/* * Give @unit and its cargo to @recipient. * No action if @recipient already owns @unit. * If @giver is non-zero, inform @recipient and @giver of the transaction. * Clears mission and group on the units given away. */ void unit_give_away(struct empobj *unit, natid recipient, natid giver) { int type; struct nstr_item ni; union empobj_storage cargo; if (unit->own == recipient) return; if (giver) { mpr(unit->own, "%s given to %s\n", unit_nameof(unit), cname(recipient)); mpr(recipient, "%s given to you by %s\n", unit_nameof(unit), cname(giver)); } unit->own = recipient; unit_wipe_orders(unit); put_empobj(unit->ef_type, unit->uid, unit); for (type = EF_PLANE; type <= EF_NUKE; type++) { snxtitem_cargo(&ni, type, unit->ef_type, unit->uid); while (nxtitem(&ni, &cargo)) unit_give_away(&cargo.gen, recipient, giver); } }
/* * Drop cargo of @unit. * Give it to @newown, unless it's zero. */ void unit_drop_cargo(struct empobj *unit, natid newown) { int type; struct nstr_item ni; union empobj_storage cargo; for (type = EF_PLANE; type <= EF_NUKE; type++) { snxtitem_cargo(&ni, type, unit->ef_type, unit->uid); while (nxtitem(&ni, &cargo)) { switch (type) { case EF_PLANE: cargo.plane.pln_ship = cargo.plane.pln_land = -1; break; case EF_LAND: cargo.land.lnd_ship = cargo.land.lnd_land = -1; break; case EF_NUKE: cargo.nuke.nuk_plane = -1; break; } mpr(cargo.gen.own, "%s transferred off %s %d to %s\n", unit_nameof(&cargo.gen), ef_nameof(unit->ef_type), unit->uid, xyas(cargo.gen.x, cargo.gen.y, cargo.gen.own)); if (newown) unit_give_away(&cargo.gen, newown, cargo.gen.own); put_empobj(type, cargo.gen.uid, &cargo.gen); } } }
static void takeover_unit(struct empobj *unit, natid newown) { struct shpstr *sp; struct plnstr *pp; struct lndstr *lp; struct nukstr *np; int type; struct nstr_item ni; union empobj_storage cargo; unit->own = newown; if (opt_MARKET) trdswitchown(unit->ef_type, unit, newown); unit_wipe_orders(unit); switch (unit->ef_type) { case EF_SHIP: sp = (struct shpstr *)unit; sp->shp_off = 1; break; case EF_PLANE: pp = (struct plnstr *)unit; if (pp->pln_mobil > 0) pp->pln_mobil = 0; pp->pln_off = 1; break; case EF_LAND: lp = (struct lndstr *)unit; if (lp->lnd_mobil > 0) lp->lnd_mobil = 0; lp->lnd_off = 1; lp->lnd_harden = 0; break; case EF_NUKE: np = (struct nukstr *)unit; np->nuk_off = 1; break; default: CANT_REACH(); } put_empobj(unit->ef_type, unit->uid, unit); for (type = EF_PLANE; type <= EF_NUKE; type++) { snxtitem_cargo(&ni, type, unit->ef_type, unit->uid); while (nxtitem(&ni, &cargo)) { if (cargo.gen.own == newown) continue; if (type == EF_PLANE) cargo.plane.pln_effic = PLANE_MINEFF; takeover_unit(&cargo.gen, newown); } } }
/* * Update cargo of @carrier for movement or destruction. * If the carrier is destroyed, destroy its cargo (planes, land units, * nukes). * Else update their location to the carrier's. Any op sectors equal * to location get updated, too. * Return number of units updated. */ int unit_update_cargo(struct empobj *carrier) { int cargo_type; struct nstr_item ni; union empobj_storage obj; int n = 0; for (cargo_type = EF_PLANE; cargo_type <= EF_NUKE; cargo_type++) { snxtitem_cargo(&ni, cargo_type, carrier->ef_type, carrier->uid); while (nxtitem(&ni, &obj)) { if (carrier->own) unit_teleport(&obj.gen, carrier->x, carrier->y); else { mpr(obj.gen.own, "%s lost!\n", unit_nameof(&obj.gen)); obj.gen.effic = 0; } put_empobj(cargo_type, obj.gen.uid, &obj); n++; } } return n; }
