Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Ask for a "user pref file" and process it.
 * This function should only be used by standard interaction commands,
 * in which a standard "Command:" prompt is present on the given row.
 * Allow absolute file names?  XXX XXX XXX
static void do_cmd_pref_file_hack(long row)
	char ftmp[80];


	/* Prompt */
	prt("Command: Load a user pref file", row, 0);

	/* Prompt */
	prt("File: ", row + 2, 0);

	/* Default filename */
	strnfmt(ftmp, sizeof ftmp, "%s.prf", player_safe_name(player, true));

	/* Ask for a file (or cancel) */
	if (askfor_aux(ftmp, sizeof ftmp, NULL)) {
		/* Process the given filename */
		if (process_pref_file(ftmp, false, true) == false) {
			/* Mention failure */
			prt("", 0, 0);
			msg("Failed to load '%s'!", ftmp);
		} else {
			/* Mention success */
			prt("", 0, 0);
			msg("Loaded '%s'.", ftmp);

Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Ask for a "user pref file" and process it.
 * This function should only be used by standard interaction commands,
 * in which a standard "Command:" prompt is present on the given row.
 * Allow absolute file names?  XXX XXX XXX
static void do_cmd_pref_file_hack(long row)
	char ftmp[80];


	/* Prompt */
	prt("Command: Load a user pref file", row, 0);

	/* Prompt */
	prt("File: ", row + 2, 0);

	/* Get the filesystem-safe name and append .prf */
	player_safe_name(ftmp, sizeof(ftmp), player->full_name, true);
	my_strcat(ftmp, ".prf", sizeof(ftmp));

	/* Ask for a file (or cancel) */
	if (askfor_aux(ftmp, sizeof ftmp, NULL)) {
		/* Process the given filename */
		if (process_pref_file(ftmp, false, true) == false) {
			/* Mention failure */
			prt("", 0, 0);
			msg("Failed to load '%s'!", ftmp);
		} else {
			/* Mention success */
			prt("", 0, 0);
			msg("Loaded '%s'.", ftmp);

Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Hack -- save a screen dump to a file in html format
static void do_cmd_save_screen_html(int mode)
	size_t i;

	ang_file *fff;
	char file_name[1024];
	char tmp_val[256];

	typedef void (*dump_func)(ang_file *);
	dump_func dump_visuals [] = 
		{ dump_monsters, dump_features, dump_objects, dump_flavors, dump_colors };

	if (mode == 0)
		my_strcpy(tmp_val, "dump.html", sizeof(tmp_val));
		my_strcpy(tmp_val, "dump.txt", sizeof(tmp_val));

	/* Ask for a file */
	if (!get_string("File: ", tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val))) return;

	/* Save current preferences */
	path_build(file_name, 1024, ANGBAND_DIR_USER, "dump.prf");
	fff = file_open(file_name, MODE_WRITE, (mode == 0 ? FTYPE_HTML : FTYPE_TEXT));

	/* Check for failure */
	if (!fff)
		msg("Screen dump failed.");

	/* Dump all the visuals */
	for (i = 0; i < N_ELEMENTS(dump_visuals); i++)


	/* Dump the screen with raw character attributes */
	html_screenshot(tmp_val, mode);

	/* Recover current graphics settings */
	process_pref_file(file_name, TRUE, FALSE);

	msg("HTML screen dump saved.");
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Load another file.
static enum parser_error parse_prefs_load(struct parser *p)
	struct prefs_data *d = parser_priv(p);
	const char *file;

	assert(d != NULL);
	if (d->bypass) return PARSE_ERROR_NONE;

	file = parser_getstr(p, "file");
	(void)process_pref_file(file, TRUE, d->user);

Ejemplo n.º 5
/* Display possible modules and select one */
bool select_module()
	s32b k, sel, max;

	/* Hack */
	use_color = TRUE;

	/* Init some lua */

	/* Some ports need to separate the module scripts from the installed mods,
	   so we need to check for these in two different places */
	if(!tome_dofile_anywhere(ANGBAND_DIR_CORE, "mods_aux.lua", FALSE))
		tome_dofile_anywhere(ANGBAND_DIR_MODULES, "mods_aux.lua", TRUE);
	if(!tome_dofile_anywhere(ANGBAND_DIR_CORE, "modules.lua", FALSE))
		tome_dofile_anywhere(ANGBAND_DIR_MODULES, "modules.lua", TRUE);

	/* Grab the savefiles */
	call_lua("max_modules", "()", "d", &max);

	/* No need to bother the player if there is only one module */
	sel = -1;
	if (force_module)
		call_lua("find_module", "(s)", "d", force_module, &sel);
	if (max == 1)
		sel = 0;
	if (sel != -1)
		cptr tmp;

		/* Process the module */
		call_lua("init_module", "(d)", "", sel);
		call_lua("get_module_name", "(d)", "s", sel, &tmp);
		game_module = string_make(tmp);


		return FALSE;

	sel = 0;

