Ejemplo n.º 1
static Layer *
pyramid_new( Write *write, Layer *above, int width, int height )
	Layer *layer;

	layer = VIPS_NEW( write->im, Layer );
	layer->write = write;
	layer->width = width;
	layer->height = height; 

	if( !above )
		/* Top of pyramid.
		layer->sub = 1;	
		layer->sub = above->sub * 2;

	layer->lname = NULL;
	layer->tif = NULL;
	layer->image = NULL;
	layer->write_y = 0;
	layer->y = 0;
	layer->strip = NULL;
	layer->copy = NULL;

	layer->below = NULL;
	layer->above = above;

	if( write->pyramid )
		if( layer->width > write->tilew || 
			layer->height > write->tileh ) 
			layer->below = pyramid_new( write, layer, 
				width / 2, height / 2 );

	/* The name for the top layer is the output filename.
	 * We need lname to be freed automatically: it has to stay 
	 * alive until after write_gather().
	if( !above ) 
		layer->lname = vips_strdup( VIPS_OBJECT( write->im ), 
			write->filename );
	else {
		char *lname;

		lname = vips__temp_name( "%s.tif" );
		layer->lname = vips_strdup( VIPS_OBJECT( write->im ), lname );
		g_free( lname );

	return( layer );
Ejemplo n.º 2
main (void)
  g_print ("This test may take a few moments...\n");

  GString *meta_name = g_string_new (TEST_IMG_BASENAME);
  g_string_append (meta_name, ".meta");

  GString *data_name = g_string_new (TEST_IMG_BASENAME);
  g_string_append (data_name, ".img");

  meta_parameters *md = meta_read_wrapper (meta_name->str);

  g_string_free (meta_name, TRUE);

  ssize_t tisx = md->general->sample_count;
  ssize_t tisy = md->general->line_count;

  FloatImage *tiafi
    = float_image_new_from_file (tisx, tisy, data_name->str, 0,

  g_string_free (data_name, TRUE);

  float_image_export_as_jpeg (tiafi, "test_pyramid_base_layer_direct.jpg",
			      GSL_MAX (tisx, tisy), TEST_IMG_BOGUS_MASK_VALUE);

  meta_free (md);

  Pyramid *p = pyramid_new (TEST_IMG_BASENAME, SCRATCH_DIR);

  // "Testing" currently consists of creating jpeg images of each
  // layer and checking to see if they look decent.

  size_t ii;
  for ( ii = 0 ; ii < p->layers->len ; ii++ ) {

    pyramid_layer *cl = g_ptr_array_index (p->layers, ii);

    float *region;
    size_t rstart_x, rstart_y, rw, rh;
    gboolean unowned_memory;

    pyramid_get_region (p, 0, 0, tisx, tisy, pow (2, ii), &region, &rstart_x,
			&rstart_y, &rw, &rh, &unowned_memory);
    g_assert (rstart_x == 0 & rstart_y == 0);
    g_assert (rstart_x + rw * pow (2.0, ii) >= tisx);
    g_assert (rstart_y + rh * pow (2.0, ii) >= tisy);

    FloatImage *layer_image = float_image_new_from_memory (rw, rh, region);

    if ( unowned_memory ) {
      g_free (region);

    GString *layer_file_name = g_string_new ("");
    g_string_append_printf (layer_file_name, "layer_%d.jpg", ii); 

    ssize_t max_dimension = rw > rh ? rw : rh;

    int return_code
      = float_image_export_as_jpeg (layer_image, layer_file_name->str,
				    max_dimension, TEST_IMG_BOGUS_MASK_VALUE);
    g_assert (return_code == 0);

    float_image_unref (layer_image);

    g_string_free (layer_file_name, TRUE);

  g_print ("JPEG images of pyramid layers formed, now look at them and\n"
	   "'touch test_pyramid_stamp' if they are ok.\n");

  exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* Make and init a Write.
static Write *
write_new( VipsImage *im, const char *filename,
	VipsForeignTiffCompression compression, int Q, 
		VipsForeignTiffPredictor predictor,
	char *profile,
	gboolean tile, int tile_width, int tile_height,
	gboolean pyramid,
	gboolean squash,
	gboolean miniswhite,
	VipsForeignTiffResunit resunit, double xres, double yres,
	gboolean bigtiff,
	gboolean rgbjpeg,
	gboolean properties,
	gboolean strip )
	Write *write;

	if( !(write = VIPS_NEW( im, Write )) )
		return( NULL );
	write->im = im;
	write->filename = vips_strdup( VIPS_OBJECT( im ), filename );
	write->layer = NULL;
	write->tbuf = NULL;
	write->compression = get_compression( compression );
	write->jpqual = Q;
	write->predictor = predictor;
	write->tile = tile;
	write->tilew = tile_width;
	write->tileh = tile_height;
	write->pyramid = pyramid;
	write->onebit = squash;
	write->miniswhite = miniswhite;
	write->icc_profile = vips_strdup( NULL, profile );
	write->bigtiff = bigtiff;
	write->rgbjpeg = rgbjpeg;
	write->properties = properties;
	write->strip = strip;

	write->resunit = get_resunit( resunit );
	write->xres = xres;
	write->yres = yres;

	/* In strip mode we use tileh to set rowsperstrip, and that does not
	 * have the multiple-of-16 restriction.
	if( tile ) { 
		if( (write->tilew & 0xf) != 0 || 
			(write->tileh & 0xf) != 0 ) {
			vips_error( "vips2tiff", 
				"%s", _( "tile size not a multiple of 16" ) );
			return( NULL );

	/* We can only pyramid LABQ and non-complex images. 
	if( write->pyramid ) {
		if( im->Coding == VIPS_CODING_NONE && 
			vips_band_format_iscomplex( im->BandFmt ) ) {
			vips_error( "vips2tiff", 
				"%s", _( "can only pyramid LABQ and "
				"non-complex images" ) );
			return( NULL );

	/* Only 1-bit-ize 8 bit mono images.
	if( write->onebit &&
		(im->Coding != VIPS_CODING_NONE || 
			im->BandFmt != VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR ||
			im->Bands != 1) ) {
		vips_warn( "vips2tiff", 
			"%s", _( "can only squash 1 band uchar images -- "
				"disabling squash" ) );
		write->onebit = 0;

	if( write->onebit && 
		write->compression == COMPRESSION_JPEG ) {
		vips_warn( "vips2tiff", 
			"%s", _( "can't have 1-bit JPEG -- disabling JPEG" ) );
		write->compression = COMPRESSION_NONE;
	/* We can only MINISWHITE non-complex images of 1 or 2 bands.
	if( write->miniswhite &&
		(im->Coding != VIPS_CODING_NONE || 
			vips_band_format_iscomplex( im->BandFmt ) ||
			im->Bands > 2) ) {
		vips_warn( "vips2tiff", 
			"%s", _( "can only save non-complex greyscale images "
				"as miniswhite -- disabling miniswhite" ) );
		write->miniswhite = FALSE;

	/* Sizeof a line of bytes in the TIFF tile.
	if( im->Coding == VIPS_CODING_LABQ )
		write->tls = write->tilew * 3;
	else if( write->onebit )
		write->tls = VIPS_ROUND_UP( write->tilew, 8 ) / 8;
		write->tls = VIPS_IMAGE_SIZEOF_PEL( im ) * write->tilew;

	/* Build the pyramid framework.
	write->layer = pyramid_new( write, NULL, im->Xsize, im->Ysize );

	/* Fill all the layers.
	if( pyramid_fill( write ) ) {
		write_free( write );
		return( NULL );

	if( tile ) 
		write->tbuf = vips_malloc( NULL, 
			TIFFTileSize( write->layer->tif ) );
		write->tbuf = vips_malloc( NULL, 
			TIFFScanlineSize( write->layer->tif ) );
	if( !write->tbuf ) {
		write_free( write );
		return( NULL );

	return( write );