Ejemplo n.º 1
void pgp_memzero(Integer g_p, Integer intsize)
  void *gp_ptr, *size_array;
  Integer handle, i, me, nelems, ndim;
  Integer lo[GP_MAX_DIM], hi[GP_MAX_DIM], ld[GP_MAX_DIM-1];
  Integer j;

  handle = g_p + GP_OFFSET;
  me = pnga_nodeid();
  ndim = GP[handle].ndim;

  /* Determine number of elements held locally */
  pgp_distribution(g_p, me, lo, hi);
  nelems = 1;
  for (i=0; i<ndim; i++) {
    nelems *= (hi[i]-lo[i]+1);

  /* Get pointers to local data elements and their sizes */

  /* Zero bits in data elements */
  printf("p[%d] nelems: %d ld[0]: %d\n",me,nelems,ld[0]);
  for (i=0; i<nelems; i++) {
    printf("p[%d] gp_ptr[%d].addr: %p size_array[%d]: %d\n",me,
    if (intsize == 4) {
      memset((void*)((armci_meminfo_t*)gp_ptr)[i].addr, 0,
#if 0
      for (j=0; j<((int*)size_array)[i]; j++) {
        if (((char*)((armci_meminfo_t*)gp_ptr)[i].addr)[j] != 0) {
          printf("p[%d] mismatch for i: %d j: %d\n",me,i,j);
    } else {
      memset((void*)((armci_meminfo_t*)gp_ptr)[i].addr, 0,
#if 0
      for (j=0; j<((int64_t*)size_array)[i]; j++) {
        if (((char*)((armci_meminfo_t*)gp_ptr)[i].addr)[j] != 0) {
          printf("p[%d] mismatch for i: %d j: %d\n",me,i,j);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void* pgp_free_local_element(Integer g_p, Integer *subscript)
  armci_meminfo_t *gp_ptr;
  void *ptr;
  Integer handle, ld[GP_MAX_DIM-1], i;
  GP_Int buf;
  handle = g_p + GP_OFFSET;
  /* check to make sure that element is located in local block of GP array */
  for (i=0; i<GP[handle].ndim; i++) {
    if (subscript[i]<GP[handle].lo[i] || subscript[i]>GP[handle].hi[i]) {
      pnga_error("gp_free_local_element: subscript out of bounds", i);
  ptr = (*gp_ptr).addr;
  pnga_release_update(GP[handle].g_ptr_array, subscript, subscript);

  /* set corresponding element of size array to zero */
  buf = 0;
  for (i=0; i<GP[handle].ndim-1; i++) {
    ld[i] = 1;
  pnga_put(GP[handle].g_size_array, subscript, subscript, &buf, ld);
  return ptr;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Get the next sub-block from local portion of global array
 * @param hdl handle for iterator
 * @param plo indices for lower corner of block
 * @param phi indices for upper corner of block
 * @param ptr pointer to local buffer
 * @param ld array of strides for local block
 * @return returns false if there is no new block, true otherwise
int pnga_local_iterator_next(_iterator_hdl *hdl, Integer plo[],
    Integer phi[], char **ptr, Integer ld[])
  Integer i;
  Integer handle = GA_OFFSET + hdl->g_a;
  Integer grp = GA[handle].p_handle;
  Integer elemsize = GA[handle].elemsize;
  int ndim;
  int me = pnga_pgroup_nodeid(grp);
  ndim = GA[handle].ndim;
  if (GA[handle].distr_type == REGULAR) {
    Integer nelems;
    /* no blocks left, so return */
    if (hdl->count>0) return 0;

