Ejemplo n.º 1

// Compute a degree-p polynomial poly(x) s.t. for any t<e and integr z of the
// form z = z0 + p^t*z1 (with 0<=z0<p), we have poly(z) = z0 (mod p^{t+1}).
// We get poly(x) by interpolating a degree-(p-1) polynomial poly'(x)
// s.t. poly'(z0)=z0 - z0^p (mod p^e) for all 0<=z0<p, and then setting
// poly(x) = x^p + poly'(x).
static void buildDigitPolynomial(ZZX& result, long p, long e)
  if (p<2 || e<=1) return; // nothing to do
  long p2e = power_long(p,e); // the integer p^e

  // Compute x - x^p (mod p^e), for x=0,1,...,p-1
  vec_long x(INIT_SIZE, p);
  vec_long y(INIT_SIZE, p);
  long bottom = -(p/2);
  for (long j=0; j<p; j++) {
    long z = bottom+j;
    x[j] = z;
    y[j] = z-PowerMod((z < 0 ? z + p2e : z), p, p2e);  // x - x^p (mod p^e)

    while (y[j] > p2e/2)         y[j] -= p2e;
    while (y[j] < -(p2e/2))      y[j] += p2e;
  interpolateMod(result, x, y, p, e);
  assert(deg(result)<p); // interpolating p points, should get deg<=p-1
  SetCoeff(result, p);   // return result = x^p + poly'(x)
  //  cerr << "# digitExt mod "<<p<<"^"<<e<<"="<<result<<endl;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void PAlgebraLift(const ZZX& phimx, const vec_zz_pX& lfactors, vec_zz_pX& factors, vec_zz_pX& crtc, long r)
  long p = zz_p::modulus(); 
  long nSlots = lfactors.length();

  vec_ZZX vzz;             // need to go via ZZX

  // lift the factors of Phi_m(X) from mod-2 to mod-2^r
  if (lfactors.length() > 1)
    MultiLift(vzz, lfactors, phimx, r); // defined in NTL::ZZXFactoring
  else {
    vzz[0] = phimx;

  // Compute the zz_pContext object for mod p^r arithmetic
  zz_p::init(power_long(p, r));

  zz_pX phimxmod = to_zz_pX(phimx);
  for (long i=0; i<nSlots; i++)             // Convert from ZZX to zz_pX
    conv(factors[i], vzz[i]);

  // Finally compute the CRT coefficients for the factors
  for (long i=0; i<nSlots; i++) {
    zz_pX& fct = factors[i];
    zz_pX te = phimxmod / fct; // \prod_{j\ne i} Fj
    te %= fct;                // \prod_{j\ne i} Fj mod Fi
    InvModpr(crtc[i], te, fct, p, r);// \prod_{j\ne i} Fj^{-1} mod Fi

Ejemplo n.º 3
// Prime-power factorization
void pp_factorize(vector<long>& factors, long N)
  Vec< Pair<long, long> > pf;
  factorize(pf,N); // prime factors, N = \prod_i pf[i].first^{pf[i].second}
  for (long i=0; i<pf.length(); i++)
    factors[i] = power_long(pf[i].a, pf[i].b); // p_i^e_i
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* Compute Phi(N) */
long phi_N(long N)
  long phiN=1,p,e;
  PrimeSeq s;
  while (N!=1)
    { p=s.next();
      while ((N%p)==0) { N=N/p; e++; }
      if (e!=0)
        { phiN=phiN*(p-1)*power_long(p,e-1); }
  return phiN;
Ejemplo n.º 5
// Interpolate the integer polynomial such that poly(x[i] mod p)=y[i] (mod p^e)
// It is assumed that the points x[i] are all distinct modulo p
void interpolateMod(ZZX& poly, const vec_long& x, const vec_long& y,
		    long p, long e)
  poly = ZZX::zero();       // initialize to zero
  long p2e = power_long(p,e); // p^e

  vec_long ytmp(INIT_SIZE, y.length()); // A temporary writable copy
  for (long j=0; j<y.length(); j++) {
    ytmp[j] = y[j] % p2e;
    if (ytmp[j] < 0) ytmp[j] += p2e;

  zz_pBak bak; bak.save();    // Set the current modulus to p

  vec_zz_p xmod(INIT_SIZE, x.length()); // convert to zz_p
  for (long j=0; j<x.length(); j++) xmod[j] = to_zz_p(x[j] % p);

