Ejemplo n.º 1
 *  void common_init(  PLStream *pls )
 *  Basic initialization for all devices.
wxPLDevBase* common_init(  PLStream *pls )
  // Log_Verbose( "common_init()" );

  wxPLDevBase* dev;

  /* default options */
  static PLINT freetype=-1;
  static PLINT smooth_text=1;
  static PLINT text=-1;
  static PLINT hrshsym = 0;

  /* default backend uses wxGraphicsContext, if not available
     the agg library will be used, if not available the basic
     backend will be used. */
  static PLINT backend=wxBACKEND_DC;
		#ifdef HAVE_AGG

  DrvOpt wx_options[] = {
    {"freetype", DRV_INT, &freetype, "Use FreeType library"},
    {"smooth", DRV_INT, &smooth_text, "Turn text smoothing on (1) or off (0)"},
    {"hrshsym", DRV_INT, &hrshsym, "Use Hershey symbol set (hrshsym=0|1)"},
    {"backend", DRV_INT, &backend, "Choose backend: (0) standard, (1) using AGG library, (2) using wxGraphicsContext"},
    {"text", DRV_INT, &text, "Use own text routines (text=0|1)"},

  /* Check for and set up driver options */
  plParseDrvOpts( wx_options );

  /* allocate memory for the device storage */
  switch( backend )
  case wxBACKEND_GC:
  /* in case wxGraphicsContext isn't available, the next backend (agg
     if available) in this list will be used */
    dev = new wxPLDevGC;
    /* by default the own text routines are used for wxGC */
    freetype = 0; /* this backend is vector oriented and doesn't know pixels */
  case wxBACKEND_AGG:
  /* in case the agg library isn't available, the standard backend
     will be used */
#ifdef HAVE_AGG
    dev = new wxPLDevAGG;
    /* by default the freetype text routines are used for wxAGG */
    text = 0; /* text processing doesn't work yet for the AGG backend */
    dev = new wxPLDevDC;
    /* by default the own text routines are used for wxDC */
	if( dev == NULL) {
    plexit( "Insufficient memory" );
  pls->dev = (void*)dev;

/* be verbose and write out debug messages */
#ifdef _DEBUG
  pls->verbose = 1;
  pls->debug = 1;
  pls->verbose = 0;
  pls->debug = 0;

  pls->color = 1;		    /* Is a color device */
  pls->dev_fill0 = 1;		/* Can handle solid fills */
  pls->dev_fill1 = 0;		/* Can't handle pattern fills */
  pls->dev_dash = 0;
  pls->dev_clear = 1;   /* driver supports clear */

  if( text ) {
    pls->dev_text = 1; /* want to draw text */
    pls->dev_unicode = 1; /* want unicode */
    if( hrshsym )
      pls->dev_hrshsym = 1;

  /* own text routines have higher priority over freetype
     if text and freetype option are set to 1 */
  if( !text) {

  if( dev->freetype ) {
    pls->dev_text = 1; /* want to draw text */
    pls->dev_unicode = 1; /* want unicode */
    if( hrshsym )
      pls->dev_hrshsym = 1;

    init_freetype_lv1( pls );
    FT_Data* FT=(FT_Data *)pls->FT;

  /* initialize frame size and position */
  if( pls->xlength <= 0 || pls->ylength <=0 )
    plspage( 0.0, 0.0, (PLINT)(CANVAS_WIDTH*DEVICE_PIXELS_PER_IN),
                       (PLINT)(CANVAS_HEIGHT*DEVICE_PIXELS_PER_IN), 0, 0 );


  if( pls->xoffset!=0 || pls->yoffset!=0) {
    dev->xpos = (int)(pls->xoffset);
    dev->ypos = (int)(pls->yoffset);

  /* If portrait mode, apply a rotation and set freeaspect */
  if( pls->portrait ) {
    plsdiori( (PLFLT)(4 - ORIENTATION) );
    pls->freeaspect = 1;

