int print_attribute( pwr_tObjid objid, pwr_tClassId classid, char *object_p, char *attributename, int array_element, int index, FILE *fp) { pwr_tTypeId tid; pwr_tUInt32 size, offs, elem; char objectname[120]; char parname[120]; char *s; int sts; char buf[1024]; strcpy( objectname, attributename); s = strchr( objectname, '.'); strcpy( parname, s+1); *s = 0; sts = gdh_GetAttributeCharacteristics( attributename, &tid, &size, &offs, &elem); if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts; if ( !array_element) { sts = gdh_GetObjectInfo( attributename, buf, sizeof(buf)); if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts; print_attr( buf, objid, objectname, parname, tid, size, 0, elem, fp); } else { print_attr( object_p, objid, objectname, parname, tid, size, offs, elem, fp); } return 1; }
void IdealGraphPrinter::print_method(ciMethod *method, int bci, InlineTree *tree) { begin_head(METHOD_ELEMENT); stringStream str; method->print_name(&str); stringStream shortStr; method->print_short_name(&shortStr); print_attr(METHOD_NAME_PROPERTY, str.as_string()); print_attr(METHOD_SHORT_NAME_PROPERTY, shortStr.as_string()); print_attr(METHOD_BCI_PROPERTY, bci); end_head(); head(BYTECODES_ELEMENT); _xml->print_cr("<![CDATA["); method->print_codes_on(_xml); _xml->print_cr("]]>"); tail(BYTECODES_ELEMENT); if (tree != NULL && tree->subtrees().length() > 0) { head(INLINE_ELEMENT); GrowableArray<InlineTree *> subtrees = tree->subtrees(); for (int i = 0; i < subtrees.length(); i++) { print_inline_tree(; } tail(INLINE_ELEMENT); } tail(METHOD_ELEMENT); _xml->flush(); }
// Print current ideal graph void IdealGraphPrinter::print(Compile* compile, const char *name, Node *node, int level, bool clear_nodes) { if (!_current_method || !_should_send_method || level > PrintIdealGraphLevel) return; this->C = compile; // Warning, unsafe cast? _chaitin = (PhaseChaitin *)C->regalloc(); begin_head(GRAPH_ELEMENT); print_attr(GRAPH_NAME_PROPERTY, (const char *)name); end_head(); VectorSet temp_set(Thread::current()->resource_area()); head(NODES_ELEMENT); walk_nodes(node, false, &temp_set); tail(NODES_ELEMENT); head(EDGES_ELEMENT); walk_nodes(node, true, &temp_set); tail(EDGES_ELEMENT); if (C->cfg() != NULL) { head(CONTROL_FLOW_ELEMENT); for (uint i = 0; i < C->cfg()->number_of_blocks(); i++) { Block* block = C->cfg()->get_block(i); begin_head(BLOCK_ELEMENT); print_attr(BLOCK_NAME_PROPERTY, block->_pre_order); end_head(); head(SUCCESSORS_ELEMENT); for (uint s = 0; s < block->_num_succs; s++) { begin_elem(SUCCESSOR_ELEMENT); print_attr(BLOCK_NAME_PROPERTY, block->_succs[s]->_pre_order); end_elem(); } tail(SUCCESSORS_ELEMENT); head(NODES_ELEMENT); for (uint s = 0; s < block->number_of_nodes(); s++) { begin_elem(NODE_ELEMENT); print_attr(NODE_ID_PROPERTY, get_node_id(block->get_node(s))); end_elem(); } tail(NODES_ELEMENT); tail(BLOCK_ELEMENT); } tail(CONTROL_FLOW_ELEMENT); } tail(GRAPH_ELEMENT); output()->flush(); }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { BigFile bf = {0}; BigBlock bb = {0}; int opt; while(-1 != (opt = getopt(argc, argv, "l"))) { switch(opt) { case 'l': longfmt = 1; break; default: usage(); } } argv += optind - 1; if(argc - optind < 2) { usage(); } if(0 != big_file_open(&bf, argv[1])) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to open file : %s %s\n", argv[1], big_file_get_error_message()); exit(1); } if(0 != big_file_open_block(&bf, &bb, argv[2])) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to open block: %s %s\n", argv[2], big_file_get_error_message()); exit(1); } int i; if(argc - optind == 2) { size_t nattr; BigAttr * attrs = big_block_list_attrs(&bb, &nattr); for(i = 0; i < nattr; i ++) { BigAttr * attr = &attrs[i]; print_attr(attr, 0); } } for(i = 3; i < argc - optind + 1; i ++) { BigAttr * attr = big_block_lookup_attr(&bb, argv[i]); if(attr) { print_attr(attr, argc - optind == 3); } else { printf("%s, not attr:\n", argv[i]); } } big_block_close(&bb); big_file_close(&bf); return 0; }
