Ejemplo n.º 1
static BOOL 
WriteMetadata(png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr, FIBITMAP *dib) {
	// XMP keyword
	const char *g_png_xmp_keyword = "XML:com.adobe.xmp";

	FITAG *tag = NULL;
	FIMETADATA *mdhandle = NULL;
	BOOL bResult = TRUE;

	png_text text_metadata;
	png_time mod_time;

	// set the 'Comments' metadata as iTXt chuncks

	mdhandle = FreeImage_FindFirstMetadata(FIMD_COMMENTS, dib, &tag);

	if(mdhandle) {
		do {
			memset(&text_metadata, 0, sizeof(png_text));
			text_metadata.compression = 1;							// iTXt, none
			text_metadata.key = (char*)FreeImage_GetTagKey(tag);	// keyword, 1-79 character description of "text"
			text_metadata.text = (char*)FreeImage_GetTagValue(tag);	// comment, may be an empty string (ie "")
			text_metadata.text_length = FreeImage_GetTagLength(tag);// length of the text string
			text_metadata.itxt_length = FreeImage_GetTagLength(tag);// length of the itxt string
			text_metadata.lang = 0;		 // language code, 0-79 characters or a NULL pointer
			text_metadata.lang_key = 0;	 // keyword translated UTF-8 string, 0 or more chars or a NULL pointer

			// set the tag 
			png_set_text(png_ptr, info_ptr, &text_metadata, 1);

		} while(FreeImage_FindNextMetadata(mdhandle, &tag));

		bResult &= TRUE;

	// set the 'XMP' metadata as iTXt chuncks
	tag = NULL;
	FreeImage_GetMetadata(FIMD_XMP, dib, g_TagLib_XMPFieldName, &tag);
	if(tag && FreeImage_GetTagLength(tag)) {
		memset(&text_metadata, 0, sizeof(png_text));
		text_metadata.compression = 1;							// iTXt, none
		text_metadata.key = (char*)g_png_xmp_keyword;					// keyword, 1-79 character description of "text"
		text_metadata.text = (char*)FreeImage_GetTagValue(tag);	// comment, may be an empty string (ie "")
		text_metadata.text_length = FreeImage_GetTagLength(tag);// length of the text string
		text_metadata.itxt_length = FreeImage_GetTagLength(tag);// length of the itxt string
		text_metadata.lang = 0;		 // language code, 0-79 characters or a NULL pointer
		text_metadata.lang_key = 0;	 // keyword translated UTF-8 string, 0 or more chars or a NULL pointer

		// set the tag 
		png_set_text(png_ptr, info_ptr, &text_metadata, 1);
		bResult &= TRUE;

	// set the Exif-TIFF 'DateTime' metadata as a tIME chunk
	tag = NULL;
	FreeImage_GetMetadata(FIMD_EXIF_MAIN, dib, "DateTime", &tag);
	if(tag && FreeImage_GetTagLength(tag)) {
		int year, month, day, hour, minute, second;
		const char *value = (char*)FreeImage_GetTagValue(tag);
		if(sscanf(value, "%4d:%02d:%02d %2d:%02d:%02d", &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute, &second) == 6) {
			mod_time.year = year;
			mod_time.month = month;
			mod_time.day = day;
			mod_time.hour = hour;
			mod_time.minute = minute;
			mod_time.second = second;
			png_set_tIME (png_ptr, info_ptr, &mod_time);

	return bResult;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int I_ScreenShot (const char *fname)
  int result = -1;
  FILE *fp = fopen(fname, "wb");

  if (fp)
    png_struct *png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(
        PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, png_error_ptr_NULL, error_fn, warning_fn);

    if (png_ptr)
      png_info *info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);

      if (info_ptr)
        SDL_Surface *scr = SDL_GetVideoSurface();
        png_time ptime;

        png_set_compression_level(png_ptr, 2);
        png_init_io(png_ptr, fp);
            png_ptr, info_ptr, SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT, 8,
            (V_GetMode() == VID_MODE8)
              ? PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE
              : PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB,

        png_convert_from_time_t(&ptime, time(NULL));
        png_set_tIME(png_ptr, info_ptr, &ptime);

        switch (V_GetMode()) {
#ifdef GL_DOOM
          case VID_MODEGL:
            result = screenshot_gl(png_ptr, info_ptr);
          case VID_MODE8:
            if (write_png_palette(png_ptr, info_ptr, scr) >= 0)
              result = screenshot_sdl(png_ptr, info_ptr, scr,

          case VID_MODE15:
          case VID_MODE16:
          case VID_MODE32:
            result = screenshot_sdl(png_ptr, info_ptr, scr,

      png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr,  png_infopp_NULL);
  return result;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int writepng_init(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr)
    png_structp  png_ptr;       /* note:  temporary variables! */
    png_infop  info_ptr;
    int color_type, interlace_type;

