Ejemplo n.º 1
void write_data_P16F87( unsigned long address, unsigned char* data, char blocksize, char lastblock )

	char blockcounter;

	if( (lastblock & BLOCKTYPE_FIRST) && (address > 0) )
		set_address_P16( address ); //set the initial address
	for( blockcounter = 0; blockcounter < blocksize; blockcounter++ )
		//load data
		pic_send_14_bits( 6, 0x03, ((unsigned int) data[blockcounter]) );//LSB only
		//begin programming command
		pic_send_n_bits( 6, 0x18 );// begin programming only cycle
		//wait Tprog
		// 8MS, should be 20 ms for other?
		DelayMs( Tdprog );
		pic_send_n_bits( 6, 0x17 );//end programming

		//read data from data memory (to verify) not yet impl...
		//increment address
		pic_send_n_bits( 6, 0x06 );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void write_code_P16F54( unsigned long address, unsigned char* data, char blocksize, char lastblock )

	char blockcounter;
	if( lastblock & BLOCKTYPE_FIRST )
		pic_send_n_bits( 6, 0x06 );//increment address to go from 1FF / 3FF to 0
		set_address_P16( address ); //set the initial address
		//pic_send_n_bits(6,0x09);//bulk erase, which is necessary anyway...
	for( blockcounter = 0; blockcounter < blocksize; blockcounter += 2 )
		pic_send_14_bits( 6, 0x02, (((unsigned int) data[blockcounter])) | //MSB
				(((unsigned int) data[blockcounter + 1]) << 8) );//LSB
		DelayMs( 1 );
		pic_send_n_bits( 6, 0x08 ); //begin programming
		DelayMs( 3 );
		pic_send_n_bits( 6, 0x0E ); //end programming
		DelayMs( 1 );
		//payload=pic_read_14_bits(6,0x04); //read code memory
		//if(payload!=((((unsigned int)data[blockcounter]))|(((unsigned int)data[blockcounter+1])<<8)))
		//	set_vdd_vpp(pictype,picfamily,0);
		//	return 4;//verify error.
		pic_send_n_bits( 6, 0x06 ); //increment address
Ejemplo n.º 3
void write_code_P16F87( unsigned long address, unsigned char* data, char blocksize, char lastblock )
	unsigned int i;
	char blockcounter;
	if( (lastblock & BLOCKTYPE_FIRST) && (address > 0) )
		set_address_P16( address ); //set the initial address
	//4 word programming
	for( blockcounter = 0; blockcounter < blocksize; blockcounter += 8 ) //4 words of data = 8 bytes
		for( i = 0; i < 8; i += 2 )
			pic_send_14_bits( 6, 0x02, (((unsigned int) data[blockcounter + i])) | //MSB
					(((unsigned int) data[blockcounter + i + 1]) << 8) );//LSB
			if( i < 6 )
				pic_send_n_bits( 6, 0x06 ); //increment address
		pic_send_n_bits( 6, 0x18 ); //begin programming only, externally timed
		DelayMs( 2 );
		pic_send_n_bits( 6, 0x17 ); //end programming
		//for(i=0;i<100;i++);		//wait Tdis
		pic_send_n_bits( 6, 0x06 ); //increment address
Ejemplo n.º 4
void write_code_P16F84A( unsigned long address, unsigned char* data, char blocksize, char lastblock )

	char blockcounter;

	if( lastblock & BLOCKTYPE_FIRST )
		set_address_P16( address ); //set the initial address

	for( blockcounter = 0; blockcounter < blocksize; blockcounter += 2 )
		pic_send_14_bits( 6, 0x02, (((unsigned int) data[blockcounter])) | //MSB
				(((unsigned int) data[blockcounter + 1]) << 8) );//LSB
		pic_send_n_bits( 6, 0x08 ); //begin programming
		DelayMs( Tprog );
		DelayMs( 10 );
		pic_send_n_bits( 6, 0x06 ); //increment address
	/*if(pictype==P12F629&&((lastblock&2)&&((address+blocksize)<0x3FF))) //restore osccal register
	 pic_send_n_bits(6,0x06);	//increment address
	 pic_send_n_bits(6,0x08);    //begin programming, internally timed
	 //pic_send_n_bits(6,0x0A); 	//end programming
Ejemplo n.º 5
void write_code_P16C6XX( unsigned long address, unsigned char* data, char blocksize, char lastblock )

