Ejemplo n.º 1
void GoldieClock::begin(void)

    //get the time zone index from eeprom and ensure that it's valid
    tzIndex = eeprom_read_byte( &ee_tzIndex );
    if ( tzIndex >= sizeof(tzNames) / sizeof(tzNames[0]) )
        tzIndex = 0;                            //not valid, set to UTC
        eeprom_write_byte( &ee_tzIndex, tzIndex);
    tz = timezones[tzIndex];                    //set the tz

    time_t utc = getUTC();                      //synchronize with RTC
    while ( utc == getUTC() );                  //wait for increment to the next second
    utc = RTC.get();
    setUTC(utc);                                //set our time from the RTC
    Serial << F("\nTime set from RTC:\n");
    Serial << F("UTC") << endl;
    time_t local = (*tz).toLocal(utc, &tcr);
    Serial << tcr -> abbrev << endl;

//    rainbowCycle(2, 2);                         //power-up eye candy
    clear();                                    //turn all the NeoPixels off at power up
Ejemplo n.º 2
void BoardIn16_hbeat(){

    for(int i=0; i<NumberOfBoardIn16; i++){


        //~ if( !IN16[i].IsValid() &! bitRead(IN16[i].status, ADDR_HBEAT_NOTIF_KO)){
        if(!IN16[i].IsValid() &! IN16[i].IsNotifiedNOK()){


            Serial.print(F(" ! Warning : com KO with IN16 id="));
            //~ bitSet(IN16[i].status, ADDR_HBEAT_NOTIF_KO);
            //~ bitClear(IN16[i].status, ADDR_HBEAT_NOTIF_OK);

        //~ }else if( IN16[i].IsValid() &! bitRead(IN16[i].status, ADDR_HBEAT_NOTIF_OK)){
        }else if(IN16[i].IsValid() &! IN16[i].IsNotifiedOK()){

            //~ bitSet(IN16[i].status, ADDR_HBEAT_NOTIF_OK);
            //~ bitClear(IN16[i].status, ADDR_HBEAT_NOTIF_KO);

            Serial.print(F(" ! Warning : com OK with In16 id="));



Ejemplo n.º 3
void sendEmail(Result res, Parameters params) {
  char tdStyle[] =         "font-family:Georgia;font-size:11px;border-color:#A1A1A1;border-width:1px;border-style:solid;padding:2px;";
  char captionStyle[] =    "font-family:Georgia;font-size:13px;font-weight:normal;color:#0021BF;padding-bottom:6px;text-align:left;";
  char tableTitleStyle[] = "font-family:Georgia;font-variant:small-caps;font-size:13px;text-align:center;border-color:#A1A1A1;border-width:1px;border-style:solid;background-color:#EAEAEA;";
  std::ostringstream oss;
  oss << std::fixed;
  oss << "sendemail -f " << params.senderAddress << " -t " << params.receiverAddress << " -u \"Blackbird Bitcoin Arbitrage - Trade " << res.id <<" (";
  if (res.totPerf() >= 0) {
    oss << "+" << res.totPerf() * 100;   
  else {
    oss << res.totPerf() * 100;
  oss << "%)\" -m \"";
  oss << "<html>";
  oss << "  <div>";
  oss << "    <br/><br/>";
  oss << "    <table style=\\\"border-width:0px;border-collapse:collapse;text-align:center;\\\">";
  oss << "      <caption style=\\\"" << captionStyle << "\\\">Blackbird Bitcoin Arbitrage - Trade " << res.id << "</caption>";    
  oss << "      <tr style=\\\"" << tableTitleStyle << "\\\">";
  oss << "        <td style=\\\"" << tdStyle << "width:120px;\\\">Entry Date</td>";
  oss << "        <td style=\\\"" << tdStyle << "width:120px;\\\">Exit Date</td>";
  oss << "        <td style=\\\"" << tdStyle << "width:70px;\\\">Long</td>";
  oss << "        <td style=\\\"" << tdStyle << "width:70px;\\\">Short</td>";
  oss << "        <td style=\\\"" << tdStyle << "width:70px;\\\">Exposure</td>";
  oss << "        <td style=\\\"" << tdStyle << "width:70px;\\\">Profit</td>";
  oss << "        <td style=\\\"" << tdStyle << "width:70px;\\\">Return</td>";
  oss << "      </tr>";
  oss << "      <tr>";
  oss << "        <td style=\\\"" << tdStyle << "\\\">" << printDateTime(res.entryTime) << "</td>";
  oss << "        <td style=\\\"" << tdStyle << "\\\">" << printDateTime(res.exitTime) << "</td>";
  oss << "        <td style=\\\"" << tdStyle << "\\\">" << res.exchNameLong << "</td>";
  oss << "        <td style=\\\"" << tdStyle << "\\\">" << res.exchNameShort << "</td>";
  oss << "        <td style=\\\"" << tdStyle << "\\\">\\$" << res.exposure * 2.0 << "</td>";
  oss << "        <td style=\\\"" << tdStyle << "\\\">\\$" << res.aftBalUsd - res.befBalUsd << "</td>";
  if (res.totPerf() >= 0) {
    oss << "<td style=\\\"" << tdStyle << "color:#000092;\\\">+";
  else {
    oss << "<td style=\\\"" << tdStyle << "color:#920000;\\\">";
  oss  << res.totPerf() * 100 << "%</td></tr>";
  oss << "    </table>";
  oss << "  </div>";
  oss << "</html>\" -s " << params.smtpServerAddress << " -xu " << params.senderUsername << " -xp " << params.senderPassword << " -o tls=yes -o message-content-type=html >/dev/null" << std::endl;
  if (system(oss.str().c_str()) == -1) {
    std::cout << "Error with system call" << std::endl;
// read the system time. No argument reached
void RTC_time() {

    Serial.print("Now : ");

Ejemplo n.º 5
static QString getReceivedDate(const QObject * const object)
	const MessageRenderInfo * const messageRenderInfo = qobject_cast<const MessageRenderInfo * const>(object);
	if (messageRenderInfo)
		return printDateTime(messageRenderInfo->message().receiveDate());
		return QString();
Ejemplo n.º 6
static QString getSentDate(const QObject * const object)
	const MessageRenderInfo * const messageRenderInfo = qobject_cast<const MessageRenderInfo * const>(object);
	if (messageRenderInfo && messageRenderInfo->showServerTime())
		return printDateTime(messageRenderInfo->message().sendDate());
		return QString();
Ejemplo n.º 7
static QString getReceivedDate(bool niceDateFormat, const ParserData * const object)
	const MessageRenderInfo * const messageRenderInfo = dynamic_cast<const MessageRenderInfo * const>(object);
	if (messageRenderInfo)
		return printDateTime(niceDateFormat, messageRenderInfo->message().receiveDate());
		return QString();
Ejemplo n.º 8
static QString getSentDate(bool niceDateFormat, const ParserData * const object)
	const MessageRenderInfo * const messageRenderInfo = dynamic_cast<const MessageRenderInfo * const>(object);
	if (messageRenderInfo && messageRenderInfo->showServerTime())
		return printDateTime(niceDateFormat, messageRenderInfo->message().sendDate());
		return QString();
Ejemplo n.º 9
// Some parts of the code below are borrowed from Kopete project (http://kopete.kde.org/)
QString AdiumChatStyleEngine::replaceKeywords(Chat *chat, QString &styleHref, QString &style)
    	if (!chat)
		return QString("");