int check_trade(void) { int n; struct natstr *natp; struct trdstr trade; union empobj_storage tg; time_t now; int price; int saveid; natid seller; for (n = 0; gettrade(n, &trade); n++) { if (trade.trd_unitid < 0) continue; if (!trade_getitem(&trade, &tg)) continue; if (tg.gen.own == 0) { trade.trd_owner = 0; trade.trd_unitid = -1; puttrade(n, &trade); continue; } if (tg.gen.own != trade.trd_owner) { logerror("Something weird, tg.gen.own != trade.trd_owner!\n"); trade.trd_owner = 0; trade.trd_unitid = -1; puttrade(n, &trade); continue; } if (trade.trd_owner == trade.trd_maxbidder) continue; (void)time(&now); if (trade.trd_markettime + TRADE_DELAY > now) continue; saveid = trade.trd_unitid; seller = trade.trd_owner; trade.trd_owner = 0; trade.trd_unitid = -1; if (!puttrade(n, &trade)) { logerror("Couldn't save trade after purchase; get help!\n"); continue; } price = trade.trd_price; natp = getnatp(trade.trd_maxbidder); if (natp->nat_money < price) { nreport(trade.trd_maxbidder, N_WELCH_DEAL, seller, 1); wu(0, seller, "%s tried to buy a %s #%d from you for $%.2f\n", cname(trade.trd_maxbidder), trade_nameof(&trade, &tg.gen), saveid, price * tradetax); wu(0, seller, " but couldn't afford it.\n"); wu(0, seller, " Your item was taken off the market.\n"); wu(0, trade.trd_maxbidder, "You tried to buy %s #%d from %s for $%d\n", trade_nameof(&trade, &tg.gen), saveid, cname(seller), price); wu(0, trade.trd_maxbidder, "but couldn't afford it.\n"); continue; } /* If we get this far, the sale will go through. */ natp->nat_money -= price; putnat(natp); natp = getnatp(seller); natp->nat_money += roundavg(price * tradetax); putnat(natp); switch (trade.trd_type) { case EF_NUKE: tg.nuke.nuk_x = trade.trd_x; tg.nuke.nuk_y = trade.trd_y; tg.nuke.nuk_plane = -1; break; case EF_PLANE: if (!pln_is_in_orbit(&tg.plane)) { tg.plane.pln_x = trade.trd_x; tg.plane.pln_y = trade.trd_y; } if (opt_MOB_ACCESS) { tg.plane.pln_mobil = -(etu_per_update / sect_mob_neg_factor); game_tick_to_now(&tg.plane.pln_access); } else { tg.plane.pln_mobil = 0; } tg.plane.pln_harden = 0; tg.plane.pln_ship = -1; tg.plane.pln_land = -1; break; case EF_SHIP: break; case EF_LAND: tg.land.lnd_x = trade.trd_x; tg.land.lnd_y = trade.trd_y; if (opt_MOB_ACCESS) { tg.land.lnd_mobil = -(etu_per_update / sect_mob_neg_factor); game_tick_to_now(&tg.land.lnd_access); } else { tg.land.lnd_mobil = 0; } tg.land.lnd_harden = 0; unit_drop_cargo(&tg.gen, 0); tg.land.lnd_ship = -1; tg.land.lnd_land = -1; break; default: logerror("Bad trade type %d in trade\n", trade.trd_type); break; } unit_give_away(&tg.gen, trade.trd_maxbidder, 0); put_empobj(trade.trd_type, saveid, &tg.gen); nreport(seller, N_MAKE_SALE, trade.trd_maxbidder, 1); wu(0, seller, "%s bought %s #%d from you for $%.2f\n", cname(trade.trd_maxbidder), trade_nameof(&trade, &tg.gen), saveid, price * tradetax); wu(0, trade.trd_maxbidder, "The bidding is over & you bought %s #%d from %s for $%d\n", trade_nameof(&trade, &tg.gen), saveid, cname(seller), price); } return RET_OK; }
