Ejemplo n.º 1
void pkmSIFTFlow::computeFlow(Mat image1, Mat image2, int nchannels)
#ifdef _DEBUG
    assert(image1.cols == image2.cols &&
           image1.rows == image2.rows);
    width = image1.cols;
    height = image1.rows;
    sift1_level1 = image1;
    sift2_level1 = image2;
    pyrDown(sift1_level1, sift1_level2, cv::Size(width/2, height/2));
    pyrDown(sift2_level1, sift2_level2, cv::Size(width/2, height/2));
    pyrDown(sift1_level2, sift1_level3, cv::Size(width/4, height/4));
    pyrDown(sift2_level2, sift2_level3, cv::Size(width/4, height/4));
    pyrDown(sift1_level3, sift1_level4, cv::Size(width/8, height/8));
    pyrDown(sift2_level3, sift2_level4, cv::Size(width/8, height/8));
    if (!sift1_level3.isContinuous()) {
        printf("[ERROR] Matrix not continuous!!!\n");
    if (!sift2_level3.isContinuous()) {
        printf("[ERROR] Matrix not continuous!!!\n");
    if (!sift1_level2.isContinuous()) {
        printf("[ERROR] Matrix not continuous!!!\n");
    if (!sift2_level2.isContinuous()) {
        printf("[ERROR] Matrix not continuous!!!\n");
    if (!sift1_level1.isContinuous()) {
        printf("[ERROR] Matrix not continuous!!!\n");
    if (!sift2_level1.isContinuous()) {
        printf("[ERROR] Matrix not continuous!!!\n");
    bpflow.LoadImages(width, height, nchannels, sift1_level4.ptr<unsigned char>(0), sift2_level4.ptr<unsigned char>(0));
    bpflow.setPara(alpha, d);
    // first assume homogeneous setup
    // level 4
    vx_level4 = Mat::zeros(height/8, width/8, CV_32FC1);
    vy_level4 = Mat::zeros(height/8, width/8, CV_32FC1);
    bpflow.LoadOffset(vx_level4.ptr(0), vy_level4.ptr(0));
    bpflow.LoadWinSize(winSizeX_level4.ptr(0), winSizeY_level4.ptr(0));
    bpflow.MessagePassing(nIterations, 2, pEnergyList);
        Mat flow(height/8, width/8, CV_32FC2, bpflow.flow().pData);
        vector<Mat> flows;
        split(flow, flows);
        vx_level4 = flows[0];
        vy_level4 = flows[1];
    pyrUp(vx_level4, vx_level3, cv::Size(width/4, height/4));
    pyrUp(vy_level4, vy_level3, cv::Size(width/4, height/4));
    // level 3
    bpflow.LoadOffset(vx_level3.ptr(0), vy_level3.ptr(0));
    bpflow.LoadWinSize(winSizeX_level3.ptr(0), winSizeY_level3.ptr(0));
    bpflow.MessagePassing(nIterations, 2, pEnergyList);
        Mat flow(height/4, width/4, CV_32FC2, bpflow.flow().pData);
        vector<Mat> flows;
        split(flow, flows);
        vx_level3 = flows[0];
        vy_level3 = flows[1];
    pyrUp(vx_level3, vx_level2, cv::Size(width/2, height/2));
    pyrUp(vy_level3, vy_level2, cv::Size(width/2, height/2));
    // level 2
    bpflow.LoadOffset(vx_level2.ptr(0), vy_level2.ptr(0));
    bpflow.LoadWinSize(winSizeX_level2.ptr(0), winSizeY_level2.ptr(0));
    bpflow.MessagePassing(nIterations, 2, pEnergyList);
        Mat flow(height/2, width/2, CV_32FC2, bpflow.flow().pData);
        vector<Mat> flows;
        split(flow, flows);
        vx_level2 = flows[0];
        vy_level2 = flows[1];
    pyrUp(vx_level2, vx_level1, cv::Size(width, height));
    pyrUp(vy_level2, vy_level1, cv::Size(width, height));
    // level 1
    bpflow.LoadOffset(vx_level1.ptr(0), vy_level1.ptr(0));
    bpflow.LoadWinSize(winSizeX_level1.ptr(0), winSizeY_level1.ptr(0));
    bpflow.MessagePassing(nIterations, 2, pEnergyList);
        Mat flow(height, width, CV_32FC2, bpflow.flow().pData);
        vector<Mat> flows;
        split(flow, flows);
        vx_level1 = flows[0];
        vy_level1 = flows[1];
    void initKernel(Mat& kernel, const Mat& blurredGray, const int width, const Mat& mask, 
                    const int pyrLevel, const int iterations, float thresholdR, float thresholdS) {
        assert(blurredGray.type() == CV_8U && "gray value image needed");
        assert(mask.type() == CV_8U && "mask should be binary image");
        // #ifndef NDEBUG
        //     imshow("blurred", blurredGray);
        // #endif
        // save min and maximum value of the original image to be able to restore
        // the latent image with the correct brightness
        double grayMin; double grayMax;
        minMaxLoc(blurredGray, &grayMin, &grayMax);

