Ejemplo n.º 1
static PJ_LP s_inverse (PJ_XY xy, PJ *P) {           /* Spheroidal, inverse */
    PJ_LP lp = {0.0,0.0};

    lp.phi = xy.y / FYC;
    if (fabs(lp.phi) >= 1.) {
        if (fabs(lp.phi) > ONEEPS) {
            proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
            return lp;
        } else {
            lp.phi = (lp.phi < 0.) ? -M_HALFPI : M_HALFPI;
    } else
        lp.phi = asin(lp.phi);

    lp.lam = xy.x / ( FXC * (2. * cos(C23 * (lp.phi *= 3.)) - 1.) );
    if (fabs(lp.phi = sin(lp.phi) / CS) >= 1.) {
        if (fabs(lp.phi) > ONEEPS) {
            proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
            return lp;
        } else {
            lp.phi = (lp.phi < 0.) ? -M_HALFPI : M_HALFPI;
    } else
        lp.phi = asin(lp.phi);

    return lp;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static PJ_LP e_inverse (PJ_XY xy, PJ *P) {          /* Ellipsoidal, inverse */
    PJ_LP lp = {0.0,0.0};
    struct pj_opaque *Q = static_cast<struct pj_opaque*>(P->opaque);
    PJ_XY t;
    double yc = 0.0;
    int i = 0;
    const int N_MAX_ITER = 1000; /* Arbitrarily chosen number... */

    lp.phi = Q->phi_2;
    lp.lam = xy.x / cos(lp.phi);
    do {
        t = loc_for(lp, P, &yc);
        const double denom = t.y - yc;
        if( denom != 0 || fabs(t.y - xy.y) > TOL )
            if( denom == 0 ) {
                proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_NON_CONVERGENT);
                return proj_coord_error().lp;
            lp.phi = ((lp.phi - Q->phi_1) * (xy.y - yc) / denom) + Q->phi_1;
        if( t.x != 0 || fabs(t.x - xy.x) > TOL )
            lp.lam = lp.lam * xy.x / t.x;
        i ++;
    } while (i < N_MAX_ITER &&
             (fabs(t.x - xy.x) > TOL || fabs(t.y - xy.y) > TOL));

    if( i == N_MAX_ITER )
        proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_NON_CONVERGENT);
        return proj_coord_error().lp;

    return lp;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static PJ_LP mbtfpq_s_inverse (PJ_XY xy, PJ *P) {           /* Spheroidal, inverse */
    PJ_LP lp = {0.0,0.0};
    double t;

    lp.phi = RYC * xy.y;
    if (fabs(lp.phi) > 1.) {
        if (fabs(lp.phi) > ONETOL) {
            proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
            return lp;
        else if (lp.phi < 0.) { t = -1.; lp.phi = -M_PI; }
        else { t = 1.; lp.phi = M_PI; }
    } else
        lp.phi = 2. * asin(t = lp.phi);
    lp.lam = RXC * xy.x / (1. + 2. * cos(lp.phi)/cos(0.5 * lp.phi));
    lp.phi = RC * (t + sin(lp.phi));
    if (fabs(lp.phi) > 1.)
        if (fabs(lp.phi) > ONETOL) {
            proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
            return lp;
        else            lp.phi = lp.phi < 0. ? -M_HALFPI : M_HALFPI;
        lp.phi = asin(lp.phi);
    return lp;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static PJ_LP s_inverse (PJ_XY xy, PJ *P) {           /* Spheroidal, inverse */
    PJ_LP lp = {0.0,0.0};
    long i;
    double t, t1;
    struct COEFS T;
    int iters;

