss.idle = ~0;
		ss.users = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < usercount; i++)
			if (usrs[i].ut_name[0] && usrs[i].ut_line[0])
				sfsprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/dev/%s", usrs[i].ut_line);
				if (stat(buf, &st)) usrs[i].ut_name[0] = 0;
					v = since(st.st_atime);
					if (v < CS_STAT_IGNORE)
					if (idlecmd <= 0 && v < ss.idle)
						ss.idle = v;
		if (idlecmd <= 0 || !ss.users)
			 * check devices for min idle time

			for (i = 0; i < elementsof(devfiles); i++)
				if (devfiles[i])
					if (stat(devfiles[i], &st)) devfiles[i] = 0;
						v = since(st.st_atime);
						if (!ss.users && v < CS_STAT_IGNORE)
						if (idlecmd <= 0 && v < ss.idle)
							ss.idle = v;

		 * get the hard stuff

		if (kf >= 0)
			 * update memfile symbol values

			for (n = 0; n < elementsof(symbols); n++)
				if (symbols[n].once >= 0)
					if (lseek(kf, (long)names[n].n_value, 0) != (long)names[n].n_value)
						error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: %s seek error", memfile, names[n].n_name);
					if (read(kf, symbols[n].addr, symbols[n].size) != symbols[n].size)
						error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: %s read error", memfile, names[n].n_name);
					if (symbols[n].once) symbols[n].once = -1;
#ifdef CP_TIME
			for (i = 0; i < CPUSTATES; i++)
				cp_time[i] = 0;
			for (n = 0; n <= maxcpu; n++)
				if (CPUFOUND(n))
					for (i = 0; i < CPUSTATES; i++)
						cp_time[i] += CP_TIME(n)[i];
			ss.load = (avenrun * 100) / FSCALE;
		if (wf >= 0)
			if (lseek(wf, 0L, 0))
				error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: seek error", whofile);
			read(wf, &who, sizeof(who));
			ss.load = who.wd_loadav[0];
			boottime = who.wd_boottime;
			for (i = 0; i < elementsof(cp_time); i++)
				cp_time[i] = 100;
		else if (!(proc = procopen(av[0], av, NiL, NiL, PROC_READ|PROC_UID|PROC_GID)))
			error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: exec error", av[0]);
			 * defer to process with memfile access

			n = read(proc->rfd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1);
			if (procclose(proc) || n <= 0)
				error(3, "%s: invalid", av[0]);
			buf[n] = 0;
			if (!(s = strrchr(buf, ':')))
				error(3, "%s: invalid output", av[0]);
			ss.load = strton(s + 1, NiL, NiL, 100);
			n = 0;
			if ((s = strchr(buf, 'u')) && *++s == 'p')
				n = strtol(s + 1, &e, 10) * 60 * 60;
				s = e;
				while (isspace(*s)) s++;
				if (*s == 'd')
					n *= 24;
					while (*s && !isdigit(*s)) s++;
					n += strtol(s, &e, 10) * 60 * 60;
					s = e;
				if (*s == ':') n += strtol(s + 1, NiL, 10) * 60;
			boottime = since(n);
			for (i = 0; i < elementsof(cp_time); i++)
				cp_time[i] = 0;

		 * finalize the new stat info

		t = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < elementsof(cp_time); i++)
			if ((cp_diff[i] = cp_time[i] - cp_prev[i]) < 0) cp_diff[i] = -cp_diff[i];
			t += cp_diff[i];
			cp_prev[i] = cp_time[i];
		if (!t) t = 1;
		ss.pctsys = (cp_diff[CP_SYS] * 100) / t;
		ss.pctusr = ((cp_diff[CP_USER] + cp_diff[CP_NICE]) * 100) / t;
		ss.up = since(boottime);
		update(data, now, (4 * CS_STAT_FREQ + 2 * (CSTOSS(toss, 0) % (CS_STAT_FREQ + 1))) / 5, &ss);
Ejemplo n.º 5
csopen(register Cs_t* state, const char* apath, int op)
	register char*	path = (char*)apath;
	register char*	b;
	register char*	s;
	register int	n;
	int		fd;
	char*		t;
	char*		u;
	char*		type;
	char*		endtype;
	char*		host;
	char*		endhost;
	char*		serv;
	char*		endserv;
	char*		qual;
	char*		endqual;
	char*		opath;
	char*		user = 0;
	char*		group = 0;
	char*		trust = 0;
	char*		arg = 0;
	int		nfd = -1;
	int		uid = -1;
	int		gid = -1;
	int		sid = -1;
	int		auth = 1;
	int		mode;
	unsigned long	addr;
	unsigned long	port = 0;
	struct stat	st;
	char		buf[PATH_MAX];
	char		tmp[PATH_MAX];

	if (!path)
		errno = EFAULT;
		return -1;
	if (op < 0)
		op = CS_OPEN_TEST;
	messagef((state->id, NiL, -8, "open(%s,%o) call", path, op));