int scra(void) { struct nstr_item ni; union empobj_storage item; int type, n; struct sctstr sect; struct mchrstr *mp; struct plchrstr *pp; struct lchrstr *lp; char *p; i_type i; char prompt[128]; char buf[1024]; float eff; short *mvec; int amt; if (!(p = getstarg(player->argp[1], "Ship, land, or plane? ", buf))) return RET_SYN; switch (*p) { case 's': type = EF_SHIP; break; case 'p': type = EF_PLANE; break; case 'l': type = EF_LAND; break; default: pr("Ships, land units, or planes only! (s, l, p)\n"); return RET_SYN; } if (!snxtitem(&ni, type, player->argp[2], NULL)) return RET_SYN; n = 0; while (nxtitem(&ni, &item)) { if (!player->owner) continue; n++; } snprintf(prompt, sizeof(prompt), "Really scrap %d %s%s [n]? ", n, ef_nameof(type), splur(n)); if (!confirm(prompt)) return RET_FAIL; snxtitem_rewind(&ni); while (nxtitem(&ni, &item)) { if (!player->owner) continue; if (opt_MARKET) { if (ontradingblock(type, &item.ship)) { pr("You cannot scrap an item on the trading block!\n"); continue; } } getsect(item.gen.x, item.gen.y, §); if (type == EF_SHIP) { if (!player->owner && relations_with(sect.sct_own, player->cnum) < FRIENDLY) { pr("%s is not in a friendly harbor!\n", prship(&item.ship)); continue; } if (sect.sct_type != SCT_HARBR || sect.sct_effic < 60) { pr("%s is not in a 60%% efficient harbor!\n", prship(&item.ship)); continue; } if (mchr[item.ship.shp_type].m_flags & M_TRADE) { pr("WARNING: You only collect money from trade ships if you \"scuttle\" them!\n"); sprintf(prompt, "Are you really sure that you want to scrap %s (n)? ", prship(&item.ship)); if (!confirm(prompt)) { pr("%s not scrapped\n", prship(&item.ship)); continue; } } } else { if (!player->owner && relations_with(sect.sct_own, player->cnum) != ALLIED) { pr("%s is not in an allied sector!\n", unit_nameof(&item.gen)); continue; } if (type == EF_PLANE && (sect.sct_type != SCT_AIRPT || sect.sct_effic < 60)) { pr("%s is not in a 60%% efficient airfield!\n", prplane(&item.plane)); continue; } } pr("%s scrapped in %s\n", unit_nameof(&item.gen), xyas(item.gen.x, item.gen.y, player->cnum)); unit_drop_cargo(&item.gen, sect.sct_own); if (type == EF_SHIP) { eff = item.ship.shp_effic / 100.0; mp = &mchr[(int)item.ship.shp_type]; for (i = I_NONE + 1; i <= I_MAX; i++) { if (load_comm_ok(§, item.ship.shp_own, i, -item.ship.shp_item[i])) sect.sct_item[i] += item.ship.shp_item[i]; } mvec = mp->m_mat; if (item.ship.shp_pstage == PLG_INFECT && sect.sct_pstage == PLG_HEALTHY) sect.sct_pstage = PLG_EXPOSED; } else if (type == EF_LAND) { eff = item.land.lnd_effic / 100.0; lp = &lchr[(int)item.land.lnd_type]; for (i = I_NONE + 1; i <= I_MAX; i++) { if (load_comm_ok(§, item.land.lnd_own, i, -item.land.lnd_item[i])) sect.sct_item[i] += item.land.lnd_item[i]; } mvec = lp->l_mat; if (item.land.lnd_pstage == PLG_INFECT && sect.sct_pstage == PLG_HEALTHY) sect.sct_pstage = PLG_EXPOSED; } else { eff = item.land.lnd_effic / 100.0; pp = &plchr[(int)item.plane.pln_type]; mvec = pp->pl_mat; } item.gen.effic = 0; put_empobj(type, item.gen.uid, &item.gen); for (i = I_NONE + 1; i <= I_MAX; i++) { if (i == I_CIVIL || i == I_MILIT || i == I_UW) amt = sect.sct_item[i] + mvec[i] * eff; else amt = sect.sct_item[i] + mvec[i] * 2 / 3 * eff; if (amt > ITEM_MAX) amt = ITEM_MAX; sect.sct_item[i] = amt; } putsect(§); } return RET_OK; }