    lp.lam = xy.x / FXC;
    lp.phi = fabs(xy.y / FYC);
    if (lp.phi >= 1.) { /* simple pathologic cases */
        if (lp.phi > ONEEPS) {
            proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
            return lp;
        else {
            lp.phi = xy.y < 0. ? -M_HALFPI : M_HALFPI;
            lp.lam /= X[NODES].c0;
    } else { /* general problem */
        /* in Y space, reduce to table interval */
        i = isnan(lp.phi) ? -1 : lround(floor(lp.phi * NODES));
        if( i < 0 || i >= NODES ) {
            proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
            return lp;
        for (;;) {
            if (Y[i].c0 > lp.phi) --i;
            else if (Y[i+1].c0 <= lp.phi) ++i;
            else break;
        T = Y[i];
        /* first guess, linear interp */
        t = 5. * (lp.phi - T.c0)/(Y[i+1].c0 - T.c0);
        /* make into root */
        T.c0 = (float)(T.c0 - lp.phi);
        for (iters = MAX_ITER; iters ; --iters) { /* Newton-Raphson */
            t -= t1 = V(T,t) / DV(T,t);
            if (fabs(t1) < EPS)
        if( iters == 0 )
            pj_ctx_set_errno( P->ctx, PJD_ERR_NON_CONVERGENT );
        lp.phi = (5 * i + t) * DEG_TO_RAD;
        if (xy.y < 0.) lp.phi = -lp.phi;
        lp.lam /= V(X[i], t);
    return lp;
Ejemplo n.º 5
static PJ_XY calcofi_e_forward (PJ_LP lp, PJ *P) {          /* Ellipsoidal, forward */
    PJ_XY xy = {0.0,0.0};
    double oy; /* pt O y value in Mercator */
    double l1; /* l1 and l2 are distances calculated using trig that sum
               to the east/west distance between point O and point xy */
    double l2;
    double ry; /* r is the point on the same station as o (60) and the same
               line as xy xy, r, o form a right triangle */

    if (fabs(fabs(lp.phi) - M_HALFPI) <= EPS10) {
        proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
        return xy;

    xy.x = lp.lam;
    xy.y = -log(pj_tsfn(lp.phi, sin(lp.phi), P->e)); /* Mercator transform xy*/
    oy = -log(pj_tsfn(PT_O_PHI, sin(PT_O_PHI), P->e));
    l1 = (xy.y - oy) * tan(ROTATION_ANGLE);
    l2 = -xy.x - l1 + PT_O_LAMBDA;
    ry = l2 * cos(ROTATION_ANGLE) * sin(ROTATION_ANGLE) + xy.y;
    ry = pj_phi2(P->ctx, exp(-ry), P->e); /*inverse Mercator*/
    xy.x = PT_O_LINE - RAD_TO_DEG *
        (ry - PT_O_PHI) * DEG_TO_LINE / cos(ROTATION_ANGLE);
    xy.y = PT_O_STATION + RAD_TO_DEG *
        (ry - lp.phi) * DEG_TO_STATION / sin(ROTATION_ANGLE);
    /* set a = 1, x0 = 0, and y0 = 0 so that no further unit adjustments
    are done */

    return xy;
Ejemplo n.º 6
static XY e_forward (LP lp, PJ *P) {          /* Ellipsoidal, forward */
    XY xy = {0.0,0.0};
    struct pj_opaque *Q = P->opaque;
    double coslam, sinlam, sinphi, q, sinb=0.0, cosb=0.0, b=0.0;

    coslam = cos(lp.lam);
    sinlam = sin(lp.lam);
    sinphi = sin(lp.phi);
    q = pj_qsfn(sinphi, P->e, P->one_es);

    if (Q->mode == OBLIQ || Q->mode == EQUIT) {
        sinb = q / Q->qp;
        cosb = sqrt(1. - sinb * sinb);

    switch (Q->mode) {
    case OBLIQ:
        b = 1. + Q->sinb1 * sinb + Q->cosb1 * cosb * coslam;
    case EQUIT:
        b = 1. + cosb * coslam;
    case N_POLE:
        b = M_HALFPI + lp.phi;
        q = Q->qp - q;
    case S_POLE:
        b = lp.phi - M_HALFPI;
        q = Q->qp + q;
    if (fabs(b) < EPS10) {
        proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
        return xy;

    switch (Q->mode) {
    case OBLIQ:
        b = sqrt(2. / b);
        xy.y = Q->ymf * b * (Q->cosb1 * sinb - Q->sinb1 * cosb * coslam);
        goto eqcon;
    case EQUIT:
        b = sqrt(2. / (1. + cosb * coslam));
        xy.y = b * sinb * Q->ymf;
        xy.x = Q->xmf * b * cosb * sinlam;
    case N_POLE:
    case S_POLE:
        if (q >= 0.) {
            b = sqrt(q);
            xy.x = b * sinlam;
            xy.y = coslam * (Q->mode == S_POLE ? b : -b);
        } else
            xy.x = xy.y = 0.;
    return xy;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static LP e_inverse (XY xy, PJ *P) {          /* Ellipsoidal, inverse */
    LP lp = {0.0,0.0};
    struct pj_opaque *Q = P->opaque;
    double rho;

    xy.x /= P->k0;
    xy.y /= P->k0;

    xy.y = Q->rho0 - xy.y;
    rho = hypot(xy.x, xy.y);
    if (rho != 0.0) {
        if (Q->n < 0.) {
            rho = -rho;
            xy.x = -xy.x;
            xy.y = -xy.y;
        if (Q->ellips) {
            lp.phi = pj_phi2(P->ctx, pow(rho / Q->c, 1./Q->n), P->e);
            if (lp.phi == HUGE_VAL) {
                proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
                return lp;