	 * blast out the parts

	opath = path;
	if (pathgetlink(path, buf, sizeof(buf)) <= 0)
		if (strlen(path) >= sizeof(buf))
			return -1;
		strcpy(buf, path);
	else if ((state->flags & CS_ADDR_LOCAL) && (s = strrchr(buf, '/')))
		 * dynamic ip assignment can change the addr
		 * underfoot in some implementations so we
		 * double check the local ip here

		strcpy(tmp, buf);
		if (tokscan(tmp, NiL, "/dev/%s/%s/%s", &type, NiL, &serv) == 3)
			sfsprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/dev/%s/%s/%s", type, csntoa(state, 0), serv);
	path = buf;
	pathcanon(path, 0, 0);
	errno = ENOENT;
	strcpy(state->path, path);
	b = path;
	if ((*b++ != '/') || !(s = strchr(b, '/')))
		return -1;
	*s++ = 0;
	if (!streq(b, "dev"))
		return -1;
	if (b = strchr(s, '/'))
		*b++ = 0;
	if (streq(s, "fdp"))
		if (access(CS_PROC_FD_TST, F_OK))
			errno = ENODEV;
			messagef((state->id, NiL, -1, "open: %s: %s: not supported", state->path, s));
			return -1;
	else if (!streq(s, "tcp") && !streq(s, "udp"))
		messagef((state->id, NiL, -1, "open: %s: %s: invalid type", state->path, s));
		return -1;
		errno = ENODEV;
		messagef((state->id, NiL, -1, "open: %s: %s: not supported", state->path, s));
		return -1;
	type = s;
	qual = state->qual;
	if (!b)
		host = serv = 0;
		host = b;
		if (!(s = strchr(b, '/')))
			serv = 0;
			*s++ = 0;
			serv = s;

			 * grab the next fd to preserve open semantics

			for (n = 0; n < 10; n++)
				if ((nfd = dup(n)) >= 0)

			 * get qual, perm and arg

			if (b = strchr(s, '/'))
				*b++ = 0;
					if (*b == '#')
						arg = b + 1;
					if (u = strchr(b, '/'))
						*u++ = 0;
					if (s = strchr(b, '='))
						*s++ = 0;
					for (n = 0, t = b; *t; n = HASHKEYPART(n, *t++));
					switch (n)
					case HASHKEY5('g','r','o','u','p'):
						group = s ? s : "";
					case HASHKEY5('l','o','c','a','l'):
						op |= CS_OPEN_LOCAL;
					case HASHKEY3('n','o','w'):
						op |= CS_OPEN_NOW;
					case HASHKEY5('o','t','h','e','r'):
						auth = 0;
					case HASHKEY6('r','e','m','o','t','e'):
						op |= CS_OPEN_REMOTE;
					case HASHKEY5('s','h','a','r','e'):
						op |= CS_OPEN_SHARE;
					case HASHKEY5('s','l','a','v','e'):
						op |= CS_OPEN_SLAVE;
					case HASHKEY4('t','e','s','t'):
						op |= CS_OPEN_TEST;
					case HASHKEY5('t','r','u','s','t'):
						op |= CS_OPEN_TRUST;
						trust = s;
					case HASHKEY4('u','s','e','r'):
						user = s ? s : "";
						qual += sfsprintf(qual, sizeof(state->qual) - (qual - state->qual) - 1, "%s%s", qual == state->qual ? "" : "-", b);
						if (s)
							*(s - 1) = '=';
				} while (b = u);
	if (*type != 't')
		auth = 0;
	strncpy(state->type, type, sizeof(state->type) - 1);
	qual = (qual == state->qual) ? (char*)0 : state->qual;
	messagef((state->id, NiL, -8, "open: type=%s host=%s serv=%s qual=%s", type, host, serv, qual));
	if (host)
		 * validate host

		if (!(state->addr = addr = csaddr(state, host)))
			if (serv && !(op & CS_OPEN_CREATE) && *type == 't' && (port = csport(state, type, serv)) >= CS_PORT_MIN && port <= CS_PORT_MAX)
				 * attempt proxy connection

				if (nfd >= 0)
					nfd = -1;
				if ((fd = state->proxy.addr ? csbind(state, type, state->proxy.addr, state->proxy.port, 0L) : reopen(state, csvar(state, CS_VAR_PROXY, 0))) >= 0)
					state->proxy.addr = state->addr;
					state->proxy.port = state->port;
					n = sfsprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "\n%s!%s!%d\n\n%s\n%s\n0\n-1\n-1\n", type, host, port, csname(state, 0), error_info.id ? error_info.id : state->id);
					if (cswrite(state, fd, tmp, n) == n && (n = csread(state, fd, tmp, sizeof(tmp), CS_LINE)) >= 2)
						if (tmp[0] == '0' && tmp[1] == '\n')
							return fd;
						if (error_info.trace <= -4 && n > 2)
							s = tmp;
							s[n - 1] = 0;
							while (*s && *s++ != '\n');
							messagef((state->id, NiL, -4, "%s error message `%s'", csvar(state, CS_VAR_PROXY, 0), s));
			errno = ENOENT;
			goto bad;
		if (op & CS_OPEN_LOCAL)
			state->flags |= CS_ADDR_LOCAL;
			state->flags &= ~CS_ADDR_REMOTE;
		if (op & CS_OPEN_NOW)
			state->flags |= CS_ADDR_NOW;
			state->flags |= CS_ADDR_REMOTE;
			state->flags &= ~CS_ADDR_LOCAL;
		if (op & CS_OPEN_SHARE)
			state->flags |= CS_ADDR_SHARE;
		if (op & CS_OPEN_SLAVE)
			state->flags |= CS_DAEMON_SLAVE;
		if (op & CS_OPEN_TEST)
			state->flags |= CS_ADDR_TEST;
		if (op & CS_OPEN_TRUST)
			state->flags |= CS_ADDR_TRUST;
		if ((state->flags & CS_ADDR_REMOTE) && (!serv || !strneq(serv, CS_SVC_INET, sizeof(CS_SVC_INET) - 1) && (strtol(serv, &t, 0), *t)))
			return agent(state, state->host, state->user, state->path);
		if (s = user)
			n = geteuid();
			if (*s)
				if ((uid = struid(s)) < 0)
					uid = strtol(s, &t, 0);
					if (*t)
						errno = EACCES;
						goto bad;
				if (n && uid != n)
					errno = EACCES;
					goto bad;
				uid = n;
			mode &= ~(S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO);
		if (s = group)
			n = getegid();
			if (*s)
				if ((gid = strgid(s)) < 0)
					gid = strtol(s, &t, 0);
					if (*t)
						errno = EACCES;
						goto bad;
				if (geteuid() && gid != n)
					gid_t*	groups;
					int	g;

