Ejemplo n.º 1
bool sane_linkage_morphism(Sentence sent, Linkage lkg, Parse_Options opts)
	Wordgraph_pathpos *wp_new = NULL;
	Wordgraph_pathpos *wp_old = NULL;
	Wordgraph_pathpos *wpp;
	Gword **next; /* next Wordgraph words of the current word */

	size_t i;
	Linkage_info * const lifo = &lkg->lifo;

	bool match_found = true; /* if all the words are null - it's still a match */
	Gword **lwg_path;

	Dictionary afdict = sent->dict->affix_table;       /* for SANEMORPHISM */
	char *const affix_types = alloca(sent->length*2 + 1);   /* affix types */

	affix_types[0] = '\0';

	/* Populate the path word queue, initializing the path to NULL. */
	for (next = sent->wordgraph->next; *next; next++)
		wordgraph_path_append(&wp_new, /*path*/NULL, /*add_word*/NULL, *next);
	assert(NULL != wp_new, "Path word queue is empty");

	for (i = 0; i < lkg->num_words; i++)
		Disjunct *cdj;            /* chosen disjunct */

		lgdebug(D_SLM, "%p Word %zu: ", lkg, i);

		if (NULL == wp_new)
			lgdebug(+D_SLM, "- No more words in the wordgraph\n");
			match_found = false;

		if (wp_old != wp_new)
			wordgraph_path_free(wp_old, true);
			wp_old = wp_new;
		wp_new = NULL;

		cdj = lkg->chosen_disjuncts[i];
		/* Handle null words */
		if (NULL == cdj)
			lgdebug(D_SLM, "- Null word\n");
			/* A null word matches any word in the Wordgraph -
			 * so, unconditionally proceed in all paths in parallel. */
			match_found = false;
			for (wpp = wp_old; NULL != wpp->word; wpp++)
				if (NULL == wpp->word->next)
					continue; /* This path encountered the Wordgraph end */

				/* The null words cannot be marked here because wpp->path consists
				 * of pointers to the Wordgraph words, and these words are common to
				 * all the linkages, with potentially different null words in each
				 * of them. However, the position of the null words can be inferred
				 * from the null words in the word array of the Linkage structure.
				for (next = wpp->word->next; NULL != *next; next++)
					match_found = true;
					wordgraph_path_append(&wp_new, wpp->path, wpp->word, *next);

		if (!match_found)
			const char *e = "Internal error: Too many words in the linkage\n";
			lgdebug(D_SLM, "- %s", e);
			prt_error("Error: %s.", e);

		assert(MT_EMPTY != cdj->word[0]->morpheme_type); /* already discarded */

		if (debug_level(D_SLM)) print_with_subscript_dot(cdj->string);

		match_found = false;
		/* Proceed in all the paths in which the word is found. */
		for (wpp = wp_old; NULL != wpp->word; wpp++)
			const Gword **wlp; /* disjunct word list */

			for (wlp = cdj->word; *wlp; wlp++)
				if (*wlp == wpp->word)
					match_found = true;
					for (next = wpp->word->next; NULL != *next; next++)
						wordgraph_path_append(&wp_new, wpp->path, wpp->word, *next);

		if (!match_found)
			/* FIXME? A message can be added here if there are too many words
			 * in the linkage (can happen only if there is an internal error). */
			lgdebug(D_SLM, "- No Wordgraph match\n");
		lgdebug(D_SLM, "\n");

	if (match_found)
		match_found = false;
		/* Validate that there are no missing words in the linkage. It is so if
		 * the dummy termination word is found in the new pathpos queue. */
		if (NULL != wp_new)
			for (wpp = wp_new; NULL != wpp->word; wpp++)
				if (MT_INFRASTRUCTURE == wpp->word->morpheme_type) {
					match_found = true;
					/* Exit the loop with with wpp of the termination word. */
		if (!match_found)
		    lgdebug(D_SLM, "%p Missing word(s) at the end of the linkage.\n", lkg);

