Ejemplo n.º 1
plD_init_ljii(PLStream *pls)
    PLDev *dev;

/* Initialize family file info */


/* Prompt for a file name if not already set */


/* Allocate and initialize device-specific data */

    dev = plAllocDev(pls);

    dev->xold = PL_UNDEFINED;
    dev->yold = PL_UNDEFINED;
    dev->xmin = 0;
    dev->ymin = 0;

    plP_setpxl((PLFLT) 5.905, (PLFLT) 5.905);

/* Rotate by 90 degrees since portrait mode addressing is used */

    dev->xmin = 0;
    dev->ymin = 0;
    dev->xmax = JETY;
    dev->ymax = JETX;
    dev->xlen = dev->xmax - dev->xmin;
    dev->ylen = dev->ymax - dev->ymin;

    plP_setphy(dev->xmin, dev->xmax, dev->ymin, dev->ymax);

/* If portrait mode is specified, then set up an additional rotation 
 * transformation with aspect ratio allowed to adjust via freeaspect.  
 * Default orientation is landscape (ORIENTATION == 3 or 90 deg rotation 
 * counter-clockwise from portrait).  (Legacy PLplot used seascape
 * which was equivalent to ORIENTATION == 1 or 90 deg clockwise rotation 
 * from portrait.) */

    if (pls->portrait) {
       plsdiori((PLFLT)(4 - ORIENTATION));
       pls->freeaspect = 1;

/* Allocate storage for bit map matrix */

#ifdef MSDOS
    if ((bitmap = (char _HUGE *) halloc((long) NBYTES, sizeof(char))) == NULL)
	plexit("Out of memory in call to calloc");
    if ((bitmap = (void *) calloc(NBYTES, sizeof(char))) == NULL)
	plexit("Out of memory in call to calloc");

/* Reset Printer */

    fprintf(OF, "%cE", ESC);
Ejemplo n.º 2
main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    PLFLT xmin0, xmax0, ymin0, ymax0, zxmin0, zxmax0, zymin0, zymax0;
    PLFLT xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zxmin, zxmax, zymin, zymax;
    PLFLT xmid, ymid, wx, wy;
    PLFLT mar0, aspect0, jx0, jy0, ori0;
    PLFLT mar, aspect, jx, jy, ori;
    PLINT win, level2, digmax, digits, compression1, compression2;
    PLFLT xp0, yp0;
    PLINT xleng0, yleng0, xoff0, yoff0;
    PLFLT xp1, yp1;
    PLINT xleng1, yleng1, xoff1, yoff1;
    PLFLT xp2, yp2;
    PLINT xleng2, yleng2, xoff2, yoff2;
    PLINT fam0, num0, bmax0;
    PLINT fam1, num1, bmax1;
    PLINT fam2, num2, bmax2;
    PLINT r0, g0, b0;
    PLFLT a0;
    PLINT r, g, b;
    PLFLT a;
    PLINT r1[] = { 0, 255 };
    PLINT g1[] = { 255, 0 };
    PLINT b1[] = { 0, 0 };
    PLFLT a1[] = { 1.0, 1.0 };
    int   status;
    char  fnam[256];

    // Parse and process command line arguments

    status = 0;

    (void) plparseopts( &argc, argv, PL_PARSE_FULL );

    // Test setting / getting familying parameters before plinit
    // Save values set by plparseopts to be restored later.
    plgfam( &fam0, &num0, &bmax0 );
    fam1  = 0;
    num1  = 10;
    bmax1 = 1000;
    plsfam( fam1, num1, bmax1 );

    // Retrieve the same values?
    plgfam( &fam2, &num2, &bmax2 );
    printf( "family parameters: fam, num, bmax = %d %d %d\n", fam2, num2, bmax2 );
    if ( fam2 != fam1 || num2 != num1 || bmax2 != bmax1 )
        fputs( "plgfam test failed\n", stderr );
        status = 1;
    // Restore values set initially by plparseopts.
    plsfam( fam0, num0, bmax0 );

    // Test setting / getting page parameters before plinit
    // Save values set by plparseopts to be restored later.
    plgpage( &xp0, &yp0, &xleng0, &yleng0, &xoff0, &yoff0 );
    xp1    = 200.;
    yp1    = 200.;
    xleng1 = 400;
    yleng1 = 200;
    xoff1  = 10;
    yoff1  = 20;
    plspage( xp1, yp1, xleng1, yleng1, xoff1, yoff1 );