	/* Preprocess the basic prefs, we need them to have movement keys */

	while (TRUE)
		/* Clear screen */

		/* Let the user choose */
		c_put_str(TERM_YELLOW, "Welcome to ToME, you must select a module to play,", 1, 12);
		c_put_str(TERM_YELLOW, "either ToME official module or third party ones.", 2, 13);
		put_str("Press 8/2/4/6 to move, Return to select and Esc to quit.", 4, 3);

		dump_modules(sel, max);

		k = inkey();

		if (k == ESCAPE)
		if (k == '6')
			if (sel >= max) sel = 0;
		else if (k == '4')
			if (sel < 0) sel = max - 1;
		else if (k == '2')
			sel += 4;
			if (sel >= max) sel = sel % max;
		else if (k == '8')
			sel -= 4;
			if (sel < 0) sel = (sel + max - 1) % max;
		else if (k == '\r')
			if (sel < 26) k = I2A(sel);
			else k = toupper(I2A(sel));

			int x;
			cptr tmp;

			if (islower(k)) x = A2I(k);
			else x = A2I(tolower(k)) + 26;

			if ((x < 0) || (x >= max)) continue;

			/* Process the module */
			call_lua("init_module", "(d)", "", x);
			call_lua("get_module_name", "(d)", "s", x, &tmp);
			game_module = string_make(tmp);


			return (FALSE);

	/* Shouldnt happen */
	return (FALSE);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Hack -- main Angband initialization entry point
 * Verify some files, display the "news.txt" file, create
 * the high score file, initialize all internal arrays, and
 * load the basic "user pref files".
 * Be very careful to keep track of the order in which things
 * are initialized, in particular, the only thing *known* to
 * be available when this function is called is the "z-term.c"
 * package, and that may not be fully initialized until the
 * end of this function, when the default "user pref files"
 * are loaded and "Term_xtra(TERM_XTRA_REACT,0)" is called.
 * Note that this function attempts to verify the "news" file,
 * and the game aborts (cleanly) on failure, since without the
 * "news" file, it is likely that the "lib" folder has not been
 * correctly located.  Otherwise, the news file is displayed for
 * the user.
 * Note that this function attempts to verify (or create) the
 * "high score" file, and the game aborts (cleanly) on failure,
 * since one of the most common "extraction" failures involves
 * failing to extract all sub-directories (even empty ones), such
 * as by failing to use the "-d" option of "pkunzip", or failing
 * to use the "save empty directories" option with "Compact Pro".
 * This error will often be caught by the "high score" creation
 * code below, since the "lib/apex" directory, being empty in the
 * standard distributions, is most likely to be "lost", making it
 * impossible to create the high score file.
 * Note that various things are initialized by this function,
 * including everything that was once done by "init_some_arrays".
 * This initialization involves the parsing of special files
 * in the "lib/data" and sometimes the "lib/edit" directories.
 * Note that the "template" files are initialized first, since they
 * often contain errors.  This means that macros and message recall
 * and things like that are not available until after they are done.
 * We load the default "user pref files" here in case any "color"
 * changes are needed before character creation.
 * Note that the "graf-xxx.prf" file must be loaded separately,
 * if needed, in the first (?) pass through "TERM_XTRA_REACT".
bool init_angband(void)

	/* Initialize the menus */
	/* This must occur before preference files are read(?) */

	/*** Initialize some arrays ***/

	/* Initialize size info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing array sizes...");
	if (init_z_info()) quit("Cannot initialize sizes");

	/* Initialize feature info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (features)");
	if (init_f_info()) quit("Cannot initialize features");

	/* Initialize object info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (objects)");
	if (init_k_info()) quit("Cannot initialize objects");

	/* Initialize ego-item info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (ego-items)");
	if (init_e_info()) quit("Cannot initialize ego-items");

	/* Initialize monster info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (monsters)");
	if (init_r_info()) quit("Cannot initialize monsters");

	/* Initialize artifact info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (artifacts)");
	if (init_a_info()) quit("Cannot initialize artifacts");

	/* Initialize feature info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (vaults)");
	if (init_v_info()) quit("Cannot initialize vaults");

	/* Initialize history info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (histories)");
	if (init_h_info()) quit("Cannot initialize histories");

	/* Initialize race info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (races)");
	if (init_p_info()) quit("Cannot initialize races");

	/* Initialize class info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (classes)");
	if (init_c_info()) quit("Cannot initialize classes");

	/* Initialize owner info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (owners)");
	if (init_b_info()) quit("Cannot initialize owners");

	/* Initialize flavor info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (flavors)");
	if (init_flavor_info()) quit("Cannot initialize flavors");

	/* Initialize spell info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (spells)");
	if (init_s_info()) quit("Cannot initialize spells");

	/* Initialize spellbook info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (spellbooks)");

	/* Initialise store stocking data */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (store stocks)");

	/* Initialise random name data */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (random names)");

	/* Initialize some other arrays */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (other)");
	if (init_other()) quit("Cannot initialize other stuff");

	/* Initialize some other arrays */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (alloc)");
	if (init_alloc()) quit("Cannot initialize alloc stuff");

	/*** Load default user pref files ***/

	/* Initialize feature info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Loading basic user pref file...");

	/* Process that file */

	/* Done */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initialization complete");