#define DEBUG_morpheme_type 0
	/* Check the morpheme type combination.
	 * If null_count > 0, the morpheme type combination may be invalid
	 * due to null subwords, so skip this check. */
	if (match_found && (0 == sent->null_count) &&
		(NULL != afdict) && (NULL != afdict->regex_root))
		const Gword **w;
		char *affix_types_p = affix_types;

		/* Construct the affix_types string. */
#if DEBUG_morpheme_type
		i = 0;
		for (w = wpp->path; *w; w++)
			if (MT_EMPTY == (*w)->morpheme_type) continue; /* really a null word */

#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch-enum"
			switch ((*w)->morpheme_type)
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
					/* What to do with the rest? */
				case MT_WORD:
					*affix_types_p = AFFIXTYPE_WORD;
				case MT_PREFIX:
					*affix_types_p = AFFIXTYPE_PREFIX;
				case MT_STEM:
					*affix_types_p = AFFIXTYPE_STEM;
				case MT_MIDDLE:
					*affix_types_p = AFFIXTYPE_MIDDLE;
				case MT_SUFFIX:
					*affix_types_p = AFFIXTYPE_SUFFIX;

#if DEBUG_morpheme_type
			lgdebug(D_SLM, "Word %zu: %s affixtype=%c\n",
			     i, (*w)->subword,  *affix_types_p);

		*affix_types_p = '\0';

#ifdef WORD_BOUNDARIES /* not yet implemented */
			const Gword *uw;

			/* If w is an "end subword", return its unsplit word, else NULL. */
			uw = word_boundary(w); /* word_boundary() unimplemented */

			if (NULL != uw)
				*affix_types_p++ = AFFIXTYPE_END;
				lgdebug(D_SLM, "%p End of Gword %s\n", lkg, uw->subword);

		/* Check if affix_types is valid according to SANEMORPHISM. */
		if (('\0' != affix_types[0]) &&
		    (NULL == match_regex(afdict->regex_root, affix_types)))
			/* Morpheme type combination is invalid */
			match_found = false;
			/* Notify to stdout, so it will be shown along with the result.
			 * XXX We should have a better way to notify. */
			if (0 < opts->verbosity)
				printf("Warning: Invalid morpheme type combination '%s', "
				       "run with !bad and !verbosity=4 to debug\n", affix_types);

	if (match_found) lwg_path = (Gword **)wpp->path; /* OK to modify */
	wordgraph_path_free(wp_old, true);
	wordgraph_path_free(wp_new, !match_found);

	if (match_found)
		if ('\0' != affix_types[0])
			lgdebug(D_SLM, "%p Morpheme type combination '%s'\n", lkg, affix_types);
		lgdebug(+D_SLM, "%p SUCCEEDED\n", lkg);
		lkg->wg_path = lwg_path;
		return true;

	/* Oh no ... invalid morpheme combination! */
	sent->num_valid_linkages --;
	lifo->pp_violation_msg = "Invalid morphism construction.";
	lkg->wg_path = NULL;
	lifo->discarded = true;
	lgdebug(D_SLM, "%p FAILED\n", lkg);
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void compute_chosen_words(Sentence sent, Linkage linkage, Parse_Options opts)
	WordIdx i;   /* index of chosen_words */
	WordIdx j;
	Disjunct **cdjp = linkage->chosen_disjuncts;
	const char **chosen_words = alloca(linkage->num_words * sizeof(*chosen_words));
	int *remap = alloca(linkage->num_words * sizeof(*remap));
	bool *show_word = alloca(linkage->num_words * sizeof(*show_word));
	bool display_morphology = opts->display_morphology;

	Gword **lwg_path = linkage->wg_path;
	Gword **n_lwg_path = NULL; /* new Wordgraph path, to match chosen_words */