/* * Actually get the commod * * First, try to forage in the sector * Second look for a warehouse or headquarters to leech * Third, look for a ship we own in a harbor * Fourth, look for supplies in a supply unit we own * (one good reason to do this last is that the supply * unit will then call resupply, taking more time) * * May want to put code to resupply with SAMs here, later --ts */ static int s_commod(struct empobj *sink, short *vec, i_type type, int wanted, int limit, int actually_doit) { natid own = sink->own; coord x = sink->x; coord y = sink->y; int lookrange; struct sctstr sect; struct nstr_sect ns; struct nstr_item ni; struct lchrstr *lcp; struct shpstr ship; struct lndstr land; /* leave at least 1 military in sectors/ships */ int minimum = 0; int can_move; double move_cost, weight, mobcost; int packing; struct dchrstr *dp; struct ichrstr *ip; if (wanted > limit) wanted = limit; if (wanted <= vec[type]) return 1; wanted -= vec[type]; /* try to get it from sector we're in */ if (sink->ef_type != EF_SECTOR) { getsect(x, y, §); if (sect.sct_own == own) { if (!opt_NOFOOD && type == I_FOOD) minimum = 1 + (int)ceil(food_needed(sect.sct_item, etu_per_update)); if (sect.sct_item[type] - wanted >= minimum) { sect.sct_item[type] -= wanted; if (actually_doit) { vec[type] += wanted; putsect(§); put_empobj(sink->ef_type, sink->uid, sink); } return 1; } else if (sect.sct_item[type] - minimum > 0) { wanted -= sect.sct_item[type] - minimum; sect.sct_item[type] = minimum; if (actually_doit) { vec[type] += sect.sct_item[type] - minimum; putsect(§); } } } } /* look for a headquarters or warehouse */ lookrange = tfact(own, 10.0); snxtsct_dist(&ns, x, y, lookrange); while (nxtsct(&ns, §) && wanted) { if (ns.curdist == 0) continue; if (sect.sct_own != own) continue; if ((sect.sct_type != SCT_WAREH) && (sect.sct_type != SCT_HEADQ) && (sect.sct_type != SCT_HARBR)) continue; if ((sect.sct_type == SCT_HEADQ) && (sect.sct_dist_x == sect.sct_x) && (sect.sct_dist_y == sect.sct_y)) continue; if (sect.sct_effic < 60) continue; move_cost = path_find(sect.sct_x, sect.sct_y, x, y, own, MOB_MOVE); if (move_cost < 0) continue; if (!opt_NOFOOD && type == I_FOOD) minimum = 1 + (int)ceil(food_needed(sect.sct_item, etu_per_update)); if (sect.sct_item[type] <= minimum) continue; ip = &ichr[type]; dp = &dchr[sect.sct_type]; packing = ip->i_pkg[dp->d_pkg]; if (packing > 1 && sect.sct_effic < 60) packing = 1; weight = (double)ip->i_lbs / packing; mobcost = move_cost * weight; if (mobcost > 0) can_move = (double)sect.sct_mobil / mobcost; else can_move = sect.sct_item[type] - minimum; if (can_move > sect.sct_item[type] - minimum) can_move = sect.sct_item[type] - minimum; if (can_move >= wanted) { int n; sect.sct_item[type] -= wanted; /* take off mobility for delivering sect */ n = roundavg(wanted * weight * move_cost); sect.sct_mobil -= LIMIT_TO(n, 0, sect.sct_mobil); if (actually_doit) { vec[type] += wanted; putsect(§); put_empobj(sink->ef_type, sink->uid, sink); } return 1; } else if (can_move > 0) { int n; wanted -= can_move; sect.sct_item[type] -= can_move; /* take off mobility for delivering sect */ n = roundavg(can_move * weight * move_cost); sect.sct_mobil -= LIMIT_TO(n, 0, sect.sct_mobil); if (actually_doit) { vec[type] += can_move; putsect(§); } } } /* look for an owned ship in a harbor */ snxtitem_dist(&ni, EF_SHIP, x, y, lookrange); while (nxtitem(&ni, &ship) && wanted) { if (sink->ef_type == EF_SHIP && sink->uid == ship.shp_uid) continue; if (ship.shp_own != own) continue; if (!