int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { void *context = zmq_ctx_new(); assert(argc == 4); void *subWildcardSock = createSocket(context, argv[1], ZMQ_SUB); void *pubFilenamesSock = createSocket(context, argv[2], ZMQ_PUB); void *subDoneSock = createSocket(context, argv[3], ZMQ_SUB); std::cout << "Sockets connected" << std::endl; bool done = false; std::vector<void*> sockets; sockets.push_back(subWildcardSock); sockets.push_back(subDoneSock); while (!done) { switch (demultiplexSockets(sockets)) { case 0: processWildcards(subWildcardSock, pubFilenamesSock); break; case 1: processDone(subDoneSock); done = true; break; }; } zmq_close(subWildcardSock); zmq_close(pubFilenamesSock); zmq_close(subDoneSock); }
void PictoreShrinkerController::processDone(void) { PictureShrinker *shrinkedThread = qobject_cast<PictureShrinker *>(this->sender()); Q_ASSERT (shrinkedThread); shrinkedThread->deleteLater(); emit this->progress((float(this->_actualPicture) / float(this->_pictures)) * 100); if (this->_actualPicture < this->_pictures) { QFileInfo fileInfo = this->>_actualPicture); PictureShrinker *shrinkThread = new PictureShrinker(); Q_ASSERT (shrinkThread); shrinkThread->setPath(QDir::toNativeSeparators(this->_path + QDir::separator() + fileInfo.fileName())); shrinkThread->setSavePath(this->_savePath); shrinkThread->setScale(this->_widthPercent, this->_heightPercent); this->connect(shrinkThread, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(processDone()), Qt::QueuedConnection); this->_actualPicture++; shrinkThread->start(); } }
void PictoreShrinkerController::startProcessing(void) { if (this->_path.isEmpty()) { emit this->error(PictoreShrinkerController::tr("Missing path to file")); return; } if (this->_savePath.isEmpty()) { emit this->error(PictoreShrinkerController::tr("Missing save path")); return; } if (this->_widthPercent < 0) { emit this->error(PictoreShrinkerController::tr("Bad width")); return; } if (this->_heightPercent < 0) { emit this->error(PictoreShrinkerController::tr("Bad height")); return; } this->_actualPicture = 0; QDir dir(this->_path); dir.setFilter(QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks); this->_list = dir.entryInfoList(); this->_pictures = this->_list.size(); int startAmount = this->_pictures; int i = 0; if (this->_pictures > 10) { startAmount = 10; } for (i = 0; i < startAmount; ++i) { QFileInfo fileInfo = this->>_actualPicture); PictureShrinker *shrinkThread = new PictureShrinker(); Q_ASSERT (shrinkThread); shrinkThread->setPath(QDir::toNativeSeparators(this->_path + QDir::separator() + fileInfo.fileName())); shrinkThread->setSavePath(this->_savePath); shrinkThread->setScale(this->_widthPercent, this->_heightPercent); this->connect(shrinkThread, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(processDone()), Qt::QueuedConnection); this->_actualPicture++; shrinkThread->start(); } }
void ApplicationLauncher::stop() { if (!isRunning()) return; if (d->m_currentMode == Gui) { d->m_guiProcess.terminate(); if (!d->m_guiProcess.waitForFinished(1000)) { // This is blocking, so be fast. d->m_guiProcess.kill(); d->m_guiProcess.waitForFinished(); } } else { d->m_consoleProcess.stop(); processDone(0, QProcess::CrashExit); } }
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); ard = new QSerialPort(); connect(ui->actionConnect_2,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(ardConnect())); connect(ard,SIGNAL(readyRead()),this,SLOT(receivedLine())); connect(ui->actionRead_from_log,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(readFile())); connect(this,SIGNAL(processDone()),this,SLOT(continueMath())); timesPerTic = new QList<int>; rpm = new QList<double>; angAcc = new QList<double>; timeStamp = new QList<double>; sortedAng = new QList<double>; sortedAngTimes = new QList<double>; sortedRpm = new QList<double>; sortedRpmTimes = new QList<double>; }
void StemmedFileProcessingDialog::processFiles(const QString &inFile, const QString &outFile) { ui->cbxReading->setText(ui->cbxReading->text() + " " + inFile); ui->cbxWriting->setText(ui->cbxWriting->text() + " " + outFile); this->in = inFile; this->out = outFile; QThread* t = new QThread(this); StemmedFileParserController* controller = new StemmedFileParserController(this); controller->moveToThread(t); t->start(); QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(read(QString)), controller, SLOT(onRead(QString)), Qt::QueuedConnection); QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(process()), controller, SLOT(onProcess()), Qt::QueuedConnection); QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(write(QString)), controller, SLOT(onWrite(QString)), Qt::QueuedConnection); QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(generateHistograms(QString)), controller, SLOT(onGenerateHistograms(QString)), Qt::QueuedConnection); QObject::connect(controller, SIGNAL(readDone(bool)), this, SLOT(onReadDone(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection); QObject::connect(controller, SIGNAL(processDone()), this, SLOT(onProcessDone()), Qt::QueuedConnection); QObject::connect(controller, SIGNAL(writeDone(bool)), this, SLOT(onWriteDone(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection); QObject::connect(controller, SIGNAL(generateHistogramsDone(bool, QString)), this, SLOT(onGenerateHistogramsDone(bool, QString)), Qt::QueuedConnection); emit read(this->in); this->show(); }