        // build an image pyramid with gray value images
        vector<Mat> pyramid, masks;

        for (int i = 0; i < (pyrLevel - 1); i++) {
            Mat downImage, downMask;
            pyrDown(pyramid[i], downImage, Size(pyramid[i].cols/2, pyramid[i].rows/2));
            pyrDown(masks[i], downMask, Size(masks[i].cols/2, masks[i].rows/2));


        // init kernel but in the iterations the tmp-kernel is used
        kernel = Mat::zeros(width, width, CV_32F);
        Mat tmpKernel;

        // go through image pyramid from small to large
        for (int l = pyramid.size() - 1; l >= 0; l--) {
            #ifdef IMWRITE
                imshow("pyr Image", pyramid[l]);
                double min; double max;
                minMaxLoc(pyramid[l], &min, &max);
                cout << "pyr: " << min << " " << max << endl;

            // compute image gradient for x and y direction
            // gaussian blur (in-place operation is supported)
            GaussianBlur(pyramid[l], pyramid[l], Size(3,3), 0, 0, BORDER_DEFAULT);

            // parameter for sobel filtering to obtain gradients
            array<Mat,2> gradients, tmpGradients;
            const int delta = 0;
            const int ddepth = CV_32F;
            const int ksize = 3;
            const int scale = 1;

            // gradient x and y
            Sobel(pyramid[l], tmpGradients[0], ddepth, 1, 0, ksize, scale, delta, BORDER_DEFAULT);
            Sobel(pyramid[l], tmpGradients[1], ddepth, 0, 1, ksize, scale, delta, BORDER_DEFAULT);

            // cut off gradients outside the mask
            tmpGradients[0].copyTo(gradients[0], masks[l]);
            tmpGradients[1].copyTo(gradients[1], masks[l]);

            // normalize gradients into range [-1,1]

            // #ifdef IMWRITE
            //     showGradients("x gradient", gradients[0]);
            //     showGradients("y gradient", gradients[1]);
            // #endif

            // compute gradient confidence for al pixels
            Mat gradientConfidence;
            computeGradientConfidence(gradientConfidence, gradients, width, masks[l]);

            // #ifdef IMWRITE
            //     showFloat("confidence", gradientConfidence);
            // #endif

            // each iterations works on an updated image
            Mat currentImage;

            // assert(iterations == 1 && "Implement multiple iterations");

            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
                #ifdef IMWRITE
                    imshow("current Image", currentImage);
                    minMaxLoc(currentImage, &min, &max);
                    cout << "current: " << min << " " << max << endl;

                // select edges for kernel estimation (normalized gradients [-1,1])
                array<Mat,2> selectedEdges;
                selectEdges(currentImage, gradientConfidence, thresholdR, thresholdS, selectedEdges);

                #ifdef IMWRITE
                    showGradients("x gradient selection", selectedEdges[0]);
                    showGradients("y gradient selection", selectedEdges[1]);
                    minMaxLoc(selectedEdges[0], &min, &max);
                    cout << "x gradients: " << min << " " << max << endl;

                // estimate kernel with gaussian prior
                fastKernelEstimation(selectedEdges, gradients, kernel, 0.0);

                #ifdef IMWRITE
                    showFloat("tmp-kernel", kernel, true);
                    minMaxLoc(kernel, &min, &max);
                    cout << "kernel: " << min << " " << max << " sum: " << sum(kernel)[0] << endl;

                // coarse image estimation with a spatial prior
                Mat latentImage;
                // FIXME: it looks like there are some edges of the gradients in the latent image.
                //        with more iterations it becomes worse
                // coarseImageEstimation(pyramid[l], kernel, selectedEdges, latentImage);
                // use oother spatial deconv method for now
                deconvolveIRLS(pyramid[l], latentImage, kernel);

