Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: midi.c Proyecto: denemo/denemo
/* change the MIDI output tuning */
change_tuning (gdouble * cents)
  guchar buffer[] = {
    0xF0, 0x7F,                 //               Universal Real-Time SysEx header

    0x7F,                       //<device ID>         ID of target device (7F = all devices)

    0x08,                       //             sub-ID#1 = "MIDI Tuning Standard"

    0x08,                       //             sub-ID#2 = "scale/octave tuning 1-byte form (Real-Time)"

    0x03,                       /*            channel/options byte 1
                                   bits 0 to 1 = channel 15 to 16
                                   bit 2 to 6 = reserved for future expansion */

    0x7F,                       //            channel byte 2 - bits 0 to 6 = channel 8 to 14

    0x7F,                       //            channel byte 3 - bits 0 to 6 = channel 1 to 7
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    /*  [ss]            12 byte tuning offset of 12 semitones from C to B
       00H means -64 cents
       40H means 0 cents (equal temperament)
       7FH means +63 cents */

    0xF7                        //      EOX
  gint i;
  for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
    buffer[i + 8] = 64 + (cents[i] + 0.5);
  play_midi_event (DEFAULT_BACKEND, 0, buffer);
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: midi.c Proyecto: denemo/denemo
//Event generated by MIDI controller or Scheme script
//adjusts the note-on volume by preferred dynamic compression and plays the passed event on default backend
play_adjusted_midi_event (gchar * buf)
  adjust_midi_velocity (buf, 100 - Denemo.prefs.dynamic_compression);
  add_after_touch (buf);
  adjust_midi_channel (buf);
  //g_print ("play adj midibytes 0x%hhX 0x%hhX 0x%hhX\n", *(buf+0), *(buf+1), *(buf+2));
  play_midi_event (DEFAULT_BACKEND, 0, (guchar*) buf);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Set the staffs properties
 * @param cbdata pointer to the callback data structure containing the preference data to set.
 * @return none
static void
set_properties (struct callbackdata *cbdata)

  DenemoStaff *staffstruct = cbdata->staffstruct;
#define ASSIGNTEXT(field) \
  if(cbdata->field) {\
    gchar *text=gtk_combo_box_text_get_active_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (cbdata->field));\
    if (text)\
        g_string_assign (staffstruct->field,text);\
#define ASSIGNTEXT(field) \
    g_string_assign (staffstruct->field,\
    gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (cbdata->field)))

#define ASSIGNNUMBER(field) \
    staffstruct->field = \
      atoi(gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY (cbdata->field)))
#define ASSIGNNUMBER_1(field) \
    staffstruct->field = \
      atoi(gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY (cbdata->field)))-1

#define ASSIGNBOOLEAN(field) \
    staffstruct->field = \
    (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (cbdata->field)));

  /* rename of set staff/voice name */
  canonicalize_denemo_name ((gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (cbdata->denemo_name)), staffstruct->denemo_name);
        staffstruct->subpart = g_string_new ("");
     canonicalize_denemo_name ((gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (cbdata->subpart)), staffstruct->subpart);
  set_lily_name (staffstruct->denemo_name, staffstruct->lily_name);

  //g_debug("first %d\t", staffstruct->space_above);
  ASSIGNNUMBER (space_above);
  //g_debug("then %d\t", staffstruct->space_above);
  ASSIGNNUMBER (space_below);
  ASSIGNNUMBER (no_of_lines);
  ASSIGNNUMBER (transposition);

  /* set MIDI channel/prognum */
  ASSIGNTEXT (midi_instrument);

  ASSIGNTEXT (device_port);
  ASSIGNBOOLEAN (override_volume);
  ASSIGNNUMBER (volume);
  // ASSIGNBOOLEAN(midi_prognum_override);
  if (staffstruct->midi_instrument->len)
      staffstruct->midi_prognum = get_midi_prognum (staffstruct);
      gint i;
      gchar *name;
      gint preset, bank;
      gint npresets = ParseSoundfont (Denemo.prefs.fluidsynth_soundfont->str, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL);
      if (npresets)
          for (i = 0; i < npresets - 1; i++)
              (void) ParseSoundfont (NULL, i, &name, &preset, &bank);
              if (!strcmp (name, staffstruct->midi_instrument->str))
                  staffstruct->midi_prognum = preset;
                  gchar *scheme = g_strdup_printf ("(d-MidiInstrumentName \"%s\")", GM_Instrument_Names[preset&0xFF]);
                  call_out_to_guile (scheme);
                  g_free (scheme);
                  printf ("\nMIDI Instrument == %s (GM name %s)\nMIDI PROGRAM == %d\n", staffstruct->midi_instrument->str,  GM_Instrument_Names[preset&0xFF], staffstruct->midi_prognum);
      //   if(staffstruct->midi_prognum != i) /* I am not sure why this was necessary and if it is still needed*/
      //     ASSIGNNUMBER_1(midi_prognum);
      ASSIGNNUMBER_1 (midi_channel);
      printf ("\nAssigned MIDI Instrument == %s \nAssigned MIDI PROGRAM == %d i == %d\n", staffstruct->midi_instrument->str, staffstruct->midi_prognum, i);

      ASSIGNNUMBER_1 (midi_prognum);
      ASSIGNNUMBER_1 (midi_channel);
      unsigned char buffer[3];/* third byte is unused but is put into the queue so must be accessible */
      /* set selected midi program on the synthesizer so that users can play MIDI controller with current staff instrument without having to do playback first*/
      g_info ("Using channel %d port %d prognum %d\n",  staffstruct->midi_channel, staffstruct->midi_port, staffstruct->midi_prognum);
      buffer[0] = 0xC0 /*MIDI_PROG_CHANGE*/ | staffstruct->midi_channel;
      buffer[1] = staffstruct->midi_prognum;
      play_midi_event (DEFAULT_BACKEND, staffstruct->midi_port, buffer);
  //g_debug ("Staff Transposition %d\n", staffstruct->transposition);
  gtk_widget_queue_draw (Denemo.scorearea);
  score_status (cbdata->gui, TRUE);