	/* Sneakily init command list */

	/* Ask for a "command" until we get one we like. */
	while (1)
		game_command command_req;

		cmd_get(CMD_INIT, &command_req, TRUE);

		if (command_req.command == CMD_QUIT)
		else if (command_req.command == CMD_NEWGAME)
			return TRUE;
		else if (command_req.command == CMD_LOADFILE)
			/* In future we might want to pass back or set the savefile
			   path here. */
			return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * Hack -- main Angband initialization entry point
 * Verify some files, display the "news.txt" file, create
 * the high score file, initialize all internal arrays, and
 * load the basic "user pref files".
 * Be very careful to keep track of the order in which things
 * are initialized, in particular, the only thing *known* to
 * be available when this function is called is the "z-term.c"
 * package, and that may not be fully initialized until the
 * end of this function, when the default "user pref files"
 * are loaded and "Term_xtra(TERM_XTRA_REACT,0)" is called.
 * Note that this function attempts to verify the "news" file,
 * and the game aborts (cleanly) on failure, since without the
 * "news" file, it is likely that the "lib" folder has not been
 * correctly located.  Otherwise, the news file is displayed for
 * the user.
 * Note that this function attempts to verify (or create) the
 * "high score" file, and the game aborts (cleanly) on failure,
 * since one of the most common "extraction" failures involves
 * failing to extract all sub-directories (even empty ones), such
 * as by failing to use the "-d" option of "pkunzip", or failing
 * to use the "save empty directories" option with "Compact Pro".
 * This error will often be caught by the "high score" creation
 * code below, since the "lib/apex" directory, being empty in the
 * standard distributions, is most likely to be "lost", making it
 * impossible to create the high score file.
 * Note that various things are initialized by this function,
 * including everything that was once done by "init_some_arrays".
 * This initialization involves the parsing of special files
 * in the "lib/data" and sometimes the "lib/edit" directories.
 * Note that the "template" files are initialized first, since they
 * often contain errors.  This means that macros and message recall
 * and things like that are not available until after they are done.
 * We load the default "user pref files" here in case any "color"
 * changes are needed before character creation.
 * Note that the "graf-xxx.prf" file must be loaded separately,
 * if needed, in the first (?) pass through "TERM_XTRA_REACT".
bool init_angband(void)
	/* If we have a savefile, use that for game mode instead */
	if (savefile[0])
	/* Which game are we playing? */
	if (game_mode == 0)


	/*** Initialize some arrays ***/

	/* Initialize size info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing array sizes...");
	if (init_z_info()) quit("Cannot initialize sizes");

	/* Prepare some things according to the game being played */

	/* Initialize feature info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (features)");
	if (init_f_info()) quit("Cannot initialize features");

	/* Initialize object info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (objects)");
	if (init_k_info()) quit("Cannot initialize objects");

	/* Initialize object info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (ghosts)");
	if (init_t_info()) quit("Cannot initialize ghosts");

	/* Initialize artifact info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (artifacts)");
	if (init_a_info()) quit("Cannot initialize artifacts");

	/* Initialize ego-item info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (ego-items)");
	if (init_e_info()) quit("Cannot initialize ego-items");

	/* Initialize monster info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (monsters)");
	if (init_r_info()) quit("Cannot initialize monsters");

	/* Initialize feature info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (vaults)");
	if (init_v_info()) quit("Cannot initialize vaults");

	/* Initialize history info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (histories)");
	if (init_h_info()) quit("Cannot initialize histories");

	/* Initialize race info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (races)");
	if (init_p_info()) quit("Cannot initialize races");

	/* Initialize class info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (classes)");
	if (init_c_info()) quit("Cannot initialize classes");

	/* Initialize owner info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (owners)");
	if (init_b_info()) quit("Cannot initialize owners");

	/* Initialize flavor info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (flavors)");
	if (init_flavor_info()) quit("Cannot initialize flavors");

	/* Initialize flavor info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (quests)");
		if (init_q_info()) quit("Cannot initialize quests");

	/* Initialize some other arrays */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (other)");
	if (init_other()) quit("Cannot initialize other stuff");

	/* Initialize some other arrays */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing arrays... (alloc)");
	if (init_alloc()) quit("Cannot initialize alloc stuff");

	/*** Load default user pref files ***/

	/* Initialize feature info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Loading basic user pref file...");

	/* Process that file */

	/* Initialize feature info */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initializing Random Artifact Tables...]");
	if (init_n_info()) quit("Cannot initialize random name generator list");

	/*Build the randart probability tables based on the standard Artifact Set*/

	/* Done */
	event_signal_string(EVENT_INITSTATUS, "Initialization complete");

	/* Sneakily init command list */

	/* Ask for a "command" until we get one we like. */
	while (1)
		game_command command_req;

		cmd_get(CMD_INIT, &command_req, TRUE);

		if (command_req.command == CMD_QUIT)
		else if (command_req.command == CMD_NEWGAME)
			return TRUE;
		else if (command_req.command == CMD_LOADFILE)
			/* In future we might want to pass back or set the savefile
			   path here. */
			return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Open the "user pref file" and parse it.
static errr process_pref_file_aux(cptr name)
	FILE *fp;

	char buf[1024];

	char old[1024];

	int line = -1;

	errr err = 0;

	bool bypass = FALSE;

	/* Open the file */
	fp = my_fopen(name, "r");

	/* No such file */
	if (!fp) return (-1);

	/* Process the file */
	while (0 == my_fgets(fp, buf, sizeof(buf)))
		/* Count lines */

		/* Skip "empty" lines */
		if (!buf[0]) continue;

		/* Skip "blank" lines */
		if (isspace((unsigned char)buf[0])) continue;

		/* Skip comments */
		if (buf[0] == '#') continue;

		/* Save a copy */
		my_strcpy(old, buf, sizeof(old));

		/* Process "?:<expr>" */
		if ((buf[0] == '?') && (buf[1] == ':'))
			char f;
			cptr v;
			char *s;

			/* Start */
			s = buf + 2;

			/* Parse the expr */
			v = process_pref_file_expr(&s, &f);

			/* Set flag */
			bypass = (streq(v, "0") ? TRUE : FALSE);