  vec_zz_p ymod(INIT_SIZE, y.length()); // scratch space
  recursiveInterpolateMod(poly, x, ytmp, xmod, ymod, p, p2e);
Ejemplo n.º 6
// prime power solver
// zz_p::modulus() is assumed to be p^r, for p prime, r >= 1
// A is an n x n matrix, b is a length n (row) vector,
// and a solution for the matrix-vector equation x A = b is found.
// If A is not inverible mod p, then error is raised.
void ppsolve(vec_zz_pE& x, const mat_zz_pE& A, const vec_zz_pE& b,
             long p, long r) 

   if (r == 1) {
      zz_pE det;
      solve(det, x, A, b);
      if (det == 0) Error("ppsolve: matrix not invertible");

   long n = A.NumRows();
   if (n != A.NumCols()) 
      Error("ppsolve: matrix not square");
   if (n == 0)
      Error("ppsolve: matrix of dimension 0");

   zz_pContext pr_context;

   zz_pEContext prE_context;

   zz_pX G = zz_pE::modulus();

   ZZX GG = to_ZZX(G);

   vector< vector<ZZX> > AA;
   convert(AA, A);

   vector<ZZX> bb;
   convert(bb, b);

   zz_pContext p_context(p);

   zz_pX G1 = to_zz_pX(GG);
   zz_pEContext pE_context(G1);

   // we are now working mod p...

   // invert A mod p

   mat_zz_pE A1;
   convert(A1, AA);

   mat_zz_pE I1;
   zz_pE det;

   inv(det, I1, A1);
   if (det == 0) {
      Error("ppsolve: matrix not invertible");

   vec_zz_pE b1;
   convert(b1, bb);

   vec_zz_pE y1;
   y1 = b1 * I1;

   vector<ZZX> yy;
   convert(yy, y1);

   // yy is a solution mod p

   for (long k = 1; k < r; k++) {
      // lift solution yy mod p^k to a solution mod p^{k+1}

      // we are now working mod p^r

      vec_zz_pE d, y;
      convert(y, yy);

      d = b - y * A;

      vector<ZZX> dd;
      convert(dd, d);

      long pk = power_long(p, k);
      vector<ZZX> ee;
      div(ee, dd, pk);


      // we are now working mod p

      vec_zz_pE e1;
      convert(e1, ee);
      vec_zz_pE z1;
      z1 = e1 * I1;

      vector<ZZX> zz, ww;
      convert(zz, z1);

      mul(ww, zz, pk);
      add(yy, yy, ww);


   convert(x, yy);

   assert(x*A == b);
Ejemplo n.º 7
// Testing the I/O of the important classes of the library
// (context, keys, ciphertexts).
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  ArgMapping amap;

  long r=1;
  long p=2;
  long c = 2;
  long w = 64;
  long L = 5;
  long mm=0;
  amap.arg("p", p, "plaintext base");
  amap.arg("r", r,  "lifting");
  amap.arg("c", c, "number of columns in the key-switching matrices");
  amap.arg("m", mm, "cyclotomic index","{31,127,1023}");
  amap.parse(argc, argv);

  bool useTable = (mm==0 && p==2);
  long ptxtSpace = power_long(p,r);
  long numTests = useTable? N_TESTS : 1;

  std::unique_ptr<FHEcontext> contexts[numTests];
  std::unique_ptr<FHESecKey> sKeys[numTests];
  std::unique_ptr<Ctxt> ctxts[numTests];
  std::unique_ptr<EncryptedArray> eas[numTests];
  vector<ZZX> ptxts[numTests];

  // first loop: generate stuff and write it to cout

  // open file for writing
  {fstream keyFile("iotest.txt", fstream::out|fstream::trunc);
  for (long i=0; i<numTests; i++) {
    long m = (mm==0)? ms[i][1] : mm;

    cout << "Testing IO: m="<<m<<", p^r="<<p<<"^"<<r<<endl;

    Vec<long> mvec(INIT_SIZE,2);
    mvec[0] = ms[i][4];  mvec[1] = ms[i][5];
    vector<long> gens(2);
    gens[0] = ms[i][6];  gens[1] = ms[i][7];
    vector<long> ords(2);
    ords[0] = ms[i][8];  ords[1] = ms[i][9];

    if (useTable && gens[0]>0)
      contexts[i].reset(new FHEcontext(m, p, r, gens, ords));
      contexts[i].reset(new FHEcontext(m, p, r));

    buildModChain(*contexts[i], L, c);  // Set the modulus chain
    if (mm==0 && m==1023) contexts[i]->makeBootstrappable(mvec);