        } else
            lp.phi = 2. * atan(pow(Q->c / rho, 1./Q->n)) - M_HALFPI;
        lp.lam = atan2(xy.x, xy.y) / Q->n;
    } else {
        lp.lam = 0.;
        lp.phi = Q->n > 0. ? M_HALFPI : -M_HALFPI;
    return lp;
Ejemplo n.º 8
static LP s_inverse (XY xy, PJ *P) {           /* Spheroidal, inverse */
    LP lp = {0.0,0.0};
    double B, dphi, tp;
    int i;

    if (fabs(xy.y = P->phi0 + xy.y) <= TOL) {
        lp.lam = xy.x;
        lp.phi = 0.;
    } else {
        lp.phi = xy.y;
        B = xy.x * xy.x + xy.y * xy.y;
        i = N_ITER;
        do {
            tp = tan(lp.phi);
            lp.phi -= (dphi = (xy.y * (lp.phi * tp + 1.) - lp.phi -
                .5 * ( lp.phi * lp.phi + B) * tp) /
                ((lp.phi - xy.y) / tp - 1.));
        } while (fabs(dphi) > CONV && --i);
        if (! i) {
            proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
            return lp;
        lp.lam = asin(xy.x * tan(lp.phi)) / sin(lp.phi);

    return lp;
Ejemplo n.º 9
PJ_COORD pj_fwd4d (PJ_COORD coo, PJ *P) {
    int last_errno = proj_errno_reset(P);

    if (!P->skip_fwd_prepare)
        coo = fwd_prepare (P, coo);
    if (HUGE_VAL==coo.v[0])
        return proj_coord_error ();

    /* Call the highest dimensional converter available */
    if (P->fwd4d)
        coo = P->fwd4d (coo, P);
    else if (P->fwd3d)
        coo.xyz  =  P->fwd3d (coo.lpz, P);
    else if (P->fwd)
        coo.xy  =  P->fwd (coo.lp, P);
    else {
        proj_errno_set (P, EINVAL);
        return proj_coord_error ();
    if (HUGE_VAL==coo.v[0])
        return proj_coord_error ();

    if (!P->skip_fwd_finalize)
        coo = fwd_finalize (P, coo);

    return error_or_coord(P, coo, last_errno);
Ejemplo n.º 10
PJ_XYZ pj_fwd3d(PJ_LPZ lpz, PJ *P) {
    int last_errno;
    PJ_COORD coo = {{0,0,0,0}};
    coo.lpz = lpz;

    last_errno = proj_errno_reset(P);

    if (!P->skip_fwd_prepare)
        coo = fwd_prepare (P, coo);
    if (HUGE_VAL==coo.v[0])
        return proj_coord_error ().xyz;

    /* Do the transformation, using the lowest dimensional transformer feasible */
    if (P->fwd3d)
        coo.xyz = P->fwd3d(coo.lpz, P);
    else if (P->fwd4d)
        coo = P->fwd4d (coo, P);
    else if (P->fwd)
        coo.xy = P->fwd (coo.lp, P);
    else {
        proj_errno_set (P, EINVAL);
        return proj_coord_error ().xyz;
    if (HUGE_VAL==coo.v[0])
        return proj_coord_error ().xyz;

    if (!P->skip_fwd_finalize)
        coo = fwd_finalize (P, coo);

    return error_or_coord(P, coo, last_errno).xyz;
Ejemplo n.º 11
static PJ_XY geos_e_forward (PJ_LP lp, PJ *P) {          /* Ellipsoidal, forward */
    PJ_XY xy = {0.0,0.0};
    struct pj_opaque *Q = static_cast<struct pj_opaque*>(P->opaque);
    double r, Vx, Vy, Vz, tmp;

    /* Calculation of geocentric latitude. */
    lp.phi = atan (Q->radius_p2 * tan (lp.phi));

    /* Calculation of the three components of the vector from satellite to
    ** position on earth surface (lon,lat).*/
    r = (Q->radius_p) / hypot(Q->radius_p * cos (lp.phi), sin (lp.phi));
    Vx = r * cos (lp.lam) * cos (lp.phi);
    Vy = r * sin (lp.lam) * cos (lp.phi);
    Vz = r * sin (lp.phi);

