Ejemplo n.º 1
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
  // Initialize ROS node
  ros::init(argc, argv, "mocap_node", ros::init_options::NoSigintHandler );
  ros::NodeHandle n("~");

  // Get configuration from ROS parameter server  
  const char** mocap_model( DEFAULT_MOCAP_MODEL );
  if( n.hasParam( MOCAP_MODEL_KEY ) )
  {    std::string tmp;
    if( n.getParam( MOCAP_MODEL_KEY, tmp ) )
      if( tmp == "SKELETON_WITH_TOES" )
	mocap_model = SKELETON_WITH_TOES;
      else if( tmp == "SKELETON_WITHOUT_TOES" )
      else if( tmp == "OBJECT" )
	mocap_model = OBJECT;
  // Process mocap data until SIGINT
  processMocapData( mocap_model );

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
  // Initialize ROS node
  ros::init(argc, argv, "mocap_node");
  ros::NodeHandle n("~");

  // Get configuration from ROS parameter server  
  const char** mocap_model( DEFAULT_MOCAP_MODEL );
  if( n.hasParam( MOCAP_MODEL_KEY ) )
  {    std::string tmp;
    if( n.getParam( MOCAP_MODEL_KEY, tmp ) )
      if( tmp == "SKELETON_WITH_TOES" )
        mocap_model = SKELETON_WITH_TOES;
      else if( tmp == "SKELETON_WITHOUT_TOES" )
        mocap_model = SKELETON_WITHOUT_TOES;
      else if( tmp == "OBJECT" )
        mocap_model = OBJECT;

  RigidBodyMap published_rigid_bodies;

  if (n.hasParam(RIGID_BODIES_KEY))
      XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue body_list;
      n.getParam("rigid_bodies", body_list);
      if (body_list.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeStruct && body_list.size() > 0)
          XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::iterator i;
          for (i = body_list.begin(); i != body_list.end(); ++i) {
              if (i->second.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeStruct) {
                  PublishedRigidBody body(i->second);
                  string id = (string&) (i->first);
                  RigidBodyItem item(atoi(id.c_str()), body);

                  std::pair<RigidBodyMap::iterator, bool> result = published_rigid_bodies.insert(item);
                  if (!result.second)
                      ROS_ERROR("Could not insert configuration for rigid body ID %s", id.c_str());
  //Create other marker publisher
  ros::Publisher otherMarkerPublisher = n.advertise<mocap_optitrack::MarkerMsg>("OtherMarkers", 1000);
  // Process mocap data until SIGINT
  processMocapData(mocap_model, published_rigid_bodies, otherMarkerPublisher);

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
  // Initialize ROS node
  ros::init(argc, argv, "mocap_node");
  ros::NodeHandle n("~");

  // Get configuration from ROS parameter server  
  const char** mocap_model( DEFAULT_MOCAP_MODEL );
  if( n.hasParam( MOCAP_MODEL_KEY ) )
  {    std::string tmp;
    if( n.getParam( MOCAP_MODEL_KEY, tmp ) )
      if( tmp == "SKELETON_WITH_TOES" )
        mocap_model = SKELETON_WITH_TOES;
      else if( tmp == "SKELETON_WITHOUT_TOES" )
        mocap_model = SKELETON_WITHOUT_TOES;
      else if( tmp == "OBJECT" )
        mocap_model = OBJECT;

  // Get configuration from ROS parameter server
  std::string multicast_ip( MULTICAST_IP_DEFAULT );
  if( n.hasParam( MULTICAST_IP_KEY ) )
    n.getParam( MULTICAST_IP_KEY, multicast_ip );
  else {
    ROS_WARN_STREAM("Could not get multicast address, using default: " << multicast_ip);

