Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Function dumping dependent relation & function oids for a given SQL text
	char *sqlText = text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0));
	List *queryList = pg_parse_and_rewrite(sqlText, NULL, 0);
	ListCell *plc;
	StringInfoData relbuf, funcbuf;
	typedef struct OidHashEntry
		Oid key;
		bool value;
	} OidHashEntry;
	ctl.keysize = sizeof(Oid);
	ctl.entrysize = sizeof(OidHashEntry);
	ctl.hash = oid_hash;
	HTAB *relhtab = hash_create("relid hash table", 100, &ctl, HASH_ELEM | HASH_FUNCTION);
	HTAB *funchtab = hash_create("funcid hash table", 100, &ctl, HASH_ELEM | HASH_FUNCTION);
	foreach(plc, queryList)
		Query *query = (Query *) lfirst(plc);
		if (CMD_UTILITY == query->commandType && T_ExplainStmt == query->utilityStmt->type)
			Node *queryExplain = ((ExplainStmt *)query->utilityStmt)->query;
			List *queryTree = pg_analyze_and_rewrite(queryExplain, sqlText, NULL, 0);
			Assert(1 == list_length(queryTree));
			query = (Query *) lfirst(list_head(queryTree));
		traverseQueryOids(query, relhtab, &relbuf, funchtab, &funcbuf);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Parse and plan a querystring.
 * At entry, plan->argtypes and plan->nargs must be valid.
 * Query and plan lists are stored into *plan.
static void
_SPI_prepare_plan(const char *src, _SPI_plan *plan)
	List	   *raw_parsetree_list;
	List	   *query_list_list;
	List	   *plan_list;
	ListCell   *list_item;
	ErrorContextCallback spierrcontext;
	Oid		   *argtypes = plan->argtypes;
	int			nargs = plan->nargs;

	 * Increment CommandCounter to see changes made by now.  We must do
	 * this to be sure of seeing any schema changes made by a just-preceding
	 * SPI command.  (But we don't bother advancing the snapshot, since the
	 * planner generally operates under SnapshotNow rules anyway.)

	 * Setup error traceback support for ereport()
	spierrcontext.callback = _SPI_error_callback;
	spierrcontext.arg = (void *) src;
	spierrcontext.previous = error_context_stack;
	error_context_stack = &spierrcontext;

	 * Parse the request string into a list of raw parse trees.
	raw_parsetree_list = pg_parse_query(src);

	 * Do parse analysis and rule rewrite for each raw parsetree.
	 * We save the querytrees from each raw parsetree as a separate
	 * sublist.  This allows _SPI_execute_plan() to know where the
	 * boundaries between original queries fall.
	query_list_list = NIL;
	plan_list = NIL;

	foreach(list_item, raw_parsetree_list)
		Node	   *parsetree = (Node *) lfirst(list_item);
		List	   *query_list;

		query_list = pg_analyze_and_rewrite(parsetree, argtypes, nargs);

		query_list_list = lappend(query_list_list, query_list);

		plan_list = list_concat(plan_list,
								pg_plan_queries(query_list, NULL, false));
Ejemplo n.º 3
static PlannedStmt *
get_plan_from_stmt(Oid id, Node *node, const char *sql, bool is_combine)
	Query *query;
	PlannedStmt	*plan;

	query = linitial(pg_analyze_and_rewrite(node, sql, NULL, 0));

	query->isContinuous = true;
	query->isCombine = is_combine;
	query->cq_id = id;

	plan = pg_plan_query(query, 0, NULL);

	plan->is_continuous = true;
	plan->is_combine = is_combine;
	plan->cq_id = id;

	 * Unique plans get transformed into ContinuousUnique plans for
	 * continuous query processes.
	if (IsA(plan->planTree, Unique))
		ContinuousUnique *cunique = makeNode(ContinuousUnique);
		Unique *unique = (Unique *) plan->planTree;

		memcpy((char *) &cunique->unique, (char *) unique, sizeof(Unique));

		cunique->cq_id = id;
		cunique->unique.plan.type = T_ContinuousUnique;

		plan->planTree = (Plan *) cunique;

