Ejemplo n.º 1
static gboolean
set_out_arg (JSContext      *js_context,
             GIFunctionInfo *func_info,
             gboolean        is_return_value,
             GIArgInfo      *arg_info,
             GITypeInfo     *type_info,
             gpointer        ptr,
             jsval           js_value)
  gboolean nullable;
  GITransfer transfer;
  GIArgument argument;
  GjsArgumentType arg_type;

  if (is_return_value)
      nullable = g_callable_info_may_return_null (func_info);
      transfer = g_callable_info_get_caller_owns (func_info);
      arg_type = GJS_ARGUMENT_ARGUMENT;
      nullable = g_arg_info_may_be_null (arg_info);
      transfer = g_arg_info_get_ownership_transfer (arg_info);

  if (!gjs_value_to_g_argument (js_context, js_value, type_info, NULL,
                                arg_type, transfer, nullable, &argument))
      if (is_return_value)
          g_warning ("Error failed to convert return value to GIArgument");
          g_warning ("Error failed to convert OUT argument '%s' from "
                     "jsval to GIArgument", g_base_info_get_name (arg_info));

      return FALSE;

  peas_gi_argument_to_pointer (type_info, &argument, ptr);

  return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void
handle_method_impl (ffi_cif  *cif,
                    gpointer  result,
                    gpointer *args,
                    gpointer  data)
  MethodImpl *impl = (MethodImpl *) data;
  GIArgInfo arg_info;
  GITypeInfo type_info;
  GITypeInfo return_type_info;
  gint n_args, i;
  PeasExtensionWrapper *instance;
  GIArgument *arguments;
  GIArgument return_value;
  gboolean success;

  instance = *((PeasExtensionWrapper **) args[0]);
  g_assert (PEAS_IS_EXTENSION_WRAPPER (instance));

  n_args = g_callable_info_get_n_args (impl->invoker_info);
  g_return_if_fail (n_args >= 0);
  arguments = g_newa (GIArgument, n_args);

  for (i = 0; i < n_args; i++)
      g_callable_info_load_arg (impl->invoker_info, i, &arg_info);
      g_arg_info_load_type (&arg_info, &type_info);

      if (g_arg_info_get_direction (&arg_info) == GI_DIRECTION_IN)
        peas_gi_pointer_to_argument (&type_info, args[i + 1], &arguments[i]);
        arguments[i].v_pointer = *((gpointer **) args[i + 1]);

  success = peas_extension_wrapper_callv (instance, impl->interface_type,
                                          impl->invoker_info, impl->method_name,
                                          arguments, &return_value);

  if (!success)
    memset (&return_value, 0, sizeof (GIArgument));

  g_callable_info_load_return_type (impl->invoker_info, &return_type_info);
  if (g_type_info_get_tag (&return_type_info) != GI_TYPE_TAG_VOID)
    peas_gi_argument_to_pointer (&return_type_info, &return_value, result);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * peas_extension_call_valist: (skip)
 * @exten: A #PeasExtension.
 * @method_name: the name of the method that should be called.
 * @args: the arguments for the method.
 * Call a method of the object behind @extension, using @args as arguments.
 * See peas_extension_call() for more information.
 * Return value: %TRUE on successful call.
 * Deprecated: 1.2. Use the dynamically implemented interface instead.
peas_extension_call_valist (PeasExtension *exten,
                            const gchar   *method_name,
                            va_list        args)
  GICallableInfo *callable_info;
  GITypeInfo retval_info;
  GIArgument *gargs;
  GIArgument retval;
  gpointer retval_ptr;
  gboolean ret;
  gint n_args;

  g_return_val_if_fail (PEAS_IS_EXTENSION (exten), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (method_name != NULL, FALSE);

  callable_info = peas_gi_get_method_info (peas_extension_get_extension_type (exten),