                #ifdef IMWRITE
                    string name = "two-phase-latent-" + to_string(i);
                    imshow(name, latentImage);

                    string filename = name + ".png";
                    imwrite(filename, latentImage);

                // set current image to coarse latent image

                // decrease thresholds τ_r and τ_s will to include more and more edges
                thresholdR = thresholdR / 1.1;
                thresholdS = thresholdS / 1.1;

            // set next pyramid image to the upscaled latent image
            if (l > 0) {
                Mat upImage;
                pyrUp(currentImage, upImage, Size(pyramid[l - 1].cols, pyramid[l - 1].rows));
                pyramid[l - 1] = upImage;

        // #ifdef IMWRITE
        //     imshow("kernel", kernel);
        //     waitKey();
        // #endif
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main( int argc, char** argv )
    printf( "Scale Space Cost Aggregation\n" );
    if( argc != 11 ) {
        printf( "Usage: [CC_METHOD] [CA_METHOD] [PP_METHOD] [C_ALPHA] [lImg] [rImg] [lDis] [rDis] [maxDis] [disSc]\n" );
        printf( "\nPress any key to continue...\n" );
        return -1;
    string ccName = argv[ 1 ];
    string caName = argv[ 2 ];
    string ppName = argv[ 3 ];
    double costAlpha = atof( argv[ 4 ] );
    string lFn = argv[ 5 ];
    string rFn = argv[ 6 ];
    string lDisFn = argv[ 7 ];
    string rDisFn = argv[ 8 ];
    int maxDis = atoi( argv[ 9 ] );
    int disSc  = atoi( argv[ 10 ] );
    // Load left right image
    printf( "\n--------------------------------------------------------\n" );
    printf( "Load Image: (%s) (%s)\n", argv[ 5 ], argv[ 6 ] );
    printf( "--------------------------------------------------------\n" );
    Mat lImg = imread( lFn, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR );
    Mat rImg = imread( rFn, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR );
    if( !lImg.data || !rImg.data ) {
        printf( "Error: can not open image\n" );
        printf( "\nPress any key to continue...\n" );
        return -1;
    // set image format
    cvtColor( lImg, lImg, CV_BGR2RGB );
    cvtColor( rImg, rImg, CV_BGR2RGB );
    lImg.convertTo( lImg, CV_64F, 1 / 255.0f );
    rImg.convertTo( rImg, CV_64F,  1 / 255.0f );

    // time
    double duration;
    duration = static_cast<double>(getTickCount());

    // Stereo Match at each pyramid
    int PY_LVL = 5;
    // build pyramid and cost volume
    Mat lP = lImg.clone();
    Mat rP = rImg.clone();
    SSCA** smPyr = new SSCA*[ PY_LVL ];
    CCMethod* ccMtd = getCCType( ccName );
    CAMethod* caMtd = getCAType( caName );
    PPMethod* ppMtd = getPPType( ppName );
    for( int p = 0; p < PY_LVL; p ++ ) {
        if( maxDis < 5 ) {
            PY_LVL = p;
        printf( "\n\tPyramid: %d:", p );
        smPyr[ p ] = new SSCA( lP, rP, maxDis, disSc );

        smPyr[ p ]->CostCompute( ccMtd );

        smPyr[ p ]->CostAggre( caMtd  );
        // pyramid downsample
        maxDis = maxDis / 2 + 1;
        disSc  *= 2;
        pyrDown( lP, lP );
        pyrDown( rP, rP );
    printf( "\n--------------------------------------------------------\n" );
    printf( "\n Cost Aggregation in Scale Space\n" );
    printf( "\n--------------------------------------------------------\n" );
    // new method
    SolveAll( smPyr, PY_LVL, costAlpha );

    // old method
    //for( int p = PY_LVL - 2 ; p >= 0; p -- ) {
    //	smPyr[ p ]->AddPyrCostVol( smPyr[ p + 1 ], costAlpha );