	char blockcounter;
	char i;
	unsigned int payload;
	if( (lastblock & BLOCKTYPE_FIRST) && (address > 0) )
		set_address_P16( address ); //set the initial address
	for( blockcounter = 0; blockcounter < blocksize; blockcounter += 2 )
			payload = (((unsigned int) data[blockcounter])) | //MSB
				(((unsigned int) data[blockcounter + 1]) << 8);
			pic_send_14_bits( 6, 0x02,  payload);//LSB
			pic_send_n_bits( 6, 0x08 ); //begin programming
			DelayUs( 100 );
			pic_send_n_bits( 6, 0x0E ); //end programming
			if(pic_read_14_bits( 6, 0x04 )==payload&&i<22)i=22; //correct? do 3 more programming cycles.
		pic_send_n_bits( 6, 0x06 ); //increment address
Ejemplo n.º 6
void write_code_P12F61X( unsigned long address, unsigned char* data, char blocksize, char lastblock )

	char blockcounter;

	if( (lastblock & BLOCKTYPE_FIRST) && (address > 0) )
		set_address_P16( address ); //set the initial address
	for( blockcounter = 0; blockcounter < blocksize; blockcounter += 2 )
		pic_send_14_bits( 6, 0x02, (((unsigned int) data[blockcounter])) | //MSB
				(((unsigned int) data[blockcounter + 1]) << 8) );//LSB
		pic_send_n_bits( 6, 0x18 ); //begin programming
		DelayMs( Tprog );
		pic_send_n_bits( 6, 0x0A ); //end programming
		DelayMs( 10 );
		/*payload=pic_read_14_bits(6,0x04); //read code memory
		 if(payload!=((((unsigned int)data[blockcounter]))|(((unsigned int)data[blockcounter+1])<<8)))
		 set_vdd_vpp(pictype, picfamily,0);	//do a hard reset to target processor
		 set_vdd_vpp(pictype, picfamily,1);
		 DelayMs(10);		//wait a while
		 set_address(picfamily, address+(blockcounter>>1)); //go back to the address where it was

		 pic_send_14_bits(6,0x02,(((unsigned int)data[blockcounter]))|   //MSB
		 (((unsigned int)data[blockcounter+1])<<8));//LSB
		 case P12F61X:
		 pic_send_n_bits(6,0x18);    //begin programming
		 pic_send_n_bits(6,0x0A);    //end programming
		 pic_send_n_bits(6,0x08);    //begin programming
		 payload=pic_read_14_bits(6,0x04); //read code memory
		 if(payload!=((((unsigned int)data[blockcounter]))|(((unsigned int)data[blockcounter+1])<<8)))
		 return 4; //verify error
		pic_send_n_bits( 6, 0x06 ); //increment address
	/*if(pictype==P12F629&&((lastblock&2)&&((address+blocksize)<0x3FF))) //restore osccal register
	 pic_send_n_bits(6,0x06);	//increment address
	 pic_send_n_bits(6,0x08);    //begin programming, internally timed
	 //pic_send_n_bits(6,0x0A); 	//end programming
Ejemplo n.º 7
void set_address_P16( unsigned long address )
	unsigned long int i;

	for( i = 0; i < address; i++ )
		pic_send_n_bits( 6, 0x06 ); //increment address
Ejemplo n.º 8
void enter_ISCP_PIC24K()
	int i;

	enablePGC_D(); //PGC/D output & PGC/D_LOW appropriate

	VPP_RUNoff(); //MCLR low
	DelayMs( 10 );
	VPP_RUNon(); //VPP to 4.5V
	for( i = 0; i < 300; i++ )
		continue; //aprox 0.5ms
	//clock_delay();	//P19 = 40ns min
	//write 0x4D43, high to low, other than the rest of the commands which are low to high...
	//0x3D43 => 0100 1101 0100 0011
	//from low to high => 1100 0010 1011 0010
	pic_send_word( 0xC2B2 );
	//write 0x4851 => 0100 1000 0101 0001 => 1000 1010 0001 0010 => 0x0A12
	pic_send_word( 0x8A12 );
	DelayMs( 1 );