	QString result = style;
	QString name;

//TODO: get Chat name (contacts' nicks?)
	if (chat)
		// Replace %chatName% //TODO. Find way to dynamic update this tag (add id ?)
		int uinsSize = chat->contacts().count();
		int i = 0;

		foreach (const Contact &contact, chat->contacts())

			if (++i < uinsSize)
				name.append(", ");
	result.replace(QString("%chatName%"), name);
	// Replace %sourceName%
	result.replace(QString("%sourceName%"), chat->account()->name());
	// Replace %destinationName%
	result.replace(QString("%destinationName%"), name);
	// For %timeOpened%, display the date and time. TODO: get real time 
	result.replace(QString("%timeOpened%"), printDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTime()));

	//TODO 0.6.6: get real time!!!
	QRegExp timeRegExp("%timeOpened\\{([^}]*)\\}%");
	int pos=0;
	while ((pos=timeRegExp.indexIn(result, pos)) != -1)
		result.replace(pos, timeRegExp.cap(0).length(), timeFormatter->convertTimeDate(timeRegExp.cap(1), QDateTime::currentDateTime()));

	QString photoIncoming;
	QString photoOutgoing;

	if (chat->contacts().count() > 1)
		photoIncoming = QString("file://") + styleHref + QString("Incoming/buddy_icon.png");
		ContactAccountData *cad = (*chat->contacts().begin()).accountData(chat->account());
		if (cad && !cad->avatar().pixmap().isNull())
			photoIncoming = QString("file://") + cad->avatar().filePath();
			photoIncoming = QString("file://") + styleHref + QString("Incoming/buddy_icon.png");

	photoOutgoing = QString("file://") + styleHref + QString("Outgoing/buddy_icon.png");

	result.replace(QString("%incomingIconPath%"), photoIncoming);
	result.replace(QString("%outgoingIconPath%"), photoOutgoing);

	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 10
QString timestamp(time_t customtime)
	QString buf;
	QDateTime date;
	time_t t;

	t = time(NULL);


	if (customtime)
		buf.append(QString(" / S ") + printDateTime(date));

	return buf;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void setDateTime(const char *strDate) {
	if (strlen(strDate) > 0) {
		time_t unix_time = atoi(strDate);
		if (unix_time > 0) {
			rtcSetTimeUnixSec(&RTCD1, unix_time);
	scheduleMsg(&logger, "date_set Date parameter %s is wrong\r\n", strDate);
Ejemplo n.º 12
static void getValue(const char *paramStr) {
	if (strEqualCaseInsensitive(paramStr, "todo")) {
		scheduleMsg(&logger, "something");

#if EFI_RTC || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
	else if (strEqualCaseInsensitive(paramStr, "date")) {
Ejemplo n.º 13
void Result::printExitInfo(std::ofstream& logFile) {
  logFile << "\n[ EXIT FOUND ]" << std::endl;
  logFile << "   Date & Time:       "  << printDateTime(exitTime) << std::endl;
  logFile << "   Duration:          "  << getTradeLengthInMinute() << " minutes" << std::endl;
  logFile << "   Price Long:        $" << priceLongOut << " (target)" << std::endl;
  logFile << "   Price Short:       $" << priceShortOut << " (target)" << std::endl;
  logFile << "   Spread:            "  << spreadOut * 100.0 << "%" << std::endl;
  logFile << "   ---------------------------"  << std::endl;
  logFile << "   Target Perf Long:  "  << targetPerfLong()  * 100.0 << "% (fees incl.)" << std::endl;
  logFile << "   Target Perf Short: "  << targetPerfShort() * 100.0 << "% (fees incl.)" << std::endl;
  logFile << "   ---------------------------\n"  << std::endl;
Ejemplo n.º 14
void Result::printEntryInfo(std::ofstream& logFile) {
  logFile << "\n[ ENTRY FOUND ]" << std::endl;
  logFile << "   Date & Time:       "  << printDateTime(entryTime) << std::endl;
  logFile << "   Exchange Long:     "  << exchNameLong <<  " (id " << idExchLong  << ")" << std::endl;
  logFile << "   Exchange Short:    "  << exchNameShort << " (id " << idExchShort << ")" << std::endl;
  logFile << "   Fees:              "  << feesLong * 100.0 << "% / " << feesShort * 100.0 << "%" << std::endl;
  logFile << "   Price Long:        $" << priceLongIn << " (target)" << std::endl;
  logFile << "   Price Short:       $" << priceShortIn << " (target)" << std::endl;
  logFile << "   Spread:            "  << spreadIn * 100.0 << "%" << std::endl;
  logFile << "   Cash used:         $" << exposure << " on each exchange" << std::endl;
  logFile << "   Exit Target:       "  << exitTarget * 100.0 << "%" << std::endl;
  logFile << std::endl;
Ejemplo n.º 15
void Result::printExit() {
  std::cout << "\n[ EXIT FOUND ]" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "   Date & Time:       "  << printDateTime(exitTime) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "   Duration:          "  << getLength() << " minutes" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "   Price Long:        $" << priceLongOut << " (target)" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "   Price Short:       $" << priceShortOut << " (target)" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "   Spread:            "  << spreadOut * 100.0 << "%" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "   ---------------------------"  << std::endl;
  std::cout << "   Target Perf Long:  "  << perfLong()  * 100.0 << "% (fees incl.)" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "   Target Perf Short: "  << perfShort() * 100.0 << "% (fees incl.)" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "   ---------------------------\n"  << std::endl;
// set the system time. Arguments reached are (D,M,Y,H,M)
void RTC_set() {

    Serial.print(F("Previous: "));

     RTC.fillByYMD((int) getarg(3),(int)  getarg(2),(int)  getarg(1));
     RTC.fillByHMS((int)  getarg(4), (int)  getarg(5),0);



Ejemplo n.º 17
QString AdiumChatStyleEngine::replaceKeywords(Chat *chat, QString &styleHref, QString &source, MessageRenderInfo *message)
	if (!chat)
		return QString("");

	QString result = source;
	QString nick, contactId, service, protocolIcon, nickLink;

	Message msg = message->message();

	// Replace sender (contact nick)
	result.replace(QString("%sender%"), msg.sender().display());
	// Replace %screenName% (contact ID)
	result.replace(QString("%senderScreenName%"), msg.sender().id(chat->account()));
	// Replace service name (protocol name)
	result.replace(QString("%service%"), chat->account()->protocol()->protocolFactory()->displayName());
	// Replace protocolIcon (sender statusIcon). TODO:
	result.replace(QString("%senderStatusIcon%"), chat->account()->protocol()->protocolFactory()->iconName());