    /* could also replace libpng warning-handler (final NULL), but no need: */

    png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, mainprog_ptr,
      writepng_error_handler, NULL);
    if (!png_ptr)
        return 4;   /* out of memory */

    info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
    if (!info_ptr) {
        png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, NULL);
        return 4;   /* out of memory */

    /* setjmp() must be called in every function that calls a PNG-writing
     * libpng function, unless an alternate error handler was installed--
     * but compatible error handlers must either use longjmp() themselves
     * (as in this program) or exit immediately, so here we go: */

    if (setjmp(mainprog_ptr->jmpbuf)) {
        png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
        return 2;

    /* make sure outfile is (re)opened in BINARY mode */

    png_init_io(png_ptr, mainprog_ptr->outfile);

    /* set the compression levels--in general, always want to leave filtering
     * turned on (except for palette images) and allow all of the filters,
     * which is the default; want 32K zlib window, unless entire image buffer
     * is 16K or smaller (unknown here)--also the default; usually want max
     * compression (NOT the default); and remaining compression flags should
     * be left alone */

    png_set_compression_level(png_ptr, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION);
    >> this is default for no filtering; Z_FILTERED is default otherwise:
    png_set_compression_strategy(png_ptr, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY);
    >> these are all defaults:
    png_set_compression_mem_level(png_ptr, 8);
    png_set_compression_window_bits(png_ptr, 15);
    png_set_compression_method(png_ptr, 8);

    /* set the image parameters appropriately */

    if (mainprog_ptr->pnmtype == 5)
        color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY;
    else if (mainprog_ptr->pnmtype == 6)
        color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB;
    else if (mainprog_ptr->pnmtype == 8)
        color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA;
    else {
        png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
        return 11;

    interlace_type = mainprog_ptr->interlaced? PNG_INTERLACE_ADAM7 :

    png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, mainprog_ptr->width, mainprog_ptr->height,
      mainprog_ptr->sample_depth, color_type, interlace_type,

    if (mainprog_ptr->gamma > 0.0)
        png_set_gAMA(png_ptr, info_ptr, mainprog_ptr->gamma);

    if (mainprog_ptr->have_bg) {   /* we know it's RGBA, not gray+alpha */
        png_color_16  background;

        background.red = mainprog_ptr->bg_red;
        background.green = mainprog_ptr->bg_green;
        background.blue = mainprog_ptr->bg_blue;
        png_set_bKGD(png_ptr, info_ptr, &background);

    if (mainprog_ptr->have_time) {
        png_time  modtime;

        png_convert_from_time_t(&modtime, mainprog_ptr->modtime);
        png_set_tIME(png_ptr, info_ptr, &modtime);

    if (mainprog_ptr->have_text) {
        png_text  text[6];
        int  num_text = 0;

        if (mainprog_ptr->have_text & TEXT_TITLE) {
            text[num_text].compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;
            text[num_text].key = "Title";
            text[num_text].text = mainprog_ptr->title;
        if (mainprog_ptr->have_text & TEXT_AUTHOR) {
            text[num_text].compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;
            text[num_text].key = "Author";
            text[num_text].text = mainprog_ptr->author;
        if (mainprog_ptr->have_text & TEXT_DESC) {
            text[num_text].compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;
            text[num_text].key = "Description";
            text[num_text].text = mainprog_ptr->desc;
        if (mainprog_ptr->have_text & TEXT_COPY) {
            text[num_text].compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;
            text[num_text].key = "Copyright";
            text[num_text].text = mainprog_ptr->copyright;
        if (mainprog_ptr->have_text & TEXT_EMAIL) {
            text[num_text].compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;
            text[num_text].key = "E-mail";
            text[num_text].text = mainprog_ptr->email;
        if (mainprog_ptr->have_text & TEXT_URL) {
            text[num_text].compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;
            text[num_text].key = "URL";
            text[num_text].text = mainprog_ptr->url;
        png_set_text(png_ptr, info_ptr, text, num_text);

