Ejemplo n.º 1
double PointInPolygon::angle( const Point2D& p, const Point2D& q, const Point2D& r )
    Vector2D<double> u = p - q;
    Vector2D<double> v = r - q;
    //    return atan2( u % v, u * v );
    double ang1 = pseudoAngle( u );
    double ang2 = pseudoAngle( v );
    double ang = fabs( ang1 - ang2 );
    ang = ang > 4.0 ? 8 - ang : ang;
    int sinal = u % v > 0 ? 1 : -1;
    return sinal * ang;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    const PrimitivePatch<Face, FaceList, PointField, PointType>& p
    const edgeList& edges = p.edges();
    const labelListList& edgeFaces = p.edgeFaces();
    const List<Face>& localFaces = p.localFaces();
    const Field<PointType>& localPoints = p.localPoints();

    // create the lists for the various results. (resized on completion)
    labelListList sortedEdgeFaces = labelListList(edgeFaces.size());

    forAll(edgeFaces, edgeI)
        const labelList& faceNbs = edgeFaces[edgeI];

        if (faceNbs.size() > 2)
            // Get point on edge and normalized direction of edge (= e2 base
            // of our coordinate system)
            const edge& e = edges[edgeI];

            const point& edgePt = localPoints[e.start()];

            vector e2 = e.vec(localPoints);
            e2 /= mag(e2) + VSMALL;

            // Get opposite vertex for 0th face
            const Face& f = localFaces[faceNbs[0]];

            label fp0 = findIndex(f, e[0]);
            label fp1 = f.fcIndex(fp0);
            label vertI = (f[fp1] != e[1] ? f[fp1] : f.fcIndex(fp1));

            // Get vector normal both to e2 and to edge from opposite vertex
            // to edge (will be x-axis of our coordinate system)
            vector e0 = e2 ^ (localPoints[vertI] - edgePt);
            e0 /= mag(e0) + VSMALL;

            // Get y-axis of coordinate system
            vector e1 = e2 ^ e0;

            SortableList<scalar> faceAngles(faceNbs.size());

            // e0 is reference so angle is 0
            faceAngles[0] = 0;

            for (label nbI = 1; nbI < faceNbs.size(); nbI++)
                // Get opposite vertex
                const Face& f = localFaces[faceNbs[nbI]];
                label fp0 = findIndex(f, e[0]);
                label fp1 = f.fcIndex(fp0);
                label vertI = (f[fp1] != e[1] ? f[fp1] : f.fcIndex(fp1));

                vector vec = e2 ^ (localPoints[vertI] - edgePt);
                vec /= mag(vec) + VSMALL;

                faceAngles[nbI] = pseudoAngle


            sortedEdgeFaces[edgeI] = UIndirectList<label>
            // No need to sort. Just copy.
            sortedEdgeFaces[edgeI] = faceNbs;

    return sortedEdgeFaces;