			/* Continue */

		/* Apply conditionals */
		if (bypass) continue;

		/* Process "%:<file>" */
		if (buf[0] == '%')
			/* Process that file if allowed */
			(void)process_pref_file(buf + 2);

			/* Continue */

		/* Process the line */
		err = process_pref_file_command(buf);

		/* Oops */
		if (err) break;

	/* Error */
	if (err)
		/* Print error message */
		/* ToDo: Add better error messages */
		msg_format("Error %d in line %d of file '%s'.", err, line, name);
		msg_format("Parsing '%s'", old);

	/* Close the file */

	/* Result */
	return (err);
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: cmd4.c Proyecto: jcubic/ToME
 * Interact with "macros"
 * Note that the macro "action" must be defined before the trigger.
 * Could use some helpful instructions on this page.  XXX XXX XXX
void do_cmd_macros(void)
	s32b i;

	char tmp[1024];

	char buf[1024];

	s32b mode;

	/* Roguelike */
	if (rogue_like_commands)

	/* Original */

	/* Enter "icky" mode */

	/* Save screen */

	/* Process requests until done */
	while (1)
		/* Clear screen */

		/* Describe */
		prt("Interact with Macros", 2, 0);

		/* Describe that action */
		prt("Current action (if any) shown below:", 20, 0);

		/* Analyze the current action */
		ascii_to_text(buf, macro__buf);

		/* Display the current action */
		prt(buf, 22, 0);

		/* Selections */
		prt("(1) Load a user pref file", 4, 5);
		prt("(2) Append macros to a file", 5, 5);
		prt("(3) Query a macro", 6, 5);
		prt("(4) Create a macro", 7, 5);
		prt("(5) Remove a macro", 8, 5);
		prt("(6) Append keymaps to a file", 9, 5);
		prt("(7) Query a keymap", 10, 5);
		prt("(8) Create a keymap", 11, 5);
		prt("(9) Remove a keymap", 12, 5);
		prt("(0) Enter a new action", 13, 5);
#endif /* ALLOW_MACROS */

		/* Prompt */
		prt("Command: ", 16, 0);

		/* Get a command */
		i = inkey();

		/* Leave */
		if (i == ESCAPE) break;

		/* Load a 'macro' file */
		else if (i == '1')
			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Load a user pref file", 16, 0);

			/* Prompt */
			prt("File: ", 18, 0);

			/* Default filename */
			strnfmt(tmp, 1024, "%s.prf", player_name);

			/* Ask for a file */
			if (!askfor_aux(tmp, 80)) continue;

			/* Process the given filename */
			if (0 != process_pref_file(tmp))
				/* Prompt */
				msg_print("Could not load file!");


		/* Save macros */
		else if (i == '2')
			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Append macros to a file", 16, 0);

			/* Prompt */
			prt("File: ", 18, 0);

			/* Default filename */
			strnfmt(tmp, 1024, "%s.prf", player_name);

			/* Ask for a file */
			if (!askfor_aux(tmp, 80)) continue;

			/* Dump the macros */

			/* Prompt */
			msg_print("Appended macros.");

		/* Query a macro */
		else if (i == '3')
			s32b k;

			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Query a macro", 16, 0);

			/* Prompt */
			prt("Trigger: ", 18, 0);

			/* Get a macro trigger */
			do_cmd_macro_aux(buf, TRUE);

			/* Acquire action */
			k = macro_find_exact(buf);

			/* Nothing found */
			if (k < 0)
				/* Prompt */
				msg_print("Found no macro.");

			/* Found one */
				/* Obtain the action */
				strcpy(macro__buf, macro__act[k]);

				/* Analyze the current action */
				ascii_to_text(buf, macro__buf);

				/* Display the current action */
				prt(buf, 22, 0);

				/* Prompt */
				msg_print("Found a macro.");

		/* Create a macro */
		else if (i == '4')
			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Create a macro", 16, 0);

			/* Prompt */
			prt("Trigger: ", 18, 0);

			/* Get a macro trigger */
			do_cmd_macro_aux(buf, TRUE);

			/* Clear */

			/* Prompt */
			prt("Action: ", 20, 0);

			/* Convert to text */
			ascii_to_text(tmp, macro__buf);

			/* Get an encoded action */
			if (askfor_aux(tmp, 80))
				/* Convert to ascii */
				text_to_ascii(macro__buf, tmp);

				/* Link the macro */
				macro_add(buf, macro__buf);

				/* Prompt */
				msg_print("Added a macro.");

		/* Remove a macro */
		else if (i == '5')
			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Remove a macro", 16, 0);

			/* Prompt */
			prt("Trigger: ", 18, 0);

			/* Get a macro trigger */
			do_cmd_macro_aux(buf, TRUE);

			/* Link the macro */
			macro_add(buf, buf);

			/* Prompt */
			msg_print("Removed a macro.");

		/* Save keymaps */
		else if (i == '6')
			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Append keymaps to a file", 16, 0);

			/* Prompt */
			prt("File: ", 18, 0);

			/* Default filename */
			strnfmt(tmp, 1024, "%s.prf", player_name);

			/* Ask for a file */
			if (!askfor_aux(tmp, 80)) continue;

			/* Dump the macros */

			/* Prompt */
			msg_print("Appended keymaps.");

		/* Query a keymap */
		else if (i == '7')
			cptr act;

			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Query a keymap", 16, 0);

			/* Prompt */
			prt("Keypress: ", 18, 0);