void IdealGraphPrinter::print_prop(const char *name, const char *val) { begin_head(PROPERTY_ELEMENT); print_attr(PROPERTY_NAME_PROPERTY, name); end_head(); text(val); tail(PROPERTY_ELEMENT); }
int ppfs_chmod (const char *path, mode_t mt){ fprintf(stderr, "ppfs_chmod path : %s\n", path); ppacket *s = createpacket_s(4+strlen(path)+4, CLTOMD_CHMOD,-1); uint8_t* ptr = s->startptr+HEADER_LEN; put32bit(&ptr, strlen(path)); memcpy(ptr, path, strlen(path)); ptr+=strlen(path); put32bit(&ptr, mt); sendpacket(fd, s); free(s); s = receivepacket(fd); const uint8_t* ptr2 = s->startptr; int status = get32bit(&ptr2); if(status == 0){ print_attr((const attr*)ptr2); attr_cache* ac; if(lookup_attr_cache(path,&ac) == 0){ ac->a.mode = mt; } } free(s); return status; }
int ppfs_chown (const char *path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid){ fprintf(stderr, "ppfs_chown path : %s\n", path); ppacket *s = createpacket_s(4+strlen(path)+8, CLTOMD_CHOWN, -1); uint8_t* ptr = s->startptr+HEADER_LEN; put32bit(&ptr, strlen(path)); memcpy(ptr, path, strlen(path)); ptr+=strlen(path); put32bit(&ptr, uid); put32bit(&ptr, gid); sendpacket(fd, s); free(s); s = receivepacket(fd); const uint8_t* ptr2 = s->startptr; int status = get32bit(&ptr2); if(status == 0){ print_attr((const attr*)ptr2); attr_cache* ac; if(lookup_attr_cache(path,&ac) == 0){ ac->a.uid = uid; ac->a.gid = gid; } } free(s); return status; }
void dump_gesture_event(GeisEvent event) { GeisSize i; GeisTouchSet touchset; GeisGroupSet groupset; GeisAttr attr; attr = geis_event_attr_by_name(event, GEIS_EVENT_ATTRIBUTE_TOUCHSET); touchset = geis_attr_value_to_pointer(attr); attr = geis_event_attr_by_name(event, GEIS_EVENT_ATTRIBUTE_GROUPSET); groupset = geis_attr_value_to_pointer(attr); printf("gesture\n"); for (i= 0; i < geis_groupset_group_count(groupset); ++i) { GeisSize j; GeisGroup group = geis_groupset_group(groupset, i); printf("+group %u\n", geis_group_id(group)); for (j=0; j < geis_group_frame_count(group); ++j) { GeisSize k; GeisFrame frame = geis_group_frame(group, j); GeisSize attr_count = geis_frame_attr_count(frame); printf("+frame %u\n", geis_frame_id(frame)); for (k = 0; k < attr_count; ++k) { print_attr(geis_frame_attr(frame, k)); } for (k = 0; k < geis_frame_touchid_count(frame); ++k) { GeisSize touchid = geis_frame_touchid(frame, k); GeisTouch touch = geis_touchset_touch_by_id(touchset, touchid); GeisSize n; printf("+touch %lu\n", k); for (n = 0; n < geis_touch_attr_count(touch); ++n) { print_attr(geis_touch_attr(touch, n)); } } } } }
