void CameraPathControls::draw(const mat4& projection, const mat4 views[], const vec3& lightPositionWorld, const int& selectedControlPoint, float deltaT) const { /// Common drawing. predraw(); /// Update the model matrix. static float angle = 1.0f; angle += deltaT * 1.0f; mat4 rotationMatrix = mat4::Identity(); rotationMatrix(0,0) = +std::cos(angle); rotationMatrix(0,1) = -std::sin(angle); rotationMatrix(1,0) = +std::sin(angle); rotationMatrix(1,1) = +std::cos(angle); /// Update the content of the uniforms. glUniformMatrix4fv( _projectionID, 1, GL_FALSE, projection.data()); glUniformMatrix4fv( _viewID, 1, GL_FALSE, views[0].data()); glUniform3fv(_lightPositionWorldID, 1, lightPositionWorld.data()); glUniform1i( _selectedControlPointID, selectedControlPoint); glUniformMatrix4fv(_rotationMatrixID, 1, GL_FALSE, rotationMatrix.data()); /// Render from camera point of view to 'normal' FBOs. glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, framebufferIDs["controllerView"]); _vertices->draw(); }
void ParticlesControl::draw(float deltaT) const { /// Common drawing. predraw(); /// Update the content of the uniforms. glUniform1f(_deltaTID, deltaT); /// Binary [0,1] variable to switch between input / output textures : start with 0. static int pingpong = 1; pingpong = (pingpong+1) % 2; /// Flip the position and velocity texture bindings. glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_1D, _particleTexID[pingpong]); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_1D, _particleTexID[pingpong+2]); /// Flip the position and velocity output buffers attachement bindings. const GLenum drawBuffers[][2] = {{GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT3}, {GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT2}}; glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, _framebufferID); glDrawBuffers(2, drawBuffers[pingpong]); /// Render to FBO. glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); _vertices->draw(); }
//---------------------------------------------------------- //void ofxObject::draw(float *_matrix){ void ofxObject::draw(ofxObjectMaterial *iMaterial, float *iMatrix, int iSelect, bool iDrawAlone) { //if(id == 1) printf("i am a circle %f - %f, %f, %f\n", ofGetElapsedTimef(), color.r, color.g, color.b); //call idle whether or not the object is shown //PEND: this might have to move down, so it doesn't get called multiple times //idle(ofGetElapsedTimef()); if(shown) { //printf("ofxObject::draw()\n"); if(!iDrawAlone){ float *mat = updateMatrix(iMatrix); ofxObjectMaterial *m = updateMaterial(iMaterial); //v4.0 predraw(); if ((iSelect == OF_RENDER_TRANSPARENT) && !hasTransparency()) { //Don't render — Transparent render pass, but this object is opaque }else if ((iSelect == OF_RENDER_OPAQUE) && hasTransparency()) { //Don't render — Opaque render pass, but this object is transparent }else if ((iSelect != OF_RENDER_ONTOP) && renderOntop) { //Don't render — Regular pass, but this is an on top object }else { //Render! render(); //for (unsigned int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) //children[i]->draw(m, mat, iSelect); } //v4.0 - to get alpha inheritance working for (unsigned int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) children[i]->draw(m, mat, iSelect); postdraw(); } else{ //iDrawAlone is true — just draw this object (no children) //PEND idle of children won't get called for these objects! live with it or fix it //v4.0 (moving children draw loop above might have fixed it) predraw(); render(); postdraw(); } } }
void Pyramid::draw(D3DXMATRIX & rVP) { mWVP = mWorld * rVP; predraw(); UINT stride = sizeof(D3DXVECTOR3); UINT offset = 0; md3dDevice->IASetVertexBuffers(0, 1, &mVB, &stride, &offset); //md3dDevice->IASetIndexBuffer(mIB, DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT, 0); md3dDevice->Draw(mNumVertices, 0); }
void Strings3D::drawAll(const Geom::Vec3f& color) { predraw(color); if (m_strpos.size() != m_strTranslate.size()) { CGoGNerr << "Strings3D: for drawAll use exclusively addString with position"<< CGoGNendl; return; } unsigned int nb = m_strpos.size(); for (unsigned int idSt=0; idSt<nb; ++idSt) { glUniform3fv(*m_uniform_position, 1, m_strTranslate[idSt].data()); glDrawArrays(GL_QUADS, m_strpos[idSt].first , m_strpos[idSt].second ); } postdraw(); }
void VirtGlWindow::draw( Aircraft* airPtr ) { aircraftPtr = airPtr; if ( !showFlag ) return; predraw(); airPtr->draw(); if (focusFlag) { glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); airPtr->drawHighlight(); airPtr->draw2D(); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } postdraw(); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glLineWidth(2.0); if ( activeFlag ) glColor3d( 1.0, 0.2, 0.2 ); else glColor3d( 0.2, 0.2, 0.2 ); glBegin( GL_LINE_STRIP ); glVertex2d( orthoL, orthoB ); glVertex2d( orthoL, orthoT ); glVertex2d( orthoR, orthoT ); glVertex2d( orthoR, orthoB ); glVertex2d( orthoL, orthoB ); glEnd(); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); }
void Node::treeDraw() { if(!mIsVisible) return; if(!mIsSetup) { setup(); mIsSetup = true; } // update transform matrix by calling derived class's function if(mIsTransformInvalidated) transform(); // let derived class know we are about to draw stuff predraw(); // apply transform gl::pushModelView(); // usual way to update modelview matrix gl::multModelView( mTransform ); // draw this node by calling derived class draw(); // draw this node's children NodeList::iterator itr; for(itr=mChildren.begin(); itr!=mChildren.end(); ++itr) (*itr)->treeDraw(); // restore transform gl::popModelView(); // let derived class know we are done drawing postdraw(); }
