Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    const char *value;
    p_ply iply, oply;
    iply = ply_open("input.ply", NULL);
    if (!iply) return 1;
    if (!ply_read_header(iply)) return 1;
    oply = ply_create("output.ply", PLY_LITTLE_ENDIAN, NULL);
    if (!oply) return 1;
    if (!setup_callbacks(iply, oply)) return 1;
    /* pass comments and obj_infos from input to output */
    value = NULL;
    while ((value = ply_get_next_comment(iply, value)))
        if (!ply_add_comment(oply, value)) return 1;
    value = NULL;
    while ((value = ply_get_next_obj_info(iply, value)))
        if (!ply_add_obj_info(oply, value)) return 1;;
    /* write output header */
    if (!ply_write_header(oply)) return 1;
    /* read input file generating callbacks that pass data to output file */
    if (!ply_read(iply)) return 1;
    /* close up, we are done */
    if (!ply_close(iply)) return 1;
    if (!ply_close(oply)) return 1;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* given a format mode, an input file name and an output file name,
 * convert input file to output in given format mode */
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    const char *value = NULL;
    e_ply_storage_mode storage_mode = PLY_LITTLE_ENDIAN;
    const char *iname = NULL, *oname = NULL;
    p_ply iply = NULL, oply = NULL;
    /* parse command line arguments */
    parse_arguments(argc, argv, &storage_mode, &iname, &oname);
    /* open input file and make sure we parsed its header */
    iply = ply_open(iname, NULL, 0, NULL);
    if (!iply) error("Unable to open file '%s'", iname);
    if (!ply_read_header(iply)) error("Failed reading '%s' header", iname);
    /* create output file */
    oply = ply_create(oname, storage_mode, NULL, 0, NULL);
    if (!oply) error("Unable to create file '%s'", oname);
    /* create elements and properties in output file and 
     * setup callbacks for them in input file */
    setup_callbacks(iply, oply); 
    /* pass comments and obj_infos from input to output */
    value = NULL;
    while ((value = ply_get_next_comment(iply, value)))
        if (!ply_add_comment(oply, value))
            error("Failed adding comments");
    value = NULL;
    while ((value = ply_get_next_obj_info(iply, value)))
        if (!ply_add_obj_info(oply, value))
            error("Failed adding comments");
    /* write output header */
    if (!ply_write_header(oply)) error("Failed writing '%s' header", oname);
    /* read input file generating callbacks that pass data to output file */
    if (!ply_read(iply)) error("Conversion failed");
    /* close up, we are done */
    if (!ply_close(iply)) error("Error closing file '%s'", iname);
    if (!ply_close(oply)) error("Error closing file '%s'", oname);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 *         Name:  main
 *  Description:  
int main( void ) {
	int i;

	/* Create new PLY file. */
	p_ply oply = ply_create( "new.ply", PLY_ASCII, NULL, 0, NULL );
	if ( !oply ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Could not create »new.ply«\n" );
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	/* Add object information to PLY. */
	if ( !ply_add_obj_info( oply, "This is just a test." ) ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Could not add object info.\n" );
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	/* Add a comment, too. */
	if ( !ply_add_comment( oply, "Just some comment…" ) ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Could not add comment.\n" );
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	/* Add vertex element. We want to add 9999 vertices. */
	if ( !ply_add_element( oply, "vertex", 99999 ) ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Could not add element.\n" );
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	/* Add vertex properties: x, y, z, r, g, b */
	if ( !ply_add_property( oply, "x",     PLY_FLOAT, 0, 0 ) ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Could not add property x.\n" );
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	if ( !ply_add_property( oply, "y",     PLY_FLOAT, 0, 0 ) ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Could not add property x.\n" );
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	if ( !ply_add_property( oply, "z",     PLY_FLOAT, 0, 0 ) ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Could not add property x.\n" );
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	if ( !ply_add_property( oply, "red",   PLY_UCHAR, 0, 0 ) ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Could not add property x.\n" );
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	if ( !ply_add_property( oply, "green", PLY_UCHAR, 0, 0 ) ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Could not add property x.\n" );
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	if ( !ply_add_property( oply, "blue",  PLY_UCHAR, 0, 0 ) ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Could not add property x.\n" );
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	/* Write header to file */
	if ( !ply_write_header( oply ) ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Could not write header.\n" );
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	/* Now we generate random data to add to the file: */
	srand ( time( NULL ) );

	for ( i = 0; i < 99999; i++ ) {
		ply_write( oply, (double) ( rand() % 10000 ) / 10.0 ); /* x */
		ply_write( oply, (double) ( rand() % 10000 ) / 10.0 ); /* y */
		ply_write( oply, (double) ( rand() % 10000 ) / 10.0 ); /* z */
		ply_write( oply, rand() % 256 ); /* red   */
		ply_write( oply, rand() % 256 ); /* blue  */
		ply_write( oply, rand() % 256 ); /* green */

	if ( !ply_close( oply ) ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Could not close file.\n" );
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

