Ejemplo n.º 1
void computeFz(double* z)
  int incx = 1, incy = 1;
  int size = sN + sM;
  cblas_dcopy(size , sProblem->q , incx , sFz , incy);
  prodNumericsMatrix(size, size, 1.0, sProblem->M, z, 1.0, sFz);
Ejemplo n.º 2
int soclcp_compute_error_v(SecondOrderConeLinearComplementarityProblem* problem, double *z , double *w, double tolerance, SolverOptions *options, double * error)
  /* Checks inputs */
  if(problem == NULL || z == NULL || w == NULL)
    numericsError("soclcp_compute_error", "null input for problem and/or z and/or w");

  /* Computes w = Mz + q */
  int incx = 1, incy = 1;
  int nc = problem->nc;
  int n = problem->n;
  double *mu = problem->mu;

  double invmu = 0.0;
  cblas_dcopy(n , problem->q , incx , z , incy); // z <-q

  // Compute the current reaction
  prodNumericsMatrix(n, n, 1.0, problem->M, w, 1.0, z);

  *error = 0.;
  double rho = 1.0;
  for(int ic = 0 ; ic < nc ; ic++)
    int dim = problem->coneIndex[ic+1]-problem->coneIndex[ic];
    double * worktmp = (double *)malloc(dim*sizeof(double)) ;
    int nic = problem->coneIndex[ic];
    for (int i=0; i < dim; i++)
      worktmp[i] = w[nic+i] - rho * z[nic+i];
    invmu = 1.0 / mu[ic];
    projectionOnSecondOrderCone(worktmp, invmu, dim);
    for (int i=0; i < dim; i++)
      worktmp[i] = w[nic+i] - worktmp[i];
      *error +=  worktmp[i] * worktmp[i];
  *error = sqrt(*error);

  /* Computes error */
  double normq = cblas_dnrm2(n , problem->q , incx);
  *error = *error / (normq + 1.0);
  if(*error > tolerance)
    /*      if (verbose > 0) printf(" Numerics - soclcp_compute_error_velocity failed: error = %g > tolerance = %g.\n",*error, tolerance); */
    return 1;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void Ftest(void * self, int n_unused, double *x, double *F)
  VariationalInequality * vi = (VariationalInequality *) self;
  Problems* pb = (Problems *)vi->env;             
  FrictionContactProblem * fc3d = pb->fc3d;
  int nc = fc3d->numberOfContacts;
  int nLocal =  fc3d->dimension;
  int n = nc * nLocal; 

  cblas_dcopy(n , fc3d->q , 1 , F, 1);
  prodNumericsMatrix(n, n, 1.0, fc3d->M, x, 1.0, F);
  int contact =0;
  for (contact = 0 ; contact < nc ; ++contact)
    int pos = contact * nLocal;
    double  normUT = sqrt(F[pos + 1] * F[pos + 1] + F[pos + 2] * F[pos + 2]);
    F[pos] +=  (fc3d->mu[contact] * normUT);
Ejemplo n.º 4
int lcp_compute_error(LinearComplementarityProblem* problem, double *z , double *w, double tolerance, double * error)
  /* Checks inputs */
  if (problem == NULL || z == NULL || w == NULL)
    numerics_error("lcp_compute_error", "null input for problem and/or z and/or w");

  /* Computes w = Mz + q */
  int incx = 1, incy = 1;
  unsigned int n = problem->size;
  cblas_dcopy(n , problem->q , incx , w , incy);  // w <-q
  prodNumericsMatrix(n, n, 1.0, problem->M, z, 1.0, w);
  double normq = cblas_dnrm2(n , problem->q , incx);
  lcp_compute_error_only(n, z, w, error);
  *error = *error / (normq + 1.0); /* Need some comments on why this is needed */
  if (*error > tolerance)
    if (verbose > 0) printf(" Numerics - lcp_compute_error : error = %g > tolerance = %g.\n", *error, tolerance);
    return 1;
    return 0;

void Function_VI_FC3D(void * self, int n_notused, double *x, double *F)
  DEBUG_PRINT("Function_VI_FC3D(void * self, double *x, double *F)\n")
  VariationalInequality * vi = (VariationalInequality *) self;
  FrictionContactProblem_as_VI* pb = (FrictionContactProblem_as_VI*)vi->env;
  FrictionContactProblem * fc3d = pb->fc3d;

  int nLocal =  fc3d->dimension;
  int n = fc3d->numberOfContacts *  fc3d->dimension;

  cblas_dcopy(n , fc3d->q , 1 , F, 1);
  prodNumericsMatrix(n, n, 1.0, fc3d->M, x, 1.0, F);

  int contact =0;

  for (contact = 0 ; contact <  fc3d->numberOfContacts ; ++contact)
    double  normUT = sqrt(F[contact * nLocal + 1] * F[contact * nLocal + 1]
                            + F[contact * nLocal + 2] * F[contact * nLocal + 2]);
    F[contact * nLocal] +=  (fc3d->mu[contact] * normUT);

Ejemplo n.º 6
 * (input) double *z : size n+m
 * (output)double *w : size n+m
int mlcp_compute_error(MixedLinearComplementarityProblem* problem, double *z, double *w, double tolerance, double * error)
  /* Checks inputs */
  if (problem == NULL || z == NULL || w == NULL)
    numerics_error("mlcp_compute_error", "null input for problem and/or z and/or w");

  int param = 1;
  int NbLines = problem->M->size0; /* Equalities */
  int n = problem->n; /* Equalities */
  int m = problem->m; /* Inequalities */
  int incx = 1, incy = 1;

