Ejemplo n.º 1
static VOID  halDrvInit (VOID)
     *  standard device driver (rootfs and procfs need install first.)
    rootFsDrv();                                                        /*  ROOT   device driver        */
    procFsDrv();                                                        /*  proc   device driver        */
    shmDrv();                                                           /*  shm    device driver        */
    randDrv();                                                          /*  random device driver        */
    ptyDrv();                                                           /*  pty    device driver        */
    ttyDrv();                                                           /*  tty    device driver        */
    memDrv();                                                           /*  mem    device driver        */
    pipeDrv();                                                          /*  pipe   device driver        */
    spipeDrv();                                                         /*  spipe  device driver        */
    fatFsDrv();                                                         /*  FAT FS device driver        */
    ramFsDrv();                                                         /*  RAM FS device driver        */
    romFsDrv();                                                         /*  ROM FS device driver        */
    nfsDrv();                                                           /*  nfs    device driver        */
    yaffsDrv();                                                         /*  yaffs  device driver        */
    canDrv();                                                           /*  CAN    device driver        */


    ads7846Drv();                                                       /*  ads7846 触摸屏设备          */
Ejemplo n.º 2
void usrIosExtraInit (void)
    excShowInit ();                     /* exception show routines */
    jobLibInit (JOB_TASK_STACK_SIZE);   /* miscellaneous support task */
    excInit (MAX_ISR_JOBS);             /* interrupt-level job facility */
    logInit (consoleFd, MAX_LOG_MSGS);  /* message logging */
    nbioLogInit (consoleFd, INIT_NBIO_MSGS); /* non-blocking message logging */
    pipeDrv ();                         /* pipes */
    aioPxLibInit (MAX_LIO_CALLS);       /* POSIX asynchronous IO */
    aioSysInit (MAX_AIO_SYS_TASKS, 				AIO_TASK_PRIORITY, AIO_TASK_STACK_SIZE); /* provides AIO functionality to non-AIO drivers */
    stdioInit ();                       /* buffered IO library */
    fioLibInit ();                      /* formatting for printf, scanf, etc. */
    floatInit ();                       /* allow printf and others to format floats correctly */
    erfLibInit (ERF_MAX_USR_CATEGORIES, ERF_MAX_USR_TYPES); /* Event Reporting Framework */
    devInit (DEVICE_MANAGER_MAX_NUM_DEVICES); /* Device Manager */
    xbdInit ();                         /* Extended Block Device */
    fsMonitorInit ();                   /* File System Monitor */
    fsEventUtilLibInit ();              /* File System Event Utilities */
    rawFsInit (NUM_RAWFS_FILES);        /* Raw block device file system interface */
    ptyDrv ();                          /* Allows communication between processes */
    usrRomfsConfig ();                  /* Read-only memory based file system */
    xbdRamDiskDevCreate (RAM_DISK_BLK_SIZE,                                                     RAM_DISK_SIZE,                                                         FALSE,                                                                 RAM_DISK_DEV_NAME); /* Create an XBD based RAM disk */
    usrBootLineParse (BOOT_LINE_ADRS);  /* parse some boot device configuration info  */
    usrPassFsInit (PASSFS_CACHE);       /* direct access to host filesystem */
    virtualDiskInit ();                 /* VxSim virtual disk to emulate a VxWorks disk driver. */