Ejemplo n.º 1
void iothread_perform_on_main(void_function_t &&func) {
    if (is_main_thread()) {

    // Make a new request. Note we are synchronous, so this can be stack allocated!
    main_thread_request_t req(std::move(func));

    // Append it. Do not delete the nested scope as it is crucial to the proper functioning of this
    // code by virtue of the lock management.
        scoped_lock queue_lock(s_main_thread_request_q_lock);

    // Tell the pipe.
    const char wakeup_byte = IO_SERVICE_MAIN_THREAD_REQUEST_QUEUE;
    assert_with_errno(write_loop(s_write_pipe, &wakeup_byte, sizeof wakeup_byte) != -1);

    // Wait on the condition, until we're done.
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> perform_lock(s_main_thread_performer_lock);
    while (!req.done) {
        // It would be nice to support checking for cancellation here, but the clients need a
        // deterministic way to clean up to avoid leaks

    // Ok, the request must now be done.
Ejemplo n.º 2
int iothread_perform_on_main_base(int (*handler)(void *), void *context) {
    // If this is the main thread, just do it.
    if (is_main_thread()) {
        return handler(context);

    // Make a new request. Note we are synchronous, so this can be stack allocated!
    MainThreadRequest_t req;
    req.handler = handler;
    req.context = context;
    req.handlerResult = 0;
    req.done = false;

    // Append it. Do not delete the nested scope as it is crucial to the proper functioning of this
    // code by virtue of the lock management.
        scoped_lock queue_lock(s_main_thread_request_queue_lock);

    // Tell the pipe.
    const char wakeup_byte = IO_SERVICE_MAIN_THREAD_REQUEST_QUEUE;
    VOMIT_ON_FAILURE(!write_loop(s_write_pipe, &wakeup_byte, sizeof wakeup_byte));

    // Wait on the condition, until we're done.
    scoped_lock perform_lock(s_main_thread_performer_lock);
    while (!req.done) {
        // It would be nice to support checking for cancellation here, but the clients need a
        // deterministic way to clean up to avoid leaks
            pthread_cond_wait(&s_main_thread_performer_condition, &s_main_thread_performer_lock));

    // Ok, the request must now be done.
    return req.handlerResult;