Ejemplo n.º 1
static unsigned int filterCommandT(const FilterEntries& entries, const char* string, FilterOutput* output)
	FuzzyMatcher matcher(string);

	FilterHighlightBuffer hlbuf;

	unsigned int matches = 0;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < entries.entryCount; ++i)
		const FilterEntry& e = entries.entries[i];

		if (matcher.match(entries.buffer + e.offset, e.length))

			if (output->options & SO_HIGHLIGHT_MATCHES)
				processMatchHighlightCommandT(matcher, /* ranked= */ false, hlbuf, e, entries.buffer, output);
				processMatch(e, entries.buffer, output);

			if (matches >= output->limit) break;

	return matches;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void processFile(Regex* re, SearchOutput* output, OrderedOutput::Chunk* chunk, HighlightBuffer& hlbuf,
	const char* path, size_t pathLength, const char* data, size_t size, unsigned int startLine)
	const char* range = re->rangePrepare(data, size);

	const char* begin = range;
	const char* end = begin + size;

	unsigned int line = startLine;

	while (RegexMatch match = re->rangeSearch(begin, end - begin))
		// discard zero-length matches at the end (.* results in an extra line for every file part otherwise)
		if (match.data == end) break;

		// update line counter
		line += 1 + countLines(begin, match.data);
		// print match
		const char* lbeg = findLineStart(begin, match.data);
		const char* lend = findLineEnd(match.data + match.size, end);
		processMatch(re, output, chunk, hlbuf, path, pathLength, (lbeg - range) + data, lend - lbeg, line, lbeg, match.data - lbeg, match.size);
		// move to next line
		if (lend == end) break;
		begin = lend + 1;

Ejemplo n.º 3
static unsigned int filterVisualAssist(const FilterEntries& entries, const FilterEntries& names, const char* string, FilterOutput* output)
    std::vector<VisualAssistFragment> fragments;

    for (auto& s: split(string, isspace))
        VisualAssistFragment& f = fragments.back();

        f.text = s;
		f.re.reset(createRegex(s.c_str(), getRegexOptions(output->options | SO_LITERAL)));
        f.ispath = s.find_first_of("/\\") != std::string::npos;

	if (fragments.empty()) return dumpEntries(entries, output);

	// sort name components first, path components last, larger components first
	std::sort(fragments.begin(), fragments.end(),
        [](const VisualAssistFragment& lhs, const VisualAssistFragment& rhs) {
            return (lhs.ispath != rhs.ispath) ? lhs.ispath < rhs.ispath : lhs.text.length() > rhs.text.length();

	// gather files by first component
	std::vector<unsigned int> results;

	filterRegex(fragments[0].ispath ? entries : names, fragments[0].re.get(),
		(fragments.size() == 1) ? output->limit : ~0u, [&](unsigned int i) { results.push_back(i); });

	// filter results by subsequent components
	for (size_t i = 1; i < fragments.size(); ++i)
        const VisualAssistFragment& f = fragments[i];

		results.erase(std::remove_if(results.begin(), results.end(), [&](unsigned int i) -> bool {
            const FilterEntries& matchEntries = f.ispath ? entries : names;
            const FilterEntry& me = matchEntries.entries[i];

			return f.re->search(matchEntries.buffer + me.offset, me.length).size == 0; }), results.end());

	// trim results according to limit
	if (results.size() > output->limit)

	// output results
	FilterHighlightBuffer hlbuf;

	for (auto& i: results)
        const FilterEntry& e = entries.entries[i];
		if (output->options & SO_HIGHLIGHT_MATCHES)
			processMatchHighlightVisualAssist(fragments, hlbuf, e, entries.buffer, names.entries[i], names.buffer, output);
			processMatch(e, entries.buffer, output);

	return results.size();
Ejemplo n.º 4
static unsigned int dumpEntries(const FilterEntries& entries, FilterOutput* output)
	unsigned int count = std::min(output->limit, entries.entryCount);

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
		processMatch(entries.entries[i], entries.buffer, output);

	return count;
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void processMatchHighlightRegex(Regex* re, FilterHighlightBuffer& hlbuf, const FilterEntry& entry, size_t offset, const char* buffer, FilterOutput* output)
    const char* data = entry.offset + buffer;

	highlightRegex(hlbuf.ranges, re, data, entry.length, nullptr, offset);

	highlight(hlbuf.result, data, entry.length, hlbuf.ranges.empty() ? nullptr : &hlbuf.ranges[0], hlbuf.ranges.size(), kHighlightMatch);

	processMatch(hlbuf.result.c_str(), hlbuf.result.size(), output);
Ejemplo n.º 6
static unsigned int filterCommandTRanked(const FilterEntries& entries, const char* string, FilterOutput* output)
	FuzzyMatcher matcher(string);

	typedef std::pair<int, const FilterEntry*> Match;

	std::vector<Match> matches;
	unsigned int perfectMatches = 0;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < entries.entryCount; ++i)
		const FilterEntry& e = entries.entries[i];
		const char* data = entries.buffer + e.offset;

		if (matcher.match(data, e.length))
            int score = matcher.rank(data, e.length);
			assert(score != INT_MAX);

			matches.push_back(std::make_pair(score, &e));

			if (score == 0)
				if (perfectMatches >= output->limit) break;

	auto compareMatches = [](const Match& l, const Match& r) { return l.first == r.first ? l.second < r.second : l.first < r.first; };

	if (matches.size() <= output->limit)
		std::sort(matches.begin(), matches.end(), compareMatches);
		std::partial_sort(matches.begin(), matches.begin() + output->limit, matches.end(), compareMatches);

