int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int input; FILE* gnuplot; int i; float out_data; unsigned char buf[SAMPLES_PER_PLOT]; unsigned char trig = TRIG_LEVEL; unsigned freq = SAMPLE_FREQ; input = open(DEVICE, O_RDONLY | O_NOCTTY); if (input <0) {perror(DEVICE); return -1; } gnuplot = popen("gnuplot", "w"); tcgetattr(input,&oldtio); /* save current port settings */ // bzero not defined? moving newtio outside main to zero it. //bzero(&newtio, sizeof(newtio)); newtio.c_cflag = BAUDRATE | CRTSCTS | CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD; newtio.c_iflag = IGNPAR; newtio.c_oflag = 0; /* set input mode (non-canonical, no echo,...) */ newtio.c_lflag = 0; newtio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; /* inter-character timer unused */ newtio.c_cc[VMIN] = SAMPLES_PER_PLOT; /* blocking read until all samples received */ tcflush(input, TCIFLUSH); tcsetattr(input,TCSANOW,&newtio); fprintf(gnuplot, "set yrange [-0.1:5.1]\n"); while(1) { // Wait for trig do { if (read(input, buf, 1) != 1) return 0; } while (buf[0] >= trig); do { if (read(input, buf, 1) != 1) return 0; } while (buf[0] < trig); // Read rest of the buffer for (i=1; i<SAMPLES_PER_PLOT; i++) { if (read(input, buf+i, 1) != 1) return 0; } //read(input, buf+i, SAMPLES_PER_PLOT-1); fprintf(gnuplot, "plot '-' with lines\n"); for (i=0; i<SAMPLES_PER_PLOT; i++) { out_data = buf[i]*5.0/256; fprintf(gnuplot, "%g %g\n", (float)i/freq, out_data); } fprintf(gnuplot, "e\n"); // Display output fflush(gnuplot); } tcsetattr(input,TCSANOW,&oldtio); close(input); pclose(gnuplot); printf("\n"); return 0; }
void MainWindow::Load(const nglPath& p) { mpScrollView->Clear(); /////////////////////////////// nglString cmdline; //cmdline.Add("/usr/bin/nm -n -U -arch i386 ").Add(p.GetPathName()).Add(" | c++filt | c++filt -n"); cmdline.Add("/usr/bin/nm -n -U ").Add(p.GetPathName()).Add(" | c++filt | c++filt -n"); printf("Launching\n%ls\n", cmdline.GetChars()); FILE * file = popen(cmdline.GetStdString().c_str(), "r"); nglOMemory omem; uint32 res = 0; do { char buf[1025]; memset(buf, 0, 1025); uint32 res = fread(buf, 1024, 1, file); //printf("%s", buf); omem.Write(buf, 1024, 1); } while (!feof(file)); pclose(file); printf("redirection done\n"); nglIStream* pStream = new nglIMemory(omem.GetBufferData(), omem.GetBufferSize());; nglString line; uint64 lastaddr = 0; nglString lastsymbol; std::map<nglString, Node*> methods; std::map<nglString, Node*> classes; printf("read result\n"); while (pStream->ReadLine(line)) { // Read address int32 c = 0; while (line[c] && line[c] != ' ') c++; nglString a(line.Extract(0, c)); uint64 address = a.GetCUInt(16); c++; // Read type char nglChar type = line[c]; // Read Symbol if we are on a method / function decl if (type == 't') { c++; if (!lastsymbol.IsEmpty()) { uint64 lastsize = address - lastaddr; std::map<nglString, Node*>::iterator it = methods.find(lastsymbol); bool skip = false; Node* pMethod = NULL; if (it != methods.end()) { pMethod = it->second; pMethod->SetSize(pMethod->GetSize() + lastsize); //it->second += lastsize; skip = true; } else { //NGL_OUT(_T("new method \t %ls\n"), lastsymbol.GetChars()); pMethod = new Node(lastsymbol); pMethod->SetSize(lastsize); methods[lastsymbol] = pMethod; } NGL_ASSERT(pMethod != NULL); if (!skip) // The method already exist so no need to add it to its class { int32 pos = lastsymbol.Find(':'); if (pos > 0 && lastsymbol[pos+1] == ':') { nglString classname = lastsymbol.GetLeft(pos); //NGL_OUT(_T("new class %ls\n"), classname.GetChars()); std::map<nglString, Node*>::iterator it = classes.find(classname); Node* pNode = NULL; if (it != classes.end()) { pNode = it->second; pNode->SetSize(it->second->GetSize() + lastsize); } else { pNode = new Node(classname); pNode->SetSize(lastsize); classes[classname] = pNode; } pNode->AddChild(pMethod); } } } lastaddr = address; lastsymbol = line.GetRight(line.GetLength() - c); } } printf("done\n"); printf("build tree\n"); delete pStream; std::list<std::pair<nglString, Node*> > sorted; { std::map<nglString, Node*>::const_iterator it = classes.begin(); std::map<nglString, Node*>::const_iterator end = classes.end(); while (it != end) { //NGL_OUT(_T("add unsorted %ls\n"), it->first.GetChars()); sorted.push_back(std::pair<nglString, Node*>(it->first, it->second) ); ++it; } } sorted.sort(cmp); nuiTreeNode* pTree = new nuiTreeNode(new nuiLabel(_T("Classes"))); { std::list<std::pair<nglString, Node*> >::const_iterator it = sorted.begin(); std::list<std::pair<nglString, Node*> >::const_iterator end = sorted.end(); while (it != end) { //NGL_OUT(_T("%lld\t\t%ls\n"), it->second->GetSize(), it->first.GetChars()); pTree->AddChild(it->second); ++it; } } nuiTreeView* pTreeView = new nuiTreeView(pTree); mpScrollView->AddChild(pTreeView); printf("done\n"); }
/* * var_apWholeInfo(): * This function is called every time the agent gets a request for * a scalar variable that might be found within your mib section * registered above. It is up to you to do the right thing and * return the correct value. * You should also correct the value of "var_len" if necessary. * * Please see the documentation for more information about writing * module extensions, and check out the examples in the examples * and mibII directories. */ unsigned char * var_apWholeInfo(struct variable *vp, oid *name, size_t *length, int exact, size_t *var_len, WriteMethod **write_method) { /* variables we may use later */ static long long_ret; static u_long ulong_ret; static unsigned char string[MAX_LEN]; static unsigned char buffer[MIN_LEN]; static oid objid[MAX_OID_LEN]; static struct counter64 c64; if (header_generic(vp,name,length,exact,var_len,write_method) == MATCH_FAILED ) return NULL; /* * this is where we do the value assignments for the mib results. */ switch(vp->magic) { case AP80211STATSVALUE: { FILE *fp; if(fp=popen( "/usr/sbin/80211stats","r")){ memset( string, 0, MAX_LEN ); memset(buffer,0,MIN_LEN); while(NULL != fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer),fp)){ strcat(string, buffer); } pclose(fp); string[strlen(string)-1]='\0'; *var_len = strlen (string ); return (u_char*)string; } } case APATHSTATSVALUE: { FILE *fp; if(fp=popen( "/usr/sbin/athstats","r")){ memset( string, 0,MAX_LEN ); memset(buffer,0,MIN_LEN); while(NULL != fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer),fp)){ strcat(string, buffer); } pclose(fp); string[strlen(string)-1]='\0'; *var_len = strlen (string ); return (u_char*)string; } } case APINTERFACERATE: { FILE *fp; if(fp=popen( "cat /tmp/interface-rate","r")){ memset( string, 0,MAX_LEN ); memset(buffer,0,MIN_LEN); while(NULL != fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer),fp)){ strcat(string, buffer); } pclose(fp); string[strlen(string)-1]='\0'; *var_len = strlen (string ); return (u_char*)string; } } case APUSERRATE: { FILE *fp; if(fp=popen( "cat /tmp/user-rate","r")){ memset( string, 0,MAX_LEN ); memset(buffer,0,MIN_LEN); while(NULL != fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer),fp)){ strcat(string, buffer); } pclose(fp); string[strlen(string)-1]='\0'; *var_len = strlen (string ); return (u_char*)string; } } case APNETETH0CONNETSTATES: { FILE *fp; if(fp=popen( "/usr/sbin/ethtool eth0","r")){ memset( string, 0,MAX_LEN ); memset(buffer,0,MIN_LEN); while(NULL != fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer),fp)){ strcat(string, buffer); } pclose(fp); string[strlen(string)-1]='\0'; *var_len = strlen (string ); return (u_char*)string; } } case APNETETH1CONNETSTATES: { FILE *fp; if(fp=popen( "/usr/sbin/ethtool eth1","r")){ memset( string, 0,MAX_LEN ); memset(buffer,0,MIN_LEN); while(NULL != fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer),fp)){ strcat(string, buffer); } pclose(fp); string[strlen(string)-1]='\0'; *var_len = strlen (string ); return (u_char*)string; } } case APGATEWAY: { FILE *fp; if(fp=popen( "/sbin/route","r")){ memset( string, 0,MAX_LEN ); memset(buffer,0,MIN_LEN); while(NULL != fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer),fp)){ strcat(string, buffer); } pclose(fp); string[strlen(string)-1]='\0'; *var_len = strlen (string ); return (u_char*)string; } } default: ERROR_MSG(""); } return NULL; }
int PBSD_munge_authenticate( int psock, /* I */ int handle) /* I */ { int rc = PBSE_NONE; int fd; FILE *munge_pipe; char munge_buf[MUNGE_SIZE]; char munge_command[MUNGE_SIZE]; char *ptr; /* pointer to the current place to copy data into munge_buf */ int bytes_read; int total_bytes_read = 0; int local_errno = 0; /* user id and name stuff */ struct passwd *pwent; uid_t myrealuid; struct batch_reply *reply; unsigned short user_port = 0; struct sockaddr_in sockname; socklen_t socknamelen = sizeof(sockname); struct tcp_chan *chan = NULL; snprintf(munge_command,sizeof(munge_command), "munge -n 2>/dev/null"); memset(munge_buf, 0, MUNGE_SIZE); ptr = munge_buf; if ((munge_pipe = popen(munge_command,"r")) == NULL) { /* FAILURE */ return(-1); } fd = fileno(munge_pipe); while ((bytes_read = read(fd, ptr, MUNGE_SIZE - total_bytes_read)) > 0) { total_bytes_read += bytes_read; ptr += bytes_read; } pclose(munge_pipe); if (bytes_read == -1) { /* read failed */ local_errno = errno; log_err(local_errno, __func__, (char *)"error reading pipe in PBSD_munge_authenticate"); return -1; } /* if we got no bytes back then Munge may not be installed etc. */ if (total_bytes_read == 0) { return(PBSE_MUNGE_NOT_FOUND); } /* We got the certificate. Now make the PBS_BATCH_AltAuthenUser request */ myrealuid = getuid(); pwent = getpwuid(myrealuid); rc = getsockname(psock, (struct sockaddr *)&sockname, &socknamelen); if (rc == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "getsockname failed: %d\n", errno); return rc; } user_port = ntohs(sockname.sin_port); if ((chan = DIS_tcp_setup(psock)) == NULL) { rc = PBSE_MEM_MALLOC; } else if ((rc = encode_DIS_ReqHdr(chan,PBS_BATCH_AltAuthenUser,pwent->pw_name)) || (rc = diswui(chan, user_port)) || (rc = diswst(chan, munge_buf)) || (rc = encode_DIS_ReqExtend(chan, NULL)) || (rc = DIS_tcp_wflush(chan))) { /* ERROR */ } else { /* read the reply */ if ((reply = PBSD_rdrpy(&local_errno, handle)) != NULL) free(reply); rc = PBSE_NONE; } if (chan != NULL) DIS_tcp_cleanup(chan); return rc; } /* END PBSD_munge_authenticate() */
int Main(int argc, char const * const argv[], char const * const envp[]) { _aprcall(apr_initialize()); apr_pool_t *pool; apr_pool_create(&pool, NULL); bool tty(isatty(STDIN_FILENO)); bool compile(false); CYOptions options; append_history$ = (int (*)(int, const char *)) (dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "append_history")); #ifdef CY_ATTACH pid_t pid(_not(pid_t)); #endif const char *host(NULL); const char *port(NULL); apr_getopt_t *state; _aprcall(apr_getopt_init(&state, pool, argc, argv)); for (;;) { char opt; const char *arg; apr_status_t status(apr_getopt(state, "cg:n:" #ifdef CY_ATTACH "p:" #endif "r:" "s" , &opt, &arg)); switch (status) { case APR_EOF: goto getopt; case APR_BADCH: case APR_BADARG: fprintf(stderr, "usage: cycript [-c]" #ifdef CY_ATTACH " [-p <pid|name>]" #endif " [-r <host:port>]" " [<script> [<arg>...]]\n" ); return 1; default: _aprcall(status); } switch (opt) { case 'c': compile = true; break; case 'g': if (false); else if (strcmp(arg, "rename") == 0) options.verbose_ = true; #if YYDEBUG else if (strcmp(arg, "bison") == 0) bison_ = true; #endif else { fprintf(stderr, "invalid name for -g\n"); return 1; } break; case 'n': if (false); else if (strcmp(arg, "minify") == 0) pretty_ = true; else { fprintf(stderr, "invalid name for -n\n"); return 1; } break; #ifdef CY_ATTACH case 'p': { size_t size(strlen(arg)); char *end; pid = strtoul(arg, &end, 0); if (arg + size != end) { // XXX: arg needs to be escaped in some horrendous way of doom const char *command(apr_pstrcat(pool, "ps axc|sed -e '/^ *[0-9]/{s/^ *\\([0-9]*\\)\\( *[^ ]*\\)\\{3\\} *-*\\([^ ]*\\)/\\3 \\1/;/^", arg, " /{s/^[^ ]* //;q;};};d'", NULL)); if (FILE *pids = popen(command, "r")) { char value[32]; size = 0; for (;;) { size_t read(fread(value + size, 1, sizeof(value) - size, pids)); if (read == 0) break; else { size += read; if (size == sizeof(value)) { pid = _not(pid_t); goto fail; } } } size: if (size == 0) goto fail; if (value[size - 1] == '\n') { --size; goto size; } value[size] = '\0'; size = strlen(value); pid = strtoul(value, &end, 0); if (value + size != end) fail: pid = _not(pid_t); _syscall(pclose(pids)); } if (pid == _not(pid_t)) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid pid for -p\n"); return 1; } } } break; #endif case 'r': { //size_t size(strlen(arg)); char *colon(strrchr(arg, ':')); if (colon == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "missing colon in hostspec\n"); return 1; } /*char *end; port = strtoul(colon + 1, &end, 10); if (end != arg + size) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid port in hostspec\n"); return 1; }*/ host = arg; *colon = '\0'; port = colon + 1; } break; case 's': strict_ = true; break; } } getopt:; const char *script; int ind(state->ind); #ifdef CY_ATTACH if (pid != _not(pid_t) && ind < argc - 1) { fprintf(stderr, "-p cannot set argv\n"); return 1; } if (pid != _not(pid_t) && compile) { fprintf(stderr, "-p conflicts with -c\n"); return 1; } #endif if (ind == argc) script = NULL; else { #ifdef CY_EXECUTE // XXX: const_cast?! wtf gcc :( CYSetArgs(argc - ind - 1, const_cast<const char **>(argv + ind + 1)); #endif script = argv[ind]; if (strcmp(script, "-") == 0) script = NULL; } #ifdef CY_ATTACH if (pid != _not(pid_t) && script == NULL && !tty) { fprintf(stderr, "non-terminal attaching to remote console\n"); return 1; } #endif #ifdef CY_ATTACH if (pid == _not(pid_t)) client_ = -1; else { int server(_syscall(socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0))); try { struct sockaddr_un address; memset(&address, 0, sizeof(address)); address.sun_family = AF_UNIX; sprintf(address.sun_path, "/tmp/", getpid()); _syscall(bind(server, reinterpret_cast<sockaddr *>(&address), SUN_LEN(&address))); _syscall(chmod(address.sun_path, 0777)); try { _syscall(listen(server, 1)); InjectLibrary(pid); client_ = _syscall(accept(server, NULL, NULL)); } catch (...) { // XXX: exception? unlink(address.sun_path); throw; } } catch (...) { _syscall(close(server)); throw; } } #else client_ = -1; #endif if (client_ == -1 && host != NULL && port != NULL) { struct addrinfo hints; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = 0; hints.ai_flags = 0; struct addrinfo *infos; _syscall(getaddrinfo(host, port, &hints, &infos)); _assert(infos != NULL); try { for (struct addrinfo *info(infos); info != NULL; info = info->ai_next) { int client(_syscall(socket(info->ai_family, info->ai_socktype, info->ai_protocol))); try { _syscall(connect(client, info->ai_addr, info->ai_addrlen)); client_ = client; break; } catch (...) { _syscall(close(client)); throw; } } } catch (...) { freeaddrinfo(infos); throw; } } if (script == NULL && tty) Console(options); else { CYLocalPool pool; char *start, *end; std::istream *indirect; if (script == NULL) { start = NULL; end = NULL; indirect = &std::cin; } else { size_t size; start = reinterpret_cast<char *>(Map(script, &size)); end = start + size; if (size >= 2 && start[0] == '#' && start[1] == '!') { start += 2; if (void *line = memchr(start, '\n', end - start)) start = reinterpret_cast<char *>(line); else start = end; } indirect = NULL; } CYStream direct(start, end); std::istream &stream(indirect == NULL ? direct : *indirect); CYDriver driver(stream, script ?: "<stdin>"); cy::parser parser(driver); Setup(driver, parser); if (parser.parse() != 0 || !driver.errors_.empty()) { for (CYDriver::Errors::const_iterator i(driver.errors_.begin()); i != driver.errors_.end(); ++i) std::cerr << i->location_.begin << ": " << i->message_ << std::endl; } else if (driver.program_ != NULL) if (client_ != -1) { // XXX: this code means that you can't pipe to another process std::string code(start, end-start); Run(client_, false, code, &std::cout); } else { std::ostringstream str; CYOutput out(str, options); Setup(out, driver, options); out << *driver.program_; std::string code(str.str()); if (compile) std::cout << code; else Run(client_, false, code, &std::cout); } } apr_pool_destroy(pool); return 0; }
