Ejemplo n.º 1
bool SpikeGLOutThread::pushConsoleMsg(const std::string & str, int mtype)
    XtCmdConsoleMsg *xt = XtCmdConsoleMsg::allocInit(str, mtype);
    bool ret = pushCmd(xt);
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void SpikeGLInputThread::threadFunc()
    _setmode(_fileno(stdin), O_BINARY);
    std::vector<BYTE> buf;
    XtCmd *xt = 0;
    while (!pleaseStop) {
        if ((xt = XtCmd::read(buf, stdin))) {
            if (!pushCmd(xt)) {
                // todo.. handle error here...
Ejemplo n.º 3
void ShowPlayerJump::idle(float duration)
	pushCmd((new CommandInterval)->idle(duration));
Ejemplo n.º 4
void ShowPlayerJump::turnDown(float duration, NDTilePlayer* tilePlayer)
	pushCmd((new CommandPlayerJump)->turnDown(duration, tilePlayer));
Ejemplo n.º 5
void ShowPlayerJump::jump(float duration, NDTilePlayer* tilePlayer,
						  const CCPoint& destPos, PLAYER_DIR dir)
	pushCmd((new CommandPlayerJump)->jump(duration, tilePlayer, destPos, dir));
Ejemplo n.º 6
smp_t AltZeroCtrl::nextValue()
    if(serial == NULL)return 0;
    if (index % POLL_DELAY == 0)
        string data;
            cout << data << endl;
        //output raw data for now
        /* char data[CMD_BYTES];
        if(serial->read(data, CMD_BYTES))
            char type;
            char group;
            char param;
            char id;
            unsigned short val;
            cmdDecode(data, &type, &group,&param, &id, &val);
            cout << "alt0 says:" << endl;
            cout << "type: " << (int)type << endl;
            cout << "group: " << (int)group << endl;
            cout << "param: " << (int)param << endl;
            cout << "id: " << (int)id << endl;
            cout << "data: " << (int)val << endl;
            cout << endl;
    int haveToWaitIndex = (progstate.getSampleGenBuffer()+1) * progstate.getSampleGenLen();// + 400;
    int haveToWaitTime = (haveToWaitIndex*1000000)/progstate.getSampleRate();*/

    for(uint i=0;i<NUM_GEN;i++)
        //these if's are priority of commands sent
        if(inputs[ENV_ON+i] != NULL)
            bool on = (bool)((*inputs[ENV_ON+i])->nextValue());
            if (gen[i].on != on)
                if(pushCmd(CMD_SET, CMD_ENV, CMD_ENV_ON, i, on))
                    gen[i].on = on;
/*                    if(gen[i].on)
                        struct timeval ta;
                        gettimeofday(&ta, NULL);
                        int timeNow = (ta.tv_sec-startSec)*1000000+ta.tv_usec;

                        int timeSinceLastShould = (int)((index - gen[i].lastTrigIndex) * (1000000 / (double)progstate.getSampleRate()));
                        //cout << index - gen[i].lastTrigIndex << " samples" << endl;
                        //cout << "op should take:" << timeSinceLastShould << endl;
                        //int timeSinceLastWas = timeNow - gen[i].lastTrigTime;
                        //int dTrig = timeSinceLastShould - timeSinceLastWas;
                        //int dt =  haveToWaitTime - dTrig;
                        //if(dt < 0)
                        //    cout << "<<<<< wont make it" << endl;
                        //    dt=0;
                        //dt = haveToWaitTime;
                        //cmdsOut.back().trigAtTime = timeNow + haveToWaitTime;//timeSinceLastShould;//dt;
                        cmdsOut.back().trigAtTime = gen[i].lastTrigTime + timeSinceLastShould;//dt;
                        gen[i].dt = timeSinceLastShould;
                        gen[0].t = gen[i].lastTrigTime;
                        gen[i].lastTrigIndex = index;
        if(inputs[OSC_HZ+i] != NULL)
            uint hz = round( 10.0 * (*inputs[OSC_HZ+i])->nextValue());
            if (gen[i].hz != hz)
                if(pushCmd(CMD_SET, CMD_OSC, CMD_OSC_HZ, i, hz))gen[i].hz = hz;
                //cout << hz << endl;
        if(inputs[ENV_A+i] != NULL)
            uint val = (uint)((*inputs[ENV_A+i])->nextValue()*0xffff);
            if(val > 0xffff)val=0xffff;

