Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Create a pair of nodes in the category and onelevel trees.
 * They share the same input item.
 * \param p_playlist the playlist
 * \param psz_name the name of the nodes
 * \param pp_node_cat pointer to return the node in category tree
 * \param pp_node_one pointer to return the node in onelevel tree
 * \param b_for_sd For Services Discovery ? (make node read-only and unskipping)
void playlist_NodesPairCreate( playlist_t *p_playlist, const char *psz_name,
                               playlist_item_t **pp_node_cat,
                               playlist_item_t **pp_node_one,
                               bool b_for_sd )
    *pp_node_cat = playlist_NodeCreate( p_playlist, psz_name,
                                        p_playlist->p_root_category, 0, NULL );
    *pp_node_one = playlist_NodeCreate( p_playlist, psz_name,
                                        p_playlist->p_root_onelevel, 0,
                                        (*pp_node_cat)->p_input );
    if( b_for_sd )
        (*pp_node_cat)->i_flags |= PLAYLIST_RO_FLAG;
        (*pp_node_cat)->i_flags |= PLAYLIST_SKIP_FLAG;
        (*pp_node_one)->i_flags |= PLAYLIST_RO_FLAG;
        (*pp_node_one)->i_flags |= PLAYLIST_SKIP_FLAG;
Ejemplo n.º 2
playlist_item_t *RecentsMRL::toPlaylist(int length)
    playlist_item_t *p_node_recent = playlist_NodeCreate(THEPL, _("Recently Played"), THEPL->p_root, PLAYLIST_END, PLAYLIST_RO_FLAG, NULL);

    if ( p_node_recent == NULL )  return NULL;

    if (length == 0 || recents.count() < length)
        length = recents.count();

    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        input_item_t *p_input = input_item_New(qtu(recents.at(i)), NULL);
        playlist_NodeAddInput(THEPL, p_input, p_node_recent, PLAYLIST_APPEND, PLAYLIST_END, false);

    return p_node_recent;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: item.c Proyecto: BossKing/vlc
static int RecursiveInsertCopy (
    playlist_t *p_playlist, playlist_item_t *p_item,
    playlist_item_t *p_parent, int i_pos, bool b_flat )
    assert( p_parent != NULL && p_item != NULL );

    if( p_item == p_parent ) return i_pos;

    input_item_t *p_input = p_item->p_input;

    if( !(p_item->i_children != -1 && b_flat) )
        input_item_t *p_new_input = input_item_Copy( p_input );
        if( !p_new_input ) return i_pos;

        playlist_item_t *p_new_item = NULL;
        if( p_item->i_children == -1 )
            p_new_item = playlist_NodeAddInput( p_playlist, p_new_input,
                                   p_parent, PLAYLIST_INSERT, i_pos,
                                   pl_Locked );
            p_new_item = playlist_NodeCreate( p_playlist, NULL,
                                 p_parent, i_pos, 0, p_new_input );
        vlc_gc_decref( p_new_input );
        if( !p_new_item ) return i_pos;


        if( p_new_item->i_children != -1 )
            p_parent = p_new_item;

    for( int i = 0; i < p_item->i_children; i++ )
        if( b_flat )
            i_pos = RecursiveInsertCopy( p_playlist, p_item->pp_children[i],
                                         p_parent, i_pos, true );
            RecursiveInsertCopy( p_playlist, p_item->pp_children[i],
                                 p_parent, p_parent->i_children, false );

    return i_pos;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /* A new item has been added to a certain sd */
static void playlist_sd_item_added( const vlc_event_t * p_event, void * user_data )
    input_item_t * p_input = p_event->u.services_discovery_item_added.p_new_item;
    const char * psz_cat = p_event->u.services_discovery_item_added.psz_category;
    playlist_item_t *p_new_item, * p_parent = user_data;
    playlist_t * p_playlist = p_parent->p_playlist;

    msg_Dbg( p_playlist, "Adding %s in %s",
                p_input->psz_name ? p_input->psz_name : "(null)",
                psz_cat ? psz_cat : "(null)" );