    // Retrieve the same values?
    plgpage( &xp2, &yp2, &xleng2, &yleng2, &xoff2, &yoff2 );
    printf( "page parameters: xp, yp, xleng, yleng, xoff, yoff = %f %f %d %d %d %d\n", xp2, yp2, xleng2, yleng2, xoff2, yoff2 );
    if ( xp2 != xp1 || yp2 != yp1 || xleng2 != xleng1 || yleng2 != yleng1 ||
         xoff2 != xoff1 || yoff2 != yoff1 )
        fputs( "plgpage test failed\n", stderr );
        status = 1;
    // Restore values set initially by plparseopts.
    plspage( xp0, yp0, xleng0, yleng0, xoff0, yoff0 );

    // Test setting / getting compression parameter across plinit.
    compression1 = 95;
    plscompression( compression1 );

    // Initialize plplot

    // Test if device initialization screwed around with the preset
    // compression parameter.
    plgcompression( &compression2 );
    printf( "Output various PLplot parameters\n" );
    printf( "compression parameter = %d\n", compression2 );
    if ( compression2 != compression1 )
        fputs( "plgcompression test failed\n", stderr );
        status = 1;

    // Exercise plscolor, plscol0, plscmap1, and plscmap1a to make sure
    // they work without any obvious error messages.
    plscolor( 1 );
    plscol0( 1, 255, 0, 0 );
    plscmap1( r1, g1, b1, 2 );
    plscmap1a( r1, g1, b1, a1, 2 );

    plglevel( &level2 );
    printf( "level parameter = %d\n", level2 );
    if ( level2 != 1 )
        fputs( "plglevel test failed.\n", stderr );
        status = 1;

    pladv( 0 );

    xmin0 = 0.01;
    xmax0 = 0.99;
    ymin0 = 0.02;
    ymax0 = 0.49;
    plvpor( xmin0, xmax0, ymin0, ymax0 );
    plgvpd( &xmin, &xmax, &ymin, &ymax );
    printf( "plvpor: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = %f %f %f %f\n", xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax );
    if ( xmin != xmin0 || xmax != xmax0 || ymin != ymin0 || ymax != ymax0 )
        fputs( "plgvpd test failed\n", stderr );
        status = 1;
    xmid = 0.5 * ( xmin + xmax );
    ymid = 0.5 * ( ymin + ymax );

    xmin0 = 0.2;
    xmax0 = 0.3;
    ymin0 = 0.4;
    ymax0 = 0.5;
    plwind( xmin0, xmax0, ymin0, ymax0 );
    plgvpw( &xmin, &xmax, &ymin, &ymax );
    printf( "plwind: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = %f %f %f %f\n", xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax );
    if ( xmin != xmin0 || xmax != xmax0 || ymin != ymin0 || ymax != ymax0 )
        fputs( "plgvpw test failed\n", stderr );
        status = 1;

    // Get world coordinates for middle of viewport
    plcalc_world( xmid, ymid, &wx, &wy, &win );
    printf( "world parameters: wx, wy, win = %f %f %d\n", wx, wy, win );
    if ( fabs( wx - 0.5 * ( xmin + xmax ) ) > 1.0E-5 || fabs( wy - 0.5 * ( ymin + ymax ) ) > 1.0E-5 )
        fputs( "plcalc_world test failed\n", stderr );
        status = 1;

    // Retrieve and print the name of the output file (if any).
    // This goes to stderr not stdout since it will vary between tests and
    // we want stdout to be identical for compare test.
    plgfnam( fnam );
    if ( fnam[0] == '\0' )
        printf( "No output file name is set\n" );
        printf( "Output file name read\n" );
    fprintf( stderr, "Output file name is %s\n", fnam );

