Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	if (argc != 2 && argc != 3)
		cout << "usage rnnlib [-s | --save] config_file" << endl;
	bool autosave = false;
	string configFilename;
	if (argc == 3)
		string saveFlag(argv[1]);
		autosave = (saveFlag == "-s" || saveFlag == "--save");
		configFilename = argv[2];
		configFilename = argv[1];
	ConfigFile conf(configFilename);
	string task = conf.get<string>("task");
	if (task == "transcription" && conf.has("dictionary"))
		task = conf.set<string>("task", "dictionary_transcription");
	bool display = conf.get<bool>("display", false);
	vector<int> jacobianCoords = conf.get_list<int>("jacobianCoords");
	bool gradCheck = conf.get<bool>("gradCheck", false);
	verbose = conf.get<bool>("verbose", false);
	int displaySequence = conf.get<int>("sequence", 0);
	string dataset = conf.get<string>("dataset", "train");
	check(in(validDatasets, dataset), 
		  dataset + " given as 'dataset' parameter in config file '" 
		  + configFilename + "'\nmust be one of '" + str(validDatasets) + "'");
	string dataFileString = dataset + "File";
	string saveName = "";
	ofstream* logout = 0;
	TeeDev* tdev = 0;
	TeeStream* tout = 0;
	string displayPath = "";
	string logname = "";
	if (display || jacobianCoords.size())
		displayPath = conf.get<string>("displayPath");
		logname = displayPath + "log";
	else if (autosave)
		if (in (conf.filename, '@'))
			saveName = conf.filename.substr(0, conf.filename.find('@'));
			saveName = conf.filename.substr(0, conf.filename.rfind('.'));
		saveName += "@" + time_stamp();
		logname = saveName + ".log";
	if (autosave || display || jacobianCoords.size())
		logout = new ofstream(logname.c_str());
		check(logout->is_open(), "can't open log file " + logname);
		tdev = new TeeDev(cout, *logout);
		tout = new TeeStream(*tdev);
		cout << "writing to log file " << logname << endl;
	ostream& out = tout ? *tout : cout;
	vector<string> dataFiles = conf.get_list<string>(dataFileString);
	int dataFileNum = conf.get<int>("dataFileNum", 0);
	check(dataFiles.size() > dataFileNum, "no " + ordinal(dataFileNum) + " file in size " + str(dataFiles.size()) + " file list " + dataFileString + " in " + configFilename);
	DataHeader header(dataFiles[dataFileNum], task, 1);
	DataSequence* testSeq = 0;
	if (display || gradCheck || jacobianCoords.size())
		NetcdfDataset* data = new NetcdfDataset(dataFiles[dataFileNum], task, displaySequence);
		testSeq = new DataSequence((*data)[0]);
		delete data;
	Mdrnn *net;
	if (task == "code")
		net = new CodeNet(out, conf, header);
	else if (task == "memory")
		net = new MemoryNet(out, conf, header);
	else if (task == "pm")
		net = new PmNet(out, conf, header);
		net = new MultilayerNet(out, conf, header);
	out << endl << "network:" << endl;
	PRINT(task, out);
	out << *net;
	//build weight container after net is created
	int numWeights = WeightContainer::instance().weights.size();
	out << numWeights << " weights" << endl << endl;
	//build the network after the weight container
	//only construct optimiser after weight container is built
	Optimiser* opt;
	if (conf.get<string>("optimiser", "steepest") == "rprop")
		opt = new Rprop(out);
		opt = new SteepestDescent(out, conf.get<double>("learnRate", 1e-4), conf.get<double>("momentum", 0.9));
	Trainer trainer(out, net, opt, conf);
	out << "setting random seed to " << Random::set_seed(conf.get<unsigned long int>("randSeed", 0)) << endl << endl;
	if (conf.get<bool>("loadWeights", false))
		out << "loading dynamic data from "  << conf.filename << endl;
		DataExportHandler::instance().load(conf, out);
		out << "epoch = " << trainer.epoch << endl << endl;
	double initWeightRange = conf.get<double>("initWeightRange", 0.1);
	out << "randomising uninitialised weights with mean 0 std. dev. " << initWeightRange << endl << endl;
	out << "optimiser:" << endl << *opt << endl;
	if (gradCheck)
		out << "data header:" << endl << header << endl;
		out << "running gradient check for sequence " << displaySequence << endl;
		out << *testSeq; 
 		GradientCheck(out, net, *testSeq, conf.get<int>("sigFigs", 6), 
			conf.get<double>("pert", 1e-5), conf.get<bool>("verbose", false));
	else if (jacobianCoords.size())
		out << "data header:" << endl << header << endl;
		out << "calculating Jacobian for sequence " << displaySequence << " at coords " << jacobianCoords << endl;
		out << *testSeq; 
		out << "output path: " << endl << displayPath << endl;
		net->outputLayer->outputErrors.get(jacobianCoords) = net->outputLayer->outputActivations.get(jacobianCoords);
	else if (display)
		out << "data header:" << endl << header << endl;
		out << "displaying sequence " << displaySequence << endl;
		out << *testSeq; 
		out << "output path: " << endl << displayPath << endl;
		out << "errors:" << endl << net->outputLayer->errorMap;
	else if (conf.get<bool>("errorTest", false))
		out << "trainer:" << endl;
	if (logout)
		delete logout;
	if (tdev)
		delete tdev;
//	if (tout)
//	{
//		delete tout;
//	}
	delete net;
	delete opt;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int   calc_parser::parse (char* input_start)                
      int p;                                          	// Production (rule) number.  
      int t;                                          	// Terminal symbol number. 
      int x = 0;                                      	// State number.  