	// Replace time
	QDateTime time = msg.sendDate().isNull() ? msg.receiveDate(): msg.sendDate();
	result.replace(QString("%time%"), printDateTime(time));
	// Look for %time{X}%
	QRegExp timeRegExp("%time\\{([^}]*)\\}%");
	int pos = 0;
	while ((pos = timeRegExp.indexIn(result , pos)) != -1)
		result.replace(pos, timeRegExp.cap(0).length(), timeFormatter->convertTimeDate(timeRegExp.cap(1), time));

	// Look for %textbackgroundcolor{X}%
	// TODO: highlight background color: use the X value.
	QRegExp textBackgroundRegExp("%textbackgroundcolor\\{([^}]*)\\}%");
	int textPos = 0;
	while ((textPos=textBackgroundRegExp.indexIn(result, textPos)) != -1)
		result.replace(textPos, textBackgroundRegExp.cap(0).length(), "inherit");

	// Replace userIconPath
	QString photoPath;
	if (msg.type() == Message::TypeReceived)
		result.replace(QString("%messageClasses%"), "message incoming");

		ContactAccountData *cad = msg.sender().accountData(chat->account());
		if (cad && !cad->avatar().pixmap().isNull())
			photoPath = QString("file://") + cad->avatar().filePath();
			photoPath = QString("file://") + styleHref + QString("Incoming/buddy_icon.png");
   		result.replace(QString("%messageClasses%"), "message outgoing");
		photoPath = QString("file://") + styleHref + QString("Outgoing/buddy_icon.png");
	result.replace(QString("%userIconPath%"), photoPath);

	//Message direction ("rtl"(Right-To-Left) or "ltr"(Left-to-right))
	result.replace(QString("%messageDirection%"), "ltr");

	// Replace contact's color
	const QString colorName = message->nickColor();
	QString lightColorName;
	QRegExp senderColorRegExp("%senderColor(?:\\{([^}]*)\\})?%");
	textPos = 0;
	while((textPos = senderColorRegExp.indexIn(result, textPos)) != -1)
		int light = 100;
		bool doLight = false;
			light = senderColorRegExp.cap(1).toUInt(&doLight);

		if (doLight && lightColorName.isNull())
			lightColorName = QColor(colorName).light(light).name();

		result.replace(textPos ,senderColorRegExp.cap(0).length(), doLight ? lightColorName : colorName);

	// Replace message TODO: do sth with formatMessage
	QString messageText = QString("<span>") + formatMessage(message->htmlMessageContent(), message->backgroundColor()) + QString("</span>");
	result.replace(QString("%message%"), messageText);

	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 18
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  // header information
  std::cout << "Blackbird Bitcoin Arbitrage\nVersion 0.0.2" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "DISCLAIMER: USE THE SOFTWARE AT YOUR OWN RISK.\n" << std::endl;

  // read the config file (config.json)
  json_error_t error;
  json_t *root = json_load_file("config.json", 0, &error);
  if (!root) {
    std::cout << "ERROR: config.json incorrect (" << error.text << ")\n" << std::endl;
    return 1;
  // get config variables
  int gapSec = json_integer_value(json_object_get(root, "GapSec"));
  unsigned  debugMaxIteration = json_integer_value(json_object_get(root, "DebugMaxIteration"));

  bool useFullCash = json_boolean_value(json_object_get(root, "UseFullCash")); 
  double untouchedCash = json_real_value(json_object_get(root, "UntouchedCash"));
  double cashForTesting = json_real_value(json_object_get(root, "CashForTesting"));

  if (!useFullCash && cashForTesting < 15.0) {
    std::cout << "ERROR: Minimum test cash is $15.00.\n" << std::endl;
    return 1;
  // function arrays 
  getQuoteType getQuote[] = {Bitfinex::getQuote, OkCoin::getQuote, Bitstamp::getQuote, Kraken::getQuote};
  getAvailType getAvail[] = {Bitfinex::getAvail, OkCoin::getAvail, Bitstamp::getAvail, Kraken::getAvail};
  sendOrderType sendOrder[] = {Bitfinex::sendOrder, OkCoin::sendOrder, Bitstamp::sendOrder};
  isOrderCompleteType isOrderComplete[] = {Bitfinex::isOrderComplete, OkCoin::isOrderComplete, Bitstamp::isOrderComplete};
  getActivePosType getActivePos[] = {Bitfinex::getActivePos, OkCoin::getActivePos, Bitstamp::getActivePos, Kraken::getActivePos};
  getLimitPriceType getLimitPrice[] = {Bitfinex::getLimitPrice, OkCoin::getLimitPrice, Bitstamp::getLimitPrice, Kraken::getLimitPrice};

  // thousand separator
  std::locale mylocale("");

  // print precision of two digits
  std::cout << std::fixed;

  // create a parameters structure
  Parameters params(root);
  params.addExchange("Bitfinex", 0.0020, true);
  params.addExchange("OKCoin", 0.0020, false);
  params.addExchange("Bitstamp", 0.0025, false);
  params.addExchange("Kraken", 0.0025, true);

  // CSV file
  std::string csvFileName;
  csvFileName = "result_" + printDateTimeFileName() + ".csv";
  std::ofstream csvFile;
  csvFile.open(csvFileName.c_str(), std::ofstream::trunc);
  // CSV header

  // time structure
  time_t rawtime;
  rawtime = time(NULL);
  struct tm * timeinfo;
  timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime);
  bool inMarket = false;
  int resultId = 0;
  Result res;
  // Vector of Bitcoin
  std::vector<Bitcoin*> btcVec;

  // create Bitcoin objects
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < params.nbExch(); ++i) {
    btcVec.push_back(new Bitcoin(i, params.exchName[i], params.fees[i], params.hasShort[i]));

  // cURL
  CURL* curl;
  curl = curl_easy_init();

  std::cout << "[ Targets ]" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "   Spread to enter: " << params.spreadEntry * 100.0 << "%" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "   Spread to exit: " << params.spreadExit * 100.0  << "%" << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::endl;

  // store current balances
  std::cout << "[ Current balances ]" << std::endl;
  std::vector<double> balanceUsd;
  std::vector<double> balanceBtc;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < params.nbExch(); ++i) {
    balanceUsd.push_back(getAvail[i](curl, params, "usd"));
    balanceBtc.push_back(getAvail[i](curl, params, "btc"));

  // vectors that contains balances after a completed trade
  std::vector<double> newBalUsd(params.nbExch(), 0.0);
  std::vector<double> newBalBtc(params.nbExch(), 0.0);
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < params.nbExch(); ++i) {
    std::cout << "   " << params.exchName[i] << ":\t";
    std::cout << balanceUsd[i] << " USD\t" << std::setprecision(6) << balanceBtc[i]  << std::setprecision(2) << " BTC" << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::endl;

  std::cout << "[ Cash exposure ]" << std::endl;
  if (useFullCash) {
    std::cout << "   FULL cash used!" << std::endl;
  } else {
    std::cout << "   TEST cash used\n   Value: $" << cashForTesting << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::endl;

