Ejemplo n.º 1
int LocalPackage::create_md5() {
	string sys="md5sum "+filename;
	string md5str=psystem(sys);
	if (md5str.empty()) {
		mError("Unable to get MD5 from " + filename);
		return 1;
	md5str = md5str.substr(0,32);
	xmlNewChild(_packageXMLNode, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"md5", (const xmlChar *)md5str.c_str());
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void PlayMovie(void){
  char command_line[1024], moviefile_path[1024];
  if(file_exists(get_moviefile_path(moviefile_path)) == 1){
    strcpy(command_line, "ffplay ");
    PRINTF("*** Error: the movie file, %s, does not exist\n", moviefile_path);
Ejemplo n.º 3
PkgScanResults checkRevDeps(const PACKAGE &pkg, bool fast, bool skip_symbols) {
	//printf("Running check for %s\n", pkg.get_name().c_str());
	PkgScanResults ret;
	// Check if package has files filled in, if no - report error and return empty results. This check includes that package is installed and checkable.
	if (pkg.get_files().empty()) {
		//mError("FATAL: package " + pkg.get_name() + " has no files filled in, check impossible\n");
		return ret;

	// Now go scanning
	string fname;
	vector<string> data;
	string ld_preload;
	string ldd_options;
	if (!skip_symbols) ldd_options = " -r ";
	// Create LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable. For this, we need a full list of .so paths of package
	vector<string> ld_paths;
	bool ld_found;
	for (size_t i=0; i<pkg.get_files().size(); ++i) {
		if (pkg.get_files().at(i).find(".so")==pkg.get_files().at(i).size()-3) {
			ld_found = false;
			for (size_t t=0; !ld_found && t<ld_paths.size(); ++t) {
				if (ld_paths[t]==getDirectory(pkg.get_files().at(i))) ld_found = true;
			if (!ld_found) ld_paths.push_back(getDirectory(pkg.get_files().at(i)));
	string ld_library_path, orig_library_path;
       	if (getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH")) orig_library_path = getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH");
	ld_library_path = orig_library_path;
	for (size_t i=0; i<ld_paths.size(); ++i) {
		if (ld_library_path.size()>0) ld_library_path += ":";
		ld_library_path += "/" + ld_paths[i];
	string cmdstring;
	setenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", ld_library_path.c_str(), 1);
	for (size_t i=0; i<pkg.get_files().size(); ++i) {
		fname = pkg.get_files().at(i);
		//printf("Scanning file %s\n", fname.c_str());
		if (fast) {
			if (fname.find("usr/lib")!=0 && fname.find("usr/bin/")!=0 && fname.find("bin/")!=0 && fname.find("sbin/")!=0 && fname.find("usr/sbin/")!=0) continue;
		// Skip directories and special dirs with huge amount of files
		if (fname.empty() || fname[fname.size()-1]=='/' || fname.find("etc/")==0 || fname.find("dev/")==0 || fname.find("lib/modules/")==0 || fname.find("usr/share/")==0 || fname.find("usr/man/")==0 || fname.find("usr/include/")==0 || fname.find("usr/doc/")==0 || fname.find("usr/lib/locale/")==0 || fname.find("usr/lib64/locale/")==0 || fname.find("opt/")==0) continue;
		// Skip non-executable ones
		if (fast && access(string("/" + fname).c_str(), X_OK)) continue;

		// Too slow, disabled
		//msay("[" + pkg.get_name() + ": errs: " + IntToStr(ret.symbolErrors.size() + ret.notFoundErrors.size()) + "] [" + IntToStr(i+1) + "/" + IntToStr(pkg.get_files().size()) + "]: /" + fname);
		if (fname.find("usr/lib/")==0 && fname.find("python")!=std::string::npos) ld_preload = "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libpython2.6.so ";
		else if (fname.find("usr/lib64/")==0 && fname.find("python")!=std::string::npos) ld_preload = "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/libpython2.6.so ";
		else ld_preload = "";

		cmdstring = "LD_PRELOAD=" + ld_preload + " LD_LIBRARY_PATH=" + ld_library_path + " ldd " + ldd_options + " '" + SYS_ROOT + fname + "' 2>&1 | grep -P 'undefined symbol|not found'";

		data = MakeStrings(psystem(cmdstring));
		if (data.empty()) {
			//printf("CMDLINE WAS: %s\n", cmdstring.c_str());
			//printf("Nothing for %s, continue\n", fname.c_str());
		//printf("Parsing data for file %s, found %d records\n", fname.c_str(), data.size());
		ret.parseData(fname, data);
	if (orig_library_path.empty()) unsetenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH");
	else setenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", orig_library_path.c_str(), 1);

	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 4
string getLZExtractedSize(const string& filename) {
	string cmd = "lzcat " + filename + " | wc -c";
	string size = psystem(cmd);
	return size;
Ejemplo n.º 5
string getGZExtractedSize(const string& filename) {
	string cmd = "gzip -l " + filename + " | tail -n 1 | sed 's/^\\s*[0-9]*\\s*//' | sed 's/\\s.*//g'";
	string size = psystem(cmd);
	return size;
Ejemplo n.º 6
string getXZExtractedSize(const string& filename) {
	string cmd = "xz --robot -l " + filename + " | grep totals | sed 's/\\s/\\n/g' | head -n 5 | tail -n 1";
	string size = psystem(cmd);
	return size;