    // Output the FHEcontext to file
    writeContextBase(keyFile, *contexts[i]);
    writeContextBase(cout, *contexts[i]);
    keyFile << *contexts[i] << endl;

    sKeys[i].reset(new FHESecKey(*contexts[i]));
    const FHEPubKey& publicKey = *sKeys[i];
    sKeys[i]->GenSecKey(w,ptxtSpace); // A Hamming-weight-w secret key
    addSome1DMatrices(*sKeys[i]);// compute key-switching matrices that we need
    eas[i].reset(new EncryptedArray(*contexts[i]));

    long nslots = eas[i]->size();

    // Output the secret key to file, twice. Below we will have two copies
    // of most things.
    keyFile << *sKeys[i] << endl;;
    keyFile << *sKeys[i] << endl;;

    vector<ZZX> b;
    long p2r = eas[i]->getContext().alMod.getPPowR();
    ZZX poly = RandPoly(0,to_ZZ(p2r)); // choose a random constant polynomial
    eas[i]->decode(ptxts[i], poly);

    ctxts[i].reset(new Ctxt(publicKey));
    eas[i]->encrypt(*ctxts[i], publicKey, ptxts[i]);
    eas[i]->decrypt(*ctxts[i], *sKeys[i], b);
    assert(ptxts[i].size() == b.size());
    for (long j = 0; j < nslots; j++) assert (ptxts[i][j] == b[j]);

    // output the plaintext
    keyFile << "[ ";
    for (long j = 0; j < nslots; j++) keyFile << ptxts[i][j] << " ";
    keyFile << "]\n";

    keyFile << poly << endl;

    // Output the ciphertext to file
    keyFile << *ctxts[i] << endl;
    keyFile << *ctxts[i] << endl;
    cerr << "okay " << i << endl<< endl;
  cerr << "so far, so good\n\n";

  // second loop: read from input and repeat the computation

  // open file for read
  {fstream keyFile("iotest.txt", fstream::in);
  for (long i=0; i<numTests; i++) {

    // Read context from file
    unsigned long m1, p1, r1;
    vector<long> gens, ords;
    readContextBase(keyFile, m1, p1, r1, gens, ords);
    FHEcontext tmpContext(m1, p1, r1, gens, ords);
    keyFile >> tmpContext;
    assert (*contexts[i] == tmpContext);
    cerr << i << ": context matches input\n";

    // We define some things below wrt *contexts[i], not tmpContext.
    // This is because the various operator== methods check equality of
    // references, not equality of the referenced FHEcontext objects.
    FHEcontext& context = *contexts[i];
    FHESecKey secretKey(context);
    FHESecKey secretKey2(tmpContext);
    const FHEPubKey& publicKey = secretKey;
    const FHEPubKey& publicKey2 = secretKey2;

    keyFile >> secretKey;
    keyFile >> secretKey2;
    assert(secretKey == *sKeys[i]);
    cerr << "   secret key matches input\n";

    EncryptedArray ea(context);
    EncryptedArray ea2(tmpContext);

    long nslots = ea.size();

    // Read the plaintext from file
    vector<ZZX> a;
    assert(nslots == (long)ptxts[i].size());
    seekPastChar(keyFile, '['); // defined in NumbTh.cpp
    for (long j = 0; j < nslots; j++) {
      keyFile >> a[j];
      assert(a[j] == ptxts[i][j]);
    seekPastChar(keyFile, ']');
    cerr << "   ptxt matches input\n";

    // Read the encoded plaintext from file
    ZZX poly1, poly2;
    keyFile >> poly1;
    assert(poly1 == poly2);
    cerr << "   eas[i].encode(a)==poly1 okay\n";

    assert(poly1 == poly2);
    cerr << "   ea.encode(a)==poly1 okay\n";

    assert(poly1 == poly2);
    cerr << "   ea2.encode(a)==poly1 okay\n";

    assert(nslots == (long)a.size());
    for (long j = 0; j < nslots; j++) assert(a[j] == ptxts[i][j]);
    cerr << "   eas[i].decode(poly1)==ptxts[i] okay\n";

    assert(nslots == (long)a.size());
    for (long j = 0; j < nslots; j++) assert(a[j] == ptxts[i][j]);
    cerr << "   ea.decode(poly1)==ptxts[i] okay\n";

    assert(nslots == (long)a.size());
    for (long j = 0; j < nslots; j++) assert(a[j] == ptxts[i][j]);
    cerr << "   ea2.decode(poly1)==ptxts[i] okay\n";