  // wait the next gapSec seconds before starting
  timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime);
  while ((int)timeinfo->tm_sec % gapSec != 0) {
    timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime);

  // main loop
  if (!params.verbose) {
    std::cout << "Running..." << std::endl;  

  unsigned currIteration = 0;
  bool stillRunning = true;
  while (stillRunning) {

    time_t currTime = mktime(timeinfo);

    // check if we are already too late
    if (difftime(rawtime, currTime) > 0) {
      std::cout << "WARNING: " << difftime(rawtime, currTime) << " second(s) too late at " << printDateTime(currTime) << std::endl;
      unsigned skip = (unsigned)ceil(difftime(rawtime, currTime) / gapSec);
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < skip; ++i) {
        // std::cout << "         Skipped iteration " << printDateTime(currTime) << std::endl;
        for (unsigned e = 0; e < params.nbExch(); ++e) {
          btcVec[e]->addData(currTime, btcVec[e]->getLastBid(), btcVec[e]->getLastAsk(), 0.0);
        // go to next iteration
        timeinfo->tm_sec = timeinfo->tm_sec + gapSec;
        currTime = mktime(timeinfo);
      std::cout << std::endl;
    // wait for the next iteration
    while (difftime(rawtime, currTime) != 0) {
    if (params.verbose) {
      if (!inMarket) {
        std::cout << "[ " << printDateTime(currTime) << " ]" << std::endl;
      else {
        std::cout << "[ " << printDateTime(currTime) << " IN MARKET: Long " << res.exchNameLong << " / Short " << res.exchNameShort << " ]" << std::endl;
    // download the exchanges prices
    for (unsigned e = 0; e < params.nbExch(); ++e) {

      double bid = getQuote[e](curl, true);
      double ask = getQuote[e](curl, false);
      // add previous price if bid or ask is 0.0
      if (bid == 0.0) {
        bid = btcVec[e]->getLastBid();
	std::cout << "   WARNING: " << params.exchName[e] << " bid is null, use previous one" << std::endl;
      if (ask == 0.0) {
        ask = btcVec[e]->getLastAsk();
	std::cout << "   WARNING: " << params.exchName[e] << " ask is null, use previous one" << std::endl;

      if (params.verbose) {
        std::cout << "   " << params.exchName[e] << ": \t" << bid << " / " << ask << std::endl;
      btcVec[e]->addData(currTime, bid, ask, 0.0);
    // load data terminated
    if (params.verbose) {
      std::cout << "   ----------------------------" << std::endl;
    // compute entry point
    if (!inMarket) {
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < params.nbExch(); ++i) {
        for (unsigned j = 0; j < params.nbExch(); ++j) {
          if (i != j) {
            if (checkEntry(btcVec[i], btcVec[j], res, params)) {
              // entry opportunity found
              // compute exposure
              res.exposure = std::min(balanceUsd[res.idExchLong], balanceUsd[res.idExchShort]);
              if (res.exposure == 0.0) {
                std::cout << "   WARNING: Opportunity found but no cash available. Trade canceled." << std::endl;
              if (useFullCash == false && res.exposure <= cashForTesting) {
                std::cout << "   WARNING: Opportunity found but no enough cash. Need more than TEST cash (min. $" << cashForTesting << "). Trade canceled." << std::endl;

              if (useFullCash) {
                // leave untouchedCash
                res.exposure -= untouchedCash * res.exposure;
              else {
	        // use test money
                res.exposure = cashForTesting;

	      // check volumes
	      double volumeLong = res.exposure / btcVec[res.idExchLong]->getLastAsk();
	      double volumeShort = res.exposure / btcVec[res.idExchShort]->getLastBid();
	      double limPriceLong = getLimitPrice[res.idExchLong](curl, volumeLong, false);	
	      double limPriceShort = getLimitPrice[res.idExchShort](curl, volumeShort, true);
	      if (limPriceLong - res.priceLongIn > 0.30 || res.priceShortIn - limPriceShort > 0.30) {
                std::cout << "   WARNING: Opportunity found but not enough volume. Trade canceled." << std::endl;

              inMarket = true;
              // update result
              res.id = resultId;
              res.entryTime = currTime;
              res.maxSpread[res.idExchLong][res.idExchShort] = -1.0;
              res.minSpread[res.idExchLong][res.idExchShort] = 1.0;
              int longOrderId = 0;
              int shortOrderId = 0;

              // send Long order
              longOrderId = sendOrder[res.idExchLong](curl, params, "buy", volumeLong, btcVec[res.idExchLong]->getLastAsk());
              // send Short order
              shortOrderId = sendOrder[res.idExchShort](curl, params, "sell", volumeShort, btcVec[res.idExchShort]->getLastBid());
              // wait for the orders to be filled
              std::cout << "Waiting for the two orders to be filled..." << std::endl;
              while (!isOrderComplete[res.idExchLong](curl, params, longOrderId) || !isOrderComplete[res.idExchShort](curl, params, shortOrderId)) {
              std::cout << "Done" << std::endl;
              longOrderId = 0;
              shortOrderId = 0;
        if (inMarket) {
      if (params.verbose) {
        std::cout << std::endl;
    // in market, looking to exit
    else if (inMarket) {

      if (checkExit(btcVec[res.idExchLong], btcVec[res.idExchShort], res, params, currTime)) {
        // exit opportunity found

        // check current exposure
        std::vector<double> btcUsed;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < params.nbExch(); ++i) {
          btcUsed.push_back(getActivePos[i](curl, params));
        // check volumes
	double volumeLong = btcUsed[res.idExchLong];
	double volumeShort = btcUsed[res.idExchShort];
        double limPriceLong = getLimitPrice[res.idExchLong](curl, volumeLong, true);
        double limPriceShort = getLimitPrice[res.idExchShort](curl, volumeShort, false);
        if (res.priceLongOut - limPriceLong > 0.30 || limPriceShort - res.priceShortOut > 0.30) {
          std::cout << "   WARNING: Opportunity found but not enough volume. Trade canceled." << std::endl;
	} else {
	  res.exitTime = currTime;
          // send orders
          int longOrderId = 0;
          int shortOrderId = 0;
          std::cout << std::setprecision(6) << "BTC exposure on " << params.exchName[res.idExchLong] << ": " << volumeLong << std::setprecision(2) << std::endl;
          std::cout << std::setprecision(6) << "BTC exposure on " << params.exchName[res.idExchShort] << ": " << volumeShort << std::setprecision(2) << std::endl;
          std::cout << std::endl;
          // Close Long
          longOrderId = sendOrder[res.idExchLong](curl, params, "sell", fabs(btcUsed[res.idExchLong]), btcVec[res.idExchLong]->getLastBid());
          // Close Short
          shortOrderId = sendOrder[res.idExchShort](curl, params, "buy", fabs(btcUsed[res.idExchShort]), btcVec[res.idExchShort]->getLastAsk());
          // wait for the orders to be filled
          std::cout << "Waiting for the two orders to be filled..." << std::endl;
          while (!isOrderComplete[res.idExchLong](curl, params, longOrderId) || !isOrderComplete[res.idExchShort](curl, params, shortOrderId)) {
          std::cout << "Done\n" << std::endl;
          longOrderId = 0;
          shortOrderId = 0;