static FILE *procFile( char *cmdLine, unsigned cmdSize, char const *fileName ) { snprintf( cmdLine, cmdSize, "cat %s", fileName ); return popen( cmdLine, "r" ); }
/** * Default implementation to get the default gateway by parsing the * output of the "netstat -rn" command. * * @param addrp where gateway address is to be written * * @return 0 on success, -1 on failure with errno set. */ static G_GNUC_COLD int parse_netstat(host_addr_t *addrp) #ifdef HAS_POPEN { FILE *f = NULL; char tmp[80]; guint32 gate = 0; /* * This implementation should be a safe default on UNIX platforms, but * it is inefficient and as such can only constitute a fallback. */ if (-1 != access("/bin/netstat", X_OK)) { f = popen("/bin/netstat -rn", "r"); } else if (-1 != access("/usr/bin/netstat", X_OK)) { f = popen("/usr/bin/netstat -rn", "r"); } if (NULL == f) { errno = ENOENT; /* netstat not found */ return -1; } /* * Typical netstat -rn output: * * Destination Gateway Flags ..... * UG * default UG * * Some systems like linux display "", but traditional UNIX * output is "default" for the default route. */ while (fgets(tmp, sizeof tmp, f)) { char *p; guint32 ip; p = is_strprefix(tmp, "default"); if (NULL == p) p = is_strprefix(tmp, ""); if (NULL == p || !is_ascii_space(*p)) continue; ip = string_to_ip(p); if (ip != 0) { gate = ip; break; } } pclose(f); if (0 == gate) { errno = ENETUNREACH; return -1; } *addrp = host_addr_get_ipv4(gate); return 0; }
/** * save_environment: save configuration data and arguments. */ static void save_environment(int argc, char *const *argv) { char command[MAXFILLEN]; STRBUF *sb = strbuf_open(0); STRBUF *save_c = strbuf_open(0); STRBUF *save_a = strbuf_open(0); int i; const char *p; FILE *ip; /* * save config values. */ snprintf(command, sizeof(command), PQUOTE "%s --config" PQUOTE, quote_shell(gtags_path)); if ((ip = popen(command, "r")) == NULL) die("cannot execute '%s'.", command); while (strbuf_fgets(sb, ip, STRBUF_NOCRLF) != NULL) { for (p = strbuf_value(sb); *p; p++) { if (*p == '\'') { strbuf_putc(save_c, '\''); strbuf_putc(save_c, '"'); strbuf_putc(save_c, '\''); strbuf_putc(save_c, '"'); strbuf_putc(save_c, '\''); } else strbuf_putc(save_c, *p); } } if (pclose(ip) != 0) die("terminated abnormally '%s' (errno = %d).", command, errno); strbuf_close(sb); save_config = strbuf_value(save_c); /* doesn't close string buffer for save config. */ /* strbuf_close(save_c); */ /* * save arguments. */ { char *opt_gtagsconf = "--gtagsconf"; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { char *blank; /* * skip --gtagsconf because it is already read * as config value. */ if ((p = locatestring(argv[i], opt_gtagsconf, MATCH_AT_FIRST))) { if (*p == '\0') i++; continue; } blank = locatestring(argv[i], " ", MATCH_FIRST); strbuf_putc(save_a, ' '); if (blank) strbuf_putc(save_a, '\''); strbuf_puts(save_a, argv[i]); if (blank) strbuf_putc(save_a, '\''); } } save_argv = strbuf_value(save_a); /* doesn't close string buffer for save arguments. */ /* strbuf_close(save_a); */ }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * writes to pipe using the command defined by Settings.SaveCommand * %f are replaced by the passed filename */ static int WritePipe (char *Filename, bool thePcb) { FILE *fp; int result; char *p; static DynamicStringType command; int used_popen = 0; if (EMPTY_STRING_P (Settings.SaveCommand)) { fp = fopen (Filename, "w"); if (fp == 0) { Message ("Unable to write to file %s\n", Filename); return STATUS_ERROR; } } else { used_popen = 1; /* setup commandline */ DSClearString (&command); for (p = Settings.SaveCommand; *p; p++) { /* copy character if not special or add string to command */ if (!(*p == '%' && *(p + 1) == 'f')) DSAddCharacter (&command, *p); else { DSAddString (&command, Filename); /* skip the character */ p++; } } DSAddCharacter (&command, '\0'); printf ("write to pipe \"%s\"\n", command.Data); if ((fp = popen (command.Data, "w")) == NULL) { PopenErrorMessage (command.Data); return (STATUS_ERROR); } } if (thePcb) { if (PCB->is_footprint) { WriteElementData (fp, PCB->Data); result = 0; } else result = WritePCB (fp); } else result = WriteBuffer (fp); if (used_popen) return (pclose (fp) ? STATUS_ERROR : result); return (fclose (fp) ? STATUS_ERROR : result); }
bool address_to_line(void* call_addr, char* buffer, size_t size_of_buffer) { if(!call_addr) return false; char buff[1024]; ssize_t len; if(!get_self_path(buff,sizeof(buff),len)) return false; const char addr2line_cmd[] = "addr2line -e"; const char postfix_cmd[] = ""; // convert address to char array char addr[32]; sprintf(addr,"%p",call_addr); size_t addr_len = strlen(addr); addr[addr_len] = '\0'; // allocate memory for command char* cmd = (char*)(malloc)(sizeof(addr2line_cmd) // command length + NULL termination + len // main path + sizeof(postfix_cmd) // postfix length + extra space + addr_len); // address length // make command strcpy(cmd,addr2line_cmd); strcat(cmd+sizeof(addr2line_cmd)-1,buff); sprintf(cmd+strlen(cmd)," %s",addr); strcat(cmd,postfix_cmd); size_t cmd_len = strlen(cmd); cmd[cmd_len]='\0'; // run command FILE* fp = popen(cmd,"r"); if(fp) { //char buffer[1024]; if(fgets(buffer, size_of_buffer, fp)!=NULL) { if(buffer[0] == '?') { size_t buffer_len = strlen(buffer); buffer[buffer_len-1] = '\0'; pclose(fp); free(cmd); return false; } } else { size_t buffer_len = strlen(buffer); buffer[buffer_len-1] = '\0'; pclose(fp); free(cmd); return false; } } size_t buffer_len = strlen(buffer); buffer[buffer_len-1] = '\0'; pclose(fp); free(cmd); return true; }
int ReadNetlist (char *filename) { static char *command = NULL; char inputline[MAX_NETLIST_LINE_LENGTH + 1]; char temp[MAX_NETLIST_LINE_LENGTH + 1]; FILE *fp; LibraryMenuType *menu = NULL; LibraryEntryType *entry; int i, j, lines, kind; bool continued; bool used_popen = false; int retval = 0; if (!filename) return 1; /* nothing to do */ Message (_("Importing PCB netlist %s\n"), filename); if (EMPTY_STRING_P (Settings.RatCommand)) { fp = fopen (filename, "r"); if (!fp) { Message("Cannot open %s for reading", filename); return 1; } } else { used_popen = true; free (command); command = EvaluateFilename (Settings.RatCommand, Settings.RatPath, filename, NULL); /* open pipe to stdout of command */ if (*command == '\0' || (fp = popen (command, "r")) == NULL) { PopenErrorMessage (command); return 1; } } lines = 0; /* kind = 0 is net name * kind = 1 is route style name * kind = 2 is connection */ kind = 0; while (fgets (inputline, MAX_NETLIST_LINE_LENGTH, fp)) { size_t len = strlen (inputline); /* check for maximum length line */ if (len) { if (inputline[--len] != '\n') Message (_("Line length (%i) exceeded in netlist file.\n" "additional characters will be ignored.\n"), MAX_NETLIST_LINE_LENGTH); else inputline[len] = '\0'; } continued = (inputline[len - 1] == '\\') ? true : false; if (continued) inputline[len - 1] = '\0'; lines++; i = 0; while (inputline[i] != '\0') { j = 0; /* skip leading blanks */ while (inputline[i] != '\0' && BLANK (inputline[i])) i++; if (kind == 0) { /* add two spaces for included/unincluded */ temp[j++] = ' '; temp[j++] = ' '; } while (!BLANK (inputline[i])) temp[j++] = inputline[i++]; temp[j] = '\0'; while (inputline[i] != '\0' && BLANK (inputline[i])) i++; if (kind == 0) { menu = GetLibraryMenuMemory (&PCB->NetlistLib); menu->Name = strdup (temp); menu->flag = 1; kind++; } else { if (kind == 1 && strchr (temp, '-') == NULL) { kind++; menu->Style = strdup (temp); } else { entry = GetLibraryEntryMemory (menu); entry->ListEntry = strdup (temp); } } } if (!continued) kind = 0; } if (!lines) { Message (_("Empty netlist file!\n")); retval = 1; } if (used_popen) pclose (fp); else fclose (fp); sort_netlist (); return retval; }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Read contents of the library description file (for M4) * and then read in M4 libs. Then call a fcn to read the newlib * footprints. */ int ReadLibraryContents (void) { static char *command = NULL; char inputline[MAX_LIBRARY_LINE_LENGTH + 1]; FILE *resultFP = NULL; LibraryMenuType *menu = NULL; LibraryEntryType *entry; /* If we don't have a command to execute to find the library contents, * skip this. This is used by default on Windows builds (set in main.c), * as we can't normally run shell scripts or expect to have m4 present. */ if (Settings.LibraryContentsCommand != NULL && Settings.LibraryContentsCommand[0] != '\0') { /* First load the M4 stuff. The variable Settings.LibraryPath * points to it. */ free (command); command = EvaluateFilename (Settings.LibraryContentsCommand, Settings.LibraryPath, Settings.LibraryFilename, NULL); #ifdef DEBUG printf("In ReadLibraryContents, about to execute command %s\n", command); #endif /* This uses a pipe to execute a shell script which provides the names of * all M4 libs and footprints. The results are placed in resultFP. */ if (command && *command && (resultFP = popen (command, "r")) == NULL) { PopenErrorMessage (command); } /* the M4 library contents are separated by colons; * template : package : name : description */ while (resultFP != NULL && fgets (inputline, MAX_LIBRARY_LINE_LENGTH, resultFP)) { size_t len = strlen (inputline); /* check for maximum linelength */ if (len) { len--; if (inputline[len] != '\n') Message ("linelength (%i) exceeded; following characters will be ignored\n", MAX_LIBRARY_LINE_LENGTH); else inputline[len] = '\0'; } /* if the line defines a menu */ if (!strncmp (inputline, "TYPE=", 5)) { menu = GetLibraryMenuMemory (&Library); menu->Name = strdup (UNKNOWN (&inputline[5])); menu->directory = strdup (Settings.LibraryFilename); } else { /* allocate a new menu entry if not already done */ if (!menu) { menu = GetLibraryMenuMemory (&Library); menu->Name = strdup (UNKNOWN ((char *) NULL)); menu->directory = strdup (Settings.LibraryFilename); } entry = GetLibraryEntryMemory (menu); entry->AllocatedMemory = strdup (inputline); /* now break the line into pieces separated by colons */ if ((entry->Template = strtok (entry->AllocatedMemory, ":")) != NULL) if ((entry->Package = strtok (NULL, ":")) != NULL) if ((entry->Value = strtok (NULL, ":")) != NULL) entry->Description = strtok (NULL, ":"); /* create the list entry */ len = strlen (EMPTY (entry->Value)) + strlen (EMPTY (entry->Description)) + 4; entry->ListEntry = (char *)calloc (len, sizeof (char)); sprintf (entry->ListEntry, "%s, %s", EMPTY (entry->Value), EMPTY (entry->Description)); } } if (resultFP != NULL) pclose (resultFP); } /* Now after reading in the M4 libs, call a function to * read the newlib footprint libraries. Then sort the whole * library. */ if (ParseLibraryTree () > 0 || resultFP != NULL) { sort_library (&Library); return 0; } return (1); }