    // Set and get the number of digits used to display axis labels
    // Note digits is currently ignored in pls[xyz]ax and
    // therefore it does not make sense to test the returned
    // value
    plsxax( 3, 0 );
    plgxax( &digmax, &digits );
    printf( "x axis parameters: digmax, digits = %d %d\n", digmax, digits );
    if ( digmax != 3 )
        fputs( "plgxax test failed\n", stderr );
        status = 1;

    plsyax( 4, 0 );
    plgyax( &digmax, &digits );
    printf( "y axis parameters: digmax, digits = %d %d\n", digmax, digits );
    if ( digmax != 4 )
        fputs( "plgyax test failed\n", stderr );
        status = 1;

    plszax( 5, 0 );
    plgzax( &digmax, &digits );
    printf( "z axis parameters: digmax, digits = %d %d\n", digmax, digits );
    if ( digmax != 5 )
        fputs( "plgzax test failed\n", stderr );
        status = 1;

    mar0    = 0.05;
    aspect0 = PL_NOTSET;
    jx0     = 0.1;
    jy0     = 0.2;
    plsdidev( mar0, aspect0, jx0, jy0 );
    plgdidev( &mar, &aspect, &jx, &jy );
    printf( "device-space window parameters: mar, aspect, jx, jy = %f %f %f %f\n", mar, aspect, jx, jy );
    if ( mar != mar0 || jx != jx0 || jy != jy0 )
        fputs( "plgdidev test failed\n", stderr );
        status = 1;

    ori0 = 1.0;
    plsdiori( ori0 );
    plgdiori( &ori );
    printf( "ori parameter = %f\n", ori );
    if ( ori != ori0 )
        fputs( "plgdiori test failed\n", stderr );
        status = 1;

    xmin0 = 0.1;
    ymin0 = 0.2;
    xmax0 = 0.9;
    ymax0 = 0.8;
    plsdiplt( xmin0, ymin0, xmax0, ymax0 );
    plgdiplt( &xmin, &ymin, &xmax, &ymax );
    printf( "plot-space window parameters: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = %f %f %f %f\n", xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax );
    if ( xmin != xmin0 || ymin != ymin0 || xmax != xmax0 || ymax != ymax0 )
        fputs( "plgdiplt test failed\n", stderr );
        status = 1;

    zxmin0 = 0.1;
    zymin0 = 0.1;
    zxmax0 = 0.9;
    zymax0 = 0.9;
    plsdiplz( zxmin0, zymin0, zxmax0, zymax0 );
    plgdiplt( &zxmin, &zymin, &zxmax, &zymax );
    printf( "zoomed plot-space window parameters: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = %f %f %f %f\n", zxmin, zymin, zxmax, zymax );
    if ( fabs( zxmin - ( xmin + ( xmax - xmin ) * zxmin0 ) ) > 1.0E-5 ||
         fabs( zymin - ( ymin + ( ymax - ymin ) * zymin0 ) ) > 1.0E-5 ||
         fabs( zxmax - ( xmin + ( xmax - xmin ) * zxmax0 ) ) > 1.0E-5 ||
         fabs( zymax - ( ymin + ( ymax - ymin ) * zymax0 ) ) > 1.0E-5 )
        fputs( "plsdiplz test failed\n", stderr );
        status = 1;

    r0 = 10;
    g0 = 20;
    b0 = 30;
    plscolbg( r0, g0, b0 );
    plgcolbg( &r, &g, &b );
    printf( "background colour parameters: r, g, b = %d %d %d\n", r, g, b );
    if ( r != r0 || g != g0 || b != b0 )
        fputs( "plgcolbg test failed\n", stderr );
        status = 1;

    r0 = 20;
    g0 = 30;
    b0 = 40;
    a0 = 0.5;
    plscolbga( r0, g0, b0, a0 );
    plgcolbga( &r, &g, &b, &a );
    printf( "background/transparency colour parameters: r, g, b, a = %d %d %d %f\n", r, g, b, a );
    if ( r != r0 || g != g0 || b != b0 || a != a0 )
        fputs( "plgcolbga test failed\n", stderr );
        status = 1;


    exit( status );
 * Plot specified x/y coordinates, x as int32_t and y as float, with an arbitrary number
 * of separate lines, as lines and/or points.
 * Output is PDF file, location specified by 'fileName'.
int plplotLines(
    PlplotSetup *setup,
    uint32_t numSamples,	/* size of ix[] and fy[] arrays */
    uint32_t numLines,		/* size of lineDef[] array */
    int32_t *ix,			/* numSamples */
    LineDef *lineDef,		/* numLines */
    const char *graphName,
    const char *fileName,
    bool plotPoints,		/* true: plot points */
    bool plotLine,			/* true: plot line */
    bool skipTrailZeroes)	/* don't plot zero Y values at end of graph */
    if(setup == NULL) {
        printf("***plplotLine: setup required\n");
        return -1;

    char tmpFile[TEMP_FN_LEN];
    makeTempFile(tmpFile, TEMP_FN_LEN);