					if ((g = getgroups(0, NiL)) <= 0)
						g = getconf("NGROUPS_MAX");
					if (groups = newof(0, gid_t, g, 0))
						for (n = getgroups(g, groups); n >= 0; n--)
							if (gid == groups[n])
						n = -1;
					if (n < 0)
						errno = EACCES;
						goto bad;
				gid = n;
			mode &= ~S_IRWXO;
		if (s = trust)
			if (!*s)
				sid = geteuid();
			else if ((sid = struid(s)) < 0)
				sid = strtol(s, &t, 0);
				if (*t)
					errno = EACCES;
					goto bad;
		if (state->flags & CS_ADDR_SHARE)
			host = CS_HOST_SHARE;
			host = state->host;
			if (!(state->flags & CS_ADDR_LOCAL))
				if (*type == 'f')
					errno = ENODEV;
					goto bad;
				if (op & CS_OPEN_CREATE)
					errno = EROFS;
					goto bad;
			if (serv && !qual && *type != 'f' && (port = csport(state, type, serv)) != CS_PORT_INVALID)
				if (op & CS_OPEN_CREATE)
					addr = 0;
				else if (port == CS_PORT_RESERVED || port == CS_PORT_NORMAL)
					goto bad;
				if (nfd >= 0)
					nfd = -1;
				state->control = 0;
				if ((fd = csbind(state, type, addr, port, 0L)) >= 0)
					if (mode != (S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO) && csauth(state, fd, NiL, NiL))
						return -1;
					return fd;

	 * get the mount dir prefix

	if (opath == (b = path = state->mount))
#ifdef ELOOP
		errno = ELOOP;
		errno = EINVAL;
		goto bad;
	if (*type == 'f')
		if (host && !(state->flags & CS_ADDR_LOCAL))
			errno = ENODEV;
			goto bad;
		b += sfsprintf(b, sizeof(state->mount) - (b - path), "%s", csvar(state, CS_VAR_LOCAL, 0));
		if ((op & CS_OPEN_CREATE) && eaccess(path, X_OK) && (mkdir(path, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO) || chmod(path, S_ISVTX|S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO)))
			goto bad;
		if (op & CS_OPEN_TRUST)
			if (!pathaccess(csvar(state, CS_VAR_TRUST, 1), csvar(state, CS_VAR_SHARE, 1), NiL, PATH_EXECUTE, b, sizeof(state->mount) - (b - state->mount)))
				goto bad;
		else if (!pathpath(csvar(state, CS_VAR_SHARE, 0), "", PATH_EXECUTE, b, sizeof(state->mount) - (b - state->mount)))
			goto bad;
		b += strlen(b);

	 * add the type

	b += sfsprintf(b, sizeof(state->mount) - (b - path), "/%s", type);
	if (!host)
		*(state->control = b + 1) = 0;
		if (nfd >= 0)
		if ((fd = open(path, O_RDONLY)) < 0)
			mkmount(state, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO, -1, -1, NiL, NiL, NiL);
			fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
		if (fd < 0)
			messagef((state->id, NiL, -1, "open: %s: %s: open error", state->path, path));
		return fd;
	endtype = b;

	 * add the host

	if (strlen(host) <= CS_MNT_MAX)
		b += sfsprintf(b, sizeof(state->mount) - (b - path), "/%s", host);
		s = csntoa(state, addr);
		if (strlen(s) <= CS_MNT_MAX)
			b += sfsprintf(b, sizeof(state->mount) - (b - path), "/%s", s);
			unsigned char*	a = (unsigned char*)&addr;

			b += sfsprintf(b, sizeof(state->mount) - (b - path), "/0x%X.%X.%X.%X", a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]);
	messagef((state->id, NiL, -8, "%s:%d host=`%s' path=`%s'", __FILE__, __LINE__, host, path));
	if (!serv)
		*(state->control = b + 1) = 0;
		if (nfd >= 0)
		if ((fd = open(path, O_RDONLY)) < 0)
			messagef((state->id, NiL, -1, "open: %s: %s: open error", state->path, path));
		return fd;
	endhost = b;