int print_object( pwr_tOid oid, pwr_tCid cid, char *object_p, int offset, char *prefix, FILE *fp) { int sts; unsigned long elements; int i, j; char objectname[120]; gdh_sAttrDef *bd; int rows; char idx[20]; sts = gdh_GetObjectBodyDef( cid, &bd, &rows, oid); if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts; for ( i = 0; i < rows; i++) { if ( bd[i].attr->Param.Info.Flags & PWR_MASK_RTVIRTUAL || bd[i].attr->Param.Info.Flags & PWR_MASK_PRIVATE) continue; elements = 1; if ( bd[i].attr->Param.Info.Flags & PWR_MASK_ARRAY) elements = bd[i].attr->Param.Info.Elements; else elements = 1; if ( bd[i].attr->Param.Info.Flags & PWR_MASK_CLASS) { if ( elements == 1) { strcpy( objectname, prefix); strcat( objectname, "."); strcat( objectname, bd[i].attrName); print_object( oid, bd[i].attr->Param.TypeRef, object_p, offset + bd[i].attr->Param.Info.Offset, objectname, fp); } else { for ( j = 0; j < elements; j++) { strcpy( objectname, prefix); strcat( objectname, "."); strcat( objectname, bd[i].attrName); sprintf( idx, "[%d]", j); strcat( objectname, idx); print_object( oid, bd[i].attr->Param.TypeRef, object_p, offset + bd[i].attr->Param.Info.Offset + j * bd[i].attr->Param.Info.Size / elements, objectname, fp); } } } else print_attr( object_p, oid, prefix, bd[i].attrName, bd[i].attr->Param.Info.Type, bd[i].attr->Param.Info.Size, offset + bd[i].attr->Param.Info.Offset, elements, fp); } return 1; }
static int print_media_desc( pjmedia_sdp_media *m, char *buf, int len) { char *p = buf; char *end = buf+len; unsigned i; int printed; /* check length for the "m=" line. */ if (len < m->>desc.transport.slen+12+24) { return -1; } *p++ = 'm'; /* m= */ *p++ = '='; pj_memcpy(p, m->, m->; p += m->; *p++ = ' '; printed = pj_utoa(m->desc.port, p); p += printed; if (m->desc.port_count > 1) { *p++ = '/'; printed = pj_utoa(m->desc.port_count, p); p += printed; } *p++ = ' '; pj_memcpy(p, m->desc.transport.ptr, m->desc.transport.slen); p += m->desc.transport.slen; for (i=0; i<m->desc.fmt_count; ++i) { *p++ = ' '; pj_memcpy(p, m->desc.fmt[i].ptr, m->desc.fmt[i].slen); p += m->desc.fmt[i].slen; } *p++ = '\r'; *p++ = '\n'; /* print connection info, if present. */ if (m->conn) { printed = print_connection_info(m->conn, p, end-p); if (printed < 0) { return -1; } p += printed; } /* print attributes. */ for (i=0; i<m->attr_count; ++i) { printed = print_attr(m->attr[i], p, end-p); if (printed < 0) { return -1; } p += printed; } return p-buf; }
int main(void) { struct person persona = {"Juan", "Tanamera", 23, 956123123}; print_person(&persona); print_attr(&persona, PHONE); printf("\n"); return 0; }
struct tag * print_otag(struct html *h, enum htmltag tag, int sz, const struct htmlpair *p) { int i; struct tag *t; /* Push this tags onto the stack of open scopes. */ if ( ! (HTML_NOSTACK & htmltags[tag].flags)) { t = mandoc_malloc(sizeof(struct tag)); t->tag = tag; t->next = h->tags.head; h->tags.head = t; } else t = NULL; if ( ! (HTML_NOSPACE & h->flags)) if ( ! (HTML_CLRLINE & htmltags[tag].flags)) { /* Manage keeps! */ if ( ! (HTML_KEEP & h->flags)) { if (HTML_PREKEEP & h->flags) h->flags |= HTML_KEEP; putchar(' '); } else printf(" "); } if ( ! (h->flags & HTML_NONOSPACE)) h->flags &= ~HTML_NOSPACE; else h->flags |= HTML_NOSPACE; /* Print out the tag name and attributes. */ printf("<%s", htmltags[tag].name); for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) print_attr(h, htmlattrs[p[i].key], p[i].val); /* Accommodate for "well-formed" singleton escaping. */ if (HTML_AUTOCLOSE & htmltags[tag].flags) putchar('/'); putchar('>'); h->flags |= HTML_NOSPACE; if ((HTML_AUTOCLOSE | HTML_CLRLINE) & htmltags[tag].flags) putchar('\n'); return t; }
static void dump_extra_attrs (GSList *attrs, GString *string) { GSList *l; for (l = attrs; l; l = l->next) { PangoAttribute *attr = l->data; g_string_append (string, " "); print_attr (attr, string); } }