    PLFLT fx[numSamples];
    PLFLT minX = setup->minX;
    PLFLT maxX = setup->maxX;
    PLFLT minY = setup->minY;
    PLFLT maxY = setup->maxY;

    for(uint32_t dex=0; dex<numSamples; dex++) {
        fx[dex] = ix[dex];

    const char *yName = "";
    if(setup->yAxisName) {
        yName = setup->yAxisName;
    const char *xName = "";
    if(setup->xAxisName) {
        xName = setup->xAxisName;

    plsdev ("psc");

    /* standard: background white, foreground (axes, labels, etc.) black */
    plscol0(1, PLOT_BLACK);

    plsdiori(1.0);						// portrait
    plenv(minX, maxX, minY, maxY, 0, 0);
    pllab(xName, yName, graphName);

    for(uint32_t dex=0; dex<numLines; dex++) {
        uint32_t thisSamples = numSamples;
        if(skipTrailZeroes) {
            while((lineDef[dex].fy[thisSamples-1] == 0.0) && (thisSamples > 0)) {
            if(thisSamples == 0) {
                printf("***plplotLines: Warning: line with all zeroes skipped\n");
        plotOneLine(thisSamples, fx,  &lineDef[dex], plotPoints, plotLine);


    int ourRtn = psToPdf(tmpFile, fileName);
    return ourRtn;
 * Plot a histogram of prebinned data. X values are int32_t's, and the corresponding
 * Y values - the counts for each X - are uint32_t's.
int plplotBins(
    uint32_t numBins,
    const int32_t *x,			/* numBins of X values, monotonically increasing */
    const uint32_t *y,			/* numBins of Y values for each associated X */
    const char *graphName,
    const char *fileName,
    const char *xAxisName,		/* optional */
    const char *yAxisName)		/* optional */
    char tmpFile[TEMP_FN_LEN];
    makeTempFile(tmpFile, TEMP_FN_LEN);

    PLINT totalBins = numBins + 2;

    /* PLFLT array of sample values */
    PLFLT *xf = (PLFLT *)malloc(totalBins * sizeof(PLFLT));

    /* these two will have Y values of zero */
    xf[0] = x[0] - 1;
    xf[totalBins - 1] = x[numBins-1] + 1;

    const int32_t *ip = x;
    PLFLT *op = xf + 1;
    for(uint32_t dex=0; dex<numBins; dex++) {
        *op++ = *ip++;

    /* PLFLT array of bins */
    PLFLT *yf = (PLFLT *)malloc(totalBins * sizeof(PLFLT));
    yf[0] = 0.0;
    yf[totalBins - 1]  = 0.0;
    const uint32_t *uip = y;
    op = yf + 1;
    for(uint32_t dex=0; dex<numBins; dex++) {
        *op++ = *uip++;

    /* get max Y value */
    uint32_t maxY = 0;
    uip = y;
    for(uint32_t dex=0; dex<numBins; dex++) {
        uint32_t currY = *uip++;
        if(currY > maxY) {
            maxY = currY;

    const char *yName = yAxisName ? yAxisName : "";
    const char *xName = xAxisName ? xAxisName : "";

    plsdev ("psc");
    plscolbg(255, 255, 255);			/* white background */
    plsdev ("ps");
    plsdiori(1.0);						// portrait
    plenv(xf[0], xf[totalBins - 1], 0, maxY, 0, 0);

    /* can we alter colors of lines and the spaces inside the histograms? */
    plscolbg(255, 0, 0);				/* red background */
    plscol0(1, 255, 0, 0);				/* red foreground - no effect */

    pllab(xName, yName, graphName);

    plbin(totalBins, xf, yf, PL_BIN_CENTRED);


    int ourRtn = psToPdf(tmpFile, fileName);
    return ourRtn;
 * Plot a histogram showing the number of occurences of each possible
 * value of 'samples'.
int plplotHist(
    const int32_t *samples,
    uint32_t numSamples,
    const char *graphName,
    const char *fileName,
    const char *xAxisName,		/* optional */
    const char *yAxisName)		/* optional */
    char tmpFile[TEMP_FN_LEN];
    makeTempFile(tmpFile, TEMP_FN_LEN);

