Ejemplo n.º 1
bool KoEnhancedPathCommand::execute()
     * The parameters of the commands are in viewbox coordinates, which have
     * to be converted to the shapes coordinate system by calling viewboxToShape
     * on the enhanced path the command works on.
     * Parameters which resemble angles are angles corresponding to the viewbox
     * coordinate system. Those have to be transformed into angles corresponding
     * to the normal mathematically coordinate system to be used for the arcTo
     * drawing routine. This is done by computing (2*M_PI - angle).
    QList<QPointF> points = pointsFromParameters();
    uint pointsCount = points.size();

    switch( m_command.toAscii() )
        // starts new subpath at given position (x y) +
        case 'M':
            if( ! pointsCount )
                return false;
            m_parent->moveTo( m_parent->viewboxToShape( points[0] ) );
            if( pointsCount > 1 )
                for( uint i = 1; i < pointsCount; i++ )
                    m_parent->lineTo( m_parent->viewboxToShape( points[i] ) );
        // line from current point (x y) +
        case 'L':
            foreach( const QPointF &point, points )
                m_parent->lineTo( m_parent->viewboxToShape( point ) );
        // cubic bezier curve from current point (x1 y1 x2 y2 x y) +
        case 'C':
            for( uint i = 0; i < pointsCount; i+=3 )
                m_parent->curveTo( m_parent->viewboxToShape( points[i] ),
                                   m_parent->viewboxToShape( points[i+1] ),
                                   m_parent->viewboxToShape( points[i+2] ) );
        // closes the current subpath
        case 'Z':
        // ends the current set of subpaths
        case 'N':
            // N just ends the complete path
        // no fill for current set of subpaths
        case 'F':
            // TODO implement me
        // no stroke for current set of subpaths
        case 'S':
            // TODO implement me
        // segment of an ellipse (x y w h t0 t1) +
        case 'T':
        // same like T but with implied movement to starting point (x y w h t0 t1) +
        case 'U':
            bool lineTo = m_command == 'T';

            for( uint i = 0; i < pointsCount; i+=3 )
                const QPointF &radii = m_parent->viewboxToShape( points[i+1] );
                const QPointF &angles = points[i+2] / rad2deg;
                // compute the ellipses starting point
                QPointF start( radii.x() * cos( angles.x() ), radii.y() * sin( angles.x() ) );
                qreal sweepAngle = degSweepAngle( points[i+2].x(), points[i+2].y(), false );

                if( lineTo )
                    m_parent->lineTo( m_parent->viewboxToShape( points[i] ) + start );
                    m_parent->moveTo( m_parent->viewboxToShape( points[i] ) + start );

                m_parent->arcTo( radii.x(), radii.y(), points[i+2].x(), sweepAngle );
        // counter-clockwise arc (x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x y) +
        case 'A':
        // the same as A, with implied moveto to the starting point (x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x y) +
        case 'B':
            bool lineTo = m_command == 'A';

            for( uint i = 0; i < pointsCount; i+=4 )
                QRectF bbox = rectFromPoints( points[i], points[i+1] );
                QPointF center = bbox.center();
                qreal rx = 0.5 * m_parent->viewboxToShape( bbox.width() );
                qreal ry = 0.5 * m_parent->viewboxToShape( bbox.height() );
                qreal startAngle = angleFromPoint( points[i+2] - center );
                qreal stopAngle = angleFromPoint( points[i+3] - center );
                // we are moving counter-clockwise to the end angle
                qreal sweepAngle = radSweepAngle( startAngle, stopAngle, false );
                // compute the starting point to draw the line to
                QPointF startPoint( rx * cos( startAngle ), ry * sin( 2*M_PI - startAngle ) );

                if( lineTo )
                    m_parent->moveTo( m_parent->viewboxToShape( center ) + startPoint );
                    m_parent->moveTo( m_parent->viewboxToShape( center ) + startPoint );

                m_parent->arcTo( rx, ry, startAngle * rad2deg, sweepAngle * rad2deg );
        // clockwise arc (x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x y) +
        case 'W':
        // the same as W, but implied moveto (x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x y) +
        case 'V':
            bool lineTo = m_command == 'W';

