Ejemplo n.º 1
// The main function that will be run when the file is run from bash
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	// make two Person structures and then create pointers to them 
	struct Person *joe = person_create(
		"Joe Alex", 32, 64, 140);

	struct Person *frank = person_create(
		"Frank Black", 20, 72, 180);

	// Print out where each is in memory (possible because they are lvalues)
	printf("Joe is at memory location %p:\n", joe);

	printf("Frank is at memory location %p:\n", frank);

	// We can do assignment to the variables we assigned for our Person struct
	joe->age += 20;
	joe->height -= 2;
	joe->weight += 40;

	frank->age += 20;
	frank->weight += 20;

	// Clean the structs out of memory before the program ends
	person_destroy(joe);    // valgrind shows leaked bytes if not called
	//	person_destroy(NULL);  // passing NULL causes SIGABRT error

	return 0;

Ejemplo n.º 2
  this program illustrates how to use void* as a generic pointer, how
  to use pointer casts to get the generic pointer interpreted
  according to what type of value it points to, and the danger of
  making an incorrect cast
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
  struct tm now;		/* standard struct for storing a time value */
  double lightspeed;
  Person * albert;		/* pointer to our custom struct person */
  void * generic_pointer;
    let's read the clock, it gets stored in a standard struct tm (from
    the time.h header)
  if (0 != clock_read (&now)) {
    printf ("failed to read the clock\n");
    return 1;
    the speed of light as a double-precision floating point number
  lightspeed = 299792458.0;
    Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879. His age depends on
    today's date...
  albert = person_create ("Albert Einstein",
			  (now.tm_mon >= 3 && now.tm_mday >= 14) ?
			  now.tm_year + 1901 - 1879 :
			  now.tm_year + 1900 - 1879);
  /* **************************************************
   * NOW FOR THE FUN PART *****************************
   * **************************************************/
    the generic pointer can store the address of any of our variables
  generic_pointer = &now;
  printf ("the date and time is\n");
  clock_print (&now);
  generic_pointer = &lightspeed;
  printf ("the speed of light is\n  %g m/s\n", *(double*)generic_pointer);
  generic_pointer = albert;
  printf ("the person is\n");
  person_print (generic_pointer);
  return 0;