void handleInvokeReply(RemoteOpHeader *h, Node srv, Stream str) { State *state; anticipateGC(64 * 1024 + 2 * StreamLength(str)); state = (State *)OIDFetch(h->ss); if (ISNIL(state) || !RESDNT(state->firstThing)) { /* * We probably gc'd this state because we couldn't find any references * to it. Find it and send it this reply. */ Stream newstr; RewindStream(str); newstr = StealStream(str); findAndSendTo(h->ss, newstr); } else { TRACE(rinvoke, 3, ("InvokeReply received")); assert(!ISNIL(state)); assert(RESDNT(state->firstThing)); assert(ISetMember(allProcesses, (int)state)); TRACE(process, 5, ("Resetting nsoid in state %#x", state)); state->nsoid = nooid; state->nstoid = nooid; if (h->status) { TRACE(rinvoke, 0, ("Obsolete remote invocation return code")); h->option1 = 2; } if (h->option1) { /* * We are supposed to propagate a failure. */ TRACE(rinvoke, 1, ("Remote invocation raised %s", h->option1 == 1 ? "failure" : h->option1 == 2 ? "unavailable" : "unknown")); if (!findHandler(state, h->option1 - 1, (Object)JNIL)) { if (!debugInteractively) { state = processDone(state, h->option1); } else { char buf[80]; sprintf(buf, "Remote invocation raised %s", h->option1 == 1 ? "failure" : h->option1 == 2 ? "unavailable" : "unknown"); if (debug(state, buf)) { /* * debug returns 1 when we shouldn't run the state no more. */ state = 0; } } } if (state) makeReady(state); } else if (RESDNT(state->op->flags) && BROKEN(state->op->flags) && isBroken(state->op)) { if (returnToBrokenObject(state)) { /* nothing to do */ } else { makeReady(state); } } else { extractNVars(str, -1, (int *)state->sp, &state->ep, &state->et, srv); makeReady(state); } } TRACE(rinvoke, 4, ("Invoke return handled")); inhibit_gc--; }
void BatchProcessImagesDialog::slotFinished() { if (m_convertStatus == PROCESS_DONE) { // processAborted() has already been called. No need to show the warning. return; } BatchProcessImagesItem *item = static_cast<BatchProcessImagesItem*>(**m_listFile2Process_iterator); m_listFiles->scrollToItem(m_listFiles->currentItem()); if (m_ProcessusProc->exitStatus() == QProcess::CrashExit) { int code = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("The 'convert' program from 'ImageMagick' package has been stopped abnormally"), i18n("Error running 'convert'")); if (code == KMessageBox::Cancel) { processAborted(true); } else { item->changeResult(i18nc("batch process result", "Failed.")); item->changeError(i18n("'convert' program from 'ImageMagick' package " "has been stopped abnormally.")); ++*m_listFile2Process_iterator; ++m_progressStatus; m_ui->m_progress->setValue((int)((float) m_progressStatus * (float) 100 / (float) m_nbItem)); if (**m_listFile2Process_iterator) startProcess(); else endProcess(); } return; } int ValRet = m_ProcessusProc->exitCode(); kWarning() << "Convert exit (" << ValRet << ")"; switch (ValRet) { case 0: { // Process finished successfully ! item->changeResult(i18n("OK")); item->changeError(i18n("no processing error")); processDone(); KUrl src; src.setPath(item->pathSrc()); KUrl dest = m_ui->m_destinationUrl->url(); dest.addPath(item->nameDest()); QString errmsg; KUrl::List urlList; urlList.append(src); urlList.append(dest); iface()->refreshImages(urlList); if (!item->overWrote()) { // Do not add an entry if there was an image at the location already. bool ok = iface()->addImage(dest, errmsg); if (!ok) { int code = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n( "<qt>Error adding image to application; error message was: " "<b>%1</b></qt>", errmsg), i18n("Error Adding Image to Application")); if (code == KMessageBox::Cancel) { slotProcessStop(); break; } else { item->changeResult(i18nc("batch process result", "Failed.")); } } } if (src != dest) { // Clone data in KIPI host application. KPImageInfo info(src); info.cloneData(dest); // Move XMP sidecar file. KPMetadata::moveSidecar(src, dest); } if (m_ui->m_removeOriginal->isChecked() && src != dest) { KUrl deleteImage(item->pathSrc()); if (KIO::NetAccess::del(deleteImage, kapp->activeWindow()) == false) { item->changeResult(i18nc("batch process result", "Warning:")); item->changeError(i18n("cannot remove original image file.")); } else { iface()->delImage(item->pathSrc()); } } break; } case 15: { // process aborted ! processAborted(true); break; } default : { // Processing error ! item->changeResult(i18nc("batch process result", "Failed.")); item->changeError(i18n("cannot process original image file.")); break; } } ++*m_listFile2Process_iterator; ++m_progressStatus; m_ui->m_progress->setValue((int)((float)m_progressStatus *(float)100 / (float)m_nbItem)); if (**m_listFile2Process_iterator) startProcess(); else endProcess(); }