Ejemplo n.º 1
  void Model::commit()
    useEmbreeDynamicSceneFlag = getParam<int>("dynamicScene", 0);
    useEmbreeCompactSceneFlag = getParam<int>("compactMode", 0);
    useEmbreeRobustSceneFlag = getParam<int>("robustMode", 0);

        << "=======================================================\n"
        << "Finalizing model, has " << geometry.size()
        << " geometries and " << volume.size() << " volumes";

    RTCDevice embreeDevice = (RTCDevice)ospray_getEmbreeDevice();

    int sceneFlags = 0;
    sceneFlags =
        sceneFlags | (useEmbreeDynamicSceneFlag ? RTC_SCENE_FLAG_DYNAMIC : 0);
    sceneFlags =
        sceneFlags | (useEmbreeCompactSceneFlag ? RTC_SCENE_FLAG_COMPACT : 0);
    sceneFlags =
        sceneFlags | (useEmbreeRobustSceneFlag ? RTC_SCENE_FLAG_ROBUST : 0);


    embreeSceneHandle = (RTCScene)ispc::Model_getEmbreeSceneHandle(getIE());

    bounds = empty;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < geometry.size(); i++) {
           << "=======================================================\n"
           << "Finalizing geometry " << i;


      ispc::Model_setGeometry(getIE(), i, geometry[i]->getIE());

    for (size_t i=0; i<volume.size(); i++)
      ispc::Model_setVolume(getIE(), i, volume[i]->getIE());

Ejemplo n.º 2
      //! \brief commit the material's parameters
      virtual void commit()  override
        if (getIE() == nullptr)
          ispcEquivalent = ispc::PathTracer_OBJ_create();

        Texture2D *map_d  = (Texture2D*)getParamObject("map_d");
        affine2f xform_d  = getTextureTransform("map_d");
        Texture2D *map_Kd = (Texture2D*)getParamObject("map_Kd", getParamObject("map_kd",  getParamObject("colorMap")));
        affine2f xform_Kd = getTextureTransform("map_Kd") * getTextureTransform("map_kd") * getTextureTransform("colorMap"); 
        Texture2D *map_Ks = (Texture2D*)getParamObject("map_Ks", getParamObject("map_ks"));
        affine2f xform_Ks = getTextureTransform("map_Ks") * getTextureTransform("map_ks"); 
        Texture2D *map_Ns = (Texture2D*)getParamObject("map_Ns", getParamObject("map_ns"));
        affine2f xform_Ns = getTextureTransform("map_Ns") * getTextureTransform("map_ns"); 
        Texture2D *map_Bump = (Texture2D*)getParamObject("map_Bump", getParamObject("map_bump", getParamObject("normalMap", getParamObject("bumpMap"))));
        affine2f xform_Bump = getTextureTransform("map_Bump") * getTextureTransform("map_bump") * getTextureTransform("normalMap") * getTextureTransform("BumpMap"); 
        linear2f rot_Bump   = xform_Bump.l.orthogonal().transposed();

        const float d = getParam1f("d", getParam1f("alpha", 1.f));
        vec3f Kd = getParam3f("Kd", getParam3f("kd", getParam3f("color", vec3f(0.8f))));
        vec3f Ks = getParam3f("Ks", getParam3f("ks", vec3f(0.f)));
        const float Ns = getParam1f("Ns", getParam1f("ns", 10.f));
        vec3f Tf = getParam3f("Tf", getParam3f("tf", vec3f(0.0f)));

        const float color_total = reduce_max(Kd + Ks + Tf);
        if (color_total > 1.0) {
          postStatusMsg() << "#osp:PT: warning: OBJ material produces energy "
                          << "(Kd + Ks + Tf = " << color_total
                          << ", should be <= 1). Scaling down to 1.";
          Kd /= color_total;
          Ks /= color_total;
          Tf /= color_total;

           map_d ? map_d->getIE() : nullptr, (const ispc::AffineSpace2f&)xform_d,
           map_Kd ? map_Kd->getIE() : nullptr, (const ispc::AffineSpace2f&)xform_Kd,
           (const ispc::vec3f&)Kd,
           map_Ks ? map_Ks->getIE() : nullptr, (const ispc::AffineSpace2f&)xform_Ks,
           (const ispc::vec3f&)Ks,
           map_Ns ? map_Ns->getIE() : nullptr, (const ispc::AffineSpace2f&)xform_Ns,
           (const ispc::vec3f&)Tf,
           map_Bump ? map_Bump->getIE() : nullptr, (const ispc::AffineSpace2f&)xform_Bump,
           (const ispc::LinearSpace2f&)rot_Bump);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  void PathTracer::generateGeometryLights(const Model *const model
      , const affine3f& xfm
      , float *const _areaPDF
    for(size_t i = 0; i < model->geometry.size(); i++) {
      auto &geo = model->geometry[i];
      // recurse instances
      Ref<Instance> inst = geo.dynamicCast<Instance>();
      if (inst) {
        const affine3f instXfm = xfm * inst->xfm;
        generateGeometryLights(inst->instancedScene.ptr, instXfm,
      } else
        if (geo->materialList) {
          // check whether the geometry has any emissive materials
          bool hasEmissive = false;
          for (auto mat : geo->ispcMaterialPtrs) {
            if (mat && ispc::PathTraceMaterial_isEmissive(mat)) {
              hasEmissive = true;

          if (hasEmissive) {
            if (ispc::GeometryLight_isSupported(geo->getIE())) {
              const affine3f rcpXfm = rcp(xfm);
              void* light = ispc::GeometryLight_create(geo->getIE()
                  , (const ispc::AffineSpace3f&)xfm
                  , (const ispc::AffineSpace3f&)rcpXfm
                  , _areaPDF+i);