int main() { mqd_t mqd; puts( "*** POSIX Message Queue Default Attributes Report ***" ); mqd = mq_open( "/testq", O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0777, NULL ); if ( mqd == (mqd_t) -1 ) { perror("mq_open" ); } assert( mqd != (mqd_t) -1 ); print_attr( mqd ); puts( "*** END OF POSIX Message Queue Default Attributes Report ***" ); exit( 0 ); }
void dump_device_event(GeisEvent event) { GeisDevice device; GeisAttr attr; GeisSize i; GeisInputDeviceId device_id = 0; attr = geis_event_attr_by_name(event, GEIS_EVENT_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE); device = geis_attr_value_to_pointer(attr); printf("device %02d \"%s\"\n", geis_device_id(device), geis_device_name(device)); for (i = 0; i < geis_device_attr_count(device); ++i) { print_attr(geis_device_attr(device, i)); } }
/* * Dump STUN message to a printable string output. */ PJ_DEF(char*) pj_stun_msg_dump(const pj_stun_msg *msg, char *buffer, unsigned length, unsigned *printed_len) { char *p, *end; int len; unsigned i; PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(msg && buffer && length, NULL); PJ_CHECK_STACK(); p = buffer; end = buffer + length; len = pj_ansi_snprintf(p, end-p, "STUN %s %s\n", pj_stun_get_method_name(msg->hdr.type), pj_stun_get_class_name(msg->hdr.type)); APPLY(); len = pj_ansi_snprintf(p, end-p, " Hdr: length=%d, magic=%08x, tsx_id=%08x%08x%08x\n" " Attributes:\n", msg->hdr.length, msg->hdr.magic, *(pj_uint32_t*)&msg->hdr.tsx_id[0], *(pj_uint32_t*)&msg->hdr.tsx_id[4], *(pj_uint32_t*)&msg->hdr.tsx_id[8]); APPLY(); for (i=0; i<msg->attr_count; ++i) { len = print_attr(p, (unsigned)(end-p), msg->attr[i]); APPLY(); } on_return: *p = '\0'; if (printed_len) *printed_len = (unsigned)(p-buffer); return buffer; #undef APPLY }
static void dump_attrs (PangoAttrList *attrs, GString *string) { PangoAttrIterator *iter; iter = pango_attr_list_get_iterator (attrs); do { gint start, end; GSList *list, *l; pango_attr_iterator_range (iter, &start, &end); g_string_append_printf (string, "range %d %d\n", start, end); list = pango_attr_iterator_get_attrs (iter); for (l = list; l; l = l->next) { PangoAttribute *attr = l->data; print_attr (attr, string); } g_slist_free_full (list, (GDestroyNotify)pango_attribute_destroy); } while (pango_attr_iterator_next (iter)); pango_attr_iterator_destroy (iter); }
static int print_session(const pjmedia_sdp_session *ses, char *buf, pj_ssize_t len) { char *p = buf; char *end = buf+len; unsigned i; int printed; /* Check length for v= and o= lines. */ if (len < 5+ 2+ses->origin.user.slen+18+ ses->origin.net_type.slen+ses->origin.addr.slen + 2) { return -1; } /* SDP version (v= line) */ pj_memcpy(p, "v=0\r\n", 5); p += 5; /* Owner (o=) line. */ *p++ = 'o'; *p++ = '='; pj_memcpy(p, ses->origin.user.ptr, ses->origin.user.slen); p += ses->origin.user.slen; *p++ = ' '; printed = pj_utoa(ses->, p); p += printed; *p++ = ' '; printed = pj_utoa(ses->origin.version, p); p += printed; *p++ = ' '; pj_memcpy(p, ses->origin.net_type.ptr, ses->origin.net_type.slen); p += ses->origin.net_type.slen; *p++ = ' '; pj_memcpy(p, ses->origin.addr_type.ptr, ses->origin.addr_type.slen); p += ses->origin.addr_type.slen; *p++ = ' '; pj_memcpy(p, ses->origin.addr.ptr, ses->origin.addr.slen); p += ses->origin.addr.slen; *p++ = '\r'; *p++ = '\n'; /* Session name (s=) line. */ if ((end-p) < 8+ses->name.slen) { return -1; } *p++ = 's'; *p++ = '='; pj_memcpy(p, ses->name.ptr, ses->name.slen); p += ses->name.slen; *p++ = '\r'; *p++ = '\n'; /* Connection line (c=) if exist. */ if (ses->conn) { printed = print_connection_info(ses->conn, p, end-p); if (printed < 1) { return -1; } p += printed; } /* Time */ if ((end-p) < 24) { return -1; } *p++ = 't'; *p++ = '='; printed = pj_utoa(ses->time.start, p); p += printed; *p++ = ' '; printed = pj_utoa(ses->time.stop, p); p += printed; *p++ = '\r'; *p++ = '\n'; /* Print all attribute (a=) lines. */ for (i=0; i<ses->attr_count; ++i) { printed = print_attr(ses->attr[i], p, end-p); if (printed < 0) { return -1; } p += printed; } /* Print media (m=) lines. */ for (i=0; i<ses->media_count; ++i) { printed = print_media_desc(ses->media[i], p, end-p); if (printed < 0) { return -1; } p += printed; } return p-buf; }
/* Check if the response is an error, redirect response * or it includes a warning * @param response - the LoST response body * @param resp_type - the response type: ERROR, REDIRECT, WARNING or OK * @returns the root node of the parsed xml body */ xmlNode* get_LoST_resp_type(str response, lost_resp_type * resp_type, str * reason){ xmlNode * root, * node, * child; reason->s = NULL; reason->len = 0; root = xml_parse_string(response); if(!root) return root; #ifdef LOST_DEBUG print_element_names(root); #endif if(strcmp((char*)root->name, LOST_ERR_NODE_NAME) == 0){ DEBUG_LOG("LoST response has an error response\n"); node = child_node(root); if(node){ DEBUG_LOG("reason %s\n", node->name); reason->s = (char*)node->name; reason->len = strlen(reason->s); #ifdef LOST_DEBUG print_attr(node, LOST_MSG_ATTR_NAME); #endif }else { DEBUG_LOG("the message has no reason\n"); } *resp_type = LOST_ERR; } else if(strcmp((char*)root->name, LOST_REDIR_NODE_NAME) == 0){ DEBUG_LOG("LoST response has a redirect response\n"); #ifdef LOST_DEBUG print_attr(root, LOST_TGT_ATTR_NAME); #endif *resp_type = LOST_REDIR; } else if(strcmp((char*)root->name, LOST_FINDSRESP_NODE_NAME) != 0){ ERROR_LOG("invalid LoST response\n"); *resp_type = LOST_ERR; } else { node = child_named_node(root, LOST_WRNG_NODE_NAME); if(node){ DEBUG_LOG("LoST response has a response with warning\n"); if((child = child_node(node))){ DEBUG_LOG("reason %s\n", child->name); reason->s = (char*)child->name; reason->len = strlen(reason->s); #ifdef LOST_DEBUG print_attr(node, LOST_MSG_ATTR_NAME); #endif }else { DEBUG_LOG("warning without reason\n"); } *resp_type = LOST_WRNG; }else *resp_type = LOST_OK; } return root; }
struct tag * print_otag(struct html *h, enum htmltag tag, int sz, const struct htmlpair *p) { int i; struct tag *t; /* Push this tags onto the stack of open scopes. */ if ( ! (HTML_NOSTACK & htmltags[tag].flags)) { t = mandoc_malloc(sizeof(struct tag)); t->tag = tag; t->next = h->tags.head; h->tags.head = t; } else t = NULL; if ( ! (HTML_NOSPACE & h->flags)) if ( ! (HTML_CLRLINE & htmltags[tag].flags)) { /* Manage keeps! */ if ( ! (HTML_KEEP & h->flags)) { if (HTML_PREKEEP & h->flags) h->flags |= HTML_KEEP; putchar(' '); } else printf(" "); } if ( ! (h->flags & HTML_NONOSPACE)) h->flags &= ~HTML_NOSPACE; else h->flags |= HTML_NOSPACE; /* Print out the tag name and attributes. */ printf("<%s", htmltags[tag].name); for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) print_attr(h, htmlattrs[p[i].key], p[i].val); /* Add non-overridable attributes. */ if (TAG_HTML == tag && HTML_XHTML_1_0_STRICT == h->type) { print_attr(h, "xmlns", ""); print_attr(h, "xml:lang", "en"); print_attr(h, "lang", "en"); } /* Accommodate for XML "well-formed" singleton escaping. */ if (HTML_AUTOCLOSE & htmltags[tag].flags) switch (h->type) { case (HTML_XHTML_1_0_STRICT): putchar('/'); break; default: break; } putchar('>'); h->flags |= HTML_NOSPACE; if ((HTML_AUTOCLOSE | HTML_CLRLINE) & htmltags[tag].flags) putchar('\n'); return(t); }
