Ejemplo n.º 1
 ** outputLogo() - print out your logo
void outputLogo(FILE *fo, Image the_image)
    float xpos, ypos;

  /* KE: Was missing first argument */
    printPS(fo,my_logo);  /* print out the logo */

   * set up the scaling factors
    fprintf(fo,"\nmatrix currentmatrix\n");
    fprintf(fo,"0 0 moveto\n");

    if(the_image.orientation == PORTRAIT) {
	xpos = 0;
	ypos = - LOGOHEIGHT;
	fprintf(fo,"%f inch %f inch translate\n", xpos,ypos);
    else {
	xpos = the_image.height + (float)LOGOHEIGHT;
	ypos = 0;
	fprintf(fo,"%f inch %f inch translate\n", xpos,ypos);
	fprintf(fo,"90 rotate\n");

   * output the company name
    fprintf(fo,"/xlinepos 0 def\n");
    fprintf(fo,"/ylinepos 0 def\n");
    fprintf(fo,"/charheight .11 inch def\n");
    fprintf(fo,"/logoheight %f inch def\n",LOGOHEIGHT);
    fprintf(fo,"/xlogopos xlinepos def\n");
    fprintf(fo,"/ylogopos ylinepos logoheight 0.2 mul add def\n");
    fprintf(fo,"/logosize logoheight 0.6 mul def\n");
    fprintf(fo,"/xtextpos xlinepos logosize 2 charheight mul add add def\n");
    fprintf(fo,"/ytextpos ylogopos charheight add def\n");
    fprintf(fo,"/nextline {\n   /ytextpos ytextpos charheight sub store\n");
    fprintf(fo,"   xtextpos ytextpos moveto\n} def\n");
    fprintf(fo,"/Helvetica-BoldOblique findfont\n");
    fprintf(fo,"8 scalefont\n");
    fprintf(fo,"setfont \n");
    fprintf(fo,"xlogopos ylogopos logosize 1 0 %s \n", LOGONAME);
    fprintf(fo,"xtextpos ytextpos moveto  %% locate lower left corner of image\n");
    fprintf(fo,"(%s) show\n", COMPANYNAME1);
    fprintf(fo,"xtextpos ytextpos moveto\n");
    fprintf(fo,"(%s) show\n", COMPANYNAME2);
    fprintf(fo,"1 0 0 setrgbcolor         %% draw laser line\n");
    fprintf(fo,"xlogopos ylinepos moveto\n");
    fprintf(fo,"1.2 inch 0 rlineto\n");
Ejemplo n.º 2
 ** outputColorImage() - output the code to support color
 **                      image printing on monochrome devices
void outputColorImage(FILE *fo)
    printPS(fo, ColorImage);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void GPViewPageNode::finalize() {

    int ii;
    const char *separator = "#------------------------------------------------\n";
    const char *new_section = "\n\n";
    string       page_title;
    string       page_legend;
    string       page_fg_color;
    string       page_bg_color;
    string       page_font; /* X11 font naming convention */
    char gp_template_file_name[512];
    char outFileName[512];
    string tmp_string;
    stringstream tmp_stream;
    stringstream cmd;
    string extension;
    string::size_type idx;
    int xx_geom = 850;  //default gnuplot window width
    int yy_geom = 657;  //default gnuplot window height
    int max_num_curves = 0;

     * Gnuplot knows a limited number of color names.
     * To see the list of known color names, run...
     * % gnuplot -e 'show palette colornames'
    string plotColors[]= { "black", "red", "blue", "green", "magenta",
                           "yellow", "cyan", "pink", "dark-green",
                           "light-blue",  "purple", "orange", "brown" };
    int n_CustomColors = sizeof(plotColors)/sizeof(plotColors[0]);

     * WARNING: getAttribute() returns a const char *, which may be null.
     *          Assigning a null pointer to a string will crash the plot.
     *          So, check the return value before making the assignment.
    page_title       = (page->getTitle()) ?  page->getTitle() : "Page";
    page_legend      = (page->getAttribute("legend")) ?  page->getAttribute("legend") : "";
    page_bg_color    = (page->getAttribute("background_color")) ?  page->getAttribute("background_color") : "";
    page_fg_color    = (page->getAttribute("foreground_color")) ?  page->getAttribute("foreground_color") : "";
    page_font        = (page->getAttribute("font")) ?  page->getAttribute("font") : "";

