Ejemplo n.º 1
void drop_packet_rule(const struct pfring_pkthdr *h) {
  const struct pkt_parsing_info *hdr = &h->extended_hdr.parsed_pkt;
  static int rule_id=0;

  if(add_drop_rule == 1) {
    hash_filtering_rule rule;

    memset(&rule, 0, sizeof(hash_filtering_rule));

    rule.rule_id = rule_id++;
    rule.vlan_id = hdr->vlan_id;
    rule.proto = hdr->l3_proto;
    rule.rule_action = dont_forward_packet_and_stop_rule_evaluation;
    rule.host4_peer_a = hdr->ip_src.v4, rule.host4_peer_b = hdr->ip_dst.v4;
    rule.port_peer_a = hdr->l4_src_port, rule.port_peer_b = hdr->l4_dst_port;

    if(pfring_handle_hash_filtering_rule(pd, &rule, 1 /* add_rule */) < 0)
      fprintf(stderr, "pfring_handle_hash_filtering_rule(1) failed\n");
      printf("Added filtering rule %d\n", rule.rule_id);
  } else {
    filtering_rule rule;
    int rc;

    memset(&rule, 0, sizeof(rule));

    rule.rule_id = rule_id++;
    rule.rule_action = dont_forward_packet_and_stop_rule_evaluation;
    rule.core_fields.proto = hdr->l3_proto;
    rule.core_fields.shost.v4 = hdr->ip_src.v4, rule.core_fields.shost_mask.v4 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    rule.core_fields.sport_low = rule.core_fields.sport_high = hdr->l4_src_port;

    rule.core_fields.dhost.v4 = hdr->ip_dst.v4, rule.core_fields.dhost_mask.v4 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    rule.core_fields.dport_low = rule.core_fields.dport_high = hdr->l4_dst_port;

    if((rc = pfring_add_filtering_rule(pd, &rule)) < 0)
      fprintf(stderr, "pfring_add_filtering_rule(2) failed\n");
      printf("Rule %d added successfully...\n", rule.rule_id);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static int pfring_daq_acquire(void *handle, int cnt, DAQ_Analysis_Func_t callback, 
#if (DAQ_API_VERSION >= 0x00010002)
                              DAQ_Meta_Func_t metaback,
			      void *user) {
  Pfring_Context_t *context =(Pfring_Context_t *) handle;
  int ret = 0, i, current_ring_idx = context->num_devices - 1, rx_ring_idx;
  struct pollfd pfd[DAQ_PF_RING_MAX_NUM_DEVICES];
  hash_filtering_rule hash_rule;
  memset(&hash_rule, 0, sizeof(hash_rule));

  context->analysis_func = callback;
  context->breakloop = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < context->num_devices; i++)

  while((!context->breakloop) && ((cnt == -1) || (cnt > 0))) {
    struct pfring_pkthdr phdr;
    DAQ_PktHdr_t hdr;
    DAQ_Verdict verdict;

    memset(&phdr, 0, sizeof(phdr));


    for (i = 0; i < context->num_devices; i++) {
      current_ring_idx = (current_ring_idx + 1) % context->num_devices;

      ret = pfring_recv(context->ring_handles[current_ring_idx], &context->pkt_buffer, 0, &phdr, 0 /* Dont't wait */);

      if (ret > 0) break;

    if(ret <= 0) {
      /* No packet to read: let's poll */
      int rc;

      for (i = 0; i < context->num_devices; i++) {
        pfd[i].fd = pfring_get_selectable_fd(context->ring_handles[i]);
        pfd[i].events = POLLIN;
	pfd[i].revents = 0;

      rc = poll(pfd, context->num_devices, context->timeout);

      if(rc < 0) {
	if(errno == EINTR)

	DPE(context->errbuf, "%s: Poll failed: %s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, strerror(errno), errno);
	return DAQ_ERROR;
    } else {
      hdr.caplen = phdr.caplen;
      hdr.pktlen = phdr.len;
      hdr.ts = phdr.ts;
#if (DAQ_API_VERSION >= 0x00010002)
      hdr.ingress_index = phdr.extended_hdr.if_index;
      hdr.egress_index = -1;
      hdr.ingress_group = -1;
      hdr.egress_group = -1;
      hdr.device_index = phdr.extended_hdr.if_index;
      hdr.flags = 0;

      rx_ring_idx = current_ring_idx;


