Ejemplo n.º 1
static void commonPinInit(struct Pin pin)
  pinSetFunction(pin, PIN_DEFAULT);
  pinSetPull(pin, PIN_NOPULL);
  pinSetSlewRate(pin, PIN_SLEW_NORMAL);
  pinSetType(pin, PIN_PUSHPULL);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static enum Result pinInterruptInit(void *object, const void *configBase)
  const struct PinInterruptConfig * const config = configBase;

  const struct Pin input = pinInit(config->pin);

  /* Try to allocate a new channel */
  struct PinInterrupt * const interrupt = object;
  const int channel = setInstance(interrupt);

  if (channel == -1)
    return E_BUSY;

  /* Configure the pin */
  pinSetPull(input, config->pull);

  interrupt->callback = 0;
  interrupt->channel = channel;
  interrupt->enabled = false;
  interrupt->event = config->event;
  interrupt->pin = input.data;

  const uint8_t index = interrupt->channel >> 2;
  const uint32_t mask = 1UL << interrupt->channel;

  /* Enable peripheral */
  if (!sysClockStatus(CLK_PINT))

  /* Select pin and port */
      | PINTSEL_CHANNEL(channel, input.data.port, input.data.offset);
  /* Configure interrupt as edge sensitive */
  LPC_GPIO_INT->ISEL &= ~mask;
  /* Configure edge sensitivity options */
  if (config->event == PIN_RISING || config->event == PIN_TOGGLE)
    LPC_GPIO_INT->SIENR = mask;
  if (config->event == PIN_FALLING || config->event == PIN_TOGGLE)
    LPC_GPIO_INT->SIENF = mask;

#ifdef CONFIG_PM
  /* Interrupt will wake the controller from low-power modes */
  LPC_SYSCON->STARTERP0 |= STARTERP0_PINT(interrupt->channel);

  /* Configure interrupt priority, interrupt is disabled by default */
  irqSetPriority(calcVector(interrupt->channel), config->priority);

  return E_OK;