Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// return a 0-1 float or a -.5 to .5 float?
 double perlinNoise(float x)
    return (      perlinNoise(x,128) +  
              0.5*perlinNoise(x,64) +
              0.2*perlinNoise(x,32)  +
             0.06*perlinNoise(x,16)  );
Ejemplo n.º 2
inline void benchParallel(rgba* image){

    DomaineMaths domain(0, 0, DIM_W, DIM_H);

    const float dx = (float) (domain.dx / (float) DIM_W);
    const float dy = (float) (domain.dy / (float) DIM_H);

    float t = 1;

    #pragma omp parallel
	int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
	int i = tid + 1;

	float y = domain.y0 + tid * dy;

	while(i <= DIM_W){
	    float x = domain.x0;

	    for(int j = 1; j <= DIM_H; ++j){
		float c = perlinNoise(x,y, 1);

		setFloatRGBA(image, i, j, 135, 206, 250, c * 255.0);

		x += dx;

	    y += THREADS * dy;

	    i += THREADS;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void PerlinImageOMP::refreshAll(const DomaineMaths& domainNew){
    const int w = getW();
    const int h = getH();

    const float dx = (float) (domainNew.dx / (float) w);
    const float dy = (float) (domainNew.dy / (float) h);

    #pragma omp parallel
	int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
	int i = tid + 1;

	float y = domainNew.y0 + tid * dy;

	while(i <= h){
	    float x = domainNew.x0;

	    for(int j = 1; j <= w; ++j){
		float c = perlinNoise(x,y,t);

		setRGBA(i, j, 135, 206, 250, c * 255.0);

		x += dx;

	    y += THREADS * dy;

	    i += THREADS;
Ejemplo n.º 4
Float Noise::turbulence(const Point &p, const Vector &dpdx, 
		const Vector &dpdy, Float omega, int maxOctaves) {
    // Compute number of octaves for antialiased FBm
    Float s2 = std::max(dpdx.lengthSquared(), dpdy.lengthSquared());
    Float foctaves = std::min((Float) maxOctaves, 1.f - .5f * log2(s2));
    int octaves = (int) foctaves;

    // Compute sum of octaves of noise for turbulence
    Float sum = 0., lambda = 1., o = 1.;
    for (int i = 0; i < octaves; ++i) {
        sum += o * std::abs(perlinNoise(lambda * p));
        lambda *= 1.99f;
        o *= omega;
    Float partialOctave = foctaves - octaves;
    sum += o * smoothStep(.3f, .7f, partialOctave)
		* std::abs(perlinNoise(lambda * p));
    return sum;
Ejemplo n.º 5
double turbulenceAbs(int octaves, const Point& p, double lacunarity, double gain)
  double sum = 0;
  double scale = 1;
  double totalgain = 1;
  for(int i=0;i<octaves;i++){
    sum += totalgain*fabs(perlinNoise(Point(p.x()*scale, p.y()*scale, p.z()*scale)));
    scale *= lacunarity;
    totalgain *= gain;
  return sum;
Ejemplo n.º 6
/// Computes all octaves values for a coordinate
float Perlin::pixelOctaves(float x, float y, float z) {
	float total = 0; // Sum of all octaves
	float freq = 1; // freq = 2^oct
	float amp = 1; // amp = persistence^oct
	float max = 0; // Stores the total amplitude to normalize the result

	for (int i = 0; i<numOctaves; i++) {
		total += perlinNoise(x * freq, y * freq, z* freq) * amp;
		max += amp;
		amp *= persistence;
		freq *= 2.0f;
	return total / max; // Normalize the result
Ejemplo n.º 7
Texture* genTexture(int seed)
	Texture *tex = new Texture();
	tex->sizeX = TEX_X;
	tex->sizeY = TEX_Y;
	tex->data = new unsigned char[TEX_X*TEX_Y * 3];
	for (int i = 0; i < TEX_Y; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < TEX_X; j++)
			unsigned char value = LEVEL*perlinNoise(float(j+seed)/16, float(i+seed)/16);
			tex->data[(j + i*TEX_X) * 3]     = 0;
			tex->data[(j + i*TEX_X) * 3 + 1] = 0;
			tex->data[(j + i*TEX_X) * 3 + 2] = value;
	return tex;
Ejemplo n.º 8
SDL_Surface* PerlinNoise::Render_Clouds(const int x, const int y, const int z, const int w, const int h, const double zoom, const double p)
	const SDL_PixelFormat& fmt = *(screen->format);
	SDL_Surface* ret = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, w, h, fmt.BitsPerPixel, fmt.Rmask,fmt.Gmask,fmt.Bmask,fmt.Amask);
	for(int yi = 0; yi<h; yi++)
		for(int xi = 0; xi<w; xi++)
			int color= (int)(perlinNoise(x+xi, y+yi, z, zoom, p)*255);