    /* Check visibility. */
    if (((Q->radius_g - Vx) * Vx - Vy * Vy - Vz * Vz * Q->radius_p_inv2) < 0.) {
        proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
        return xy;

    /* Calculation based on view angles from satellite. */
    tmp = Q->radius_g - Vx;

    if(Q->flip_axis) {
        xy.x = Q->radius_g_1 * atan (Vy / hypot (Vz, tmp));
        xy.y = Q->radius_g_1 * atan (Vz / tmp);
    } else {
        xy.x = Q->radius_g_1 * atan (Vy / tmp);
        xy.y = Q->radius_g_1 * atan (Vz / hypot (Vy, tmp));

    return xy;
Ejemplo n.º 12
static PJ_LP geos_s_inverse (PJ_XY xy, PJ *P) {           /* Spheroidal, inverse */
    PJ_LP lp = {0.0,0.0};
    struct pj_opaque *Q = static_cast<struct pj_opaque*>(P->opaque);
    double Vx, Vy, Vz, a, b, det, k;

    /* Setting three components of vector from satellite to position.*/
    Vx = -1.0;
    if(Q->flip_axis) {
        Vz = tan (xy.y / (Q->radius_g - 1.0));
        Vy = tan (xy.x / (Q->radius_g - 1.0)) * sqrt (1.0 + Vz * Vz);
    } else {
        Vy = tan (xy.x / (Q->radius_g - 1.0));
        Vz = tan (xy.y / (Q->radius_g - 1.0)) * sqrt (1.0 + Vy * Vy);

    /* Calculation of terms in cubic equation and determinant.*/
    a = Vy * Vy + Vz * Vz + Vx * Vx;
    b = 2 * Q->radius_g * Vx;
    if ((det = (b * b) - 4 * a * Q->C) < 0.) {
        proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
        return lp;

    /* Calculation of three components of vector from satellite to position.*/
    k  = (-b - sqrt(det)) / (2 * a);
    Vx = Q->radius_g + k * Vx;
    Vy *= k;
    Vz *= k;

    /* Calculation of longitude and latitude.*/
    lp.lam = atan2 (Vy, Vx);
    lp.phi = atan (Vz * cos (lp.lam) / Vx);

    return lp;
Ejemplo n.º 13
/* Measure numerical deviation after n roundtrips fwd-inv (or inv-fwd) */
double proj_roundtrip (PJ *P, PJ_DIRECTION direction, int n, PJ_COORD *coord) {
    int i;
    PJ_COORD t, org;

    if (0==P)
        return HUGE_VAL;

    if (n < 1) {
        proj_errno_set (P, EINVAL);
        return HUGE_VAL;

    /* in the first half-step, we generate the output value */
    org  = *coord;
    *coord = proj_trans (P, direction, org);
    t = *coord;

    /* now we take n-1 full steps in inverse direction: We are */
    /* out of phase due to the half step already taken */
    for (i = 0;  i < n - 1;  i++)
        t = proj_trans (P,  direction,  proj_trans (P, -direction, t) );

    /* finally, we take the last half-step */
    t = proj_trans (P, -direction, t);

    /* checking for angular *input* since we do a roundtrip, and end where we begin */
    if (proj_angular_input (P, direction))
        return proj_lpz_dist (P, org, t);

    return proj_xyz_dist (org, t);
Ejemplo n.º 14
PJ_COORD proj_trans (PJ *P, PJ_DIRECTION direction, PJ_COORD coord) {
Apply the transformation P to the coordinate coord, preferring the 4D interfaces if

See also pj_approx_2D_trans and pj_approx_3D_trans in pj_internal.c, which work
similarly, but prefers the 2D resp. 3D interfaces if available.
    if (0==P)
        return coord;
    if (P->inverted)
        direction = -direction;

    switch (direction) {
        case PJ_FWD:
            return pj_fwd4d (coord, P);
        case PJ_INV:
            return  pj_inv4d (coord, P);
        case PJ_IDENT:
            return coord;

    proj_errno_set (P, EINVAL);
    return proj_coord_error ();
Ejemplo n.º 15
static LP e_inverse (XY xy, PJ *P) {          /* Ellipsoidal, inverse */
    LP lp = {0.0,0.0};
    struct pj_opaque *Q = P->opaque;
    double phip, lamp, phipp, lampp, cp, esp, con, delp;
    int i;