		lexer_init (input_start);									// Initialize lexer.
      PS_end = P_stack + STKSIZE;			            	// Set parse-stack end pointer.   
      PS     = P_stack;							            	// Set parse-stack pointer.   

Read:	t = get_token ();												// Get incoming token.
		prt_line ();
		token.sti = -t;												// Symbol-table index = -t.
      if (tact_numb[t] >= 0)					            	// If token action ...         
         token.sti = (*tact_func [tact_numb[t]])(t);  	// Call token-action function.
Shft: if (Bm [Br[x] + Bc[t]] & Bmask[t])	            	// Check B-matrix for shift action. 
			if (++PS >= PS_end) goto Over;						// Check for stack overflow.
         PS->state = x;                               	// Put current state on stack.  
         PS->sti   = token.sti;                       	// Put token symbol table index on stack.
         PS->line  = token.linenumb;                  	// Put its line number on stack.
         PS->node  = 0;						               	// Set node on stack to zero.   
         x = Tm [Tr[x] + Tc[t]];                      	// Get next state from terminal transition matrix.
         while (x <= 0)                               	// While shift-reduce actions. 
				p = -x;													// Reduce stack by production p.	
            PS -= PL[p];											// Reduce stack ptr by production length. 
			  	if (!reduce(p)) return -linenumb;				// Call reduce action with rule number.
            x = Nm [Nr[PS->state] + Nc[p]];					// Get next state from nonterminal transition.
         goto Read;								               // Go to read next token.
		if ((p = Rr[x]) > 0 || (p = Rm [Rc[t] - p]) > 0)   // Get reduction?
			PS -= PL[p];												// Reduce parse stack ptr by rule length - 1. 
         if (PL[p] < 0)							               // Null production?
				if (PS >= PS_end) goto Over;						// Check for overflow.
            PS->node  = 0;						               // Clear node pointer.
            PS->state = x;						               // Stack current state, replacing old state.
         while (1) 
      		if (!reduce(p)) return -linenumb;				// Call reduce action with rule number.
            x = Nm [Nr[PS->state] + Nc[p]];	            // Get next state from nonterminal transition.
            if (x > 0) goto Shft;                        // Continue parsing.
            p = -x;								               // Set production number.
            PS -= PL[p];                                 // Reduce parse stack ptr by rule length - 1. 
      if (x == ACCEPT_STATE)					               // If Goal production.  
         PS -= PL[0];                                    // Reduce parse stack ptr by rule length - 1. 
     	  	if (!reduce(0)) return -linenumb;					// Call reduce action with rule number.
         if (linenumb > 0) linenumb = --linenumb;			// Reduce line number by one.
			root = PS[0].node;                              // Define root node.
			return linenumb;						               // Return number of lines parsed.

		prt_error (term_symb[t]);				               // Print syntax error message. 
		return -linenumb;							               // Return negative number of lines for failure. 

Over: printf  ("\nParser stack overflow.\n\n");
		return -linenumb;							               // Return negative number of lines for failure. 