    //! Nomultiplot command
    textbuf.print("%s", new_section);
    textbuf.print("%s", separator);
    textbuf.print("# For some terminals, plots are not displayed\n");
    textbuf.print("# until the command `unset multiplot` is given.\n");
    textbuf.print("# Return to single plot mode to switch device\n");
    textbuf.print("%s", separator);
    textbuf.print("unset multiplot\n");

    //! Get Gnuplot Terminal setting
    terminalType_txt = (page->getAttribute("gnuplot_terminal")) ?  page->getAttribute("gnuplot_terminal") : "";
    if ( strcasecmp(terminalType_txt.c_str(), "X11") == 0 ) {

        terminalType = GPViewPageNode::X11;
        terminalType_txt = "x11";

    } else if ( strcasecmp(terminalType_txt.c_str(), "PS") == 0 ) {

        terminalType = GPViewPageNode::PS;
        terminalType_txt = "postscript";
        extension = ".ps";

    } else if ( strcasecmp(terminalType_txt.c_str(), "PS_COLOR") == 0 ) {

        terminalType = GPViewPageNode::PS_COLOR;
        terminalType_txt = "postscript";
        extension = ".ps";

    } else if ( strcasecmp(terminalType_txt.c_str(), "PNG") == 0 ) {

        terminalType = GPViewPageNode::PNG;
        terminalType_txt = "png";
        extension = ".png";

    } else if ( strcasecmp(terminalType_txt.c_str(), "EPS") == 0 ) {

        terminalType = GPViewPageNode::EPS;
        terminalType_txt = "eps";
        extension = ".eps";

    } else if ( strcasecmp(terminalType_txt.c_str(), "AQUA") == 0 ) {

        terminalType = GPViewPageNode::AQUA;
        terminalType_txt = "x11";

    }  else {
        cerr << "ERROR: Bad terminal-type spec: \"" << tmp_string << "\"" << endl;
        cerr << "Defaulting terminal-type to \"x11.\"" << endl;
        terminalType = GPViewPageNode::X11 ;
        terminalType_txt = "x11";

    //! Get Destination setting
    device_txt = (page->getAttribute("device")) ?  page->getAttribute("device") : "";
    if ( strcasecmp(device_txt.c_str(), "TERMINAL") == 0 ) {

        device = GPViewPageNode::TERMINAL;

    } else if ( strncasecmp(device_txt.c_str(), "FILE", 4) == 0 ) {

        device = GPViewPageNode::DISK ;
        //! copy from first space character to end of string
        diskFileName = device_txt.substr( device_txt.find(" ") );

        //! output may not redirect to file format with some terminal types
        switch ( terminalType ) {
            case GPViewPageNode::X11:
            case GPViewPageNode::AQUA:
                //! Force to a different format before going to file.
                terminalType_txt = "postscript";
                extension = ".ps";

    } else if ( strcasecmp(device_txt.c_str(), "PRINTER") == 0 ) {

        device = GPViewPageNode::PRINTER;
        terminalType_txt = "postscript";

    }  else {
        cerr << "ERROR: Bad device spec: \"" << device_txt << "\"" << endl;
        cerr << "Defaulting device to \"Terminal.\"" << endl;
        device = GPViewPageNode::TERMINAL;

    // ==================================================
    //                POPULATE THE TEMPLATE
    // ==================================================
    tmp_stream << GnuplotVersion() ;
    textbuf.subst_g("<GNUPLOT_VERSION>", tmp_stream.str().c_str() );
    textbuf.subst_g("<PAGE_TITLE>", page_title.c_str());
    textbuf.subst_g("<TERM_TYPE>", terminalType_txt.c_str());
    if ( (plot_node_list.size()%5 == 2  ||  plot_node_list.size()%5 == 3)  &&
          plot_node_list.size() > 2 ) {
        xx_geom = 600;
        yy_geom = 720;
    tmp_stream << "size " << xx_geom << "," << yy_geom ;
    textbuf.subst_g("<CANVAS_SIZE>", tmp_stream.str().c_str() );
    if ( strcasecmp(terminalType_txt.c_str(), "x11") == 0 ) {
        if ( GnuplotVersion() >= 4.0 ) {
            textbuf.subst_g("<TERM_OPTIONS>", "persist");
    } else {
        textbuf.subst_g("<TERM_OPTIONS>", "");

