Ejemplo n.º 1
int main ()
    bitmap_t fruit;
    int x;
    int y;

    /* Create an image. */

    fruit.width = 100;
    fruit.height = 100;

    fruit.pixels = calloc (sizeof (pixel_t), fruit.width * fruit.height);

    for (y = 0; y < fruit.height; y++) {
        for (x = 0; x < fruit.width; x++) {
            pixel_t * pixel = pixel_at (& fruit, x, y);
            pixel->red = pix (x, fruit.width);
            pixel->green = pix (y, fruit.height);

    /* Write the image to a file 'fruit.png'. */

    save_png_to_file (& fruit, "fruit.png");

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void net_to_png( net_t *n, char *file_path, int scale )
	assert( n != NULL );

	bitmap_t pic;

	pic.width = n->cols * scale;
	pic.height = n->rows * scale;

	pic.pixels = calloc( sizeof(pixel_t), pic.width * pic.height );
	if( pic.pixels == NULL )

	int i;
	int x1;
	int y1 = 0;
	pixel_t *pixel;

	// One cell is 'scale'x'scale' size
	for( unsigned int y = 0; y < pic.height; y+= scale )
		x1 = 0;
		for( unsigned int x = 0; x < pic.width; x+= scale )
			i = ( n->cols * y1 + x1 );
			if( n->vec[i] == 1 )
				for( int a = 0; a < scale; a++ )
					for( int b = 0; b < scale; b++ )
						// White
						pixel = pixel_at( &pic, x + a, y + b );
						pixel->red = 255;
						pixel->green = 255;
						pixel->blue = 255;

	save_png_to_file( &pic, file_path );

Ejemplo n.º 3
/* Write "bitmap" to a PNG file specified by "path"; returns 0 on
 success, non-zero on error. */
int save_png_to_file (Bitmap *bitmap, const char *path)
    FILE * fp;
    png_structp png_ptr = NULL;
    png_infop info_ptr = NULL;
    size_t x, y;
    png_bytep *row_pointers = NULL;

    /* "status" contains the return value of this function. At first
     it is set to a value which means 'failure'. When the routine
     has finished its work, it is set to a value which means
     'success'. */
    int status = -1;
    /* The following number is set by trial and error only. I cannot
     see where it it is documented in the libpng manual.
    int pixel_size = 3;
    int depth = 8;
    fp = fopen (path, "wb");
    if (! fp) {
        goto fopen_failed;
    png_ptr = png_create_write_struct (PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (png_ptr == NULL) {
        goto png_create_write_struct_failed;
    info_ptr = png_create_info_struct (png_ptr);
    if (info_ptr == NULL) {
        goto png_create_info_struct_failed;
    /* Set up error handling. */
    if (setjmp (png_jmpbuf (png_ptr))) {
        goto png_failure;
    /* Set image attributes. */
    png_set_IHDR (png_ptr,
    /* Initialize rows of PNG. */
    row_pointers = (png_bytep*) png_malloc(png_ptr, bitmap->height*sizeof(png_byte *));