/* * PQprint() * * Format results of a query for printing. * * PQprintOpt is a typedef (structure) that contains * various flags and options. consult libpq-fe.h for * details * * This function should probably be removed sometime since psql * doesn't use it anymore. It is unclear to what extent this is used * by external clients, however. */ void PQprint(FILE *fout, const PGresult *res, const PQprintOpt *po) { int nFields; nFields = PQnfields(res); if (nFields > 0) { /* only print rows with at least 1 field. */ int i, j; int nTups; int *fieldMax = NULL; /* in case we don't use them */ unsigned char *fieldNotNum = NULL; char *border = NULL; char **fields = NULL; const char **fieldNames; int fieldMaxLen = 0; int numFieldName; int fs_len = strlen(po->fieldSep); int total_line_length = 0; int usePipe = 0; char *pagerenv; #if defined(ENABLE_THREAD_SAFETY) && !defined(WIN32) sigset_t osigset; bool sigpipe_masked = false; bool sigpipe_pending; #endif #if !defined(ENABLE_THREAD_SAFETY) && !defined(WIN32) pqsigfunc oldsigpipehandler = NULL; #endif #ifdef TIOCGWINSZ struct winsize screen_size; #else struct winsize { int ws_row; int ws_col; } screen_size; #endif nTups = PQntuples(res); if (!(fieldNames = (const char **) calloc(nFields, sizeof(char *)))) { fprintf(stderr, libpq_gettext("out of memory\n")); abort(); } if (!(fieldNotNum = (unsigned char *) calloc(nFields, 1))) { fprintf(stderr, libpq_gettext("out of memory\n")); abort(); } if (!(fieldMax = (int *) calloc(nFields, sizeof(int)))) { fprintf(stderr, libpq_gettext("out of memory\n")); abort(); } for (numFieldName = 0; po->fieldName && po->fieldName[numFieldName]; numFieldName++) ; for (j = 0; j < nFields; j++) { int len; const char *s = (j < numFieldName && po->fieldName[j][0]) ? po->fieldName[j] : PQfname(res, j); fieldNames[j] = s; len = s ? strlen(s) : 0; fieldMax[j] = len; len += fs_len; if (len > fieldMaxLen) fieldMaxLen = len; total_line_length += len; } total_line_length += nFields * strlen(po->fieldSep) + 1; if (fout == NULL) fout = stdout; if (po->pager && fout == stdout && isatty(fileno(stdin)) && isatty(fileno(stdout))) { /* * If we think there'll be more than one screen of output, try to * pipe to the pager program. */ #ifdef TIOCGWINSZ if (ioctl(fileno(stdout), TIOCGWINSZ, &screen_size) == -1 || screen_size.ws_col == 0 || screen_size.ws_row == 0) { screen_size.ws_row = 24; screen_size.ws_col = 80; } #else screen_size.ws_row = 24; screen_size.ws_col = 80; #endif pagerenv = getenv("PAGER"); if (pagerenv != NULL && pagerenv[0] != '\0' && !po->html3 && ((po->expanded && nTups * (nFields + 1) >= screen_size.ws_row) || (!po->expanded && nTups * (total_line_length / screen_size.ws_col + 1) * (1 + (po->standard != 0)) >= screen_size.ws_row - (po->header != 0) * (total_line_length / screen_size.ws_col + 1) * 2 - (po->header != 0) * 2 /* row count and newline */ ))) { fout = popen(pagerenv, "w"); if (fout) { usePipe = 1; #ifndef WIN32 #ifdef ENABLE_THREAD_SAFETY if (pq_block_sigpipe(&osigset, &sigpipe_pending) == 0) sigpipe_masked = true; #else oldsigpipehandler = pqsignal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); #endif /* ENABLE_THREAD_SAFETY */ #endif /* WIN32 */ } else fout = stdout; } } if (!po->expanded && (po->align || po->html3)) { if (!(fields = (char **) calloc(nFields * (nTups + 1), sizeof(char *)))) { fprintf(stderr, libpq_gettext("out of memory\n")); abort(); } } else if (po->header && !po->html3) { if (po->expanded) { if (po->align) fprintf(fout, libpq_gettext("%-*s%s Value\n"), fieldMaxLen - fs_len, libpq_gettext("Field"), po->fieldSep); else fprintf(fout, libpq_gettext("%s%sValue\n"), libpq_gettext("Field"), po->fieldSep); } else { int len = 0; for (j = 0; j < nFields; j++) { const char *s = fieldNames[j]; fputs(s, fout); len += strlen(s) + fs_len; if ((j + 1) < nFields) fputs(po->fieldSep, fout); } fputc('\n', fout); for (len -= fs_len; len--; fputc('-', fout)); fputc('\n', fout); } } if (po->expanded && po->html3) { if (po->caption) fprintf(fout, "<center><h2>%s</h2></center>\n", po->caption); else fprintf(fout, "<center><h2>" "Query retrieved %d rows * %d fields" "</h2></center>\n", nTups, nFields); } for (i = 0; i < nTups; i++) { if (po->expanded) { if (po->html3) fprintf(fout, "<table %s><caption align=\"top\">%d</caption>\n", po->tableOpt ? po->tableOpt : "", i); else fprintf(fout, libpq_gettext("-- RECORD %d --\n"), i); } for (j = 0; j < nFields; j++) do_field(po, res, i, j, fs_len, fields, nFields, fieldNames, fieldNotNum, fieldMax, fieldMaxLen, fout); if (po->html3 && po->expanded) fputs("</table>\n", fout); } if (!po->expanded && (po->align || po->html3)) { if (po->html3) { if (po->header) { if (po->caption) fprintf(fout, "<table %s><caption align=\"top\">%s</caption>\n", po->tableOpt ? po->tableOpt : "", po->caption); else fprintf(fout, "<table %s><caption align=\"top\">" "Retrieved %d rows * %d fields" "</caption>\n", po->tableOpt ? po->tableOpt : "", nTups, nFields); } else fprintf(fout, "<table %s>", po->tableOpt ? po->tableOpt : ""); } if (po->header) border = do_header(fout, po, nFields, fieldMax, fieldNames, fieldNotNum, fs_len, res); for (i = 0; i < nTups; i++) output_row(fout, po, nFields, fields, fieldNotNum, fieldMax, border, i); free(fields); if (border) free(border); } if (po->header && !po->html3) fprintf(fout, "(%d row%s)\n\n", PQntuples(res), (PQntuples(res) == 1) ? "" : "s"); free(fieldMax); free(fieldNotNum); free((void *) fieldNames); if (usePipe) { #ifdef WIN32 _pclose(fout); #else pclose(fout); #ifdef ENABLE_THREAD_SAFETY /* we can't easily verify if EPIPE occurred, so say it did */ if (sigpipe_masked) pq_reset_sigpipe(&osigset, sigpipe_pending, true); #else pqsignal(SIGPIPE, oldsigpipehandler); #endif /* ENABLE_THREAD_SAFETY */ #endif /* WIN32 */ } if (po->html3 && !po->expanded) fputs("</table>\n", fout); } }
void alarms_history::on_pushButtonSave_clicked() { /* Check USB key */ if (USBCheck()) { if (USBmount() == false) { LOG_PRINT(error_e, "Cannot mount the usb key\n"); QMessageBox::critical(this,tr("USB error"), tr("Cannot mount the usb key")); return; } char srcfilename [MAX_LINE] = ""; char dstfilename [MAX_LINE] = ""; /* compose the source file name ans the destination file name */ sprintf(srcfilename, "%s/%s", ALARMS_DIR,; sprintf(dstfilename, "%s/%s_%s", usb_mnt_point, QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yy_MM_dd_hh_mm_ss").toAscii().data(),; /* prepare the alarm filtered file */ /* open the source alarm file */ FILE * fp = fopen(srcfilename, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { LOG_PRINT(error_e, "Cannot open '%s'\n", srcfilename); QMessageBox::critical(this,tr("USB error"), tr("Cannot open the alarm file '%1'").arg(srcfilename)); return; } /* open the dest alarm file */ FILE * fpout = fopen(dstfilename, "w"); if (fpout == NULL) { LOG_PRINT(error_e, "Cannot open '%s'\n", dstfilename); QMessageBox::critical(this,tr("USB error"), tr("Cannot write the alarm file '%1'").arg(srcfilename)); return; } char line[LINE_SIZE]; char * p; /* read from source and filter the level an the type of alarm and dump the dest alarm file */ while (fgets(line, LINE_SIZE, fp) != NULL) { /* type;level;tag;event;YYYY/MM/DD,HH:mm:ss;description */ /* type */ p = strtok(line, ";"); if (p == NULL) { LOG_PRINT(info_e, "Skip empty line'%s'\n", line); continue; } /* skip the alarms */ if (atoi(p) == ALARM && _alarm == false) { LOG_PRINT(info_e, "Skip alarm '%s'\n", line); continue; } /* skip the events */ if (atoi(p) == EVENT && _event == false) { LOG_PRINT(info_e, "Skip event '%s'\n", line); continue; } /* level */ p = strtok(NULL, ";"); if (p == NULL) { LOG_PRINT(error_e, "Malformed log file [%s]\n", line); return; } /* skip the level */ if (atoi(p) < _level) { LOG_PRINT(info_e, "Skip level '%d %d'\n", atoi(p), _level); continue; } fprintf(fpout, "%s", line); } fclose(fp); fclose(fpout); /* create the signature file */ /* Open the command for reading. */ sprintf(line, "%s %s", APP_SIGN, dstfilename); fp = popen(line, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { LOG_PRINT(error_e,"Failed to run command '%s'\n", line ); return; } char sign[LINE_SIZE]; /* Read the output a line at a time - output it. */ if (fscanf(fp, "%s", sign) > 0) { LOG_PRINT(info_e,"SIGN: '%s'\n", sign); } /* close */ pclose(fp); if (sign[0] == '\0') { LOG_PRINT(error_e,"Failed read sign\n"); QFile::remove(dstfilename); QMessageBox::critical(this,tr("USB error"), tr("Cannot create the signature '%1'").arg(line)); USBumount(); return; } sprintf(line, "%s.sign", dstfilename); fpout = fopen(line, "w"); if (fpout == NULL) { LOG_PRINT(error_e, "Cannot open '%s'\n", line); QFile::remove(dstfilename); QMessageBox::critical(this,tr("USB error"), tr("Cannot create the signature '%1'").arg(line)); USBumount(); return; } fprintf(fpout, "%s\n", sign); fclose(fpout); /* zip the file, the sign file and delete them */ if (zipAndSave(QStringList() << QString("%1.sign").arg(dstfilename) << QString(dstfilename), QString("").arg(dstfilename)) == false) { QMessageBox::critical(this,tr("USB error"), tr("Cannot save the sip file ''").arg(dstfilename)); USBumount(); return; } QFile::remove(dstfilename); QFile::remove(QString("%1.sign").arg(dstfilename)); /* unmount USB key */ USBumount(); LOG_PRINT(info_e, "DOWNLOADED\n"); QMessageBox::information(this,tr("USB info"), tr("File '%1' saved.").arg(dstfilename)); } }
int main(int argc,char* argv[]) { XtAppContext app; int sig_Number; int sig_Signal[] = { SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGQUIT, SIGILL, SIGTRAP, #if defined(SIGIOT) SIGIOT, #endif SIGABRT, #if defined(SIGEMT) SIGEMT, #endif SIGFPE, SIGBUS, SIGSEGV, #if defined(SIGSYS) SIGSYS, #endif SIGTERM, #if defined(SIGXCPU) SIGXCPU, #endif #if defined(SIGXFSZ) SIGXFSZ, #endif #if defined(SIGDANGER) SIGDANGER, #endif -1 }; Widget app_App; Display* dpy; Window win_Root; XWindowAttributes attr_Win; XGCValues gc_ValFore; XGCValues gc_ValBack; GC gc_GcFore; GC gc_GcBack; XFontStruct* font_Font; char* font_List[] = { "-*-character-*-r-*-*-*-600-*-*-p-*-*-*", "-*-helvetica-*-r-*-*-*-600-*-*-p-*-*-*", "-*-lucida-*-r-*-*-*-600-*-*-p-*-*-*", "-*-*-*-r-*-sans-*-600-*-*-p-*-*-*", "-*-*-*-r-*-*-*-600-*-*-m-*-*-*", "-*-helvetica-*-r-*-*-*-240-*-*-p-*-*-*", "-*-lucida-*-r-*-*-*-240-*-*-p-*-*-*", "-*-*-*-r-*-sans-*-240-*-*-p-*-*-*", "-*-*-*-r-*-*-*-240-*-*-m-*-*-*", "fixed", NULL }; int font_Index; int text_Length; int text_X; int text_Y; int text_Width; int text_Height; char* text_List[XSUBLIM_TEXT_COUNT]; int text_Used[XSUBLIM_TEXT_COUNT]; char text_Text[XSUBLIM_TEXT_LENGTH+1]; char* text_Phrase; char* text_Word; int text_Index; int text_Item; int text_Count; struct { int outline_X; int outline_Y; } text_Outline[] = { { -1,-1 }, { 1,-1 }, { -1, 1 }, { 1, 1 }, { 0, 0 } }; int text_OutlineIndex; XImage* image_Image = NULL; int image_X = 0; int image_Y = 0; int image_Width = 0; int image_Height = 0; int arg_Count; int arg_FlagCenter; int arg_FlagOutline; int arg_FlagScreensaver; int arg_FlagRandom; int arg_DelayShow; int arg_DelayWord; int arg_DelayPhraseMin; int arg_DelayPhraseMax; char* arg_Text; char* arg_Source; /* Set-up ---------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Catch signals */ Xsublim_Sig_Last = -1; for (sig_Number = 0;sig_Signal[sig_Number] != -1;sig_Number++) { signal(sig_Number,xsublim_Sig_Catch); } /* Randomize -- only need to do this here because this program doesn't use the `screenhack.h' or `lockmore.h' APIs. */ # undef ya_rand_init ya_rand_init (0); /* Handle all the X nonsense */ #if defined(__sgi) SgiUseSchemes("none"); #endif for (arg_Count = 0;options[arg_Count].option != NULL;arg_Count++) { ; } app_App = XtAppInitialize(&app,progclass,options,arg_Count,&argc,argv, defaults,0,0); /* jwz */ if (argc > 1) { int x = 18; int end = 78; int i; int count = (sizeof(options)/sizeof(*options))-1; fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognised option: %s\n", argv[1]); fprintf (stderr, "Options include: "); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { char *sw = options [i].option; Bool argp = (options [i].argKind == XrmoptionSepArg); int size = strlen (sw) + (argp ? 6 : 0) + 2; if (x + size >= end) { fprintf (stderr, "\n\t\t "); x = 18; } x += size; fprintf (stderr, "%s", sw); if (argp) fprintf (stderr, " <arg>"); if (i != count-1) fprintf (stderr, ", "); } fprintf (stderr, ".\n"); exit (-1); } dpy = XtDisplay(app_App); XtGetApplicationNameAndClass(dpy,&progname,&progclass); win_Root = RootWindowOfScreen(XtScreen(app_App)); XtDestroyWidget(app_App); /* Get the arguments */ arg_FlagCenter = get_boolean_resource(dpy, XSUBLIM_ARG_CENTER,"Boolean"); arg_FlagOutline = get_boolean_resource(dpy, XSUBLIM_ARG_OUTLINE,"Boolean"); arg_FlagScreensaver = get_boolean_resource(dpy, XSUBLIM_ARG_SCREENSAVER, "Boolean"); arg_FlagRandom = get_boolean_resource(dpy, XSUBLIM_ARG_RANDOM,"Boolean"); arg_DelayShow = get_integer_resource(dpy, XSUBLIM_ARG_DELAYSHOW,"Integer"); arg_DelayWord = get_integer_resource(dpy, XSUBLIM_ARG_DELAYWORD,"Integer"); arg_DelayPhraseMin = get_integer_resource(dpy, XSUBLIM_ARG_DELAYPHRASEMIN, "Integer"); arg_DelayPhraseMax = get_integer_resource(dpy, XSUBLIM_ARG_DELAYPHRASEMAX, "Integer"); if (arg_DelayPhraseMax < arg_DelayPhraseMin) { arg_DelayPhraseMax = arg_DelayPhraseMin; } /* Get the phrases */ text_Index = 0; text_Item = 0; text_Count = 0; memset(text_Used,0,sizeof(text_Used)); arg_Source = get_string_resource(dpy, XSUBLIM_ARG_FILE,"Filename"); if (arg_Source != NULL) { FILE* file_Fs; struct stat file_Stat; file_Fs = fopen(arg_Source,"rb"); if (file_Fs == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: Could not open '%s'\n",progname, arg_Source); exit(-1); } if (fstat(fileno(file_Fs),&file_Stat) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: Could not stat '%s'\n",progname, arg_Source); exit(-1); } arg_Text = calloc(1,file_Stat.st_size+1); if (arg_Text != NULL) { if (fread(arg_Text,file_Stat.st_size,1,file_Fs) != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: Could not read '%s'\n", progname,arg_Source); exit(-1); } } fclose(file_Fs); } else { arg_Source = get_string_resource(dpy, XSUBLIM_ARG_PROGRAM, "Executable"); if (arg_Source != NULL) { char* exe_Command = calloc(1,strlen(arg_Source)+10); FILE* exe_Fs; if (exe_Command == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Could not allocate space for '%s'\n", progname,arg_Source); exit(-1); } sprintf(exe_Command,"( %s ) 2>&1",arg_Source); exe_Fs = popen(exe_Command,"r"); if (exe_Fs == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: Could not run '%s'\n", progname,arg_Source); exit(-1); } arg_Text = calloc(1,XSUBLIM_PROGRAM_SIZE); if (arg_Text != NULL) { if (fread(arg_Text,1,XSUBLIM_PROGRAM_SIZE, exe_Fs) <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Could not read output of '%s'\n", progname,arg_Source); exit(-1); } if ( strstr(arg_Text,": not found") || strstr(arg_Text,": Not found") || strstr(arg_Text,": command not found") || strstr(arg_Text,": Command not found")) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Could not find '%s'\n", progname,arg_Source); exit(-1); } } fclose(exe_Fs); } else { arg_Text = get_string_resource(dpy, XSUBLIM_ARG_PHRASES,"Phrases"); if (arg_Text != NULL) { arg_Text = strdup(arg_Text); } } } if (arg_Text != NULL) { while (((text_Phrase = strtok(arg_Text,"\n")) != NULL) && (text_Count < XSUBLIM_TEXT_COUNT)) { arg_Text = NULL; text_List[text_Count] = text_Phrase; text_Count++; } text_List[text_Count] = NULL; } if (text_Count == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: No text to display\n",progname); exit(-1); } /* Load the font */ font_Font = load_font_retry(dpy, get_string_resource(dpy, XSUBLIM_ARG_FONT,"Font")); font_Index = 0; while ((font_Font == NULL) && (font_List[font_Index] != NULL)) { font_Font = load_font_retry(dpy,font_List[font_Index]); font_Index++; } if (font_Font == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: Couldn't load a font\n",progname); exit(-1); } /* Create the GCs */ XGetWindowAttributes(dpy,win_Root,&attr_Win); gc_ValFore.font = font_Font->fid; gc_ValFore.foreground = get_pixel_resource(dpy, attr_Win.colormap, "foreground","Foreground"); gc_ValFore.background = get_pixel_resource(dpy, attr_Win.colormap, "background","Background"); gc_ValFore.subwindow_mode = IncludeInferiors; gc_GcFore = XCreateGC(dpy,win_Root, (GCFont|GCForeground|GCBackground|GCSubwindowMode),&gc_ValFore); gc_ValBack.font = font_Font->fid; gc_ValBack.foreground = get_pixel_resource(dpy, attr_Win.colormap, "background","Background"); gc_ValBack.background = get_pixel_resource(dpy, attr_Win.colormap, "foreground","Foreground"); gc_ValBack.subwindow_mode = IncludeInferiors; gc_GcBack = XCreateGC(dpy,win_Root, (GCFont|GCForeground|GCBackground|GCSubwindowMode),&gc_ValBack); /* Loop ------------------------------------------------------------ */ while (Xsublim_Sig_Last == -1) { /* Once-per-phrase stuff ----------------------------------- */ /* If we're waiting for a screensaver... */ if (arg_FlagScreensaver != FALSE) { /* Find the screensaver's window */ win_Root = xsublim_Ss_GetWindow(dpy); if (win_Root == 0) { usleep(30000000); continue; } } /* Pick the next phrase */ if (arg_FlagRandom != FALSE) { text_Item = random()%text_Count; text_Index = 0; } while (text_Used[text_Item] != FALSE) { text_Index++; text_Item++; if (text_Index == text_Count) { text_Index = 0; memset(text_Used,0,sizeof(text_Used)); } if (text_List[text_Item] == NULL) { text_Item = 0; } } text_Used[text_Item] = TRUE; strncpy(text_Text,text_List[text_Item], XSUBLIM_TEXT_LENGTH); text_Phrase = text_Text; /* Run through the phrase */ while (((text_Word = strtok(text_Phrase," \t")) != NULL) && (Xsublim_Sig_Last == -1)) { text_Phrase = NULL; /* Once-per-word stuff ----------------------------- */ /* Find the text's position */ XGetWindowAttributes(dpy,win_Root,&attr_Win); text_Length = strlen(text_Word); text_Width = XTextWidth(font_Font,text_Word, text_Length)+XSUBLIM_TEXT_OUTLINE*2; text_Height = font_Font->ascent+font_Font->descent+1+ XSUBLIM_TEXT_OUTLINE*2; if (arg_FlagCenter == FALSE) { text_X = random()%(attr_Win.width-text_Width); text_Y = random()%(attr_Win.height- text_Height); } else { text_X = (attr_Win.width/2)-(text_Width/2); text_Y = (attr_Win.height/2)-(text_Height/2); } /* Find the image's position (and pad it out slightly, otherwise bits of letter get left behind -- are there boundry issues I don't know about?) */ image_X = text_X-16; image_Y = text_Y; image_Width = text_Width+32; image_Height = text_Height; if (image_X < 0) { image_X = 0; } if (image_Y < 0) { image_Y = 0; } if (image_X+image_Width > attr_Win.width) { image_Width = attr_Win.width-image_X; } if (image_Y+image_Height > attr_Win.height) { image_Height = attr_Win.height-image_Y; } /* Influence people for our own ends --------------- */ /* Grab the server -- we can't let anybody draw over us */ XSync(dpy,FALSE); XGrabServer(dpy); XSync(dpy,FALSE); /* Set up an error handler that ignores BadMatches -- since the screensaver can take its window away at any time, any call that uses it might choke */ Xsublim_Sh_Status = 0; Xsublim_Sh_Handler = XSetErrorHandler(xsublim_Sh_Handler); /* Save the current background */ image_Image = XGetImage(dpy,win_Root,image_X, image_Y,image_Width,image_Height,~0L,ZPixmap); /* If we've successfully saved the background... */ if (image_Image != NULL) { if (Xsublim_Sh_Status == 0) { /* Draw the outline */ if (arg_FlagOutline != FALSE) { for (text_OutlineIndex = 0; text_Outline[ text_OutlineIndex].outline_X != 0;text_OutlineIndex++) { /* Y'know, eight character tabs and descriptive variable names become annoying at some point... */ XDrawString( dpy, win_Root,gc_GcBack, text_X+text_Outline[ text_OutlineIndex]. outline_X* XSUBLIM_TEXT_OUTLINE, text_Y+ (font_Font->ascent)+ text_Outline[ text_OutlineIndex]. outline_Y* XSUBLIM_TEXT_OUTLINE, text_Word, text_Length); } } /* Draw the word */ XDrawString(dpy,win_Root, gc_GcFore,text_X, text_Y+(font_Font->ascent),text_Word, text_Length); } if (Xsublim_Sh_Status == 0) { /* Wait a bit */ XSync(dpy,FALSE); if (Xsublim_Sig_Last == -1) { usleep(arg_DelayShow); } /* Restore the background */ XPutImage(dpy,win_Root, gc_GcFore,image_Image,0,0,image_X, image_Y,image_Width,image_Height); } /* Free the image */ XDestroyImage(image_Image); } /* Restore the error handler, ungrab the server */ XSync(dpy,FALSE); XSetErrorHandler(Xsublim_Sh_Handler); XUngrabServer(dpy); XSync(dpy,FALSE); /* Pause between words */ if (Xsublim_Sig_Last == -1) { usleep(arg_DelayWord); } } /* Pause between phrases */ if (Xsublim_Sig_Last == -1) { usleep(random()%(arg_DelayPhraseMax- arg_DelayPhraseMin+1)+arg_DelayPhraseMin); } } /* Exit ------------------------------------------------------------ */ for (sig_Number = 0;sig_Signal[sig_Number] != -1;sig_Number++) { signal(sig_Number,SIG_DFL); } kill(getpid(),Xsublim_Sig_Last); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { pthread_t timer_thread; pthread_t comms_thread; pthread_attr_t pthread_custom_attr; char buf[1024]; FILE *f; int c; extern byte action; extern byte action_value; extern int act_after; if (argc == 1) { action = ACT_NONE; exitAfter = 10; } else if (argc == 5) { act_after = atoi(argv[1]); action = atoi(argv[2]); action_value = atoi(argv[3]); exitAfter = atoi(argv[4]); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ./master action_after action action_val exit\n"); exit(1); } switch(fork()) { case -1: perror("Fork failed"); exit(1); case 0: f = popen("./slave", "r"); while(fgets(buf, 1024, f)) { printf(buf); fflush(stdout); } pclose(f); exit(1); } printf("Starting master\n"); fflush(stdout); alarm(10); address = 0; rfd = open("0", O_RDONLY); wfd = open("1", O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK); pthread_attr_init(&pthread_custom_attr); pthread_create(&timer_thread, &pthread_custom_attr, timer, NULL); pthread_create(&comms_thread, &pthread_custom_attr, comms, NULL); comms_main(); pthread_join(timer_thread, NULL); pthread_join(comms_thread, NULL); return 0; }
int dbf_show_records (DBF *dbf) { int i,err=0; double cmp; int len; ui32 position; CONDITION *p; char cmd[256]; char tmpname [L_tmpnam]="/tmp/dbf2txt-XXXXXX"; FILE *fp; /* Set var_id */ for (p=dbf->condition;p;p=p->next) { for (i=0;i<dbf->NumberOfFields;i++) { if ((xstrcmpi (dbf->sub_header[i]->FieldName,p->var))==0) { p->var_id=i; break; } } if (i==dbf->NumberOfFields) { printf ("field \'%s\' not found in archive dbf\n",p->var); err=-1; } } if (err) return err; if ((mkstemp(tmpname))<0) { perror ("mkstemp"); return -1; } if ((fp=fopen (tmpname,"w"))==NULL) { printf ("Cannot open `%s`\n",tmpname); perror (""); return -1; } /* Applying conditions */ dbf->NumberOfRecords=0; for (i=1;i<=dbf->header->NumberOfRecords;i++) { _dbf_load_record (dbf->fp_in, dbf->header, dbf->record, i, dbf->header->LengthOfOneDataRecord); if (_dbf_isdelete(dbf->record)>0) continue; p=dbf->condition; while (p) { position=char2ui32(dbf->sub_header[p->var_id]->DisplacementOfFieldInRecord); len=LengthOfField(dbf->sub_header[p->var_id]); if (_dbf_isnumeric(dbf->sub_header[p->var_id])) cmp=(strtod(dbf->record+position,NULL) - strtod(p->val,NULL)); else cmp=(double)strncmp (dbf->record+position,p->val,strlen(p->val)); if ( (p->op_id==EQ && cmp==0) || (p->op_id==LT && cmp<0) || (p->op_id==LE && cmp<=0) || (p->op_id==GT && cmp>0) || (p->op_id==GE && cmp>=0) || (p->op_id==NE && cmp!=0) ) p=p->next; else break; } if (p==NULL) { dbf->NumberOfRecords++; dbf_push_record (dbf, i, fp); } } fclose (fp); if (dbf->NumberOfRecords==0) { printf ("Record not found!\n"); return 0; } sprintf (cmd,"LC_COLLATE=C sort %s -k2",tmpname); fp=popen (cmd, "r"); err=dbf_dump (dbf,fp,tmpname); return err; }
/** * makecommonpart: make a common part for "mains.html" and "index.html" * * @param[in] title * @param[in] defines * @param[in] files * @return index common part */ static char * makecommonpart(const char *title, const char *defines, const char *files) { FILE *ip; STRBUF *sb = strbuf_open(0); STRBUF *ib = strbuf_open(0); char buf[MAXFILLEN]; const char *tips = "Go to the GLOBAL project page."; const char *_, *item; strbuf_puts(sb, title_begin); strbuf_puts(sb, title); strbuf_puts_nl(sb, title_end); strbuf_puts_nl(sb, poweredby_begin); strbuf_sprintf(sb, "Last updated %s%s\n", now(), br); if (Iflag) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Powered by GLOBAL-%s.", get_version()); strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_begin_with_title_target(NULL, www, NULL, NULL, tips,"_top")); strbuf_puts(sb, gen_image(CURRENT, "pglobe", buf)); strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_end()); strbuf_puts(sb, br); } else { strbuf_sprintf(sb, "Powered by %sGLOBAL-%s%s.%s\n", gen_href_begin_with_title_target(NULL, www, NULL, NULL, tips, "_top"), get_version(), gen_href_end(), br); } strbuf_puts_nl(sb, poweredby_end); strbuf_puts_nl(sb, hr); /* * Print items according to the value of variable 'item_order'. */ for (item = item_order; *item; item++) { switch (*item) { case 'c': if (caution) { strbuf_puts_nl(sb, caution_begin); strbuf_sprintf(sb, "<font size='+2' color='red'>CAUTION</font>%s\n", br); strbuf_sprintf(sb, "This hypertext consists of %d files.\n", html_count); strbuf_puts_nl(sb, "Please don't download the whole hypertext using a hypertext copy tool."); strbuf_puts_nl(sb, "Our network cannot afford such traffic."); strbuf_puts_nl(sb, "Instead, you can generate the same thing in your computer using"); strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_begin_with_title_target(NULL, www, NULL, NULL, NULL, "_top")); strbuf_puts(sb, "GLOBAL source code tag system"); strbuf_puts_nl(sb, gen_href_end()); strbuf_puts_nl(sb, "Thank you."); strbuf_puts_nl(sb, caution_end); strbuf_sprintf(sb, "\n%s\n", hr); } break; case 's': if (fflag) { strbuf_puts(sb, makesearchpart(NULL)); strbuf_puts_nl(sb, hr); } break; case 't': if (call_file || callee_file) { strbuf_puts(sb, header_begin); if (call_file) { strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_begin(NULL, "call", normal_suffix, NULL)); strbuf_puts(sb, title_call_tree); strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_end()); } if (call_file && callee_file) strbuf_puts(sb, " / "); if (callee_file) { strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_begin(NULL, "callee", normal_suffix, NULL)); strbuf_puts(sb, title_callee_tree); strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_end()); } strbuf_puts_nl(sb, header_end); strbuf_puts_nl(sb, hr); } break; case 'm': strbuf_sprintf(sb, "%sMAINS%s\n", header_begin, header_end); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), PQUOTE "%s --result=ctags-xid --encode-path=\" \t\" --nofilter=path %s" PQUOTE, quote_shell(global_path), main_func); ip = popen(buf, "r"); if (!ip) die("cannot execute '%s'.", buf); strbuf_puts_nl(sb, gen_list_begin()); while ((_ = strbuf_fgets(ib, ip, STRBUF_NOCRLF)) != NULL) { char fid[MAXFIDLEN]; const char *ctags_x = parse_xid(_, fid, NULL); strbuf_puts_nl(sb, gen_list_body(SRCS, ctags_x, fid)); } strbuf_puts_nl(sb, gen_list_end()); if (pclose(ip) != 0) die("terminated abnormally '%s' (errno = %d).", buf, errno); strbuf_puts_nl(sb, hr); break; case 'd': if (aflag && !Fflag) { strbuf_puts(sb, header_begin); strbuf_puts(sb, title_define_index); strbuf_puts_nl(sb, header_end); strbuf_puts(sb, defines); } else { strbuf_puts(sb, header_begin); strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_begin(NULL, "defines", normal_suffix, NULL)); strbuf_puts(sb, title_define_index); strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_end()); strbuf_puts_nl(sb, header_end); } strbuf_puts_nl(sb, hr); break; case 'f': if (Fflag) { strbuf_puts(sb, header_begin); strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_begin(NULL, "files", normal_suffix, NULL)); strbuf_puts(sb, title_file_index); strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_end()); strbuf_puts_nl(sb, header_end); } else { strbuf_puts(sb, header_begin); strbuf_puts(sb, title_file_index); strbuf_puts_nl(sb, header_end); if (tree_view) { strbuf_puts_nl(sb, tree_control); strbuf_puts_nl(sb, tree_loading); if (tree_view_type) { strbuf_sprintf(sb, tree_begin_using, tree_view_type); strbuf_putc(sb, '\n'); } else { strbuf_puts_nl(sb, tree_begin); } } else if (table_flist) strbuf_puts_nl(sb, flist_begin); else if (!no_order_list) strbuf_puts_nl(sb, list_begin); strbuf_puts(sb, files); if (tree_view) strbuf_puts_nl(sb, tree_end); else if (table_flist) strbuf_puts_nl(sb, flist_end); else if (!no_order_list) strbuf_puts_nl(sb, list_end); else strbuf_puts_nl(sb, br); } strbuf_puts_nl(sb, hr); break; default: warning("unknown item '%c'. (Ignored)", *item); break; } } strbuf_close(ib); return strbuf_value(sb); /* doesn't close string buffer */ }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *pipe; int args = 0; char buffer[256] = { 0 }; char url_buffer[4096] = { 0 }; char encoded_url_buffer[4096] = { 0 }; conf_t conf = { { 0 }, { 0 }, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }; CURL *curl; CURLcode res; // check if debug is ON if(argc > 1) { if(strcmp(argv[1], "--debug") == 0) { DEBUG = 1; } } // get database configuration if(read_config(&conf)) { return 1; } // format beginning of URL strcat(encoded_url_buffer, conf.url); strcat(encoded_url_buffer, "?"); if(DEBUG) { printf("System Info:\n\n"); } if(conf.cpu_cores) { pipe = popen("cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l", "r"); fgets(buffer, 256, pipe); buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = 0; strcat(url_buffer, "cpu_cores="); strcat(url_buffer, buffer); args = 1; if(DEBUG) printf("cpu_cores = %s\n", buffer); fclose(pipe); } if(conf.cpu_load) { // save top output to tmp file pipe = popen("top -n 2 > /tmp/mor_top_tmp.txt", "r"); // wait for 2 iterations to complete sleep(5); // read tmp file pipe = popen("cat /tmp/mor_top_tmp.txt | grep 'Cpu(s)' | tail -n+2 | sed 's/.*, *\\([0-9.]*\\)%\\id.