    phipp = 2. * (atan (exp (xy.y / Q->kR)) - M_FORTPI);
    lampp = xy.x / Q->kR;
    cp = cos (phipp);
    phip = aasin (P->ctx, Q->cosp0 * sin (phipp) + Q->sinp0 * cp * cos (lampp));
    lamp = aasin (P->ctx, cp * sin (lampp) / cos (phip));
    con = (Q->K - log (tan (M_FORTPI + 0.5 * phip)))/Q->c;
    for (i = NITER; i ; --i) {
        esp = P->e * sin(phip);
        delp = (con + log(tan(M_FORTPI + 0.5 * phip)) - Q->hlf_e *
            log((1. + esp)/(1. - esp)) ) *
            (1. - esp * esp) * cos(phip) * P->rone_es;
        phip -= delp;
        if (fabs(delp) < EPS)
    if (i) {
        lp.phi = phip;
        lp.lam = lamp / Q->c;
    } else {
        proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
        return lp;
    return (lp);
Ejemplo n.º 16
static PJ_LP vandg_s_inverse (PJ_XY xy, PJ *P) {           /* Spheroidal, inverse */
    PJ_LP lp = {0.0,0.0};
    double t, c0, c1, c2, c3, al, r2, r, m, d, ay, x2, y2;

    x2 = xy.x * xy.x;
    if ((ay = fabs(xy.y)) < TOL) {
        lp.phi = 0.;
        t = x2 * x2 + TPISQ * (x2 + HPISQ);
        lp.lam = fabs(xy.x) <= TOL ? 0. :
           .5 * (x2 - PISQ + sqrt(t)) / xy.x;
        return (lp);
    y2 = xy.y * xy.y;
    r = x2 + y2;    r2 = r * r;
    c1 = - M_PI * ay * (r + PISQ);
    c3 = r2 + M_TWOPI * (ay * r + M_PI * (y2 + M_PI * (ay + M_HALFPI)));
    c2 = c1 + PISQ * (r - 3. *  y2);
    c0 = M_PI * ay;
    c2 /= c3;
    al = c1 / c3 - THIRD * c2 * c2;
    m = 2. * sqrt(-THIRD * al);
    d = C2_27 * c2 * c2 * c2 + (c0 * c0 - THIRD * c2 * c1) / c3;
    const double al_mul_m = al * m;
    if( al_mul_m == 0 ) {
        proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
        return proj_coord_error().lp;
    d = 3. * d /al_mul_m;
    t = fabs(d);
    if ((t - TOL) <= 1.) {
        d = t > 1. ? (d > 0. ? 0. : M_PI) : acos(d);
        lp.phi = M_PI * (m * cos(d * THIRD + PI4_3) - THIRD * c2);
        if (xy.y < 0.) lp.phi = -lp.phi;
        t = r2 + TPISQ * (x2 - y2 + HPISQ);
        lp.lam = fabs(xy.x) <= TOL ? 0. :
           .5 * (r - PISQ + (t <= 0. ? 0. : sqrt(t))) / xy.x;
    } else {
        proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
        return lp;

    return lp;
Ejemplo n.º 17
static PJ_XY vandg_s_forward (PJ_LP lp, PJ *P) {           /* Spheroidal, forward */
    PJ_XY xy = {0.0,0.0};
    double  al, al2, g, g2, p2;

    p2 = fabs(lp.phi / M_HALFPI);
    if ((p2 - TOL) > 1.) {
        proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
        return xy;
    if (p2 > 1.)
        p2 = 1.;
    if (fabs(lp.phi) <= TOL) {
        xy.x = lp.lam;
        xy.y = 0.;
    } else if (fabs(lp.lam) <= TOL || fabs(p2 - 1.) < TOL) {
        xy.x = 0.;
        xy.y = M_PI * tan(.5 * asin(p2));
        if (lp.phi < 0.) xy.y = -xy.y;
    } else {
        al = .5 * fabs(M_PI / lp.lam - lp.lam / M_PI);
        al2 = al * al;
        g = sqrt(1. - p2 * p2);
        g = g / (p2 + g - 1.);
        g2 = g * g;
        p2 = g * (2. / p2 - 1.);
        p2 = p2 * p2;
        xy.x = g - p2; g = p2 + al2;
        xy.x = M_PI * (al * xy.x + sqrt(al2 * xy.x * xy.x - g * (g2 - p2))) / g;
        if (lp.lam < 0.) xy.x = -xy.x;
        xy.y = fabs(xy.x / M_PI);
        xy.y = 1. - xy.y * (xy.y + 2. * al);
        if (xy.y < -TOL) {
            proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
            return xy;
        if (xy.y < 0.)
            xy.y = 0.;
            xy.y = sqrt(xy.y) * (lp.phi < 0. ? -M_PI : M_PI);