	DelayMs( 25 );
	pic_send_n_bits( 5, 0 );
	dspic_send_24_bits( 0 ); //send a nop instruction with 5 additional databits
	dspic_send_24_bits( 0x000000 ); 	//NOP
	dspic_send_24_bits( 0x040200 ); 	//GOTO 0x200
	dspic_send_24_bits( 0x000000 ); 	//NOP
Ejemplo n.º 9
void enter_ISCP_PIC24E()

    enablePGC_D(); //PGC/D output & PGC/D_LOW appropriate

    VPP_RUNoff(); //MCLR low
    clock_delay();              // P6 100ns    DelayMs( 10 );
    VPP_RUNon(); //VPP to 4.5V
    DelayMs( 1 );               //P21 500us        // PIC24E 500us min
    VPP_RUNoff(); //and immediately back to 0...
    DelayMs( 2 );               //P18 = 1ms min        PIC24E 1ms min
    //write 0x4D43, high to low, other than the rest of the commands which are low to high...
    //0x4D43 => 0100 1101 0100 0011
    //from low to high => 1100 0010 1011 0010
    pic_send_word( 0xC2B2 );
    //write 0x4851 => 0100 1000 0101 0001 => 1000 1010 0001 0010 => 0x8A12
    pic_send_word( 0x8A12 );
                                // P19 25ns   DelayMs( 1 );
    VPP_RSToff(); //release from reset

    DelayMs( 60 );              // P7 50ms  + P1*5           //PIC24E 50ms min
    pic_send_n_bits( 5, 0 );
    dspic_send_24_bits( 0x000000 );     //NOP           //PIC24E (doc 70633) says 3 nops
    dspic_send_24_bits( 0x000000 );     //NOP
    dspic_send_24_bits( 0x000000 );     //NOP
    dspic_send_24_bits( 0x040200 );     //GOTO 0x200
    dspic_send_24_bits( 0x000000 );     //NOP
    dspic_send_24_bits( 0x000000 );     //NOP
    dspic_send_24_bits( 0x000000 );     //NOP
Ejemplo n.º 10
void write_code_P18FX220( unsigned long address, unsigned char* data, char blocksize, char lastblock )
	unsigned int i;
	char blockcounter;

	//FIXME: this only needs to be done on FIRST_BLOCK
	//direct access to code memory
	pic_send( 4, 0x00, 0x8EA6 ); //BSF EECON1, EEPGD
	pic_send( 4, 0x00, 0x9CA6 ); //BCF EECON1, CFGS
	set_address_P18( address );
	for( blockcounter = 0; blockcounter < (blocksize); blockcounter += 8 ) //blocks of 8 bytes
		for( i = 0; i < 6; i += 2 )
			//write 2 bytes and post increment by 2
			//				MSB				LSB
			pic_send( 4, 0x0D, ((unsigned int) *(data + blockcounter + i)) | (((unsigned int) *(data + 1
					+ blockcounter + i)) << 8) );
		//write last 2 bytes of the block and start programming
		pic_send( 4, 0x0F, ((unsigned int) *(data + blockcounter + 6)) | (((unsigned int) *(data + 7
				+ blockcounter)) << 8) );
		pic_send_n_bits( 3, 0 );
		PGChigh(); //hold PGC high for P9 and low for P10
		DelayMs( P9 );
		DelayMs( P10 );
		pic_send_word( 0x0000 );
		pic_read_byte2( 4, 0x09 ); //perform 2 reads to increase the address by 2
		pic_read_byte2( 4, 0x09 );

Ejemplo n.º 11
void write_code_P18F4XK22( unsigned long address, unsigned char* data, char blocksize, char lastblock )
	char blockcounter;