    //! Enable/Disable Grid
    textbuf.subst_g("<PAGE_GRID_SPEC>", "set grid");
    if ( GnuplotVersion() >= 4.2  &&
            ! page_fg_color.empty()  &&  color_is_valid(&page_fg_color) ) {
        tmp_stream << "linecolor rgb \"" << page_fg_color << "\"" ;
        //! Also change border color to match grid color
        tmp_stream << "\nset border linecolor rgb \"" << page_fg_color << "\"" ;
        textbuf.subst_g( "<PAGE_GRID_COLOR_SPEC>", tmp_stream.str().c_str() );
    } else {
        textbuf.subst_g( "<PAGE_GRID_COLOR_SPEC>", "" );

    //! plotting style for Data plots
    textbuf.subst_g("<STYLE_DATA_SPEC>", "lines");
    //! plotting style for Function plots
    textbuf.subst_g("<STYLE_FUNC_SPEC>", "lines");

    textbuf.subst_g("<PAGE_X_AXIS_SCALING_SPEC>", "unset logscale x\n");
    textbuf.subst_g("<PAGE_Y_AXIS_FORMAT_SPEC>", "set format y\n");
    textbuf.subst_g("<PAGE_Y_AXIS_SCALING_SPEC>", "unset logscale y\n");
    textbuf.subst_g("<PAGE_FOREGROUND_SPEC>", "");
    textbuf.subst_g("<PAGE_BACKGROUND_SPEC>", "");

    //! Enable/Disable key (legend).
    if ( page_legend.compare("No") == 0 ) {
        if ( GnuplotVersion() >= 4.0 ) {
                textbuf.subst_g("<PAGE_KEY_SPEC>", "set key off\n");
        } else {
                textbuf.subst_g("<PAGE_KEY_SPEC>", "set nokey\n");
    } else {
        string vert_spacing_ = "";
        if ( GnuplotVersion() < 4.2 ) {
            vert_spacing_ = " spacing 0.5";
        tmp_stream << "set key below Left reverse" << vert_spacing_ << "\n" ;
        textbuf.subst_g( "<PAGE_KEY_SPEC>", tmp_stream.str().c_str() );

        /* Increase window size so key doesn't cause graph to shrink */
        for (ii = 0;  ii < (int)plot_node_list.size();  ii++) {
            if ((int)plot_node_list[ii]->curve_node_list.size() > max_num_curves) {
                max_num_curves = plot_node_list[ii]->curve_node_list.size();
        yy_geom += max_num_curves*10;  // stretch 10 pixels per Y-var label

    //! Set Font
    if (  ! page_font.empty() ) {
        //! insert a backslash(\), newline & indent 4 spaces
        tmp_stream << "\\\n    font \"" << page_font << "\"" ;
        textbuf.subst_g( "<PAGE_FONT_SPEC>", tmp_stream.str().c_str() );
    } else {
        textbuf.subst_g("<PAGE_FONT_SPEC>", "\\\n    font <DEFAULT_FONT>");

    textbuf.subst_g("<LINE_TYPE_1>",  "-1 #black");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LINE_TYPE_2>",  " 1 #red");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LINE_TYPE_3>",  " 3 #blue");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LINE_TYPE_4>",  " 2 #green");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LINE_TYPE_5>",  " 0 #magenta");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LINE_TYPE_6>",  " 7 #yellow");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LINE_TYPE_7>",  " 5 #cyan");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LINE_TYPE_8>",  " 0 #pink");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LINE_TYPE_9>",  " 0 #dark-green");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LINE_TYPE_10>", " 0 #light-blue");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LINE_TYPE_11>", " 4 #purple");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LINE_TYPE_12>", " 8 #orange");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LINE_TYPE_13>", " 6 #brown");