          // market exited
          inMarket = false;
          // new balances
          for (unsigned i = 0; i < params.nbExch(); ++i) {
            newBalUsd[i] = getAvail[i](curl, params, "usd");
            newBalBtc[i] = getAvail[i](curl, params, "btc");
          for (unsigned i = 0; i < params.nbExch(); ++i) {
            std::cout << "New balance on " << params.exchName[i] << ":  \t";
            std::cout << newBalUsd[i] << " USD (perf $" << newBalUsd[i] - balanceUsd[i] << "), ";
            std::cout << std::setprecision(6) << newBalBtc[i]  << std::setprecision(2) << " BTC" << std::endl;
          std::cout << std::endl;

          // update res with total balance
          res.befBalUsd = std::accumulate(balanceUsd.begin(), balanceUsd.end(), 0.0);
          res.aftBalUsd = std::accumulate(newBalUsd.begin(), newBalUsd.end(), 0.0);

          // update current balances with new values
          for (unsigned i = 0; i < params.nbExch(); ++i) {
            balanceUsd[i] = newBalUsd[i];
            balanceBtc[i] = newBalBtc[i];

          // display performance
          std::cout << "ACTUAL PERFORMANCE: " << "$" << res.aftBalUsd - res.befBalUsd << " (" << res.totPerf() * 100.0 << "%)\n" << std::endl; 
          // new csv line with result
          csvFile << res.id << "," << res.exchNameLong << "," << res.exchNameShort << "," << printDateTimeCsv(res.entryTime) << "," << printDateTimeCsv(res.exitTime);
          csvFile << "," << res.getLength() << "," << res.exposure * 2.0 << "," << res.befBalUsd << "," << res.aftBalUsd << "," << res.totPerf() << "\n";

          // send email
          if (params.sendEmail) {
            sendEmail(res, params);
            std::cout << "Email sent" << std::endl;

          // delete result information
          // if "stop_after_exit" file exists then return
          std::ifstream infile("stop_after_exit");
          if (infile.good()) {
            std::cout << "Exit after last trade (file stop_after_exit found)" << std::endl;
            stillRunning = false;
      if (params.verbose) {
        std::cout << std::endl;
    // activities for this iteration terminated
    timeinfo->tm_sec = timeinfo->tm_sec + gapSec;
    if (currIteration >= debugMaxIteration) {
      std::cout << "Max iteration reached (" << debugMaxIteration << ")" <<std::endl;
      stillRunning = false;
  // delete Bitcoin objects
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < params.nbExch(); ++i) {
  // close cURL
  // close csv file
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 19
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  std::cout << "Blackbird Bitcoin Arbitrage" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "DISCLAIMER: USE THE SOFTWARE AT YOUR OWN RISK\n" << std::endl;

  std::locale mylocale("");

  Parameters params("blackbird.conf");

  if (!params.demoMode) {
    if (!params.useFullCash) {
      if (params.cashForTesting < 10.0) {
        std::cout << "WARNING: Minimum test cash recommended: $10.00\n" << std::endl;
      if (params.cashForTesting > params.maxExposure) {
        std::cout << "ERROR: Test cash ($" << params.cashForTesting << ") is above max exposure ($" << params.maxExposure << ")\n" << std::endl;
        return -1;

  getQuoteType getQuote[10];
  getAvailType getAvail[10];
  sendOrderType sendOrder[10];
  isOrderCompleteType isOrderComplete[10];
  getActivePosType getActivePos[10];
  getLimitPriceType getLimitPrice[10];

  int index = 0;
  if (params.bitfinexApi.empty() == false || params.demoMode == true) {
    params.addExchange("Bitfinex", params.bitfinexFees, params.bitfinexCanShort, true);
    getQuote[index] = Bitfinex::getQuote;
    getAvail[index] = Bitfinex::getAvail;
    sendOrder[index] = Bitfinex::sendOrder;
    isOrderComplete[index] = Bitfinex::isOrderComplete;
    getActivePos[index] = Bitfinex::getActivePos;
    getLimitPrice[index] = Bitfinex::getLimitPrice;
  if (params.okcoinApi.empty() == false || params.demoMode == true) {
    params.addExchange("OKCoin", params.okcoinFees, params.okcoinCanShort, true);
    getQuote[index] = OkCoin::getQuote;
    getAvail[index] = OkCoin::getAvail;
    sendOrder[index] = OkCoin::sendOrder;
    isOrderComplete[index] = OkCoin::isOrderComplete;
    getActivePos[index] = OkCoin::getActivePos;
    getLimitPrice[index] = OkCoin::getLimitPrice;
  if (params.bitstampClientId.empty() == false || params.demoMode == true) {
    params.addExchange("Bitstamp", params.bitstampFees, params.bitstampCanShort, true);
    getQuote[index] = Bitstamp::getQuote;
    getAvail[index] = Bitstamp::getAvail;
    sendOrder[index] = Bitstamp::sendOrder;
    isOrderComplete[index] = Bitstamp::isOrderComplete;
    getActivePos[index] = Bitstamp::getActivePos;
    getLimitPrice[index] = Bitstamp::getLimitPrice;
  if (params.geminiApi.empty() == false || params.demoMode == true) {
    params.addExchange("Gemini", params.geminiFees, params.geminiCanShort, true);
    getQuote[index] = Gemini::getQuote;
    getAvail[index] = Gemini::getAvail;
    sendOrder[index] = Gemini::sendOrder;
    isOrderComplete[index] = Gemini::isOrderComplete;
    getActivePos[index] = Gemini::getActivePos;
    getLimitPrice[index] = Gemini::getLimitPrice;
  if (params.krakenApi.empty() == false || params.demoMode == true) {
    params.addExchange("Kraken", params.krakenFees, params.krakenCanShort, true);
    getQuote[index] = Kraken::getQuote;
    getAvail[index] = Kraken::getAvail;
    sendOrder[index] = Kraken::sendOrder;
    isOrderComplete[index] = Kraken::isOrderComplete;
    getActivePos[index] = Kraken::getActivePos;
    getLimitPrice[index] = Kraken::getLimitPrice;
  if (params.itbitApi.empty() == false || params.demoMode == true) {
    params.addExchange("ItBit", params.itbitFees, params.itbitCanShort, false);
    getQuote[index] = ItBit::getQuote;
    getAvail[index] = ItBit::getAvail;
    // sendOrder[index] = ItBit::sendOrder;
    // isOrderComplete[index] = ItBit::isOrderComplete;
    getActivePos[index] = ItBit::getActivePos;
    getLimitPrice[index] = ItBit::getLimitPrice;
  if (params.btceApi.empty() == false || params.demoMode == true) {
    params.addExchange("BTC-e", params.btceFees, params.btceCanShort, false);
    getQuote[index] = BTCe::getQuote;
    getAvail[index] = BTCe::getAvail;
    // sendOrder[index] = BTCe::sendOrder;
    // isOrderComplete[index] = BTCe::isOrderComplete;
    getActivePos[index] = BTCe::getActivePos;
    getLimitPrice[index] = BTCe::getLimitPrice;
  if (params.sevennintysixApi.empty() == false || params.demoMode == true) {
    params.addExchange("796.com", params.sevennintysixFees, params.sevennintysixCanShort, true);
    getQuote[index] = SevenNintySix::getQuote;
    getAvail[index] = SevenNintySix::getAvail;
    sendOrder[index] = SevenNintySix::sendOrder;
    isOrderComplete[index] = SevenNintySix::isOrderComplete;
    getActivePos[index] = SevenNintySix::getActivePos;
    getLimitPrice[index] = SevenNintySix::getLimitPrice;

