Ejemplo n.º 1
int PluginCollection::loadPlugin(const QString& xmlfile) {
  if (!_installedPlugins.contains(xmlfile)) {
    // Try to find it
    if (_parser->parseFile(xmlfile) != 0) {
      return -1;  // can't parse

    _installedPlugins[xmlfile] = _parser->data();
    _installedPluginNames[_parser->data()._name] = xmlfile;

  QString name = _installedPlugins[xmlfile]._name;

  if (_plugins.contains(name)) {
    return 0;  // already loaded

  QString sofile = xmlfile;
  Plugin *p = PluginLoader::self()->loadPlugin(xmlfile,
                                   sofile.replace(QRegExp(".xml$"), ".so"));
  if (p) {
    _plugins[name] = KstSharedPtr<Plugin>(p);
    emit pluginLoaded(name);
    return 0;

return -2;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void SchedulerPluginLoader::loadAllPlugins()
    debugPlan << "Load all plugins";
    const QList<QPluginLoader *> offers = KoPluginLoader::pluginLoaders(QStringLiteral("calligraplan/schedulers"));

    foreach(QPluginLoader *pluginLoader, offers) {
        KPluginFactory *factory = qobject_cast<KPluginFactory*>(pluginLoader->instance());
        if (!factory)
            errorPlan << "KPluginFactory could not load the plugin:" << pluginLoader->fileName();
        SchedulerPlugin *plugin = factory->create<SchedulerPlugin>(this);
        if (plugin) {
            QJsonObject json = pluginLoader->metaData().value("MetaData").toObject();
            json = json.value("KPlugin").toObject();
            const QString name = readLocalValue(json, QLatin1String("Name")).toString();
            const QString comment = readLocalValue(json, QLatin1String("Description")).toString();

            debugPlan << "Load plugin:" << name << ", " << comment;
            plugin->setName( name );
            plugin->setComment( comment );
            emit pluginLoaded( pluginLoader->fileName(), plugin);
        } else {
           debugPlan << "KPluginFactory could not create SchedulerPlugin:" << pluginLoader->fileName();
Plugin *PluginManager::loadPluginInternal( const QString &pluginId )
	//kDebug( 14010 ) << pluginId;

	KPluginInfo info = infoForPluginId( pluginId );
	if ( !info.isValid() )
		kWarning( 14010 ) << "Unable to find a plugin named '" << pluginId << "'!";
		return 0L;

	if ( _kpmp->loadedPlugins.contains( info ) )
		return _kpmp->loadedPlugins[ info ];

	QString error;
        Plugin *plugin = KServiceTypeTrader::createInstanceFromQuery<Plugin>( QString::fromLatin1( "Kopete/Plugin" ), QString::fromLatin1( "[X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name]=='%1'" ).arg( pluginId ), this, QVariantList(), &error );

	if ( plugin )
		_kpmp->loadedPlugins.insert( info, plugin );
		info.setPluginEnabled( true );

		connect( plugin, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(slotPluginDestroyed(QObject*)) );
		connect( plugin, SIGNAL(readyForUnload()), this, SLOT(slotPluginReadyForUnload()) );

		kDebug( 14010 ) << "Successfully loaded plugin '" << pluginId << "'";

		emit pluginLoaded( plugin );

		Protocol* protocol = dynamic_cast<Protocol*>( plugin );
		if ( protocol )
			emit protocolLoaded( protocol );
Ejemplo n.º 4
// }}}
// {{{ Flow helper
bool XzeroDaemon::import(const std::string& name, const std::string& path, std::vector<FlowVM::NativeCallback*>* builtins)
    if (pluginLoaded(name))
        return true;

	std::string filename = path;
	if (!filename.empty() && filename[filename.size() - 1] != '/')
		filename += "/";
	filename += name;

	std::error_code ec;
	XzeroPlugin* plugin = loadPlugin(filename, ec);

	if (ec) {
		log(Severity::error, "Error loading plugin: %s: %s", filename.c_str(), ec.message().c_str());
        return false;