  /* Set the number of pixels per mm */

  /* Set up physical limits of plotting device (in drawing units) */

  /* get physical device limits coordinates */
  plP_gphy( &dev->xmin, &dev->xmax, &dev->ymin, &dev->ymax );

  /* setting scale factors */

  /* set dpi */
  plspage(VIRTUAL_PIXELS_PER_IN/dev->scalex, VIRTUAL_PIXELS_PER_IN/dev->scaley, 0, 0, 0, 0);

  if( dev->freetype )
    init_freetype_lv2( pls );

  /* find out what file drivers are available */
  plgFileDevs( &dev->devDesc, &dev->devName, &dev->ndev );

  return dev;
Ejemplo n.º 2
c_plaxes(PLFLT x0, PLFLT y0,
	 const char *xopt, PLFLT xtick, PLINT nxsub,
	 const char *yopt, PLFLT ytick, PLINT nysub)
    PLINT lax, lbx, lcx, lgx, lix, llx, lsx, ltx;
    PLINT lay, lby, lcy, lgy, liy, lly, lsy, lty;
    PLINT xmajor, xminor, ymajor, yminor;
    PLINT i, i1x, i2x, i3x, i4x, i1y, i2y, i3y, i4y;
    PLINT nxsub1, nysub1;
    PLINT lxmin, lxmax, lymin, lymax;
    PLINT pxmin, pxmax, pymin, pymax;
    PLINT vppxmi, vppxma, vppymi, vppyma;
    PLFLT xtick1, ytick1, vpwxmi, vpwxma, vpwymi, vpwyma;
    PLFLT vpwxmin, vpwxmax, vpwymin, vpwymax;
    PLFLT xp0, yp0, tn, tp, temp;

    if (plsc->level < 3) {
	plabort("plbox: Please set up window first");

/* Open the clip limits to the subpage limits */

    plP_gclp(&lxmin, &lxmax, &lymin, &lymax);
    plP_gphy(&pxmin, &pxmax, &pymin, &pymax);
    plP_sclp(pxmin, pxmax, pymin, pymax);

    vppxmi = plsc->vppxmi;
    vppxma = plsc->vppxma;
    vppymi = plsc->vppymi;
    vppyma = plsc->vppyma;

/* Convert world coordinates to physical */

    xp0 = plP_wcpcx(x0);
    yp0 = plP_wcpcy(y0);

/* Set plot options from input */

    lax = plP_stsearch(xopt, 'a');
    lbx = plP_stsearch(xopt, 'b');
    lcx = plP_stsearch(xopt, 'c');
    lgx = plP_stsearch(xopt, 'g');
    lix = plP_stsearch(xopt, 'i');
    llx = plP_stsearch(xopt, 'l');
    lsx = plP_stsearch(xopt, 's');
    ltx = plP_stsearch(xopt, 't');

    lay = plP_stsearch(yopt, 'a');
    lby = plP_stsearch(yopt, 'b');
    lcy = plP_stsearch(yopt, 'c');
    lgy = plP_stsearch(yopt, 'g');
    liy = plP_stsearch(yopt, 'i');
    lly = plP_stsearch(yopt, 'l');
    lsy = plP_stsearch(yopt, 's');
    lty = plP_stsearch(yopt, 't');

/* Tick and subtick sizes in device coords */

    xmajor = MAX(ROUND(plsc->majht * plsc->ypmm), 1);
    ymajor = MAX(ROUND(plsc->majht * plsc->xpmm), 1);
    xminor = MAX(ROUND(plsc->minht * plsc->ypmm), 1);
    yminor = MAX(ROUND(plsc->minht * plsc->xpmm), 1);

    nxsub1 = nxsub;
    nysub1 = nysub;
    xtick1 = llx ? 1.0 : xtick;
    ytick1 = lly ? 1.0 : ytick;