    for (y = 0; y < bitmap->height; ++y) {
        png_byte *row = (png_byte *)png_malloc (png_ptr, sizeof (uint8_t) * bitmap->width * pixel_size);
        row_pointers[y] = row;
        for (x = 0; x < bitmap->width; ++x) {
            WPixel* pixel = pixel_at(bitmap, x, y);
            *row++ = pixel->red;
            *row++ = pixel->green;
            *row++ = pixel->blue;
    /* Write the image data to "fp". */
    png_init_io (png_ptr, fp);
    png_set_rows (png_ptr, info_ptr, row_pointers);
    png_write_png (png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY, NULL);
    /* The routine has successfully written the file, so we set
     "status" to a value which indicates success. */
    status = 0;
    for (y = 0; y < bitmap->height; y++) {
        png_free (png_ptr, row_pointers[y]);
    png_free (png_ptr, row_pointers);
    png_destroy_write_struct (&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
    fclose (fp);
    return status;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int draw_waveform(struct wave* w, struct image* img, int style)
	int middle, upward, downward;
	int j, i;
	int ch0, ch1;
	struct waveform_data* d;
	middle = (img->height)/2;
	upward = (img->height)/2;
	downward = (img->height)/2;
	d = compute_waveform(w, img->width);
	// These cases are ugly, but it's not much prettier to unify them.
	if(style == 1) {	
		for (j=0; j<(img->width); j++) {
			/* Should probably scale by max and median out. */
			ch0 = d->upper_array[j]*upward/(d->ch0_max);
			ch1 = d->lower_array[j]*downward/(d->ch1_max);
			for (i=0; i<ch0; i++) {
				pixel_at(img, MAX(middle-i-1, 0), j)->b = 255;
				pixel_at(img, MAX(middle-i-1, 0), j)->a = 255-i*255/ch0;
			for (i=0; i<ch1; i++) {
				pixel_at(img, MIN(middle+i, (img->height)-1), j)->r = 255;
				pixel_at(img, MIN(middle+i, (img->height)-1), j)->a = 255-i*255/ch1;
	if(style == 2) {	
		for (i=0; i<(img->height); i++) {
			for (j=0; j<(img->width); j++) {
				pixel_at(img, i, j)->r = 222;
				pixel_at(img, i, j)->g = 240;
				pixel_at(img, i, j)->b = 255;
				pixel_at(img, i, j)->a = 255;
		for (j=0; j<(img->width); j++) {
			double fading = 0.7;
			/* Should probably scale by max and median out. */
			ch0 = d->upper_array[j]*upward/(d->ch0_max);
			ch1 = d->lower_array[j]*downward/(d->ch1_max);
			for (i=0; i<ch0; i++) {
				pixel_at(img, MAX(middle-i-1, 0), j)->r = pow(i, fading)*pow(ch0, 1-fading)*222/ch0;
				pixel_at(img, MAX(middle-i-1, 0), j)->g = pow(i, fading)*pow(ch0, 1-fading)*240/ch0;
				pixel_at(img, MAX(middle-i-1, 0), j)->b = 255;
				pixel_at(img, MAX(middle-i-1, 0), j)->a = 255;
			for (i=0; i<ch1; i++) {
				pixel_at(img, MIN(middle+i, (img->height)-1), j)->r = pow(i, fading)*pow(ch1, 1-fading)*222/ch1;
				pixel_at(img, MIN(middle+i, (img->height)-1), j)->g = pow(i, fading)*pow(ch1, 1-fading)*240/ch1;
				pixel_at(img, MIN(middle+i, (img->height)-1), j)->b = 255;
				pixel_at(img, MIN(middle+i, (img->height)-1), j)->a = 255;
	if(style == 3) {	
		for (j=0; j<img->width; j++) {
			for (i=0; i<(img->height)/2; i++) {
				set_pixel_at(img, i, j, 222, 240, 255, 255);
			for (i=(img->height)/2; i<(img->height); i++) {
				set_pixel_at(img, i, j, 255, 127, 0, 255);
		for (j=0; j<(img->width); j++) {
			double fading = 0.7;
			/* Should probably scale by max and median out. */
			ch0 = d->upper_array[j]*upward/(d->ch0_max);
			ch1 = d->lower_array[j]*downward/(d->ch1_max);
			fading = 0.5;
			for (i=0; i<ch0; i++) {
				pixel_at(img, MAX(middle-i-1, 0), j)->r = pow(i, fading)*pow(ch0, 1-fading)*222/ch0;
				pixel_at(img, MAX(middle-i-1, 0), j)->g = pow(i, fading)*pow(ch0, 1-fading)*240/ch0;
				pixel_at(img, MAX(middle-i-1, 0), j)->b = 127+pow(i, fading)*pow(ch0, 1-fading)*128/ch0;
				pixel_at(img, MAX(middle-i-1, 0), j)->a = 255;
			fading = 0.7;
			for (i=0; i<ch1; i++) {
				pixel_at(img, MIN(middle+i, (img->height)-1), j)->r = 127+pow(i, fading)*pow(ch1, 1-fading)*128/ch1;