    textbuf.subst_g("<POINT_SHAPE_1>",  " 1 #plus");
    textbuf.subst_g("<POINT_SHAPE_2>",  " 2 #cross");
    textbuf.subst_g("<POINT_SHAPE_3>",  " 3 #astrisk");
    textbuf.subst_g("<POINT_SHAPE_4>",  " 4 #open_square");
    textbuf.subst_g("<POINT_SHAPE_5>",  " 5 #filled_square");
    textbuf.subst_g("<POINT_SHAPE_6>",  " 6 #open_circle");
    textbuf.subst_g("<POINT_SHAPE_7>",  " 7 #filled_circle");
    textbuf.subst_g("<POINT_SHAPE_8>",  " 8 #open_triangle");
    textbuf.subst_g("<POINT_SHAPE_9>",  " 9 #filled_triangle");
    textbuf.subst_g("<POINT_SHAPE_10>", "10 #open_inverse-triangle");
    textbuf.subst_g("<POINT_SHAPE_11>", "11 #filled_inverse-triangle");
    textbuf.subst_g("<POINT_SHAPE_12>", "12 #open_diamond");
    textbuf.subst_g("<POINT_SHAPE_13>", "13 #filled_diamond");

    textbuf.subst_g("<LINE_SPEC_1>", "lw 1.0  pt point_shape_1   ps Small");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LINE_SPEC_2>", "lw 1.0  pt point_shape_2   ps Small");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LINE_SPEC_3>", "lw 1.0  pt point_shape_3   ps Small");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LINE_SPEC_4>", "lw 1.0  pt point_shape_4   ps Small");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LINE_SPEC_5>", "lw 1.0  pt point_shape_5   ps Small");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LINE_SPEC_6>", "lw 1.0  pt point_shape_6   ps Small");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LINE_SPEC_7>", "lw 1.0  pt point_shape_7   ps Small");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LINE_SPEC_8>", "lw 1.0  pt point_shape_8   ps Small");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LINE_SPEC_9>", "lw 1.0  pt point_shape_9   ps Small");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LINE_SPEC_10>","lw 1.0  pt point_shape_10  ps Small");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LINE_SPEC_11>","lw 1.0  pt point_shape_11  ps Small");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LINE_SPEC_12>","lw 1.0  pt point_shape_12  ps Small");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LINE_SPEC_13>","lw 1.0  pt point_shape_13  ps Small");

    if ( GnuplotVersion() >= 4.2 ) {
        for (ii = 0;  ii < n_CustomColors;   ii++) {
            //! build template (e.g. "<LINE_COLOR_1>")
            tmp_stream << "<LINE_COLOR_" << ii+1 << ">" ;
            tmp_string = tmp_stream.str();
            //! build string (e.g. "linecolor rgb \"black\"")
            tmp_stream << "linecolor rgb \"" << plotColors[ii] << "\"" ;
            //! Replace template with string
            textbuf.subst_g( tmp_string.c_str(), tmp_stream.str().c_str() );
    } else {
         * Change gnuplot's default line colors (1=red 2=green 3=blue
         * 4=magenta 5=cyan 6=sienna 7=orange 8=coral) for plot.
         * Note: This is only used when co-plotting multiple RUN_ dirs.
        for (ii = 0;  ii < n_CustomColors;   ii++) {
            tmp_stream << "<LINE_COLOR_" << ii+1 << ">" ;
            //! Clear template; use new line#Color definitions from "-xrm" options
            textbuf.subst_g( tmp_stream.str().c_str(), "" );

    if ( GnuplotVersion() < 4.2  ||  page_fg_color.empty()  ||
         !page_fg_color.empty() ) {
        tmp_stream << "#" ;  /* comment out the textcolor command */
    tmp_stream << "textcolor rgb \"" << page_fg_color << "\"" ;
    textbuf.subst_g("<PAGE_TEXT_COLOR_SPEC>", tmp_stream.str().c_str());

    textbuf.subst_g("<LABEL_1_TAG>", "1");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LABEL_1_NAME>", page_title.c_str());
    textbuf.subst_g("<LABEL_1_XPOS>", "0.51");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LABEL_1_YPOS>", "0.97");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LABEL_1_JUST>", "center");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LABEL_1_FONT>", "\"Helvetica,14\"");