    /* write all chunks up to (but not including) first IDAT */

    png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);

    /* if we wanted to write any more text info *after* the image data, we
     * would set up text struct(s) here and call png_set_text() again, with
     * just the new data; png_set_tIME() could also go here, but it would
     * have no effect since we already called it above (only one tIME chunk
     * allowed) */

    /* set up the transformations:  for now, just pack low-bit-depth pixels
     * into bytes (one, two or four pixels per byte) */

/*  png_set_shift(png_ptr, &sig_bit);  to scale low-bit-depth values */

    /* make sure we save our pointers for use in writepng_encode_image() */

    mainprog_ptr->png_ptr = png_ptr;
    mainprog_ptr->info_ptr = info_ptr;

    /* OK, that's all we need to do for now; return happy */

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    void write_header( const View& view )
        typedef detail::png_write_support< typename channel_type< typename get_pixel_type< View >::type >::type
                                         , typename color_space_type< View >::type
                                         > png_rw_info_t;

        // Set the image information here.  Width and height are up to 2^31,
        // bit_depth is one of 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16, but valid values also depend on
        // the color_type selected. color_type is one of PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY,
        // or PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA.  interlace is either PNG_INTERLACE_NONE or
        // PNG_INTERLACE_ADAM7, and the compression_type and filter_type MUST
        png_set_IHDR( get_struct()
                    , get_info()
                    , static_cast< png_image_width::type  >( view.width()  )
                    , static_cast< png_image_height::type >( view.height() )
                    , static_cast< png_bitdepth::type     >( png_rw_info_t::_bit_depth )
                    , static_cast< png_color_type::type   >( png_rw_info_t::_color_type )
                    , _info._interlace_method
                    , _info._compression_type
                    , _info._filter_method

        if( _info._valid_cie_colors )
            png_set_cHRM( get_struct()
                        , get_info()
                        , _info._white_x
                        , _info._white_y
                        , _info._red_x
                        , _info._red_y
                        , _info._green_x
                        , _info._green_y
                        , _info._blue_x
                        , _info._blue_y

        if( _info._valid_file_gamma )
            png_set_gAMA( get_struct()
                        , get_info()
                        , _info._file_gamma
        if( _info._valid_cie_colors )
            png_set_cHRM_fixed( get_struct()
                              , get_info()
                              , _info._white_x
                              , _info._white_y
                              , _info._red_x
                              , _info._red_y
                              , _info._green_x
                              , _info._green_y
                              , _info._blue_x
                              , _info._blue_y

        if( _info._valid_file_gamma )
            png_set_gAMA_fixed( get_struct()
                              , get_info()
                              , _info._file_gamma

        if( _info._valid_icc_profile )
            png_set_iCCP( get_struct()
                        , get_info()
                        , const_cast< png_charp >( _info._icc_name.c_str() )
                        , _info._iccp_compression_type
                        , reinterpret_cast< png_const_bytep >( _info._profile.c_str() )
                        , _info._profile_length
            png_set_iCCP( get_struct()
                        , get_info()
                        , const_cast< png_charp >( _info._icc_name.c_str() )
                        , _info._iccp_compression_type
                        , const_cast< png_charp >( _info._profile.c_str() )
                        , _info._profile_length

        if( _info._valid_intent )
            png_set_sRGB( get_struct()
                        , get_info()
                        , _info._intent

        if( _info._valid_palette )
            png_set_PLTE( get_struct()
                        , get_info()
                        , const_cast< png_colorp >( &_info._palette.front() )
                        , _info._num_palette

        if( _info._valid_background )
            png_set_bKGD( get_struct()
                        , get_info()
                        , const_cast< png_color_16p >( &_info._background )

        if( _info._valid_histogram )
            png_set_hIST( get_struct()
                        , get_info()
                        , const_cast< png_uint_16p >( &_info._histogram.front() )

        if( _info._valid_offset )
            png_set_oFFs( get_struct()
                        , get_info()
                        , _info._offset_x
                        , _info._offset_y
                        , _info._off_unit_type

        if( _info._valid_pixel_calibration )
            std::vector< const char* > params( _info._num_params );
            for( std::size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); ++i )
                params[i] = _info._params[ i ].c_str();