    plgvpw(&vpwxmin, &vpwxmax, &vpwymin, &vpwymax);
/* n.b. large change; vpwxmi always numerically less than vpwxma, and
 * similarly for vpwymi */
    vpwxmi = (vpwxmax > vpwxmin) ? vpwxmin : vpwxmax;
    vpwxma = (vpwxmax > vpwxmin) ? vpwxmax : vpwxmin;
    vpwymi = (vpwymax > vpwymin) ? vpwymin : vpwymax;
    vpwyma = (vpwymax > vpwymin) ? vpwymax : vpwymin;

    lax = lax && vpwymi < y0 && y0 < vpwyma ;
    lay = lay && vpwxmi < x0 && x0 < vpwxma ;

/* Calculate tick spacing */

    if (ltx || lgx) 
	pldtik(vpwxmi, vpwxma, &xtick1, &nxsub1);

    if (lty || lgy) 
	pldtik(vpwymi, vpwyma, &ytick1, &nysub1);
/* n.b. large change; xtick1, nxsub1, ytick1, nysub1 always positive. */

/* Set up tick variables */

    if (lix) {
	i1x = xminor;
	i2x = 0;
	i3x = xmajor;
	i4x = 0;
    else {
	i1x = 0;
	i2x = xminor;
	i3x = 0;
	i4x = xmajor;

    if (liy) {
	i1y = yminor;
	i2y = 0;
	i3y = ymajor;
	i4y = 0;
    else {
	i1y = 0;
	i2y = yminor;
	i3y = 0;
	i4y = ymajor;

/* Draw the bottom edge of the box */

    if (lbx) {
	plP_movphy(vppxmi, vppymi);
	if (ltx) {
	    tp = xtick1 * floor(vpwxmi / xtick1);
	    for (;;) {
		tn = tp + xtick1;
		if (lsx) {
		    if (llx) {
			for (i = 0; i <= 7; i++) {
			    temp = tp + xlog[i];
			    if (BETW(temp, vpwxmi, vpwxma))
				plxtik(plP_wcpcx(temp), vppymi, i1x, i2x);
		    else {
			for (i = 1; i <= nxsub1 - 1; i++) {
			    temp = tp + i * xtick1 / nxsub1;
			    if (BETW(temp, vpwxmi, vpwxma))
				plxtik(plP_wcpcx(temp), vppymi, i1x, i2x);
		if (!BETW(tn, vpwxmi, vpwxma))
		plxtik(plP_wcpcx(tn), vppymi, i3x, i4x);
		tp = tn;
	plP_draphy(vppxma, vppymi);

/* Draw right-hand edge of box */

    if (lcy) {
	plP_movphy(vppxma, vppymi);
	if (lty) {
	    tp = ytick1 * floor(vpwymi / ytick1);
	    for (;;) {
		tn = tp + ytick1;
		if (lsy) {
		    if (lly) {
			for (i = 0; i <= 7; i++) {
			    temp = tp + xlog[i];
			    if (BETW(temp, vpwymi, vpwyma))
				plytik(vppxma, plP_wcpcy(temp), i2y, i1y);
		    else {
			for (i = 1; i <= nysub1 - 1; i++) {
			    temp = tp + i * ytick1 / nysub1;
			    if (BETW(temp, vpwymi, vpwyma))
				plytik(vppxma, plP_wcpcy(temp), i2y, i1y);
		if (!BETW(tn, vpwymi, vpwyma))
		plytik(vppxma, plP_wcpcy(tn), i4y, i3y);
		tp = tn;
	plP_draphy(vppxma, vppyma);