  /* Computation of w: depends on the way the problem is written */

  /* Problem in the form (M,q) */
  if (problem->isStorageType1)
    if (problem->M == NULL)
      numerics_error("mlcp_compute_error", "null input for M");

    /* Computes w = Mz + q */
    cblas_dcopy(NbLines , problem->q , incx , w , incy);
    prodNumericsMatrix(problem->M->size1, problem->M->size0, 1.0, problem->M, z, 1.0, w);

  /* Problem in the form ABCD */
  else //if (problem->isStorageType2)

    /* Checks inputs */
    if (problem->A == NULL || problem->B == NULL || problem->C == NULL  || problem->D == NULL)
      numerics_error("mlcp_compute_error: ", "null input for A, B, C or D");

    /* Links to problem data */
    double *a = &problem->q[0];
    double *b = &problem->q[NbLines - m];
    double *A = problem->A;
    double *B = problem->B;
    double *C = problem->C;
    double *D = problem->D;

    /* Compute "equalities" part, we = Au + Cv + a - Must be equal to 0 */
    cblas_dcopy(NbLines - m , a , incx , w , incy); //  we = w[0..n-1] <-- a
    cblas_dgemv(CblasColMajor,CblasNoTrans , NbLines - m, n , 1.0 , A , NbLines - m , &z[0] , incx , 1.0 , w , incy); // we <-- A*u + we
    cblas_dgemv(CblasColMajor,CblasNoTrans , NbLines - m, m , 1.0 , C , NbLines - m , &z[n] , incx , 1.0 , w , incy); // we <-- C*v + we

    /* Computes part which corresponds to complementarity */
    double * pwi = w + NbLines - m; // No copy!!
    cblas_dcopy(m , b , incx , pwi , incy); //  wi = w[n..m] <-- b
    // following int param, we recompute the product wi = Du+BV +b and we = Au+CV +a
    // The test is then more severe if we compute w because it checks that the linear equation is satisfied
    if (param == 1)
      cblas_dgemv(CblasColMajor,CblasNoTrans , m, n , 1.0 , D , m , &z[0] , incx , 1.0 , pwi , incy);   // wi <-- D*u+ wi
      cblas_dgemv(CblasColMajor,CblasNoTrans , m , m , 1.0 , B , m , &z[n] , incx , 1.0 , pwi , incy);  // wi <-- B*v + wi

  /* Error on equalities part */
  double error_e = 0;
  /* Checks complementarity (only for rows number n to size) */
  double error_i = 0.;
  double zi, wi;
  double *q = problem->q;
  double norm_e = 1;
  double norm_i = 1;
  if (problem->blocksRows)
    int numBlock = 0;
    while (problem->blocksRows[numBlock] < n + m)
      if (!problem->blocksIsComp[numBlock])
        error_e += cblas_dnrm2(problem->blocksRows[numBlock + 1] - problem->blocksRows[numBlock], w + problem->blocksRows[numBlock] , incx);
        norm_e += cblas_dnrm2(problem->blocksRows[numBlock + 1] - problem->blocksRows[numBlock], q + problem->blocksRows[numBlock] , incx);
        for (int numLine = problem->blocksRows[numBlock]; numLine < problem->blocksRows[numBlock + 1] ; numLine++)
          zi = z[numLine];
          wi = w[numLine];
          if (zi < 0.0)
            error_i += -zi;
            if (wi < 0.0) error_i += zi * wi;
          if (wi < 0.0) error_i += -wi;
          if ((zi > 0.0) && (wi > 0.0)) error_i += zi * wi;
        norm_i += cblas_dnrm2(problem->blocksRows[numBlock + 1] - problem->blocksRows[numBlock], w + problem->blocksRows[numBlock] , incx);
    /* Error on equalities part */
    error_e = cblas_dnrm2(NbLines - m , w , incx);;

    /* Checks complementarity (only for rows number n to size) */
    error_i = 0.;

    for (int i = 0 ; i < m ; i++)
      zi = z[n + i];
      wi = w[(NbLines - m) + i];
      if (zi < 0.0)
        error_i += -zi;
        if (wi < 0.0) error_i += zi * wi;
      if (wi < 0.0) error_i += -wi;
      if ((zi > 0.0) && (wi > 0.0)) error_i += zi * wi;

    /* Computes error */
    norm_i += cblas_dnrm2(m , q + NbLines - m , incx);
    norm_e += cblas_dnrm2(NbLines - m , q , incx);

  if (error_i / norm_i >= error_e / norm_e)
    *error = error_i / (1.0 + norm_i);
    *error = error_e / (1.0 + norm_e);

  if (*error > tolerance)
    /*if (isVerbose > 0) printf(" Numerics - mlcp_compute_error failed: error = %g > tolerance = %g.\n",*error, tolerance);*/
    if (verbose)
      printf(" Numerics - mlcp_compute_error failed: error = %g > tolerance = %g.\n", *error, tolerance);
    /* displayMLCP(problem);*/
    return 1;
    if (verbose > 0) printf("Siconos/Numerics: mlcp_compute_error: Error evaluation = %g \n", *error);
    return 0;
void fc3d_ProjectedGradientOnCylinder(FrictionContactProblem* problem, double *reaction, double *velocity, int* info, SolverOptions* options)
  /* int and double parameters */
  int* iparam = options->iparam;
  double* dparam = options->dparam;
  /* Number of contacts */
  int nc = problem->numberOfContacts;
  double* q = problem->q;
  NumericsMatrix* M = problem->M;
  /* Dimension of the problem */
  int n = 3 * nc;
  /* Maximum number of iterations */
  int itermax = iparam[0];
  /* Tolerance */
  double tolerance = dparam[0];