(mchr[(int)ship.shp_type].m_flags & M_SUPPLY)) continue; getsect(ship.shp_x, ship.shp_y, §); if (sect.sct_type != SCT_HARBR) continue; if (sect.sct_effic < 2) continue; move_cost = path_find(sect.sct_x, sect.sct_y, x, y, own, MOB_MOVE); if (move_cost < 0) continue; if (!opt_NOFOOD && type == I_FOOD) minimum = 1 + (int)ceil(food_needed(ship.shp_item, etu_per_update)); if (ship.shp_item[type] <= minimum) continue; ip = &ichr[type]; dp = &dchr[sect.sct_type]; packing = ip->i_pkg[dp->d_pkg]; if (packing > 1 && sect.sct_effic < 60) packing = 1; weight = (double)ip->i_lbs / packing; mobcost = move_cost * weight; if (mobcost > 0) can_move = (double)sect.sct_mobil / mobcost; else can_move = ship.shp_item[type] - minimum; if (can_move > ship.shp_item[type] - minimum) can_move = ship.shp_item[type] - minimum; if (can_move >= wanted) { int n; ship.shp_item[type] -= wanted; n = roundavg(wanted * weight * move_cost); sect.sct_mobil -= LIMIT_TO(n, 0, sect.sct_mobil); if (actually_doit) { vec[type] += can_move; putship(ship.shp_uid, &ship); if (n) putsect(§); put_empobj(sink->ef_type, sink->uid, sink); } return 1; } else if (can_move > 0) { int n; wanted -= can_move; ship.shp_item[type] -= can_move; n = roundavg(can_move * weight * move_cost); sect.sct_mobil -= LIMIT_TO(n, 0, sect.sct_mobil); if (actually_doit) { vec[type] += can_move; putship(ship.shp_uid, &ship); if (n) putsect(§); } } } /* look for an owned supply unit */ snxtitem_dist(&ni, EF_LAND, x, y, lookrange); while (nxtitem(&ni, &land) && wanted) { int min; if (sink->ef_type == EF_LAND && sink->uid == land.lnd_uid) continue; if (land.lnd_own != own) continue; lcp = &lchr[(int)land.lnd_type]; if (!(lcp->l_flags & L_SUPPLY)) continue; if (land.lnd_item[type] <= get_minimum(&land, type)) continue; if (land.lnd_ship >= 0) { getsect(land.lnd_x, land.lnd_y, §); if (sect.sct_type != SCT_HARBR || sect.sct_effic < 2) continue; } move_cost = path_find(land.lnd_x, land.lnd_y, x, y, own, MOB_MOVE); if (move_cost < 0) continue; #if 0 /* * Recursive supply is disabled for now. It can introduce * cycles into the "resupplies from" relation. The code below * attempts to break these cycles by temporarily zapping the * commodity being supplied. That puts the land file in a * funny state temporarily, risking loss of supplies when * something goes wrong on the way. Worse, it increases * lnd_seqno even when !actually_doit, which can lead to * spurious seqno mismatch oopses in users of * lnd_could_be_supplied(). I can't be bothered to clean up * this mess right now, because recursive resupply is too dumb * to be really useful anyway: each step uses the first source * it finds, without consideration of mobility cost. If you * re-enable it, don't forget to uncomment its documentation * in supply.t as well. */ if (land.lnd_item[type] - wanted < get_minimum(&land, type)) { struct lndstr save; /* * Temporarily zap this unit's store, so the recursion * avoids it. */ save = land; land.lnd_item[type] = 