Ejemplo n.º 1
void HTMLTextAreaElement::setDefaultValue(const String& defaultValue)
    RefPtr<Node> protectFromMutationEvents(this);

    // To preserve comments, remove only the text nodes, then add a single text node.
    Vector<RefPtr<Node> > textNodes;
    for (Node* n = firstChild(); n; n = n->nextSibling()) {
        if (n->isTextNode())
    ExceptionCode ec;
    size_t size = textNodes.size();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
        removeChild(textNodes[i].get(), ec);

    // Normalize line endings.
    String value = defaultValue;
    value.replace("\r\n", "\n");
    value.replace('\r', '\n');

    insertBefore(document()->createTextNode(value), firstChild(), ec);

    if (!m_isDirty)
Ejemplo n.º 2
void HTMLTitleElement::setText(const String &value)
    RefPtr<Node> protectFromMutationEvents(this);
    ChildListMutationScope mutation(*this);

    // Avoid calling Document::setTitleElement() during intermediate steps.
    m_ignoreTitleUpdatesWhenChildrenChange = !value.isEmpty();
    m_ignoreTitleUpdatesWhenChildrenChange = false;

    if (!value.isEmpty())
        appendChild(document().createTextNode(value.impl()), IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
Ejemplo n.º 3
PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<HTMLElement> HTMLTableElement::insertRow(int index, ExceptionState& exceptionState)
    if (index < -1) {
        exceptionState.throwDOMException(IndexSizeError, "The index provided (" + String::number(index) + ") is less than -1.");
        return nullptr;

    RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Node> protectFromMutationEvents(this);

    RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<HTMLTableRowElement> lastRow = nullptr;
    RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<HTMLTableRowElement> row = nullptr;
    if (index == -1)
        lastRow = HTMLTableRowsCollection::lastRow(*this);
    else {
        for (int i = 0; i <= index; ++i) {
            row = HTMLTableRowsCollection::rowAfter(*this, lastRow.get());
            if (!row) {
                if (i != index) {
                    exceptionState.throwDOMException(IndexSizeError, "The index provided (" + String::number(index) + ") is greater than the number of rows in the table (" + String::number(i) + ").");
                    return nullptr;
            lastRow = row;

    RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<ContainerNode> parent;
    if (lastRow)
        parent = row ? row->parentNode() : lastRow->parentNode();
    else {
        parent = lastBody();
        if (!parent) {
            RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<HTMLTableSectionElement> newBody = HTMLTableSectionElement::create(tbodyTag, document());
            RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<HTMLTableRowElement> newRow = HTMLTableRowElement::create(document());
            newBody->appendChild(newRow, exceptionState);
            appendChild(newBody.release(), exceptionState);
            return newRow.release();

    RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<HTMLTableRowElement> newRow = HTMLTableRowElement::create(document());
    parent->insertBefore(newRow, row.get(), exceptionState);
    return newRow.release();
Ejemplo n.º 4
void HTMLTextAreaElement::setDefaultValue(const String& defaultValue)
    Ref<HTMLTextAreaElement> protectFromMutationEvents(*this);

    // To preserve comments, remove only the text nodes, then add a single text node.
    Vector<RefPtr<Text>> textNodes;
    for (Text* textNode = TextNodeTraversal::firstChild(this); textNode; textNode = TextNodeTraversal::nextSibling(textNode))

    size_t size = textNodes.size();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
        removeChild(textNodes[i].get(), IGNORE_EXCEPTION);

    // Normalize line endings.
    String value = defaultValue;
    value.replace("\r\n", "\n");
    value.replace('\r', '\n');

    insertBefore(document().createTextNode(value), firstChild(), IGNORE_EXCEPTION);

    if (!m_isDirty)
Ejemplo n.º 5
void HTMLOptionElement::setText(const String &text, ExceptionCode& ec)
    RefPtr<Node> protectFromMutationEvents(this);

    // Changing the text causes a recalc of a select's items, which will reset the selected
    // index to the first item if the select is single selection with a menu list. We attempt to
    // preserve the selected item.
    RefPtr<HTMLSelectElement> select = ownerSelectElement();
    bool selectIsMenuList = select && select->usesMenuList();
    int oldSelectedIndex = selectIsMenuList ? select->selectedIndex() : -1;

    // Handle the common special case where there's exactly 1 child node, and it's a text node.
    Node* child = firstChild();
    if (child && child->isTextNode() && !child->nextSibling())
        static_cast<Text *>(child)->setData(text, ec);
    else {
        appendChild(Text::create(document(), text), ec);
    if (selectIsMenuList && select->selectedIndex() != oldSelectedIndex)