    /* First determine the range, i.e. the number of bins */
    int32_t minSamp = samples[0];
    int32_t maxSamp = samples[0];
    for(uint32_t dex=0; dex<numSamples; dex++) {
        int32_t s = samples[dex];
        if(s < minSamp) {
            minSamp = s;
        if(s > maxSamp) {
            maxSamp = s;

    /* When we specify PL_BIN_CENTRED, the min and max values are half the normal width */

    PLINT numBins = maxSamp - minSamp + 1;

    /* One array containing the sample values, x */
    PLFLT *x = (PLFLT *)malloc(numBins * sizeof(PLFLT));
    int32_t binNum = minSamp;
    for(uint32_t dex=0; dex<(uint32_t)numBins; dex++) {
        x[dex] = binNum++;

    /* Now make and fill the bins proper */
    PLFLT *y = (PLFLT *)malloc(numBins * sizeof(PLFLT));
    for(uint32_t dex=0; dex<(uint32_t)numBins; dex++) {
        y[dex] = 0;
    PLFLT maxY = 0.0;

    for(uint32_t dex=0; dex<numSamples; dex++) {
        int32_t s = samples[dex];
        PLFLT *yp = y + s - minSamp;
        *yp += 1.0;
        if(*yp > maxY) {
            maxY = *yp;

    const char *yName = yAxisName ? yAxisName : "";
    const char *xName = xAxisName ? xAxisName : "";

    plsdev ("psc");
    plscolbg(255, 255, 255);			/* white background */
    plsdev ("ps");
    plsdiori(1.0);						// portrait
    plenv(minSamp, maxSamp, 0, maxY, 0, 0);

    /* can we alter colors of lines and the spaces inside the histograms? */
    plscolbg(255, 0, 0);				/* red background */
    plscol0(1, 255, 0, 0);				/* red foreground - no effect */

    pllab(xName, yName, graphName);

    plbin(numBins, x, y, PL_BIN_CENTRED);


    int ourRtn = psToPdf(tmpFile, fileName);
    return ourRtn;
Ejemplo n.º 6
static void
ps_init(PLStream *pls)
    PSDev *dev;


    if (text) 
	pls->dev_text = 1; /* want to draw text */
	pls->dev_unicode = 1; /* want unicode */
	if(hrshsym) pls->dev_hrshsym = 1; /* want Hershey symbols */

    pls->dev_fill0 = 1;		/* Can do solid fills */

/* Initialize family file info */


/* Prompt for a file name if not already set */


/* Allocate and initialize device-specific data */

    if (pls->dev != NULL)
	free((void *) pls->dev);

    pls->dev = calloc(1, (size_t) sizeof(PSDev));
    if (pls->dev == NULL)
	plexit("ps_init: Out of memory.");

    dev = (PSDev *) pls->dev;

    dev->xold = PL_UNDEFINED;
    dev->yold = PL_UNDEFINED;

    plP_setpxl(pxlx, pxly);

    dev->llx = XPSSIZE;
    dev->lly = YPSSIZE;
    dev->urx = 0;
    dev->ury = 0;
    dev->ptcnt = 0;

/* Rotate by 90 degrees since portrait mode addressing is used */

    dev->xmin = 0;
    dev->ymin = 0;
    dev->xmax = PSY;
    dev->ymax = PSX;
    dev->xlen = dev->xmax - dev->xmin;
    dev->ylen = dev->ymax - dev->ymin;

    plP_setphy(dev->xmin, dev->xmax, dev->ymin, dev->ymax);

/* If portrait mode is specified, then set up an additional rotation 
 * transformation with aspect ratio allowed to adjust via freeaspect.  
 * Default orientation is landscape (ORIENTATION == 3 or 90 deg rotation 
 * counter-clockwise from portrait).  (Legacy PLplot used seascape
 * which was equivalent to ORIENTATION == 1 or 90 deg clockwise rotation 
 * from portrait.) */

    if (pls->portrait) {
       plsdiori((PLFLT)(4 - ORIENTATION));
       pls->freeaspect = 1;