*/\\1/' | awk '{print 100 - $5}'", "r"); fgets(buffer, 256, pipe); buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = 0; if(args) strcat(url_buffer, "&"); strcat(url_buffer, "cpu_load="); strcat(url_buffer, buffer); args = 1; if(DEBUG) printf("cpu_load = %s\n", buffer); fclose(pipe); // remove tpm file pipe = popen("rm -fr /tmp/mor_top_tmp.txt", "r"); fclose(pipe); } if(conf.ram_total || conf.ram_free || conf.ram_used || conf.ram_buffers) { char var1[256]; char var2[256]; char var3[256]; char var4[256]; pipe = popen("free -k | grep -Po '\\d+' | head -n 5", "r"); fscanf(pipe, "%s %s %s %s %s", var1, var2, var3, var4, var4); if(conf.ram_total) { if(args) strcat(url_buffer, "&"); strcat(url_buffer, "ram_total="); strcat(url_buffer, var1); args = 1; if(DEBUG) printf("ram_total = %s\n", var1); } if(conf.ram_used) { if(args) strcat(url_buffer, "&"); strcat(url_buffer, "ram_used="); strcat(url_buffer, var2); args = 1; if(DEBUG) printf("ram_used = %s\n", var2); } if(conf.ram_free) { if(args) strcat(url_buffer, "&"); strcat(url_buffer, "ram_free="); strcat(url_buffer, var3); args = 1; if(DEBUG) printf("ram_free = %s\n", var3); } if(conf.ram_buffers) { if(args) strcat(url_buffer, "&"); strcat(url_buffer, "ram_buffers="); strcat(url_buffer, var4); args = 1; if(DEBUG) printf("ram_buffers = %s\n", var4); } fclose(pipe); } if(conf.mysql) { pipe = popen("service mysqld status | grep -o 'running'", "r");; fgets(buffer, 256, pipe); buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = 0; if(args) strcat(url_buffer, "&"); strcat(url_buffer, "mysql="); if(strcmp(buffer, "running") == 0) { strcat(url_buffer, "1"); if(DEBUG) printf("mysql = 1\n"); } else { strcat(url_buffer, "0"); if(DEBUG) printf("mysql = 0\n"); } args = 1; fclose(pipe); } if(conf.httpd) { pipe = popen("service httpd status | grep -o 'running'", "r");; fgets(buffer, 256, pipe); buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = 0; if(args) strcat(url_buffer, "&"); strcat(url_buffer, "httpd="); if(strcmp(buffer, "running") == 0) { strcat(url_buffer, "1"); if(DEBUG) printf("httpd = 1\n"); } else { strcat(url_buffer, "0"); if(DEBUG) printf("httpd = 0\n"); } args = 1; fclose(pipe); } if(conf.asterisk) { pipe = popen("service asterisk status | grep -o 'running'", "r");; fgets(buffer, 256, pipe); buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = 0; if(args) strcat(url_buffer, "&"); strcat(url_buffer, "asterisk="); if(strcmp(buffer, "running") == 0) { strcat(url_buffer, "1"); if(DEBUG) printf("asterisk = 1\n"); } else { strcat(url_buffer, "0"); if(DEBUG) printf("asterisk = 0\n"); } args = 1; fclose(pipe); } if(conf.hdd) { char pipe_buffer[256] = { 0 }; sprintf(pipe_buffer, "df -h %s | grep -Po '[0-9]+%%' | sed 's|%%||'", conf.file_system); pipe = popen(pipe_buffer, "r"); fgets(buffer, 256, pipe); buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = 0; if(args) strcat(url_buffer, "&"); strcat(url_buffer, "hdd="); strcat(url_buffer, buffer); if(DEBUG) printf("hdd = %s\n", buffer); args = 1; fclose(pipe); } if(args) { encode_url(url_buffer, encoded_url_buffer); if(DEBUG) { printf("\nHTTP Request:\n\n"); printf("%s\n\n", encoded_url_buffer); } else { FILE *curl_resp = tmpfile(); curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL); curl = curl_easy_init(); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, curl_resp); if(curl) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, encoded_url_buffer); res = curl_easy_perform(curl); if(res != CURLE_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "cURL error %d\n", res); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot initiate cURL\n"); return 1; } curl_easy_cleanup(curl); curl_global_cleanup(); fclose(curl_resp); } } return 0; }
int main() { u32 nbufsread; // the number of buffers read in char *savebuf; // the buffer to save SysInfo *systmp; ChannelInfo *chtmp; EventBuffer *event; DIOBuffer *dio; PosBuffer posbuf[1]; char tmpstring[TMPSTRINGLEN+1]; // a temporary buffer char filename[TMPSTRINGLEN+1]; // a temporary buffer int tmplen; // the length of the data in tmbbuf int tmp1, tmp2, diskfree; short datatype; char *outfilename; // the name of the file to save data to gzFile outfile; // the pointer for the output file int message; // a temporary message variable int messagedata[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; // message data can contain a sysinfo or channelinfo structure int messagedatalen; // the length of the data in the message int nspikes; int savebufsize; // the size of the input data buffer in bytes u32 tmpbufsize; int error; int i, id; int lastmessage; // the last socket we got a message on int tmpsize; int closefile; // 1 if the file is to be closed int newdata; // 1 if new data were received FILE *pipe; OpenFileMessage *ofm; sysinfo.acq = 0; sysinfo.diskon = 0; sysinfo.fileopen = 0; closefile = 0; outfile = NULL; /* set the type of program we are in for messaging */ sysinfo.program_type = SPIKE_SAVE_DATA; sysinfo.statusfile == NULL; if (STATUSFILE == NULL) { /* open up the status file if it is not stderr*/ gethostname(tmpstring,80); sprintf(filename, "spike_save_data_status_%s", tmpstring); if ((STATUSFILE = fopen(filename, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "spike_main: error opening status file\n"); exit(-1); } } fprintf(STATUSFILE, "spike_save_data: starting messaging\n"); if (StartNetworkMessaging(server_message, client_message, server_data, client_data) < 0) { fprintf(STATUSFILE, "spike_save: Error establishing messaging\n"); saveexit(1); } // we need to allocate enough space for a buffer of any type, so // we allocate a large buffer //savebuf = (char *) malloc(SAVE_BUF_SIZE); savebuf = (char *) malloc(1000000 * sizeof(char)); while (1) { newdata = 0; /* set up the initial list of file descriptors to watch */ SetupFDList(&readfds, &maxfds, server_message, server_data); select(maxfds, &readfds, NULL, NULL, NULL); id = 0; /* check for incoming data */ while ((i = netinfo.datainfd[id]) != -1) { if (FD_ISSET(server_data[i].fd, &readfds)) { /* check to see if the disk is on, and if not, get the message * and discard it. Note that this works for everyone except * spike_process_posdata, as it only sends data out when the * disk is on. */ if ((!sysinfo.diskon) && (i != SPIKE_PROCESS_POSDATA)) { message = GetMessage(server_data[i].fd, savebuf, &savebufsize, 1); } else { newdata = 1; tmpsize = 0; switch(i) { case SPIKE_DAQ: /* get the data */ message = GetMessage(server_data[SPIKE_DAQ].fd, savebuf, &savebufsize, 1); /* check to see if this is an event */ if (message == EVENT) { event = (EventBuffer *) messagedata; datatype = EVENT_DATA_TYPE; if ((tmpsize = gzwrite(outfile, &datatype, sizeof(short))) != sizeof(short)) { error = 1; fprintf(STATUSFILE, "spike_save_data: writing error: %d written, %d tried\n", tmpsize, sizeof(short)); } if ((tmpsize = gzwrite(outfile, event, sizeof(EventBuffer))) != sizeof(EventBuffer)) { error = 1; fprintf(STATUSFILE, "spike_save_data: writing error: %d written, %d tried\n", tmpsize, savebufsize); } } else if (message == DIGITALIO_EVENT) { /* write the behav, the port, and the status */ datatype = DIGITALIO_DATA_TYPE; if ((tmpsize = gzwrite(outfile, &datatype, sizeof(short))) != sizeof(short)) { error = 1; fprintf(STATUSFILE, "spike_save_data: writing error: %d written, %d tried\n", tmpsize, sizeof(short)); } /* write out the data */ if ((tmpsize = gzwrite(outfile, savebuf, savebufsize)) != savebufsize) { fprintf(STATUSFILE, "spike_save_data: writing error: %d written, %d tried\n", tmpsize, savebufsize); error = 1; } } else { if (message == SPIKE_DATA) { datatype = SPIKE_DATA_TYPE; } else if (message == CONTINUOUS_DATA) { datatype = CONTINUOUS_DATA_TYPE; } /* write out the data type */ if ((tmpsize = gzwrite(outfile, &datatype, sizeof(short))) != sizeof(short)) { error = 1; fprintf(STATUSFILE, "spike_save_data: writing error: %d written, %d tried\n", tmpsize, sizeof(short)); } /* write out the data size */ if ((tmpsize = gzwrite(outfile, &savebufsize, sizeof(int))) != sizeof(int)) { error = 1; fprintf(STATUSFILE, "spike_save_data: writing error: %d written, %d tried\n", tmpsize, savebufsize); } /* write out the data */ if ((tmpsize = gzwrite(outfile, savebuf, savebufsize)) != savebufsize) { error = 1; fprintf(STATUSFILE, "spike_save_data: writing error: %d written, %d tried\n", tmpsize, savebufsize); } } break; case SPIKE_PROCESS_POSDATA: /* get the position buffer */ GetMessage(server_data[SPIKE_PROCESS_POSDATA].fd, savebuf, &savebufsize, 1); /* write out the data type */ datatype = POSITION_DATA_TYPE; if ((tmpsize = gzwrite(outfile, &datatype, sizeof(short))) != sizeof(short)) { error = 1; fprintf(STATUSFILE, "spike_save_data: writing error: %d written, %d tried\n", tmpsize, sizeof(short)); } /* write out the data. Note the that first element of * the data is the size of the buffer, so we don't need * to*/ //fprintf(stderr, "writing out %d position bytes \n", savebufsize); if ((tmpsize = gzwrite(outfile, savebuf, savebufsize)) != savebufsize) { fprintf(STATUSFILE, "spike_save_data: writing error: %d written, %d tried\n", tmpsize, savebufsize); error = 1; } break; case SPIKE_MAIN: /* get the event or digital IO event*/ message = GetMessage(server_data[SPIKE_MAIN].fd, savebuf, &savebufsize, 0); if (message == EVENT) { event = (EventBuffer *) savebuf; datatype = EVENT_DATA_TYPE; if ((tmpsize = gzwrite(outfile, &datatype, sizeof(short))) != sizeof(short)) { error = 1; fprintf(STATUSFILE, "spike_save_data: writing error: %d written, %d tried\n", tmpsize, sizeof(short)); } if ((tmpsize = gzwrite(outfile, event, sizeof(EventBuffer))) != sizeof(EventBuffer)) { error = 1; fprintf(STATUSFILE, "spike_save_data: writing error: %d written, %d tried\n", tmpsize, savebufsize); } } else if (message == DIGITALIO_EVENT) { /* write the behav, the port, and the status */ datatype = DIGITALIO_DATA_TYPE; if ((tmpsize = gzwrite(outfile, &datatype, sizeof(short))) != sizeof(short)) { error = 1; fprintf(STATUSFILE, "spike_save_data: writing error: %d written, %d tried\n", tmpsize, sizeof(short)); } /* write out the data */ if ((tmpsize = gzwrite(outfile, savebuf, savebufsize)) != savebufsize) { fprintf(STATUSFILE, "spike_save_data: writing error: %d written, %d tried\n", tmpsize, savebufsize); error = 1; } } else if (message == TIME_CHECK) { /* write the time data */ datatype = TIME_CHECK_DATA_TYPE; if ((tmpsize = gzwrite(outfile, &datatype, sizeof(short))) != sizeof(short)) { error = 1; fprintf(STATUSFILE, "spike_save_data: writing error: %d written, %d tried\n", tmpsize, sizeof(short)); } /* write out the data */ if ((tmpsize = gzwrite(outfile, savebuf, savebufsize)) != savebufsize) { fprintf(STATUSFILE, "spike_save_data: writing error: %d written, %d tried\n", tmpsize, savebufsize); error = 1; } } break; } if (error) { /* stop saving and send a SAVE_ERROR message */ fprintf(STATUSFILE,"spike_save_data: Error in saving data\n"); sysinfo.diskon = 0; SendMessage(client_message[SPIKE_MAIN].fd, SAVE_ERROR, NULL, 0); } lastmessage = i; break; } } id++; } id = 0; /* check for messages */ while ((i = netinfo.messageinfd[id]) != -1) { if (FD_ISSET(server_message[i].fd, &readfds)) { message = GetMessage(server_message[i].fd, (char *) messagedata, &messagedatalen, 0); error = 0; switch(message) { case STOP_ACQUISITION: sysinfo.acq = 0; SendMessage(client_message[SPIKE_MAIN].fd, ACQUISITION_STOPPED, NULL, 0); break; case START_ACQUISITION: sysinfo.acq = 1; SendMessage(client_message[SPIKE_MAIN].fd, ACQUISITION_STARTED, NULL, 0); break; case START_SAVE: sysinfo.diskon = 1; SendMessage(client_message[SPIKE_MAIN].fd, SAVE_STARTED, NULL, 0); break; case STOP_SAVE: sysinfo.diskon = 0; SendMessage(client_message[SPIKE_MAIN].fd, SAVE_STOPPED, NULL, 0); break; case OPEN_FILE: /* we can get this message in the middle of saving * data if the main program has determined that the * current file size is too large, so we need to * close the current file if it is open */ if (outfile != NULL) gzclose(outfile); ofm = (OpenFileMessage *) messagedata; /* we will have already checked to make sure that the * file can be opened */ /* make sure the file name is correctly terminated */ strncpy(sysinfo.datafilename, ofm->filename, sizeof(sysinfo.datafilename)); sysinfo.datafilename[sizeof(sysinfo.datafilename)-1] = '\0'; if (ofm->type != OpenFileMessage::GZip) { sprintf(tmpstring, "file type is not GZip, but rather was: %d; defaulting to GZip!