				pixel_at(img, MIN(middle+i, (img->height)-1), j)->g = pow(i, fading)*pow(ch1, 1-fading)*127/ch1;
				pixel_at(img, MIN(middle+i, (img->height)-1), j)->b = 000;
				pixel_at(img, MIN(middle+i, (img->height)-1), j)->a = 255;
	if(style == 4) {	
		for (j=0; j<img->width; j++) {
			for (i=0; i<(img->height)/2; i++) {
				set_pixel_at(img, i, j, 222, 240, 255, 255);
			for (i=(img->height)/2; i<(img->height); i++) {
				set_pixel_at(img, i, j, 0, 0, 127, 255);
		for (j=0; j<(img->width); j++) {
			double fading = 0.7;
			/* Should probably scale by max and median out. */
			ch0 = d->upper_array[j]*upward/(d->ch0_max);
			ch1 = d->lower_array[j]*downward/(d->ch1_max);
			for (i=0; i<ch0; i++) {
				pixel_at(img, MAX(middle-i-1, 0), j)->r = pow(i, fading)*pow(ch0, 1-fading)*222/ch0;
				pixel_at(img, MAX(middle-i-1, 0), j)->g = pow(i, fading)*pow(ch0, 1-fading)*240/ch0;
				pixel_at(img, MAX(middle-i-1, 0), j)->b = 127+pow(i, fading)*pow(ch0, 1-fading)*128/ch0;
				pixel_at(img, MAX(middle-i-1, 0), j)->a = 255;
			for (i=0; i<ch1; i++) {
				pixel_at(img, MIN(middle+i, (img->height)-1), j)->r = 222-pow(i, fading)*pow(ch1, 1-fading)*222/ch1;
				pixel_at(img, MIN(middle+i, (img->height)-1), j)->g = 240-pow(i, fading)*pow(ch1, 1-fading)*240/ch1;
				pixel_at(img, MIN(middle+i, (img->height)-1), j)->b = 255-pow(i, fading)*pow(ch1, 1-fading)*128/ch1;
				pixel_at(img, MIN(middle+i, (img->height)-1), j)->a = 255;
	if(style == 5) {	
		for (j=0; j<img->width; j++) {
			for (i=0; i<(img->height)/2; i++) {
				set_pixel_at(img, i, j, 0, 0, 127, 255);
			for (i=(img->height)/2; i<(img->height); i++) {
				set_pixel_at(img, i, j, 0, 0, 127, 255);
		for (j=0; j<(img->width); j++) {
			double fading = 0.8;
			/* Should probably scale by max and median out. */
			ch0 = d->upper_array[j]*upward/(d->ch0_max);
			ch1 = d->lower_array[j]*downward/(d->ch1_max);
			for (i=0; i<ch0; i++) {
				pixel_at(img, MAX(middle-i-1, 0), j)->r = 222-pow(i, fading)*pow(ch0, 1-fading)*222/ch0;
				pixel_at(img, MAX(middle-i-1, 0), j)->g = 240-pow(i, fading)*pow(ch0, 1-fading)*240/ch0;
				pixel_at(img, MAX(middle-i-1, 0), j)->b = 255-pow(i, fading)*pow(ch0, 1-fading)*128/ch0;
				pixel_at(img, MAX(middle-i-1, 0), j)->a = 255;
			for (i=0; i<ch1; i++) {
				pixel_at(img, MIN(middle+i, (img->height)-1), j)->r = 222-pow(i, fading)*pow(ch1, 1-fading)*222/ch1;
				pixel_at(img, MIN(middle+i, (img->height)-1), j)->g = 240-pow(i, fading)*pow(ch1, 1-fading)*240/ch1;
				pixel_at(img, MIN(middle+i, (img->height)-1), j)->b = 255-pow(i, fading)*pow(ch1, 1-fading)*128/ch1;
				pixel_at(img, MIN(middle+i, (img->height)-1), j)->a = 255;
	if(style == 6) {	
		for (j=0; j<img->width; j++) {
			for (i=0; i<(img->height)/2; i++) {
				set_pixel_at(img, i, j, 222, 240, 255, 255);
			for (i=(img->height)/2; i<(img->height); i++) {
				set_pixel_at(img, i, j, 222, 240, 255, 255);
		for (j=0; j<(img->width); j++) {
			double fading = 0.5;
			/* Should probably scale by max and median out. */
			ch0 = d->upper_array[j]*upward/(d->ch0_max);
			ch1 = d->lower_array[j]*downward/(d->ch1_max);
			for (i=0; i<ch0; i++) {
				pixel_at(img, MAX(middle-i-1, 0), j)->r = pow(i, fading)*pow(ch0, 1-fading)*222/ch0;
				pixel_at(img, MAX(middle-i-1, 0), j)->g = pow(i, fading)*pow(ch0, 1-fading)*240/ch0;
				pixel_at(img, MAX(middle-i-1, 0), j)->b = 127+pow(i, fading)*pow(ch0, 1-fading)*128/ch0;
				pixel_at(img, MAX(middle-i-1, 0), j)->a = 255;
			for (i=0; i<ch1; i++) {
				pixel_at(img, MIN(middle+i, (img->height)-1), j)->r = pow(i, fading)*pow(ch1, 1-fading)*222/ch1;
				pixel_at(img, MIN(middle+i, (img->height)-1), j)->g = pow(i, fading)*pow(ch1, 1-fading)*240/ch1;
				pixel_at(img, MIN(middle+i, (img->height)-1), j)->b = 127+pow(i, fading)*pow(ch1, 1-fading)*128/ch1;
				pixel_at(img, MIN(middle+i, (img->height)-1), j)->a = 255;
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int write_png(image_t* img, const char* file_name) {
  size_t x, y;
  png_structp png_ptr;
  png_infop info_ptr;
  png_byte** row_pointers;