	 * add the service

	sfsprintf(b, sizeof(state->mount) - (b - path), "%s/%s/%s/%s%s", CS_SVC_DIR, type, serv, serv, CS_SVC_SUFFIX);
	if (!pathpath(b, "", PATH_ABSOLUTE|PATH_EXECUTE, tmp, sizeof(tmp)) || stat(tmp, &st))
		op |= CS_OPEN_TEST;
		*strrchr(tmp, '/') = 0;
		if (!(op & CS_OPEN_TRUST))
			sid = st.st_uid;
		if (!st.st_size)
			op |= CS_OPEN_TEST;
	b += sfsprintf(b, sizeof(state->mount) - (b - path), "/%s", serv);
	endserv = b;

	 * add the qualifier and perm

	if (sid >= 0)
		b += sfsprintf(b, sizeof(state->mount) - (b - path), "/%d-", sid);
		b += sfsprintf(b, sizeof(state->mount) - (b - path), "/-");
	if (uid >= 0)
		b += sfsprintf(b, sizeof(state->mount) - (b - path), "%d-", uid);
	else if (gid >= 0)
		b += sfsprintf(b, sizeof(state->mount) - (b - path), "-%d", gid);
		b += sfsprintf(b, sizeof(state->mount) - (b - path), "-");
#if limit_qualifier_length
	endqual = endserv + CS_MNT_MAX + 1;
	endqual = state->mount + sizeof(state->mount) - 1;
	if (qual)
		if (b < endqual)
			*b++ = '-';
		while (b < endqual && *qual)
			*b++ = *qual++;
	if (*type == 't' && !auth)
		if (b >= endqual)
		*b++ = CS_MNT_OTHER;

	 * add in the connect stream control

	*b++ = '/';
	strcpy(b + 1, CS_MNT_TAIL);
	messagef((state->id, NiL, -8, "%s:%d %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, state->mount));
	state->control = b;

	 * create the mount subdirs if necessary

	if ((op & CS_OPEN_CREATE) && mkmount(state, mode, uid, gid, endserv, endhost, endtype))
		goto bad;
	if (nfd >= 0)
		nfd = -1;
	if (op & CS_OPEN_MOUNT)
		messagef((state->id, NiL, -1, "open(%s,%o) = %d, mount = %s", state->path, op, state->mount));
		return 0;
	if (*type == 'f')
		 * {fdp}

		if ((fd = doattach(state, path, op, mode, user, opath, tmp, serv, b)) < 0)
			return -1;
		 * {tcp,udp}

		messagef((state->id, NiL, -8, "%s:%d %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, state->mount));
		if ((fd = reopen(state, path)) < 0)
			 * check for old single char cs mount

			*(state->control + 1) = 0;
			if ((fd = reopen(state, path)) < 0)
				messagef((state->id, NiL, -1, "open: %s: %s: reopen error", state->path, path));
			*(state->control + 1) = CS_MNT_TAIL[0];
		if (op & CS_OPEN_CREATE)
			if (fd >= 0)
				errno = EEXIST;
				return -1;
			if (errno != ENOENT && errno != ENOTDIR)
				return -1;
			*state->control = CS_MNT_LOCK;
			if ((fd = open(path, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0)) < 0)
				if (stat(path, &st))
					messagef((state->id, NiL, -1, "open: %s: %s: creat error", state->path, path));
					goto unblock;
				if ((CSTIME() - (unsigned long)st.st_ctime) < 2 * 60)
					errno = EEXIST;
					messagef((state->id, NiL, -1, "open: %s: %s: another server won the race", state->path, path));
					goto unblock;
				if (remove(path))
					messagef((state->id, NiL, -1, "open: %s: %s: remove error", state->path, path));
					goto unblock;
				if ((fd = open(path, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0)) < 0)
					messagef((state->id, NiL, -1, "open: %s: %s: creat error", state->path, path));
					goto unblock;
			if (!port && (n = strtol(serv, &t, 0)) && t > serv && !*t)
				port = n;
			else if (geteuid())
				port = CS_NORMAL;
				port = CS_RESERVED;
			if ((fd = csbind(state, type, 0L, port, 0L)) >= 0)
				*state->control = CS_MNT_STREAM;
				if (pathsetlink(cspath(state, fd, 0), path))
					messagef((state->id, NiL, -1, "open: %s: %s: link error", cspath(state, fd, 0), path));
					fd = -1;
			*state->control = CS_MNT_LOCK;
			*state->control = CS_MNT_STREAM;
			if (fd < 0)
				return -1;
		else if (fd < 0 && ((op & CS_OPEN_TEST) || initiate(state, user, opath, tmp, serv) || (fd = reopen(state, path)) < 0))
			messagef((state->id, NiL, -1, "open: %s: %s: reopen/initiate error", state->path, path));
			return -1;
		else if (!(op & CS_OPEN_AGENT))
			*state->control = CS_MNT_AUTH;
			n = csauth(state, fd, path, arg);
			*state->control = CS_MNT_STREAM;
			if (n)
				messagef((state->id, NiL, -1, "open: %s: %s: authentication error", state->path, path));
				return -1;