\n", (int)ofm->type); StatusMessage(tmpstring, client_message); } // build string to pass to gzopen specifying open more, // compression level, etc snprintf(tmpstring, sizeof(tmpstring), "ab%u", ofm->compression_level); sysinfo.use_compression = ofm->compression_level ? true : false; sysinfo.compression_level = ofm->compression_level; outfile = gzopen(sysinfo.datafilename, tmpstring); if( Z_NULL == outfile) { fprintf(STATUSFILE, "gzopen() failed to open file: %s with options %s\n", sysinfo.datafilename, tmpstring); } else{ fprintf(STATUSFILE, "gzopen() opened file: %s with options %s\n", sysinfo.datafilename, tmpstring); sysinfo.fileopen = 1; } snprintf(tmpstring, sizeof(tmpstring), "df %s\n", sysinfo.datafilename); diskfree = 0; if ((pipe = popen(tmpstring, "r")) == NULL) { sprintf(tmpstring, "Error opening pipe to check disk usage"); StatusMessage(tmpstring, client_message); } else { fgets(tmpstring, TMPSTRINGLEN, pipe); fscanf(pipe, "%s%d%d%d", tmpstring, &tmp1, &tmp2, &diskfree); } /* convert KB to MB for diskfree */ diskfree /= 1024; pclose(pipe); SendMessage(client_message[SPIKE_MAIN].fd, FILE_OPENED, (char *) &diskfree, sizeof(int)); break; case CLOSE_FILE: closefile = 1; break; case SYSTEM_INFO: /* we don't need any systeminfo information in this * module */ break; case EXIT: saveexit(0); break; default: break; } } id++; } /* close the file only if no new data came in on the last iteration of the for loop */ if (closefile && !newdata) { gzclose(outfile); outfile = NULL; sysinfo.fileopen = 0; SendMessage(client_message[SPIKE_MAIN].fd, FILE_CLOSED, NULL, 0); closefile = 0; } } return 0; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ifb_printProcStatus (void) { int i, alive=0, dead=0; #if 0 FILE *fp; int state; char buff[MAXLINE]; char proc_usr[8], proc_stime[8], proc_tmptime[16]; int proc_pid; char cmd[] = "ps -ef|grep DAPP=|awk '{ print $1, $2, $5}'"; char *pos = NULL; int pos_idx=0; #endif if (displayQkeyFlag) { fprintf(stderr,"===================================================================================================\n"); fprintf(stderr," SYSTEM OPERATION MODE : %s\n", ifb_getSysOperMode(loc_sadb->loc_system_dup.myLocalDupStatus)); fprintf(stderr,"===================================================================================================\n"); fprintf(stderr," Process PID STATUS MSG_Q_KEY VERSION Process PID STATUS MSG_Q_KEY VERSION \n"); fprintf(stderr,"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } else { fprintf(stderr,"===================================================================================================\n"); fprintf(stderr," SYSTEM OPERATION MODE : %s\n", ifb_getSysOperMode(loc_sadb->loc_system_dup.myLocalDupStatus)); fprintf(stderr,"===================================================================================================\n"); fprintf(stderr," Process PID STATUS START-TIME VERSION Process PID STATUS START-TIME VERSION \n"); fprintf(stderr,"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } for (i=0; i<SYSCONF_MAX_APPL_NUM; i++) { if (!strcasecmp (confProcTbl[i].procName, "")) break; if (i%2==0) fprintf(stderr,"\n"); if (confProcTbl[i].runCnt) { if (displayQkeyFlag) { if (confProcTbl[i].runCnt == 1) fprintf(stderr," %-10s %-8d ALIVE 0x%-10x %-8s", confProcTbl[i].procName, (int)confProcTbl[i].pid, confProcTbl[i].msgQkey, confProcTbl[i].procVersion); else fprintf(stderr," %-10s %-8d ALIVE(%d)0x%-10x %-8s", confProcTbl[i].procName, (int)confProcTbl[i].pid, confProcTbl[i].runCnt, confProcTbl[i].msgQkey, confProcTbl[i].procVersion); } else { if (confProcTbl[i].runCnt == 1) fprintf(stderr," %-10s %-8d ALIVE %-12s %-8s", confProcTbl[i].procName, (int)confProcTbl[i].pid, confProcTbl[i].startTime, confProcTbl[i].procVersion); else fprintf(stderr," %-10s %-8d ALIVE(%d)%-12s %-8s", confProcTbl[i].procName, (int)confProcTbl[i].pid, confProcTbl[i].runCnt, confProcTbl[i].startTime, confProcTbl[i].procVersion); } alive += confProcTbl[i].runCnt; } else { if (displayQkeyFlag) { fprintf(stderr," %-10s - DEAD 0x%-10x %-8s", confProcTbl[i].procName, confProcTbl[i].msgQkey, confProcTbl[i].procVersion); } else { fprintf(stderr," %-10s - DEAD - - %-8s", confProcTbl[i].procName, "-"); } dead++; } } #if 1 /* SM/CM Process Status Management, by sjjeon */ { int sm_pid,cm_pid, rv; char startTM[32]; char version[]="R1.0.0"; // SM PID, TIME 을 구한다. sm_pid = getProcessID("SMSERVER"); rv = getPidInfo(sm_pid, startTM); if(rv >= 0){ fprintf(stderr,"\n %-10s %-8d ALIVE %-12s %-8s","SM",sm_pid, startTM, version); alive += 1; } else{ fprintf(stderr,"\n %-10s - DEAD - %-8s","SM", version); dead +=1; } // CM PID, TIME 을 구한다. memset(startTM,0x00,sizeof(startTM)); cm_pid = getProcessID("CM"); rv = getPidInfo(cm_pid, startTM); if(rv >= 0){ fprintf(stderr," %-10s %-8d ALIVE %-12s %-8s","CM",cm_pid, startTM, version); alive += 1; } else{ fprintf(stderr," %-10s - DEAD - %-8s","CM", version); dead +=1; } } #else /* SM/CM Process Status Management, by june */ fp = popen(cmd, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { perror("erro : "); exit(0); } fprintf(stderr,"\n"); while(fgets(buff, MAXLINE, fp) != NULL) { if( sscanf( &buff[0], "%s %d %s", proc_usr, &proc_pid, proc_tmptime)==3) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pos = strrchr(proc_tmptime, ':'); if (pos != NULL) { pos_idx = pos - proc_tmptime; proc_tmptime[pos_idx] = '\0'; } sprintf(proc_stime, "%s", proc_tmptime); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!strncmp(proc_usr, "pcube", 5)) { strncpy(proc_stime, proc_tmptime, 5); if (smLiveCheck()==0) { fprintf(stderr," %-10s %-8d ALIVE %-5s %-8s", "SMSERVER", proc_pid, proc_stime, "R1.0.0"); alive++; } else { fprintf(stderr," %-10s %-8d DEAD %-5s %-8s", "SMSERVER", proc_pid, proc_stime, "R1.0.0"); dead++; } } if (!strncmp(proc_usr, "scmscm", 6)) { if (cmLiveCheck()==0) { fprintf(stderr," %-10s %-8d ALIVE %-5s %-8s", "CM", proc_pid, proc_stime, "R1.0.0"); alive++; } else { fprintf(stderr," %-10s %-8d DEAD %-5s %-8s", "CM", proc_pid, proc_stime, "R1.0.0"); dead++; } } } } state = pclose(fp); #endif fprintf(stderr,"\n===================================================================================================\n"); fprintf(stderr,"TOTAL:%d (ALIVE:%d, DEAD:%d)\n\n", alive+dead, alive, dead); return; } //----- End of ifb_printProcStatus -----//
/* Return full path to the current executable, use proc fs if * available. */ static ALLEGRO_PATH *get_executable_name(void) { ALLEGRO_PATH *path; #ifdef ALLEGRO_HAVE_GETEXECNAME { const char *s = getexecname(); if (s) { if (s[0] == '/') { /* Absolute path */ return al_create_path(s); } else { /* Not an absolute path */ path = _find_executable_file(s); if (path) return path; } } } #endif /* We need the PID in order to query procfs */ pid_t pid = getpid(); /* Try a Linux-like procfs */ /* get symolic link to executable from proc fs */ char linkname[1024]; char filename[1024]; struct stat finfo; sprintf(linkname, "/proc/%d/exe", (int)pid); if (stat(linkname, &finfo) == 0) { int len = readlink(linkname, filename, sizeof(filename) - 1); if (len > -1) { filename[len] = '\0'; return al_create_path(filename); } } /* Use System V procfs calls if available */ #ifdef ALLEGRO_HAVE_SV_PROCFS_H struct prpsinfo psinfo; int fd; sprintf(linkname, "/proc/%d/exe", (int)pid); fd = open(linkname, O_RDONLY); if (!fd == -1) { ioctl(fd, PIOCPSINFO, &psinfo); close(fd); /* Use argv[0] directly if we can */ #ifdef ALLEGRO_HAVE_PROCFS_ARGCV if (psinfo.pr_argv && psinfo.pr_argc) { path = _find_executable_file(psinfo.pr_argv[0]); if (path) return path; } else #endif { /* Emulate it */ /* We use the pr_psargs field to find argv[0] * This is better than using the pr_fname field because we need * the additional path information that may be present in argv[0] */ /* Skip other args */ char *s = strchr(psinfo.pr_psargs, ' '); if (s) s[0] = '\0'; path = _find_executable_file(psinfo.pr_psargs); if (path) return path; } /* Try the pr_fname just for completeness' sake if argv[0] fails */ path = _find_executable_file(psinfo.pr_fname); if (path) return path; } #endif /* Last resort: try using the output of the ps command to at least find */ /* the name of the file if not the full path */ char command[1024]; sprintf(command, "ps -p %d", (int)pid); FILE *pipe = popen(command, "r"); if (pipe) { char* ret; /* The first line of output is a header */ ret = fgets(linkname, sizeof(linkname), pipe); if(!ret) ALLEGRO_ERROR("Failed to read the name of the executable file.\n"); /* The information we want is in the last column; find it */ int len = strlen(linkname); while (linkname[len] != ' ' && linkname[len] != '\t') len--; /* The second line contains the info we want */ ret = fgets(linkname, sizeof(linkname), pipe); if(!ret) ALLEGRO_ERROR("Failed to read the name of the executable file.\n"); pclose(pipe); /* Treat special cases: filename between [] and - for login shell */ if (linkname[len] == '-') len++; if (linkname[len] == '[' && linkname[strlen(linkname)] == ']') { len++; linkname[strlen(linkname)] = '\0'; } /* Now, the filename should be in the last column */ _al_sane_strncpy(filename, linkname+len+1, strlen(linkname)-len+1); path = _find_executable_file(filename); if (path) return path; /* Just return the output from ps... */ return al_create_path(filename); } /* Give up; return empty string */ return al_create_path(""); }
//client connection void respond(int n) { char *result = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * 10000);// result return to client char *pure_path = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * 10000);// get path char *buf = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * 10000); char *cmd1 = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * 1000);// command for 'ls -l' char *cmd2 = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * 1000);// command for 'cat ' char *param = "/?param="; char *pos; char c; int index; FILE *file;// use pipeline struct stat s;// use to know if the path is a file or a directory char mesg[99999], *reqline[3], data_to_send[BYTES], path[99999], html[999]; int rcvd, fd, bytes_read; memset( (void*)mesg, (int)'\0', 99999 ); //rcvd=recv(clients[n], mesg, 99999, 0); rcvd=read(clients[n], mesg, 99999); if (rcvd<0) // receive error fprintf(stderr,("recv() error\n")); else if (rcvd==0) // receive socket closed fprintf(stderr,"Client disconnected upexpectedly.\n"); else // message received { printf("%s", mesg); reqline[0] = strtok (mesg, " \t\n"); if ( strncmp(reqline[0], "GET\0", 4)==0 ) { reqline[1] = strtok (NULL, " \t"); reqline[2] = strtok (NULL, " \t\n"); if ( strncmp( reqline[2], "HTTP/1.0", 8)!=0 && strncmp( reqline[2], "HTTP/1.1", 8)!=0 ) { write(clients[n], "HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request\n", 25); } else { pos = strstr(reqline[1], param) + 8; //get 1st position when meet '/?param=', +8 means pass through until the real path. Ex: /home/ubuntu/syspro index = 0; // get path(not include '/?param='), terminate when meet ' ' while ((c = *pos) != NULL) { pure_path[index++] = c; pos++; } pure_path[index] = '\n'; if (stat(pure_path, &s) == 0) { if (s.st_mode & S_IFDIR) { printf("path is a directory\n"); strcat(cmd1, "ls -l ");//initialize comd1 as 'ls -l' strcat(cmd1, pure_path);//now, it becomes, for example, "ls -l /home/ubuntu/" file = popen(cmd1, "r");//execute command and open a pipeline while (fgets(buf, 10000, file)) strcat(result, buf);//read and add content of the pipeline into result pclose(file); printf("%s\n", result); } else if (s.st_mode & S_IFREG) { printf("path is a file\n"); strcat(cmd2, "cat ");//initialize comd2 as 'cat ' strcat(cmd2, pure_path);//now, it becomes, for example, "cat /home/ubuntu/syspro/f13.c" file = popen(cmd2, "r");//excute command and open a pipeline while (fgets(buf, 10000, file)) strcat(result, buf);//read and add content of the pipeline into result pclose(file); printf("%s\n", result); } else { printf("something else!\n"); } } else { strcat(result, "Error!\n"); printf("wtf! Error!!\n"); } write(clients[n], result,strlen(result)); } } } //Closing SOCKET shutdown (clients[n], SHUT_RDWR); //All further send and recieve operations are DISABLED... close(clients[n]); clients[n]=-1; exit(0); }
static Boolean Connect(Widget W) { if (Host_Name(W) && strlen(Host_Name(W)) > 0 && Host_Port(W) && strlen(Host_Port(W)) > 0) { if (!XtIsRealized(XtParent(W))) { XtAddEventHandler(XtParent(W), StructureNotifyMask, False, (XtEventHandler)DelayedConnect, W); } else { while (XtAppPending(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(XtParent(W)))) { XtAppProcessEvent(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(XtParent(W)), XtIMAll); } switch (Host_Type(W)) { case XltHOST_CLIENT: if (strcmp(Host_Name(W), "-") == 0) { Host_Fd(W) = fileno(stdin); } else { Host_Fd(W) = SockOpen(Host_Name(W), Host_Port(W)); } if (Host_Fd(W) >= 0) { _XltHostCallbackStruct tmp; String Name; String Class; FILE *xrdb; String xrdb_command; String base = "xrdb -merge -nocpp -display"; Host_InputId(W) = XtAppAddInput(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(W), Host_Fd(W), (XtPointer)XtInputReadMask, (XtInputCallbackProc)InputHandler, W); xrdb_command = XtMalloc(strlen(base) + strlen(DisplayString(XtDisplay(XtParent(W)))) + 2); sprintf(xrdb_command, "%s %s", base, DisplayString(XtDisplay(XtParent(W)))); xrdb = popen(xrdb_command, "w"); if (xrdb != NULL) { XtGetApplicationNameAndClass(XtDisplay(XtParent(W)), &Name, &Class); fprintf(xrdb, "%s.Host: %s\n%s.Service: %s\n", Class, Host_Name(W), Class, Host_Port(W)); pclose(xrdb); } XtFree(xrdb_command); Host_Throttle(W) = False; tmp.reason = XltCR_CONNECT; XtCallCallbackList(W, Host_ConnectCallback(W), &tmp); } break; case XltHOST_SERVER: Host_Fd(W) = Listen(Host_Port(W)); if (Host_Fd(W) > 0) { Host_InputId(W) = XtAppAddInput(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(W), Host_Fd(W), (XtPointer)XtInputReadMask, (XtInputCallbackProc)ConnectionRequest, W); } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unknown host type\n", XtName(W)); break; } } } else { } return (True); }
bool ExportCL(AudacityProject *project, bool stereo, wxString fName, bool selectionOnly, double t0, double t1, MixerSpec *mixerSpec) { int rate = int(project->GetRate() + 0.5); wxWindow *parent = project; TrackList *tracks = project->GetTracks(); wxString command = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/FileFormats/ExternalProgramExportCommand"), wxT("lame - '%f'")); command.Replace(wxT("%f"), fName); /* establish parameters */ int channels = stereo ? 2 : 1; unsigned long totalSamples = (unsigned long)((t1 - t0) * rate + 0.5); unsigned long sampleBytes = totalSamples * channels * SAMPLE_SIZE(int16Sample); /* fill up the wav header */ wav_header header; header.riffID[0] = 'R'; header.riffID[1] = 'I'; header.riffID[2] = 'F'; header.riffID[3] = 'F'; header.riffType[0] = 'W'; header.riffType[1] = 'A'; header.riffType[2] = 'V'; header.riffType[3] = 'E'; header.lenAfterRiff = sampleBytes + 32; header.fmtID[0] = 'f'; header.fmtID[1] = 'm'; header.fmtID[2] = 't'; header.fmtID[3] = ' '; header.formatChunkLen = 16; header.formatTag = 1; header.channels = channels; header.sampleRate = rate; header.bitsPerSample = SAMPLE_SIZE(int16Sample) * 8; header.blockAlign = header.bitsPerSample * header.channels; header.avgBytesPerSec = header.sampleRate * header.blockAlign; header.dataID[0] = 'd'; header.dataID[1] = 'a'; header.dataID[2] = 't'; header.dataID[3] = 'a'; header.dataLen = sampleBytes; FILE *pipe = popen(OSFILENAME(command), "w"); /* write the header */ fwrite( &header, sizeof(wav_header), 1, pipe ); sampleCount maxBlockLen = 44100 * 5; bool cancelling = false; int numWaveTracks; WaveTrack **waveTracks; tracks->GetWaveTracks(selectionOnly, &numWaveTracks, &waveTracks); Mixer *mixer = new Mixer(numWaveTracks, waveTracks, tracks->GetTimeTrack(), t0, t1, channels, maxBlockLen, true, rate, int16Sample, true, mixerSpec); GetActiveProject()->ProgressShow(_("Export"), selectionOnly ? _("Exporting the selected audio using command-line encoder") : _("Exporting the entire project using command-line encoder")); while(!cancelling) { sampleCount numSamples = mixer->Process(maxBlockLen); if (numSamples == 0) break; samplePtr mixed = mixer->GetBuffer(); char *buffer = new char[numSamples * SAMPLE_SIZE(int16Sample) * channels]; wxASSERT(buffer); // Byte-swapping is neccesary on big-endian machines, since // WAV files are little-endian #if wxBYTE_ORDER == wxBIG_ENDIAN { short *buffer = (short*)mixed; for( int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++ ) buffer[i] = wxINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(buffer[i]); } #endif fwrite( mixed, numSamples * channels * SAMPLE_SIZE(int16Sample), 1, pipe ); int progressvalue = int (1000 * ((mixer->MixGetCurrentTime()-t0) / (t1-t0))); cancelling = !GetActiveProject()->ProgressUpdate(progressvalue); delete[]buffer; } GetActiveProject()->ProgressHide(); delete mixer; pclose( pipe ); return true; }
