Ejemplo n.º 1
 *  pixReadMemJp2k()
 *      Input:  data (const; jpeg-encoded)
 *              size (of data)
 *              reduction (scaling factor: 1, 2, 4, 8)
 *              box  (<optional> for extracting a subregion), can be null
 *              hint (a bitwise OR of L_JP2K_* values; 0 for default)
 *              debug (output callback messages, etc)
 *      Return: pix, or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This crashes when reading through the fmemopen cookie.
 *          Until we can fix this, we use the file-based work-around.
 *          And fixing this may take some time, because the basic
 *          stream interface is no longer supported in openjpeg.
 *      (2) See pixReadJp2k() for usage.
pixReadMemJp2k(const l_uint8  *data,
               size_t          size,
               l_uint32        reduction,
               BOX            *box,
               l_int32         hint,
               l_int32         debug)
FILE     *fp;
PIX      *pix;


    if (!data)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("data not defined", procName, NULL);

#if 0  /* Avoid the crash for now */
    if ((fp = fmemopen((void *)data, size, "r")) == NULL)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("stream not opened", procName, NULL);
    L_WARNING("work-around: writing to a temp file\n", procName);
    if ((fp = tmpfile()) == NULL)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("tmpfile stream not opened", procName, NULL);
    fwrite(data, 1, size, fp);
#endif  /* HAVE_FMEMOPEN */
    pix = pixReadStreamJp2k(fp, reduction, box, hint, debug);
    if (!pix) L_ERROR("pix not read\n", procName);
    return pix;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 *  pixReadJp2k()
 *      Input:  filename
 *              reduction (scaling factor: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16)
 *              box  (<optional> for extracting a subregion), can be null
 *              hint (a bitwise OR of L_JP2K_* values; 0 for default)
 *              debug (output callback messages, etc)
 *      Return: pix (8 or 32 bpp), or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This is a special function for reading jp2k files.
 *          The high-level pixReadStream() uses default values:
 *             @reduction = 1
 *             @box = NULL
 *      (2) This decodes at either full resolution or at a reduction by
 *          a power of 2.  The default value @reduction == 1 gives a full
 *          resolution image.  Use @reduction > 1 to get a reduced image.
 *          The actual values of @reduction that can be used on an image
 *          depend on the number of resolution levels chosen when the
 *          image was compressed.  Typical values might be 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16.
 *          Using a value representing a reduction level that was not
 *          stored when the file was written will fail with the message:
 *          "failed to read the header".
 *      (3) Use @box to decode only a part of the image.  The box is defined
 *          at full resolution.  It is reduced internally by @reduction,
 *          and clipping to the right and bottom of the image is automatic.
 *      (4) We presently only handle images with 8 bits/sample (bps).
 *          If the image has 16 bps, the read will fail.
 *      (5) There are 4 possible values of samples/pixel (spp).
 *          The values in brackets give the pixel values in the Pix:
 *           spp = 1  ==>  grayscale           [8 bpp grayscale]
 *           spp = 2  ==>  grayscale + alpha   [32 bpp rgba]
 *           spp = 3  ==>  rgb                 [32 bpp rgb]
 *           spp = 4  ==>  rgba                [32 bpp rgba]
 *      (6) The @hint parameter is reserved for future use.
pixReadJp2k(const char  *filename,
            l_uint32     reduction,
            BOX         *box,
            l_int32      hint,
            l_int32      debug)
FILE     *fp;
PIX      *pix;


    if (!filename)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("filename not defined", procName, NULL);

    if ((fp = fopenReadStream(filename)) == NULL)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("image file not found", procName, NULL);
    pix = pixReadStreamJp2k(fp, reduction, box, hint, debug);

    if (!pix)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("image not returned", procName, NULL);
    return pix;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 *  pixReadStream()
 *      Input:  fp (file stream)
 *              hint (bitwise OR of L_HINT_* values for jpeg; use 0 for no hint)
 *      Return: pix if OK; null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) The hint only applies to jpeg.
pixReadStream(FILE    *fp,
              l_int32  hint)
l_int32   format, ret;
l_uint8  *comment;
PIX      *pix;


    if (!fp)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("stream not defined", procName, NULL);
    pix = NULL;

    findFileFormatStream(fp, &format);
    switch (format)
    case IFF_BMP:
        if ((pix = pixReadStreamBmp(fp)) == NULL )
            return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR( "bmp: no pix returned", procName, NULL);

//    case IFF_JFIF_JPEG:
//        if ((pix = pixReadStreamJpeg(fp, READ_24_BIT_COLOR, 1, NULL, hint))
//                == NULL)
//            return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR( "jpeg: no pix returned", procName, NULL);
//        ret = fgetJpegComment(fp, &comment);
//        if (!ret && comment)
//            pixSetText(pix, (char *)comment);
//        FREE(comment);
//        break;

    case IFF_PNG:
        if ((pix = pixReadStreamPng(fp)) == NULL)
            return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("png: no pix returned", procName, NULL);

    case IFF_TIFF:
    case IFF_TIFF_RLE:
    case IFF_TIFF_G3:
    case IFF_TIFF_G4:
    case IFF_TIFF_LZW:
    case IFF_TIFF_ZIP:
        if ((pix = pixReadStreamTiff(fp, 0)) == NULL)  /* page 0 by default */
            return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("tiff: no pix returned", procName, NULL);

    case IFF_PNM:
        if ((pix = pixReadStreamPnm(fp)) == NULL)
            return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pnm: no pix returned", procName, NULL);

    case IFF_GIF:
        if ((pix = pixReadStreamGif(fp)) == NULL)
            return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("gif: no pix returned", procName, NULL);

    case IFF_JP2:
        if ((pix = pixReadStreamJp2k(fp, 1, NULL, 0)) == NULL)
            return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("jp2: no pix returned", procName, NULL);

    case IFF_WEBP:
        if ((pix = pixReadStreamWebP(fp)) == NULL)
            return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("webp: no pix returned", procName, NULL);

    case IFF_SPIX:
        if ((pix = pixReadStreamSpix(fp)) == NULL)
            return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("spix: no pix returned", procName, NULL);

    case IFF_UNKNOWN:
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR( "Unknown format: no pix returned",
                procName, NULL);

    if (pix)
        pixSetInputFormat(pix, format);
    return pix;