			Uint32 pixel = SDL_MapRGB(ret->format, color, color, color);
	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void initNoise()
  logi.log("Creating noise");
  int width,height;
  width = 1000;
  height = 1000;

  Texture perlinNoise(NOISE_TEXTURE,width,height);
  float* data = new float[width*height];
  glm::vec2 w = glm::vec2(10.f);
  glm::mat2 rotMat1 = glm::mat2(cos(20.f),-sin(20.f),sin(20.f),cos(20.f));
  for (int i = 0;i<width;i++)
    for (int j = 0;j<height;j++)
      glm::vec2 p = 10.f*glm::vec2(i/float(width),j/float(height));
      data[i*width+j] = 0.5*(glm::perlin(p,w)+0.5*glm::perlin(2.f*rotMat1*p,w*2.f)+0.25*glm::perlin(4.f*p,w*4.f)+0.125*glm::perlin(rotMat1*p*8.f,w*8.f));
Ejemplo n.º 10
inline void benchSequential(rgba* image){
    DomaineMaths domain(0, 0, DIM_W, DIM_H);

    float dx = (float) (domain.dx / (float) DIM_W);
    float dy = (float) (domain.dy / (float) DIM_H);
    float y = domain.y0;

    for(int i = 1; i <= DIM_W; ++i){
	float x = domain.x0;

	for(int j = 1; j <= DIM_H; ++j){
	    float c = perlinNoise(x,y, 1);

	    setFloatRGBA(image, i, j, 135, 206, 250, c * 255.0);

	    x += dx;

	y += dy;
Ejemplo n.º 11
float Simulation::getDisplacement(const Vec3f& pos, double timestep) const {
  float amplitude = 0.4 * (plates[0].getVelocity().Length() + plates[1].getVelocity().Length());//0.001;
  // If the overlap is empty, displace the vertices down, not up
  if (overlap.isEmpty())
    amplitude *= -1;
  // If the overlap is too small, don't bother displacing yet
  if (fabs(overlap.getArea()) < 0.1 * timestep / 1000)
    return 0;

  Vec3f center = overlap.getMidpoint(pos);
  float spread = 0.5 * overlap.getWidth();

  // Compute Gaussian function
  float y = amplitude * exp(-1 * (pos.x() - center.x()) * (pos.x() - center.x()) / (2 * spread * spread));
  // Compute Perlin noise
  float noiseFactor = -0.3 * y * perlinNoise(randomFloat(0, 1), randomFloat(0, 1));

  return y + noiseFactor;
Ejemplo n.º 12
void bone::update(float preIncr)
        float incr = preIncr;

        float reduceVel = 1.0;
        //rotY -= 0.001; 

        float inc_scale = 1.0;
        float post_scale = 6e4;
        rotXvel += 2.0*M_PI * (perlinNoise(inc_scale*incr) - 0.5)/post_scale;
        //rotX += rotXvel;

        rotYvel += 2.0*M_PI * (perlinNoise(inc_scale*incr+1e5) - 0.5)/post_scale;
        rotY += rotYvel;

        rotZvel += 2.0*M_PI * (perlinNoise(inc_scale*incr +2e5) - 0.5)/post_scale;
        rotZ += rotZvel;

