Ejemplo n.º 1
bool Poly::vertexInside2(const Vector2d &point, double maxoffset) const
  // Shoot a ray along +X and count the number of intersections.
  // If n_intersections is even, return false, else return true
  Vector2d EndP(point.x()+10000, point.y());
  int intersectcount = 1; // we want to test if uneven
  double maxoffsetSq = maxoffset*maxoffset;
  Vector2d dummy;
  for(size_t i=0; i<vertices.size();i++)
      const Vector2d P1 = getVertexCircular(i-1);
      const Vector2d P2 = vertices[i];

      if (point_segment_distance_Sq(point, P1, P2, dummy) <= maxoffsetSq) return true;

      // Skip horizontal lines, we can't intersect with them,
      // because the test line is horizontal
      if(P1.y() == P2.y())

      Intersection hit;
  return (intersectcount%2==0);
Ejemplo n.º 2
// returns length and two points
double Poly::shortestConnectionSq(const Poly &p2, Vector2d &start, Vector2d &end) const
    double min1 = 100000000, min2 = 100000000;
    int minindex1=0, minindex2=0;
    Vector2d onpoint1, onpoint2;
    // test this vertices
    for (uint i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++) {
        for (uint j = 0; j < p2.vertices.size(); j++) {
            Vector2d onpoint; // on p2
            // dist from point i to lines on p2
            const double mindist =
                point_segment_distance_Sq(p2.vertices[j], p2.getVertexCircular(j+1),
                                          vertices[i], onpoint);
            if (mindist < min1) {
                min1 = mindist;
                onpoint1 = onpoint;
                minindex1 = i;
    // test p2 vertices
    for (uint i = 0; i < p2.vertices.size(); i++) {
        for (uint j = 0; j < vertices.size(); j++) {
            Vector2d onpoint; // on this
            // dist from p2 point i to lines on this
            const double mindist =
                point_segment_distance_Sq(vertices[j], getVertexCircular(j+1),
                                          p2.vertices[i], onpoint);
            if (mindist < min2) {
                min2 = mindist;
                onpoint2 = onpoint;
                minindex2 = i;
    if (min1 < min2) { // this vertex, some point on p2 lines
        start = getVertexCircular(minindex1);
        end = onpoint1;
    } else { // p2 vertex, some point of this lines
        start = p2.getVertexCircular(minindex2);
        end = onpoint2;
    return (end-start).squared_length();