0; putland(land.lnd_uid, &land); save.lnd_seqno = land.lnd_seqno; s_commod((struct empobj *)&land, land.lnd_item, type, wanted, lchr[land.lnd_type].l_item[type] - wanted, actually_doit); land.lnd_item[type] += save.lnd_item[type]; if (actually_doit) putland(land.lnd_uid, &land); else putland(save.lnd_uid, &save); } #endif min = get_minimum(&land, type); ip = &ichr[type]; weight = ip->i_lbs; mobcost = move_cost * weight; if (mobcost > 0) can_move = (double)land.lnd_mobil / mobcost; else can_move = land.lnd_item[type] - min; if (can_move > land.lnd_item[type] - min) can_move = land.lnd_item[type] - min; if (can_move >= wanted) { land.lnd_item[type] -= wanted; land.lnd_mobil -= roundavg(wanted * weight * move_cost); if (actually_doit) { vec[type] += wanted; putland(land.lnd_uid, &land); put_empobj(sink->ef_type, sink->uid, sink); } return 1; } else if (can_move > 0) { wanted -= can_move; land.lnd_item[type] -= can_move; land.lnd_mobil -= roundavg(can_move * weight * move_cost); if (actually_doit) { vec[type] += can_move; putland(land.lnd_uid, &land); } } } if (actually_doit) put_empobj(sink->ef_type, sink->uid, sink); return 0; }
int edit(void) { union empobj_storage item; char *what; struct nstr_item ni; char *key, *ptr; struct natstr *np; int type, arg_index, ret; char buf[1024]; what = getstarg(player->argp[1], "Edit what (country, land, ship, plane, nuke, unit)? ", buf); if (!what) return RET_SYN; switch (what[0]) { case 'l': type = EF_SECTOR; break; case 'p': type = EF_PLANE; break; case 's': type = EF_SHIP; break; case 'u': type = EF_LAND; break; case 'n': type = EF_NUKE; break; case 'c': type = EF_NATION; break; default: pr("huh?\n"); return RET_SYN; } if (!snxtitem(&ni, type, player->argp[2], NULL)) return RET_SYN; while (nxtitem(&ni, &item)) { if (!player->argp[3]) { switch (type) { case EF_SECTOR: print_sect(&item.sect); break; case EF_SHIP: print_ship(&item.ship); break; case EF_PLANE: print_plane(&item.plane); break; case EF_LAND: print_land(&item.land); break; case EF_NUKE: print_nuke(&item.nuke); break; case EF_NATION: print_nat(&item.nat); break; default: CANT_REACH(); } } arg_index = 3; for (;;) { if (player->argp[arg_index]) { if (player->argp[arg_index+1]) { key = player->argp[arg_index++]; ptr = player->argp[arg_index++]; } else return RET_SYN; } else if (arg_index == 3) { key = getin(buf, &ptr); if (!key) return RET_SYN; if (!*key) break; } else break; if (!check_obj_ok(&item.gen)) return RET_FAIL; switch (type) { case EF_NATION: /* * edit_nat() may update the edited country by sending * it bulletins. Writing back item.nat would trigger * a seqno mismatch oops. Workaround: edit in-place. */ np = getnatp(item.nat.nat_cnum); ret = edit_nat(np, key, ptr); if (ret != RET_OK) return ret; if (!putnat(np)) return RET_FAIL; item.nat = *np; continue; case EF_SECTOR: ret = edit_sect(&item.sect, key, ptr); break; case EF_SHIP: ret = edit_ship(&item.ship, key, ptr); break; case EF_LAND: ret = edit_land(&item.land, key, ptr); break; case EF_PLANE: ret = edit_plane(&item.plane, key, ptr); break; case EF_NUKE: ret = edit_nuke(&item.nuke, key, ptr); break; default: CANT_REACH(); } if (ret != RET_OK) return ret; if (!put_empobj(type, item.gen.uid, &item.gen)) return RET_FAIL; } } return RET_OK; }