  RigidBodyMap published_rigid_bodies;

  if (n.hasParam(RIGID_BODIES_KEY))
      XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue body_list;
      n.getParam("rigid_bodies", body_list);
      if (body_list.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeStruct && body_list.size() > 0)
          XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::iterator i;
          for (i = body_list.begin(); i != body_list.end(); ++i) {
              if (i->second.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeStruct) {
                  PublishedRigidBody body(i->second);
                  string id = (string&) (i->first);
                  RigidBodyItem item(atoi(id.c_str()), body);

                  std::pair<RigidBodyMap::iterator, bool> result = published_rigid_bodies.insert(item);
                  if (!result.second)
                      ROS_ERROR("Could not insert configuration for rigid body ID %s", id.c_str());

  // Process mocap data until SIGINT
  processMocapData(mocap_model, published_rigid_bodies, multicast_ip);

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void MyWindow::timeStepping()
	bool isFirst6DofsValid = false;// fromMarkersTo6Dofs();
	Eigen::VectorXd motor_qhat = mController->motion()->targetPose(mTime);
	Eigen::VectorXd fullMotorAngle = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(NUM_MOTORS + 2);

	if (!mSimulating)
		motor_qhat = mController->motion()->getInitialPose();
	// Wait for an event
	Eigen::VectorXd motorAngle;
	motorAngle = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(NUM_MOTORS);
	//if (mTime < 3)
	//	motor_qhat = mController->useAnkelStrategy(motor_qhat, mTime);

	//Eigen::VectorXd mocapPose = mController->mocap()->GetPose(mTime - 1.0);
	//Eigen::VectorXd motor_qhat = mController->motormap()->toMotorMapVectorSameDim(mocapPose);
	Eigen::VectorXd motor_qhat_noGriper = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(NUM_MOTORS);
	motor_qhat_noGriper.head(6) = motor_qhat.head(6);
	motor_qhat_noGriper.tail(10) = motor_qhat.tail(10);
	unsigned char commands[256];
	for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MOTORS; ++i)
		int command = static_cast<int>(motor_qhat_noGriper[i]);
		unsigned char highByte, lowByte;
		SeparateWord(command, &highByte, &lowByte);
		commands[2 * i] = lowByte;
		commands[2 * i + 1] = highByte;
		//commands[3 * i + 2] = ' ';
	commands[2 * 16] = '\t';
	commands[2 * 16 + 1] = '\n';
	mSerial->Write(commands, 2 * 16 + 2);

	DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
	char szBuffer[101];
	bool bUpdated = false;
		// Read data from the COM-port
		LONG lLastError = mSerial->Read(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer) - 1, &dwBytesRead);

		if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
			LOG(FATAL) << mSerial->GetLastError() << " Unable to read from COM-port.";

		if (dwBytesRead > 0)
			mTmpBuffer.insert(mTmpBuffer.size(), szBuffer, dwBytesRead);

			if (mTmpBuffer.size() >= NUM_BYTES_PER_MOTOR * NUM_MOTORS + 1)

				bUpdated = ProcessBuffer(mTmpBuffer, motorAngle);

				if (bUpdated)
					fullMotorAngle.head(6) = motorAngle.head(6);
					fullMotorAngle.tail(10) = motorAngle.tail(10);
				//for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
				//	std::cout << motorAngle[i] << " "; //<< motor_qhat_noGriper[14];
				//std::cout << std::endl;
			std::cout << "Noting received." << endl;
	} while (dwBytesRead == sizeof(szBuffer) - 1);
	if (isFirst6DofsValid)
	if (mSimulating)
		Eigen::VectorXd poseToRecord = mController->robot()->getPositions();
		MocapFrame frame;
		frame.mTime = mTime;
		frame.mMarkerPos = mMarkerPos;
		frame.mMarkerOccluded = mMarkerOccluded;
		frame.mMotorAngle = poseToRecord;
	if (mTimer.isStarted())
		double elaspedTime = mTimer.getElapsedTime();
		//LOG(INFO) << elaspedTime;
		LOG(INFO) << mTime << " " << motor_qhat[10] << " " << fullMotorAngle[10] << endl;
		mTime += elaspedTime;// mController->robot()->getTimeStep();