int main() { int s; char num[10]; char a[11]="- -- -----"; char b[2][11]; char c[11]=" ----- --"; char d[2][11]; char e[11]="- -- -- --"; strcpy(b[0],"| ||| ||"); strcpy(b[1],"||||| |||"); strcpy(d[0],"| | | | "); strcpy(d[1],"|| |||||||"); while(scanf("%d %s",&s,num),s){ printrow(a,s,num); printf("\n"); printcol(b,s,num); printrow(c,s,num); printf("\n"); printcol(d,s,num); printrow(e,s,num); printf("\n\n"); } return 0; }
int main() { list *head=readfromfile(); rebuild(head);//排序重建 int num; printf("演示————\n\n输入查找的列:"); fflush(stdin); scanf("%d",&num); printcol(head,num); printf("\n\n输入查找的行:"); fflush(stdin); scanf("%d",&num); printrow(head,num); int x,y; printf("\n\n输入查找的坐标(x y):"); fflush(stdin); scanf("%d%d",&x,&y); printone(head,x,y); char name[20]=""; printf("\n\n输入查找的人名:"); fflush(stdin); scanf("%s",name); printaperson(head,name); //查找就那么遍历链表就行了,没写。 printsitchart(head); return 0; }
void render2d(alls *all) { double r_A = all->p.p_A - all->s.p_FOV / 2; int i; for (i = 0; i < all->rn.cols; ++i) { printcol(all, i, (int)(\ p_raylen(all, r_A) == -1 ? 0 : \ (p_raylen(all, r_A) < 1 ? all->rn.rows : all->rn.rows / p_raylen(all, r_A)))); r_A += all->s.p_FOV / all->rn.cols; } }
virtual void update(double time, uint32_t* out, const uint32_t* in) { std::copy(in, in + width*height, out); ABGR col; col.r = 255*m_color.r; col.g = 255*m_color.g; col.b = 255*m_color.b; col.a = 255; float yt = y0 - (1-m_time)*H; ABGR *outAsABGR = (ABGR*) out; #ifdef DEBUG #define printcol(x) std::cout << #x ": [ " << (int) x.r << " | " << (int) x.g << " | " << (int) x.b << " ]" << std::endl; std::cout << "r = " << m_color.r << ", g = " << m_color.g << std::endl; ABGR blended = col.blend(outAsABGR[0], .5); printcol(col); printcol(outAsABGR[0]); printcol(blended); #undef printcol #endif for (int y = y0; y > int(yt); y--) { float factor = 1-m_transparency; if (y == int(yt)) { factor *= 1 - (yt-int(yt)); } for (int x = x0; x < x0+W; x++) { outAsABGR[width*y + x] = col.blend(outAsABGR[width*y + x], factor); } } }
void setrightcol(void) /* Sets the value of rightcol based on the value of leftcol */ { int total = LEFTMARGIN, col = 0; do { colstart[col] = total; total += colwidth[leftcol + col++]; } while ((total <= 80) && (leftcol + col <= MAXCOLS)); rightcol = leftcol + col - 2; printcol(); } /* setrightcol */
int main(void) { scanf("%d", &T); while(T--) { scanf("%s", line); if(sscanf(line,"R%dC%d", &r, &c) == 2) { printcol(c); printf("%d\n", r); } else { sscanf(line, "%[A-Z]%d", t, &r); for(p = t, c = 0; *p; p++) c = c * 26, c += *p - 'A' + 1; printf("R%dC%d\n", r, c); } } return 0; }
void cprint(termcolor col,gint verbosity, GlyrQuery * s, const char * fmt, ...) { if((s && verbosity <= s->verbosity) || verbosity == -1) { if(col != DEFAULT && global_enable_color) printcol(GLYR_OUTPUT,col); va_list param; va_start(param,fmt); g_logv("Glyrc",G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO,fmt,param); va_end(param); if(col != DEFAULT && global_enable_color) resetcolor(GLYR_OUTPUT); } }
void setleftcol(void) /* Sets the value of leftcol based on the value of rightcol */ { int total = 80, col = 0; while ((total >= LEFTMARGIN) && (rightcol - col >= 0)) { colstart[SCREENCOLS - col - 1] = total - colwidth[rightcol - col]; total -= colwidth[rightcol - col++]; } if (total >= LEFTMARGIN) col++; movmem(&colstart[SCREENCOLS - col + 1], colstart, col - 1); leftcol = rightcol - col + 2; total = colstart[0] - LEFTMARGIN; if (total != 0) { for (col = leftcol; col <= rightcol; col++) colstart[col - leftcol] -= total; } printcol(); } /* setleftcol */
void printcol(int c) { if(!c) return; printcol((c - 1)/26); putchar(((c - 1)% 26) + 'A'); }