            for( uint i = 0; i < pointsCount; i+=4 )
                QRectF bbox = rectFromPoints( points[i], points[i+1] );
                QPointF center = bbox.center();
                qreal rx = 0.5 * m_parent->viewboxToShape( bbox.width() );
                qreal ry = 0.5 * m_parent->viewboxToShape( bbox.height() );
                qreal startAngle = angleFromPoint( points[i+2] - center );
                qreal stopAngle = angleFromPoint( points[i+3] - center );
                // we are moving clockwise to the end angle
                qreal sweepAngle = radSweepAngle( startAngle, stopAngle, true );

                if( lineTo )
                    m_parent->lineTo( m_parent->viewboxToShape( points[i+2] ) );
                    m_parent->lineTo( m_parent->viewboxToShape( points[i+2] ) );

                m_parent->arcTo( rx, ry, startAngle * rad2deg, sweepAngle * rad2deg );
        // elliptical quadrant (initial segment tangential to x-axis) (x y) +
        case 'X':
            KoPathPoint * lastPoint = lastPathPoint();
            foreach( QPointF point, points )
                point = m_parent->viewboxToShape( point );
                qreal rx = point.x() - lastPoint->point().x();
                qreal ry = point.y() - lastPoint->point().y();
                qreal startAngle = ry > 0.0 ? 90.0 : 270.0;
                qreal sweepAngle = rx*ry < 0.0 ? 90.0 : -90.0;
                lastPoint = m_parent->arcTo( fabs(rx), fabs(ry), startAngle, sweepAngle );
        // elliptical quadrant (initial segment tangential to y-axis) (x y) +
        case 'Y':
            KoPathPoint * lastPoint = lastPathPoint();
            foreach( QPointF point, points )
                point = m_parent->viewboxToShape( point );
                qreal rx = point.x() - lastPoint->point().x();
                qreal ry = point.y() - lastPoint->point().y();
                qreal startAngle = rx < 0.0 ? 0.0 : 180.0;
                qreal sweepAngle = rx*ry > 0.0 ? 90.0 : -90.0;
                lastPoint = m_parent->arcTo( fabs(rx), fabs(ry), startAngle, sweepAngle );
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool EnhancedPathCommand::execute()
     * The parameters of the commands are in viewbox coordinates, which have
     * to be converted to the shapes coordinate system by calling viewboxToShape
     * on the enhanced path the command works on.
     * Parameters which resemble angles are angles corresponding to the viewbox
     * coordinate system. Those have to be transformed into angles corresponding
     * to the normal mathematically coordinate system to be used for the arcTo
     * drawing routine. This is done by computing (2*M_PI - angle).
    QList<QPointF> points = pointsFromParameters();
    const int pointsCount = points.size();

    switch (m_command.unicode()) {
    // starts new subpath at given position (x y) +
    case 'M':
        if (!pointsCount)
            return false;
        if (pointsCount > 1)
            for (int i = 1; i < pointsCount; i++)
    // line from current point (x y) +
    case 'L':
        foreach(const QPointF &point, points)
    // cubic bezier curve from current point (x1 y1 x2 y2 x y) +
    case 'C':
        for (int i = 0; i < pointsCount; i+=3)
            m_parent->curveTo(points[i], points[i+1], points[i+2]);
    // closes the current subpath
    case 'Z':
    // ends the current set of subpaths
    case 'N':
        // N just ends the complete path
    // no fill for current set of subpaths
    case 'F':
        // TODO implement me
    // no stroke for current set of subpaths
    case 'S':
        // TODO implement me
    // segment of an ellipse (x y w h t0 t1) +
    case 'T':
    // same like T but with implied movement to starting point (x y w h t0 t1) +
    case 'U': {
        bool lineTo = m_command.unicode() == 'T';

        for (int i = 0; i < pointsCount; i+=3) {
            const QPointF &radii = points[i+1];
            const QPointF &angles = points[i+2] / rad2deg;
            // compute the ellipses starting point
            QPointF start(radii.x() * cos(angles.x()), -1 * radii.y() * sin(angles.x()));
            qreal sweepAngle = degSweepAngle(points[i+2].x(), points[i+2].y(), false);