            png_set_pCAL( get_struct()
                        , get_info()
                        , const_cast< png_charp >( _info._purpose.c_str() )
                        , _info._X0
                        , _info._X1
                        , _info._cal_type
                        , _info._num_params
                        , const_cast< png_charp  >( _info._units.c_str() )
                        , const_cast< png_charpp >( &params.front()     )

        if( _info._valid_resolution )
            png_set_pHYs( get_struct()
                        , get_info()
                        , _info._res_x
                        , _info._res_y
                        , _info._phy_unit_type

        if( _info._valid_significant_bits )
            png_set_sBIT( get_struct()
                        , get_info()
                        , const_cast< png_color_8p >( &_info._sig_bits )

        if( _info._valid_scale_factors )
            png_set_sCAL( get_struct()
                        , get_info()
                        , this->_info._scale_unit
                        , this->_info._scale_width
                        , this->_info._scale_height
        if( _info._valid_scale_factors )
            png_set_sCAL_fixed( get_struct()
                              , get_info()
                              , this->_info._scale_unit
                              , this->_info._scale_width
                              , this->_info._scale_height
        if( _info._valid_scale_factors )
            png_set_sCAL_s( get_struct()
                          , get_info()
                          , this->_info._scale_unit
                          , const_cast< png_charp >( this->_info._scale_width.c_str()  )
                          , const_cast< png_charp >( this->_info._scale_height.c_str() )


        if( _info._valid_text )
            std::vector< png_text > texts( _info._num_text );
            for( std::size_t i = 0; i < texts.size(); ++i )
                png_text pt;
                pt.compression = _info._text[i]._compression;
                pt.key         = const_cast< png_charp >( this->_info._text[i]._key.c_str()  );
                pt.text        = const_cast< png_charp >( this->_info._text[i]._text.c_str() );
                pt.text_length = _info._text[i]._text.length();

                texts[i] = pt;

            png_set_text( get_struct()
                        , get_info()
                        , &texts.front()
                        , _info._num_text

        if( _info._valid_modification_time )
            png_set_tIME( get_struct()
                        , get_info()
                        , const_cast< png_timep >( &_info._mod_time )

        if( _info._valid_transparency_factors )
            int sample_max = ( 1 << _info._bit_depth );

            /* libpng doesn't reject a tRNS chunk with out-of-range samples */
            if( !(  (  _info._color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY 
                    && (int) _info._trans_values[0].gray > sample_max
                 || (  _info._color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB
                    &&(  (int) _info._trans_values[0].red   > sample_max 
                      || (int) _info._trans_values[0].green > sample_max
                      || (int) _info._trans_values[0].blue  > sample_max
                //@todo Fix that once reading transparency values works
                png_set_tRNS( get_struct()
                            , get_info()
                            , trans
                            , num_trans
                            , trans_values

        // Compression Levels - valid values are [0,9]
        png_set_compression_level( get_struct()
                                 , _info._compression_level

        png_set_compression_mem_level( get_struct()
                                     , _info._compression_mem_level

        png_set_compression_strategy( get_struct()
                                    , _info._compression_strategy

        png_set_compression_window_bits( get_struct()
                                       , _info._compression_window_bits

        png_set_compression_method( get_struct()
                                  , _info._compression_method

        png_set_compression_buffer_size( get_struct()
                                       , _info._compression_buffer_size

        // Dithering 
        if( _info._set_dithering )
            png_set_dither( get_struct()
                          , &_info._dithering_palette.front()
                          , _info._dithering_num_palette
                          , _info._dithering_maximum_colors
                          , &_info._dithering_histogram.front()
                          , _info._full_dither

        // Filter
        if( _info._set_filter )
            png_set_filter( get_struct()
                          , 0
                          , _info._filter

        // Invert Mono
        if( _info._invert_mono )
            png_set_invert_mono( get_struct() );

        // True Bits
        if( _info._set_true_bits )
            png_set_sBIT( get_struct()
                        , get_info()
                        , &_info._true_bits.front()

        // sRGB Intent
        if( _info._set_srgb_intent )
            png_set_sRGB( get_struct()
                        , get_info()
                        , _info._srgb_intent

        // Strip Alpha
        if( _info._strip_alpha )
            png_set_strip_alpha( get_struct() );

        // Swap Alpha
        if( _info._swap_alpha )
            png_set_swap_alpha( get_struct() );

        png_write_info( get_struct()
                      , get_info()