	FilterHighlightBuffer hlbuf;

	for (auto& m: matches)
		const FilterEntry& e = *m.second;

		if (output->options & SO_HIGHLIGHT_MATCHES)
			processMatchHighlightCommandT(matcher, /* ranked= */ true, hlbuf, e, entries.buffer, output);
			processMatch(e, entries.buffer, output);

	return matches.size();
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void processMatchHighlightVisualAssist(const std::vector<VisualAssistFragment>& fragments,
	FilterHighlightBuffer& hlbuf, const FilterEntry& entry, const char* entryBuffer, const FilterEntry& nameEntry, const char* nameBuffer, FilterOutput* output)
	const char* data = entryBuffer + entry.offset;


	for (auto& f: fragments)
		highlightRegex(hlbuf.ranges, f.re.get(), data, entry.length, nullptr, f.ispath ? 0 : entry.length - nameEntry.length);

	highlight(hlbuf.result, data, entry.length, hlbuf.ranges.empty() ? nullptr : &hlbuf.ranges[0], hlbuf.ranges.size(), kHighlightMatch);

	processMatch(hlbuf.result.c_str(), hlbuf.result.size(), output);
Ejemplo n.º 8
void RFDiagonalWKSubtask::processDiagonal(int x, int y){
    //make stack local copies
    int W = owner->WINDOW_SIZE;
    int C = owner->C;
    char unknownChar = owner->unknownChar;

    const char* xseq = dataX + x + W - 1; //point to the last pos in window -> will be checked first
    const char* yseq = dataY + y + W - 1;
    const char* xseqMax = dataX + owner->SIZE_X;
    const char* yseqMax = dataY + owner->SIZE_Y;

    assert(xseqMax - xseq >= 0 && yseqMax - yseq >= 0);
    while (xseq < xseqMax && yseq < yseqMax) {
        int c = 0; //number of mismatches (temporary)
        for (const char* s = xseq - W; xseq > s && (c += (PCHAR_MATCHES(xseq, yseq) ? 0 : 1)) <= C; xseq--, yseq--){}
        if (c > C) {
            xseq += W;
            yseq += W;
        assert(xseq < dataX || yseq < dataY || !PCHAR_MATCHES(xseq, yseq));
        int len = processMatch(xseq, yseq, xseqMax, yseqMax, c);
        assert(len >= W);
        while (len > W && !PCHAR_MATCHES(xseq, yseq)){len--; xseq++; yseq++;} //ensure that match with len > W starts with hit
        int step = len;
        while (len > W && !PCHAR_MATCHES(xseq + len - 1, yseq + len - 1)){len--;} //ensure that match with len > W ends with hit
        int allMatches = 0;
        const char* xsqS = xseq;
        const char* ysqS = yseq;
        for(int i = len-1; i>=0; --i, xsqS++, ysqS++){allMatches += PCHAR_MATCHES(xsqS, ysqS)? 1 : 0;} //matches
        RFResult r(xseq - dataX, yseq - dataY, len, allMatches);
        xseq += step + 1;
        yseq += step + 1;
    if (!diagResults.isEmpty()) {
Ejemplo n.º 9
static void processMatchHighlightCommandT(FuzzyMatcher& matcher, bool ranked, FilterHighlightBuffer& hlbuf, const FilterEntry& entry, const char* buffer, FilterOutput* output)
    const char* data = buffer + entry.offset;

	assert(matcher.size() > 0);

	if (ranked)
		matcher.rank(data, entry.length, &hlbuf.posbuf[0]);
		matcher.match(data, entry.length, &hlbuf.posbuf[0]);

	for (size_t i = 0; i < hlbuf.posbuf.size(); ++i) hlbuf.ranges[i] = std::make_pair(hlbuf.posbuf[i], 1);

	highlight(hlbuf.result, data, entry.length, hlbuf.ranges.empty() ? nullptr : &hlbuf.ranges[0], hlbuf.ranges.size(), kHighlightMatch);

	processMatch(hlbuf.result.c_str(), hlbuf.result.size(), output);
Ejemplo n.º 10
static unsigned int filterRegex(const FilterEntries& entries, const FilterEntries& matchEntries, const char* string, FilterOutput* output)
	unsigned int result = 0;

	std::unique_ptr<Regex> re(createRegex(string, getRegexOptions(output->options)));

	FilterHighlightBuffer hlbuf;

	filterRegex(matchEntries, re.get(), output->limit,
		[&](unsigned int i) {
            const FilterEntry& e = entries.entries[i];

			if (output->options & SO_HIGHLIGHT_MATCHES)
				processMatchHighlightRegex(re.get(), hlbuf, e, e.length - matchEntries.entries[i].length, entries.buffer, output);
				processMatch(e, entries.buffer, output);


	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 11
int processMatches(MonkState* state, const File* file, const GArray* matches, const MatchCallbacks* callbacks) {
  if (callbacks->ignore && callbacks->ignore(state, file)) {
    return 1;

  if (callbacks->onAll) {
    return callbacks->onAll(state, file, matches);

  const guint matchCount = matches->len;

  if (matchCount == 0) {
    return callbacks->onNo(state, file);

  int result = 1;
  for (guint matchIndex = 0; result && (matchIndex < matchCount); matchIndex++) {
    const Match* match = match_array_index(matches, matchIndex);
    result &= processMatch(state, file, match, callbacks);

  return result;
Ejemplo n.º 12
static void processMatch(const FilterEntry& entry, const char* buffer, FilterOutput* output)
	processMatch(buffer + entry.offset, entry.length, output);