	Gword **nullblock_start = NULL; /* start of a null block, to be put in [] */
	size_t nbsize = 0;              /* number of word in a null block */
	Gword *sentence_word;

	memset(show_word, 0, linkage->num_words * sizeof(*show_word));

	if (verbosity_level(D_CCW))
		print_lwg_path(lwg_path, "Linkage");

	for (i = 0; i < linkage->num_words; i++)
		Disjunct *cdj = cdjp[i];
		Gword *w;              /* current word */
		const Gword *nw;       /* next word (NULL if none) */
		Gword **wgp;           /* wordgraph_path traversing pointer */

		const char *t = NULL;  /* current word string */
		bool at_nullblock_end; /* current word is at end of a nullblock */
		bool join_alt = false; /* morpheme-join this alternative */
		char *s;
		size_t l;
		size_t m;

		lgdebug(D_CCW, "Loop start, word%zu: cdj %s, path %s\n",
		        i, cdj ? cdj->word_string : "NULL",
		        lwg_path[i] ? lwg_path[i]->subword : "NULL");

		w = lwg_path[i];
		nw = lwg_path[i+1];
		wgp = &lwg_path[i];
		sentence_word = wg_get_sentence_word(sent, w);

		/* FIXME If the original word was capitalized in a capitalizable
		 * position, the displayed null word may be its downcase version. */

		if (NULL == cdj) /* a null word (the chosen disjunct was NULL) */
			chosen_words[i] = NULL;
			if (NULL == nullblock_start) /* it starts a new null block */
				nullblock_start = wgp;

			at_nullblock_end = (NULL == nw) ||
				(wg_get_sentence_word(sent, nw->unsplit_word) != sentence_word);

			/* Accumulate null words in this alternative */
			if (!at_nullblock_end && (NULL == cdjp[i+1]) &&
			    ((w->morpheme_type == MT_PUNC) == (nw->morpheme_type == MT_PUNC)))
				lgdebug(D_CCW, "Skipping word%zu cdjp=NULL#%zu, path %s\n",
				        i, nbsize, w->subword);
				chosen_words[i] = NULL;

			if (NULL != nullblock_start)
				/* If we are here, this null word is an end of a null block */
				lgdebug(+D_CCW, "Handling %zu null words at %zu: ", nbsize, i);

				if (1 == nbsize)
					/* Case 1: A single null subword. */
					lgdebug(D_CCW, "A single null subword.\n");
					t = join_null_word(sent, wgp, nbsize);

					gwordlist_append(&n_lwg_path, w);
					lgdebug(D_CCW, "Combining null subwords");
					/* Use alternative_id to check for start of alternative. */
					if (((*nullblock_start)->alternative_id == *nullblock_start)
					    && at_nullblock_end)
						/* Case 2: A null unsplit_word (all-nulls alternative).*/
						lgdebug(D_CCW, " (null alternative)\n");
						t = sentence_word->subword;

						gwordlist_append(&n_lwg_path, sentence_word);
						/* Case 3: Join together >=2 null morphemes. */
						Gword *wgnull;

						lgdebug(D_CCW, " (null partial word)\n");
						wgnull = wordgraph_null_join(sent, wgp-nbsize+1, wgp);
						gwordlist_append(&n_lwg_path, wgnull);
						t = wgnull->subword;

				nullblock_start = NULL;
				nbsize = 0;
				show_word[i] = true;

				if (MT_WALL != w->morpheme_type)
					/* Put brackets around the null word. */
					l = strlen(t) + 2;
					s = (char *) alloca(l+1);
					s[0] = NULLWORD_START;
					strcpy(&s[1], t);
					s[l-1] = NULLWORD_END;
					s[l] = '\0';
					t = string_set_add(s, sent->string_set);
					lgdebug(D_CCW, " %s\n", t);
					/* Null words have no links, so take care not to drop them. */
			/* This word has a linkage. */