  /*****  Projected Gradient iterations *****/
  int j, iter = 0; /* Current iteration number */
  double error = 1.; /* Current error */
  int hasNotConverged = 1;
  int contact; /* Number of the current row of blocks in M */
  int nLocal = 3;
  dparam[0] = dparam[2]; // set the tolerance for the local solver
  double * velocitytmp = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));

  double rho = 0.0;
  int isVariable = 0;
  double rhoinit, rhomin;
  if (dparam[3] > 0.0)
    rho = dparam[3];
    /* Variable step in fixed*/
    isVariable = 1;
    printf("Variable step (line search) in Projected Gradient iterations\n");
    rhoinit = dparam[3];
    rhomin = dparam[4];

  double * reactionold;
  double * direction;
  if (isVariable)
    reactionold = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));
    direction = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));
  double alpha = 1.0;
  double beta = 1.0;

  /*   double minusrho  = -1.0*rho; */

  if (!isVariable)
    while ((iter < itermax) && (hasNotConverged > 0))
      cblas_dcopy(n , q , 1 , velocitytmp, 1);
      prodNumericsMatrix(n, n, alpha, M, reaction, beta, velocitytmp);
      // projection for each contact
      cblas_daxpy(n, -1.0, velocitytmp, 1, reaction , 1);
      for (contact = 0 ; contact < nc ; ++contact)
        projectionOnCylinder(&reaction[ contact * nLocal],


      printf("reaction before LS\n");
      for (contact = 0 ; contact < nc ; ++contact)
        for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
          printf("reaction[%i] = %le\t", 3 * contact + j, reaction[3 * contact + j]);
      printf("velocitytmp before LS\n");
      for (contact = 0 ; contact < nc ; ++contact)
        for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
          printf("velocitytmp[%i] = %le\t", 3 * contact + j, velocitytmp[3 * contact + j]);
      /* **** Criterium convergence **** */
      fc3d_Tresca_compute_error(problem, reaction , velocity, tolerance, options, &error);

      if (options->callback)
        options->callback->collectStatsIteration(options->callback->env, nc * 3, 
                                        reaction, velocity, 
                                        error, NULL);

      if (verbose > 0)
        printf("----------------------------------- FC3D - Projected Gradient On Cylinder (PGoC) - Iteration %i rho = %14.7e \tError = %14.7e\n", iter, rho, error);

      if (error < tolerance) hasNotConverged = 0;
      *info = hasNotConverged;
    rho =  rhoinit;

    cblas_dcopy(n , q , 1 , velocitytmp, 1);
    prodNumericsMatrix(n, n, 1.0, M, reaction, 1.0, velocitytmp);

    cblas_daxpy(n, rho, velocitytmp, 1, reaction, 1);

    for (contact = 0 ; contact < nc ; ++contact)
      projectionOnCylinder(&reaction[contact * nLocal],
    cblas_dcopy(n , q , 1 , velocitytmp, 1);
    prodNumericsMatrix(n, n, 1.0, M, reaction, 1.0, velocitytmp);

    double oldcriterion = cblas_ddot(n, reaction, 1, velocitytmp, 1);
    printf("oldcriterion =%le \n", oldcriterion);

    while ((iter < itermax) && (hasNotConverged > 0))
      // store the old reaction
      cblas_dcopy(n , reaction , 1 , reactionold , 1);
      // compute the direction
      cblas_dcopy(n , q , 1 , velocitytmp, 1);
      prodNumericsMatrix(n, n, 1.0, M, reaction, 1.0, velocitytmp);
      cblas_dcopy(n, velocitytmp, 1, direction, 1);

      // start line search
      j = 0;

      if (rho <= 100 * rhoinit) rho = 10.0 * rho;

      double newcriterion = 1e24;

        cblas_dcopy(n , reactionold , 1 , reaction , 1);
        cblas_daxpy(n, rho, direction, 1, reaction , 1) ;
        printf("LS iteration %i step 0 \n", j);
        printf("rho = %le \n", rho);
        for (contact = 0 ; contact < nc ; ++contact)
          for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
            printf("reaction[%i] = %le\t",
                   3 * contact + k, reaction[3 * contact + k]);
        for (contact = 0 ; contact < nc ; ++contact)
          projectionOnCylinder(&reaction[contact * nLocal],
        /*          printf("options->dWork[%i] = %le\n",contact, options->dWork[contact]  );} */
        printf("LS iteration %i step 1 after projection\n", j);
        for (contact = 0 ; contact < nc ; ++contact)
          for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
            printf("reaction[%i] = %le\t",
                   3 * contact + k, reaction[3 * contact + k]);
        cblas_dcopy(n , q , 1 , velocitytmp, 1);
        prodNumericsMatrix(n, n, 1.0, M, reaction, 1.0, velocitytmp);

        printf("LS iteration %i step 3 \n", j);
        for (contact = 0 ; contact < nc ; ++contact)
          for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
            printf("velocitytmp[%i] = %le\t", 3 * contact + k, velocitytmp[3 * contact + k]);

        newcriterion = cblas_ddot(n, reaction, 1, velocitytmp, 1);

        printf("LS iteration %i newcriterion =%le\n", j, newcriterion);
        if (rho > rhomin)
          rho = rhomin;

        rho = 0.5 * rho;
      while (newcriterion > oldcriterion &&
             ++j <= options->iparam[2]);
      oldcriterion = newcriterion;