        /// joint limits could be per bone, and somewhat random
        float limit = M_PI*0.25;
        if (rotX >= limit) { rotX = limit - M_PI/100.0; rotXvel = -rotXvel*reduceVel; }
        if (rotX <= 0)      {rotX = 0 + M_PI/100.0;     rotXvel = -rotXvel*reduceVel; }

        limit = M_PI*0.9;
        if (rotY >= limit) { rotY =  limit - M_PI/100.0; rotYvel = -rotYvel*reduceVel; }
        if (rotY <= -limit) {rotY = -limit + M_PI/100.0; rotYvel = -rotYvel*reduceVel; }

        if (rotZ >= limit) { rotZ =  limit - M_PI/100.0; rotZvel = -rotZvel*reduceVel; }
        if (rotZ <= -limit) {rotZ = -limit + M_PI/100.0; rotZvel = -rotZvel*reduceVel; }

        rotXvel *= 0.999;
        rotYvel *= 0.999;
        rotZvel *= 0.999;
        osg::Quat quat = osg::Quat(
                rotX, osg::Vec3(1,0,0),
                rotY, osg::Vec3(0,1,0),
                rotZ, osg::Vec3(0,0,1) 
    if (parent == NULL) return;

	osg::Group* group = dynamic_cast<osg::Group*>(object);
	osg::Geode* geode = dynamic_cast<osg::Geode*>(group->getChild(0));

#ifdef VECS2
    osg::Vec3Array* vecs2 = new osg::Vec3Array(*vecs, osg::CopyOp::DEEP_COPY_ALL);

    bool doBones = true;
    if (doBones) {
        //osg::Matrixd rot(att->getAttitude() );
        //osg::Matrixd rot2(objpos->getAttitude() );

        //osg::Matrixd rot1 = objpos->getWorldMatrices()[0];
        //osg::Vec3 cenDiff = rot2.preMult(osg::Vec3(0,0,0)) - rot1.preMult(osg::Vec3(0,0,0)); 
        #ifdef VECS2
        osg::Matrixd rot2 = objposNoAtt->getWorldMatrices()[0];

        /// do the position mixing
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < vecs->getNumElements() &&
                parentWeights.size() ; i++) {
            osg::Vec3 pos =  (*origVecs)[i];
            //osg::Vec3d parentPos = rot.preMult( (*origVecs)[i] );
            //parentPos = rot2.preMult( parentPos );
            //osg::Vec3d newPos = parentPos*parentWeights[i] + (*origVecs)[i]*(1.0-parentWeights[i]);
            //(*vecs)[i] = newPos;
            //osg::Vec3d diff = rot2.preMult(pos) - rot1.preMult(pos);
            //(*vecs)[i] = pos;// + diff; //*parentWeights[i];

            /// for some reason the rotations are mismatched for X & Z but not Y
            /// is there some rotation between att and root that doesn't matter for Y?
            /// it's the rotation put on by objpos
            osg::Quat slerped;

            slerped.slerp(parentWeights[i], att->getAttitude(), root->getAttitude()); 

            osg::Vec3 slerpedPos = (slerped)*pos;
            (*vecs)[i] = slerpedPos; 

            //(*vecs)[i] = pos; 
            #ifdef VECS2
            /// this is basically it, but there's a discontinuity 
            /// problem with the rotation passing through PI/2
            (*vecs2)[i] = rot2.preMult(slerpedPos);
            //(*vecs2)[i] = rot2.preMult(slerpedPos);


        osg::Group* group = dynamic_cast<osg::Group*>(object);
        osg::Geode* geode = dynamic_cast<osg::Geode*>(group->getChild(0));

        if(!geode) {
            osg::notify(osg::WARN) << "failed to load mesh " << std::endl;

        osg::Geometry* mesh = dynamic_cast<osg::Geometry*>(geode->getDrawable(0));

        if(!mesh) {
            osg::notify(osg::WARN) << mesh << ": mesh " << 
                " was expected to contain a single drawable" << std::endl;


        osgUtil::SmoothingVisitor sv;

    /// temp to do same for object2
    #ifdef VECS2
        osg::Group* group = dynamic_cast<osg::Group*>(object2);
        osg::Geode* geode = dynamic_cast<osg::Geode*>(group->getChild(0));

        if(!geode) {
            osg::notify(osg::WARN) << "failed to load mesh " << std::endl;

        osg::Geometry* mesh = dynamic_cast<osg::Geometry*>(geode->getDrawable(0));
        if(!mesh) {
            osg::notify(osg::WARN) << mesh << ": mesh " << 
                " was expected to contain a single drawable" << std::endl;


        osgUtil::SmoothingVisitor sv;