    // Match + Postprocess
    smPyr[ 0 ]->Match();
    smPyr[ 0 ]->PostProcess( ppMtd );
    Mat lDis = smPyr[ 0 ]->getLDis();
    Mat rDis = smPyr[ 0 ]->getRDis();
#ifdef _DEBUG
    for( int s = 0; s < PY_LVL; s ++ ) {
        smPyr[ s ]->Match();
        Mat sDis = smPyr[ s ]->getLDis();
        ostringstream sStr;
        sStr << s;
        string sFn = sStr.str( ) + "_ld.png";
        imwrite( sFn, sDis );
    saveOnePixCost( smPyr, PY_LVL );
    // Median Filter Output
    MeanFilter( lDis, lDis, 3 );
    duration = static_cast<double>(getTickCount())-duration;
    duration /= cv::getTickFrequency(); // the elapsed time in sec
    printf( "\n--------------------------------------------------------\n" );
    printf( "Total Time: %.2lf s\n", duration );
    printf( "--------------------------------------------------------\n" );

    // Save Output
    imwrite( lDisFn, lDis );
    imwrite( rDisFn, rDis );

    delete [] smPyr;
    delete ccMtd;
    delete caMtd;
    delete ppMtd;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void MultiBandBlender::feed(const Mat &img, const Mat &mask, Point tl)
    CV_Assert(img.type() == CV_16SC3 || img.type() == CV_8UC3);
    CV_Assert(mask.type() == CV_8U);

    // Keep source image in memory with small border
    int gap = 3 * (1 << num_bands_);
    Point tl_new(std::max(dst_roi_.x, tl.x - gap),
                 std::max(dst_roi_.y, tl.y - gap));
    Point br_new(std::min(dst_roi_.br().x, tl.x + img.cols + gap),
                 std::min(dst_roi_.br().y, tl.y + img.rows + gap));

    // Ensure coordinates of top-left, bottom-right corners are divided by (1 << num_bands_).
    // After that scale between layers is exactly 2.
    // We do it to avoid interpolation problems when keeping sub-images only. There is no such problem when
    // image is bordered to have size equal to the final image size, but this is too memory hungry approach.
    tl_new.x = dst_roi_.x + (((tl_new.x - dst_roi_.x) >> num_bands_) << num_bands_);
    tl_new.y = dst_roi_.y + (((tl_new.y - dst_roi_.y) >> num_bands_) << num_bands_);
    int width = br_new.x - tl_new.x;
    int height = br_new.y - tl_new.y;
    width += ((1 << num_bands_) - width % (1 << num_bands_)) % (1 << num_bands_);
    height += ((1 << num_bands_) - height % (1 << num_bands_)) % (1 << num_bands_);
    br_new.x = tl_new.x + width;
    br_new.y = tl_new.y + height;
    int dy = std::max(br_new.y - dst_roi_.br().y, 0);
    int dx = std::max(br_new.x - dst_roi_.br().x, 0);
    tl_new.x -= dx; br_new.x -= dx;
    tl_new.y -= dy; br_new.y -= dy;

    int top = tl.y - tl_new.y;
    int left = tl.x - tl_new.x;
    int bottom = br_new.y - tl.y - img.rows;
    int right = br_new.x - tl.x - img.cols;

    // Create the source image Laplacian pyramid
    Mat img_with_border;
    copyMakeBorder(img, img_with_border, top, bottom, left, right,
    std::vector<Mat> src_pyr_laplace;
    if (can_use_gpu_ && img_with_border.depth() == CV_16S)
        createLaplacePyrGpu(img_with_border, num_bands_, src_pyr_laplace);
        createLaplacePyr(img_with_border, num_bands_, src_pyr_laplace);

    // Create the weight map Gaussian pyramid
    Mat weight_map;
    std::vector<Mat> weight_pyr_gauss(num_bands_ + 1);

    if(weight_type_ == CV_32F)
        mask.convertTo(weight_map, CV_32F, 1./255.);
    else// weight_type_ == CV_16S
        mask.convertTo(weight_map, CV_16S);
        add(weight_map, 1, weight_map, mask != 0);

    copyMakeBorder(weight_map, weight_pyr_gauss[0], top, bottom, left, right, BORDER_CONSTANT);

    for (int i = 0; i < num_bands_; ++i)
        pyrDown(weight_pyr_gauss[i], weight_pyr_gauss[i + 1]);

    int y_tl = tl_new.y - dst_roi_.y;
    int y_br = br_new.y - dst_roi_.y;
    int x_tl = tl_new.x - dst_roi_.x;
    int x_br = br_new.x - dst_roi_.x;