    TRACE(1, "import(\"%s\", \"%s\", @%p)", name.c_str(), path.c_str(), builtins);
    if (builtins) {
        for (x0::FlowVM::NativeCallback* native: plugin->natives_) {
            TRACE(2, "  native name: %s", native->signature().to_s().c_str());

    return true;
void FakePluginWidget::load (bool loadAll)
    QWebView *view = webViewFrom(parentWidget());
    if (!view)

    // WORKAROUND: For some reason, when we load on demand plugins the scroll
    // position gets utterly screwed up and reset to the beginning of the
    // document. This is an effort to workaround that issue.
    connect(view->page(), SIGNAL(scrollRequested(int,int,QRect)),
            this, SLOT(updateScrollPoisition(int,int,QRect)), Qt::QueuedConnection);

    m_swapping = true;

    QList<QWebFrame*> frames;

    QString selector (QLatin1String("applet:not([type]),embed:not([type]),object:not([type]),applet[type=\""));
    selector += m_mimeType;
    selector += QLatin1String("\"],embed[type=\"");
    selector += m_mimeType;
    selector += QLatin1String("\"],object[type=\"");
    selector += m_mimeType;
    selector += QLatin1String("\"]");

    while (!frames.isEmpty()) {
        bool loaded = false;
        QWebFrame *frame = frames.takeFirst();
        QWebElement docElement = frame->documentElement();
        QWebElementCollection elements = docElement.findAll(selector);

        Q_FOREACH (QWebElement element, elements) {
            if (loadAll || element.evaluateJavaScript(QLatin1String("this.swapping")).toBool()) {
                QWebElement substitute = element.clone();
                emit pluginLoaded(m_id);
                m_updateScrollPosition = true;
                if (!loadAll) {
                    loaded = true;
                    break;  // Found the one plugin we wanted to start so exit loop.
        if (loaded && !loadAll) {
            break;      // Loading only one item, exit the outer loop as well...
        frames += frame->childFrames();

    m_swapping = false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void IOPluginCache::load(const QDir& dir)
    qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << dir.path();

    /* Check that we can access the directory */
    if (dir.exists() == false || dir.isReadable() == false)

    /* Loop thru all files in the directory */
    QStringListIterator it(dir.entryList());
    while (it.hasNext() == true)
        /* Attempt to load a plugin from the path */
        QString fileName(it.next());
        QString path = dir.absoluteFilePath(fileName);
        QPluginLoader loader(path, this);
        QLCIOPlugin* ptr = qobject_cast<QLCIOPlugin*> (loader.instance());
        if (ptr != NULL)
            /* Check for duplicates */
            if (plugin(ptr->name()) == NULL)
                /* New plugin. Append and init. */
                qDebug() << "Loaded I/O plugin" << ptr->name() << "from" << fileName;
                emit pluginLoaded(ptr->name());
                m_plugins << ptr;
                connect(ptr, SIGNAL(configurationChanged()),
                        this, SLOT(slotConfigurationChanged()));
#if !defined(Q_OS_ANDROID)
                // QLCi18n::loadTranslation(p->name().replace(" ", "_"));
                /* Duplicate plugin. Unload it. */
                qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Discarded duplicate I/O plugin"
                           << ptr->name() << "in" << path;
            qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << fileName << "doesn't contain an I/O plugin:"
                       << loader.errorString();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        InstanceAdaptor::InstanceAdaptor(AbstractPlugin *p_plgn) : Adaptor(Core::instance ()) {
            if (p_plgn == NULL){
                emit pluginCantLoad (Core::arguments ()->value ("plugin").toString ());
                QApplication::quit ();
            } else {
                connect(QApplication::instance (),SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()),this,SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()));
                QDBusConnection::sessionBus ().connect ("org.thesii.Wintermute","/Factory",
                QDBusConnection::sessionBus ().connect ("org.thesii.Wintermute","/Factory",
                QDBusConnection::sessionBus ().connect ("org.thesii.Wintermute","/Factory",