/* Header comments into PostScript file */

    fprintf(OF, "%%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0\n");
    fprintf(OF, "%%%%BoundingBox:         \n");
    fprintf(OF, "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n");

    fprintf(OF, "%%%%Title: PLplot Graph\n");
    fprintf(OF, "%%%%Creator: PLplot Version %s\n", VERSION);
    fprintf(OF, "%%%%CreationDate: %s\n", ps_getdate());
    fprintf(OF, "%%%%Pages: (atend)\n");
    fprintf(OF, "%%%%EndComments\n\n");

/* Definitions */
/* Save VM state */

    fprintf(OF, "/PSSave save def\n");

/* Define a dictionary and start using it */

    fprintf(OF, "/PSDict 200 dict def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "PSDict begin\n");

    fprintf(OF, "/@restore /restore load def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/restore\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {vmstatus pop\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    dup @VMused lt {pop @VMused} if\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    exch pop exch @restore /@VMused exch def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   } def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/@pri\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    ( ) print\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    (                                       ) cvs print\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   } def\n");

/* n @copies - */

    fprintf(OF, "/@copies\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    /#copies exch def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   } def\n");

/* - @start -  -- start everything */

    fprintf(OF, "/@start\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    vmstatus pop /@VMused exch def pop\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   } def\n");

/* - @end -  -- finished */

    fprintf(OF, "/@end\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {flush\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    end\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    PSSave restore\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   } def\n");

/* bop -  -- begin a new page */
/* Only fill background if we are using color and if the bg isn't white */

    fprintf(OF, "/bop\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    /SaveImage save def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   } def\n");

/* - eop -  -- end a page */

    fprintf(OF, "/eop\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    showpage\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    SaveImage restore\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   } def\n");

/* Set line parameters */

    fprintf(OF, "/@line\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {0 setlinecap\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    0 setlinejoin\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    1 setmiterlimit\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   } def\n");

/* d @hsize -  horizontal clipping dimension */

    fprintf(OF, "/@hsize   {/hs exch def} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/@vsize   {/vs exch def} def\n");

/* d @hoffset - shift for the plots */

    fprintf(OF, "/@hoffset {/ho exch def} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/@voffset {/vo exch def} def\n");

/* Set line width */

    fprintf(OF, "/lw %d def\n", (int) (
	(pls->width < MIN_WIDTH) ? DEF_WIDTH :
	(pls->width > MAX_WIDTH) ? MAX_WIDTH : pls->width));

/* Setup user specified offsets, scales, sizes for clipping */

    fprintf(OF, "/@SetPlot\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    ho vo translate\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    XScale YScale scale\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    lw setlinewidth\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   } def\n");

/* Setup x & y scales */

    fprintf(OF, "/XScale\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {hs %d div} def\n", YPSSIZE);
    fprintf(OF, "/YScale\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {vs %d div} def\n", XPSSIZE);

/* Macro definitions of common instructions, to keep output small */

    fprintf(OF, "/M {moveto} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/D {lineto} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/A {0.5 0 360 arc} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/S {stroke} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/Z {stroke newpath} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/F {fill} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/C {setrgbcolor} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/G {setgray} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/W {setlinewidth} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/SF {selectfont} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/R {rotate} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/SW {stringwidth 2 index mul exch 2 index mul exch rmoveto pop} bind def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/B {Z %d %d M %d %d D %d %d D %d %d D %d %d closepath} def\n",
    fprintf(OF, "/CL {newpath M D D D closepath clip} def\n");

/* End of dictionary definition */

    fprintf(OF, "end\n\n");

/* Set up the plots */

    fprintf(OF, "PSDict begin\n");
    fprintf(OF, "@start\n");
    fprintf(OF, "%d @copies\n", COPIES);
    fprintf(OF, "@line\n");
    fprintf(OF, "%d @hsize\n", YSIZE);
    fprintf(OF, "%d @vsize\n", XSIZE);
    fprintf(OF, "%d @hoffset\n", YOFFSET);
    fprintf(OF, "%d @voffset\n", XOFFSET);

    fprintf(OF, "@SetPlot\n\n");
Ejemplo n.º 7
 *  void common_init(  PLStream *pls )
 *  Basic initialization for all devices.
wxPLDevBase* common_init(  PLStream *pls )
  // Log_Verbose( "common_init()" );

  wxPLDevBase* dev;