    // Read ciperhtext from file
    Ctxt ctxt(publicKey);
    Ctxt ctxt2(publicKey2);
    keyFile >> ctxt;
    keyFile >> ctxt2;
    cerr << "   ctxt matches input\n";

    assert(poly1 == poly2);
    cerr << "   sKeys[i]->decrypt(*ctxts[i]) == poly1 okay\n";

    assert(poly1 == poly2);
    cerr << "   secretKey.decrypt(*ctxts[i]) == poly1 okay\n";

    assert(poly1 == poly2);
    cerr << "   secretKey.decrypt(ctxt) == poly1 okay\n";

    assert(poly1 == poly2);
    cerr << "   secretKey2.decrypt(ctxt2) == poly1 okay\n";

    eas[i]->decrypt(ctxt, *sKeys[i], a);
    assert(nslots == (long)a.size());
    for (long j = 0; j < nslots; j++) assert(a[j] == ptxts[i][j]);
    cerr << "   eas[i].decrypt(ctxt, *sKeys[i])==ptxts[i] okay\n";

    ea.decrypt(ctxt, secretKey, a);
    assert(nslots == (long)a.size());
    for (long j = 0; j < nslots; j++) assert(a[j] == ptxts[i][j]);
    cerr << "   ea.decrypt(ctxt, secretKey)==ptxts[i] okay\n";

    ea2.decrypt(ctxt2, secretKey2, a);
    assert(nslots == (long)a.size());
    for (long j = 0; j < nslots; j++) assert(a[j] == ptxts[i][j]);
    cerr << "   ea2.decrypt(ctxt2, secretKey2)==ptxts[i] okay\n";

    cerr << "test "<<i<<" okay\n\n";
  unlink("iotest.txt"); // clean up before exiting
Ejemplo n.º 8
// Extract digits from fully packed slots
void extractDigitsPacked(Ctxt& ctxt, long botHigh, long r, long ePrime,
			 const vector<ZZX>& unpackSlotEncoding)

  // Step 1: unpack the slots of ctxt

  // Apply the d automorphisms and store them in scratch area
  long d = ctxt.getContext().zMStar.getOrdP();

  vector<Ctxt> scratch; // used below 
  vector<Ctxt> unpacked(d, Ctxt(ZeroCtxtLike, ctxt));
  { // explicit scope to force all temporaries to be released
    vector< shared_ptr<DoubleCRT> > coeff_vector;
    for (long i = 0; i < d; i++)
      coeff_vector[i] = shared_ptr<DoubleCRT>(new 
        DoubleCRT(unpackSlotEncoding[i], ctxt.getContext(), ctxt.getPrimeSet()) );
    Ctxt tmp1(ZeroCtxtLike, ctxt);
    Ctxt tmp2(ZeroCtxtLike, ctxt);

    // FIXME: implement using hoisting!
    for (long j = 0; j < d; j++) { // process jth Frobenius 
      tmp1 = ctxt;
      // FIXME: not clear if we should call cleanUp here

      for (long i = 0; i < d; i++) {
        tmp2 = tmp1;
        tmp2.multByConstant(*coeff_vector[mcMod(i+j, d)]);
        unpacked[i] += tmp2;

  // Step 2: extract the digits top-1,...,0 from the slots of unpacked[i]
  long p = ctxt.getContext().zMStar.getP();
  long p2r = power_long(p,r);
  long topHigh = botHigh + r-1;

  cerr << "+ After unpack ";
  decryptAndPrint(cerr, unpacked[0], *dbgKey, *dbgEa, printFlag);
  cerr << "    extracting "<<(topHigh+1)<<" digits\n";

  if (p==2 && r>2)
    topHigh--; // For p==2 we sometime get a bit for free

  for (long i=0; i<(long)unpacked.size(); i++) {
    if (topHigh<=0) { // extracting LSB = no-op
    } else {          // extract digits topHigh...0, store them in scratch
      extractDigits(scratch, unpacked[i], topHigh+1);