  /* Already warned */
  if (callable_info == NULL)
    return FALSE;

  n_args = g_callable_info_get_n_args (callable_info);
  g_return_val_if_fail (n_args >= 0, FALSE);
  gargs = g_newa (GIArgument, n_args);
  peas_gi_valist_to_arguments (callable_info, args, gargs, &retval_ptr);

  ret = peas_extension_callv (exten, method_name, gargs, &retval);

  if (retval_ptr != NULL)
      g_callable_info_load_return_type (callable_info, &retval_info);
      peas_gi_argument_to_pointer (&retval_info, &retval, retval_ptr);

  g_base_info_unref ((GIBaseInfo *) callable_info);

  return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static gboolean
peas_extension_seed_call (PeasExtensionWrapper *exten,
                          const gchar          *method_name,
                          GIArgument           *args,
                          GIArgument           *retval)
  PeasExtensionSeed *sexten = PEAS_EXTENSION_SEED (exten);
  GType exten_type;
  SeedValue js_method;
  GICallableInfo *func_info;
  gint n_args, i;
  SeedValue *js_in_args;
  OutArg *out_args;
  SeedValue js_ret, val;
  SeedException exc = NULL;
  gchar *exc_string;
  gint n_in_args = 0;
  gint n_out_args = 0;
  GIArgument argument;

  g_return_val_if_fail (sexten->js_context != NULL, FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (sexten->js_object != NULL, FALSE);

  exten_type = peas_extension_wrapper_get_extension_type (exten);

  /* Fetch the JS method we want to call */
  js_method = seed_object_get_property (sexten->js_context,
  if (seed_value_is_undefined (sexten->js_context, js_method))
      g_warning ("Method '%s.%s' is not defined",
                 g_type_name (exten_type), method_name);
      return FALSE;

  /* We want to display an error if the method is defined but is not a function. */
  if (!seed_value_is_function (sexten->js_context, js_method))
      g_warning ("Method '%s.%s' is not a function",
                 g_type_name (exten_type), method_name);
      return FALSE;

  /* Prepare the arguments */
  func_info = peas_gi_get_method_info (exten_type, method_name);
  if (func_info == NULL)
    return FALSE;

  n_args = g_callable_info_get_n_args (func_info);
  g_return_val_if_fail (n_args >= 0, FALSE);

  js_in_args = g_newa (SeedValue, n_args);
  out_args = g_newa (OutArg, n_args + 1);

  /* We put the return value first in the out tuple, as it seems to be
   * the common behaviour for GI-based bindings */
  g_callable_info_load_return_type (func_info, &out_args[0].type_info);
  if (g_type_info_get_tag (&out_args[0].type_info) != GI_TYPE_TAG_VOID)
    out_args[n_out_args++].ptr = &retval->v_pointer;

  /* Handle the other arguments */
  for (i = 0; i < n_args && exc == NULL; i++)
      GIArgInfo arg_info;
      GIDirection direction;

      g_callable_info_load_arg (func_info, i, &arg_info);
      direction = g_arg_info_get_direction (&arg_info);
      g_arg_info_load_type (&arg_info, &out_args[n_out_args].type_info);

      if (direction == GI_DIRECTION_IN)
          js_in_args[n_in_args++] = seed_value_from_gi_argument (sexten->js_context,

      if (direction == GI_DIRECTION_INOUT)
          GIArgument arg;

          peas_gi_pointer_to_argument (&out_args[n_out_args].type_info,
                                       args[i].v_pointer, &arg);
          js_in_args[n_in_args++] = seed_value_from_gi_argument (sexten->js_context,

      if (direction == GI_DIRECTION_OUT || direction == GI_DIRECTION_INOUT)
        out_args[n_out_args++].ptr = args[i].v_pointer;
  if (exc != NULL)
    goto cleanup;

  js_ret = seed_object_call (sexten->js_context,
  if (exc != NULL)
    goto cleanup;

  if (n_out_args == 1)
      if (seed_value_to_gi_argument (sexten->js_context, js_ret,
                                     &out_args[0].type_info, &argument, &exc))
          peas_gi_argument_to_pointer (&out_args[0].type_info,
                                       &argument, out_args[0].ptr);
  else if (n_out_args > 0 && seed_value_is_object (sexten->js_context, js_ret))
      for (i = 0; i < n_out_args && exc == NULL; i++)
          val = seed_object_get_property_at_index (sexten->js_context, js_ret,
                                                   i, exc);

          if (exc == NULL &&
              seed_value_to_gi_argument (sexten->js_context, val,
                                         &argument, &exc))
              peas_gi_argument_to_pointer (&out_args[i].type_info,
                                           &argument, out_args[i].ptr);


  g_base_info_unref ((GIBaseInfo *) func_info);

  if (exc == NULL)
    return TRUE;

  exc_string = seed_exception_to_string (sexten->js_context, exc);
  g_warning ("Seed Exception: %s", exc_string);
  g_free (exc_string);
  return FALSE;