	 * fd is open at this point
	 * make sure its not a bogus mount

	if (mode != (S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO))
		*state->control = 0;
		n = stat(path, &st);
		*state->control = CS_MNT_STREAM;
		if (n)
			messagef((state->id, NiL, -1, "open: %s: %s: stat error", state->path, path));
			return -1;
		if (uid >= 0 && st.st_uid != uid || gid >= 0 && st.st_gid != gid)
			errno = EPERM;
			messagef((state->id, NiL, -1, "open: %s: %s: uid/gid error", state->path, path));
			return -1;
	return fd;
	if (nfd >= 0)
	return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 6
main(int argc, char** argv)
	register char*		s;
	register Rule_t*	r;
	register List_t*	p;
	int			i;
	int			args;
	int			trace;
	char*			t;
	char*			buf;
	char*			tok;
	Var_t*			v;
	Stat_t			st;
	Stat_t			ds;
	Sfio_t*			tmp;

	 * initialize dynamic globals

	version = strdup(fmtident(version));
	setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
	error_info.id = idname;
	error_info.version = version;
	error_info.exit = finish;
	error_info.auxilliary = intercept;
	if (pathcheck(PATHCHECK, error_info.id, NiL))
		return 1;
	error(-99, "startup");
	settypes("*?[]", C_MATCH);
	settypes("+-|=", C_OPTVAL);
	settypes(" \t\n", C_SEP);
	settype(0, C_SEP);
	settypes(" \t\v\n:+&=;\"\\", C_TERMINAL);
	settype(0, C_TERMINAL);
	settypes("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_", C_ID1|C_ID2|C_VARIABLE1|C_VARIABLE2);
	settypes(".", C_VARIABLE1|C_VARIABLE2);
	settypes("0123456789", C_ID2|C_VARIABLE2);

	 * close garbage fd's -- we'll be tidy from this point on
	 * 3 may be /dev/tty on some systems
	 * 0..9 for user redirection in shell
	 * 10..19 left open by bugs in some shells
	 * error_info.fd interited from parent
	 * any close-on-exec fd's must have been done on our behalf

	i = 3;
	if (isatty(i))
	for (; i < 20; i++)
		if (i != error_info.fd && !fcntl(i, F_GETFD, 0))

	 * allocate the very temporary buffer streams

	internal.met = sfstropen();
	internal.nam = sfstropen();
	internal.tmp = sfstropen();
	internal.val = sfstropen();
	internal.wrk = sfstropen();
	tmp = sfstropen();
	sfstrrsrv(tmp, 2 * MAXNAME);

	 * initialize the code and hash tables


	 * set the default state

	state.alias = 1;
	state.exec = 1;
	state.global = 1;
	state.init = 1;
	state.intermediate = 1;
	state.io[0] = sfstdin;
	state.io[1] = sfstdout;
	state.io[2] = sfstderr;
	state.jobs = 1;
	state.pid = getpid();
	state.readstate = MAXVIEW;
	state.scan = 1;
	state.start = CURTIME;
	state.stateview = -1;
	state.tabstops = 8;
	state.targetview = -1;
	state.view[0].path = makerule(".");
	state.view[0].path = ".";
	state.view[0].pathlen = 1;
	state.writeobject = state.writestate = "-";

	 * pwd initialization
	 * for project management, if . is group|other writeable
	 * then change umask() for similar write protections

	buf = sfstrbase(tmp);
	internal.pwd = (s = getcwd(buf, MAXNAME)) ? strdup(s) : strdup(".");
	internal.pwdlen = strlen(internal.pwd);
	if (stat(".", &st))
		error(3, "cannot stat .");
	if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) && (st.st_mode & (S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH)))
		umask(umask(0) & ~(st.st_mode & (S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH)));

	 * set some variable default values

	hashclear(table.var, HASH_ALLOCATE);
	setvar(external.make, argv[0], V_import);
	t = "lib/make";
	setvar(external.lib, strdup((s = pathpath(t, argv[0], PATH_EXECUTE, buf, SF_BUFSIZE)) ? s : t), V_import);
	setvar(external.pwd, internal.pwd, V_import);
	setvar(external.version, version, V_import);
	hashset(table.var, HASH_ALLOCATE);

	 * read the environment

	if (v = getvar(external.nproc))
		state.jobs = (int)strtol(v->value, NiL, 0);
	if ((v = getvar(external.pwd)) && !streq(v->value, internal.pwd))
		if (!stat(v->value, &st) && !stat(internal.pwd, &ds) && st.st_ino == ds.st_ino && st.st_dev == ds.st_dev)
			internal.pwd = strdup(v->value);
			internal.pwdlen = strlen(v->value);
			v->property &= ~V_import;
			v->property |= V_free;
			v->value = strdup(internal.pwd);

	 * initialize the internal rule pointers


	 * read the static initialization script

	sfputr(tmp, initstatic, -1);
	parse(NiL, sfstruse(tmp), "initstatic", NiL);

	 * check and read the args file

	if (s = colonlist(tmp, external.args, 1, ' '))
		i = fs3d(0);
		tok = tokopen(s, 1);
		while (s = tokread(tok))
			if (vecargs(vecfile(s), &argc, &argv) >= 0)
			else if (errno != ENOENT)
				error(1, "cannot read args file %s", s);
	state.argf = newof(0, int, argc, 0);