                QDBusConnection::sessionBus ().connect ("org.thesii.Wintermute","/Factory",

                //setAutoRelaySignals (true);
QObject* WebPluginFactory::create (const QString& _mimeType, const QUrl& url, const QStringList& argumentNames, const QStringList& argumentValues) const
    //kDebug() << _mimeType << url << argumentNames;
    QString mimeType (_mimeType.trimmed());
    if (mimeType.isEmpty()) {
        extractGuessedMimeType (url, &mimeType);

    const bool noPluginHandling = WebKitSettings::self()->isInternalPluginHandlingDisabled();

    if (!noPluginHandling && WebKitSettings::self()->isLoadPluginsOnDemandEnabled()) {
        const uint id = pluginId(url, argumentNames, argumentValues);
        if (!mPluginsLoadedOnDemand.contains(id)) {
            FakePluginWidget* widget = new FakePluginWidget(id, url, mimeType);
            connect(widget, SIGNAL(pluginLoaded(uint)), this, SLOT(loadedPlugin(uint)));
            return widget;

    Q_ASSERT(mPart); // should never happen!!
    KParts::ReadOnlyPart* part = 0;
    QWebView* view = (mPart ? mPart->view() : 0);

    if (noPluginHandling || !excludedMimeType(mimeType)) {
        QWebFrame* frame = (view ? view->page()->currentFrame() : 0);
        if (frame) {
            part = createPartInstanceFrom(mimeType, argumentNames, argumentValues, view, frame);

    kDebug() << "Asked for" << mimeType << "plugin, got" << part;

    if (part) {
        connect (part->browserExtension(), SIGNAL (openUrlNotify()),
                 mPart->browserExtension(), SIGNAL (openUrlNotify()));

        connect (part->browserExtension(), SIGNAL (openUrlRequest (KUrl, KParts::OpenUrlArguments, KParts::BrowserArguments)),
                 mPart->browserExtension(), SIGNAL (openUrlRequest (KUrl, KParts::OpenUrlArguments, KParts::BrowserArguments)));

        // Check if this part is scriptable
        KParts::ScriptableExtension* scriptExt = KParts::ScriptableExtension::childObject(part);
        if (!scriptExt) {
            // Try to fall back to LiveConnectExtension compat
            KParts::LiveConnectExtension* lc = KParts::LiveConnectExtension::childObject(part);
            if (lc) {
                scriptExt = KParts::ScriptableExtension::adapterFromLiveConnect(part, lc);

        if (scriptExt) {

        QMap<QString, QString> metaData = part->arguments().metaData();
        QString urlStr = url.toString (QUrl::RemovePath | QUrl::RemoveQuery | QUrl::RemoveFragment);
        metaData.insert ("PropagateHttpHeader", "true");
        metaData.insert ("referrer", urlStr);
        metaData.insert ("cross-domain", urlStr);
        metaData.insert ("main_frame_request", "TRUE");
        metaData.insert ("ssl_activate_warnings", "TRUE");

        KWebPage *page = (view ? qobject_cast<KWebPage*>(view->page()) : 0);

        if (page) {
            const QString scheme = page->currentFrame()->url().scheme();
            if (page && (QString::compare (scheme, QL1S ("https"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 ||
                         QString::compare (scheme, QL1S ("webdavs"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0))
                metaData.insert ("ssl_was_in_use", "TRUE");
                metaData.insert ("ssl_was_in_use", "FALSE");

        KParts::OpenUrlArguments openUrlArgs = part->arguments();
        openUrlArgs.metaData() = metaData;
        QMetaObject::invokeMethod(part, "openUrl", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(KUrl, KUrl(url)));
        return part->widget();

    return 0;