      verdict = context->analysis_func(user, &hdr,(u_char*)context->pkt_buffer);

      if(verdict >= MAX_DAQ_VERDICT)
	verdict = DAQ_VERDICT_PASS;

      if (phdr.extended_hdr.parsed_pkt.eth_type == 0x0806 /* ARP */ )
        verdict = DAQ_VERDICT_PASS;
      switch(verdict) {
      case DAQ_VERDICT_BLACKLIST: /* Block the packet and block all future packets in the same flow systemwide. */
	if (context->use_kernel_filters) {
	  pfring_parse_pkt(context->pkt_buffer, &phdr, 4, 0, 0);
	  /* or use pfring_recv_parsed() to force parsing. */

	  hash_rule.rule_id     = context->filter_count++;
	  hash_rule.vlan_id     = phdr.extended_hdr.parsed_pkt.vlan_id;
	  hash_rule.proto       = phdr.extended_hdr.parsed_pkt.l3_proto;
	  memcpy(&hash_rule.host_peer_a, &phdr.extended_hdr.parsed_pkt.ipv4_src, sizeof(ip_addr));
	  memcpy(&hash_rule.host_peer_b, &phdr.extended_hdr.parsed_pkt.ipv4_dst, sizeof(ip_addr));
	  hash_rule.port_peer_a = phdr.extended_hdr.parsed_pkt.l4_src_port;
	  hash_rule.port_peer_b = phdr.extended_hdr.parsed_pkt.l4_dst_port;
	  hash_rule.plugin_action.plugin_id = NO_PLUGIN_ID;

	  if (context->mode == DAQ_MODE_PASSIVE && context->num_reflector_devices > rx_ring_idx) { /* lowlevelbridge ON */
	    hash_rule.rule_action = reflect_packet_and_stop_rule_evaluation;
	    snprintf(hash_rule.reflector_device_name, REFLECTOR_NAME_LEN, "%s", context->reflector_devices[rx_ring_idx]);
	  } else {
	    hash_rule.rule_action = dont_forward_packet_and_stop_rule_evaluation;

	  pfring_handle_hash_filtering_rule(context->ring_handles[rx_ring_idx], &hash_rule, 1 /* add_rule */);

	  /* Purge rules idle (i.e. with no packet matching) for more than 1h */
	  pfring_purge_idle_hash_rules(context->ring_handles[rx_ring_idx], context->idle_rules_timeout);

	  printf("[DEBUG] %d.%d.%d.%d:%d -> %d.%d.%d.%d:%d Verdict=%d Action=%d\n",
	         hash_rule.host_peer_a.v4 >> 24 & 0xFF, hash_rule.host_peer_a.v4 >> 16 & 0xFF,
	         hash_rule.host_peer_a.v4 >>  8 & 0xFF, hash_rule.host_peer_a.v4 >>  0 & 0xFF,
	         hash_rule.port_peer_a & 0xFFFF,
	         hash_rule.host_peer_b.v4 >> 24 & 0xFF, hash_rule.host_peer_b.v4 >> 16 & 0xFF,
	         hash_rule.host_peer_b.v4 >>  8 & 0xFF, hash_rule.host_peer_b.v4 >>  0 & 0xFF,
	         hash_rule.port_peer_b & 0xFFFF,

      case DAQ_VERDICT_WHITELIST: /* Pass the packet and fastpath all future packets in the same flow systemwide. */
      case DAQ_VERDICT_IGNORE:    /* Pass the packet and fastpath all future packets in the same flow for this application. */
        /* Setting a rule for reflectiong packets when lowlevelbridge is ON could be an optimization here, 
	 * but we can't set "forward" (reflector won't work) or "reflect" (packets reflected twice) hash rules */ 
      case DAQ_VERDICT_PASS:      /* Pass the packet */
      case DAQ_VERDICT_REPLACE:   /* Pass a packet that has been modified in-place.(No resizing allowed!) */
        if (context->mode == DAQ_MODE_INLINE) {
	  pfring_daq_send_packet(context, context->ring_handles[rx_ring_idx ^ 0x1], hdr.caplen, 
				 context->ring_handles[rx_ring_idx], context->ifindexes[rx_ring_idx ^ 0x1]);

      case DAQ_VERDICT_BLOCK:   /* Block the packet. */
	/* Nothing to do really */

      case MAX_DAQ_VERDICT:
	/* No way we can reach this point */

      if(cnt > 0) cnt--;