    // set upacked[i] = -\sum_{j=botHigh}^{topHigh} scratch[j] * p^{j-botHigh}
    if (topHigh >= (long)scratch.size()) {
      topHigh = scratch.size() -1;
      cerr << " @ suspect: not enough digits in extractDigitsPacked\n";

    unpacked[i] = scratch[topHigh];
    for (long j=topHigh-1; j>=botHigh; --j) {
      unpacked[i] += scratch[j];
    if (p==2 && botHigh>0)   // For p==2, subtract also the previous bit
      unpacked[i] += scratch[botHigh-1];

    if (r>ePrime) {          // Add in digits from the bottom part, if any
      long topLow = r-1 - ePrime;
      Ctxt tmp = scratch[topLow];
      for (long j=topLow-1; j>=0; --j) {
	tmp += scratch[j];
      if (ePrime>0)
	tmp.multByP(ePrime); // multiply by p^e'
      unpacked[i] += tmp;
    unpacked[i].reducePtxtSpace(p2r); // Our plaintext space is now mod p^r

  cerr << "+ Before repack ";
  decryptAndPrint(cerr, unpacked[0], *dbgKey, *dbgEa, printFlag);

  // Step 3: re-pack the slots
  const EncryptedArray& ea2 = *ctxt.getContext().ea;
  ZZX xInSlots;
  vector<ZZX> xVec(ea2.size());
  ctxt = unpacked[0];
  for (long i=1; i<d; i++) {
    x2iInSlots(xInSlots, i, xVec, ea2);
    ctxt += unpacked[i];
Ejemplo n.º 9
// bootstrap a ciphertext to reduce noise
void FHEPubKey::reCrypt(Ctxt &ctxt)

  // Some sanity checks for dummy ciphertext
  long ptxtSpace = ctxt.getPtxtSpace();
  if (ctxt.isEmpty()) return;
  if (ctxt.parts.size()==1 && ctxt.parts[0].skHandle.isOne()) {
    // Dummy encryption, just ensure that it is reduced mod p
    ZZX poly = to_ZZX(ctxt.parts[0]);
    for (long i=0; i<poly.rep.length(); i++)
      poly[i] = to_ZZ( rem(poly[i],ptxtSpace) );

  assert(recryptKeyID>=0); // check that we have bootstrapping data

  long p = getContext().zMStar.getP();
  long r = getContext().alMod.getR();
  long p2r = getContext().alMod.getPPowR();

  // the bootstrapping key is encrypted relative to plaintext space p^{e-e'+r}.
  long e = getContext().rcData.e;
  long ePrime = getContext().rcData.ePrime;
  long p2ePrime = power_long(p,ePrime);
  long q = power_long(p,e)+1;

  cerr << "reCrypt: p="<<p<<", r="<<r<<", e="<<e<<" ePrime="<<ePrime
       << ", q="<<q<<endl;

  // can only bootstrap ciphertext with plaintext-space dividing p^r
  assert(p2r % ptxtSpace == 0);


  // Make sure that this ciphertxt is in canonical form
  if (!ctxt.inCanonicalForm()) ctxt.reLinearize();

  // Mod-switch down if needed
  IndexSet s = ctxt.getPrimeSet() / getContext().specialPrimes; // set minus
  if (s.card()>2) { // leave only bottom two primes
    long frst = s.first();
    long scnd = s.next(frst);
    IndexSet s2(frst,scnd);
    s.retain(s2); // retain only first two primes

  // key-switch to the bootstrapping key

  // "raw mod-switch" to the bootstrapping mosulus q=p^e+1.
  vector<ZZX> zzParts; // the mod-switched parts, in ZZX format
  double noise = ctxt.rawModSwitch(zzParts, q);
  noise = sqrt(noise);

  // Add multiples of p2r and q to make the zzParts divisible by p^{e'}
  long maxU=0;
  for (long i=0; i<(long)zzParts.size(); i++) {
    // make divisible by p^{e'}
    long newMax = makeDivisible(zzParts[i].rep, p2ePrime, p2r, q,
    zzParts[i].normalize();   // normalize after working directly on the rep
    if (maxU < newMax)  maxU = newMax;

  // Check that the estimated noise is still low
  if (noise + maxU*p2r*(skHwts[recryptKeyID]+1) > q/2) 
    cerr << " * noise/q after makeDivisible = "
	 << ((noise + maxU*p2r*(skHwts[recryptKeyID]+1))/q) << endl;

  for (long i=0; i<(long)zzParts.size(); i++)
    zzParts[i] /= p2ePrime;   // divide by p^{e'}

  // Multiply the post-processed cipehrtext by the encrypted sKey
  cerr << "+ Before recryption ";
  decryptAndPrint(cerr, recryptEkey, *dbgKey, *dbgEa, printFlag);

  double p0size = to_double(coeffsL2Norm(zzParts[0]));
  double p1size = to_double(coeffsL2Norm(zzParts[1]));
  ctxt = recryptEkey;
  ctxt.multByConstant(zzParts[1], p1size*p1size);
  ctxt.addConstant(zzParts[0], p0size*p0size);

  cerr << "+ Before linearTrans1 ";
  decryptAndPrint(cerr, ctxt, *dbgKey, *dbgEa, printFlag);