            if (lineTo)
                m_parent->lineTo(points[i] + start);
                m_parent->moveTo(points[i] + start);

            m_parent->arcTo(radii.x(), radii.y(), points[i+2].x(), sweepAngle);
    // counter-clockwise arc (x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x y) +
    case 'A':
    // the same as A, with implied moveto to the starting point (x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x y) +
    case 'B':
    // clockwise arc (x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x y) +
    case 'W':
    // the same as W, but implied moveto (x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x y) +
    case 'V': {
        bool lineTo = ((m_command.unicode() == 'A') || (m_command.unicode() == 'W'));
        bool clockwise = ((m_command.unicode() == 'W') || (m_command.unicode() == 'V'));
        for (int i = 0; i < pointsCount; i+=4) {
            QRectF bbox = rectFromPoints(points[i], points[i+1]);
            QPointF center = bbox.center();
            qreal rx = 0.5 * bbox.width();
            qreal ry = 0.5 * bbox.height();

            if (rx == 0) {
                rx = 1;

            if (ry == 0) {
                ry = 1;

            QPointF startRadialVector = points[i+2] - center;
            QPointF endRadialVector = points[i+3] - center;

            // convert from ellipse space to unit-circle space
            qreal x0 = startRadialVector.x() / rx;
            qreal y0 = startRadialVector.y() / ry;

            qreal x1 = endRadialVector.x() / rx;
            qreal y1 = endRadialVector.y() / ry;

            qreal startAngle = angleFromPoint(QPointF(x0,y0));
            qreal stopAngle = angleFromPoint(QPointF(x1,y1));

            // we are moving counter-clockwise to the end angle
            qreal sweepAngle = radSweepAngle(startAngle, stopAngle, clockwise);
            // compute the starting point to draw the line to
            // as the point x3 y3 is not on the ellipse, spec says the point define radial vector
            QPointF startPoint(rx * cos(startAngle), ry * sin(2*M_PI - startAngle));

            // if A or W is first command in enhanced path
            // move to the starting point
            bool isFirstCommandInPath = (m_parent->subpathCount() == 0);
            bool isFirstCommandInSubpath = m_parent->isClosedSubpath( m_parent->subpathCount() - 1 );

            if (lineTo && !isFirstCommandInPath && !isFirstCommandInSubpath) {
                m_parent->lineTo(center + startPoint);
            } else {
                m_parent->moveTo(center + startPoint);

            m_parent->arcTo(rx, ry, startAngle * rad2deg, sweepAngle * rad2deg);
    // elliptical quadrant (initial segment tangential to x-axis) (x y) +
    case 'X': {
        KoPathPoint * lastPoint = lastPathPoint();
        bool xDir = true;
        foreach (const QPointF &point, points) {
            qreal rx = point.x() - lastPoint->point().x();
            qreal ry = point.y() - lastPoint->point().y();
            qreal startAngle = xDir ? (ry > 0.0 ? 90.0 : 270.0) : (rx < 0.0 ? 0.0 : 180.0);
            qreal sweepAngle = xDir ? (rx*ry < 0.0 ? 90.0 : -90.0) : (rx*ry > 0.0 ? 90.0 : -90.0);
            lastPoint = m_parent->arcTo(fabs(rx), fabs(ry), startAngle, sweepAngle);
            xDir = !xDir;
    // elliptical quadrant (initial segment tangential to y-axis) (x y) +
    case 'Y': {
        KoPathPoint * lastPoint = lastPathPoint();
        bool xDir = false;
        foreach (const QPointF &point, points) {
            qreal rx = point.x() - lastPoint->point().x();
            qreal ry = point.y() - lastPoint->point().y();
            qreal startAngle = xDir ? (ry > 0.0 ? 90.0 : 270.0) : (rx < 0.0 ? 0.0 : 180.0);
            qreal sweepAngle = xDir ? (rx*ry < 0.0 ? 90.0 : -90.0) : (rx*ry > 0.0 ? 90.0 : -90.0);
            lastPoint = m_parent->arcTo(fabs(rx), fabs(ry), startAngle, sweepAngle);
            xDir = !xDir;