			/* TODO: Suppress "virtual-morphemes", currently the dictcap ones. */
			char *sm;

			t = cdj->word_string;
			/* Print the subscript, as in "dog.n" as opposed to "dog". */

			if (0)
				/* TODO */
				/* Get rid of those ugly ".Ixx" */
				if (is_idiom_word(t))
					s = strdupa(t);
					sm = strrchr(s, SUBSCRIPT_MARK); /* Possible double subscript. */
					UNREACHABLE(NULL == sm); /* We know it has a subscript. */
					*sm = '\0';
					t = string_set_add(s, sent->string_set);
				else if (HIDE_MORPHO)
					/* Concatenate the word morphemes together into one word.
					 * Concatenate their subscripts into one subscript.
					 * Use subscript separator SUBSCRIPT_SEP.
					 * XXX Check whether we can encounter an idiom word here.
					 * FIXME Combining contracted words is not handled yet, because
					 * combining morphemes which have non-LL links to other words is
					 * not yet implemented.
					 * FIXME Move to a separate function. */
					Gword **wgaltp;
					size_t join_len = 0;
					size_t mcnt = 0;

					/* If the alternative contains morpheme subwords, mark it
					 * for joining... */

					const Gword *unsplit_word = w->unsplit_word;
					for (wgaltp = wgp, j = i; NULL != *wgaltp; wgaltp++, j++)

						if ((*wgaltp)->unsplit_word != unsplit_word) break;
						    (*wgaltp)->unsplit_word->morpheme_type) break;


						if (NULL == cdjp[j])
							/* ... but not if it contains a null word */
							join_alt = false;
						join_len += strlen(cdjp[j]->word_string) + 1;
						if ((*wgaltp)->morpheme_type & IS_REG_MORPHEME)
							join_alt = true;

					if (join_alt)
						/* Join it in two steps: 1. Base words. 2. Subscripts.
						 * FIXME? Can be done in one step (more efficient but maybe
						 * less clear).
						 * Put SUBSCRIPT_SEP between the subscripts.
						 * XXX No 1-1 correspondence between the hidden base words
						 * and the subscripts after the join, in case there are base
						 * words with and without subscripts. */

						const char subscript_sep_str[] = { SUBSCRIPT_SEP, '\0'};
						char *join = calloc(join_len + 1, 1); /* zeroed out */

						join[0] = '\0';

						/* 1. Join base words. (Could just use the unsplit_word.) */
						for (wgaltp = wgp, m = 0; m < mcnt; wgaltp++, m++)
							add_morpheme_unmarked(sent, join, cdjp[i+m]->word_string,

						strcat(join, subscript_mark_str()); /* tentative */

						/* 2. Join subscripts. */
						for (wgaltp = wgp, m = 0; m < mcnt; wgaltp++, m++)
							/* Cannot NULLify the word - we may have links to it. */
							if (m != mcnt-1) chosen_words[i+m] = "";

							sm =  strchr(cdjp[i+m]->word_string, SUBSCRIPT_MARK);

							if (NULL != sm)
								/* Supposing stem subscript is .=x (x optional) */
								if (MT_STEM == (*wgaltp)->morpheme_type)
									sm += 1 + STEM_MARK_L; /* sm+strlen(".=") */
									if ('\0' == *sm) sm = NULL;
#if 0
									if ((cnt-1) == m)
										/* Support a prefix-stem combination. In that case
										 * we have just nullified the combined word, so we
										 * need to move it to the position of the prefix.
										 * FIXME: May still not be good enough. */
										move_combined_word = i+m-1;

										/* And the later chosen_word assignment should be:
										 * chosen_words[-1 != move_combined_word ?
										 *    move_combined_word : i] = t;
										move_combined_word = -1;
							if (NULL != sm)
								strcat(join, sm+1);
								strcat(join, subscript_sep_str);

						/* Remove an extra mark, if any */
						join_len = strlen(join);
						if ((SUBSCRIPT_SEP == join[join_len-1]) ||
							 (SUBSCRIPT_MARK == join[join_len-1]))
							join[join_len-1] = '\0';

						gwordlist_append(&n_lwg_path, sentence_word);
						t = string_set_add(join, sent->string_set);

						i += mcnt-1;

			if (!join_alt) gwordlist_append(&n_lwg_path, *wgp);