			/* Get a keymap trigger */

			/* Look up the keymap */
			act = keymap_act[mode][(byte)(buf[0])];

			/* Nothing found */
			if (!act)
				/* Prompt */
				msg_print("Found no keymap.");

			/* Found one */
				/* Obtain the action */
				strcpy(macro__buf, act);

				/* Analyze the current action */
				ascii_to_text(buf, macro__buf);

				/* Display the current action */
				prt(buf, 22, 0);

				/* Prompt */
				msg_print("Found a keymap.");

		/* Create a keymap */
		else if (i == '8')
			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Create a keymap", 16, 0);

			/* Prompt */
			prt("Keypress: ", 18, 0);

			/* Get a keymap trigger */

			/* Clear */

			/* Prompt */
			prt("Action: ", 20, 0);

			/* Convert to text */
			ascii_to_text(tmp, macro__buf);

			/* Get an encoded action */
			if (askfor_aux(tmp, 80))
				/* Convert to ascii */
				text_to_ascii(macro__buf, tmp);

				/* Free old keymap */

				/* Make new keymap */
				keymap_act[mode][(byte)(buf[0])] = string_make(macro__buf);

				/* Prompt */
				msg_print("Added a keymap.");

		/* Remove a keymap */
		else if (i == '9')
			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Remove a keymap", 16, 0);

			/* Prompt */
			prt("Keypress: ", 18, 0);

			/* Get a keymap trigger */

			/* Free old keymap */

			/* Make new keymap */
			keymap_act[mode][(byte)(buf[0])] = NULL;

			/* Prompt */
			msg_print("Removed a keymap.");

		/* Enter a new action */
		else if (i == '0')
			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Enter a new action", 16, 0);

			/* Go to the correct location */
			Term_gotoxy(0, 22);

			/* Hack -- limit the value */
			tmp[80] = '\0';

			/* Get an encoded action */
			if (!askfor_aux(buf, 80)) continue;

			/* Extract an action */
			text_to_ascii(macro__buf, buf);

#endif /* ALLOW_MACROS */

		/* Oops */
			/* Oops */

		/* Flush messages */

	/* Load screen */

	/* Leave "icky" mode */
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: cmd4.c Proyecto: jcubic/ToME
 * Interact with "colors"
void do_cmd_colors(void)
	s32b i;

	PHYSFS_file *fff;

	char tmp[160];

	char buf[1024];

	/* Enter "icky" mode */

	/* Save the screen */

	/* Interact until done */
	while (1)
		/* Clear screen */

		/* Ask for a choice */
		prt("Interact with Colors", 2, 0);

		/* Give some choices */
		prt("(1) Load a user pref file", 4, 5);
		prt("(2) Dump colors", 5, 5);
		prt("(3) Modify colors", 6, 5);
		prt("(4) Gamma correction", 7, 5);
# endif  /* SUPPORT_GAMMA */

		/* Prompt */
		prt("Command: ", 8, 0);

		/* Prompt */
		i = inkey();

		/* Done */
		if (i == ESCAPE) break;

		/* Load a 'pref' file */
		if (i == '1')
			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Load a user pref file", 8, 0);

			/* Prompt */
			prt("File: ", 10, 0);

			/* Default file */
			strnfmt(tmp, 160, "user-%s.prf", ANGBAND_SYS);

			/* Query */
			if (!askfor_aux(tmp, 70)) continue;

			/* Process the given filename */

			/* Mega-Hack -- react to changes */
			Term_xtra(TERM_XTRA_REACT, 0);

			/* Mega-Hack -- redraw */


		/* Dump colors */
		else if (i == '2')
			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Dump colors", 8, 0);

			/* Prompt */
			prt("File: ", 10, 0);

			/* Default filename */
			strnfmt(tmp, 160, "user-%s.prf", ANGBAND_SYS);

			/* Get a filename */
			if (!askfor_aux(tmp, 70)) continue;

			/* Build the filename */
			path_build(buf, 1024, TENGINE_DIR_USER, tmp);

			/* Append to the file */
			fff = my_fopen(buf, "a");

			/* Failure */
			if (!fff) continue;

			/* Start dumping */
			fprintf(fff, "\n\n");
			fprintf(fff, "# Color redefinitions\n\n");

			/* Dump colors */
			for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
				s32b kv = angband_color_table[i][0];
				s32b rv = angband_color_table[i][1];
				s32b gv = angband_color_table[i][2];
				s32b bv = angband_color_table[i][3];

				cptr name = "unknown";

				/* Skip non-entries */
				if (!kv && !rv && !gv && !bv) continue;

				/* Extract the color name */
				name = color_names[i];

				/* Dump a comment */
				fprintf(fff, "# Color '%s'\n", name);

				/* Dump the monster attr/char info */
				fprintf(fff, "V:%d:0x%02X:0x%02X:0x%02X:0x%02X\n\n",
				        i, kv, rv, gv, bv);

			/* All done */
			fprintf(fff, "\n\n\n\n");

			/* Close */

			/* Message */
			msg_print("Dumped color redefinitions.");

		/* Edit colors */
		else if (i == '3')
			static byte a = 0;

			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Modify colors", 8, 0);

			/* Hack -- query until done */
			while (1)
				cptr name;

				/* Clear */

				/* Exhibit the normal colors */
				for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
					/* Exhibit this color */
					Term_putstr(i*4, 20, -1, a, "###");

					/* Exhibit all colors */
					Term_putstr(i*4, 22, -1, i, format("%3d", i));