  if (index < 2) {
    std::cout << "ERROR: Blackbird needs at least two Bitcoin exchanges. Please edit the config.json file to add new exchanges\n" << std::endl;
    return -1;

  std::string currDateTime = printDateTimeFileName();
  std::string csvFileName = "blackbird_result_" + currDateTime + ".csv";
  std::ofstream csvFile;
  csvFile.open(csvFileName.c_str(), std::ofstream::trunc);

  std::string logFileName = "blackbird_log_" + currDateTime + ".log";
  std::ofstream logFile;
  logFile.open(logFileName.c_str(), std::ofstream::trunc);
  logFile << std::fixed;
  params.logFile = &logFile;
  logFile << "--------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
  logFile << "|   Blackbird Bitcoin Arbitrage Log File   |" << std::endl;
  logFile << "--------------------------------------------\n" << std::endl;
  logFile << "Blackbird started on " << printDateTime() << "\n" << std::endl;

  if (params.demoMode) {
    logFile << "Demo mode: trades won't be generated\n" << std::endl;

  std::cout << "Log file generated: " << logFileName << "\nBlackbird is running... (pid " << getpid() << ")\n" << std::endl;

  // Vector of Bitcoin objects
  std::vector<Bitcoin*> btcVec;
  int num_exchange = params.nbExch();
  // create Bitcoin objects
  for (int i = 0; i < num_exchange; ++i) {
    btcVec.push_back(new Bitcoin(i, params.exchName[i], params.fees[i], params.canShort[i], params.isImplemented[i]));
  params.curl = curl_easy_init();

  logFile << "[ Targets ]" << std::endl;
  logFile << "   Spread Entry:  " << params.spreadEntry * 100.0 << "%" << std::endl;
  logFile << "   Spread Target: " << params.spreadTarget * 100.0  << "%" << std::endl;
  if (params.spreadEntry <= 0.0) {
    logFile << "   WARNING: Spread Entry should be positive" << std::endl;
  if (params.spreadTarget <= 0.0) {
    logFile << "   WARNING: Spread Target should be positive" << std::endl;
  logFile << std::endl;
  // store current balances
  logFile << "[ Current balances ]" << std::endl;
  double* balanceUsd = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * num_exchange);
  double* balanceBtc = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * num_exchange);
  for (int i = 0; i < num_exchange; ++i) {
    if (params.demoMode) {
      balanceUsd[i] = 0.0;
      balanceBtc[i] = 0.0;
    } else {
      balanceUsd[i] = getAvail[i](params, "usd");
      balanceBtc[i] = getAvail[i](params, "btc");
  // contains balances after a completed trade
  double* newBalUsd = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * num_exchange);
  double* newBalBtc = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * num_exchange);
  memset(newBalUsd, 0.0, sizeof(double) * num_exchange);
  memset(newBalBtc, 0.0, sizeof(double) * num_exchange);

  for (int i = 0; i < num_exchange; ++i) {
    logFile << "   " << params.exchName[i] << ":\t";
    logFile << balanceUsd[i] << " USD\t" << std::setprecision(6) << balanceBtc[i]  << std::setprecision(2) << " BTC" << std::endl;
    if (balanceBtc[i] > 0.0300) {
      logFile << "ERROR: All BTC accounts must be empty before starting Blackbird" << std::endl;
      return -1;
  logFile << std::endl;
  logFile << "[ Cash exposure ]" << std::endl;
  if (params.demoMode) {
    logFile << "   No cash - Demo mode" << std::endl;
  } else {
    if (params.useFullCash) {
      logFile << "   FULL cash used!" << std::endl;
    } else {
      logFile << "   TEST cash used\n   Value: $" << params.cashForTesting << std::endl;
  logFile << std::endl;

  time_t rawtime;
  rawtime = time(NULL);
  struct tm* timeinfo;
  timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime);
  // wait the next gapSec seconds before starting
  timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime);
  while ((int)timeinfo->tm_sec % params.gapSec != 0) {
    timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime);
  // main loop
  if (!params.verbose) {
    logFile << "Running..." << std::endl;
  bool inMarket = false;
  int resultId = 0;
  Result res;
  unsigned currIteration = 0;
  bool stillRunning = true;
  time_t currTime;
  time_t diffTime;
  while (stillRunning) {

    currTime = mktime(timeinfo);
    diffTime = difftime(rawtime, currTime);
    // check if we are already too late
    if (diffTime > 0) {
      logFile << "WARNING: " << diffTime << " second(s) too late at " << printDateTime(currTime) << std::endl;
      // unsigned skip = (unsigned)ceil(diffTime / gapSec);
      // go to next iteration
      timeinfo->tm_sec = timeinfo->tm_sec + (ceil(diffTime / params.gapSec) + 1) * params.gapSec;
      currTime = mktime(timeinfo);
      sleep(params.gapSec - (diffTime % params.gapSec));
      logFile << std::endl;
    else if (diffTime < 0) {
      sleep(-difftime(rawtime, currTime));  // sleep until the next iteration
    if (params.verbose) {
      if (!inMarket) {
        logFile << "[ " << printDateTime(currTime) << " ]" << std::endl;
      } else {
        logFile << "[ " << printDateTime(currTime) << " IN MARKET: Long " << res.exchNameLong << " / Short " << res.exchNameShort << " ]" << std::endl;
    for (int e = 0; e < num_exchange; ++e) {
      double bid = getQuote[e](params, true);
      double ask = getQuote[e](params, false);
      if (bid == 0.0) {
        logFile << "   WARNING: " << params.exchName[e] << " bid is null, use previous one" << std::endl;
      if (ask == 0.0) {
        logFile << "   WARNING: " << params.exchName[e] << " ask is null, use previous one" << std::endl;
      if (params.verbose) {
        logFile << "   " << params.exchName[e] << ": \t" << bid << " / " << ask << std::endl;
      btcVec[e]->updateData(bid, ask, 0.0);
    if (params.verbose) {
      logFile << "   ----------------------------" << std::endl;