    /* If p_parent is in root category (this is clearly a hack) and we have a cat */
    if( !EMPTY_STR(psz_cat) &&
        p_parent->p_parent == p_playlist->p_root_category )
        /* */
        playlist_item_t * p_cat;
        p_cat = playlist_ChildSearchName( p_parent, psz_cat );
        if( !p_cat )
            p_cat = playlist_NodeCreate( p_playlist, psz_cat,
                                         p_parent, 0, NULL );
            p_cat->i_flags &= ~PLAYLIST_SKIP_FLAG;
        p_parent = p_cat;

    p_new_item = playlist_NodeAddInput( p_playlist, p_input, p_parent,
                                        PLAYLIST_APPEND, PLAYLIST_END, pl_Locked );
    if( p_new_item )
        p_new_item->i_flags &= ~PLAYLIST_SKIP_FLAG;
        p_new_item->i_flags &= ~PLAYLIST_SAVE_FLAG;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Create playlist
 * Create a playlist structure.
 * \param p_parent the vlc object that is to be the parent of this playlist
 * \return a pointer to the created playlist, or NULL on error
static playlist_t *playlist_Create( vlc_object_t *p_parent )
    playlist_t *p_playlist;
    playlist_private_t *p;

    /* Allocate structure */
    p = vlc_custom_create( p_parent, sizeof( *p ), "playlist" );
    if( !p )
        return NULL;

    assert( offsetof( playlist_private_t, public_data ) == 0 );
    p_playlist = &p->public_data;
    TAB_INIT( pl_priv(p_playlist)->i_sds, pl_priv(p_playlist)->pp_sds );

    VariablesInit( p_playlist );
    vlc_mutex_init( &p->lock );
    vlc_cond_init( &p->signal );
    p->killed = false;

    /* Initialise data structures */
    pl_priv(p_playlist)->i_last_playlist_id = 0;
    pl_priv(p_playlist)->p_input = NULL;

    ARRAY_INIT( p_playlist->items );
    ARRAY_INIT( p_playlist->all_items );
    ARRAY_INIT( pl_priv(p_playlist)->items_to_delete );
    ARRAY_INIT( p_playlist->current );

    p_playlist->i_current_index = 0;
    pl_priv(p_playlist)->b_reset_currently_playing = true;

    pl_priv(p_playlist)->b_tree = var_InheritBool( p_parent, "playlist-tree" );

    pl_priv(p_playlist)->b_doing_ml = false;

    pl_priv(p_playlist)->b_auto_preparse =
        var_InheritBool( p_parent, "auto-preparse" );

   /* Preparser (and meta retriever) */
   p->p_preparser = playlist_preparser_New( VLC_OBJECT(p_playlist) );
   if( unlikely(p->p_preparser == NULL) )
       msg_Err( p_playlist, "cannot create preparser" );

    /* Create the root node */
    p_playlist->p_root = playlist_NodeCreate( p_playlist, NULL, NULL,
                                    PLAYLIST_END, 0, NULL );
    if( !p_playlist->p_root ) return NULL;

    /* Create currently playing items node */
    p_playlist->p_playing = playlist_NodeCreate(
        p_playlist, _( "Playlist" ), p_playlist->p_root,


    if( !p_playlist->p_playing ) return NULL;

    /* Create media library node */
    const bool b_ml = var_InheritBool( p_parent, "media-library");
    if( b_ml )
        p_playlist->p_media_library = playlist_NodeCreate(
            p_playlist, _( "Media Library" ), p_playlist->p_root,
        p_playlist->p_media_library = NULL;

    p_playlist->p_root_category = p_playlist->p_root;
    p_playlist->p_root_onelevel = p_playlist->p_root;
    p_playlist->p_local_category = p_playlist->p_playing;
    p_playlist->p_local_onelevel = p_playlist->p_playing;
    p_playlist->p_ml_category = p_playlist->p_media_library;
    p_playlist->p_ml_onelevel = p_playlist->p_media_library;;

    /* Initial status */
    pl_priv(p_playlist)->status.p_item = NULL;
    pl_priv(p_playlist)->status.p_node = p_playlist->p_playing;
    pl_priv(p_playlist)->request.b_request = false;
    pl_priv(p_playlist)->status.i_status = PLAYLIST_STOPPED;

        const bool b_auto_preparse = pl_priv(p_playlist)->b_auto_preparse;
        pl_priv(p_playlist)->b_auto_preparse = false;
        playlist_MLLoad( p_playlist );
        pl_priv(p_playlist)->b_auto_preparse = b_auto_preparse;

    /* Input resources */
    p->p_input_resource = input_resource_New( VLC_OBJECT( p_playlist ) );
    if( unlikely(p->p_input_resource == NULL) )

    /* Audio output (needed for volume and device controls). */
    audio_output_t *aout = input_resource_GetAout( p->p_input_resource );
    if( aout != NULL )
        input_resource_PutAout( p->p_input_resource, aout );

    /* Thread */
    playlist_Activate (p_playlist);