	 * set the command line options
	 * read the command line assignments
	 * mark the command line scripts and targets

	state.init = 0;
	state.readonly = 1;
	state.argv = argv;
	state.argc = argc;
	if ((args = scanargs(state.argc, state.argv, state.argf)) < 0)
		return 1;
	state.readonly = 0;
	state.init = 1;
	if (state.base)
		state.readstate = 0;
	if (state.compileonly)
		state.forceread = 1;
		state.virtualdot = 0;

	 * tone down the bootstrap noise

	if ((trace = error_info.trace) == -1)
		error_info.trace = 0;

	 * check explicit environment overrides

	if (s = colonlist(tmp, external.import, 1, ' '))
		tok = tokopen(s, 1);
		while (s = tokread(tok))
			if (i = *s == '!')
			if (v = getvar(s))
				if (i)
					v->property &= ~V_import;
					v->property |= V_readonly;

	 * set up the traps


	 * announce the version

	if (error_info.trace < 0)
		errno = 0;
		error(error_info.trace, "%s [%d %s]", version, state.pid, timestr(state.start));

	 * initialize the views

	state.global = 0;
	state.user = 1;

	 * check for mam

	if (state.mam.out)
		if (!state.mam.statix || *state.mam.label)
			error_info.write = mamerror;
		if (state.mam.regress || state.regress)
			sfprintf(state.mam.out, "%sinfo mam %s %05d\n", state.mam.label, state.mam.type, state.mam.parent);
			if (state.mam.regress)
				sfprintf(state.mam.out, "%sinfo start regression\n", state.mam.label);
			sfprintf(state.mam.out, "%sinfo mam %s %05d 1994-07-17 %s\n", state.mam.label, state.mam.type, state.mam.parent, version);
			if (!state.mam.statix || *state.mam.label)
				sfprintf(state.mam.out, "%sinfo start %lu\n", state.mam.label, CURTIME);
				if (!state.mam.root || streq(state.mam.root, internal.pwd))
					sfprintf(state.mam.out, "%sinfo pwd %s\n", state.mam.label, internal.pwd);
					sfprintf(state.mam.out, "%sinfo pwd %s %s\n", state.mam.label, state.mam.root, mamname(makerule(internal.pwd)));
				buf = sfstrbase(tmp);
				if (state.fsview && !mount(NiL, buf, FS3D_GET|FS3D_ALL|FS3D_SIZE(sfstrsize(tmp)), NiL))
					sfprintf(state.mam.out, "%sinfo view %s\n", state.mam.label, buf);

	 * read the dynamic initialization script

	if ((i = error_info.trace) > -20)
		error_info.trace = 0;
	sfputr(tmp, initdynamic, -1);
	parse(NiL, sfstruse(tmp), "initdynamic", NiL);
	error_info.trace = i;
	state.user = 0;
	state.init = 0;

	 * read the explicit makefiles
	 * readfile() handles the base and global rules
	 * NOTE: internal.tmplist is used to handle the effects of
	 *	 load() on internal list pointers

	compref(NiL, 0);
	if (p = internal.makefiles->prereqs)
		p = internal.tmplist->prereqs = listcopy(p);
		for (; p; p = p->next)
			readfile(p->rule->name, COMP_FILE, NiL);
		internal.tmplist->prereqs = 0;

	 * if no explicit makefiles then try external.{convert,files}

	if (!state.makefile)
		int	sep;
		Sfio_t*	exp;
		Sfio_t*	imp;

		exp = 0;
		imp = sfstropen();
		sep = 0;
		s = 0;
		if (*(t = getval(external.convert, VAL_PRIMARY)))
			sfputr(tmp, t, 0);
			sfstrrsrv(tmp, MAXNAME);
			tok = tokopen(sfstrbase(tmp), 0);
			while (s = tokread(tok))
				if (!exp)
					exp = sfstropen();
				if (t = colonlist(exp, s, 0, ' '))
					t = tokopen(t, 0);
					while (s = tokread(t))
						if (readfile(s, COMP_INCLUDE|COMP_DONTCARE, NiL))
						if (sep)
							sfputc(imp, ',');
							sep = 1;
						sfputr(imp, s, -1);
					if (s)
				if (!(s = tokread(tok)))
			sfstrseek(tmp, 0, SEEK_SET);
		if (!s && (s = colonlist(tmp, external.files, 1, ' ')))
			tok = tokopen(s, 1);
			while (s = tokread(tok))
				if (readfile(s, COMP_INCLUDE|COMP_DONTCARE, NiL))
				if (sep)
					sfputc(imp, ',');
					sep = 1;
				sfputr(imp, s, -1);
		if (!s)
			 * this readfile() pulls in the default base rules
			 * that might resolve any delayed self-documenting
			 * options in optcheck()

			if (readfile("-", COMP_FILE, NiL))
			if (*(s = sfstruse(imp)))
				error(state.errorid ? 1 : 3, "a makefile must be specified when %s omitted", s);
				error(state.errorid ? 1 : 3, "a makefile must be specified");
		if (exp)

	 * validate external command line options


	 * check for listing of variable and rule definitions

	if (state.list)
		dump(sfstdout, 0);
		return 0;

	 * check if makefiles to be compiled

	if (state.compile && !state.virtualdot && state.writeobject)
		 * make the compinit trap

		if (r = getrule(external.compinit))
			state.reading = 1;
			maketop(r, P_dontcare|P_foreground, NiL);
			state.reading = 0;
		if (state.exec && state.objectfile)
			message((-2, "compiling makefile input into %s", state.objectfile));
			compile(state.objectfile, NiL);