      /* **** Criterium convergence **** */
      fc3d_Tresca_compute_error(problem, reaction , velocity, tolerance, options, &error);

      if (verbose > 0)
        printf("----------------------------------- FC3D - Projected Gradient On Cylinder (PGoC) - Iteration %i rho = %14.7e \tError = %14.7e\n", iter, rho, error);

      if (error < tolerance) hasNotConverged = 0;
      *info = hasNotConverged;

  printf("----------------------------------- FC3D - Projected Gradient On Cylinder (PGoC)- #Iteration %i Final Residual = %14.7e\n", iter, error);
  dparam[0] = tolerance;
  dparam[1] = error;
  if (isVariable)
Ejemplo n.º 8
int soclcp_compute_error(
  SecondOrderConeLinearComplementarityProblem* problem,
  double *z , double *w, double tolerance,
  SolverOptions * options, double * error)

  /* Computes w = Mz + q */
  int incx = 1, incy = 1;
  int nc = problem->nc;
  double *mu = problem->mu;
  int n = problem->n;
  cblas_dcopy(n , problem->q , incx , w , incy); // w <-q
  // Compute the current velocity
  prodNumericsMatrix(n, n, 1.0, problem->M, z, 1.0, w);

  /* for (int i=0; i < n ; i++ ) */
  /* { */
  /*   printf("w[%i]=%e\t\t\t",i,w[i]); */
  /*   printf("z[%i]=%e\n",i,z[i]); */
  /* } */
  /* printf("\n"); */
  *error = 0.;

  int ic;
  int dim;
  unsigned int dim_max;
  for (int i =0; i <nc; i++)
  double *worktmp = (double *)calloc(dim_max,sizeof(double));

  for(ic = 0 ; ic < nc ; ic++)
    dim = problem->coneIndex[ic+1]- problem->coneIndex[ic];
    soclcp_unitary_compute_and_add_error(z + problem->coneIndex[ic],
                                         w + problem->coneIndex[ic],
                                         dim , mu[ic], error, worktmp);
    /* for (int i=0; i < dim; i++ ) */
    /* { */
    /*   printf("-- w[%i]=%e\t\t\t",i,(w + problem->coneIndex[ic])[i]); */
    /*   printf("z[%i]=%e\n",i,(z + problem->coneIndex[ic])[i]); */
    /* } */
  *error = sqrt(*error);

  /* Computes error */
  double normq = cblas_dnrm2(n , problem->q , incx);
  DEBUG_PRINTF("normq = %12.8e\n", normq);
  *error = *error / (normq + 1.0);
  if(*error > tolerance)
    if(verbose > 1)
      printf(" Numerics - soclcp_compute_error: error = %g > tolerance = %g.\n",
             *error, tolerance);
    return 1;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
int test_prodNumericsMatrix(NumericsMatrix** MM)
  NumericsMatrix* M1 =  MM[0];
  NumericsMatrix* M2 =  MM[1];
  NumericsMatrix* M3 =  MM[2];
  NumericsMatrix* M4 =  MM[3];

  printf("== Numerics tests: prodNumericsMatrix(NumericsMatrix,vector) == \n");
  int i , n = M1->size1, m = 4;

  double * x = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));
  double * x2 = (double *)malloc(m * sizeof(double));
  double alpha = 2.3, beta = 1.9;
  double * yref = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));
  double * yref2 = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));;
  double * y = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));
  double * y2 = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    x[i] = i + 1.0;
    yref[i] = 0.1 * i;
    yref2[i] = 0.1 * i;
    y[i] = yref[i];
    y2[i] = yref2[i];
  x2[0] = 0;
  x2[1] = 0;
  x2[2] = 0;
  x2[3] = 0;
  int incx = 1, incy = 1;
  cblas_dgemv(CblasColMajor, CblasNoTrans, n, n, alpha, M1->matrix0, n, x, incx, beta, yref, incy);

  prodNumericsMatrix(n, n, alpha, M1, x, beta, y);
  double tol = 1e-12;
  int info = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    if (fabs(y[i] - yref[i]) > tol) info = 1;
    //    printf("%lf\n", fabs(y[i]-yref[i]));
  if (info == 0)
    printf("Step 0 ( y = alpha*A*x + beta*y, double* storage) ok ...\n");
    printf("Step 0 ( y = alpha*A*x + beta*y, double* storage) failed ...\n");

  cblas_dgemv(CblasColMajor, CblasNoTrans, n, m, alpha, M3->matrix0, n, x2, incx, beta, yref2, incy);

  prodNumericsMatrix(m, n, alpha, M3, x2, beta, y2);
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    if (fabs(y2[i] - yref2[i]) > tol) info = 1;
    /*           printf("%lf\n", fabs(y2[i]-yref2[i])); */
    /*            printf("%lf\n",y2[i]); */
    /*            printf("%lf\n",yref2[i]); */
  if (info == 0)
    printf("Step 1 ( y = alpha*A*x + beta*y, double* storage, non square) ok ...\n");
    printf("Step 1 ( y = alpha*A*x + beta*y, double* storage, non square) failed ...\n");