  /* default options */
  static PLINT freetype=-1;
  static PLINT smooth_text=1;
  static PLINT text=-1;
  static PLINT hrshsym = 0;

  /* default backend uses wxGraphicsContext, if not available
     the agg library will be used, if not available the basic
     backend will be used. */
  static PLINT backend=wxBACKEND_DC;
		#ifdef HAVE_AGG

  DrvOpt wx_options[] = {
    {"freetype", DRV_INT, &freetype, "Use FreeType library"},
    {"smooth", DRV_INT, &smooth_text, "Turn text smoothing on (1) or off (0)"},
    {"hrshsym", DRV_INT, &hrshsym, "Use Hershey symbol set (hrshsym=0|1)"},
    {"backend", DRV_INT, &backend, "Choose backend: (0) standard, (1) using AGG library, (2) using wxGraphicsContext"},
    {"text", DRV_INT, &text, "Use own text routines (text=0|1)"},

  /* Check for and set up driver options */
  plParseDrvOpts( wx_options );

  /* allocate memory for the device storage */
  switch( backend )
  case wxBACKEND_GC:
  /* in case wxGraphicsContext isn't available, the next backend (agg
     if available) in this list will be used */
    dev = new wxPLDevGC;
    /* by default the own text routines are used for wxGC */
    freetype = 0; /* this backend is vector oriented and doesn't know pixels */
  case wxBACKEND_AGG:
  /* in case the agg library isn't available, the standard backend
     will be used */
#ifdef HAVE_AGG
    dev = new wxPLDevAGG;
    /* by default the freetype text routines are used for wxAGG */
    text = 0; /* text processing doesn't work yet for the AGG backend */
    dev = new wxPLDevDC;
    /* by default the own text routines are used for wxDC */
	if( dev == NULL) {
    plexit( "Insufficient memory" );
  pls->dev = (void*)dev;

/* be verbose and write out debug messages */
#ifdef _DEBUG
  pls->verbose = 1;
  pls->debug = 1;
  pls->verbose = 0;
  pls->debug = 0;

  pls->color = 1;		    /* Is a color device */
  pls->dev_fill0 = 1;		/* Can handle solid fills */
  pls->dev_fill1 = 0;		/* Can't handle pattern fills */
  pls->dev_dash = 0;
  pls->dev_clear = 1;   /* driver supports clear */

  if( text ) {
    pls->dev_text = 1; /* want to draw text */
    pls->dev_unicode = 1; /* want unicode */
    if( hrshsym )
      pls->dev_hrshsym = 1;

  /* own text routines have higher priority over freetype
     if text and freetype option are set to 1 */
  if( !text) {

  if( dev->freetype ) {
    pls->dev_text = 1; /* want to draw text */
    pls->dev_unicode = 1; /* want unicode */
    if( hrshsym )
      pls->dev_hrshsym = 1;

    init_freetype_lv1( pls );
    FT_Data* FT=(FT_Data *)pls->FT;

  /* initialize frame size and position */
  if( pls->xlength <= 0 || pls->ylength <=0 )
    plspage( 0.0, 0.0, (PLINT)(CANVAS_WIDTH*DEVICE_PIXELS_PER_IN),
                       (PLINT)(CANVAS_HEIGHT*DEVICE_PIXELS_PER_IN), 0, 0 );


  if( pls->xoffset!=0 || pls->yoffset!=0) {
    dev->xpos = (int)(pls->xoffset);
    dev->ypos = (int)(pls->yoffset);

  /* If portrait mode, apply a rotation and set freeaspect */
  if( pls->portrait ) {
    plsdiori( (PLFLT)(4 - ORIENTATION) );
    pls->freeaspect = 1;

  /* Set the number of pixels per mm */

  /* Set up physical limits of plotting device (in drawing units) */

  /* get physical device limits coordinates */
  plP_gphy( &dev->xmin, &dev->xmax, &dev->ymin, &dev->ymax );

  /* setting scale factors */

  /* set dpi */
  plspage(VIRTUAL_PIXELS_PER_IN/dev->scalex, VIRTUAL_PIXELS_PER_IN/dev->scaley, 0, 0, 0, 0);

  if( dev->freetype )
    init_freetype_lv2( pls );

  /* find out what file drivers are available */
  plgFileDevs( &dev->devDesc, &dev->devName, &dev->ndev );

  return dev;