		 * make the compdone trap

		if (r = getrule(external.compdone))
			state.reading = 1;
			maketop(r, P_dontcare|P_foreground, NiL);
			state.reading = 0;

	 * makefile read cleanup

	if (state.compileonly)
		return 0;
	compref(NiL, 0);
	state.compile = COMPILED;
	if (state.believe)
		if (!state.maxview)
			state.believe = 0;
		else if (state.fsview)
			error(3, "%s: option currently works in 2d only", optflag(OPT_believe)->name);

	 * read the state file


	 * place the command line targets in internal.args

	if (internal.main->dynamic & D_dynamic)
	internal.args->prereqs = p = 0;
	for (i = args; i < state.argc; i++)
		if (state.argf[i] & ARG_TARGET)
			List_t*		q;

			q = cons(makerule(state.argv[i]), NiL);
			if (p)
				p = p->next = q;
				internal.args->prereqs = p = q;

	 * the engine bootstrap is complete -- start user activities

	state.user = 1;

	 * make the makeinit trap

	if (r = getrule(external.makeinit))
		maketop(r, P_dontcare|P_foreground, NiL);

	 * read the command line scripts

	for (i = args; i < state.argc; i++)
		if (state.argf[i] & ARG_SCRIPT)
			state.reading = 1;
			parse(NiL, state.argv[i], "command line script", NiL);
			state.reading = 0;

	 * freeze the parameter files and candidate state variables

	state.user = 2;

	 * make the init trap

	if (r = getrule(external.init))
		maketop(r, P_dontcare|P_foreground, NiL);

	 * internal.args default to internal.main

	if (!internal.args->prereqs && internal.main->prereqs)
		internal.args->prereqs = listcopy(internal.main->prereqs);

	 * turn up the volume again

	if (!error_info.trace)
		error_info.trace = trace;

	 * make the prerequisites of internal.args

	if (internal.args->prereqs)
		while (internal.args->prereqs)
			 * we explicitly allow internal.args modifications

			r = internal.args->prereqs->rule;
			internal.making->prereqs = internal.args->prereqs;
			internal.args->prereqs = internal.args->prereqs->next;
			internal.making->prereqs->next = 0;
			maketop(r, 0, NiL);
	else if (state.makefile)
		error(3, "%s: a main target must be specified", state.makefile);

	 * finish up

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
pathfind(const char* name, const char* lib, const char* type, char* buf, size_t size)
	register Dir_t*		dp;
	register char*		s;
	char			tmp[PATH_MAX];
	struct stat		st;

	if (((s = strrchr(name, '/')) || (s = (char*)name)) && strchr(s, '.'))
		type = 0;

	 * always check the unadorned path first
	 * this handles . and absolute paths

	if (regular(name, &st))
		strncopy(buf, name, size);
		return buf;
	if (type)
		sfsprintf(buf, size, "%s.%s", name, type);
		if (regular(buf, &st))
			return buf;
	if (*name == '/')
		return 0;

	 * check the directory of the including file
	 * on the assumption that error_info.file is properly stacked

	if (error_info.file && (s = strrchr(error_info.file, '/')))
		sfsprintf(buf, size, "%-.*s%s", s - error_info.file + 1, error_info.file, name);
		if (regular(buf, &st))
			return buf;
		if (type)
			sfsprintf(buf, size, "%-.*s%s%.s", s - error_info.file + 1, error_info.file, name, type);
			if (regular(buf, &st))
				return buf;

	 * check the include dir list

	for (dp = state.head; dp; dp = dp->next)
		sfsprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s/%s", dp->dir, name);
		if (pathpath(tmp, "", PATH_REGULAR, buf, size))
			return buf;
		if (type)
			sfsprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s/%s.%s", dp->dir, name, type);
			if (pathpath(tmp, "", PATH_REGULAR, buf, size))
				return buf;

	 * finally a lib related search on PATH

	if (lib)
		if (s = strrchr((char*)lib, ':'))
			lib = (const char*)s + 1;
		sfsprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "lib/%s/%s", lib, name);
		if (pathpath(tmp, "", PATH_REGULAR, buf, size))
			return buf;
		if (type)
			sfsprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "lib/%s/%s.%s", lib, name, type);
			if (pathpath(tmp, "", PATH_REGULAR, buf, size))
				return buf;
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
pathprobe_20100601(const char* lang, const char* tool, const char* aproc, int op, char* path, size_t pathsize, char* attr, size_t attrsize)
	char*		proc = (char*)aproc;
	register char*	p;
	register char*	k;
	register char*	x;
	register char**	ap;
	int		n;
	int		v;
	int		force;
	ssize_t		r;
	char*		e;
	char*		np;
	char*		nx;
	char*		probe;
	const char*	dirs;
	const char*	dir;
	Proc_t*		pp;
	Sfio_t*		sp;
	char		buf[PATH_MAX];
	char		cmd[PATH_MAX];
	char		exe[PATH_MAX];
	char		lib[PATH_MAX];
	char		ver[PATH_MAX];
	char		key[16];
	char*		arg[8];
	long		ops[2];
	unsigned long	ptime;
	struct stat	st;
	struct stat	ps;