	//FIXME: this only needs to be done on FIRST_BLOCK
	pic_send( 4, 0x00, 0x8EA6 ); //BSF EECON1, EEPGD
	pic_send( 4, 0x00, 0x9CA6 ); //BCF EECON1, CFGS
	pic_send( 4, 0x00, 0x84A6 ); //BSF EECON1, WREN
	set_address_P18( address );
	for( blockcounter = 0; blockcounter < (blocksize - 2); blockcounter += 2 )
		//write 2 bytes and post increment by 2
		//				MSB				LSB
		pic_send( 4, 0x0D, ((unsigned int) *(data + blockcounter))
				| (((unsigned int) *(data + 1 + blockcounter)) << 8) );
	//write last 2 bytes of the block and start programming
	pic_send( 4, 0x0F, ((unsigned int) *(data + blockcounter)) | (((unsigned int) *(data + 1 + blockcounter)) << 8) );
	pic_send_n_bits( 3, 0 );
	PGChigh(); //hold PGC high for P9 and low for P10
	DelayMs( P9 );
	DelayMs( P10 );
	pic_send_word( 0x0000 );
Ejemplo n.º 12
void write_code_P18F6XKXX( unsigned long address, unsigned char* data, char blocksize, char lastblock )
	char blockcounter;

	//FIXME: this only needs to be done on FIRST_BLOCK
	if( (address & 0x20) == 0 ) //package must be 64 bytes, so only do this every two packages.
		pic_send( 4, 0x00, 0x8E7F ); //BSF EECON1, EEPGD
		pic_send( 4, 0x00, 0x9C7F ); //BSF EECON1, CFGS
		pic_send( 4, 0x00, 0x847F ); //BSF EECON1, WREN
		set_address_P18( address );
	for( blockcounter = 0; blockcounter < (blocksize - 2); blockcounter += 2 )
		//write 2 bytes and post increment by 2
		//				MSB				LSB
		pic_send( 4, 0x0D, ((unsigned int) *(data + blockcounter))
				| (((unsigned int) *(data + 1 + blockcounter)) << 8) );
	if( (address & 0x20) == 0x20 || (lastblock & BLOCKTYPE_LAST) )
		//write last 2 bytes of the block and start programming
		pic_send( 4, 0x0F, ((unsigned int) *(data + blockcounter))
				| (((unsigned int) *(data + 1 + blockcounter)) << 8) );
		pic_send_n_bits( 3, 0 );
		PGChigh(); //hold PGC high for P9 and low for P10
		DelayMs( P9 );
		DelayMs( P10 );
		pic_send_word( 0x0000 );
		pic_send( 4, 0x0D, ((unsigned int) *(data + blockcounter))
				| (((unsigned int) *(data + 1 + blockcounter)) << 8) );
Ejemplo n.º 13
void write_code_P18F45J10( unsigned long address, unsigned char* data, char blocksize, char lastblock )

	char blockcounter;

	if( !(address & 0x20) )
		pic_send( 4, 0x00, 0x84A6 ); //BSF EECON1, WREN
		set_address_P18( address ); //blocks of 64 bytes, but divided into two chunks
	for( blockcounter = 0; blockcounter < (blocksize - 2); blockcounter += 2 )
		//write 2 bytes and post increment by 2
		//				MSB				LSB
		pic_send( 4, 0x0D, ((unsigned int) *(data + blockcounter))
				| (((unsigned int) *(data + 1 + blockcounter)) << 8) );
	//write last 2 bytes of the block and start programming
	if( address & 0x20 )
		pic_send( 4, 0x0F, ((unsigned int) *(data + blockcounter))
				| (((unsigned int) *(data + 1 + blockcounter)) << 8) );
		pic_send_n_bits( 3, 0 );
		PGChigh(); //hold PGC high for P9 and low for P10
		DelayMs( 10 );
		DelayMs( 1 );
		pic_send_word( 0x0000 );
		pic_send( 4, 0x0D, ((unsigned int) *(data + blockcounter))
				| (((unsigned int) *(data + 1 + blockcounter)) << 8) );
		if( lastblock & BLOCKTYPE_LAST ) //if the last block is the first half of 64 bytes, it needs to be finished with a dummy block to finish.
			for( blockcounter = 0; blockcounter < 30; blockcounter += 2 )
				pic_send( 4, 0x0D, 0xFFFF );
			pic_send( 4, 0x0F, 0xFFFF );
			pic_send_n_bits( 3, 0 );
			PGChigh(); //hold PGC high for P9 and low for P10
			DelayMs( 10 );
			DelayMs( 1 );
			pic_send_word( 0x0000 );
Ejemplo n.º 14
void write_code_P16F18XX( unsigned long address, unsigned char* data, char blocksize, char lastblock )