  /* Sparse ... */
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    y[i] = 0.1 * i;
    y2[i] = 0.1 * i;
  prodNumericsMatrix(n, n, alpha, M2, x, beta, y);
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    if (fabs(y[i] - yref[i]) > tol) info = 1;
    /*       printf("%lf\n", fabs(y[i]-yref[i]));  */
    /*       printf("%lf\n", y[i]);  */
  if (info == 0)
    printf("Step 2 ( y = alpha*A*x + beta*y, sparse storage) ok ...\n");
    printf("Step 2 ( y = alpha*A*x + beta*y,  sparsestorage) failed ...\n");

  prodNumericsMatrix(m, n, alpha, M4, x2, beta, y2);
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)

    if (fabs(y2[i] - yref2[i]) > tol) info = 1;
    /*      printf("%lf\n", fabs(y2[i]-yref2[i]));  */
    /*       printf("%lf\n",y2[i]); */
    /*       printf("%lf\n",yref2[i]); */

  if (info == 0)
    printf("Step 3 ( y = alpha*A*x + beta*y, sparse storage, non square) ok ...\n");
    printf("Step 3 ( y = alpha*A*x + beta*y,  sparsestorage, non square) failed ...\n");


  printf("== End of test prodNumericsMatrix(NumericsMatrix,vector), result = %d\n", info);

  return info;
Ejemplo n.º 10
void fc3d_DeSaxceFixedPoint(FrictionContactProblem* problem, double *reaction, double *velocity, int* info, SolverOptions* options)
  /* int and double parameters */
  int* iparam = options->iparam;
  double* dparam = options->dparam;
  /* Number of contacts */
  int nc = problem->numberOfContacts;
  double* q = problem->q;
  NumericsMatrix* M = problem->M;
  double* mu = problem->mu;
  /* Dimension of the problem */
  int n = 3 * nc;
  /* Maximum number of iterations */
  int itermax = iparam[0];
  /* Tolerance */
  double tolerance = dparam[0];

  /*****  Fixed point iterations *****/
  int iter = 0; /* Current iteration number */
  double error = 1.; /* Current error */
  int hasNotConverged = 1;
  int contact; /* Number of the current row of blocks in M */
  int nLocal = 3;
  dparam[0] = dparam[2]; // set the tolerance for the local solver
  double * velocitytmp = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));

  double rho = 0.0;

  if (dparam[3] > 0.0)
    rho = dparam[3];
    if (verbose > 0)
      printf("----------------------------------- FC3D - DeSaxce Fixed Point (DSFP) - Fixed stepsize with  rho = %14.7e \n", rho);

    numericsError("fc3d_DeSaxceFixedPoint", "The De Saxce fixed point is implemented with a fixed time--step. Use FixedPointProjection (VI_FPP) method for a variable time--step");

  double alpha = 1.0;
  double beta = 1.0;

    while ((iter < itermax) && (hasNotConverged > 0))
      /* velocitytmp <- q  */
      cblas_dcopy(n , q , 1 , velocitytmp, 1);

      /* velocitytmp <- q + M * reaction  */
      beta = 1.0;
      prodNumericsMatrix(n, n, alpha, M, reaction, beta, velocitytmp);

      /* projection for each contact */
      for (contact = 0 ; contact < nc ; ++contact)
        int pos = contact * nLocal;
        double  normUT = sqrt(velocitytmp[pos + 1] * velocitytmp[pos + 1] + velocitytmp[pos + 2] * velocitytmp[pos + 2]);
        reaction[pos] -= rho * (velocitytmp[pos] + mu[contact] * normUT);
        reaction[pos + 1] -= rho * velocitytmp[pos + 1];
        reaction[pos + 2] -= rho * velocitytmp[pos + 2];
        projectionOnCone(&reaction[pos], mu[contact]);

      /* **** Criterium convergence **** */
      fc3d_compute_error(problem, reaction , velocity, tolerance, options, &error);

      if (options->callback)
                                        nc * 3, reaction, velocity,
                                        error, NULL);

      if (verbose > 0)
        printf("----------------------------------- FC3D - DeSaxce Fixed Point (DSFP) - Iteration %i rho = %14.7e \tError = %14.7e\n", iter, rho, error);

      if (error < tolerance) hasNotConverged = 0;
      *info = hasNotConverged;

  if (verbose > 0)
    printf("----------------------------------- FC3D - DeSaxce Fixed point (DSFP) - #Iteration %i Final Residual = %14.7e\n", iter, error);
  iparam[7] = iter;
  dparam[0] = tolerance;
  dparam[1] = error;

Ejemplo n.º 11
void globalFrictionContact3D_nsgs(GlobalFrictionContactProblem* problem, double *reaction, double *velocity, double *globalVelocity, int* info, SolverOptions* options)
  /* int and double parameters */
  int* iparam = options->iparam;
  double* dparam = options->dparam;
  /* Number of contacts */
  int nc = problem->numberOfContacts;
  int n = problem->M->size0;
  int m = 3 * nc;
  NumericsMatrix* M = problem->M;
  NumericsMatrix* H = problem->H;
  double* q = problem->q;
  double* b = problem->b;
  double* mu = problem->mu;

  /* Maximum number of iterations */
  int itermax = iparam[0];
  /* Tolerance */
  double tolerance = dparam[0];

  /* Check for trivial case */
  *info = checkTrivialCaseGlobal(n, q, velocity, reaction, globalVelocity, options);

  if (*info == 0)

  SolverGlobalPtr local_solver = NULL;
  FreeSolverGlobalPtr freeSolver = NULL;
  ComputeErrorGlobalPtr computeError = NULL;

  /* Connect local solver */
  initializeGlobalLocalSolver(n, &local_solver, &freeSolver, &computeError, M, q, mu, iparam);