void GBufferPass::rendering(SerializedScene const& scene, SceneGraph const& graph, RenderContext const& ctx, CameraMode eye, Camera const& camera, FrameBufferObject* target, View const& view) { // pipeline_->camera_block_left_->update(ctx.render_context, pipeline_->get_current_scene(CameraMode::LEFT).frustum); // pipeline_->camera_block_right_->update(ctx.render_context, pipeline_->get_current_scene(CameraMode::RIGHT).frustum); if (!depth_stencil_state_ || !bfc_rasterizer_state_ || !no_bfc_rasterizer_state_) { initialize_state_objects(ctx); } ctx.render_context->set_rasterizer_state( pipeline_->config.enable_backface_culling() ? bfc_rasterizer_state_ : no_bfc_rasterizer_state_); ctx.render_context->set_depth_stencil_state(depth_stencil_state_); // make sure all ubershaders are available update_ubershader_from_scene(ctx, scene, graph); // draw all drawable geometries for (auto const& type_ressource_pair : scene.geometrynodes_) { auto const& type = type_ressource_pair.first; auto const& ressource_container = type_ressource_pair.second; auto ubershader = ubershaders_.at(type); // set frame-consistent per-ubershader uniforms ubershader->set_left_resolution(pipeline_->config.get_left_resolution()); ubershader->set_right_resolution(pipeline_->config.get_right_resolution()); ubershader->set_material_uniforms( scene.materials_, ShadingModel::GBUFFER_VERTEX_STAGE, ctx); ubershader->set_material_uniforms( scene.materials_, ShadingModel::GBUFFER_FRAGMENT_STAGE, ctx); ubershader->set_uniform(ctx, scene.enable_global_clipping_plane, "gua_enable_global_clipping_plane"); ubershader->set_uniform( ctx, scene.global_clipping_plane, "gua_global_clipping_plane"); ubershader->set_uniform(ctx, false, "gua_render_shadow_map"); for (auto const& program : ubershader->programs()) { Pass::bind_inputs(*program, eye, ctx); program->set_uniform(ctx, static_cast<int>(eye), "gua_eye"); if (eye == CameraMode::LEFT || eye == CameraMode::CENTER) { ctx.render_context->bind_uniform_buffer(pipeline_->camera_block_left_->block().block_buffer(), 0); } else { ctx.render_context->bind_uniform_buffer(pipeline_->camera_block_right_->block().block_buffer(), 0); } } // 1. call preframe callback if available for type if (ubershader->get_stage_mask() & GeometryUberShader::PRE_FRAME_STAGE) { ubershader->preframe(ctx); } // 2. iterate all drawables of current type and call predraw of current // ubershader if (ubershader->get_stage_mask() & GeometryUberShader::PRE_DRAW_STAGE) { for (auto const& node : ressource_container) { auto const& ressource = GeometryDatabase::instance()->lookup(node->get_filename()); auto const& material = MaterialDatabase::instance()->lookup(node->get_material()); if (ressource && material) { ubershader->predraw(ctx, node->get_filename(), node->get_material(), node->get_cached_world_transform(), scm::math::transpose(scm::math::inverse( node->get_cached_world_transform())), scene.frustum, view); } else { if (!material) { Logger::LOG_WARNING << "GBufferPass::rendering() Cannot find material. " << material << std::endl; } if (!ressource) { Logger::LOG_WARNING << "GBufferPass::rendering() Cannot find geometry ressource." << ressource << std::endl; } } } } // 3. iterate all drawables of current type and call draw of current // ubershader if (ubershader->get_stage_mask() & GeometryUberShader::DRAW_STAGE) { for (auto const& node : ressource_container) { auto const& ressource = GeometryDatabase::instance()->lookup(node->get_filename()); auto const& material = MaterialDatabase::instance()->lookup(node->get_material()); if (ressource && material) { ubershader->draw(ctx, node->get_filename(), node->get_material(), node->get_cached_world_transform(), scm::math::transpose(scm::math::inverse( node->get_cached_world_transform())), scene.frustum, view); } else { if (!material) { Logger::LOG_WARNING << "GBufferPass::rendering() Cannot find material. " << material << std::endl; } if (!ressource) { Logger::LOG_WARNING << "GBufferPass::rendering() Cannot find geometry ressource." << ressource << std::endl; } } } } // 4. iterate all drawables of current type and call postdraw of current // ubershader if (ubershader->get_stage_mask() & GeometryUberShader::POST_DRAW_STAGE) { for (auto const& node : ressource_container) { auto const& ressource = GeometryDatabase::instance()->lookup(node->get_filename()); auto const& material = MaterialDatabase::instance()->lookup(node->get_material()); if (ressource && material) { ubershader->postdraw(ctx, node->get_filename(), node->get_material(), node->get_cached_world_transform(), scm::math::transpose(scm::math::inverse( node->get_cached_world_transform())), scene.frustum, view); } else { if (!material) { Logger::LOG_WARNING << "GBufferPass::rendering() Cannot find material. " << material << std::endl; } if (!ressource) { Logger::LOG_WARNING << "GBufferPass::rendering() Cannot find geometry ressource." << ressource << std::endl; } } } } // 5. call postframe callback if available for type if (ubershader->get_stage_mask() & GeometryUberShader::POST_FRAME_STAGE) { ubershader->postframe(ctx); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // draw debug and helper information /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// display_quads(ctx, scene, eye, view); ctx.render_context->set_rasterizer_state(bbox_rasterizer_state_); display_bboxes(ctx, scene, view); display_rays(ctx, scene, view); ctx.render_context->reset_state_objects(); }