    /* Find  visible portion of patch held by this processor and
     * return the result in plo and phi. Return pointer to local
     * data as well
    pnga_distribution(hdl->g_a, me, plo, phi);
    /* Check to see if this process has any data. Return 0 if
     * it does not */
    for (i=0; i<ndim; i++) {
      if (phi[i]<plo[i]) return 0;
  } else if (GA[handle].distr_type == BLOCK_CYCLIC) {
    /* Simple block-cyclic distribution */
    if (hdl->count >= pnga_total_blocks(hdl->g_a)) return 0;
    hdl->count += pnga_pgroup_nnodes(grp);
  } else if (GA[handle].distr_type == SCALAPACK ||
      GA[handle].distr_type == TILED) {
    /* Scalapack-type data distribution */
    if (hdl->index[ndim-1] >= hdl->blk_num[ndim-1]) return 0;
    /* Find coordinates of bounding block */
    for (i=0; i<ndim; i++) {
      plo[i] = hdl->index[i]*hdl->blk_size[i]+1;
      phi[i] = (hdl->index[i]+1)*hdl->blk_size[i];
      if (phi[i] > hdl->blk_dim[i]) phi[i] = hdl->blk_dim[i];
    hdl->index[0] += hdl->blk_inc[0];
    for (i=0; i<ndim; i++) {
      if (hdl->index[i] >= hdl->blk_num[i] && i<ndim-1) {
        hdl->index[i] = hdl->proc_index[i];
        hdl->index[i+1] += hdl->blk_inc[i+1];
  return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void pgp_assign_local_element(Integer g_p, Integer *subscript, void *ptr,
                              Integer size, Integer intsize)
  void *gp_ptr;
  Integer handle, ld[GP_MAX_DIM-1], i;
  handle = g_p + GP_OFFSET;
  /* check to make sure that element is located in local block of GP array */
  for (i=0; i<GP[handle].ndim; i++) {
    if (subscript[i]<GP[handle].lo[i] || subscript[i]>GP[handle].hi[i]) {
      printf("p[%d] subscript[%d]: %d\n",pnga_nodeid(),i,subscript[i]);
      printf("p[%d] lo[%d]: %d hi[%d]: %d\n",pnga_nodeid(),i,GP[handle].lo[i],i,
      printf("p[%d] subscript[%d]: %d lo[%d]: %d hi[%d]: %d\n",pnga_nodeid(),
        i, subscript[i], i, GP[handle].lo[i], i, GP[handle].hi[i]);
      pnga_error("gp_assign_local_element: subscript out of bounds", i);
  if (intsize == 4) {
    *((int*)gp_ptr) = (int)size;
  } else {
    *((int64_t*)gp_ptr) = (int64_t)size;
  printf("p[%ld] (internal) size %d at location [%ld:%ld]\n",
          (long)pnga_nodeid(), *((int*)gp_ptr),
  pnga_release_update(GP[handle].g_size_array, subscript, subscript);
  *((armci_meminfo_t*)gp_ptr) =
  pnga_release_update(GP[handle].g_ptr_array, subscript, subscript);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void pnga_select_elem(Integer g_a, char* op, void* val, Integer *subscript)
  Integer ndim, type, me, elems, ind=0, i;
  Integer lo[MAXDIM],hi[MAXDIM],dims[MAXDIM],ld[MAXDIM-1];
  elem_info_t info;
  Integer num_blocks;
  int     participate=0;
  int local_sync_begin;

  local_sync_begin = _ga_sync_begin; 
  _ga_sync_begin = 1; _ga_sync_end=1; /*remove any previous masking*/

  me = pnga_nodeid();

  pnga_check_handle(g_a, "ga_select_elem");

  if (strncmp(op,"min",3) == 0);
  else if (strncmp(op,"max",3) == 0);
  else pnga_error("operator not recognized",0);

  pnga_inquire(g_a, &type, &ndim, dims);
  num_blocks = pnga_total_blocks(g_a);

  if (num_blocks < 0) {
    pnga_distribution(g_a, me, lo, hi);

    if ( lo[0]> 0 ){ /* base index is 1: we get 0 if no elements stored on p */

      /******************* calculate local result ************************/
      void    *ptr;
      pnga_access_ptr(g_a, lo, hi, &ptr, ld);
      participate =1;

      /* select local element */
      snga_select_elem(type, op, ptr, elems, &info, &ind);