FILE *fopen_comp (char *file, char *mode, int32 *ispipe) { char command[16384]; FILE *fp; int32 k, isgz; k = strlen (file); #if (WIN32) *ispipe = (k > 3) && ((strcmp (file+k-3, ".gz") == 0) || (strcmp (file+k-3, ".GZ") == 0)); isgz = *ispipe; #else *ispipe = 0; isgz = 0; if ((k > 2) && ((strcmp (file+k-2, ".Z") == 0) || (strcmp (file+k-2, ".z") == 0))) { *ispipe = 1; } else { if ((k > 3) && ((strcmp (file+k-3, ".gz") == 0) || (strcmp (file+k-3, ".GZ") == 0))) { *ispipe = 1; isgz = 1; } } #endif if (*ispipe) { #if (WIN32) if (strcmp (mode, "r") == 0) { sprintf (command, "gzip.exe -d -c %s", file); if ((fp = _popen (command, mode)) == NULL) { E_ERROR_SYSTEM("_popen (%s,%s) failed\n", command, mode); return NULL; } } else { E_ERROR ("fopen_comp not implemented for mode = %s\n", mode); return NULL; } #else if (strcmp (mode, "r") == 0) { if (isgz) sprintf (command, "gunzip -c %s", file); else sprintf (command, "zcat %s", file); if ((fp = popen (command, mode)) == NULL) { E_ERROR_SYSTEM("popen (%s,%s) failed\n", command, mode); return NULL; } } else if (strcmp (mode, "w") == 0) { if (isgz) sprintf (command, "gzip > %s", file); else sprintf (command, "compress -c > %s", file); if ((fp = popen (command, mode)) == NULL) { E_ERROR_SYSTEM("popen (%s,%s) failed\n", command, mode); return NULL; } } else { E_ERROR ("fopen_comp not implemented for mode = %s\n", mode); return NULL; } #endif } else { fp = fopen (file, mode); } return (fp); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char dbpath[MAXPATHLEN]; char cwd[MAXPATHLEN]; STRBUF *sb = strbuf_open(0); int optchar; int option_index = 0; STATISTICS_TIME *tim; /* * Setup GTAGSCONF and GTAGSLABEL environment variable * according to the --gtagsconf and --gtagslabel option. */ preparse_options(argc, argv); /* * Get the project root directory. */ if (!vgetcwd(cwd, MAXPATHLEN)) die("cannot get current directory."); canonpath(cwd); /* * Load configuration file. */ openconf(cwd); configuration(); setenv_from_config(); { char *env = getenv("GTAGS_OPTIONS"); if (env && *env) argv = prepend_options(&argc, argv, env); } /* * Execute gtags_hook before the jobs. */ if (getconfs("gtags_hook", sb)) { char *p = serialize_options(argc, argv); set_env("GTAGS_COMMANDLINE", p); free(p); if (system(strbuf_value(sb))) fprintf(stderr, "gtags-hook failed: %s\n", strbuf_value(sb)); } logging_arguments(argc, argv); while ((optchar = getopt_long(argc, argv, "cd:f:iIn:oOqvwse", long_options, &option_index)) != EOF) { switch (optchar) { case 0: /* already flags set */ break; case OPT_CONFIG: show_config = 1; if (optarg) config_name = optarg; break; case OPT_GTAGSCONF: case OPT_GTAGSLABEL: /* These options are already parsed in preparse_options() */ break; case OPT_SINGLE_UPDATE: iflag++; single_update = optarg; break; case OPT_ACCEPT_DOTFILES: accept_dotfiles = 1; break; case OPT_SKIP_UNREADABLE: skip_unreadable = 1; break; case 'c': cflag++; break; case 'd': dump_target = optarg; break; case 'f': file_list = optarg; break; case 'i': iflag++; break; case 'I': Iflag++; break; case 'o': /* * Though the -o(--omit-gsyms) was removed, this code * is left for compatibility. */ break; case 'O': Oflag++; break; case 'q': qflag++; break; case 'w': wflag++; break; case 'v': vflag++; break; default: usage(); break; } } if (qflag) { vflag = 0; setquiet(); } if (vflag) setverbose(); if (wflag) set_langmap_wflag(); if (show_version) version(NULL, vflag); if (show_help) help(); argc -= optind; argv += optind; /* If dbpath is specified, -O(--objdir) option is ignored. */ if (argc > 0) Oflag = 0; if (show_config) { openconf(setupdbpath(0) == 0 ? get_root() : NULL); if (config_name) printconf(config_name); else fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", getconfline()); exit(0); } else if (dump_target) { /* * Dump a tag file. */ DBOP *dbop = NULL; const char *dat = 0; int is_gpath = 0; if (!test("f", dump_target)) die("file '%s' not found.", dump_target); if ((dbop = dbop_open(dump_target, 0, 0, DBOP_RAW)) == NULL) die("file '%s' is not a tag file.", dump_target); /* * The file which has a NEXTKEY record is GPATH. */ if (dbop_get(dbop, NEXTKEY)) is_gpath = 1; for (dat = dbop_first(dbop, NULL, NULL, 0); dat != NULL; dat = dbop_next(dbop)) { const char *flag = is_gpath ? dbop_getflag(dbop) : ""; if (*flag) printf("%s\t%s\t%s\n", dbop->lastkey, dat, flag); else printf("%s\t%s\n", dbop->lastkey, dat); } dbop_close(dbop); exit(0); } else if (Iflag) { #define REQUIRED_MKID_VERSION "4.5" char *p; if (!usable("mkid")) die("mkid not found."); if (read_first_line("mkid --version", sb)) die("mkid cannot executed."); p = strrchr(strbuf_value(sb), ' '); if (p == NULL) die("invalid version string of mkid: %s", strbuf_value(sb)); switch (check_version(p + 1, REQUIRED_MKID_VERSION) #ifdef _WIN32 | strcmp(p + 1, "3.2.99") == 0 #endif ) { case 1: break; /* OK */ case 0: die("mkid version %s or later is required.", REQUIRED_MKID_VERSION); default: die("invalid version string of mkid: %s", strbuf_value(sb)); } } /* * If 'gtags.files' exists, use it as a file list. * If the file_list other than "-" is given, it must be readable file. */ if (file_list == NULL && test("f", GTAGSFILES)) file_list = GTAGSFILES; if (file_list && strcmp(file_list, "-")) { if (test("d", file_list)) die("'%s' is a directory.", file_list); else if (!test("f", file_list)) die("'%s' not found.", file_list); else if (!test("r", file_list)) die("'%s' is not readable.", file_list); } /* * Regularize the path name for single updating (--single-update). */ if (single_update) { static char regular_path_name[MAXPATHLEN]; char *p = single_update; #if _WIN32 || __DJGPP__ for (; *p; p++) if (*p == '\\') *p = '/'; p = single_update; #define LOCATEFLAG MATCH_AT_FIRST|IGNORE_CASE #else #define LOCATEFLAG MATCH_AT_FIRST #endif if (isabspath(p)) { char *q = locatestring(p, cwd, LOCATEFLAG); if (q && *q == '/') snprintf(regular_path_name, MAXPATHLEN, "./%s", q + 1); else die("path '%s' is out of the project.", p); } else { if (p[0] == '.' && p[1] == '/') snprintf(regular_path_name, MAXPATHLEN, "%s", p); else snprintf(regular_path_name, MAXPATHLEN, "./%s", p); } single_update = regular_path_name; } /* * Decide directory (dbpath) in which gtags make tag files. * * Gtags create tag files at current directory by default. * If dbpath is specified as an argument then use it. * If the -i option specified and both GTAGS and GRTAGS exists * at one of the candidate directories then gtags use existing * tag files. */ if (iflag) { if (argc > 0) realpath(*argv, dbpath); else if (!gtagsexist(cwd, dbpath, MAXPATHLEN, vflag)) strlimcpy(dbpath, cwd, sizeof(dbpath)); } else { if (argc > 0) realpath(*argv, dbpath); else if (Oflag) { char *objdir = getobjdir(cwd, vflag); if (objdir == NULL) die("Objdir not found."); strlimcpy(dbpath, objdir, sizeof(dbpath)); } else strlimcpy(dbpath, cwd, sizeof(dbpath)); } if (iflag && (!test("f", makepath(dbpath, dbname(GTAGS), NULL)) || !test("f", makepath(dbpath, dbname(GRTAGS), NULL)) || !test("f", makepath(dbpath, dbname(GPATH), NULL)))) { if (wflag) warning("GTAGS, GRTAGS or GPATH not found. -i option ignored."); iflag = 0; } if (!test("d", dbpath)) die("directory '%s' not found.", dbpath); /* * Start processing. */ if (accept_dotfiles) set_accept_dotfiles(); if (skip_unreadable) set_skip_unreadable(); if (vflag) { const char *config_path = getconfigpath(); const char *config_label = getconfiglabel(); fprintf(stderr, "[%s] Gtags started.\n", now()); if (config_path) fprintf(stderr, " Using configuration file '%s'.\n", config_path); else { fprintf(stderr, " Using default configuration.\n"); if (getenv("GTAGSLABEL")) fprintf(stderr, " GTAGSLABEL(--gtagslabel) ignored since configuration file not found.\n"); } if (config_label) fprintf(stderr, " Using configuration label '%s'.\n", config_label); if (file_list) fprintf(stderr, " Using '%s' as a file list.\n", file_list); } /* * initialize parser. */ if (vflag && gtags_parser) fprintf(stderr, " Using plug-in parser.\n"); parser_init(langmap, gtags_parser); /* * Start statistics. */ init_statistics(); /* * incremental update. */ if (iflag) { /* * Version check. If existing tag files are old enough * gtagsopen() abort with error message. */ GTOP *gtop = gtags_open(dbpath, cwd, GTAGS, GTAGS_MODIFY, 0); gtags_close(gtop); /* * GPATH is needed for incremental updating. * Gtags check whether or not GPATH exist, since it may be * removed by mistake. */ if (!test("f", makepath(dbpath, dbname(GPATH), NULL))) die("Old version tag file found. Please remake it."); (void)incremental(dbpath, cwd); print_statistics(statistics); exit(0); } /* * create GTAGS and GRTAGS */ createtags(dbpath, cwd); /* * create idutils index. */ if (Iflag) { FILE *op; GFIND *gp; const char *path; tim = statistics_time_start("Time of creating ID"); if (vflag) fprintf(stderr, "[%s] Creating indexes for idutils.\n", now()); strbuf_reset(sb); /* * Since idutils stores the value of PWD in ID file, we need to * force idutils to follow our style. */ #if _WIN32 || __DJGPP__ strbuf_puts(sb, "mkid --files0-from=-"); #else strbuf_sprintf(sb, "PWD=%s mkid --files0-from=-", quote_shell(cwd)); #endif if (vflag) strbuf_puts(sb, " -v"); strbuf_sprintf(sb, " --file=%s/ID", quote_shell(dbpath)); if (vflag) { #ifdef __DJGPP__ if (is_unixy()) /* test for 4DOS as well? */ #endif strbuf_puts(sb, " 1>&2"); } else { strbuf_puts(sb, " >" NULL_DEVICE); #ifdef __DJGPP__ if (is_unixy()) /* test for 4DOS as well? */ #endif strbuf_puts(sb, " 2>&1"); } if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "executing mkid like: %s\n", strbuf_value(sb)); op = popen(strbuf_value(sb), "w"); if (op == NULL) die("cannot execute '%s'.", strbuf_value(sb)); gp = gfind_open(dbpath, NULL, GPATH_BOTH, 0); while ((path = gfind_read(gp)) != NULL) { fputs(path, op); fputc('\0', op); } gfind_close(gp); if (pclose(op) != 0) die("terminated abnormally '%s' (errno = %d).", strbuf_value(sb), errno); if (test("f", makepath(dbpath, "ID", NULL))) if (chmod(makepath(dbpath, "ID", NULL), 0644) < 0) die("cannot chmod ID file."); statistics_time_end(tim); } if (vflag) fprintf(stderr, "[%s] Done.\n", now()); closeconf(); strbuf_close(sb); print_statistics(statistics); return 0; }
static inline int install_filter(char * intf, char * filter_text) { FILE *fp; int status; char fil[40]; char cmd[1035]; struct sock_filter * FILTER; int filter_len; //sprintf(cmd, "tcpdump -dd -i %s %s", intf, filter_text); sprintf(cmd, "tcpdump -ddd -i %s %s", intf, filter_text); printf("cmd: %s\n", cmd); /* Open the command for reading. */ fp = popen(cmd, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("Failed to run command\n" ); exit; } /* Read the output a line at a time - output it. */ fgets(fil, sizeof(fil)-1, fp); filter_len = atoi(fil); //printf("len: %d\n", filter_len); FILTER = (struct sock_filter *)(malloc(sizeof(struct sock_filter) * filter_len)); //while (fgets(fil, sizeof(fil)-1, fp) != NULL) { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < filter_len; i++) { struct sock_filter * filter_line = &FILTER[i]; int n; char del = ' '; if (fgets(fil, sizeof(fil)-1, fp) == NULL) { printf("Error creating filter\n"); exit(0); } //printf("%s", fil); n = atoi(strtok(fil, &del)); //printf("val=%d ", n); filter_line->code = (unsigned short)n; n = atoi(strtok(NULL, &del)); //printf("val=%d ", n); filter_line->jt = (unsigned char)n; n = atoi(strtok(NULL, &del)); //printf("val=%d ", n); filter_line->jf = (unsigned char)n; n = atoi(strtok(NULL, &del)); //printf("val=%d ", n); filter_line->k = (unsigned int)n; //printf("\n"); } printf("created filter structure\n"); /* close */ pclose(fp); return 0; }