    // compute entry point
    if (!inMarket) {
      for (int i = 0; i < num_exchange; ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < num_exchange; ++j) {
          if (i != j) {
            if (checkEntry(btcVec[i], btcVec[j], res, params)) {
              // entry opportunity found
              res.exposure = std::min(balanceUsd[res.idExchLong], balanceUsd[res.idExchShort]);
              if (params.demoMode) {
                logFile << "INFO: Opportunity found but no trade will be generated (Demo mode)" << std::endl;
              if (res.exposure == 0.0) {
                logFile << "WARNING: Opportunity found but no cash available. Trade canceled" << std::endl;
              if (params.useFullCash == false && res.exposure <= params.cashForTesting) {
                logFile << "WARNING: Opportunity found but no enough cash. Need more than TEST cash (min. $" << params.cashForTesting << "). Trade canceled" << std::endl;
              if (params.useFullCash) {
                res.exposure -= params.untouchedCash * res.exposure;  // leave untouchedCash
                if (res.exposure > params.maxExposure) {
                  logFile << "WARNING: Opportunity found but exposure ($" << res.exposure << ") above the limit" << std::endl;
                  logFile << "         Max exposure will be used instead ($" << params.maxExposure << ")" << std::endl;
                  res.exposure = params.maxExposure;
              } else {
                res.exposure = params.cashForTesting;  // use test money
              double volumeLong = res.exposure / btcVec[res.idExchLong]->getAsk();
              double volumeShort = res.exposure / btcVec[res.idExchShort]->getBid();
              double limPriceLong = getLimitPrice[res.idExchLong](params, volumeLong, false);
              double limPriceShort = getLimitPrice[res.idExchShort](params, volumeShort, true);
              if (limPriceLong - res.priceLongIn > params.priceDeltaLim || res.priceShortIn - limPriceShort > params.priceDeltaLim) {
                logFile << "WARNING: Opportunity found but not enough liquidity. Trade canceled" << std::endl;
                logFile << "         Target long price:  " << res.priceLongIn << ", Real long price:  " << limPriceLong << std::endl;
                logFile << "         Target short price: " << res.priceShortIn << ", Real short price: " << limPriceShort << std::endl;
                res.trailing[res.idExchLong][res.idExchShort] = -1.0;
              inMarket = true;
              // update result
              res.id = resultId;
              res.entryTime = currTime;
              res.maxSpread[res.idExchLong][res.idExchShort] = -1.0;
              res.minSpread[res.idExchLong][res.idExchShort] = 1.0;
              res.trailing[res.idExchLong][res.idExchShort] = 1.0;
              int longOrderId = 0;
              int shortOrderId = 0;
              // send orders
              longOrderId = sendOrder[res.idExchLong](params, "buy", volumeLong, btcVec[res.idExchLong]->getAsk());
              shortOrderId = sendOrder[res.idExchShort](params, "sell", volumeShort, btcVec[res.idExchShort]->getBid());
              // wait for the orders to be filled
              logFile << "Waiting for the two orders to be filled..." << std::endl;
              while (!isOrderComplete[res.idExchLong](params, longOrderId) || !isOrderComplete[res.idExchShort](params, shortOrderId)) {
              logFile << "Done" << std::endl;
              longOrderId = 0;
              shortOrderId = 0;
        if (inMarket) {
      if (params.verbose) {
        logFile << std::endl;
    // in market, looking to exit
    else if (inMarket) {
      if (checkExit(btcVec[res.idExchLong], btcVec[res.idExchShort], res, params, currTime)) {
        // exit opportunity found
        // check current exposure
        double* btcUsed = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * num_exchange);
        for (int i = 0; i < num_exchange; ++i) {
          btcUsed[i] = getActivePos[i](params);
        double volumeLong = btcUsed[res.idExchLong];
        double volumeShort = btcUsed[res.idExchShort];
        double limPriceLong = getLimitPrice[res.idExchLong](params, volumeLong, true);
        double limPriceShort = getLimitPrice[res.idExchShort](params, volumeShort, false);

        if (res.priceLongOut - limPriceLong > params.priceDeltaLim || limPriceShort - res.priceShortOut > params.priceDeltaLim) {
          logFile << "WARNING: Opportunity found but not enough liquidity. Trade canceled" << std::endl;
          logFile << "         Target long price:  " << res.priceLongOut << ", Real long price:  " << limPriceLong << std::endl;
          logFile << "         Target short price: " << res.priceShortOut << ", Real short price: " << limPriceShort << std::endl;
          res.trailing[res.idExchLong][res.idExchShort] = 1.0;
        } else {
          res.exitTime = currTime;
          int longOrderId = 0;
          int shortOrderId = 0;
          logFile << std::setprecision(6) << "BTC exposure on " << params.exchName[res.idExchLong] << ": " << volumeLong << std::setprecision(2) << std::endl;
          logFile << std::setprecision(6) << "BTC exposure on " << params.exchName[res.idExchShort] << ": " << volumeShort << std::setprecision(2) << std::endl;
          logFile << std::endl;
          // send orders
          longOrderId = sendOrder[res.idExchLong](params, "sell", fabs(btcUsed[res.idExchLong]), btcVec[res.idExchLong]->getBid());
          shortOrderId = sendOrder[res.idExchShort](params, "buy", fabs(btcUsed[res.idExchShort]), btcVec[res.idExchShort]->getAsk());
          // wait for the orders to be filled
          logFile << "Waiting for the two orders to be filled..." << std::endl;
          while (!isOrderComplete[res.idExchLong](params, longOrderId) || !isOrderComplete[res.idExchShort](params, shortOrderId)) {
          logFile << "Done\n" << std::endl;
          longOrderId = 0;
          shortOrderId = 0;
          inMarket = false;
          // new balances
          for (int i = 0; i < num_exchange; ++i) {
            newBalUsd[i] = getAvail[i](params, "usd");
            newBalBtc[i] = getAvail[i](params, "btc");
          for (int i = 0; i < num_exchange; ++i) {
            logFile << "New balance on " << params.exchName[i] << ":  \t";
            logFile << newBalUsd[i] << " USD (perf $" << newBalUsd[i] - balanceUsd[i] << "), ";
            logFile << std::setprecision(6) << newBalBtc[i]  << std::setprecision(2) << " BTC" << std::endl;
          logFile << std::endl;
          // update res with total balance
          for (int i = 0; i < num_exchange; ++i) {
            res.befBalUsd += balanceUsd[i];
            res.aftBalUsd += newBalUsd[i];
          // update current balances with new values
          for (int i = 0; i < num_exchange; ++i) {
            balanceUsd[i] = newBalUsd[i];
            balanceBtc[i] = newBalBtc[i];
          logFile << "ACTUAL PERFORMANCE: " << "$" << res.aftBalUsd - res.befBalUsd << " (" << res.totPerf() * 100.0 << "%)\n" << std::endl;
          csvFile << res.id << "," << res.exchNameLong << "," << res.exchNameShort << "," << printDateTimeCsv(res.entryTime) << "," << printDateTimeCsv(res.exitTime);
          csvFile << "," << res.getLength() << "," << res.exposure * 2.0 << "," << res.befBalUsd << "," << res.aftBalUsd << "," << res.totPerf() << "\n";
          if (params.sendEmail) {
            sendEmail(res, params);
            logFile << "Email sent" << std::endl;
          std::ifstream infile("stop_after_exit");
          if (infile.good()) {
            logFile << "Exit after last trade (file stop_after_exit found)" << std::endl;
            stillRunning = false;
      if (params.verbose) {
        logFile << std::endl;
    timeinfo->tm_sec = timeinfo->tm_sec + params.gapSec;
    if (currIteration >= params.debugMaxIteration) {
      logFile << "Max iteration reached (" << params.debugMaxIteration << ")" <<std::endl;
      stillRunning = false;
  for (int i = 0; i < num_exchange; ++i) {