            if (gen[i].a != val)
                if(pushCmd(CMD_SET, CMD_ENV, CMD_ENV_A, i, val))gen[i].a = val;
        if(inputs[ENV_D+i] != NULL)
            uint val = (uint)((*inputs[ENV_D+i])->nextValue()*0xffff);
            if(val > 0xffff)val=0xffff;
            if (gen[i].d != val)
                if(pushCmd(CMD_SET, CMD_ENV, CMD_ENV_D, i, val))gen[i].d = val;
        if(inputs[ENV_S+i] != NULL)
            uint val = (uint)((*inputs[ENV_S+i])->nextValue()*0xffff);
            if(val > 0xffff)val=0xffff;
            if (gen[i].s != val)
                if(pushCmd(CMD_SET, CMD_ENV, CMD_ENV_S, i, val))gen[i].s = val;
        if(inputs[ENV_R+i] != NULL)
            uint val = (uint)((*inputs[ENV_R+i])->nextValue()*0xffff);
            if(val > 0xffff)val=0xffff;
            if (gen[i].r != val)
                if(pushCmd(CMD_SET, CMD_ENV, CMD_ENV_R, i, val))gen[i].r = val;
        if(inputs[OSC_WAVE+i] != NULL)
            uint val = (uint)((*inputs[OSC_WAVE+i])->nextValue());
            if(val > 4)val=4;
            if (gen[i].wave != val)
                if(pushCmd(CMD_SET, CMD_OSC, CMD_OSC_WAVE, i, val))gen[i].wave = val;
        if(inputs[OSC_AMP+i] != NULL)
            uint val = (uint)((*inputs[OSC_AMP+i])->nextValue()*0xff);
            if(val > 0xff)val=0xff;
            if (gen[i].amp != val)
                if(pushCmd(CMD_SET, CMD_OSC, CMD_OSC_AMP, i, val))gen[i].amp = val;
                //cout << "amp: " << gen[i].amp << endl;
        if(inputs[OSC_WS+i] != NULL)
            uint val = (uint)((*inputs[OSC_WS+i])->nextValue());
            if(val > 4)val=4;
            if (gen[i].ws != val)
                if(pushCmd(CMD_SET, CMD_OSC, CMD_OSC_WS, i, val))gen[i].ws = val;
        if(inputs[LFO_HZ_0+i] != NULL)
            uint val = (uint)((*inputs[LFO_HZ_0+i])->nextValue());
            if (gen[i].lfoHz[0] != val)
                //cout << i*2 << endl;
                if(pushCmd(CMD_SET, CMD_LFO, CMD_LFO_HZ, i*2, val))gen[i].lfoHz[0] = val;
        if(inputs[LFO_HZ_1+i] != NULL)
            uint val = (uint)((*inputs[LFO_HZ_1+i])->nextValue());
            if (gen[i].lfoHz[1] != val)
                if(pushCmd(CMD_SET, CMD_LFO, CMD_LFO_HZ, 1+i*2, val))gen[i].lfoHz[1] = val;
        if(inputs[LFO_AMP_0+i] != NULL)
            uint val = (uint)((*inputs[LFO_AMP_0+i])->nextValue()*0xff);
            if (val>0xff)val=0xff;

            if (gen[i].lfoAmp[0] != val)
                if(pushCmd(CMD_SET, CMD_LFO, CMD_LFO_AMP, i*2, val))gen[i].lfoAmp[0] = val;
        if(inputs[LFO_AMP_1+i] != NULL)
            uint val = (uint)((*inputs[LFO_AMP_1+i])->nextValue()*0xff);
            if (val>0xff)val=0xff;
            if (gen[i].lfoAmp[1] != val)
                if(pushCmd(CMD_SET, CMD_LFO, CMD_LFO_AMP, 1+i*2, val))gen[i].lfoAmp[1] = val;
        if(inputs[LFO_WAVE_0+i] != NULL)
            uint val = (uint)((*inputs[LFO_WAVE_0+i])->nextValue());
            if (gen[i].lfoWave[0] != val)
                if(pushCmd(CMD_SET, CMD_LFO, CMD_LFO_WAVE, i*2, val))gen[i].lfoWave[0] = val;
        if(inputs[LFO_WAVE_1+i] != NULL)
            uint val = (uint)((*inputs[LFO_WAVE_1+i])->nextValue());
            if (gen[i].lfoWave[1] != val)
                if(pushCmd(CMD_SET, CMD_LFO, CMD_LFO_WAVE, 1+i*2, val))gen[i].lfoWave[1] = val;
        if(inputs[OSC_GLIDE+i] != NULL)
            uint val = (uint)((*inputs[OSC_GLIDE+i])->nextValue()*0xffff);
            if(val > 0xffff)val=0xffff;
            if (gen[i].glide != val)
                if(pushCmd(CMD_SET, CMD_OSC, CMD_OSC_GLIDE, i, val))gen[i].glide = val;
    //cant turn it on directly if we want to stay in sync with mw audio
    //it will take X samples before anything
    //gets through mw, make alt0 wait that long to...
    //this sample was just generated, how many buffers are in front of us?
    //1.Main::smpQueueSize()*sampleGenLen() [waiting for upload]  + this samples index in current sample +
    //2.uploaded[th]->size*sampleGenLen() //already uploaded and not played
    //3. adev.inQueue()*sampleGenLen() in audio pipe
    //4 - number of samples it takes to send data to alt0 and for it to respond
    //=to complicated, make something up(for now)
    //it is impossible to know number 4 anyways

    //front always has least index
    //while(cmdsOut.size() &&  (abs((time - cmdsOut.front().atTime) - haveToWait) < 2 || time - cmdsOut.front().atTime > haveToWait))
    //while(cmdsOut.size() &&   index - cmdsOut.front().atIndex > haveToWait)

    while( cmdsOut.size() )
        /*struct timeval ta;
        gettimeofday(&ta, NULL);
        int time = (ta.tv_sec-startSec)*1000000+ta.tv_usec;*/
        //cout << "trig at: " << cmdsOut.front().trigAtTime << endl;
        //cout << "time: " << time << endl;
        //if(cmdsOut.front().trigAtTime-5 > time)break;
        //if( abs( (double)(cmdsOut.front().trigAtTime - time)) > 10)break;

        if(serial->pollWrite() > 0)
            if(cmdsOut.front().data[1] == CMD_ENV && cmdsOut.front().data[5] == 1)
                struct timeval ta;
                gettimeofday(&ta, NULL);
                int us = (ta.tv_sec-startSec)*1000000+ta.tv_usec;

                static int oldus=0;
                //cout << "it took: " << (time-oldus)/1000 << " ms" << endl;
                //cout << "dTime: now-wanted: " << (time - cmdsOut.front().trigAtTime)/1000   << endl;
                cout << "error in time since last trig: " << abs( (double)(gen[0].dt - (time-gen[0].t))) / 1000 << " ms" << endl;
                oldus = time;

                gen[0].lastTrigTime = time;

            serial->write(cmdsOut.front().data, CMD_BYTES);
        else break;
    if(writeDelay > 0)
    return 0;