int ppfs_getattr(const char* path, struct stat* stbuf){ fprintf(stderr, "ppfs_getattr path : %s\n", path); attr_cache* ac; if(lookup_attr_cache(path,&ac) == 0){ stbuf->st_mode = ac->a.mode; //S_IFREG | 0755; stbuf->st_nlink = ac->; if(stbuf->st_mode & S_IFDIR ) stbuf->st_size = 4096; else stbuf->st_size = ac->a.size; stbuf->st_ctime = ac->a.ctime; stbuf->st_atime = ac->a.atime; stbuf->st_mtime = ac->a.mtime; stbuf->st_uid = ac->a.uid; stbuf->st_gid = ac->a.gid; stbuf->st_blocks = 0; return 0; } ppacket *s = createpacket_s(4+strlen(path), CLTOMD_GETATTR,-1); fprintf(stderr, "createpacket_s packet size:%u, cmd:%X\n", s->size, s->cmd); //5,4096 uint8_t* ptr = s->startptr+HEADER_LEN; put32bit(&ptr, strlen(path)); memcpy(ptr, path, strlen(path)); ptr += strlen(path); sendpacket(fd, s); free(s); s = receivepacket(fd); const uint8_t* ptr2 = s->startptr; int status = get32bit(&ptr2); fprintf(stderr,"status:%d\n",status); if(status == 0){ print_attr((const attr*)ptr2); memset(stbuf, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); const attr* a = (const attr*)ptr2; stbuf->st_mode = a->mode; //S_IFREG | 0755; stbuf->st_nlink = a->link; if(stbuf->st_mode & S_IFDIR ) stbuf->st_size = 4096; else stbuf->st_size = a->size; stbuf->st_ctime = a->ctime; stbuf->st_atime = a->atime; stbuf->st_mtime = a->mtime; stbuf->st_uid = a->uid; stbuf->st_gid = a->gid; stbuf->st_blocks = 0; attr_cache_add(path,*a); } free(s); return status; } //always called before open
void IdealGraphPrinter::visit_node(Node *n, bool edges, VectorSet* temp_set) { if (edges) { // Output edge node_idx_t dest_id = n->_idx; for ( uint i = 0; i < n->len(); i++ ) { if ( n->in(i) ) { Node *source = n->in(i); begin_elem(EDGE_ELEMENT); print_attr(FROM_PROPERTY, source->_idx); print_attr(TO_PROPERTY, dest_id); print_attr(INDEX_PROPERTY, i); end_elem(); } } } else { // Output node begin_head(NODE_ELEMENT); print_attr(NODE_ID_PROPERTY, n->_idx); end_head(); head(PROPERTIES_ELEMENT); Node *node = n; #ifndef PRODUCT Compile::current()->_in_dump_cnt++; print_prop(NODE_NAME_PROPERTY, (const char *)node->Name()); const Type *t = node->bottom_type(); print_prop("type", t->msg()); print_prop("idx", node->_idx); #ifdef ASSERT print_prop("debug_idx", node->_debug_idx); #endif if (C->cfg() != NULL) { Block* block = C->cfg()->get_block_for_node(node); if (block == NULL) { print_prop("block", C->cfg()->get_block(0)->_pre_order); } else { print_prop("block", block->_pre_order); } } const jushort flags = node->flags(); if (flags & Node::Flag_is_Copy) { print_prop("is_copy", "true"); } if (flags & Node::Flag_rematerialize) { print_prop("rematerialize", "true"); } if (flags & Node::Flag_needs_anti_dependence_check) { print_prop("needs_anti_dependence_check", "true"); } if (flags & Node::Flag_is_macro) { print_prop("is_macro", "true"); } if (flags & Node::Flag_is_Con) { print_prop("is_con", "true"); } if (flags & Node::Flag_is_cisc_alternate) { print_prop("is_cisc_alternate", "true"); } if (flags & Node::Flag_is_dead_loop_safe) { print_prop("is_dead_loop_safe", "true"); } if (flags & Node::Flag_may_be_short_branch) { print_prop("may_be_short_branch", "true"); } if (flags & Node::Flag_has_call) { print_prop("has_call", "true"); } if (C->matcher() != NULL) { if (C->matcher()->is_shared(node)) { print_prop("is_shared", "true"); } else { print_prop("is_shared", "false"); } if (C->matcher()->is_dontcare(node)) { print_prop("is_dontcare", "true"); } else { print_prop("is_dontcare", "false"); } #ifdef ASSERT Node* old = C->matcher()->find_old_node(node); if (old != NULL) { print_prop("old_node_idx", old->_idx); } #endif } if (node->is_Proj()) { print_prop("con", (int)node->as_Proj()->_con); } if (node->is_Mach()) { print_prop("idealOpcode", (const char *)NodeClassNames[node->as_Mach()->ideal_Opcode()]); } buffer[0] = 0; stringStream s2(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1); node->dump_spec(&s2); if (t != NULL && (t->isa_instptr() || t->isa_klassptr())) { const TypeInstPtr *toop = t->isa_instptr(); const TypeKlassPtr *tkls = t->isa_klassptr(); ciKlass* klass = toop ? toop->klass() : (tkls ? tkls->klass() : NULL ); if( klass && klass->is_loaded() && klass->is_interface() ) { s2.print(" Interface:"); } else if( toop ) { s2.print(" Oop:"); } else if( tkls ) { s2.print(" Klass:"); } t->dump_on(&s2); } else if( t == Type::MEMORY ) { s2.print(" Memory:"); MemNode::dump_adr_type(node, node->adr_type(), &s2); } assert(s2.size() < sizeof(buffer), "size in range"); print_prop("dump_spec", buffer); if (node->is_block_proj()) { print_prop("is_block_proj", "true"); } if (node->is_block_start()) { print_prop("is_block_start", "true"); } const char *short_name = "short_name"; if (strcmp(node->Name(), "Parm") == 0 && node->as_Proj()->_con >= TypeFunc::Parms) { int index = node->as_Proj()->_con - TypeFunc::Parms; if (index >= 10) { print_prop(short_name, "PA"); } else { sprintf(buffer, "P%d", index); print_prop(short_name, buffer); } } else if (strcmp(node->Name(), "IfTrue") == 0) { print_prop(short_name, "T"); } else if (strcmp(node->Name(), "IfFalse") == 0) { print_prop(short_name, "F"); } else if ((node->is_Con() && node->is_Type()) || node->is_Proj()) { if (t->base() == Type::Int && t->is_int()->is_con()) { const TypeInt *typeInt = t->is_int(); assert(typeInt->is_con(), "must be constant"); jint value = typeInt->get_con(); // max. 2 chars allowed if (value >= -9 && value <= 99) { sprintf(buffer, "%d", value); print_prop(short_name, buffer); } else { print_prop(short_name, "I"); } } else if (t == Type::TOP) { print_prop(short_name, "^"); } else if (t->base() == Type::Long && t->is_long()->is_con()) { const TypeLong *typeLong = t->is_long(); assert(typeLong->is_con(), "must be constant"); jlong value = typeLong->get_con(); // max. 2 chars allowed if (value >= -9 && value <= 99) { sprintf(buffer, JLONG_FORMAT, value); print_prop(short_name, buffer); } else { print_prop(short_name, "L"); } } else if (t->base() == Type::KlassPtr) { const TypeKlassPtr *typeKlass = t->is_klassptr(); print_prop(short_name, "CP"); } else if (t->base() == Type::Control) { print_prop(short_name, "C"); } else if (t->base() == Type::Memory) { print_prop(short_name, "M"); } else if (t->base() == Type::Abio) { print_prop(short_name, "IO"); } else if (t->base() == Type::Return_Address) { print_prop(short_name, "RA"); } else if (t->base() == Type::AnyPtr) { print_prop(short_name, "P"); } else if (t->base() == Type::RawPtr) { print_prop(short_name, "RP"); } else if (t->base() == Type::AryPtr) { print_prop(short_name, "AP"); } } JVMState* caller = NULL; if (node->is_SafePoint()) { caller = node->as_SafePoint()->jvms(); } else { Node_Notes* notes = C->node_notes_at(node->_idx); if (notes != NULL) { caller = notes->jvms(); } } if (caller != NULL) { stringStream bciStream; ciMethod* last = NULL; int last_bci; while(caller) { if (caller->has_method()) { last = caller->method(); last_bci = caller->bci(); } bciStream.print("%d ", caller->bci()); caller = caller->caller(); } print_prop("bci", bciStream.as_string()); if (last != NULL && last->has_linenumber_table() && last_bci >= 0) { print_prop("line", last->line_number_from_bci(last_bci)); } } #ifdef ASSERT if (node->debug_orig() != NULL) { temp_set->Clear(); stringStream dorigStream; Node* dorig = node->debug_orig(); while (dorig && temp_set->test_set(dorig->_idx)) { dorigStream.print("%d ", dorig->_idx); } print_prop("debug_orig", dorigStream.as_string()); } #endif if (_chaitin && _chaitin != (PhaseChaitin *)0xdeadbeef) { buffer[0] = 0; _chaitin->dump_register(node, buffer); print_prop("reg", buffer); uint lrg_id = 0; if (node->_idx < _chaitin->_lrg_map.size()) { lrg_id = _chaitin->_lrg_map.live_range_id(node); } print_prop("lrg", lrg_id); } Compile::current()->_in_dump_cnt--; #endif tail(PROPERTIES_ELEMENT); tail(NODE_ELEMENT); } }
/* * Print the update entry information */ static void print_update(kdb_hlog_t *ulog, uint32_t entry, bool_t verbose) { XDR xdrs; uint32_t start_sno, i, j, indx; char *dbprinc; kdb_ent_header_t *indx_log; kdb_incr_update_t upd; if (entry && (entry < ulog->kdb_num)) start_sno = ulog->kdb_last_sno - entry; else start_sno = ulog->kdb_first_sno - 1; for (i = start_sno; i < ulog->kdb_last_sno; i++) { indx = i % ulog->kdb_num; indx_log = (kdb_ent_header_t *)INDEX(ulog, indx); /* * Check for corrupt update entry */ if (indx_log->kdb_umagic != KDB_UMAGIC) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Corrupt update entry\n\n")); exit(1); } (void) memset((char *)&upd, 0, sizeof (kdb_incr_update_t)); xdrmem_create(&xdrs, (char *)indx_log->entry_data, indx_log->kdb_entry_size, XDR_DECODE); if (!xdr_kdb_incr_update_t(&xdrs, &upd)) { (void) printf(gettext("Entry data decode failure\n\n")); exit(1); } (void) printf("---\n"); (void) printf(gettext("Update Entry\n")); (void) printf(gettext("\tUpdate serial # : %u\n"), indx_log->kdb_entry_sno); (void) printf(gettext("\tUpdate operation : ")); if (upd.kdb_deleted) (void) printf(gettext("Delete\n")); else (void) printf(gettext("Add\n")); dbprinc = malloc(upd.kdb_princ_name.utf8str_t_len + 1); if (dbprinc == NULL) { (void) printf(gettext("Could not allocate " "principal name\n\n")); exit(1); } (void) strlcpy(dbprinc, upd.kdb_princ_name.utf8str_t_val, (upd.kdb_princ_name.utf8str_t_len + 1)); (void) printf(gettext("\tUpdate principal : %s\n"), dbprinc); (void) printf(gettext("\tUpdate size : %u\n"), indx_log->kdb_entry_size); (void) printf(gettext("\tUpdate committed : %s\n"), indx_log->kdb_commit ? "True" : "False"); if (indx_log->kdb_time.seconds == 0L) (void) printf(gettext("\tUpdate time stamp : None\n")); else (void) printf(gettext("\tUpdate time stamp : %s"), ctime((time_t *)&(indx_log->kdb_time.seconds))); (void) printf(gettext("\tAttributes changed : %d\n"), upd.kdb_update.kdbe_t_len); if (verbose) for (j = 0; j < upd.kdb_update.kdbe_t_len; j++) print_attr( upd.kdb_update.kdbe_t_val[j].av_type); xdr_free(xdr_kdb_incr_update_t, (char *)&upd); if (dbprinc) free(dbprinc); } /* for */ }
void IdealGraphPrinter::print_attr(const char *name, intptr_t val) { stringStream stream; stream.print(INTX_FORMAT, val); print_attr(name, stream.as_string()); }