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 20
//run the time setting state machine. must be called frequently while in set mode.
//returns true when setting is complete or has timed out.
bool GoldieClock::setClock(void)
    static setStates_t SET_STATE;
    static time_t utc, local;
    static uint8_t newTzIndex;
    static int y, mth, d, h, m, maxDays;
    static uint16_t pixel;
    static uint32_t rpt;
    bool retval = false;

    //see if user wants to cancel set mode or if set mode has timed out
    if ( SET_STATE != SET_INIT )
        if ( btnSet.pressedFor(SET_LONGPRESS) )
            SET_STATE = SET_INIT;
            displayClock( getUTC() );
            while ( btnSet.isPressed() ) btnSet.read();    //wait for user to release the button
            return true;
        uint32_t ms = millis();
        if ( (ms - btnSet.lastChange() >= SET_TIMEOUT) && (ms - btnIncr.lastChange() >= SET_TIMEOUT) )
            SET_STATE = SET_INIT;
            return true;

    switch ( SET_STATE )
    case SET_INIT:
        SET_STATE = SET_TZ;
        rpt = REPEAT_FIRST;
        utc = getUTC();
        local = (*tz).toLocal(utc, &tcr);
        newTzIndex = tzIndex;
        displaySet( newTzIndex, WHITE );
        while ( btnSet.isPressed() ) btnSet.read();    //wait for user to release the button

    case SET_TZ:
        if ( btnSet.wasReleased() )                    //then move on to set year
            SET_STATE = SET_YEAR;
            rpt = REPEAT_FIRST;
            if ( newTzIndex != tzIndex )
                tzIndex = newTzIndex;
                tz = timezones[tzIndex];
                eeprom_write_byte( &ee_tzIndex, tzIndex);
                Serial << F("Time zone changed to ") << tzNames[tzIndex] << endl;
            y = year(local);
            if ( y < 2015 || y > 2074 ) y = 2015;      //year must be in range 2015-2074
            pixel = y - 2000;                          //map to pixel
            if ( pixel > 60 ) pixel -= 60;
            displaySet( pixel, MAGENTA );
        else if ( btnIncr.wasReleased() )
            rpt = REPEAT_FIRST;
            if ( ++newTzIndex >= sizeof(tzNames) / sizeof(tzNames[0]) ) newTzIndex = 0;
            displaySet( newTzIndex, WHITE );
        else if ( btnIncr.pressedFor(rpt) )
            rpt += REPEAT_INCR;
            if ( ++newTzIndex >= sizeof(tzNames) / sizeof(tzNames[0]) ) newTzIndex = 0;
            displaySet( newTzIndex, WHITE );

    case SET_YEAR:
        if ( btnSet.wasReleased() )
            SET_STATE = SET_MON;
            rpt = REPEAT_FIRST;
            mth = month(local);
            displaySet( mth, CYAN );
        else if ( btnIncr.wasReleased() )
            rpt = REPEAT_FIRST;
            if ( ++pixel > LAST_PIXEL ) pixel = 0;
            displaySet( pixel, MAGENTA );
            y = pixel < 15 ? 2060 + pixel : 2000 + pixel;    //map pixel to year
        else if ( btnIncr.pressedFor(rpt) )
            rpt += REPEAT_INCR;
            if ( ++pixel > LAST_PIXEL ) pixel = 0;
            displaySet( pixel, MAGENTA );
            y = pixel < 15 ? 2060 + pixel : 2000 + pixel;    //map pixel to year

    case SET_MON:
        if ( btnSet.wasReleased() )
            SET_STATE = SET_DAY;
            rpt = REPEAT_FIRST;
            d = day(local);
            maxDays = monthDays[mth-1];                      //number of days in the month
            if (mth == 2 && isLeap(y)) ++maxDays;            //account for leap year
            if ( d > maxDays ) d = maxDays;
            displaySet( d, YELLOW );
        else if ( btnIncr.wasReleased() )
            rpt = REPEAT_FIRST;
            if ( ++mth > 12 ) mth = 1;                       //wrap from dec back to jan
            displaySet( mth, CYAN );
        else if ( btnIncr.pressedFor(rpt) )
            rpt += REPEAT_INCR;
            if ( ++mth > 12 ) mth = 1;
            displaySet( mth, CYAN );

    case SET_DAY:
        if ( btnSet.wasReleased() )
            SET_STATE = SET_HOUR;
            rpt = REPEAT_FIRST;
            h = hour(local);
            displaySet( h, RED );
        else if ( btnIncr.wasReleased() )
            rpt = REPEAT_FIRST;
            if ( ++d > maxDays ) d = 1;
            displaySet( d, YELLOW );
        else if ( btnIncr.pressedFor(rpt) )
            rpt += REPEAT_INCR;
            if ( ++d > maxDays ) d = 1;
            displaySet( d, YELLOW );

    case SET_HOUR:
        if ( btnSet.wasReleased() )
            SET_STATE = SET_MIN;
            rpt = REPEAT_FIRST;
            m = minute(local);
            displaySet( m, BLUE );
        else if ( btnIncr.wasReleased() )
            rpt = REPEAT_FIRST;
            if ( ++h > 23 ) h = 0;
            displaySet( h, RED );
        else if ( btnIncr.pressedFor(rpt) )
            rpt += REPEAT_INCR;
            if ( ++h > 23 ) h = 0;
            displaySet( h, RED );

    case SET_MIN:
        if ( btnSet.wasReleased() )
            SET_STATE = SET_INIT;
            rpt = REPEAT_FIRST;
            tmElements_t tm;
            tm.Year = CalendarYrToTm(y);
            tm.Month = mth;
            tm.Day = d;
            tm.Hour = h;
            tm.Minute = m;
            tm.Second = 0;
            local = makeTime(tm);
            utc = (*tz).toUTC(local);
            Serial << F("\nTime set to:\n");
            Serial << F("UTC") << endl;
            Serial << tcr -> abbrev << endl;
            retval = true;
        else if ( btnIncr.wasReleased() )
            rpt = REPEAT_FIRST;
            if ( ++m > 59 ) m = 0;
            displaySet( m, BLUE );
        else if ( btnIncr.pressedFor(rpt) )
            rpt += REPEAT_INCR;
            if ( ++m > 59 ) m = 0;
            displaySet( m, BLUE );
    return retval;