  int depth = 8;
  int pixel_size = 3;

  /* init the file and structs */

  FILE* fp = fopen(file_name, "wb");
  if (!fp) {
    return fail(fp, "Failed to open file for writing");

  png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  if (!png_ptr) {
    png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
    return fail(fp, "png_create_write_struct failed");

  info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
  if (!info_ptr) {
    png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
    return fail(fp, "png_create_info_struct failed");

  /* setup error handling */

  if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) {
    png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
    return fail(fp, "error");

  /* set image attributes */


  /* init rows */

  row_pointers = png_malloc(png_ptr, sizeof(png_byte*) * img->height);
  for (y = 0; y < img->height; ++y) {
    png_byte* row = png_malloc(png_ptr, sizeof(uint8_t) * img->width * pixel_size);
    row_pointers[y] = row;
    for (x = 0; x < img->width; ++x) {
      pixel_t* pixel = pixel_at(img, x, y);
      *row++ = pixel->red;
      *row++ = pixel->green;
      *row++ = pixel->blue;

  /* write data to file */

  png_init_io(png_ptr, fp);
  png_set_rows(png_ptr, info_ptr, row_pointers);
  png_write_png(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY, NULL);

  /* cleanup */

  for (y = 0; y < img->height; y++) {
    png_free(png_ptr, row_pointers[y]);
  png_free(png_ptr, row_pointers);

  png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void Metafile::toPNG(PMEMPNG accum, int width, int height, const char *px){
    bitmap_t bmStore;
    bitmap_t *bitmap = &bmStore;
    accum->buffer=NULL;  // PNG constructed in memory will end up here, caller must free().
    bitmap->pixels=(pixel_t *)px;
    bitmap->width  = width;
    bitmap->height = height;

    png_structp png_ptr = NULL;
    png_infop info_ptr = NULL;
    size_t x, y;
    png_byte ** row_pointers = NULL;
    /*  The following number is set by trial and error only. I cannot
        see where it it is documented in the libpng manual.
    int pixel_size = 3;
    int depth = 8;

    png_ptr = png_create_write_struct (PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (png_ptr == NULL){

    info_ptr = png_create_info_struct (png_ptr);
    if (info_ptr == NULL){
        png_destroy_write_struct (&png_ptr, &info_ptr);

    /* Set up error handling. */

    if (setjmp (png_jmpbuf (png_ptr))) {
        png_destroy_write_struct (&png_ptr, &info_ptr);

    /* Set image attributes. */

    png_set_IHDR (

    /* Initialize rows of PNG. */

    row_pointers = (png_byte **) png_malloc (png_ptr, bitmap->height * sizeof (png_byte *));
    for (y = 0; y < bitmap->height; ++y) {
        png_byte *row =
            (png_byte *) png_malloc (png_ptr, sizeof (uint8_t) * bitmap->width * pixel_size);
        row_pointers[bitmap->height - y - 1] = row;  // Row order in EMF is reversed.
        for (x = 0; x < bitmap->width; ++x) {
            pixel_t * pixel = pixel_at (bitmap, x, y);
            *row++ = pixel->red;   // R & B channels were set correctly by DIB_to_RGB
            *row++ = pixel->green;
            *row++ = pixel->blue;

    /* Write the image data to memory */

    png_set_rows (png_ptr, info_ptr, row_pointers);

    png_set_write_fn(png_ptr, accum, my_png_write_data, NULL);

    png_write_png (png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY, NULL);

    for (y = 0; y < bitmap->height; y++) {
        png_free (png_ptr, row_pointers[y]);
    png_free (png_ptr, row_pointers);
    png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