      /* release access to the data */
      pnga_release(g_a, lo, hi);

      /* determine element subscript in the ndim-array */
      for(i = 0; i < ndim; i++){
        int elems = (int)( hi[i]-lo[i]+1);
        info.subscr[i] = ind%elems + lo[i] ;
        ind /= elems;
  } else {
    void *ptr;
    Integer j, offset, jtot, upper;
    Integer nproc = pnga_nnodes();
    pnga_access_block_segment_ptr(g_a, me, &ptr, &elems);
    if (elems > 0) {
      participate =1;

      /* select local element */
      snga_select_elem(type, op, ptr, elems, &info, &ind);

      /* release access to the data */
      pnga_release_block_segment(g_a, me);

      /* convert local index back into a global array index */
      if (!pnga_uses_proc_grid(g_a)) {
        offset = 0;
        for (i=me; i<num_blocks; i += nproc) {
          pnga_distribution(g_a, i, lo, hi);
          jtot = 1;
          for (j=0; j<ndim; j++) {
            jtot *= (hi[j]-lo[j]+1);
          upper = offset + jtot;
          if (ind >= offset && ind < upper) {
          }  else {
            offset += jtot;
        /* determine element subscript in the ndim-array */
        ind -= offset;
        for(i = 0; i < ndim; i++){
          int elems = (int)( hi[i]-lo[i]+1);
          info.subscr[i] = ind%elems + lo[i] ;
          ind /= elems;
      } else {
        Integer stride[MAXDIM], index[MAXDIM];
        Integer blocks[MAXDIM], block_dims[MAXDIM];
        Integer proc_index[MAXDIM], topology[MAXDIM];
        Integer l_index[MAXDIM];
        Integer min, max;
        pnga_get_proc_index(g_a, me, proc_index);
        pnga_get_block_info(g_a, blocks, block_dims);
        pnga_get_proc_grid(g_a, topology);
        /* figure out strides for locally held block of data */
        for (i=0; i<ndim; i++) {
          stride[i] = 0;
          for (j=proc_index[i]; j<blocks[i]; j += topology[i]) {
            min = j*block_dims[i] + 1;
            max = (j+1)*block_dims[i];
            if (max > dims[i])
              max = dims[i];
            stride[i] += (max - min + 1);
        /* use strides to figure out local index */
        l_index[0] = ind%stride[0];
        for (i=1; i<ndim; i++) {
          ind = (ind-l_index[i-1])/stride[i-1];
          l_index[i] = ind%stride[i];
        /* figure out block index for block holding data element */
        for (i=0; i<ndim; i++) {
          index[i] = l_index[i]/block_dims[i];
        for (i=0; i<ndim; i++) {
          lo[i] = (topology[i]*index[i] + proc_index[i])*block_dims[i];
          info.subscr[i] = l_index[i]%block_dims[i] + lo[i];
  /* calculate global result */
    int size = sizeof(double) + sizeof(Integer)*(int)ndim;
    *(int*)val = (int)info.v.ival;
  }else if(type==C_LONG){
    int size = sizeof(double) + sizeof(Integer)*(int)ndim;
    *(long*)val = info.v.lval;
  }else if(type==C_LONGLONG){
    int size = sizeof(double) + sizeof(Integer)*(int)ndim;
    *(long long*)val = info.v.llval;
  }else if(type==C_DBL){
    int size = sizeof(double) + sizeof(Integer)*(int)ndim;
    *(DoublePrecision*)val = info.v.dval;
  }else if(type==C_FLOAT){
    int size = sizeof(double) + sizeof(Integer)*ndim;
    *(float*)val = info.v.fval;       
  }else if(type==C_SCPL){
    int size = sizeof(info); /* for simplicity we send entire info */
    *(SingleComplex*)val = info.extra2;
    int size = sizeof(info); /* for simplicity we send entire info */
    *(DoubleComplex*)val = info.extra;

  for(i = 0; i < ndim; i++) subscript[i]= info.subscr[i];