    return xy;
Ejemplo n.º 18
static LP e_inverse (XY xy, PJ *P) {          /* Ellipsoidal, inverse */
    LP lp = {0.0,0.0};
    struct pj_opaque *Q = P->opaque;

    xy.y += Q->ml0;
    if (fabs(xy.y) <= TOL) {
        lp.lam = xy.x;
        lp.phi = 0.;
    } else {
        double r, c, sp, cp, s2ph, ml, mlb, mlp, dPhi;
        int i;

        r = xy.y * xy.y + xy.x * xy.x;
        for (lp.phi = xy.y, i = I_ITER; i ; --i) {
            sp = sin(lp.phi);
            s2ph = sp * ( cp = cos(lp.phi));
            if (fabs(cp) < ITOL) {
                proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
                return lp;
            c = sp * (mlp = sqrt(1. - P->es * sp * sp)) / cp;
            ml = pj_mlfn(lp.phi, sp, cp, Q->en);
            mlb = ml * ml + r;
            mlp = P->one_es / (mlp * mlp * mlp);
            lp.phi += ( dPhi =
                ( ml + ml + c * mlb - 2. * xy.y * (c * ml + 1.) ) / (
                P->es * s2ph * (mlb - 2. * xy.y * ml) / c +
                2.* (xy.y - ml) * (c * mlp - 1. / s2ph) - mlp - mlp ));
            if (fabs(dPhi) <= ITOL)
        if (!i) {
            proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
            return lp;
        c = sin(lp.phi);
        lp.lam = asin(xy.x * tan(lp.phi) * sqrt(1. - P->es * c * c)) / sin(lp.phi);

    return lp;
Ejemplo n.º 19
static XY s_forward (LP lp, PJ *P) {           /* Spheroidal, forward */
    XY xy = {0.0,0.0};
    struct pj_opaque *Q = P->opaque;
    double  coslam, cosphi, sinphi;

    sinphi = sin(lp.phi);
    cosphi = cos(lp.phi);
    coslam = cos(lp.lam);
    switch (Q->mode) {
    case EQUIT:
        xy.y = 1. + cosphi * coslam;
        goto oblcon;
    case OBLIQ:
        xy.y = 1. + Q->sinb1 * sinphi + Q->cosb1 * cosphi * coslam;
        if (xy.y <= EPS10) {
            proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
            return xy;
        xy.y = sqrt(2. / xy.y);
        xy.x = xy.y * cosphi * sin(lp.lam);
        xy.y *= Q->mode == EQUIT ? sinphi :
           Q->cosb1 * sinphi - Q->sinb1 * cosphi * coslam;
    case N_POLE:
        coslam = -coslam;
    case S_POLE:
        if (fabs(lp.phi + P->phi0) < EPS10) {
            proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
            return xy;
        xy.y = M_FORTPI - lp.phi * .5;
        xy.y = 2. * (Q->mode == S_POLE ? cos(xy.y) : sin(xy.y));
        xy.x = xy.y * sin(lp.lam);
        xy.y *= coslam;
    return xy;
Ejemplo n.º 20
int proj_errno_restore (const PJ *P, int err) {
    Use proj_errno_restore when the current function succeeds, but the
    error flag was set on entry, and stored/reset using proj_errno_reset
    in order to monitor for new errors.

    See usage example under proj_errno_reset ()
    if (0==err)
        return 0;
    proj_errno_set (P, err);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 21
static PJ_LP s_inverse (PJ_XY xy, PJ *P) {           /* Spheroidal, inverse */
    PJ_LP lp = {0.0,0.0};
    struct pj_opaque *Q = static_cast<struct pj_opaque*>(P->opaque);
    double rh;