  /*****  NSGS Iterations *****/
  int iter = 0; /* Current iteration number */
  double error = 1.; /* Current error */
  int hasNotConverged = 1;

  int contact; /* Number of the current row of blocks in M */
  SparseBlockStructuredMatrix *Htrans = (SparseBlockStructuredMatrix*)malloc(sizeof(SparseBlockStructuredMatrix));

  if (H->storageType != M->storageType)
    //     if(verbose==1)
    fprintf(stderr, "Numerics, GlobalFrictionContact3D_nsgs. H->storageType != M->storageType :This case is not taken into account.\n");
  else if (M->storageType == 1)
    Global_MisInverse = 1;
    transposeSBM(H->matrix1, Htrans);
  else if (M->storageType == 0)
    /*  Assume that M is not already LU */
    int infoDGETRF = -1;
    Global_ipiv = (int *)malloc(n * sizeof(int));
    DGETRF(n, n, M->matrix0, n, Global_ipiv, &infoDGETRF);
    Global_MisLU = 1;
    fprintf(stderr, "Numerics, GlobalFrictionContactProblem_nsgs failed M->storageType not compatible.\n");

  dparam[0] = dparam[2]; // set the tolerance for the local solver
  double* qtmp = (double*)malloc(n * sizeof(double));
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) qtmp[i] = 0.0;

  while ((iter < itermax) && (hasNotConverged > 0))
    /* Solve the first part with the current reaction */

    /* qtmp <--q */
    cblas_dcopy(n, q, 1, qtmp, 1);

    double alpha = 1.0;
    double beta = 1.0;
    /*qtmp = H reaction +qtmp */
    prodNumericsMatrix(m, n, alpha, H, reaction , beta, qtmp);

    if (M->storageType == 1)
      beta = 0.0;
      /*  globalVelocity = M^-1 qtmp */
      prodNumericsMatrix(n, n, alpha, M, qtmp , beta, globalVelocity);
    else if (M->storageType == 0)
      int infoDGETRS = -1;
      cblas_dcopy(n, qtmp, 1, globalVelocity, 1);
      DGETRS(LA_NOTRANS, n, 1,  M->matrix0, n, Global_ipiv, globalVelocity , n, &infoDGETRS);
    /* Compute current local velocity */
    /*      velocity <--b */
    cblas_dcopy(m, b, 1, velocity, 1);

    if (H->storageType == 1)
      /* velocity <-- H^T globalVelocity + velocity*/
      beta = 1.0;
      prodSBM(n, m, alpha, Htrans, globalVelocity , beta, velocity);
    else if (H->storageType == 0)
      cblas_dgemv(CblasColMajor,CblasTrans, n, m, 1.0, H->matrix0 , n, globalVelocity , 1, 1.0, velocity, 1);

    /* Loop through the contact points */

    for (contact = 0 ; contact < nc ; ++contact)
      /*    (*local_solver)(contact,n,reaction,iparam,dparam); */
      int pos = contact * 3;
      double normUT = sqrt(velocity[pos + 1] * velocity[pos + 1] + velocity[pos + 2] * velocity[pos + 2]);
      double an = 1.0;
      reaction[pos] -= an * (velocity[pos] + mu[contact] * normUT);
      reaction[pos + 1] -= an * velocity[pos + 1];
      reaction[pos + 2] -= an * velocity[pos + 2];
      projectionOnCone(&reaction[pos], mu[contact]);
    /*       int k; */
    /*       printf("\n"); */
    /*       for (k = 0 ; k < m; k++) printf("velocity[%i] = %12.8e \t \t reaction[%i] = %12.8e \n ", k, velocity[k], k , reaction[k]); */
    /*       for (k = 0 ; k < n; k++) printf("globalVelocity[%i] = %12.8e \t \n ", k, globalVelocity[k]); */
    /*       printf("\n"); */

    /* **** Criterium convergence **** */
    (*computeError)(problem, reaction , velocity, globalVelocity, tolerance, &error);

    if (verbose > 0)
      printf("----------------------------------- FC3D - NSGS - Iteration %i Error = %14.7e\n", iter, error);

    if (error < tolerance) hasNotConverged = 0;
    *info = hasNotConverged;

  if (H->storageType == 1)
  /*   free(Global_ipiv); */
  dparam[0] = tolerance;
  dparam[1] = error;

  /***** Free memory *****/
Ejemplo n.º 12
void fc3d_ExtraGradient(FrictionContactProblem* problem, double *reaction, double *velocity, int* info, SolverOptions* options)
  /* int and double parameters */
  int* iparam = options->iparam;
  double* dparam = options->dparam;
  /* Number of contacts */
  int nc = problem->numberOfContacts;
  double* q = problem->q;
  NumericsMatrix* M = problem->M;
  double* mu = problem->mu;
  /* Dimension of the problem */
  int n = 3 * nc;
  /* Maximum number of iterations */
  int itermax = iparam[0];
  /* Tolerance */
  double tolerance = dparam[0];
  double normq = cblas_dnrm2(nc*3 , problem->q , 1);

  /*****  Fixed point iterations *****/
  int iter = 0; /* Current iteration number */
  double error = 1.; /* Current error */
  int hasNotConverged = 1;
  int contact; /* Number of the current row of blocks in M */
  int nLocal = 3;
  dparam[0] = dparam[2]; // set the tolerance for the local solver

  double * velocitytmp = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));
  double * reactiontmp = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));

  double rho = 0.0, rho_k =0.0;
  int isVariable = 0;

  if (dparam[3] > 0.0)
    rho = dparam[3];
    if (verbose > 0)
      printf("----------------------------------- FC3D - Extra Gradient (EG) - Fixed stepsize with  rho = %14.7e \n", rho); 
    /* Variable step in iterations*/
    isVariable = 1;  
    rho = -dparam[3];
    if (verbose > 0)
      printf("----------------------------------- FC3D - Extra Gradient (EG) - Variable stepsize with starting rho = %14.7e \n", rho);

  double alpha = 1.0;
  double beta = 1.0;

  /* Variable for Line_search */
  int success =0;
  double error_k;
  int ls_iter = 0;
  int ls_itermax = 10;
  double tau=0.6, L= 0.9, Lmin =0.3, taumin=0.7;
  double a1=0.0, a2=0.0;
  double * reaction_k =0;
  double * velocity_k =0;

  if (isVariable)
    reaction_k = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));
    velocity_k = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));

  if (!isVariable)
    /*   double minusrho  = -1.0*rho; */
    while ((iter < itermax) && (hasNotConverged > 0))

