static void rsa2_public_blob(ssh_key *key, BinarySink *bs) { RSAKey *rsa = container_of(key, RSAKey, sshk); put_stringz(bs, "ssh-rsa"); put_mp_ssh2(bs, rsa->exponent); put_mp_ssh2(bs, rsa->modulus); }
static void rsa2_private_blob(ssh_key *key, BinarySink *bs) { RSAKey *rsa = container_of(key, RSAKey, sshk); put_mp_ssh2(bs, rsa->private_exponent); put_mp_ssh2(bs, rsa->p); put_mp_ssh2(bs, rsa->q); put_mp_ssh2(bs, rsa->iqmp); }
static void ecdsa_sign(ssh_key *key, ptrlen data, unsigned flags, BinarySink *bs) { struct ecdsa_key *ek = container_of(key, struct ecdsa_key, sshk); const struct ecsign_extra *extra = (const struct ecsign_extra *)ek->sshk.vt->extra; assert(ek->privateKey); mp_int *z = ecdsa_signing_exponent_from_data(ek->curve, extra, data); /* Generate k between 1 and curve->n, using the same deterministic * k generation system we use for conventional DSA. */ mp_int *k; { unsigned char digest[20]; hash_simple(&ssh_sha1, data, digest); k = dss_gen_k( "ECDSA deterministic k generator", ek->curve->w.G_order, ek->privateKey, digest, sizeof(digest)); } WeierstrassPoint *kG = ecc_weierstrass_multiply(ek->curve->w.G, k); mp_int *x; ecc_weierstrass_get_affine(kG, &x, NULL); ecc_weierstrass_point_free(kG); /* r = kG.x mod order(G) */ mp_int *r = mp_mod(x, ek->curve->w.G_order); mp_free(x); /* s = (z + r * priv)/k mod n */ mp_int *rPriv = mp_modmul(r, ek->privateKey, ek->curve->w.G_order); mp_int *numerator = mp_modadd(z, rPriv, ek->curve->w.G_order); mp_free(z); mp_free(rPriv); mp_int *kInv = mp_invert(k, ek->curve->w.G_order); mp_free(k); mp_int *s = mp_modmul(numerator, kInv, ek->curve->w.G_order); mp_free(numerator); mp_free(kInv); /* Format the output */ put_stringz(bs, ek->sshk.vt->ssh_id); strbuf *substr = strbuf_new(); put_mp_ssh2(substr, r); put_mp_ssh2(substr, s); put_stringsb(bs, substr); mp_free(r); mp_free(s); }
static void ecdsa_openssh_blob(ssh_key *key, BinarySink *bs) { struct ecdsa_key *ek = container_of(key, struct ecdsa_key, sshk); put_stringz(bs, ek->curve->name); put_wpoint(bs, ek->publicKey, ek->curve, false); put_mp_ssh2(bs, ek->privateKey); }
static void ecdsa_private_blob(ssh_key *key, BinarySink *bs) { struct ecdsa_key *ek = container_of(key, struct ecdsa_key, sshk); /* ECDSA uses ordinary SSH-2 mpint format to store the private key */ assert(ek->privateKey); put_mp_ssh2(bs, ek->privateKey); }