			 * Add guess marks in [] square brackets, if needed, at the
			 * end of the base word. Convert the badly-printing
			 * SUBSCRIPT_MARK (hex 03 or ^C) into a period.
			if (t)

				s = strdupa(t);
				sm = strrchr(s, SUBSCRIPT_MARK);
				if (sm) *sm = SUBSCRIPT_DOT;

				if ((!(w->status & WS_GUESS) && (w->status & WS_INDICT))
					t = string_set_add(s, sent->string_set);
					const char *regex_name = w->regex_name;
					/* 4 = 1(null) + 1(guess_mark) + 2 (sizeof "[]") */
					int baselen = NULL == sm ? strlen(t) : (size_t)(sm-s);
					char guess_mark = 0;

					switch (w->status & WS_GUESS)
						case WS_SPELL:
							guess_mark = GM_SPELL;
						case WS_RUNON:
							guess_mark = GM_RUNON;
						case WS_REGEX:
							guess_mark = GM_REGEX;
						case 0:
							guess_mark = GM_UNKNOWN;
							assert(0, "Missing 'case: %2x'", w->status & WS_GUESS);

					/* In the case of display_morphology==0, the guess indication of
					 * the last subword is used as the guess indication of the whole
					 * word.
					 * FIXME? The guess indications of other subwords are ignored in
					 * this mode. This implies that if a first or middle subword has
					 * a guess indication but the last subword doesn't have, no guess
					 * indication would be shown at all. */

					if ((NULL == regex_name) || HIDE_MORPHO) regex_name = "";
					s = alloca(strlen(t) + strlen(regex_name) + 4);
					strncpy(s, t, baselen);
					s[baselen] = '[';
					s[baselen + 1] = guess_mark;
					strcpy(s + baselen + 2, regex_name);
					strcat(s, "]");
					if (NULL != sm) strcat(s, sm);
					t = string_set_add(s, sent->string_set);

		assert(t != NULL, "Word %zu: NULL", i);
		chosen_words[i] = t;

	/* Conditional test removal of quotation marks and the "capdict" tokens,
	 * to facilitate using diff on sentence batch runs. */
	if (test_enabled("removeZZZ"))
		for (i=0, j=0; i<linkage->num_links; i++)
			Link *lnk = &(linkage->link_array[i]);

			if (0 == strcmp("ZZZ", lnk->link_name))
				chosen_words[lnk->rw] = NULL;

	/* If morphology printing is being suppressed, then all links
	 * connecting morphemes will be discarded. */
		/* Discard morphology links. */
		for (i=0; i<linkage->num_links; i++)
			Link * lnk = &linkage->link_array[i];

			if (is_morphology_link(lnk->link_name))
				/* Mark link for discarding. */
				lnk->link_name = NULL;
				/* Mark word for not discarding. */
				show_word[lnk->rw] = true;
				show_word[lnk->lw] = true;

	/* We alloc a little more than needed, but so what... */
	linkage->word = (const char **) exalloc(linkage->num_words*sizeof(char *));

	/* Copy over the chosen words, dropping the discarded words.
	 * However, don't discard existing words (chosen_words[i][0]).
	 * Note that if a word only has morphology links and is not combined with
	 * another word, then it will get displayed with no links at all (e.g.
	 * when explicitly specifying root and suffix for debug: root.= =suf */
	for (i=0, j=0; i<linkage->num_words; ++i)
		if (chosen_words[i] &&
		    (chosen_words[i][0] || (!HIDE_MORPHO || show_word[i])))
			const char *cwtmp = linkage->word[j];
			linkage->word[j] = chosen_words[i];
			chosen_words[i] = cwtmp;
			remap[i] = j;
			remap[i] = -1;
	linkage->num_words = j;

	remap_linkages(linkage, remap); /* Update linkage->link_array / num_links. */

	linkage->wg_path_display = n_lwg_path;

	if (verbosity_level(D_CCW))
		print_lwg_path(n_lwg_path, "Display");