      /* reactiontmp <- reaction  */
      cblas_dcopy(n , reaction , 1 , reactiontmp, 1);

      /* velocitytmp <- q  */
      cblas_dcopy(n , q , 1 , velocitytmp, 1);

      prodNumericsMatrix(n, n, alpha, M, reactiontmp, beta, velocitytmp);
      // projection for each contact
      for (contact = 0 ; contact < nc ; ++contact)
        int pos = contact * nLocal;
        double  normUT = sqrt(velocitytmp[pos + 1] * velocitytmp[pos + 1] + velocitytmp[pos + 2] * velocitytmp[pos + 2]);
        reactiontmp[pos] -= rho * (velocitytmp[pos] + mu[contact] * normUT);
        reactiontmp[pos + 1] -= rho * velocitytmp[pos + 1];
        reactiontmp[pos + 2] -= rho * velocitytmp[pos + 2];
        projectionOnCone(&reactiontmp[pos], mu[contact]);
      cblas_dcopy(n , q , 1 , velocitytmp, 1);
      prodNumericsMatrix(n, n, alpha, M, reactiontmp, beta, velocitytmp);
      // projection for each contact
      for (contact = 0 ; contact < nc ; ++contact)
        int pos = contact * nLocal;
        double  normUT = sqrt(velocitytmp[pos + 1] * velocitytmp[pos + 1] + velocitytmp[pos + 2] * velocitytmp[pos + 2]);
        reaction[pos] -= rho * (velocitytmp[pos] + mu[contact] * normUT);
        reaction[pos + 1] -= rho * velocitytmp[pos + 1];
        reaction[pos + 2] -= rho * velocitytmp[pos + 2];
        projectionOnCone(&reaction[pos], mu[contact]);

      /* **** Criterium convergence **** */
      fc3d_compute_error(problem, reaction , velocity, tolerance, options, normq, &error);

      if (options->callback)
        options->callback->collectStatsIteration(options->callback->env, nc * 3, 
                                        reaction, velocity, 
                                        error, NULL);

      if (verbose > 0)
        printf("----------------------------------- FC3D - Extra Gradient (EG) - Iteration %i rho = %14.7e \tError = %14.7e\n", iter, rho, error);
      if (error < tolerance) hasNotConverged = 0;
      *info = hasNotConverged;

  if (isVariable)
    while ((iter < itermax) && (hasNotConverged > 0))

      /* Store the error */
      error_k = error;
      /* store the reaction at the beginning of the iteration */
      cblas_dcopy(n , reaction , 1 , reaction_k, 1);

      /* velocity_k <- q  */
      cblas_dcopy(n , q , 1 , velocity_k, 1);

      /* velocity_k <- q + M * reaction_k  */
      beta = 1.0;
      prodNumericsMatrix(n, n, alpha, M, reaction_k, beta, velocity_k);

      ls_iter = 0 ;
      success =0;

      while (!success && (ls_iter < ls_itermax))

        rho_k = rho * pow(tau,ls_iter);

        /* projection for each contact */
        for (contact = 0 ; contact < nc ; ++contact)
          int pos = contact * nLocal;
          double  normUT = sqrt(velocity_k[pos + 1] * velocity_k[pos + 1] + velocity_k[pos + 2] * velocity_k[pos + 2]);
          /* reaction[pos] = reaction_k[pos] -  rho_k * (velocity_k[pos] + mu[contact] * normUT); */
          /* reaction[pos + 1] = reaction_k[pos+1] - rho_k * velocity_k[pos + 1]; */
          /* reaction[pos + 2] = reaction_k[pos+2] - rho_k * velocity_k[pos + 2]; */

          reaction[pos] -= rho_k * (velocity_k[pos] + mu[contact] * normUT);
          reaction[pos + 1] -= rho_k * velocity_k[pos + 1];
          reaction[pos + 2] -= rho_k * velocity_k[pos + 2];
          projectionOnCone(&reaction[pos], mu[contact]);

        /* velocity <- q + M * reaction  */
        beta = 1.0;
        cblas_dcopy(n , q , 1 , velocity, 1);
        prodNumericsMatrix(n, n, alpha, M, reaction, beta, velocity);

        /* velocitytmp <- velocity */

        DEBUG_EXPR_WE( for (int i =0; i< 5 ; i++)
                         printf("reaction[%i]=%12.8e\t",i,reaction[i]);    printf("velocity[%i]=F[%i]=%12.8e\n",i,i,velocity[i]);
        cblas_dcopy(n, velocity, 1, velocitytmp , 1) ;
        /* velocitytmp <- modified velocity - velocity_k   */
        for (contact = 0 ; contact < nc ; ++contact)
          int pos = contact * nLocal;
          double  normUT = sqrt(velocitytmp[pos + 1] * velocitytmp[pos + 1]
                                + velocitytmp[pos + 2] * velocitytmp[pos + 2]);
          double  normUT_k = sqrt(velocity_k[pos + 1] * velocity_k[pos + 1] + velocity_k[pos + 2] * velocity_k[pos + 2]);
          velocitytmp[pos] += mu[contact] * (normUT -normUT_k)  ;