    rh = hypot(xy.x, xy.y = Q->cphi1 - xy.y);
    lp.phi = Q->cphi1 + Q->phi1 - rh;
    if (fabs(lp.phi) > M_HALFPI) {
        proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
        return lp;
    if (fabs(fabs(lp.phi) - M_HALFPI) <= EPS10)
        lp.lam = 0.;
        lp.lam = rh * atan2(xy.x, xy.y) / cos(lp.phi);
    return lp;
Ejemplo n.º 22
static PJ_LP collg_s_inverse (PJ_XY xy, PJ *P) {           /* Spheroidal, inverse */
    PJ_LP lp = {0.0,0.0};
    lp.phi = xy.y / FYC - 1.;
    if (fabs(lp.phi = 1. - lp.phi * lp.phi) < 1.)
        lp.phi = asin(lp.phi);
    else if (fabs(lp.phi) > ONEEPS) {
        proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
        return lp;
    } else {
        lp.phi = lp.phi < 0. ? -M_HALFPI : M_HALFPI;

    if ((lp.lam = 1. - sin(lp.phi)) <= 0.)
        lp.lam = 0.;
        lp.lam = xy.x / (FXC * sqrt(lp.lam));
    return (lp);
Ejemplo n.º 23
static PJ_XY sterea_e_forward (PJ_LP lp, PJ *P) {          /* Ellipsoidal, forward */
    PJ_XY xy = {0.0,0.0};
    struct pj_opaque *Q = static_cast<struct pj_opaque*>(P->opaque);
    double cosc, sinc, cosl, k;

    lp = pj_gauss(P->ctx, lp, Q->en);
    sinc = sin(lp.phi);
    cosc = cos(lp.phi);
    cosl = cos(lp.lam);
    const double denom = 1. + Q->sinc0 * sinc + Q->cosc0 * cosc * cosl;
    if( denom == 0.0 ) {
        proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
        return proj_coord_error().xy;
    k = P->k0 * Q->R2 / denom;
    xy.x = k * cosc * sin(lp.lam);
    xy.y = k * (Q->cosc0 * sinc - Q->sinc0 * cosc * cosl);
    return xy;
Ejemplo n.º 24
static PJ_LP e_inverse (PJ_XY xy, PJ *P) {          /* Ellipsoidal, inverse */
    PJ_LP lp = {0.0,0.0};
    struct pj_opaque *Q = static_cast<struct pj_opaque*>(P->opaque);
    double s, rh;

    rh = hypot(xy.x, xy.y = Q->am1 - xy.y);
    lp.phi = pj_inv_mlfn(P->ctx, Q->am1 + Q->m1 - rh, P->es, Q->en);
    if ((s = fabs(lp.phi)) < M_HALFPI) {
        s = sin(lp.phi);
        lp.lam = rh * atan2(xy.x, xy.y) *
           sqrt(1. - P->es * s * s) / cos(lp.phi);
    } else if (fabs(s - M_HALFPI) <= EPS10)
        lp.lam = 0.;
    else {
        proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
        return lp;
    return lp;
Ejemplo n.º 25
static PJ_XY s_forward (PJ_LP lp, PJ *P) {           /* Spheroidal, forward */
    PJ_XY xy = {0.0,0.0};
    long i;
    double dphi;
    (void) P;

    dphi = fabs(lp.phi);
    i = isnan(lp.phi) ? -1 : lround(floor(dphi * C1));
    if( i < 0 ){
        proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
        return xy;
    if (i >= NODES) i = NODES - 1;
    dphi = RAD_TO_DEG * (dphi - RC1 * i);
    xy.x = V(X[i], dphi) * FXC * lp.lam;
    xy.y = V(Y[i], dphi) * FYC;
    if (lp.phi < 0.) xy.y = -xy.y;

    return xy;
Ejemplo n.º 26
static XY e_forward (LP lp, PJ *P) {          /* Ellipsoidal, forward */
    XY xy = {0.0,0.0};
    struct pj_opaque *Q = P->opaque;
    double rho;

    if (fabs(fabs(lp.phi) - M_HALFPI) < EPS10) {
        if ((lp.phi * Q->n) <= 0.) {
            proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
            return xy;
        rho = 0.;
    } else {
        rho = Q->c * (Q->ellips ? pow(pj_tsfn(lp.phi, sin(lp.phi),
            P->e), Q->n) : pow(tan(M_FORTPI + .5 * lp.phi), -Q->n));
    lp.lam *= Q->n;
    xy.x = P->k0 * (rho * sin( lp.lam) );
    xy.y = P->k0 * (Q->rho0 - rho * cos(lp.lam) );
    return xy;
Ejemplo n.º 27
static LP s_inverse (XY xy, PJ *P) {           /* Spheroidal, inverse */
    LP lp = {0.0,0.0};
    struct pj_opaque *Q = P->opaque;
    double  cosz=0.0, rh, sinz=0.0;