				/* Describe the color */
				name = ((color_names[a]) ? color_names[a] : "undefined");

				/* Describe the color */
				Term_putstr(5, 10, -1, TERM_WHITE,
				            format("Color = %d, Name = %s", a, name));

				/* Label the Current values */
				Term_putstr(5, 12, -1, TERM_WHITE,
				            format("K = 0x%02x / R,G,B = 0x%02x,0x%02x,0x%02x",

				/* Prompt */
				Term_putstr(0, 14, -1, TERM_WHITE,
				            "Command (n/N/k/K/r/R/g/G/b/B): ");

				/* Get a command */
				i = inkey();

				/* All done */
				if (i == ESCAPE) break;

				/* Analyze */
				if (i == 'n') a = (byte)(a + 1);
				if (i == 'N') a = (byte)(a - 1);
				if (i == 'k') angband_color_table[a][0] = (byte)(angband_color_table[a][0] + 1);
				if (i == 'K') angband_color_table[a][0] = (byte)(angband_color_table[a][0] - 1);
				if (i == 'r') angband_color_table[a][1] = (byte)(angband_color_table[a][1] + 1);
				if (i == 'R') angband_color_table[a][1] = (byte)(angband_color_table[a][1] - 1);
				if (i == 'g') angband_color_table[a][2] = (byte)(angband_color_table[a][2] + 1);
				if (i == 'G') angband_color_table[a][2] = (byte)(angband_color_table[a][2] - 1);
				if (i == 'b') angband_color_table[a][3] = (byte)(angband_color_table[a][3] + 1);
				if (i == 'B') angband_color_table[a][3] = (byte)(angband_color_table[a][3] - 1);

				/* Hack -- react to changes */
				Term_xtra(TERM_XTRA_REACT, 0);

				/* Hack -- redraw */


		/* Gamma correction */
		else if (i == '4')
			s32b gamma;

			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Gamma correction", 8, 0);

			/* gamma_val isn't set - assume 1.0 */
			if (gamma_val == 0) gamma = 10;

			/* It's set - convert to usual notation (times 10) */
			else gamma = 2560 / gamma_val;

			/* Hack -- query until done */
			while (1)
				/* Clear */

				/* Exhibit the normal colors */
				for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
					/* Exhibit all colors */
					Term_putstr(i*4, 22, -1, i, format("%3d", i));

				/* Describe the gamma */
				Term_putstr(5, 10, -1, TERM_WHITE,
				            format("Gamma = %d.%d", gamma / 10, gamma % 10));

				/* Prompt */
				Term_putstr(0, 12, -1, TERM_WHITE, "Command (g/G): ");

				/* Get a command */
				i = inkey();

				/* All done */
				if (i == ESCAPE) break;

				/* Analyze */
				if (i == 'g') gamma = (byte)(gamma + 1);
				else if (i == 'G') gamma = (byte)(gamma - 1);
				else continue;

				/* Force limits ([1.0, 2.5]) */
				if (gamma < 10) gamma = 10;
				if (gamma > 25) gamma = 25;

				/* Hack - 1.0 means no correction */
				if (gamma == 10) gamma_val = 0;

				/* otherwise, calculate gamma_val */
				else gamma_val = 2560 / gamma;

				/* Hack -- react to changes */
				Term_xtra(TERM_XTRA_REACT, 0);

				/* Hack -- redraw */

# endif  /* SUPPORT_GAMMA */


		/* Unknown option */

		/* Flush messages */

	/* Restore the screen */

	/* Leave "icky" mode */
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: cmd4.c Proyecto: jcubic/ToME
 * Interact with "visuals"
void do_cmd_visuals(void)
	s32b i;

	PHYSFS_file *fff;

	char tmp[160];

	char buf[1024];

	/* Enter "icky" mode */

	/* Save the screen */

	/* Interact until done */
	while (1)
		/* Clear screen */

		/* Ask for a choice */
		prt("Interact with Visuals", 2, 0);

		/* Give some choices */
		prt("(1) Load a user pref file", 4, 5);
		prt("(2) Dump monster attr/chars", 5, 5);
		prt("(3) Dump object attr/chars", 6, 5);
		prt("(4) Dump feature attr/chars", 7, 5);
		prt("(5) (unused)", 8, 5);
		prt("(6) Change monster attr/chars", 9, 5);
		prt("(7) Change object attr/chars", 10, 5);
		prt("(8) Change feature attr/chars", 11, 5);
		prt("(9) (unused)", 12, 5);
		prt("(0) Reset visuals", 13, 5);

		/* Prompt */
		prt("Command: ", 15, 0);

		/* Prompt */
		i = inkey();

		/* Done */
		if (i == ESCAPE) break;

		/* Load a 'pref' file */
		else if (i == '1')
			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Load a user pref file", 15, 0);

			/* Prompt */
			prt("File: ", 17, 0);

			/* Default filename */
			strnfmt(tmp, 160, "user-%s.prf", ANGBAND_SYS);

			/* Query */
			if (!askfor_aux(tmp, 70)) continue;

			/* Process the given filename */


		/* Dump monster attr/chars */
		else if (i == '2')
			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Dump monster attr/chars", 15, 0);

			/* Prompt */
			prt("File: ", 17, 0);

			/* Default filename */
			strnfmt(tmp, 160, "user-%s.prf", ANGBAND_SYS);

			/* Get a filename */
			if (!askfor_aux(tmp, 70)) continue;