/* Draw the top edge of the box */

    if (lcx) {
	plP_movphy(vppxma, vppyma);
	if (ltx) {
	    tp = xtick1 * (floor(vpwxma / xtick1) + 1);
	    for (;;) {
		tn = tp - xtick1;
		if (lsx) {
		    if (llx) {
			for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
			    temp = tn + xlog[i];
			    if (BETW(temp, vpwxmi, vpwxma))
				plxtik(plP_wcpcx(temp), vppyma, i2x, i1x);
		    else {
			for (i = nxsub1 - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
			    temp = tn + i * xtick1 / nxsub1;
			    if (BETW(temp, vpwxmi, vpwxma))
				plxtik(plP_wcpcx(temp), vppyma, i2x, i1x);
		if (!BETW(tn, vpwxmi, vpwxma))
		plxtik(plP_wcpcx(tn), vppyma, i4x, i3x);
		tp = tn;
	plP_draphy(vppxmi, vppyma);

/* Draw left-hand edge of box */

    if (lby) {
	plP_movphy(vppxmi, vppyma);
	if (lty) {
	    tp = ytick1 * (floor(vpwyma / ytick1) + 1);
	    for (;;) {
		tn = tp - ytick1;
		if (lsy) {
		    if (lly) {
			for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
			    temp = tn + xlog[i];
			    if (BETW(temp, vpwymi, vpwyma))
				plytik(vppxmi, plP_wcpcy(temp), i1y, i2y);
		    else {
			for (i = nysub1 - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
			    temp = tn + i * ytick1 / nysub1;
			    if (BETW(temp, vpwymi, vpwyma))
				plytik(vppxmi, plP_wcpcy(temp), i1y, i2y);
		if (!BETW(tn, vpwymi, vpwyma))
		plytik(vppxmi, plP_wcpcy(tn), i3y, i4y);
		tp = tn;
	plP_draphy(vppxmi, vppymi);

/* Draw the horizontal axis */

    if (lax) {
	plP_movphy(vppxmi, yp0);
	if (ltx) {
	    tp = xtick1 * floor(vpwxmi / xtick1);
	    for (;;) {
		tn = tp + xtick1;
		if (lsx) {
		    if (llx) {
			for (i = 0; i <= 7; i++) {
			    temp = tp + xlog[i];
			    if (BETW(temp, vpwxmi, vpwxma))
				plxtik(plP_wcpcx(temp), yp0, xminor, xminor);
		    else {
			for (i = 1; i <= nxsub1 - 1; i++) {
			    temp = tp + i * xtick1 / nxsub1;
			    if (BETW(temp, vpwxmi, vpwxma))
				plxtik(plP_wcpcx(temp), yp0, xminor, xminor);
		if (!BETW(tn, vpwxmi, vpwxma))
		plxtik(plP_wcpcx(tn), yp0, xmajor, xmajor);
		tp = tn;
	plP_draphy(vppxma, yp0);

/* Draw the vertical axis */

    if (lay) {
	plP_movphy(xp0, vppymi);
	if (lty) {
	    tp = ytick1 * floor(vpwymi / ytick1);
	    for (;;) {
		tn = tp + ytick1;
		if (lsy) {
		    if (lly) {
			for (i = 0; i <= 7; i++) {
			    temp = tp + xlog[i];
			    if (BETW(temp, vpwymi, vpwyma))
				plytik(xp0, plP_wcpcy(temp), yminor, yminor);
		    else {
			for (i = 1; i <= nysub1 - 1; i++) {
			    temp = tp + i * ytick1 / nysub1;
			    if (BETW(temp, vpwymi, vpwyma))
				plytik(xp0, plP_wcpcy(temp), yminor, yminor);
		if (!BETW(tn, vpwymi, vpwyma))
		plytik(xp0, plP_wcpcy(tn), ymajor, ymajor);
		tp = tn;
	plP_draphy(xp0, vppyma);

/* Draw grids */

    grid_box(xopt, xtick1, nxsub1, yopt, ytick1, nysub1);

/* Write labels */

    label_box(xopt, xtick1, yopt, ytick1);

/* Restore the clip limits to viewport edge */

    plP_sclp(lxmin, lxmax, lymin, lymax);