    textbuf.subst_g("<LABEL_2_TAG>", "2");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LABEL_2_NAME>", "");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LABEL_2_XPOS>", "0.51");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LABEL_2_YPOS>", "0.95");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LABEL_2_JUST>", "center");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LABEL_2_FONT>", "\"Helvetica,10\"");

    textbuf.subst_g("<LABEL_3_TAG>", "3");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LABEL_3_NAME>", "`whoami`");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LABEL_3_XPOS>", "0.99");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LABEL_3_YPOS>", "0.99");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LABEL_3_JUST>", "right");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LABEL_3_FONT>", "\"Helvetica,8\"");

    textbuf.subst_g("<LABEL_4_TAG>", "4");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LABEL_4_NAME>", "`date +%m/%d/%Y`");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LABEL_4_XPOS>", "0.99");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LABEL_4_YPOS>", "0.957");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LABEL_4_JUST>", "right");
    textbuf.subst_g("<LABEL_4_FONT>", "\"Helvetica,8\"");

    textbuf.subst_g("<PLOT_TITLE_XPOS>", "0.0");
    textbuf.subst_g("<PLOT_TITLE_YPOS>", "0.2");
    textbuf.subst_g("<X_AXIS_LABEL_XPOS_DECL>", "0.0");
    textbuf.subst_g("<X_AXIS_LABEL_YPOS_DECL>", "0.6");
    if ( GnuplotVersion() < 4.2 ) {
        textbuf.subst_g("<Y_AXIS_LABEL_XPOS_DECL>", "0.6");
    } else {
        textbuf.subst_g("<Y_AXIS_LABEL_XPOS_DECL>", "1.4");
    textbuf.subst_g("<Y_AXIS_LABEL_YPOS_DECL>", "0.0");

    textbuf.subst_g("<DEFAULT_FONT>",  "\"Helvetica,12\"");

    layout_page ( this );

    //! Figure out where we can create a temporary file.
    if (!access("/tmp", W_OK)) {
                "/tmp/dpx_gp_page_XXXXXX", sizeof(gp_template_file_name));

    } else if (!access("/var/tmp", W_OK)) {
                "/var/tmp/dpx_gp_page_XXXXXX", sizeof(gp_template_file_name));

    } else {
        post_dialog( toplevel, XmDIALOG_ERROR,
            "Unable to access /tmp or /var/tmp, where a temporary\n"
            "file (that represents gnuplot commands) needs\n"
            "to be created. Please check your permissions.\n");

    //! Create a name for our temporary gnuplot command file.
    if (mkstemp( gp_template_file_name) < 0) {
        post_dialog( toplevel, XmDIALOG_ERROR,
            "Unable to generate a temporary file"
            "name for some mind boggling reason." );

    if ( save_tmp_files ) {

        cout << "Keeping data associated with this gnuplot file : " << gp_template_file_name << endl;

        //! Comment out all commands that delete temp data files
        textbuf.subst_g("<SAVE_TMP_FILE_SPEC>", "#");

    } else {

        //! Allow all temp data files to be deleted
        textbuf.subst_g("<SAVE_TMP_FILE_SPEC>", "");


    //! If user would like to see this template, print it to stdout
    //if (args.generate_template) {
    //    cout << textbuf.getText() << endl;

     * SAVE buffer TO FILE with given filename.
     * Note: must save to file prior to sending to PRINTER device.
    textbuf.writeFile( (const char*)gp_template_file_name );

    cmd << "gnuplot";
    if ( ! page_fg_color.empty()  &&  color_is_valid(&page_fg_color) ) {
        cmd << " -xrm 'gnuplot*textColor:" << page_fg_color << "'" ;
        cmd << " -xrm 'gnuplot*borderColor:" << page_fg_color << "'" ;
        cmd << " -xrm 'gnuplot*axisColor:" << page_fg_color << "'" ;
    if ( ! page_bg_color.empty()  &&  color_is_valid(&page_bg_color) ) {
        cmd << " -xrm 'gnuplot*background:" << page_bg_color << "'" ;
     * Set X11 line colors.
     * Line colors are global per page in gnuplot.
     * And there are at max 8 default colors. (%man gnuplot)
    for (ii = 0;  ii < n_CustomColors;   ii++) {
        cmd << " -xrm 'gnuplot*line" << ii+1 << "Color:" << plotColors[ii] << "'" ;