  // Move the powerful-basis coefficients to the plaintext slots

  cerr << "+ After linearTrans1 ";
  decryptAndPrint(cerr, ctxt, *dbgKey, *dbgEa, printFlag);

  // Extract the digits e-e'+r-1,...,e-e' (from fully packed slots)
  extractDigitsPacked(ctxt, e-ePrime, r, ePrime,

  cerr << "+ Before linearTrans2 ";
  decryptAndPrint(cerr, ctxt, *dbgKey, *dbgEa, printFlag);

  // Move the slots back to powerful-basis coefficients
Ejemplo n.º 10
// Extract digits from thinly packed slots
void extractDigitsThin(Ctxt& ctxt, long botHigh, long r, long ePrime)

  Ctxt unpacked(ctxt);

  vector<Ctxt> scratch;

  // Step 2: extract the digits top-1,...,0 from the slots of unpacked[i]
  long p = ctxt.getContext().zMStar.getP();
  long p2r = power_long(p,r);
  long topHigh = botHigh + r-1;

  cerr << "+ After unpack ";
  decryptAndPrint(cerr, unpacked, *dbgKey, *dbgEa, printFlag);
  cerr << "    extracting "<<(topHigh+1)<<" digits\n";

  if (p==2 && r>2)
    topHigh--; // For p==2 we sometime get a bit for free

  if (topHigh<=0) { // extracting LSB = no-op
    scratch.assign(1, unpacked);
  } else {          // extract digits topHigh...0, store them in scratch
    extractDigits(scratch, unpacked, topHigh+1);

  // set upacked = -\sum_{j=botHigh}^{topHigh} scratch[j] * p^{j-botHigh}
  if (topHigh >= LONG(scratch.size())) {
    topHigh = scratch.size() -1;
    cerr << " @ suspect: not enough digits in extractDigitsPacked\n";

  unpacked = scratch[topHigh];
  for (long j=topHigh-1; j>=botHigh; --j) {
    unpacked += scratch[j];
  if (p==2 && botHigh>0)   // For p==2, subtract also the previous bit
    unpacked += scratch[botHigh-1];

  if (r>ePrime) {          // Add in digits from the bottom part, if any
    long topLow = r-1 - ePrime;
    Ctxt tmp = scratch[topLow];
    for (long j=topLow-1; j>=0; --j) {
      tmp += scratch[j];
    if (ePrime>0)
      tmp.multByP(ePrime); // multiply by p^e'
    unpacked += tmp;
  unpacked.reducePtxtSpace(p2r); // Our plaintext space is now mod p^r

  cerr << "+ Before repack ";
  decryptAndPrint(cerr, unpacked[0], *dbgKey, *dbgEa, printFlag);

  ctxt = unpacked;

Ejemplo n.º 11
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   argmap_t argmap;
   argmap["p"] = "5";
   argmap["m"] = "101";
   argmap["r"] = "1";

   if (!parseArgs(argc, argv, argmap)) usage(argv[0]);

   long p = atoi(argmap["p"]);
   long m = atoi(argmap["m"]);
   long r = atoi(argmap["r"]);

   cout << "p=" << p << ", m=" << m << ", r=" << r << "\n";

   ZZX phimx = Cyclotomic(m);

   zz_pX phimx_modp = to_zz_pX(phimx);


   vec_zz_pX factors = SFCanZass(phimx_modp);

   vec_ZZX FFactors;
   MultiLift(FFactors, factors, phimx, r);

   zz_p::init(power_long(p, r));

   vec_zz_pX Factors;
   for (long i = 0; i < Factors.length(); i++)
      conv(Factors[i], FFactors[i]);

   zz_pX G = Factors[0];
   long d = deg(G);
   cout << "d=" << d << "\n";


   // L selects the even coefficients
   vec_zz_pE L;
   for (long j = 0; j < d; j++) {
      if (j % 2 == 0)
         L[j] = to_zz_pE(zz_pX(j, 1));

   vec_zz_pE C;
   buildLinPolyCoeffs(C, L, p, r);

   zz_pE alpha, beta;

   applyLinPoly(beta, C, alpha, p);

   cout << alpha << "\n";
   cout << beta << "\n";