    // Add weighted layer of the source image to the final Laplacian pyramid layer
    if(weight_type_ == CV_32F)
        for (int i = 0; i <= num_bands_; ++i)
            for (int y = y_tl; y < y_br; ++y)
                int y_ = y - y_tl;
                const Point3_<short>* src_row = src_pyr_laplace[i].ptr<Point3_<short> >(y_);
                Point3_<short>* dst_row = dst_pyr_laplace_[i].ptr<Point3_<short> >(y);
                const float* weight_row = weight_pyr_gauss[i].ptr<float>(y_);
                float* dst_weight_row = dst_band_weights_[i].ptr<float>(y);

                for (int x = x_tl; x < x_br; ++x)
                    int x_ = x - x_tl;
                    dst_row[x].x += static_cast<short>(src_row[x_].x * weight_row[x_]);
                    dst_row[x].y += static_cast<short>(src_row[x_].y * weight_row[x_]);
                    dst_row[x].z += static_cast<short>(src_row[x_].z * weight_row[x_]);
                    dst_weight_row[x] += weight_row[x_];
            x_tl /= 2; y_tl /= 2;
            x_br /= 2; y_br /= 2;
    else// weight_type_ == CV_16S
        for (int i = 0; i <= num_bands_; ++i)
            for (int y = y_tl; y < y_br; ++y)
                int y_ = y - y_tl;
                const Point3_<short>* src_row = src_pyr_laplace[i].ptr<Point3_<short> >(y_);
                Point3_<short>* dst_row = dst_pyr_laplace_[i].ptr<Point3_<short> >(y);
                const short* weight_row = weight_pyr_gauss[i].ptr<short>(y_);
                short* dst_weight_row = dst_band_weights_[i].ptr<short>(y);

                for (int x = x_tl; x < x_br; ++x)
                    int x_ = x - x_tl;
                    dst_row[x].x += short((src_row[x_].x * weight_row[x_]) >> 8);
                    dst_row[x].y += short((src_row[x_].y * weight_row[x_]) >> 8);
                    dst_row[x].z += short((src_row[x_].z * weight_row[x_]) >> 8);
                    dst_weight_row[x] += weight_row[x_];
            x_tl /= 2; y_tl /= 2;
            x_br /= 2; y_br /= 2;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void MultiBandBlender::feed(InputArray _img, InputArray mask, Point tl)
    int64 t = getTickCount();

    UMat img = _img.getUMat();
    CV_Assert(img.type() == CV_16SC3 || img.type() == CV_8UC3);
    CV_Assert(mask.type() == CV_8U);

    // Keep source image in memory with small border
    int gap = 3 * (1 << num_bands_);
    Point tl_new(std::max(dst_roi_.x, tl.x - gap),
                 std::max(dst_roi_.y, tl.y - gap));
    Point br_new(std::min(dst_roi_.br().x, tl.x + img.cols + gap),
                 std::min(dst_roi_.br().y, tl.y + img.rows + gap));

    // Ensure coordinates of top-left, bottom-right corners are divided by (1 << num_bands_).
    // After that scale between layers is exactly 2.
    // We do it to avoid interpolation problems when keeping sub-images only. There is no such problem when
    // image is bordered to have size equal to the final image size, but this is too memory hungry approach.
    tl_new.x = dst_roi_.x + (((tl_new.x - dst_roi_.x) >> num_bands_) << num_bands_);
    tl_new.y = dst_roi_.y + (((tl_new.y - dst_roi_.y) >> num_bands_) << num_bands_);
    int width = br_new.x - tl_new.x;
    int height = br_new.y - tl_new.y;
    width += ((1 << num_bands_) - width % (1 << num_bands_)) % (1 << num_bands_);
    height += ((1 << num_bands_) - height % (1 << num_bands_)) % (1 << num_bands_);
    br_new.x = tl_new.x + width;
    br_new.y = tl_new.y + height;
    int dy = std::max(br_new.y - dst_roi_.br().y, 0);
    int dx = std::max(br_new.x - dst_roi_.br().x, 0);
    tl_new.x -= dx; br_new.x -= dx;
    tl_new.y -= dy; br_new.y -= dy;

    int top = tl.y - tl_new.y;
    int left = tl.x - tl_new.x;
    int bottom = br_new.y - tl.y - img.rows;
    int right = br_new.x - tl.x - img.cols;