			/* Build the filename */
			path_build(buf, 1024, TENGINE_DIR_USER, tmp);

			/* Append to the file */
			fff = my_fopen(buf, "a");

			/* Failure */
			if (!fff) continue;

			/* Start dumping */
			fprintf(fff, "\n\n");
			fprintf(fff, "# Monster attr/char definitions\n\n");

			/* Dump monsters */
			for (i = 0; i < max_r_idx; i++)
				monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[i];

				/* Skip non-entries */
				if (!r_ptr->name) continue;

				/* Dump a comment */
				fprintf(fff, "# %s\n", (r_ptr->name));

				/* Dump the monster attr/char info */
				fprintf(fff, "R:%d:0x%02X:0x%02X\n\n", i,
				        (byte)(r_ptr->x_attr), (byte)(r_ptr->x_char));

			/* All done */
			fprintf(fff, "\n\n\n\n");

			/* Close */

			/* Message */
			msg_print("Dumped monster attr/chars.");

		/* Dump object attr/chars */
		else if (i == '3')
			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Dump object attr/chars", 15, 0);

			/* Prompt */
			prt("File: ", 17, 0);

			/* Default filename */
			strnfmt(tmp, 160, "user-%s.prf", ANGBAND_SYS);

			/* Get a filename */
			if (!askfor_aux(tmp, 70)) continue;

			/* Build the filename */
			path_build(buf, 1024, TENGINE_DIR_USER, tmp);

			/* Append to the file */
			fff = my_fopen(buf, "a");

			/* Failure */
			if (!fff) continue;

			/* Start dumping */
			fprintf(fff, "\n\n");
			fprintf(fff, "# Object attr/char definitions\n\n");

			/* Dump objects */
			for (i = 0; i < max_k_idx; i++)
				object_kind *k_ptr = &k_info[i];

				/* Skip non-entries */
				if (!k_ptr->name) continue;

				/* Dump a comment */
				fprintf(fff, "# %s\n", (k_ptr->name));

				/* Dump the object attr/char info */
				fprintf(fff, "K:%d:0x%02X:0x%02X\n\n", i,
				        (byte)(k_ptr->x_attr), (byte)(k_ptr->x_char));

			/* All done */
			fprintf(fff, "\n\n\n\n");

			/* Close */

			/* Message */
			msg_print("Dumped object attr/chars.");

		/* Dump feature attr/chars */
		else if (i == '4')
			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Dump feature attr/chars", 15, 0);

			/* Prompt */
			prt("File: ", 17, 0);

			/* Default filename */
			strnfmt(tmp, 160, "user-%s.prf", ANGBAND_SYS);

			/* Get a filename */
			if (!askfor_aux(tmp, 70)) continue;

			/* Build the filename */
			path_build(buf, 1024, TENGINE_DIR_USER, tmp);

			/* Append to the file */
			fff = my_fopen(buf, "a");

			/* Failure */
			if (!fff) continue;

			/* Start dumping */
			fprintf(fff, "\n\n");
			fprintf(fff, "# Feature attr/char definitions\n\n");

			/* Dump features */
			for (i = 0; i < max_f_idx; i++)
				feature_type *f_ptr = &f_info[i];

				/* Skip non-entries */
				if (!f_ptr->name) continue;

				/* Dump a comment */
				fprintf(fff, "# %s\n", (f_ptr->name));

				/* Dump the feature attr/char info */
				fprintf(fff, "F:%d:0x%02X:0x%02X\n\n", i,
				        (byte)(f_ptr->x_attr), (byte)(f_ptr->x_char));

			/* All done */
			fprintf(fff, "\n\n\n\n");

			/* Close */

			/* Message */
			msg_print("Dumped feature attr/chars.");

		/* Modify monster attr/chars */
		else if (i == '6')
			static s32b r = 0;

			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Change monster attr/chars", 15, 0);

			/* Hack -- query until done */
			while (1)
				monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[r];

				byte da = (r_ptr->d_attr);
				char dc = (r_ptr->d_char);
				byte ca = (r_ptr->x_attr);
				char cc = (r_ptr->x_char);

				/* Label the object */
				Term_putstr(5, 17, -1, TERM_WHITE,
				            format("Monster = %d, Name = %-40.40s",
				                   r, (r_ptr->name)));

				/* Label the Default values */
				Term_putstr(10, 19, -1, TERM_WHITE,
				            format("Default attr/char = %3u / %3u", da, (dc & 0xFF)));
				Term_putstr(40, 19, -1, TERM_WHITE, "<< ? >>");
				Term_putch(43, 19, da, dc);
				if (use_bigtile)
					if (da & 0x80)
						Term_putch(44, 19, 255, 127);
						Term_putch(44, 19, 0, ' ');

				/* Label the Current values */
				Term_putstr(10, 20, -1, TERM_WHITE,
				            format("Current attr/char = %3u / %3u", ca, (cc & 0xFF)));
				Term_putstr(40, 20, -1, TERM_WHITE, "<< ? >>");
				Term_putch(43, 20, ca, cc);
				if (use_bigtile)
					if (ca & 0x80)
						Term_putch(44, 20, 255, 127);
						Term_putch(44, 20, 0, ' ');

				/* Prompt */
				Term_putstr(0, 22, -1, TERM_WHITE,
				            "Command (n/N/a/A/c/C): ");

				/* Get a command */
				i = inkey();

				/* All done */
				if (i == ESCAPE) break;