		Assert(IsA(plan->planTree->lefttree, Sort));

		/* Strip out the sort since its not needed */
		plan->planTree->lefttree = plan->planTree->lefttree->lefttree;

	return plan;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * master_apply_delete_command takes in a delete command, finds shards that
 * match the criteria defined in the delete command, drops the found shards from
 * the worker nodes, and updates the corresponding metadata on the master node.
 * This function drops a shard if and only if all rows in the shard satisfy
 * the conditions in the delete command. Note that this function only accepts
 * conditions on the partition key and if no condition is provided then all
 * shards are deleted.
 * We mark shard placements that we couldn't drop as to be deleted later. If a
 * shard satisfies the given conditions, we delete it from shard metadata table
 * even though related shard placements are not deleted.
	text *queryText = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0);
	char *queryString = text_to_cstring(queryText);
	char *relationName = NULL;
	char *schemaName = NULL;
	Oid relationId = InvalidOid;
	List *shardIntervalList = NIL;
	List *deletableShardIntervalList = NIL;
	List *queryTreeList = NIL;
	Query *deleteQuery = NULL;
	Node *whereClause = NULL;
	Node *deleteCriteria = NULL;
	Node *queryTreeNode = NULL;
	DeleteStmt *deleteStatement = NULL;
	int droppedShardCount = 0;
	LOCKMODE lockMode = 0;
	char partitionMethod = 0;
	bool failOK = false;
#if (PG_VERSION_NUM >= 100000)
	RawStmt *rawStmt = (RawStmt *) ParseTreeRawStmt(queryString);
	queryTreeNode = rawStmt->stmt;
	queryTreeNode = ParseTreeNode(queryString);


	if (!IsA(queryTreeNode, DeleteStmt))
		ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("query \"%s\" is not a delete statement",

	deleteStatement = (DeleteStmt *) queryTreeNode;

	schemaName = deleteStatement->relation->schemaname;
	relationName = deleteStatement->relation->relname;

	 * We take an exclusive lock while dropping shards to prevent concurrent
	 * writes. We don't want to block SELECTs, which means queries might fail
	 * if they access a shard that has just been dropped.
	lockMode = ExclusiveLock;

	relationId = RangeVarGetRelid(deleteStatement->relation, lockMode, failOK);

	/* schema-prefix if it is not specified already */
	if (schemaName == NULL)
		Oid schemaId = get_rel_namespace(relationId);
		schemaName = get_namespace_name(schemaId);

	EnsureTablePermissions(relationId, ACL_DELETE);

#if (PG_VERSION_NUM >= 100000)
	queryTreeList = pg_analyze_and_rewrite(rawStmt, queryString, NULL, 0, NULL);
	queryTreeList = pg_analyze_and_rewrite(queryTreeNode, queryString, NULL, 0);
	deleteQuery = (Query *) linitial(queryTreeList);

	/* get where clause and flatten it */
	whereClause = (Node *) deleteQuery->jointree->quals;
	deleteCriteria = eval_const_expressions(NULL, whereClause);

	partitionMethod = PartitionMethod(relationId);
	if (partitionMethod == DISTRIBUTE_BY_HASH)
						errmsg("cannot delete from hash distributed table with this "
						errdetail("Delete statements on hash-partitioned tables "
								  "are not supported with master_apply_delete_command."),
						errhint("Use master_modify_multiple_shards command instead.")));
	else if (partitionMethod == DISTRIBUTE_BY_NONE)
						errmsg("cannot delete from distributed table"),
						errdetail("Delete statements on reference tables "
								  "are not supported.")));

	CheckPartitionColumn(relationId, deleteCriteria);

	shardIntervalList = LoadShardIntervalList(relationId);

	/* drop all shards if where clause is not present */
	if (deleteCriteria == NULL)
		deletableShardIntervalList = shardIntervalList;
		ereport(DEBUG2, (errmsg("dropping all shards for \"%s\"", relationName)));
		deletableShardIntervalList = ShardsMatchingDeleteCriteria(relationId,

	droppedShardCount = DropShards(relationId, schemaName, relationName,