	char blockcounter;

	if( lastblock & BLOCKTYPE_FIRST )
		pic_send_n_bits( 6, 0x16 ); //reset address
		set_address_P16( address ); //set the initial address

	for( blockcounter = 0; blockcounter < blocksize; blockcounter += 2 )
		pic_send_14_bits( 6, 0x02, (((unsigned int) data[blockcounter])) | //MSB
				(((unsigned int) data[blockcounter + 1]) << 8) );//LSB
		pic_send_n_bits( 6, 0x08 ); //begin programming
		DelayMs( Tprog );
		DelayMs( 10 );
		pic_send_n_bits( 6, 0x06 ); //increment address
Ejemplo n.º 15
void write_code_P16F87XA( unsigned long address, unsigned char* data, char blocksize, char lastblock )
	unsigned int i;
	char blockcounter;
	if( (lastblock & BLOCKTYPE_FIRST) && (address > 0) )
		set_address_P16( address ); //set the initial address
	for( blockcounter = 0; blockcounter < blocksize; blockcounter += 16 ) //8 words of data = 16 bytes
		for( i = 0; i < 16; i += 2 )
			pic_send_14_bits( 6, 0x02, (((unsigned int) data[blockcounter + i])) | //MSB
					(((unsigned int) data[blockcounter + i + 1]) << 8) );//LSB
			if( i < 14 )
				pic_send_n_bits( 6, 0x06 ); //increment address
		pic_send_n_bits( 6, 0x08 ); //begin erase / programming
		DelayMs( 16 );
		//pic_send_n_bits(5,0x17);    //end programming
		pic_send_n_bits( 6, 0x06 ); //increment address
Ejemplo n.º 16
void write_code_P18FXX20( unsigned long address, unsigned char* data, char blocksize, char lastblock )
	unsigned int i;
	char blockcounter;
	if( lastblock & BLOCKTYPE_FIRST )
		pic_send( 4, 0x00, 0x8EA6);// BSF EECON1, EEPGD
		pic_send( 4, 0x00, 0x8CA6);// BSF EECON1, CFGS
		pic_send( 4, 0x00, 0x86A6);// BSF EECON1, WREN
		set_address_P18( 0x3C0006 );
		pic_send( 4, 0x0C, 0x0040 ); //Write 40h to 3C0006h to enable multi-panel writes.
		//direct access to code memory
		pic_send( 4, 0x00, 0x8EA6 ); //BSF EECON1, EEPGD
		pic_send( 4, 0x00, 0x9CA6 ); //BCF EECON1, CFGS

	set_address_P18( address );
	for( blockcounter = 0; blockcounter < (blocksize); blockcounter += 8 ) //blocks of 8 bytes
		for( i = 0; i < 6; i += 2 )
			//write 2 bytes and post increment by 2
			//				MSB				LSB
			pic_send( 4, 0x0D, ((unsigned int) *(data + blockcounter + i)) | (((unsigned int) *(data + 1
					+ blockcounter + i)) << 8) );
		if((lastblock & BLOCKTYPE_LAST)&& (blockcounter==(blocksize-8)))
			//write last 2 bytes of the block and start programming
			pic_send( 4, 0x0F, ((unsigned int) *(data + blockcounter + 6)) | (((unsigned int) *(data + 7
					+ blockcounter)) << 8) );
			//write last 2 bytes of the block and start programming
			pic_send( 4, 0x0C, ((unsigned int) *(data + blockcounter + 6)) | (((unsigned int) *(data + 7
					+ blockcounter)) << 8) );
			pic_send_n_bits( 3, 0 );
			PGChigh(); //hold PGC high for P9 and low for P10
			DelayMs( P9 );
			DelayMs( P10 );
			pic_send_word( 0x0000 );
		pic_read_byte2( 4, 0x09 ); //perform 2 reads to increase the address by 2
		pic_read_byte2( 4, 0x09 );