				/* Analyze */
				if (i == 'n') r = (r + max_r_idx + 1) % max_r_idx;
				if (i == 'N') r = (r + max_r_idx - 1) % max_r_idx;
				if (i == 'a') r_ptr->x_attr = (byte)(ca + 1);
				if (i == 'A') r_ptr->x_attr = (byte)(ca - 1);
				if (i == 'c') r_ptr->x_char = (byte)(cc + 1);
				if (i == 'C') r_ptr->x_char = (byte)(cc - 1);

		/* Modify object attr/chars */
		else if (i == '7')
			static s32b k = 0;

			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Change object attr/chars", 15, 0);

			/* Hack -- query until done */
			while (1)
				object_kind *k_ptr = &k_info[k];

				byte da = (byte)k_ptr->d_attr;
				char dc = (byte)k_ptr->d_char;
				byte ca = (byte)k_ptr->x_attr;
				char cc = (byte)k_ptr->x_char;

				/* Label the object */
				Term_putstr(5, 17, -1, TERM_WHITE,
				            format("Object = %d, Name = %-40.40s",
				                   k, (k_ptr->name)));

				/* Label the Default values */
				Term_putstr(10, 19, -1, TERM_WHITE,
				            format("Default attr/char = %3u / %3u", da, (dc & 0xFF)));
				Term_putstr(40, 19, -1, TERM_WHITE, "<< ? >>");
				Term_putch(43, 19, da, dc);
				if (use_bigtile)
					if (da & 0x80)
						Term_putch(44, 19, 255, 127);
						Term_putch(44, 19, 0, ' ');

				/* Label the Current values */
				Term_putstr(10, 20, -1, TERM_WHITE,
				            format("Current attr/char = %3u / %3u", ca, (cc & 0xFF)));
				Term_putstr(40, 20, -1, TERM_WHITE, "<< ? >>");
				Term_putch(43, 20, ca, cc);
				if (use_bigtile)
					if (ca & 0x80)
						Term_putch(44, 20, 255, 127);
						Term_putch(44, 20, 0, ' ');

				/* Prompt */
				Term_putstr(0, 22, -1, TERM_WHITE,
				            "Command (n/N/a/A/c/C): ");

				/* Get a command */
				i = inkey();

				/* All done */
				if (i == ESCAPE) break;

				/* Analyze */
				if (i == 'n') k = (k + max_k_idx + 1) % max_k_idx;
				if (i == 'N') k = (k + max_k_idx - 1) % max_k_idx;
				if (i == 'a') k_info[k].x_attr = (byte)(ca + 1);
				if (i == 'A') k_info[k].x_attr = (byte)(ca - 1);
				if (i == 'c') k_info[k].x_char = (byte)(cc + 1);
				if (i == 'C') k_info[k].x_char = (byte)(cc - 1);

		/* Modify feature attr/chars */
		else if (i == '8')
			static s32b f = 0;

			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Change feature attr/chars", 15, 0);

			/* Hack -- query until done */
			while (1)
				feature_type *f_ptr = &f_info[f];

				byte da = (byte)f_ptr->d_attr;
				char dc = (byte)f_ptr->d_char;
				byte ca = (byte)f_ptr->x_attr;
				char cc = (byte)f_ptr->x_char;

				/* Label the object */
				Term_putstr(5, 17, -1, TERM_WHITE,
				            format("Terrain = %d, Name = %-40.40s",
				                   f, (f_ptr->name)));

				/* Label the Default values */
				Term_putstr(10, 19, -1, TERM_WHITE,
				            format("Default attr/char = %3u / %3u", da, (dc & 0xFF)));
				Term_putstr(40, 19, -1, TERM_WHITE, "<< ? >>");
				Term_putch(43, 19, da, dc);
				if (use_bigtile)
					if (da & 0x80)
						Term_putch(44, 19, 255, 127);
						Term_putch(44, 19, 0, ' ');

				/* Label the Current values */
				Term_putstr(10, 20, -1, TERM_WHITE,
				            format("Current attr/char = %3u / %3u", ca, (cc & 0xFF)));
				Term_putstr(40, 20, -1, TERM_WHITE, "<< ? >>");
				Term_putch(43, 20, ca, cc);
				if (use_bigtile)
					if (ca & 0x80)
						Term_putch(44, 20, 255, 127);
						Term_putch(44, 20, 0, ' ');

				/* Prompt */
				Term_putstr(0, 22, -1, TERM_WHITE,
				            "Command (n/N/a/A/c/C/d): ");

				/* Get a command */
				i = inkey();

				/* All done */
				if (i == ESCAPE) break;

				/* Analyze */
				if (i == 'n') f = (f + max_f_idx + 1) % max_f_idx;
				if (i == 'N') f = (f + max_f_idx - 1) % max_f_idx;
				if (i == 'a') f_info[f].x_attr = (byte)(ca + 1);
				if (i == 'A') f_info[f].x_attr = (byte)(ca - 1);
				if (i == 'c') f_info[f].x_char = (byte)(cc + 1);
				if (i == 'C') f_info[f].x_char = (byte)(cc - 1);
				if (i == 'd')
					f_info[f].x_char = f_ptr->d_char;
					f_info[f].x_attr = f_ptr->d_attr;


		/* Reset visuals */
		else if (i == '0')
			/* Reset */

			/* Message */
			msg_print("Visual attr/char tables reset.");

		/* Unknown option */

		/* Flush messages */

	/* Restore the screen */

	/* Leave "icky" mode */