        /* for (contact = 0 ; contact < nc ; ++contact) */
        /* { */
        /*   int pos = contact * nLocal; */
        /*   double  normUT = sqrt(velocity_k[pos + 1] * velocity_k[pos + 1] + velocity_k[pos + 2] * velocity_k[pos + 2]); */
        /*   velocity_k[pos] += mu[contact] * normUT; */
        /* } */

        cblas_daxpy(n, -1.0, velocity_k , 1, velocitytmp , 1) ;

        a1 = cblas_dnrm2(n, velocitytmp, 1);
        DEBUG_PRINTF("a1 = %12.8e\n", a1);

        /* reactiontmp <- reaction */
        cblas_dcopy(n, reaction, 1, reactiontmp , 1) ;

        /* reactiontmp <- reaction - reaction_k   */
        cblas_daxpy(n, -1.0, reaction_k , 1, reactiontmp , 1) ;

        a2 = cblas_dnrm2(n, reactiontmp, 1) ;
        DEBUG_PRINTF("a2 = %12.8e\n", a2);

        success = (rho_k*a1 < L * a2)?1:0;

        /* printf("rho_k = %12.8e\t", rho_k); */
        /* printf("a1 = %12.8e\t", a1); */
        /* printf("a2 = %12.8e\t", a2); */
        /* printf("norm reaction = %12.8e\t",cblas_dnrm2(n, reaction, 1) ); */
        /* printf("success = %i\n", success); */

      /* velocitytmp <- M* reaction* q  */
      cblas_dcopy(n , q , 1 , velocitytmp, 1);
      prodNumericsMatrix(n, n, alpha, M, reaction, beta, velocitytmp);

      // projection for each contact
      for (contact = 0 ; contact < nc ; ++contact)
        int pos = contact * nLocal;
        double  normUT = sqrt(velocitytmp[pos + 1] * velocitytmp[pos + 1] +
                              velocitytmp[pos + 2] * velocitytmp[pos + 2]);
        reaction[pos] -= rho_k * (velocitytmp[pos] + mu[contact] * normUT);
        reaction[pos + 1] -= rho_k * velocitytmp[pos + 1];
        reaction[pos + 2] -= rho_k * velocitytmp[pos + 2];
        /* reaction[pos] = reaction_k[pos] -  rho_k * (velocitytmp[pos] + mu[contact] * normUT); */
        /* reaction[pos + 1] = reaction_k[pos+1] - rho_k * velocitytmp[pos + 1]; */
        /* reaction[pos + 2] = reaction_k[pos+2] - rho_k * velocitytmp[pos + 2]; */
        projectionOnCone(&reaction[pos], mu[contact]);
      DEBUG_EXPR_WE( for (int i =0; i< 5 ; i++)
                       printf("reaction[%i]=%12.8e\t",i,reaction[i]);    printf("velocity[%i]=F[%i]=%12.8e\n",i,i,velocity[i]);

      /* **** Criterium convergence **** */
      fc3d_compute_error(problem, reaction , velocity, tolerance, options, normq, &error);
      DEBUG_PRINTF("error = %12.8e\t error_k = %12.8e\n",error,error_k);
      /*Update rho*/
      if ((rho_k*a1 < Lmin * a2) && (error < error_k))
        rho =rho_k/taumin;
        rho =rho_k;

      if (verbose > 0)
        printf("----------------------------------- FC3D - Extra Gradient (EG) - Iteration %i rho = %14.7e \tError = %14.7e\n", iter, rho, error);
      if (error < tolerance) hasNotConverged = 0;
      *info = hasNotConverged;
Ejemplo n.º 13
int fc2d_compute_error(FrictionContactProblem* problem, double *z , double *w, double tolerance, double * error)

  /* Checks inputs */
  if (! problem || ! z || ! w)
    numerics_error("fc2d_compute_error", "null input for problem and/or z and/or w");

  int nc = problem->numberOfContacts;

  int n = nc * 2;

  int ic, iN, iT;

  double *mu = problem->mu;

  double tmp[2];

  double normT;

  cblas_dcopy(n, problem->q, 1, w, 1); // w <-q
  prodNumericsMatrix(n, n, 1.0, problem->M, z, 1.0, w);

  *error = 0.;

  /* Num. Methods For Nonsmooth Dynamics, A.13 P 528 */
  /* DesaxceFeng98 */
  /* K* -) x _|_ y  (- K  <=>  x = projK(x-rho.y) for all rho>0 */

  for (ic = 0, iN = 0, iT = 1 ; ic < nc ; ++ic , ++iN, ++iN, ++iT, ++iT)
    /* Compute the modified local velocity */
    tmp[0] = z[iN] - (w[iN] + mu[ic] * fabs(w[iT]));  /* rho=1 */
    tmp[1] = z[iT] - w[iT];                     /* rho=1 */

    /* projection */
    normT = fabs(tmp[1]);
    if (mu[ic]*normT <= -tmp[0])
      tmp[0] = 0.;
      tmp[1] = 0.;
    else if (normT > mu[ic]*tmp[0])
      /* solve([sqrt((r1-mu*ra)^2+(r0-ra)^2)=abs(mu*r0-r1)/sqrt(mu*mu+1)],[ra]) */
      tmp[0] = (mu[ic] * normT + tmp[0]) / (mu[ic] * mu[ic] + 1);
      tmp[1] = mu[ic] * tmp[0] * SGN(tmp[1]);

    tmp[0] = z[iN] -  tmp[0];
    tmp[1] = z[iT] -  tmp[1];
    *error += tmp[0] * tmp[0] + tmp[1] * tmp[1];


  *error = sqrt(*error);
  *error /= (cblas_dnrm2(n, problem->q, 1) + 1.0);

  if (*error > tolerance)
    if (verbose > 1) printf(" Numerics - fc2d_compute_error failed: error = %g > tolerance = %g.\n", *error, tolerance);
    return 1;
    return 0;