Ejemplo n.º 1
/** WMin operator
 * @param x numeric
 * @param w numeric
 * @return numeric of length 1
SEXP wmin(SEXP x, SEXP w)
   x = prepare_arg_numeric(x, "x");
   w = prepare_arg_numeric(w, "w");

   R_len_t x_length = LENGTH(x);
   R_len_t w_length = LENGTH(w);
   double* w_tab = REAL(w);
   double* x_tab = REAL(x);

   if (w_length <= 0) Rf_error(MSG_ARG_TOO_SHORT, "w");
   if (x_length <= 0) Rf_error(MSG_ARG_TOO_SHORT, "x");

   if (ISNA(w_tab[0]) || ISNA(x_tab[0]))
      return Rf_ScalarReal(NA_REAL);
   if (x_length != w_length)
      Rf_error(MSG__ARGS_EXPECTED_EQUAL_SIZE, "x", "w");

   double ret_val = DBL_MAX;
   for (R_len_t i=0; i<x_length; ++i) {
      double tmp = max(w_tab[i], x_tab[i]);
      if (ret_val > tmp) ret_val = tmp;

   return Rf_ScalarReal(ret_val);
Ejemplo n.º 2
/** WAM operator
 * @param x numeric
 * @param w numeric
 * @return numeric of length 1
SEXP wam(SEXP x, SEXP w)
   x = prepare_arg_numeric(x, "x");
   w = prepare_arg_numeric(w, "w");

   R_len_t x_length = LENGTH(x);
   R_len_t w_length = LENGTH(w);
   double* w_tab = REAL(w);
   double* x_tab = REAL(x);

   if (w_length <= 0) Rf_error(MSG_ARG_TOO_SHORT, "w");
   if (x_length <= 0) Rf_error(MSG_ARG_TOO_SHORT, "x");

   if (ISNA(w_tab[0]) || ISNA(x_tab[0]))
      return Rf_ScalarReal(NA_REAL);
   if (x_length != w_length)
      Rf_error(MSG__ARGS_EXPECTED_EQUAL_SIZE, "x", "w");

   double w_sum = 0.0;
   double ret_val = 0.0;
   for (R_len_t i=0; i<x_length; ++i) {
      if (w_tab[i] < 0)
         Rf_error(MSG__ARG_NOT_GE_A, "w", 0.0);
      w_sum = w_sum + w_tab[i];
      ret_val += w_tab[i]*x_tab[i];

   if (w_sum > 1.0+EPS || w_sum < 1.0-EPS)
      Rf_warning("elements of `w` does not sum up to 1. correcting.");

   ret_val /= w_sum;
   return Rf_ScalarReal(ret_val);
Ejemplo n.º 3
/** Check if two vectors are comonotonic
 * @param x numeric vector
 * @param y numeric vector
 * @param incompatible_lengths single logical value
 * @return logical scalar
 * @version 0.2-1 (Marek Gagolewski)
 * @version 0.2-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-11-19)
 *    incompatible_lenghts arg added
SEXP check_comonotonicity(SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP incompatible_lengths)
   x = prepare_arg_numeric(x, "x");
   y = prepare_arg_numeric(y, "y");
   incompatible_lengths = prepare_arg_logical_1(incompatible_lengths, "incompatible_lengths");

   R_len_t x_length = LENGTH(x);
   R_len_t y_length = LENGTH(y);

   if (x_length != y_length)
      return incompatible_lengths;

   double* x_tab = REAL(x);
   double* y_tab = REAL(y);

   for (R_len_t i=0; i<x_length; ++i) {
      if (ISNA(x_tab[i]) || ISNA(y_tab[i]))
         return Rf_ScalarLogical(NA_LOGICAL);

      for (R_len_t j=i; j<x_length; ++j) {
         if ((x_tab[i]-x_tab[j])*(y_tab[i]-y_tab[j]) < 0.0)
            return Rf_ScalarLogical(FALSE);

   return Rf_ScalarLogical(TRUE);