    // Create the source image Laplacian pyramid
    UMat img_with_border;
    copyMakeBorder(_img, img_with_border, top, bottom, left, right,
    LOGLN("  Add border to the source image, time: " << ((getTickCount() - t) / getTickFrequency()) << " sec");
    t = getTickCount();

    std::vector<UMat> src_pyr_laplace;
    if (can_use_gpu_ && img_with_border.depth() == CV_16S)
        createLaplacePyrGpu(img_with_border, num_bands_, src_pyr_laplace);
        createLaplacePyr(img_with_border, num_bands_, src_pyr_laplace);

    LOGLN("  Create the source image Laplacian pyramid, time: " << ((getTickCount() - t) / getTickFrequency()) << " sec");
    t = getTickCount();

    // Create the weight map Gaussian pyramid
    UMat weight_map;
    std::vector<UMat> weight_pyr_gauss(num_bands_ + 1);

    if(weight_type_ == CV_32F)
        mask.getUMat().convertTo(weight_map, CV_32F, 1./255.);
    else // weight_type_ == CV_16S
        mask.getUMat().convertTo(weight_map, CV_16S);
        UMat add_mask;
        compare(mask, 0, add_mask, CMP_NE);
        add(weight_map, Scalar::all(1), weight_map, add_mask);

    copyMakeBorder(weight_map, weight_pyr_gauss[0], top, bottom, left, right, BORDER_CONSTANT);

    for (int i = 0; i < num_bands_; ++i)
        pyrDown(weight_pyr_gauss[i], weight_pyr_gauss[i + 1]);

    LOGLN("  Create the weight map Gaussian pyramid, time: " << ((getTickCount() - t) / getTickFrequency()) << " sec");
    t = getTickCount();

    int y_tl = tl_new.y - dst_roi_.y;
    int y_br = br_new.y - dst_roi_.y;
    int x_tl = tl_new.x - dst_roi_.x;
    int x_br = br_new.x - dst_roi_.x;

    // Add weighted layer of the source image to the final Laplacian pyramid layer
    for (int i = 0; i <= num_bands_; ++i)
        Rect rc(x_tl, y_tl, x_br - x_tl, y_br - y_tl);
        if ( !cv::ocl::useOpenCL() ||
             !ocl_MultiBandBlender_feed(src_pyr_laplace[i], weight_pyr_gauss[i],
                    dst_pyr_laplace_[i](rc), dst_band_weights_[i](rc)) )
            Mat _src_pyr_laplace = src_pyr_laplace[i].getMat(ACCESS_READ);
            Mat _dst_pyr_laplace = dst_pyr_laplace_[i](rc).getMat(ACCESS_RW);
            Mat _weight_pyr_gauss = weight_pyr_gauss[i].getMat(ACCESS_READ);
            Mat _dst_band_weights = dst_band_weights_[i](rc).getMat(ACCESS_RW);
            if(weight_type_ == CV_32F)
                for (int y = 0; y < rc.height; ++y)
                    const Point3_<short>* src_row = _src_pyr_laplace.ptr<Point3_<short> >(y);
                    Point3_<short>* dst_row = _dst_pyr_laplace.ptr<Point3_<short> >(y);
                    const float* weight_row = _weight_pyr_gauss.ptr<float>(y);
                    float* dst_weight_row = _dst_band_weights.ptr<float>(y);

                    for (int x = 0; x < rc.width; ++x)
                        dst_row[x].x += static_cast<short>(src_row[x].x * weight_row[x]);
                        dst_row[x].y += static_cast<short>(src_row[x].y * weight_row[x]);
                        dst_row[x].z += static_cast<short>(src_row[x].z * weight_row[x]);
                        dst_weight_row[x] += weight_row[x];
            else // weight_type_ == CV_16S
                for (int y = 0; y < y_br - y_tl; ++y)
                    const Point3_<short>* src_row = _src_pyr_laplace.ptr<Point3_<short> >(y);
                    Point3_<short>* dst_row = _dst_pyr_laplace.ptr<Point3_<short> >(y);
                    const short* weight_row = _weight_pyr_gauss.ptr<short>(y);
                    short* dst_weight_row = _dst_band_weights.ptr<short>(y);

                    for (int x = 0; x < x_br - x_tl; ++x)
                        dst_row[x].x += short((src_row[x].x * weight_row[x]) >> 8);
                        dst_row[x].y += short((src_row[x].y * weight_row[x]) >> 8);
                        dst_row[x].z += short((src_row[x].z * weight_row[x]) >> 8);
                        dst_weight_row[x] += weight_row[x];

        x_tl /= 2; y_tl /= 2;
        x_br /= 2; y_br /= 2;