Ejemplo n.º 1
QString ConnectionTester::Private::findDefaultDNS() const
    // Inspiration: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/8edff7ead55f1a31e55425d47885dc96d3d55105/xbmc/network/linux/NetworkLinux.cpp#L411
#if defined(Q_OS_ANDROID)
    return propHelper("net.dns1");
#elif defined(Q_OS_LINUX)

    for (int i = 0; i < _res.nscount; ++i)
        return QString::fromLatin1(inet_ntoa(((sockaddr_in *)&_res.nsaddr_list[0])->sin_addr));

    return QString();
#elif defined(Q_OS_WIN)
    QString dns;
    ULONG bufferSize = 0;

    if (::GetAdaptersAddresses(AF_INET, 0, NULL, addresses, &bufferSize) == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW)
        addresses = (IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES *)malloc(bufferSize);

        if (::GetAdaptersAddresses(AF_INET, 0, NULL, addresses, &bufferSize) == NO_ERROR)
            IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES *addr = addresses;

            while (addr)
                if (addr->OperStatus == IfOperStatusUp)
                    IP_ADAPTER_DNS_SERVER_ADDRESS *p = addr->FirstDnsServerAddress;

                    while (p)
                        if (dns.isEmpty())
                            dns = QHostAddress(p->Address.lpSockaddr).toString();

                        p = p->Next;

                addr = addr->Next;

    return dns;
#elif defined(Q_OS_MAC)
    return scutilHelper("show State:/Network/Global/DNS", "0");
#error Platform dns code missing!
    return QString();
 *	Called when cloned to clear the cloned links.
void EditorChunkItemLinkable::clearAllLinks()
	// Clear from managers lists

	// Iterate through the properties of this linker
	int propCounter = propHelper()->propCount();
	for (int i=0; i < propCounter; i++)
		DataDescription* pDD = propHelper()->pType()->property( i );
		if (!pDD->editable())

		// If this property is a linkable property
		if (propHelper()->isUserDataObjectLink( i ))
		// If this property is an array of linkable properties
		else if (propHelper()->isUserDataObjectLinkArray( i ))
			PyObjectPtr ob
					propHelper()->propGetPy( i ),

			SequenceDataType* dataType =
				static_cast<SequenceDataType*>( pDD->dataType() );
			ArrayPropertiesHelper propArray;
			propArray.init(chunkItem(), &(dataType->getElemType()), ob.getObject());

			// Iterate through the array of links
			while (propArray.propCount())
				// Delete the link

	// Save changes
	chunkItem()->edSave( chunkItem()->pOwnSect() );
	if ( chunkItem()->chunk() != NULL )
		WorldManager::instance().changedChunk( chunkItem()->chunk() );
 *  This method returns true if the linker has links to the linker identified
 *	by "guid"/"chunkId".
 *	@param guid		GUID of the linker to search in this linker's properties.
 *	@param chunkId	Chunk if the linker to search in this linker's properties.
 *  @return			true if this linker has links to "guid"
bool EditorChunkItemLinkable::hasLinksTo(const UniqueID& guid, const std::string& chunkId)
	// look for more links to "guid"
	int propCounter = propHelper()->propCount();
	for (int i=0; i < propCounter; i++)
		DataDescription* pDD = propHelper()->pType()->property( i );
		if (!pDD->editable())

		// Is this property a user data object link
		if (propHelper()->isUserDataObjectLink( i ))
			PyObjectPtr ob( propHelper()->propGetPy( i ), PyObjectPtr::STEAL_REFERENCE );

			std::string propId = PyString_AsString( PyTuple_GetItem( ob.getObject(), 0 ) );
			std::string propChunkId = PyString_AsString( PyTuple_GetItem( ob.getObject(), 1 ) );
			if ( propId == guid.toString() && propChunkId == chunkId )
				return true;
		// Is this property an array of user data object links
		else if (propHelper()->isUserDataObjectLinkArray( i ))
			PyObjectPtr ob(	propHelper()->propGetPy( i ), PyObjectPtr::STEAL_REFERENCE );

			SequenceDataType* dataType =
				static_cast<SequenceDataType*>( pDD->dataType() );
			ArrayPropertiesHelper propArray;
			propArray.init(this->chunkItem(),&(dataType->getElemType()), ob.getObject());