    if ( device > GPViewPageNode::NOT_SET ) {
            cerr    << "ERROR: GPViewPageNode::finalize() called with invalid device.\n"
                    << "Example devices are TERMINAL, DISK and PRINTER.\n"
                    << "It is an enumerated type in the GPViewPageNode class.\n" ;

    switch ( device ) {

        case GPViewPageNode::DISK:

            if ( diskFileName.empty() ) {
                cerr << "ERROR: GPViewPageNode::finalize() called without "
                     << "setting output file.  When you are sending data "
                     << "to disk, you must set output file name."
                     << endl ;

            //! Remove any quotes from string
            while ( 1 ) {
                idx = diskFileName.find('"');
                if ( idx != string::npos ) {
                } else {
                    break ;

             * The weird rfind(), substr() and erase() are used
             * to make sure that if the outfile name already
             * has an extension that we don't duplicate it
            idx = diskFileName.rfind('.');
            if ( idx != string::npos ) {
                if (diskFileName.substr(idx) == extension) {

            tmp_stream << instance_count ;
            diskFileName.append( tmp_stream.str() );
            diskFileName.append( extension );

            //! Complete command by generating an output file from the gnuplot file.
            cmd << " " << gp_template_file_name << " >& " << diskFileName;
            cout << "Generating " << diskFileName << "..." << endl;
            if ( system(cmd.str().c_str()) > -1 ) {
                cout << "Done." << endl;

            //! Run postscript file through a filter
            if ( terminalType == PS ) {
                filterPostScriptBW( diskFileName.c_str() );
            } else if ( terminalType == PS_COLOR || terminalType == EPS) {
                filterPostScriptColor( diskFileName.c_str(), this );


        case GPViewPageNode::PRINTER:

            //! Figure out where we can create a temporary file.
            if (!access("/tmp", W_OK)) {
                        "/tmp/dpx_gxplot_XXXXXX", sizeof(outFileName));

            } else if (!access("/var/tmp", W_OK)) {
                        "/var/tmp/dpx_gxplot_XXXXXX", sizeof(outFileName));

            } else {
                post_dialog( toplevel, XmDIALOG_ERROR,
                    "Unable to access /tmp or /var/tmp, where a temporary\n"
                    "file for printing needs to be created.\n"
                    "Please check your permissions.\n");

            //! Create a name for our temporary gnuplot command file.
            if (mkstemp(outFileName) < 0) {
                post_dialog( toplevel, XmDIALOG_ERROR,
                    "Unable to generate a temporary file"
                    "name for some mind boggling reason." );

            //! Complete command by generating an output file from the gnuplot file.
            cmd << " " << gp_template_file_name << " >& " << outFileName;
            cout << "Generating output file : " << outFileName << "..." << endl;
            if ( system(cmd.str().c_str()) > -1 ) {
                cout << "Done." << endl;

            //! Run postscript file through a filter

            //! Print the file
            if ( printPS((const char*)outFileName) > -1 ) {
                cout << "Complete." << endl;

            if ( !save_tmp_files ) {
                //! Clean up output file.
                tmp_stream << "rm -f " << outFileName ;
                tmp_stream << "; rm -f " << gp_template_file_name;
                system( tmp_stream.str().c_str() );


        case GPViewPageNode::NOT_SET:

        case GPViewPageNode::TERMINAL:

            cmd << " -persist";
            cmd << " -geometry " << xx_geom << "x" << yy_geom ; //e.g. 850x657

            //! Complete the command by providing the gnuplot file name.
            cmd << " " << gp_template_file_name ;

            if ( !save_tmp_files ) {
                * After the plot is drawn, add another command to delete
                * the temporary gnuplot file: '/tmp/dpx_gp_page_******'.
                cmd << "; rm -f " << gp_template_file_name;

             * Run the system command to create the plot.
             * Example:
             *    % "gnuplot -persist -geometry 850x657 \
             *       -xrm 'gnuplot*textColor:black' /tmp/dpx_gp_page_******"
            system( cmd.str().c_str() );