              // check whether the geometry has any emissive primitives
              if (light)
            } else {
              postStatusMsg(1) << "#osp:pt Geometry " << geo->toString()
                               << " does not implement area sampling! "
                               << "Cannot use importance sampling for that "
                               << "geometry with emissive material!";
Ejemplo n.º 4
    void MPIDistributedDevice::commit()
      if (!initialized) {
        int _ac = 1;
        const char *_av[] = {"ospray_mpi_distributed_device"};

        auto *setComm =
          static_cast<MPI_Comm*>(getParam<void*>("worldCommunicator", nullptr));
        shouldFinalizeMPI = mpicommon::init(&_ac, _av, setComm == nullptr);

        if (setComm) {
          MPI_CALL(Comm_dup(*setComm, &mpicommon::world.comm));
          MPI_CALL(Comm_rank(mpicommon::world.comm, &mpicommon::world.rank));
          MPI_CALL(Comm_size(mpicommon::world.comm, &mpicommon::world.size));

        auto &embreeDevice = api::ISPCDevice::embreeDevice;

        embreeDevice = rtcNewDevice(generateEmbreeDeviceCfg(*this).c_str());
        rtcSetDeviceErrorFunction(embreeDevice, embreeErrorFunc, nullptr);
        RTCError erc = rtcGetDeviceError(embreeDevice);
        if (erc != RTC_ERROR_NONE) {
          // why did the error function not get called !?
          postStatusMsg() << "#osp:init: embree internal error number " << erc;
          assert(erc == RTC_ERROR_NONE);
        initialized = true;


      masterRank = getParam<int>("masterRank", 0);

      TiledLoadBalancer::instance =
Ejemplo n.º 5
    void DistributedModel::commit()

      // TODO: We may need to override the ISPC calls made
      // to the Model or customize the model struct on the ISPC
      // side. In which case we need some ISPC side inheritence
      // for the model type. Currently the code is actually identical.
      // Send my bounding boxes to other nodes, recieve theirs for a
      // "full picture" of what geometries live on what nodes
      Data *regionData = getParamData("regions");
      Data *ghostRegionData = getParamData("ghostRegions");

      // The box3f data is sent as data of FLOAT3 items
      // TODO: It's a little awkward to copy the boxes again like this, maybe
      // can re-thinkg the send side of the bcast call? One that takes
      // a ptr and a size since we know we won't be writing out to it?
      // TODO: For now it doesn't matter that we don't know who owns the
      // other boxes, just that we know they exist and their bounds, and that
      // they aren't ours.
      if (regionData) {
        box3f *boxes = reinterpret_cast<box3f*>(regionData->data);
        myRegions = std::vector<box3f>(boxes, boxes + regionData->numItems / 2);

      // If the user hasn't set any regions, there's an implicit infinitely
      // large region box we can place around the entire world.
      if (myRegions.empty()) {
        postStatusMsg("No regions found, making implicit "
                      "infinitely large region", 1);
        myRegions.push_back(box3f(vec3f(neg_inf), vec3f(pos_inf)));

      // Check if we've got ghost regions set, otherwise just use the regions
      if (ghostRegionData) {
        box3f *boxes = reinterpret_cast<box3f*>(ghostRegionData->data);
        ghostRegions = std::vector<box3f>(boxes, boxes + ghostRegionData->numItems / 2);
      } else {
        ghostRegions = myRegions;

      for (int i = 0; i < mpicommon::numGlobalRanks(); ++i) {
        if (i == mpicommon::globalRank()) {
          messaging::bcast(i, myRegions);
        } else {
          std::vector<box3f> recv;
          messaging::bcast(i, recv);
          std::copy(recv.begin(), recv.end(),

      if (logLevel() >= 1) {
        for (int i = 0; i < mpicommon::numGlobalRanks(); ++i) {
          if (i == mpicommon::globalRank()) {
            postStatusMsg(1) << "Rank " << mpicommon::globalRank()
              << ": Got regions from others {";
            for (const auto &b : othersRegions) {
              postStatusMsg(1) << "\t" << b << ",";
            postStatusMsg(1) << "}";
Ejemplo n.º 6
 static void embreeErrorFunc(void *, const RTCError code, const char* str)
   postStatusMsg() << "#osp: embree internal error " << code << " : " << str;
   throw std::runtime_error("embree internal error '" +std::string(str)+"'");