	if (*proc != '/')
		if (p = strchr(proc, ' '))
			strncopy(buf, proc, p - proc + 1);
			proc = buf;
		if (!(proc = pathpath(proc, NiL, PATH_ABSOLUTE|PATH_REGULAR|PATH_EXECUTE, cmd, sizeof(cmd))))
			proc = (char*)aproc;
		else if (p)
			n = strlen(proc);
			strncopy(proc + n, p, PATH_MAX - n - 1);
	if (!path)
		path = buf;
		pathsize = sizeof(buf);
	probe = PROBE;
	x = lib + sizeof(lib) - 1;
	k = lib + sfsprintf(lib, x - lib, "lib/%s/", probe);
	p = k + sfsprintf(k, x - k, "%s/%s/", lang, tool);
	pathkey(lang, tool, proc, key, sizeof(key), attr, attrsize);
	if (op >= -2)
		strncopy(p, key, x - p);
		if (pathpath(lib, "", PATH_ABSOLUTE, path, pathsize) && !stat(path, &st) && (st.st_mode & S_IWUSR))
			return path == buf ? strdup(path) : path;
	e = strncopy(p, probe, x - p);
	if (!pathpath(lib, "", PATH_ABSOLUTE|PATH_EXECUTE, path, pathsize) || stat(path, &ps))
		return 0;
	for (;;)
		ptime = ps.st_mtime;
		n = strlen(path);
		if (n < (PATH_MAX - 5))
			strcpy(path + n, ".ini");
			if (!stat(path, &st) && st.st_size && ptime < (unsigned long)st.st_mtime)
				ptime = st.st_mtime;
			path[n] = 0;
		np = path + n - (e - k);
		nx = path + PATH_MAX - 1;
		strncopy(np, probe, nx - np);
		if (!stat(path, &st))

		 * yes lib/probe/<lang>/<proc>/probe
		 *  no lib/probe/probe
		 * do a manual pathaccess() to find a dir with both

		sfsprintf(exe, sizeof(exe), "lib/%s/%s", probe, probe);
		dirs = pathbin();
		for (;;)
			if (!(dir = dirs))
				return 0;
			dirs = pathcat(dir, ':', "..", exe, path, pathsize);
			pathcanon(path, pathsize, 0);
			if (*path == '/' && pathexists(path, PATH_REGULAR|PATH_EXECUTE))
				pathcat(dir, ':', "..", lib, path, pathsize);
				pathcanon(path, pathsize, 0);
				if (*path == '/' && pathexists(path, PATH_REGULAR|PATH_EXECUTE) && !stat(path, &ps))
	strncopy(p, key, x - p);
	p = np;
	x = nx;
	strcpy(exe, path);
	if (op >= -1 && (!(st.st_mode & S_ISUID) && ps.st_uid != geteuid() || rofs(path)))
		if (!(p = getenv("HOME")))
			return 0;
		p = path + sfsprintf(path, PATH_MAX - 1, "%s/.%s/%s/", p, probe, HOSTTYPE);
	strncopy(p, k, x - p);
	force = 0;
	if (op >= 0 && !stat(path, &st))
		if (ptime <= (unsigned long)st.st_mtime || ptime <= (unsigned long)st.st_ctime)
			 * verify (<sep><name><sep><option><sep><value>)* header

			if (sp = sfopen(NiL, path, "r"))
				if (x = sfgetr(sp, '\n', 1))
					while (*x && *x != ' ')
					while (*x == ' ')
					if (n = *x++)
						for (;;)
							for (k = x; *x && *x != n; x++);
							if (!*x)
							*x++ = 0;
							for (p = x; *x && *x != n; x++);
							if (!*x)
							*x++ = 0;
							for (e = x; *x && *x != n; x++);
							if (!*x)
							*x++ = 0;
							if (streq(k, "VERSION"))
								ap = arg;
								*ap++ = proc;
								*ap++ = p;
								*ap = 0;
								ops[0] =  PROC_FD_DUP(1, 2, 0);
								ops[1] = 0;
								if (pp = procopen(proc, arg, NiL, ops, PROC_READ))
									if ((v = x - e) >= sizeof(ver))
										v = sizeof(ver) - 1;
									for (k = p = ver;; k++)
										if (k >= p)
											if (v <= 0 || (r = read(pp->rfd, k, v)) <= 0)
											v -= r;
											p = k + r;
										if (*k == '\n' || *k == '\r')
										if (*k == n)
											*k = ' ';
									*k = 0;
									if (strcmp(ver, e))
										force = 1;
										error(0, "probe processor %s version \"%s\" changed -- expected \"%s\"", proc, ver, e);
			if (!force)
				op = -1;
		if (op >= 0 && (st.st_mode & S_IWUSR))
			if (op == 0)
				error(0, "%s probe information for %s language processor %s must be manually regenerated", tool, lang, proc);
			op = -1;
			force = 0;
	if (op >= 0)
		ap = arg;
		*ap++ = exe;
		if (force)
			*ap++ = "-f";
		if (op > 0)
			*ap++ = "-s";
		*ap++ = (char*)lang;
		*ap++ = (char*)tool;
		*ap++ = proc;
		*ap = 0;
		if (procrun(exe, arg, 0))
			return 0;
		if (eaccess(path, R_OK))
			return 0;
	return path == buf ? strdup(path) : path;