			// Iterate through the array of links
			for(int j = 0; j < propArray.propCount(); j++)
				PyObjectPtr aob( propArray.propGetPy( j ), PyObjectPtr::STEAL_REFERENCE );
				std::string propId = PyString_AsString( PyTuple_GetItem( aob.getObject(), 0 ) );
				std::string propChunkId = PyString_AsString( PyTuple_GetItem( aob.getObject(), 1 ) );
				if ( propId == guid.toString() && propChunkId == chunkId )
					return true;
	return false;
 *	Method indicating whether this item's chunk is writable.
 *	@return	True if writable, false otherwise.
bool EditorChunkItemLinkable::linkedChunksWriteable()
	ChunkDirMapping* dirMap = WorldManager::instance().chunkDirMapping();
	int16 gridX, gridZ;

	// process forward links
	int propCounter = propHelper()->propCount();
	for (int i=0; i < propCounter; i++)
		DataDescription* pDD = propHelper()->pType()->property( i );
		if (!pDD->editable())

		// Is this property a user data object link
		if (propHelper()->isUserDataObjectLink( i ))
			PyObjectPtr ob( propHelper()->propGetPy( i ), PyObjectPtr::STEAL_REFERENCE );

			std::string id = PyString_AsString( PyTuple_GetItem( ob.getObject(), 0 ) );
			std::string chunkId = PyString_AsString( PyTuple_GetItem( ob.getObject(), 1 ) );
			if ( id == "" || chunkId == "" )

			// Force load the linker since we need to examine its parent chunk
			EditorChunkItemLinkable* linkableUDO =
				WorldManager::instance().linkerManager().forceLoad( id, chunkId );
			// If the chunk is not an outside chunk, see if it's writeable
			if (linkableUDO && linkableUDO->chunkItem()->chunk())
				if (!EditorChunkCache::instance( *linkableUDO->chunkItem()->chunk() ).edIsWriteable())
					return false;
				//		"EditorChunkItemLinkable::linkedChunksWriteable : "
				//		"Need access to parent chunk!\n" );
				if (!dirMap->gridFromChunkName( chunkId, gridX, gridZ ) ||
					!EditorChunk::outsideChunkWriteable( gridX, gridZ, false ) )
					return false;
		// Is this property an array of user data object links
		else if (propHelper()->isUserDataObjectLinkArray( i ))
			PyObjectPtr ob(	propHelper()->propGetPy( i ), PyObjectPtr::STEAL_REFERENCE );

			SequenceDataType* dataType =
				static_cast<SequenceDataType*>( pDD->dataType() );
			ArrayPropertiesHelper propArray;
			propArray.init(this->chunkItem(),&(dataType->getElemType()), ob.getObject());

			// Iterate through the array of links
			for(int j = 0; j < propArray.propCount(); j++)
				PyObjectPtr aob( propArray.propGetPy( j ), PyObjectPtr::STEAL_REFERENCE );
				std::string id = PyString_AsString( PyTuple_GetItem( aob.getObject(), 0 ) );
				std::string chunkId = PyString_AsString( PyTuple_GetItem( aob.getObject(), 1 ) );
				if ( id == "" || chunkId == "" )

				// Force load the linker since we need to examine its parent chunk
				EditorChunkItemLinkable* linkableUDO =
					WorldManager::instance().linkerManager().forceLoad( id, chunkId );
				// If the chunk is not an outside chunk, see if it's writeable
				if (linkableUDO && linkableUDO->chunkItem()->chunk())
					if (!EditorChunkCache::instance( *linkableUDO->chunkItem()->chunk() ).edIsWriteable())
						return false;
					//		"EditorChunkItemLinkable::linkedChunksWriteable : "
					//		"Need access to parent chunk!\n" );

					if (!dirMap->gridFromChunkName( chunkId, gridX, gridZ ) ||
						!EditorChunk::outsideChunkWriteable( gridX, gridZ, false ) )
						return false;

	// process back links
	for ( LinksConstIter it = getBackLinksBegin();
		it != getBackLinksEnd(); ++it )
		// Force load the linker since we need to examine its parent chunk
		EditorChunkItemLinkable* linkableUDO =
			WorldManager::instance().linkerManager().forceLoad( (*it).UID_, (*it).CID_ );
		// If the chunk is not an outside chunk, see if it's writeable
		if (linkableUDO && linkableUDO->chunkItem()->chunk())
			if (!EditorChunkCache::instance( *linkableUDO->chunkItem()->chunk() ).edIsWriteable())
				return false;
			//		"EditorChunkItemLinkable::linkedChunksWriteable : "
			//		"Need access to parent chunk!\n" );

			if (!dirMap->gridFromChunkName( (*it).CID_, gridX, gridZ ) ||
				!EditorChunk::outsideChunkWriteable( gridX, gridZ, false ) )
				return false;

	return true;