    /* Add service discovery modules */
    char *mods = var_InheritString( p_playlist, "services-discovery" );
    if( mods != NULL )
        char *p = mods, *m;
        while( (m = strsep( &p, " :," )) != NULL )
            playlist_ServicesDiscoveryAdd( p_playlist, m );
        free( mods );

    return p_playlist;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Create playlist
 * Create a playlist structure.
 * \param p_parent the vlc object that is to be the parent of this playlist
 * \return a pointer to the created playlist, or NULL on error
playlist_t *playlist_Create( vlc_object_t *p_parent )
    playlist_t *p_playlist;
    playlist_private_t *p;

    /* Allocate structure */
    p = vlc_custom_create( p_parent, sizeof( *p ), "playlist" );
    if( !p )
        return NULL;

    assert( offsetof( playlist_private_t, public_data ) == 0 );
    p_playlist = &p->public_data;
    TAB_INIT( pl_priv(p_playlist)->i_sds, pl_priv(p_playlist)->pp_sds );

    VariablesInit( p_playlist );
    vlc_mutex_init( &p->lock );
    vlc_cond_init( &p->signal );
    p->killed = false;

    /* Initialise data structures */
    pl_priv(p_playlist)->i_last_playlist_id = 0;
    pl_priv(p_playlist)->p_input = NULL;

    ARRAY_INIT( p_playlist->items );
    ARRAY_INIT( p_playlist->all_items );
    ARRAY_INIT( pl_priv(p_playlist)->items_to_delete );
    ARRAY_INIT( p_playlist->current );

    p_playlist->i_current_index = 0;
    pl_priv(p_playlist)->b_reset_currently_playing = true;

    pl_priv(p_playlist)->b_tree = var_InheritBool( p_parent, "playlist-tree" );
    pl_priv(p_playlist)->b_preparse = var_InheritBool( p_parent, "auto-preparse" );

    /* Create the root, playing items and meida library nodes */
    playlist_item_t *root, *playing, *ml;

    root = playlist_NodeCreate( p_playlist, NULL, NULL,
                                PLAYLIST_END, 0, NULL );
    playing = playlist_NodeCreate( p_playlist, _( "Playlist" ), root,
                                   PLAYLIST_END, PLAYLIST_RO_FLAG | PLAYLIST_NO_INHERIT_FLAG, NULL );
    if( var_InheritBool( p_parent, "media-library") )
        ml = playlist_NodeCreate( p_playlist, _( "Media Library" ), root,
                                  PLAYLIST_END, PLAYLIST_RO_FLAG | PLAYLIST_NO_INHERIT_FLAG, NULL );
        ml = NULL;

    if( unlikely(root == NULL || playing == NULL) )

    p_playlist->p_root = root;
    p_playlist->p_playing = playing;
    p_playlist->p_media_library = ml;
    p_playlist->p_root_category = p_playlist->p_root;
    p_playlist->p_root_onelevel = p_playlist->p_root;
    p_playlist->p_local_category = p_playlist->p_playing;
    p_playlist->p_local_onelevel = p_playlist->p_playing;
    p_playlist->p_ml_category = p_playlist->p_media_library;
    p_playlist->p_ml_onelevel = p_playlist->p_media_library;;

    /* Initial status */
    pl_priv(p_playlist)->status.p_item = NULL;
    pl_priv(p_playlist)->status.p_node = p_playlist->p_playing;
    pl_priv(p_playlist)->request.b_request = false;

    if (ml != NULL)
        playlist_MLLoad( p_playlist );

    /* Input resources */
    p->p_input_resource = input_resource_New( VLC_OBJECT( p_playlist ) );
    if( unlikely(p->p_input_resource == NULL) )

    /* Audio output (needed for volume and device controls). */
    audio_output_t *aout = input_resource_GetAout( p->p_input_resource );
    if( aout != NULL )
        input_resource_PutAout( p->p_input_resource, aout );

    /* Initialize the shared HTTP cookie jar */
    vlc_value_t cookies;
    cookies.p_address = vlc_http_cookies_new();
    if ( likely(cookies.p_address) )
        var_Create( p_playlist, "http-cookies", VLC_VAR_ADDRESS );
        var_SetChecked( p_playlist, "http-cookies", VLC_VAR_ADDRESS, cookies );

    /* Thread */
    playlist_Activate (p_playlist);

    /* Add service discovery modules */
    char *mods = var_InheritString( p_playlist, "services-discovery" );
    if( mods != NULL )
        char *s = mods, *m;
        while( (m = strsep( &s, " :," )) != NULL )
            playlist_ServicesDiscoveryAdd( p_playlist, m );
        free( mods );

    return p_playlist;