//turns off the screen saver if there is one, enabling resumes normal operation //(could sill have no screen saver) bool CROSS_OS_DisableSleeps(bool disable) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN if(disable) SetThreadExecutionState(ES_CONTINUOUS | ES_DISPLAY_REQUIRED); else SetThreadExecutionState(ES_CONTINUOUS); //power options do nothing in windows 7/8 but should still help in 2000/xp static unsigned int timeoutLowPower; static unsigned int timeoutPowerOff; static unsigned int timeoutScreenSave; static bool was_disabled = false; if (disable)///disable { was_disabled = true; //save old values SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETLOWPOWERTIMEOUT, 0, &(timeoutLowPower), 0); SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETPOWEROFFTIMEOUT, 0, &(timeoutPowerOff), 0); SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETSCREENSAVETIMEOUT, 0, &(timeoutScreenSave), 0); SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETLOWPOWERTIMEOUT, 0, NULL, 0); SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETPOWEROFFTIMEOUT, 0, NULL, 0); SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETSCREENSAVETIMEOUT, 0, NULL, 0); } else { if(was_disabled)//only go back to original settings if { SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETLOWPOWERTIMEOUT, timeoutLowPower, NULL, 0); SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETPOWEROFFTIMEOUT, timeoutPowerOff, NULL, 0); SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETSCREENSAVETIMEOUT, timeoutScreenSave, NULL, 0); } } #endif #ifdef Q_OS_MAC static ScreenSaverWaker GlobalWaker(NULL); if(disable) GlobalWaker.StartWaking();//will start waking the application and not let screensaver //turn on else GlobalWaker.StopWaking(); #endif #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX static bool originalON; static bool found_orig = false; if(!found_orig)//if we dont know what the original is - find it. { FILE* f = popen("xset q", "r"); if(f) { const int BUFFERSIZE = 1000; char Buff[BUFFERSIZE]; QString Buffs; while( fgets(Buff,BUFFERSIZE,f))//while there is a string to read { Buffs = QString(Buff); Buffs = Buffs.trimmed(); //qDebug() << Buffs; if(Buffs == "DPMS is Enabled") { qDebug() << "DPMS is Enabled"; originalON = true; found_orig = true; break; } if(Buffs == "DPMS is Disabled") { qDebug() << "DPMS is Disabled"; originalON = false; found_orig = true; break; } } } } //should be second time we call. //if we know the original settings, act accourdingly if(found_orig) { if(disable) { system("xset -dpms"); } else//revert { qDebug() << "Reverting DPMS Settings"; if(originalON) { qDebug() << "Setting DPMS Back To On"; system("xset +dpms"); } else { qDebug() << "Setting DPMS Back To Off"; system("xset -dpms"); } } } else { qDebug() << "Unable to find dpms flag for power options!"; } #endif return true; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char c = 0; tomoyo_test_init(); /* Test mount(). */ { set_profile(3, "file::mount"); show_prompt("mount('dev\\011name', '/', 'fs\\011name') ", 1); if (mount("dev\tname", "/", "fs\tname", 0, NULL) == EOF && errno == EPERM) printf("OK: Permission denied.\n"); else if (errno == ENODEV) printf("OK: No such device.\n"); else printf("BUG: %s\n", strerror(errno)); set_profile(1, "file::mount"); show_prompt("mount('dev\\011name', '/', 'fs\\011name') ", 0); if (mount("dev\tname", "/", "fs\tname", 0, NULL) == EOF && errno == ENOMEM) printf("OK: Out of memory.\n"); else if (errno == ENODEV) printf("OK: No such device.\n"); else printf("BUG: %s\n", strerror(errno)); set_profile(3, "file::mount"); show_prompt("mount('dev\\011name', '/', 'fs\\011name') ", 0); if (mount("dev\tname", "/", "fs\tname", 0, NULL) == EOF && errno == ENOMEM) printf("OK: Out of memory.\n"); else if (errno == ENODEV) printf("OK: No such device.\n"); else printf("BUG: %s\n", strerror(errno)); fprintf(domain_fp, "delete allow_mount dev\\011name / " "fs\\011name 0\n"); show_prompt("mount('dev\\011name', '/', 'fs\\011name') ", 1); if (mount("dev\tname", "/", "fs\tname", 0, NULL) == EOF && errno == EPERM) printf("OK: Permission denied.\n"); else if (errno == ENODEV) printf("OK: No such device.\n"); else printf("BUG: %s\n", strerror(errno)); set_profile(1, "file::mount"); show_prompt("mount(NULL, '/', 'tmpfs') ", 0); if (mount(NULL, "/", "tmpfs", 0, NULL)) printf("BUG: %s\n", strerror(errno)); else printf("OK: Success\n"); set_profile(3, "file::mount"); show_prompt("mount(NULL, '/', 'tmpfs') ", 0); if (mount(NULL, "/", "tmpfs", 0, NULL)) printf("BUG: %s\n", strerror(errno)); else printf("OK: Success\n"); show_prompt("mount('anydev', '/', 'tmpfs') ", 0); if (mount("anydev", "/", "tmpfs", 0, NULL)) printf("BUG: %s\n", strerror(errno)); else printf("OK: Success\n"); fprintf(domain_fp, "delete allow_mount <NULL> / tmpfs 0\n"); fprintf(domain_fp, "allow_mount anydev / tmpfs 0\n"); show_prompt("mount(NULL, '/', 'tmpfs') ", 0); if (mount(NULL, "/", "tmpfs", 0, NULL)) printf("BUG: %s\n", strerror(errno)); else printf("OK: Success\n"); fprintf(domain_fp, "delete allow_mount anydev / tmpfs 0\n"); set_profile(2, "file::mount"); show_prompt("mount(NULL, NULL, 'tmpfs') ", 1); if (mount(NULL, NULL, "tmpfs", 0, NULL)) printf("OK: %s\n", strerror(errno)); else printf("BUG: Did not fail.\n"); show_prompt("mount(NULL, NULL, NULL) ", 1); if (mount(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL)) printf("OK: %s\n", strerror(errno)); else printf("BUG: Did not fail.\n"); show_prompt("mount('/', NULL, NULL) ", 1); if (mount("/", NULL, NULL, 0, NULL)) printf("OK: %s\n", strerror(errno)); else printf("BUG: Did not fail.\n"); show_prompt("mount('/', NULL, 'tmpfs') ", 1); if (mount("/", NULL, "tmpfs", 0, NULL)) printf("OK: %s\n", strerror(errno)); else printf("BUG: Did not fail.\n"); show_prompt("mount('/', '/', 'nonexistentfs') ", 1); if (mount("/", "/", "nonexistentfs", 0, NULL)) printf("OK: %s\n", strerror(errno)); else printf("BUG: Did not fail.\n"); set_profile(0, "file::mount"); } mkdir("/tmp/mount/", 0755); mkdir("/tmp/mount_bind/", 0755); mkdir("/tmp/mount_move/", 0755); /* Test mount(). */ { static char buf[4096]; char *dev_ram_path = canonicalize_file_name("/dev/ram0"); if (!dev_ram_path) dev_ram_path = canonicalize_file_name("/dev/ram"); if (!dev_ram_path) { dev_ram_path = "/dev/ram0"; mknod(dev_ram_path, S_IFBLK, MKDEV(1, 0)); } memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); { struct stat sbuf; FILE *fp = NULL; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "zcat - > %s", dev_ram_path); if (lstat(dev_ram_path, &sbuf) == 0 && S_ISBLK(sbuf.st_mode) && MAJOR(sbuf.st_rdev) == 1) fp = popen(buf, "w"); if (fp) { if (fwrite(compressed_ext2_image_sample, 1, sizeof(compressed_ext2_image_sample), fp) != sizeof(compressed_ext2_image_sample)) err(1, "fwrite"); pclose(fp); } else fprintf(stderr, "Can't write to %s .\n", dev_ram_path); } set_profile(3, "file::mount"); /* Test standard case */ show_prompt("mount('none', '/tmp/mount/', 'tmpfs') for " "'/tmp/mount/'", 1); if (mount("none", "/tmp/mount/", "tmpfs", 0, NULL) == EOF && errno == EPERM) printf("OK: Permission denied.\n"); else printf("BUG: %s\n", strerror(errno)); /* Test device_name with pattern */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "mount('%s', '/tmp/mount/', " "'ext2') for '%s\\*'", dev_ram_path, dev_ram_path); show_prompt(buf, 1); if (mount(dev_ram_path, "/tmp/mount/", "ext2", MS_RDONLY, NULL) == EOF && errno == EPERM) printf("OK: Permission denied.\n"); else printf("BUG: %s\n", strerror(errno)); /* Test dir_name with pattern */ show_prompt("mount('none', '/tmp/mount/', 'tmpfs') for " "'/tmp/\\?\\?\\?\\?\\?/'", 1); if (mount("none", "/tmp/mount/", "tmpfs", 0, NULL) == EOF && errno == EPERM) printf("OK: Permission denied.\n"); else printf("BUG: %s\n", strerror(errno)); /* Test standard case */ fprintf(domain_fp, "allow_mount none /tmp/mount/ tmpfs 0\n"); show_prompt("mount('none', '/tmp/mount/', 'tmpfs') for " "'/tmp/mount/'", 0); if (mount("none", "/tmp/mount/", "tmpfs", 0, NULL) == 0) printf("OK\n"); else printf("FAILED: %s\n", strerror(errno)); fprintf(domain_fp, "delete allow_mount none /tmp/mount/ tmpfs 0\n"); /* Test device_name with pattern */ fprintf(domain_fp, "allow_mount %s\\* /tmp/mount/ ext2 1\n", dev_ram_path); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "mount('%s', '/tmp/mount/', " "'ext2') for '%s\\*'", dev_ram_path, dev_ram_path); show_prompt(buf, 0); if (mount(dev_ram_path, "/tmp/mount/", "ext2", MS_RDONLY, NULL) == 0) printf("OK\n"); else printf("FAILED: %s\n", strerror(errno)); fprintf(domain_fp, "delete allow_mount %s\\* " "/tmp/mount/ ext2 1\n", dev_ram_path); /* Test dir_name with pattern */ fprintf(domain_fp, "allow_mount none /tmp/\\?\\?\\?\\?\\?/ tmpfs 0\n"); show_prompt("mount('none', '/tmp/mount/', 'tmpfs') for " "'/tmp/\\?\\?\\?\\?\\?/'", 0); if (mount("none", "/tmp/mount/", "tmpfs", 0, NULL) == 0) printf("OK\n"); else printf("FAILED: %s\n", strerror(errno)); fprintf(domain_fp, "delete allow_mount none " "/tmp/\\?\\?\\?\\?\\?/ tmpfs 0\n"); set_profile(0, "file::mount"); while (umount("/tmp/mount/") == 0) c++; /* Dummy. */ } /* Test mount(). */ { mount2("none", "/tmp/mount/", "tmpfs"); set_profile(3, "file::mount"); /* Test remount case */ show_prompt("mount('/tmp/mount/', MS_REMOUNT)", 1); if (mount("none", "/tmp/mount/", "tmpfs", MS_REMOUNT, NULL) == EOF && errno == EPERM) printf("OK: Permission denied.\n"); else printf("BUG: %s\n", strerror(errno)); show_prompt("mount('/tmp/mount/', MS_REMOUNT)", 1); if (mount(NULL, "/tmp/mount/", NULL, MS_REMOUNT, NULL) == EOF && errno == EPERM) printf("OK: Permission denied.\n"); else printf("BUG: %s\n", strerror(errno)); fprintf(domain_fp, "allow_mount something /tmp/mount/ " "--remount 0\n"); show_prompt("mount('/tmp/mount/', MS_REMOUNT)", 0); if (mount(NULL, "/tmp/mount/", NULL, MS_REMOUNT, NULL)) printf("BUG: %s\n", strerror(errno)); else printf("OK: Success.\n"); fprintf(domain_fp, "delete allow_mount something /tmp/mount/ " "--remount 0\n"); /* Test bind case */ show_prompt("mount('/tmp/mount/', '/tmp/mount_bind/', " "MS_BIND)", 1); if (mount("/tmp/mount/", "/tmp/mount_bind/", NULL, MS_BIND, NULL) == EOF && errno == EPERM) printf("OK: Permission denied.\n"); else printf("BUG: %s\n", strerror(errno)); /* Test move case */ show_prompt("mount('/tmp/mount/', '/tmp/mount_move/', " "MS_MOVE)", 1); if (mount("/tmp/mount/", "/tmp/mount_move/", NULL, MS_MOVE, NULL) == EOF && errno == EPERM) printf("OK: Permission denied.\n"); else printf("BUG: %s\n", strerror(errno)); /* Test remount case */ fprintf(domain_fp, "allow_mount any /tmp/mount/ --remount 0\n"); show_prompt("mount('/tmp/mount/', MS_REMOUNT)", 0); if (mount("none", "/tmp/mount/", "tmpfs", MS_REMOUNT, NULL) == 0) printf("OK\n"); else printf("FAILED: %s\n", strerror(errno)); fprintf(domain_fp, "delete allow_mount any /tmp/mount/ " "--remount 0\n"); /* Test bind case */ fprintf(domain_fp, "allow_mount /tmp/mount/ /tmp/mount_bind/ --bind 0\n"); show_prompt("mount('/tmp/mount/', '/tmp/mount_bind', MS_BIND)", 0); if (mount("/tmp/mount/", "/tmp/mount_bind/", NULL, MS_BIND, NULL) == 0) printf("OK\n"); else printf("FAILED: %s\n", strerror(errno)); set_profile(0, "file::mount"); umount("/tmp/mount_bind/"); fprintf(domain_fp, "delete allow_mount /tmp/mount/ " "/tmp/mount_bind/ --bind 0\n"); /* Test move case */ set_profile(3, "file::mount"); fprintf(domain_fp, "allow_unmount /tmp/mount/\n"); fprintf(domain_fp, "allow_mount /tmp/mount/ /tmp/mount_move/ " "--move 0\n"); show_prompt("mount('/tmp/mount/', '/tmp/mount_move/', " "MS_MOVE)", 0); if (mount("/tmp/mount/", "/tmp/mount_move/", NULL, MS_MOVE, NULL) == 0) printf("OK\n"); else printf("FAILED: %s\n", strerror(errno)); set_profile(0, "file::mount"); umount("/tmp/mount_move/"); fprintf(domain_fp, "delete allow_unmount /tmp/mount/\n"); fprintf(domain_fp, "delete allow_mount /tmp/mount/ " "/tmp/mount_move/ --move 0\n"); while (umount("/tmp/mount/") == 0) c++; /* Dummy. */ } /* Test umount(). */ { /* Test standard case */ fprintf(domain_fp, "allow_unmount /tmp/mount/\n"); set_profile(0, "file::umount"); mount2("none", "/tmp/mount/", "tmpfs"); set_profile(3, "file::umount"); show_prompt("umount('/tmp/mount/') for '/tmp/mount/'", 0); if (umount("/tmp/mount/") == 0) printf("OK\n"); else printf("BUG: %s\n", strerror(errno)); fprintf(domain_fp, "delete allow_unmount /tmp/mount/\n"); set_profile(0, "file::umount"); mount2("none", "/tmp/mount/", "tmpfs"); set_profile(3, "file::umount"); show_prompt("umount('/tmp/mount/') for '/tmp/mount/'", 1); if (umount("/tmp/mount/") == EOF && errno == EPERM) printf("OK: Permission denied.\n"); else printf("FAILED: %s\n", strerror(errno)); /* Test pattern */ fprintf(domain_fp, "allow_unmount /tmp/\\?\\?\\?\\?\\?/\n"); set_profile(0, "file::umount"); mount2("none", "/tmp/mount/", "tmpfs"); set_profile(3, "file::umount"); show_prompt("umount('/tmp/mount/') for " "'/tmp/\\?\\?\\?\\?\\?/'", 1); if (umount("/tmp/mount/") == 0) printf("OK\n"); else printf("BUG: %s\n", strerror(errno)); fprintf(domain_fp, "delete allow_unmount /tmp/\\?\\?\\?\\?\\?/\n"); set_profile(0, "file::umount"); while (umount("/tmp/mount/") == 0) c++; /* Dummy. */ } /* Test chroot(). */ { set_profile(3, "file::chroot"); /* Test standard case */ fprintf(domain_fp, "allow_chroot /tmp/mount/\n"); show_prompt("chroot('/tmp/mount/') for '/tmp/mount/'", 0); fflush(stdout); if (fork() == 0) { if (chroot("/tmp/mount/") == 0) printf("OK\n"); else printf("FAILED: %s\n", strerror(errno)); fflush(stdout); _exit(0); } wait(NULL); fprintf(domain_fp, "delete allow_chroot /tmp/mount/\n"); show_prompt("chroot('/tmp/mount/') for '/tmp/mount/'", 1); fflush(stdout); if (fork() == 0) { if (chroot("/tmp/mount/") == EOF && errno == EPERM) printf("OK: Permission denied.\n"); else printf("BUG: %s\n", strerror(errno)); fflush(stdout); _exit(0); } wait(NULL); /* Test pattern */ fprintf(domain_fp, "allow_chroot /tmp/\\?\\?\\?\\?\\?/\n"); show_prompt("chroot('/tmp/mount/') for " "'/tmp/\\?\\?\\?\\?\\?/'", 0); fflush(stdout); if (fork() == 0) { if (chroot("/tmp/mount/") == 0) printf("OK\n"); else printf("FAILED: %s\n", strerror(errno)); fflush(stdout); _exit(0); } wait(NULL); fprintf(domain_fp, "delete allow_chroot /tmp/\\?\\?\\?\\?\\?/\n"); set_profile(0, "file::chroot"); } /* Test pivot_root(). */ { int error; static char stack[8192]; set_profile(3, "file::pivot_root"); fprintf(domain_fp, "allow_pivot_root %s %s\n", pivot_root_dir, proc_policy_dir); snprintf(stack, 8191, "pivot_root('%s', '%s')", pivot_root_dir, proc_policy_dir); show_prompt(stack, 0); { const pid_t pid = ltp_clone_quick(CLONE_NEWNS, child, NULL); while (waitpid(pid, &error, __WALL) == EOF && errno == EINTR) c++; /* Dummy. */ } errno = WIFEXITED(error) ? WEXITSTATUS(error) : -1; if (errno == 0) printf("OK\n"); else printf("FAILED: %s\n", strerror(errno)); fprintf(domain_fp, "delete allow_pivot_root %s %s\n", pivot_root_dir, proc_policy_dir); snprintf(stack, 8191, "pivot_root('%s', '%s')", pivot_root_dir, proc_policy_dir); show_prompt(stack, 1); { const pid_t pid = ltp_clone_quick(CLONE_NEWNS, child, NULL); while (waitpid(pid, &error, __WALL) == EOF && errno == EINTR) c++; /* Dummy. */ } errno = WIFEXITED(error) ? WEXITSTATUS(error) : -1; if (errno == EPERM) printf("OK: Permission denied.\n"); else printf("BUG: %s\n", strerror(errno)); set_profile(2, "file::pivot_root"); snprintf(stack, 8191, "pivot_root('%s', '%s')", pivot_root_dir, proc_policy_dir); show_prompt(stack, 0); { const pid_t pid = ltp_clone_quick(CLONE_NEWNS, child, NULL); while (waitpid(pid, &error, __WALL) == EOF && errno == EINTR) c++; /* Dummy. */ } errno = WIFEXITED(error) ? WEXITSTATUS(error) : -1; if (errno == 0) printf("OK\n"); else printf("FAILED: %s\n", strerror(errno)); set_profile(0, "file::pivot_root"); } rmdir("/tmp/mount_move/"); rmdir("/tmp/mount_bind/"); rmdir("/tmp/mount/"); clear_status(); return 0; }