    rh = hypot(xy.x, xy.y);
    if ((lp.phi = rh * .5 ) > 1.) {
        proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
        return lp;
    lp.phi = 2. * asin(lp.phi);
    if (Q->mode == OBLIQ || Q->mode == EQUIT) {
        sinz = sin(lp.phi);
        cosz = cos(lp.phi);
    switch (Q->mode) {
    case EQUIT:
        lp.phi = fabs(rh) <= EPS10 ? 0. : asin(xy.y * sinz / rh);
        xy.x *= sinz;
        xy.y = cosz * rh;
    case OBLIQ:
        lp.phi = fabs(rh) <= EPS10 ? P->phi0 :
           asin(cosz * Q->sinb1 + xy.y * sinz * Q->cosb1 / rh);
        xy.x *= sinz * Q->cosb1;
        xy.y = (cosz - sin(lp.phi) * Q->sinb1) * rh;
    case N_POLE:
        xy.y = -xy.y;
        lp.phi = M_HALFPI - lp.phi;
    case S_POLE:
        lp.phi -= M_HALFPI;
    lp.lam = (xy.y == 0. && (Q->mode == EQUIT || Q->mode == OBLIQ)) ?
        0. : atan2(xy.x, xy.y);
    return (lp);
Ejemplo n.º 28
int proj_vgrid_init(PJ* P, const char *grids) {

  Initizalize and populate gridlist.

    Takes a PJ-object and the plus-parameter
    name that is used in the proj-string to
    specify the grids to load, e.g. "+grids".
    The + should be left out here.

    Returns the number of loaded grids.


    /* prepend "s" to the "grids" string to allow usage with pj_param */
    char *sgrids = (char *) pj_malloc( (strlen(grids)+1+1) *sizeof(char) );
    sprintf(sgrids, "%s%s", "s", grids);

    if (P->vgridlist_geoid == NULL) {
        P->vgridlist_geoid = pj_gridlist_from_nadgrids(
            pj_param(P->ctx, P->params, sgrids).s,

        if( P->vgridlist_geoid == NULL || P->vgridlist_geoid_count == 0 ) {
            return 0;

    if (P->vgridlist_geoid_count == 0) {
        proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_FAILED_TO_LOAD_GRID);

    return P->vgridlist_geoid_count;
Ejemplo n.º 29
static PJ_XY calcofi_s_forward (PJ_LP lp, PJ *P) {           /* Spheroidal, forward */
    PJ_XY xy = {0.0,0.0};
    double oy;
    double l1;
    double l2;
    double ry;
    if (fabs(fabs(lp.phi) - M_HALFPI) <= EPS10) {
        proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
        return xy;
    xy.x = lp.lam;
    xy.y = log(tan(M_FORTPI + .5 * lp.phi));
    oy = log(tan(M_FORTPI + .5 * PT_O_PHI));
    l1 = (xy.y - oy) * tan(ROTATION_ANGLE);
    l2 = -xy.x - l1 + PT_O_LAMBDA;
    ry = l2 * cos(ROTATION_ANGLE) * sin(ROTATION_ANGLE) + xy.y;
    ry = M_HALFPI - 2. * atan(exp(-ry));
    xy.x = PT_O_LINE - RAD_TO_DEG *
        (ry - PT_O_PHI) * DEG_TO_LINE / cos(ROTATION_ANGLE);
    xy.y = PT_O_STATION + RAD_TO_DEG *
        (ry - lp.phi) * DEG_TO_STATION / sin(ROTATION_ANGLE);

    return xy;
Ejemplo n.º 30
static PJ_LP lcca_e_inverse (PJ_XY xy, PJ *P) {          /* Ellipsoidal, inverse */
    PJ_LP lp = {0.0,0.0};
    struct pj_opaque *Q = static_cast<struct pj_opaque*>(P->opaque);
    double theta, dr, S, dif;
    int i;

    xy.x /= P->k0;
    xy.y /= P->k0;
    theta = atan2(xy.x , Q->r0 - xy.y);
    dr = xy.y - xy.x * tan(0.5 * theta);
    lp.lam = theta / Q->l;
    S = dr;
    for (i = MAX_ITER; i ; --i) {
        S -= (dif = (fS(S, Q->C) - dr) / fSp(S, Q->C));
        if (fabs(dif) < DEL_TOL) break;
    if (!i) {
        proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
        return lp;
    lp.phi = pj_inv_mlfn(P->ctx, S + Q->M0, P->es, Q->en);

    return lp;